• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 3,760 Views, 703 Comments

A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

  • ...

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Last Twinkle of the Beast Nation

The following is a paraphrase of things that have or are happening now

“I’m not gonna kill you, what I am gonna do is watch you fall into despair. Why? Because you don’t deserve to be happy, not when even the idea of happiness is impossible for us. Not for me who never smiled in my entire life, not truly.”

“All hail the Thundering Tsar”

“I was lonely, indifferent, wicked.
Good, villainous, tyrannical.
Simple, fearsome, clear headed.
I was all these things and more.”

“I’m sorry, you did nothing wrong, and yet…”

“You will become a drifter without a home if you do this, you know that right?”

“..Hehe...Look at you...Your sobbing…
Well well...looks like making you….cry isn't as much fun as I thought ....”

“No! Why! Why would you do that!”

“You idiot….I just protected my-“

“My role here is finished, but there's still one more thing I must do...”

Ponyville, Twilight's Library

Princess Twilight pulled up a desk in front of Professor Juniper of the former Unova region. The Beheeyem held a clipboard and a pen in her physic grasp. The alicorn gleefully finished setting everything upon and stood back. After all, today was a special day.

“Alright Twilight are you ready?”

“I’m always ready.”

“Alright, where is the human heart located?”

“The upper left chest for males, and the upper center for females.”

“What is the ratio of solids to liquids for human blood cells?”

“20 to 80%.”

“How many miles of blood vessels in an average adult human body?”


“What is their largest internal organ?”

“The liver.”

That's right, a test. While Professor Juniper was more of a Pokémon expert. She was no slouch when it came to human anatomy. So in the interest of preserving what little human culture that remained on Equus, she hoped to pass as much as she could onto another for prosperity’s sake. And who better than one of Equestria’s rulers.

“And the final niche random question, how much gold makes up the human body?”

“0.2 milligrams.”

The cerebral Pokémon set down her clipboard and flashed a smile, at least in her mind.

“Congratulations, Twilight. You have successfully passed you course on the human body.”

The alicorn flew into the air and made a gleeful gesture.

“Yes, add another successful test to the folder of Twilight Sparkle.”

The professor then began to put away her things.

“Thank you Twilight, this will help to preserve what knowledge we can on humanity.”

“It's my pleasure Professor Juniper. With your help I'll soon be able to write a book on the human body, after that maybe I can write a book on human history, from their culture, to how they shaped Earth and finally how they ended up where they are.”

“Yes, it's a little hard to believe we are actually doing this, considering how...you know.”

The Pokémon did not need a mouth for Twilight to tell that she was internally frowning, not that she could blame her.

“Juniper, can I ask-


Before her sentence could even be finished, an energetic rainbow pony crashed through her window.

Twilight dragged her hoof through her face and resisted the urge to just sigh her soul into the ground.

“Rainbow Dash, this is the 76th time you have broken that window.”

The Pegasus brushed the debris off her but didn’t get up. “Oh really, I thought it was the 25th time?”

Twilight's horn began to charge a pink glow.

“Hold on, hold on! Before you zap me I just need to know.” Her friend then got up and stared her straight in the face. “Did you talk to Princess Celestia about letting me help clearing clouds for the Summer Solstice?”

Juniper swore she saw Twilight’s left eye twitch.

“Really, that's what you came to ask me for?”

Rainbow Dash rubbed her hoof sheepishly. “Yeah?”

Twilight just stared.

“Oh come on Twi, this is the first year and the first summer solstice that the Pokémon are gonna be here, it's gonna be a big deal and me being a part of the set is gonna look good on my resume for making me a Wondrebolt!”

Twilight knew what Rainbow was talking about, as the first Summer Solstice with Pokémon, Princess Celestia was planning to make it one of the most memorable Solstices in years(aside from the one with the return of Nightmare Moon). It was planned to be held in honor of the Pokémon and act as a celebration of the many new friendships that had been forged over the last year. All of the world leaders had been invited and almost all had agreed to attend, minus Emperor Golden Horn. Twilight mentaly sighed, her opinion of that bull headed minotaur had not improved since the summit, especially not after that jab she made towards her inexperience as a leader.

“I bet he also doesn’t like the fact that I was chosen to be a Princess rather than being born as one. As if he can say the same.”

“So come on, did the Princess get back to you. What did she say?”

Twilight narrowed her eyes.

“Do you promise to clean up this mess and fix that window?”


“Rainbow Dash!”

“Yes yes, I'll do it, I'll fix it.”

