• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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King Trot had been sitting on his throne for quite some time now, doing just nothing but thinking.

His mind was now occupied by two, or rather three different points of interest that concerned him.

His meeting with this Pharoah Ozymandias was in his opinion, not a fond one. Meeting with the leaders of other nations was one thing, but meeting with someone who also claimed to be the ruler of his own nation was another thing.

Whether or not this Ozy conflated Egypt with Zebrica was inconsequential to the fact that he was a servant and therefore an enemy of Zebrica and its allies.

And yet, Trot could not help but feel intimidated by him.

In terms of world leaders, Trot was still the youngest of them all in terms of age. And while Twilight Sparkle was the newest one, she was not as integral to the leadership of Equestria, as Celestia and Luna handled the bulk of ruling the Kingdom.

Trot meanwhile still had much to learn before he could be as great of a ruler as the other world leaders.

But Ozymandias, upon looking at him, Trot could feel a sense of high charisma radiating off of the servant. One look into his eyes told him that he was a human who had led an entire nation for the majority of his life. Someone who commanded armies and conquered other nations with his radiating charm and skill.

Trot was able to tell all of that just by being in his presence, or perhaps if he really is the human counterpart of the historical Zebra Ozymandias, then it would only make sense that he would share the same deeds and accomplishments as him.

But the real problem was how he was going to kill him.

So long as he was in that pyramid of his, nothing could kill him. Sure finality was capable of hurting him, but Trot would need more power if he was going to finish him for good.

Because, the way he came off, the manner in which he spoke as if he owned the place, Trot was not going to let that one slide.

But if the appearance of this egotistical servant wasn’t bad enough, he still had another problem hanging over his head.

The threat of the nearby Lostbelt was getting closer every day, it would soon encroach and most likely destroy the port city of Tortuga.

But as long as nothing major was happening yet, he could overlook the threat of the other Lostbelt for now

And the final topic on his mind was one that hit a little closer to home than the other two.

And that was the other servant that appeared with Ozymandias.

It was needless to say that Trot was parentless. His mother died shortly after giving birth to him, and when his father passed away, that when he had no choice but to inherit the mantle of king.

The former queen of Zebrica, Queen Neighfertiti or Nefertari as she was known to close friends like Celestia was considered to be a kind and caring Queen. Celestia described her as a very close friend and someone who could calm down his rather passionate father.

And while Trot considered Celestia his mom, as she helped raise him, part of him longed to learn just what his real mother was like.

He recalled one say when he asked Celestia this very question, and while he was able to describe her in great detail, he wanted more, he wanted to hear her voice and see her living face.

Eventually, Celestia gave in and told Trot to wait for his next birthday. And when that day came, the alicorn took Trot to his mother's room and gave him what she called her birthday gift to him.

It was a spell that would be able to completely recreate an image from her memories of Queen Neighfertiti and project it onto the real world. Celestia called it something similar to an ancient and rare magic that was lost to time, a “Reality Marble”.

And what he saw, he would engrave into his mind for the rest of his life.

It was his mother, still pregnant with him, and looking so happy and beautiful.

Neighfertiti who was with Trot’s father spoke about how their son was going to grow up and become the greatest ruler Zebrica ever had. And how she wanted to be by his side the entire time.

The memory ended with her saying that while she could not see her little boy just yet, she just wanted to let him know that she loved him and that she would never leave his side.

When the memory ended, Trot was already crying.

And so from that day, he strove to be the great leader that his mother and Celestia wanted him to be.

But of course, life did not go the way he expected. With everything that has happened, Zebrica was still far from being a great nation. But he was still determined not to give up on becoming the great ruler that his mother wanted him to be.

However, something had now changed.

When he first heard the voice of that human servant who shared the same name as his mother, she sounded exactly like the voice he heard in that memory.

This servant, who was the wife of Ozymandias, had both the same name and voice as his mother.

And the way she acted and presented herself, it reminded him of how his mother acted in that memory of her.

And now that he thought about it, Trot remembered how his father was a rowdy ruler who needed his wife to reign him in. She recalled how Ozymandias acted more humble and less cocky around her.