“Thanks, you will be happy to know that Princess Celestia has agreed to let you clear the skies during the Summer Solstice. And you will be coordinating with the weather ponies who are also cleaning the skies.”

“Haha yes! This is awesome! You tell Celestia to send those weather ponies home because they won’t have time to help clear the skies when I’m done with it.”

Rainbow Dash flew out the same broken window without another word.

Juniper then spoke.

“She forgot to fix the-”

“I know.”

Twilight then cast a simple repair spell and the window was as good as new. Juniper herself began to gather her things.

“Oh Twilight, before Rainbow came crashing in, were you about to ask me something?”

The alicorn lit up as she remembered what she was about to say.

“Oh yes, well. Can I ask you a personal question?”

“Yes, what about?”

“It's more of a controversial subject considering, so take your time if you have to come up with an answer. Or don’t answer at all.”

“It's fine really just say it.”

“What's your opinion on humans?”

“....What do you mean?”

“I mean, what did you think of them before the exodus? What do you think of them now that Arceus basically rendered them basically extinct in this world, and the ones on Earth soon to follow?”

Juniper did not expect that kind of question from Twilight. But then again it was an elephant in the room that barely anyone on Equss wanted to address unless you had strong feelings on the matter. And Juniper knew that said feelings varied greatly wherever you went or who you asked.

“Before I answer that, can I have your opinion on humanity?”

“Oh well….hmmmm, to be honest I’m mixed. I have met many former humans who are good people: Gene, you, Abby, Seth, May and Korrina to name a few. But I have also seen their bad side. When Arceus showed everyone his memories of Earth, I was just so stunned and horrified at what humans are capable of. I honestly couldn't believe it. Then I experienced that personally when Hastings and his bunch of self-righteous stubborn followers tried to take away our friends.”

Twilight let out a long sigh.

“Then there's the fact that Arceus did all this for the sake of not letting his Pokémon suffer at the hands of humans. Make no mistake, what he did was foolish and without thought, there are many other paths he could have taken. But at the end of the day mankind pushed him into doing what he did, humans brought this upon themselves. But that being said, I believe people can change. And if humans had been steered on the right path, they could have become a great race. One of friendships and Harmony with Pokémon.”

Professor Juniper nodded as Twilight finished her statement.

“Ok, to tell you the truth, I still wish I was human. Being a Pokémon is fun and all, but being human makes me who I am. Humans and Pokémon are meant to coexist together. This is a truth I came to learn as I was studying the origins of Pokémon, cause our origins are tied to them. Yes, the evils of humans are largely the reason why we are all here. But as our god I believe Arceus went a little too far, not to mention he did not take into account or even care whether some of us wanted to be Pokémon.”

Twilight could feel the emotions coming off of the psychic-type Pokémon. Arceus had made it very clear that he wasn’t gonna change everybody back no matter how much they pleaded and begged. He had come to the conclusion that all humans will do is create more suffering for Pokémon. Apparently not knowing or caring what the evils of this new world might do to them.

“But there's nothing we can do about that. We humans weren’t always this way and we'll never be the same again. But we have to work with the hand we're dealt with. We have to find a new way in this new world, and thanks to our new friendships, that way will be easier than it seems.”

A small smile crept across Twilight's face.

“You’re right, I’m here for you Juniper, we all are.”

“Thank you Twilight, now let's review for your human history test shall we?”

“Yes, let's do it.”

A Crystal Empire outpost, 2 days before the Summer Solstice

Short Circuit wished she had chosen a different career path.

The unicorn mare sat inside an outpost at the northern border of the Crystal Empire, the same outpost she had been stationed at ever since she was transferred here. Even when that...incident happened she was still surprised they asked her to stay here.

Others who had been sent as replacements were more experienced than the ones that had...departed. It made her feel a little safer, but not safe enough if someone asked her.

*A knock on the door*

“Come in.”

A large stallion popped his head inside, it was the Sarge, her commanding officer.

“Short Circuit anything to report on the radar?” the large brown Earth asked.

“No sir, nothing out of the ordinary.”

He nodded “Very well, as you were.”

The door closed.

“As I were,” *sigh* “If only that were true for other things as well.”

It then became one of those few times when Short stopped ignoring reality and just glanced out the window.

“It's still there.”

Of course it was, it was there since the day it arrived and it had been there ever since, never ceasing, never moving an inch.

From west to east as far as the eye could see, a wall of storms stood like a mighty barrier. Its never-ending winds acting as a buffer to whatever or whoever tried to pass it. It had suddenly appeared on the day that a mysterious object from outer space crashed in the frozen north. The same day when a team of four was sent to investigate it. The same day when that team of four never came back.