Trot stopped his thoughts in their tracks, the more he would dwell on this, the more depressed he was going to be.

Because even with old thoughts being brought back up, he had to focus on the present, and how he was going to deal with that servant.

“Hmmm, if he is immortal while he is inside that Pyramind, then the simple solution is to find a way to get him out of it. Although that's easier said than done.”

Indeed, he doubt that servant would have any reason to give up his most powerful protection. And even if he did, he was still a servant, there was also the inevitable fight he would have with him.

Then again, he and Sev were able to destroy Ragnos. Someone who was far more powerful and actively dangerous than a single servant. But that doesn’t mean he should be underestimated. Even if Finality could possibly kill him in one blow.

“How in the name of Celestia am I gonna get the arrogant prick out of his house…”

Trot racked his mind to try and think of a plausible plan.

“Oh, I know! I can-”

Trot’s train of thought crashed when the doors to his throne room slammed open.

But before he could even get a word out, the guard who had intruded spoke in a panic.

“King Trotankhamun! The nation is under attack!”

Those words immediately made him forget the plan he had come with, as the words he never wished to hear again met his ears.


“My King! The city of Tortuga has fallen! It has been taken by hostile nation forces!”

Trot trotted down from his throne and approached the guard.

“Explain in full detail, what happened!”

Not just a few minutes ago, we received a messenger letter that the city has fallen to forces from an unknown hostile nation.

And where did this hostile force come from exactly?”

“Reports are coming in saying they came from…the Lostbelt storm wall.

The room went deadly silent as if someone had sucked all the optimism out of it.

“...so, it's happening.”

“I’m afraid so your majesty?”

“What of our guard forces stationed there?”

“I’m afraid most of them have retreated in order to safely escort civilians out of the city. I can confirm that Commander Alek is K.I.A.”

“I see….did they manage to get an estimated of the enemy's forces?”

“Yes, about one hundred ships have been spotted. All of them appear to be what the Pokemon have described as humans in unfamiliar armor and weapons.”

“Humans, yes, we were told this might be possible.

Trot had no real good or bad opinion of humanity, that is despite the fact that the Pokemon forces that made up the bulk of his military were made to end their oppression and rule.

Which in hindsight was a very fortunate thing, if the PLA were created to fight humans, then Trot probably had the best fighting force on the planet to deal with them. Other than Equestria or the Legendary Pokemon of course.

“Very well, inform Commander Sev of what's happened and put the nation on high alert, I must write a letter to Princess Celestia requesting aid.”

“Consider it done your majesty.”

As the guard left, Trot went over to his desk and took our a sheet of paper and he began to write.

“My dearest mother Princess Celestia, I bring you grave news.”

A few days after the return of Princess Luna…

Celestia walked through the restricted wing of the castle's library, she had not been there for some time.

Her horn was glowing as she made her way to a certain destination in mind.

Underneath her wing was an old tattered book that she had recently discovered in the old ruins of her previous castle. She had found it after Twilight had used the Elements of Harmony to restore her sister to her old self.

And while part of her mind was occupied with some of the pages she had seen in that book, she was more concerned with putting it where only she could find it.

At last, she arrived at her destination.

It was a secret room where only the most sensitive and forbidden spells were kept. As well as information that not many ponies should be privy to.

But also it's where she kept a record of old prophecies and predictions that were connected to events of the past.

Of these prophecies, was the one that most recently came to past. The one that foretold of Nightmare Moon returning to cast the world into darkness.

And this prediction was the one she was glad had come true, up until recently, it was not something she could not just keep in a public library. If ponies found out that Nightmare Moon was coming back, future generations would never be able to rest easy knowing a dark malevolent force was going to return in the next 1000 years.

And so she waited until the right time when she could move pieces into place so that her sister could be saved.

It was no coincidence that Twilight found and read that book on the day she went to Ponyville.

Other prophecies kept here were ones that told of the Crystal Empire's return, Tirek breaking free, and how a certain pony who had a cutie mark that matched the symbol on the Tree of Harmony would one day bring lasting peace and friendship to Equestria.

Obviously a mixed bag of predictions both fortunate and disastrous. But they did not compare to what she has read in the book she had found.