Four Royal Guards: Felwinter, Arc Node, Sol Spitter, and Bluebolt, never came back. Somepony said they could have sworn they saw those same four coming over Mount Everhoof. But at that moment the same wall of storms appeared and trapped them forever. They were all declared M.I.A., although some might say it should be K.I.A.

It was later revealed that this barrier wasn’t necessarily a wall of storms, but in actuality a dome. A big dome that covered almost the entire north pole. Further study revealed that this storm wasn’t even a normal storm, its composition was not water and ice, it was magic. But not any magic that was known to equinekind, its only purpose scientists concluded was that it was meant to keep something out, or something in. Anything that tried to pass through was torn apart by its destructive force. Strange shooting stars circled around the top part of the dome, adding to its mysterious and abnormal appearance. No amount of pegasus in the world could make this tempest even if they got every flyer in Equestria. Even if the four alicorns of Equestria combined their magic, even they couldn’t produce a storm of this size and power.

Even after the arrival of the Pokémon, not even they could get through the wall, in fact, most stayed away from the thing as if their instinctual sides told them something was not right about that weather phenomenon. One had to wonder why Princess Celestia hadn’t told the Pokémon god Arceus about this anomaly yet, or why he himself hadn’t noticed it already.

That was why for now, the ones stationed at this outpost were ordered by Prince Shining Armor himself to just wait to monitor any changes in the wall of storms if any.

“Everything alright? Short Circuit?”

The unicorn glanced down to see a small white Vulpix. She smiled and patted it on the head. Normally these things from what she heard were orangish-brown in color and are of the fire type element. But peripatric speciation affected Pokémon as much as animals, so this particular species had adapted to the cold.

“I’m fine Vulpix just lost in thought.”


“Still nothing going on with that storm thingy?”

“No Vulpix, nothing yet.”

“You think Arceus could figure out what's up with that thing? He is a god after all.”

Short chuckled, Vulpix like her Pokémon brethren all held a certain reverence for Arceus. More so than others.

“Maybe he can, but who knows. The answer to this mystery just might reveal itself with time.”

Just like her passed fellow guard Bluebolt, if Short Circuit knew the time travel spell, she would have come back and slapped herself.

Her ears perked up as she heard a guard outside shout something.

“Everypony look, look! The storm its-”

Short looked outside to see something she thought she’d never see so soon.

Before she had a moment to take it all in, the door opened again.

“Specialist Short Circuit!” the Sarge barked.

The unicorn stood upright and saluted.

“Yes sir!”

“Starts writing down a message to send down to the Empire, tell them, it's happening.”

“Sir yes sir!”

The unicorn immediately took out a quill and magic paper.

“Finally, things are picking up.”

The Crystal Empire had not changed much over the last months, even with the immigration of Pokémon, the city was still a beacon of beauty, hope, and love. With the permanent death of King Sombra and the legalization of Pokémon, the people of the gleaming metropolis continued like they always would. Especially a certain interracial couple.

John Williams sat at the table waiting patiently, but he didn’t mind. After all, today was one of those few special days.

“John dear, what do you think about the itinerary for the upcoming solstice?”

That's right, today was one of the few days outside of work where he and his marefriend Holly Hearts were able to spend some quality time together. Now if only she could put down the clipboard.

“I think it's fine Holly. I think we have everything all worked out.”

Soon the green unicorn read the mood.

“Oh I’m so sorry dear, even though we’re on our date I still have my head in the clouds like a pegasus.”

“It's okay, so tell me how things have been so far?”

“Oh, well Princess Cadence has been thinking of making an official holiday to celebrate the arrival of the Pokémon.”

“Oh she is?”

“Yes, in honor of all the Pokemon who are happy in this new world, who are now free to live and love however and whomever they choose. Although she can’t decide whether to celebrate on the day they arrived or the day they were made legal citizens of Equus.”

John smiled as Holly continued, ever since they became a couple, Holly and John had only grown closer. The shy mare he had first met on the day that he arrived no longer felt uneasy around him, despite the flaming head. They had gone through so much together, helping the Empire adapt to Pokémon, fighting off King Sombra, and even when that monster tried to make him-

John mentally winched.

“No, I can’t dwell on what could have happened.”

Despite the months passing, and the amount of therapy involved. The day of when John was forced to almost kill Holly with his own hands, to when he burned Somba alive. It really was a source of trauma for him to the point where the Legendary Pokemon made him forget that incident for a while before he could properly process it. John really had made significant progress over the last few months, the nightmares became less and less. He wasn’t out of the woods just yet, but he was getting there.


John’s hand began to slip into his sack and grabbed a small box.

“I think its time I moved on to the next part of my life’s journey”

“Cadence mentioned about doing something special for Gene and Belle as they are now raising their kids and deserve something special. She even plans on calling Cresselia for...oh I’m going off again am I?”

“Hehe, it's fine dear, you can’t help the way you are.”

“I guess you're right, one pony cannot just change overnight.”

“...Speaking of change.”

John lifted the small box out of the bag and under the table.


“Holly, I was wondering if you…”


The Infernape winched at the all too recognizable voice belonging to a certain bug/electric type Pokemon. And just like a meteor, a yellow ball of energy and pure sugar-filled mischief known as Volt landed on their table….just as the waiter had arrived with their food.

“John John, I gotta tell ya something!”

It was clear to both Holly and John that Volt had eaten sugar recently, while the Joltik never stood still for more than a few seconds, the Attaching Pokemon looked like it was about to blast off like Team Rocket.

“Okay, Volt what is it?”

“We need you to, uhhh…..what was I gonna say?”

Another side effect of Volt eating sugar was him losing his train of thought.

“Wait, wait! It's on the tip of my tongue, I know I can remember it!”

Volt soon found himself wrapped up in a magic grasp belonging to Holly. Who turned him around to face her.

“Volt, sweetie. I know you need to ask John something, but you can’t just interrupt people like that, especially when they’re about to eat.”

By this point, the waiter had hastily put the food on the table before fleeing the scene, less the yellow ball of chaos cause more trouble.

“Oh sorry.”

“It's fine, now, I’m sure whatever you need to ask John can wait later.”

“But that's the thing, it can’t wait! The Prince said that it was urgent.”

“He’s right John.”

All three turned to see a large Blastoise come up to them, one who looked like he was out of breath.

“Dang, that little guy is fast when he eats rock candy.”

Holly and John’s eyes widened.

“Who let him have rock candy!”

Out of all the sweets, Volt was banned from like the plague, rock candy was one of them, Being pure sugar it meant the Joltik would be running like he was on caffeine.

“Uh we did.” said a repentant Absol named Snow who also came up to the group.

John looked at his Pokemon with stern eyes.


“Because he could get to you faster than we could, and considering how urgently the royal couple needs you guys in the throne room. We’d figure the faster the better.”

Both Holly and John looked at the Pokemon, each other, and then back at Volt.

“Volt, is this true?” Holly asked, “Were you trying to call us on behalf of the Prince and Princesses?”

“Ughhh, oh yeah now I remember! Shining and Cadence said that she needs you guys now! Something about top-secret information!”

It was at this point, John realized he was beginning to get stares from the other tables. He then got up, paid for the food(which he got to go), and gave Volt a piece of advice.

“Volt, a lesson about top-secret information. If it's top-secret, don’t just say it out loud.”

The Joltik then went red and buried himself in the mane of Holly.

“Oh, sorry.”

Arriving back at the castle, Holly, John, and his Pokemon made their way to the throne room (After dropping Volt off at his room to burn through the rest of the energy). Where Princes Cadence and Prince Shining Armor were already waiting for them.

Shining smiled as they entered the room.

“Ah, finally you’re here, good. Guards, will you please excuse us.”

The guards at the throne room entranced nodded and closed the doors behind them. Leaving the room empty save for three ponies and three Pokemon. After which Shining Armor then cast a soundproof spell.

“Okay, nopony can hear us now.”

John at this point had his interest peaked.

“Okay, what's going on?”

The royal couple looked at each other and then back at the Infernape.

“To tell you the truth John, we don’t really know what's going on either. But we will explain what we know” Cadence said.

John raised a brow.

“On the day my sister in law was crowned a Princess, there was an incident that occurred at the far frozen north. Guards stationed at the border claimed that they saw a meteor of some kind make landfall beyond Mount Everhoof. To this day we don’t know how, but shortly after it landed, a massive storm engulfed the surrounding area, making travel beyond the frozen north impossible.”

Shining Armor had a somber look on his face.

“Four guards sent to investigate it were caught in it,” Shining added “They never made it back.”

John offered his condolences, “I see, I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Anyway, what's unusual about this storm is that it does not feel natural, It was not ponymade. It projects a magical field so dense that not even our brightest could find a way to penetrate it.”

“Huh, this is unusual.”

“Yes, that storm has lasted ever since that day, never growing, never shrinking, it has just stood there like a dome covering the frozen north….until today that is.”