The pages inside were written by her old mentor Starswirl the Bearded. And the words it contained inside were ominous, to say the least.

It contained a message from Starswirl saying that he put a charm on this book so that the room it was being kept in would open at the right time. As Celestia was too young to inherit this knowledge, he made it so she would learn of it when she was ready.

Starswirl admits that he would often use spells to look into the future, which is how he learned that one day Tirek would return.

However, Tirek was a minor problem compared to the other things he saw.

While he could not tell her everything, not even why he and the other Pillars of Equestria had to disappear, he could let her know of this and how she could prepare.

“My dearest Celestia, I am so sorry you had to find out this way, but please know, what I do, I do for the future of Equestria.

In the years after Luna’s return, Equestria will be beset by a number of Calamites that if not stopped will spread over the world and end life as we know it. These are threats from other worlds beyond our comprehension. They are threats that are connected to the truth of our world and how it came into existence.

I admit I foresaw the fall of Princess Luna, forgive me for not being able to warn you of her corruption. But her return will mark the beginning of several trials Equestria must face. Such as Discord becoming free, Tirek seeking his revenge, and the re-emergence of the Crystal Empire.

I say to you now, all of these are just a prelude to what will come next.”

“Beware of the omnipotent Demiurge that comes from the stars, while you may not believe in gods, you certainly will when you see his face bearing down upon you.”

“Beware the Winter Queen, for she has great love for her kingdom, but not the ones who live in it.”

“Beware of the Ultimate One of Mercury, for it has arrived far sooner than it should have.”

“But most of all, beware of the concept of “hole”, for it will swallow the world itself.”

“And finally, beware of the one who pretends to be a friend….”

That last part left her more worried the most.

Since she had just sent her prized student to Ponyville in order to learn about friendship, the thought of someone pretending to be a friend in order to bring Equestria’s downfall was very bad.

Celestia wanted to encourage friendship, not just between ponies, but all races from all over the world.

If someone were to take advantage of that friendship and use it to their own ends….

Celestia shook her head, while it was indeed a grave mystery that would yet to be solved, she could not let these foreboding prophecies consume her mind. Worrying all the time about the future never does anyone good.

She should know that more than anyone.

Celestia put the book in a special shelf and put a sealing spell so that no one but her could open it.

She then turned around and walked out of the room and the library, trying to push what she had just learned to the back of her mind.

But that was easier said than done.

Because although most of what was written in that book were words, Starswirl had done her a favor of providing an illustration of one of these prophecies.

And when she turned the page to look at it, she immediately wished she didn’t.

“Beware of the concept of “hole”, for it will swallow the world itself.”

The Present day...

“Somebody stop him!”

Celestia and Luna ran down the hallways of their own castle, jumping over broken pottery and picture frames of priceless value. The mess continued as they followed the trail of broken items that led them to the perpetrator who was now laughing to himself in the middle of a four-way intersection.

Both sisters were staring daggers at the miscreant who was the source of this mess. And when he made eye contact with them, he just smiled.

“Come on ladies, my mentor horse, Bai Long was faster than you two.”

The Pokemon World….

Earth wasn’t doing so well right at the moment. With the departure of most of the population and the Legendaries and such, it had fallen into chaos. Warbands filled with vicious humans and the surviving pokemon left to their fate fought each other to the very end. Conflicts like this were common. It didn’t matter that they were dwindling their already small population. Their own survival was far more important than a lasting future. So they fought and killed each other every day. Unique and distinct killing machines, powers, and everything you could imagine and couldn’t was thrown around.

It all bored Raziel.

Three sub-machine guns blazed away in the abandoned base. A normal human would have died to them. Raziel wasn’t a normal human. He regularly fought pokemon and won. He had helped beat a legendary in close combat. This was nothing. So that’s why he wasn’t running. He just lazily, in his own mind, slashed through every bullet with his sword. They really weren’t worth the effort to go all out.

Then the three exhausted their ammunition. They went to reload. Raziel was just done with this. He took a step forward and before they could blink, he was behind them. His pistol was out and fired, killing one of them cleanly. The other two stood still before they collapsed into pieces of flesh. He used his aura to clean his blade. Being an aura user was rare in humans. In fact, he was probably one of, if not the only, aura user left on the planet.