John lit up, “What?”

“Yes, our sentries at the northern outpost have reported that the storm has just….ceased. It's just gone.”

“And that's not the weirdest part.” Cadence said, “When we sent scouts to investigate what the storm had done to the frozen north, they couldn’t believe what they had found.” The Princess then hesitated for a second, as if she wasn’t sure John would believe her.

“What? What did they find?”

“John, there are people living in the frozen north now, a whole area with multiple settlements!”

Mount Everhoof, 12 hours later....

John hung onto the rails of his chariot as a squad of Royal Guards led by Shining Armor himself, flew over the mountain and into unknown territory. As he saw the nearest village come into view, John remembered the last conversation with Cadence before departing…

“The scouts have reported that the people living there looked like wolves, if wolves walked on their hind paws like minotuers and wore clothing.”

“So, walking wolf men?” It almost seemed like something out of a werewolf story to the former human. Almost, he didn’t remember many stories about werewolves walking on two feet.

“Their villages appear to be a little less advanced than ours, although if they were living in the frozen north for so long, they probably didn’t have the best living conditions or the means to live comfortable lives.”

John thought for a bit, even though he was fire type, he couldn't imagine living like that his entire life. Stuck in a never-ending blizzard, these people, whoever they were, had to be strong to survive in those conditions.

“That is why Shining Armor wants you to go with him in order to make first contact with these new people. If they are friendly, if they need help, anything we can learn about them would be helpful.”

“So, I guess you are telling me this, cause as a Pokemon I can put up a fight?”

The Prince had a sheepish look on his face, “You and your Pokemon are just backup John in case things go wrong. Like my sister I'm all about friendship, but as the former Captain of the Royal Guard, I have to be prepared.”

As a cop, John understood. In negotiation situations, things could always go south. So him being backup was completely understandable.

As the first village came into view, Shining Armor shouted to his guards.

“Alright colts, remember this is a first contact mission. Even if they provoke you, don’t attack unless I say so, got it?”

“Sir yes sir!” The guards said in unison.

They landed a few steps from outside the village. Shining Armor and the group began walking towards the entrance. They spotted a few wolf people at the mouth of the town, holding what John immediately recognized as-

“Guns!? They have guns!?”

“Wait, what's a gun?” Shining Armor asked.

“It's a weapon humans invented back on Earth, they can fire small pieces of metal called bullets. Think of them like a handheld cannon, only more accurate and faster.”

“Sweet Celestia.” A guard exclaimed “And you're saying these guys have those things pointed at us!?”

“Apparently, but from what I can tell, those look like hunting rifles, the kind of gun meant for sport and hunting for food. The good thing is they have to reload after each shot.”

Shining Armor had his defense spell at the ready “Well hopefully we won’t give them a reason to use them.”

As they were about twenty feet from the village, the wolf men drew their guns on the ponies and Pokemon and spoke.

“Halt! Unless, you wanna have a few new holes in your body. Stop right where you are and identify yourselves!”

Shining Armor canceled his spell and stepped forward. “My name is Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire, we mean you no harm.”

The left wolf in a brown coat stepped forward.

“Then what do you want from us? You all look like nothing we have ever seen before.”

“I can say the same my friends, well mostly. I would like to speak with your village leader. Do you guys have a Chief or a Mayor or something?”

From behind the two wolves came out an old looking dog with a cane.

“I am the chief of this village, if you wish to speak, you may speak with me.”

Shining Armor and John walked up to meet the chief.

“My name is Altoz. You said your name was Shining Armor?”


“Hmmm, unusual name. And you, the beast whose head is on fire, can you speak?”

“My name is John Williams. I am a type of Pokemon called and Infernape, Shining Armor is a unicorn.”

“Huh, never heard of such things. But, yes….stranger things have been happening lately.”

Shining and John looked at each other.

“You mean the storm disappearing?”

“No not that, I mean you're not the first strangers who went through here and were not a Yaga.”


“That is what we are, Yaga. Now come, follow me. I can tell from your shivering entourage that you’re freezing in this cold.”

The two then looked back to see that the guards were already starting to shiver.

“Alright lead the way.”

Soon everypony was in the largest building, except for Eclipse who could not fit through the door and had to stay outside with Snow. The other Yaga, as they were called, gave both Pokemon uneasy looks.

The chief sat down in front of a table, John pulled up another chair while Shining sat as well.

“Alright, so what business do you lot have with us?”

Shining Armor spoke first.

“Well sir, as you may have noticed, the storm wall that separated your land from ours has disappeared, and we have been sent to learn and investigate just who your people are and how you got here. We mean you no harm and do not seek to conquer you. If anything as newcomers to Equestria I wish to extend a formal welcome as one of its leaders. If you people need anything we are here to help.”

“Hmm, that's it? You sound much different than that other group who came by a few days ago. As for your help, it is not needed, not anymore.”

John interjected.

“Excuse me sir, what other group? As far as we know, we are the only one of our kind to set foot or hoof in this land.”

“Well they weren’t your kind that's for sure. Just who are your people anyway?”

“Like Shining Armor said sir, he is the Prince of the Crystal Empire, a city state that is part of the larger kingdom of Equestria.”

“Again, never heard of it, besides that group that came by before you called themselves Chaldea.”

“Chaldea?” Shining asked, “Never heard of them.

“Me neither”, John said “Who were they, what were they like?”

“They said they were something called servants, that they were aligned with the rebel army. Bunch of fools if you ask me.”

“I’m sorry, rebel army? Who are they?”

“Bunch of suicidal idiots who think they could overthrow the Tsar.”

“The Tsar?

“Yes, the great Thundering Tsar Ivan. The mighty Emperor and protector of our land.”

“I see, and what is this land called again?”

“You have come to this country without knowing its name? This country is called Russia.”

John almost fell back on his chair.

“John, you alright?” Shining asked.

John caught himself and leaned forward, getting close to Altoz.

“Russia, I heard that correctly, this country is called Russia?!”

“Yes” Altoz said hesitantly “You act like you’ve heard it before.”

John sat back in his chair as the gears in his head began to turn.


The Infernape snapped out of his stupor.

“Another question, this Chaldea, the people from this group. What did they look like?”

“Well, it's not really that hard to describe really. Just imagine us Yaga but without the fur. Actually just imagine yourself without your fur, have a flatter face, a more straight back, lose the tail, and you're close to what those other travelers looked like.”

Once again John sat down and muttered something to himself, “It can’t be.”

Shining Armor, seemed to read John's face, because he then asked the next question that was on John’s mind.

“Chief Altoz, this Chaldea group. You said they were part of a rebel army?”


“Where are they now, or if you don’t know, which direction did they go in?”

The chief thought for a moment.

“Well, they should have gone to Moscow, just straight north of here. But they may be long gone by now.”

“Why is that?”

“Because if what I heard from traveling Yaga are correct, Chaldea and the rebel army have killed the great Tsar Ivan.”

John and Shining Armor looked at each other.

“It's been 2 days. And from what I heard, after they overthrew the Tsar, Chaldea did something, something big.”

“Big how?”

The old Yaga just started at his guests.

“All I know is that when a rebel soldier came through here, he just told us with a straight sad face that we should not fight each other anymore.”

John leaned forward again.

“The capital of Moscow, where is it?”

The skies near Yaga Moscow.

John stood at the front of his seat as the capital came into view. He seemed impatient.

“John, now can you mind telling me why we're flying so fast to this Moscow? Or why did you tense up when that Yaga guy mentioned the word Russia?”

Without even looking back, John spoke.

“Shining, how much have I told you about the Pokemon regions of the world?”

“Oh, well….You said they’re basically the nations of Earth right?”

“Yes, each region has a government that enforces its laws. And as a member of the International Police, it was my job to enforce them.”

John paused for a moment.

“I've told you the names of many regions, Kanto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Kalos, Oblivia, Orre. But the world did not just have regions, it had larger nations as well.”

The Infernape then look at Shining Armor directly.

“The largest and coldest nation of Earth, was Mother Russia.”

Shining then did a double take.

“What!? Are you saying that these Yaga, these people are from your world?”

“I’m not entirely sure. The people who lived in Russia were completely human, not these Yaga wolf things.”

“You think Arceus may have done this to them? Transformed these humans into Yaga instead of Pokemon?”

“Unlikely, why would he make these people part-wolf instead of Pokemon?”

“Maybe they’re a new type of Pokemon Arceus is planning to reveal.” Eclipse suggested.

“Then why aren’t there any other Pokemon here Eclipse?” Snow countered. “Plus, Shining said that storm arrived a year ago before us. We can only assume the Yaga came with it.”

“Yeah” Snow interjected. “Plus when Arceus broke out of his prison, he brought us all to Equus almost immediately. It couldn’t have been him.”

Eclipse offered another theory. “Maybe they’re some kind of aliens from another world? Maybe the fact that they named this place Russia is just a coincidence?”

John looked to Eclipse, “An entire country of people came down here in a meteor?”

“Maybe it was a spaceship.”