Again, it was just really boring being on the planet. At least, that’s how he felt. There was just no challenge for him. Most of the strong opponents were ‘good guys’. The strong villains were much rarer and honestly, he disliked dealing with them. Oh it was fun cutting them to bits but after a while, it got dull. Well that and he had killed all the strong ones around him already. Perhaps he would go to another country and find something to fight.

No. He had more important matters to attend to. He had to find him. His rival. The only one who could give him a challenge. Not just in battle but in strategy and tactics. That and everything else. Impromptu dance offs just aren’t on any of his current opponents minds. Sad really.

He walked into an open space. The roof had collapsed a while ago. Everything in this world was falling apart. It was not important to him so he didn’t care. He didn’t care if everything broke. He certainly didn’t care-

He moved his head back instantly, avoiding the sniper bullet. His pistol was out and he fired. A body fell to the ground, dead.

-Didn’t care about snipers. He could have tanked that rather easily but sometimes he felt like dodging. Imagining an actual strong attack that could kill him. Too long since that had happened. Still, he wouldn’t let his skills dull. He had more battles to plan in the future with his one true rival. He should have gone with him. It seems Arceus was picky. Too picky. He’d get back at him for failing him once again.

Suddenly, a roaring sound could be heard. It wasn’t a pokemon roar or a demented human. This was a mechanical one. He turned his head to see a tank roll through a wall. He quirked an eyebrow. He didn’t think they’d bring tanks to this fight. The tank fired.

Raziel batted it to the side as if it was nothing more than a fly. Then with a practiced swing, he pulled his sword and slashed the air. His aura primed and ready, shooting forward. The aura slash cut right through the tank. He snorted as it exploded, harmlessly going around him. Yeah he could have used that tank but he had plenty more where that came from. He’d stolen enough for entire tank columns after all.

Another tank burst through the wall behind him. He lazily turned his head. The barrel pointed itself straight at him. Raziel just sighed in boredom. It was a neat entrance. That might have got the drop on someone else. He, of course, had sensed it before it even arrived. He missed Sev’s random attacks. Not even he could predict them. The PLA were always the most fun to fight. Well that and beating up Rocket goons but that group had fallen already.

The tank wasn’t able to fire. From the sky landed a large mecha on top of it, crushing it. Raziel looked up. The mecha was about twelve feet tall with large, grappling claws. The green and blue colors on it were rather striking. The mecha’s head turned to him and opened up to reveal a chiseled, older man. He had a thick, black mustache and a bowler hat that seemed to cover his eyes. There was a small scar on his nose, which was lighter than his dark skin.

“Woo-ha,” the man shouted. “Nothing better in your day than smashing someone else’s stuff.”

This was Roberto Jackson, one of Raziel’s commanders. He wore a mecha suit with him during combat, even though he was strong enough to fight pokemon on his own. Raziel never cared much for these mecha suits. He preferred to fight with his own hands and with conventional stuff. Roberto was another story so he let him have his fun. He had his own little mecha squadron coupled with the rest of the armored division.

“I’m going to enjoy tearing these maggots a new one,” Roberto shouted.

“I believe that’s it for today,” Raziel said.

“D’oh,” Roberto grunted in disappointment, “This one didn’t put up enough of a fight. The pansies kept running away.”

Raziel shrugged, “It seems humanity has been robbed of its spine along with most of the population. Only we survive with the strength to carry on into the new war.”

“We’ll knock ‘em dead till we get there, boss.” Roberto shouted, “Just hope they put up some good scraps till we get to the real meat of the issue.”

“Indeed,” Raziel walked away, his shoulders slumping. Another waste of his time. That’s all there was these days, “Indeed.”


Raziel lazily sat at the table for the meeting. Nothing important was going to be said but they had to go over it every time they had an ‘outing’. Just in case something of note was found in the wreckage. His commanders sat idly as they went over their findings. He wondered if Sev was feeling the same way. Probably was. They only really felt alive when they had the other to bounce off of. Oh how he missed interrupting a meeting for one of his ‘threats’. Those were the days.