“If they’re so advanced to have a spaceship, why do they look so primitive?”

Shining Armor thought for a bit, then looked straight forward along with John. “Well whatever is going on here, you think the answer lies in Moscow?”

“Hopefully, they say the Tsar is dead and that these Chaldea people are long gone. But maybe there are still people there who can tell us what happened.”

As the detachment of Royal Guards neared the large city in the distance, Snow noticed something.

“Hey, what's that white thing below?”

John looked down and saw what Snow was looking at.

It was some kind of large jagged ice formation. No, the whiteness of it was a different shade then the snow around it. It was roughly three-hundred meters across. And did not at all look natural. If John had to describe it, it may have reassembled a tree stump whose trunk was violently ripped from its base.

“That doesn’t look important, maybe we’ll revisit it later.”

Finally Moscow came into clear view.

The city looked like it had been the site of a war zone, buildings in many places were damaged and demolished. Giant craters littered the area. No, not craters….footprints? John then noticed that there were two different sets of giant footprints.

“What the hell happened here?”

The largest palace in the center of the city had collapsed halfway. The surrounding area wasn’t much better off. John could see some surviving Yaga scattered around, some looked up at them as they descended, others hid in their houses.

“They must be afraid, that maybe we’re here to start more fighting.”

As they made landfall and got off, the few Yaga that remained had gathered around. These Yaga in particular had looked like that had just gone through a war, most of them had guns or swords. Their clothes looked burnt and ragged.

John then approached the crowd.

“My name is John Williams, we mean you no harm. May we please speak with your leader?”

An adult looking Yaga stepped forward, motioning a smaller Yaga with a curious look in his eyes to stay with the group.

“I’m the leader of the rebel army, what's left of it anyway. What do you want? Not that it matters much.”

John noticed his face then became one of sadness, as if he was someone who had come to know futility.

“I seek information about a group who claims to have worked with you. Chaldea, do you know of them?”

As soon as the words left his mouth, there was a mixed reaction from the crowd. Some looked upset and angry, others sad and depressed.

“Chaldea, what business do you have with them?”

“We just want to ask them a few questions.”

“Hmph, well you're out of luck, they left 2 days ago.”

It was just as the Chief had heard. John had suspected as much, but maybe these rebels might know something that would confirm his suspicions.

“But, there is one Chaldean who is still around here, who hasn’t left yet.”

John and Shining lit up at those words.

“Where. Where are they?”

“In the center of town, you’ll find him playing a...piano was it? Just listen for a beautiful sound and you will know when you're close.”

The group then immediately took off down the street, John himself was running in anticipation of what he might find.

He soon began to hear music, but that was not what was on his mind.

This land was called Russia, its people used man-made guns, the way the Chief described the other travelers, and if he remembered correctly...the name of Chaldea originated from an ancient group of astrologers.

All signs pointed to the evidence of-

“John look!” Snow exclaimed.


A lone human sat in front of a piano, his fingers playing away at its keys, right in the shadow of what was once the main palace. The song he was playing was instantly recognizable as “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”. But the way he played it, the song was a very simple one, however the artist played it like he was a prodigy. It was sad and beautiful at the same time, almost like a requiem for the dead.

His back was towards them, but the pianist could tell he was not alone.

“I know you're there, speak. Or is my performance so beautiful that you have no words left?”

No one moved or knew what to say, for the ponies this was the first time any of them had seen a living human(or at least one that was not a Pokemon). John’s Pokemon were equally stunned, as they had never expected to see a human ever again.

But John whose suspicions had mentally prepared him spoke first.

“My name is John Williams, these are my Pokemon partners Snow and Eclipse. The ponies with me are part of the Royal Guard of the Crystal Empire. And this guy right here is Shining Armor, Prince of the Crystal Empire.”

The man then stopped playing, turned around and got up.

He was an adult homosapien, his skin was Caucasian with grey hair and a matching grey three piece suit, only offset by the red ascot. He had a cross hanging from his left side and a ring on his left finger. Around his neck he had a gold watch.

But those features aside, John could tell something was off about him. His face looked a bit tormented, as if he was just struggling to hold a smile. Plus there was the feeling that this guy looked much more stronger than he appeared, but why was that?

The man looked over the group, then at Snow and Eclipse.

“What are those? Some kind of demonic beasts?”

John looked confused for a second, he wasn’t sure if that was meant as a genuine question, or an insult.

“No they’re Pokemon, a Blastoise and an Absol.” He spoke as if he expected this man to know that already.

“I see, my apologies. My name is….well my real name might not have any real meaning to where you say your from, so just call me: Avenger.”

“Avenger?” Eclipse asked quizzically “What are you some type of superhero?”

The man known as Avenger let out a small chuckle at the notion.

“A Hero...Yes, you could call me that. Depending on your point of view.”

John was mildly confused by his reaction to that question, but continued.

“Are you part of the group that came through here known as Chaldea?”

“Yes. Yes I was.”

John then walked a little closer to this man.

“These Chaldea people, were they human as well?”

The man in grey then flashed a grizzly crooked smile.

“Yes, most of them anyway.”

“I knew it.”

John’s suspicions were confirmed. Humans were here on Equus, that much was obvious. But some things still didn’t add up, what did the Yaga have to do with this? Where did they come from? And more concerningly, how many humans are here aside from this man and Chaldea?

“Arceus is not gonna like this.”

As John was lost in thought, Shining Armor took over.

“So Avenger, these Chaldeans, who or what are they? Please tell us.”

“Well first of all the full name of their group is the ‘Chaldea Security Organization’, or the longer version ‘The Organization for the Preservation of the Human Order, Finis Chaldea’.”

That last sentence snapped John out of his brainstorm.

“Wait, Organization for the Preservation of the Human Order?”


John looked to the group then back at Avenger.

“What is the Human Order?”

“Well, thats-”

Before anything else could happen, Avengers body began to glow. Little particles of light flicked off his body, with each second he looked like he was fading.

“Ah, it seems my time is up.” Avenger said with a small smile “Which means this Lostbelt is about to disappear.”

“Wait what!?” Before John could get in another word, a wind blew through the area. Followed by the sound of howling Yaga, as if they knew what was about to happen.

“Don’t worry, if what you say is true, that you are not of this place. You will be fine, your root of fantasy has yet to fall.”

“Root of Fantasy?” Snow asked.

“In a few moments this place will return to a blank slate, you can either stay here and watch it happen, or you could go back now and tell you people what you have discovered.”

“Wait!” John said. “I still have a lot more questions!”

“Sorry, not enough time. But I will give you this, I told you my name wasn’t important, that wasn’t necessarily true. I shall give you my true name as a final gesture from someone who is meant to be your enemy.”

Before his head disappeared, the lone human gave his name.

“My name is Antonio Salieri, rival of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.”

With his last words, Avenger disappeared.

Then something else happened.

The ground itself turned white, but there was no snow. Only a solid bleached surface. Then the sky that was filled with stars began to disappear as well, leaving only a perpetual daytime in its wake.

“Dear Sweet Celestia!” Shining Armor exclaimed.

John and his companions were fine, but as he looked around, he saw buildings and Yaga vanish all around him, as if they had never been there in the first place. Erased from existence.

“We need to go, now!”

Almost immediately everyone got back on the chariots and made a beeline for the Crystal Empire. As they flew, the very sky and ground beneath them continued to disappear. Being replaced by the blank slate that was stretching as far as the eye could see.

What's going on!?” A guard exclaimed. “Is the world being wiped away!?”

“Is it gonna overtake the Crystal Empire!? Will it wipe away Equestria!?”

“Holly,” John thought.

“Everypony go as fast as you can, we gotta make it back to the Empire before this thing reaches there!”

But even with the pegasi beating their wings as fast as they could, the so-called “bleaching” grew faster with each passing second. Soon it passed them, all the while wiping away every village, landmark and settlement in sight. Soon it came to the foot of Mount Everhoof and overtook it.

It took 5 minutes before the group reached the mountain and began to go around it.

John prayed to Arceus, the Legendaries, Celestia, Luna. Anyone who was listening.

“Please still be there, Please still be there!”

As they came over the mountain, the sunlight blinded him for a bit. When it cleared up, John gasped.

The grassy green fields of Equestria loomed in the distance, as was the northern outpost that they passed on the way here.

It was still here.

Everyone collectively let out a sigh of relief.

“So, what now?” Eclipse said.

John looked around, the bleaching that erased Russia had stopped just at the northern border of Equestria.

His mind raced with all sorts of questions, his cop brain memorizing all the things Avenger(or should he say Antonio Salieri) had said. Chaldea Security Organization, Human Order, Root of Fantasy. What did they all mean?

“We just need to get back to the Crystal Empire as soon as possible. There's something happening around here. And one things for sure.”

John looked at his Pokemon and Shining Armor.

“We have not seen the last of humanity.”

Author's Note:

Cosmos Denial in effect, Pruning Theoretical Phenomenon executed

Russian Lostbelt Status: Pruned

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