He’d get them back. No matter the cost. That much he swore.

“-Excess troops and equipment have been added to our ranks,” a large, hovering drone said. This was Tom, a Rotom, inhabiting the thing. One of the few pokemon commanders. Oh the subcommanders had plenty of pokemon akin to the PLA, just like the PLA in vice versa. It was just how things ended up. Tom had plenty in that machine to handle himself in a fight.

Commander Tom was in charge of information and organization. Resource management and tech advancement also fell under him. He was rather capable with that sort of stuff.

“I’ll whip them into shape,” Ai Jing, the commander of the troop divisions, said. She was a fit woman of moderate build. She wore green and gold armor over her body and had two swords on her back. The only uncovered portions of her were some of her shapely legs, which gave off a thigh gap sort of appeal and the upper part of her face. Her piercing blue eyes would not let anything get by her.

“You better,” Roberto, armored division commander, said. “I need those bastards to support us when we get into the thick of things.”

“Not much need anymore,” Ai Jing said, “Most of the big Teams seem to keep to their own territories, they have not made any moves against each other yet. Only going after the smaller ones.”

“They have quite a few powerful pokemon that could offer challenge,” Gunter, commander of the aquatic divisions, said. He wore a full body diving suit. His helmet was on the table, revealing his handsome but heavily scared, red headed self. His hands bore long, retractable claws in case he got close. Usually he used his spear gun for that.

“Their passion is nothing compared to us,” Flare, co-commander of the Gifted forces, said. Her impressive bosom bounced as she moved to the declaration. The Gifted forces housed both the psychic humans as well as humans with other abilities. Long ago, humans and pokemon did marry and some of those unions produced fruit. That usually came in the guise of aura or psychic humans. However, some had other abilities. Flare herself could use fire as akin to fire types. Her twin could use ice in the same way.

Chill dressed in more modest blue clothing compared to her more ‘show offy’ red dressed sister, “She is right. We shouldn’t have too much trouble with them.”

“I could just pop their head off if’n I wanted to,” Lily Evans said. The youngest of the commanders, she was in charge of reconnaissance as well as assassinations. She had the ability to teleport. Combined with her impressive sniper capabilities, she was a nightmare on the battlefield.

Raziel had some other commanders but they were busy. Him and Sev usually had a good number on their person but these were his closest at the moment. He just nodded, “Yes, yes. I feel like we should be ahead of the situation. Our world is ours whether the rest know it yet.”

“But of course, our glorious commander.” Abby, an Absol commander of their spy network, said. She fluttered her eyes. “No one can stand up to you.”

“Hey,” Parda glared at Abby, getting the other pokemon to back off. “Unless you have something important to say, zip it.”

Abby huffed, “I was just trying to lift our glorious leader’s spirit is all.”

A boisterous laugh could be heard as a human beside her patted her head. He was a very handsome man, which is why he had a bit of a fanclub. He wore brown fatigues and a bright red scarf. He was Theo, commander of the aerial divisions. His skills were basically second to none when he got in the air. A few of the PLA could match him but that was it.

“What is the status of the big Teams? Remind me which ones are still standing.”

“Giovanni of Team Rocket, the commanders of Team Galactic, and Team Plasma are still somehow operational,” Abby said. “And they are still in control of most of their territories.”

“I see, I’m not supsied that those three are still standing.”

“I also managed to learn something that might interest you. Our spies have reported that Giovanni is gathering large quantities of discarded tech and machinery.”

“Oh, are they trying to build their own portal or something?”

“No my glorious leader. All the parts seem to be consistent with what we would use in building mechs or cybernetics.”

“Oh?” Roberto said. “And just what are they planning to build?”

“I can’t say for sure yet, but we did manage to learn the name of their project.”

“A name you say?”

“Yes, they’re calling it project Violet.”

“Hmmm, probobly nothing that concerns us. Speaking of which, how goes our portal work?” Raziel said, hoping to keep the conversation on track.

“Very well… to a degree.” Tom said. His computer beeped a few times as he gathered information, “The state of the world around us is degrading. While it is possible it will come to a natural continuation, much of the wildlife and infrastructure means that won’t happen for many thousands of years. Until then, resource gathering will be difficult even with all that is left behind.”

“We have enough to survive quite well,” Ai said.

“For our generation,” Tom said, “Future ones are bleak.”

“Our generation will be off of this dying world,” Raziel growled, “Our greatness cannot be contained. Our goals beyond even the gods understanding. We shall continue until we have created our war and thus our peace. Only then will they understand everything.” He paused, “But you didn’t answer my question, Tom.”

“A few years at the current rate,” Tom said.

Raziel groaned, “I shall die of boredom before then.”

“I’m sure we could think of something, fair leader.” Theo said with a smile, “We have many bright minds among us. We can do anything.”

Raziel grinned, “Yes. Yes, that is true.” Then he sighed, “But I think this meeting should be adjourned for now. I feel like I need a little bit of rest.”

“Darling,” Parda said, rubbing her head against his side. “I’ll come with you.”

“No,” Raziel said, “I want to be alone for a bit.” He leaned down and kissed her on the head, “I’ll make it up to you later.”

Parda frowned but nodded, “Just take care of yourself.”

“I shall care for myself far greater than anyone has cared for themselves before,” Raziel said as he walked off.


Raziel sat on his bed. He had thrown his shirt off as well as his shoes shortly before. His muscular build was slightly damp from the short shower he had taken. He sighed. No conflict worth his time. No adversaries worthy of his skill. Nothing. He and his soldiers were alone and… what was he supposed to do about that? He’d eventually get off this world. His destiny would not be contained.

Yet what if he couldn’t? His dream of a better humanity. One without constant war. Of peace and progress. He needed to show them, including the gods, that he could do it with his own hands. Having an empty world given to him was not how he wanted to win. Not without Sev here. He sighed. He laid down on the bed. He would figure out something. He would reach the impossible.

He and Sev did that all the time. They’d do it again. His rival hadn’t seen the last of him. As well as everyone else on the planet. There were a multitude of realities. His dealings with those strange ‘pokemon’ like that stilt lady one taught him as such. They’d find a world where they could thrive. He closed his eyes.

Then his kids would never know war. That would be nice.

As Raziel drifted off into his dream, his thoughts didn’t end there. Being who he is, he had a very good memory, to the point where he could lucid dream.

Usually, his dreams would consist of what he wanted, or what he was thinking off at the time.

But this time, it was different, and not in the way he wanted.

Raziel found himself overlooking a large field of pink flowers. Flowers as far as the eye could see, stretching into the horizon.

Looking down he found that he was standing on a platform of a large white tower. Its make and shape unlike anything he had seen before.

Finally, he asked the obvious question.

“Alright, who is messing with my dreams?”

“Oh, you figured that out qutie fast,” said a lovely female voice.

Raziel turned around and, his eyes widened at what he saw.

It was a women. Her hair as white and her eyes shown pink. Her outfit was a primarily white with a black skintight peice underneath. She held a staff in her hands with a blue gem in the middle.

She was someone who radiated beauty, while Raziel was annoyed at first for someone invading his dreams, he felt his animosity decreasing the more he looked at her. He caught himself before he became completely smitten by her, after all, his heart already belonged to another one.

“Who are you and what do you want?”

“Oh, getting to the point are we?”

“Its obvious you pulled me into this dream to talk. And since I prefer to get back to my own dream, tell me who you are and what you want.”

“Well, I’d rather not give my name just yet, but if you must refer to me as something. You may call me, the Lady of Avalon.”

“Avalon, that old island that Xerneas used to rule?”

“Yes, but not the Avalon of this world. But rahter the one your freinds Sev was sent to.”

Those words, immediately got Raziel’s full attention. Was this women really from the same world the Sev was sent to?

“Ah, I can tell you’re now interested am I right?”

Raziel said nothing.

“Well to answer your other question, I am here to give you exactly what you want. I’m here to help bring you to my world, to find your fated rival Sev.”

Author's Note:

Thank you to Evowizard for writing the last part, of this chapter, for more info on Raziel and his forces, read the latest chapter of his story, "A New World A New Conflict"

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