• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 3,760 Views, 703 Comments

A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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Consequences There Are

Some time ago

“How is she?”

Alice and everyone around her were nervous as Lifeline, the house physician for Sleight Hoof and Quick Storm looked over Charlotte. The spider was now breathing normally, but still hadn’t moved much since she was brought back. Her sister Spinner hadn’t left her side since.

“I’ll be honest,” Lifeline said. “Even since the Pokemon arrived, I spent a good deal of time researching these creatures, understanding their physiology and biology. But while I have made significant progress in learning how to treat and heal these creatures, I still have many ways to go. Your kind is so varied in body type and composition that I wonder if I will be able to learn everything there is to know about Pokemon medicine.”

“I understand,” Alice said. “Pokemon are very diverse and only a few are able to understand them all, such as the regional professors. So I know that you may not the best person to treat Charlotte, but please just do what you can.”

“Well, so far my diagnosis tells me that this one will live. But she may never have full use of her left side ever again. And with the loss of an appendage, I’m afraid that she will find vertical crawling difficult if not impossible.”

There were several gasps from the others, while Alice clenched her fist.

“We can’t know for sure until she undergoes some physical therapy. In the meantime, this little one needs some much-needed rest. I will return within a week to see how she is doing.”

“Of course thank you Lifeline,” Sleight Hoof said.

“My pleasure, good day to you all.”

Lifeline then left the room as the servants showed her out of the mansion. Spinner nuzzled up against Charlotte as the Spinnark drifted off to sleep. Alice then sat in a chair as she buried her head in her hands. She then soon felt the presence of her Pokemon gather around her.

“Alice,” Shade said. "Are you alright?"

The Zoroark sighed as she laid back in the chair. “I’m fine, for the most part. It’s Charlotte that I wish was alright.”

“It wasn’t your fault you know,” Rascal stated.

“Rascal is right you shouldn’t blame yourself.”

“Those humans,” said Toichi, the anger in his voice was enough to make him shake. “They really are evil, aren’t they? They want to hurt everyone so they hurt Charlotte like this.”

“You're right kid,” Scep said. “This is exactly the reason why the PLA was created, to destroy evil humans and to make sure they never harm Pokemon ever again. Next time I see those Chaldeans, they’re gonna wish they never came here.”

While Shade and Rascal verbally agreed with Scep, Alice was lost in her own thoughts.

The most important thing to a Fox, was not the success of the heist, but the safety of their teammates. It was the most important rule that her father had drilled into her before passing on the mantel. The lives and safety of their partners mattered more than any statement a heist would make.

But what happened wasn’t a Heist. Alice knowingly went into a situation where she and her teammates would have to get physical, so the risk of someone getting hurt was higher than any normal job. She knew that coming when she told her team what they were going to do. She knew that none of them were gonna come out of that unscathed.

But Charlotte. Of all the Pokemon, Chaldea when out of their way to target and hold hostage one of the most vulnerable and least capable members of her team in terms of fighting power. It was cowardly, and cruel what that servant did to her. Using of teammate, holding a member of her family hostage to get them to back off.

On some level, she understood that given their situation, the servant was only doing what it thought would get them to leave Chaldea alone. That by using an immoral tactic, Anastasia believed she could get them to back off. She understood that.

But that doesn’t mean she would forgive them.

Normally, Alice wasn’t one to hold a grudge. Sure some of the people she put away were monsters and evil people, but none of them had ever done anything bad to her personally. So how could she have experience with this feeling?

The cool, calm, and collected part of her told her that she should not take this personally, that going down this line of thought would not end well. Fox was supposed to be above such resentment.

“I know that you’re not evil, I know you did what you had to do in order to survive. But you hurt a member of my family, and for that, I pray that Arceus finds you before I do.”

Ponyville, Nightime

Twilight and Spike were sound asleep in their beds as Luna’s moon hung high in the sky. The alicorn in particular was out like a light from staying up longer than normal due to the amount of research she was doing. Spike on the other hand was fast asleep on account of him being a baby dragon.

Which for the ones at their doorstep, was a good thing.

Being a highly skilled shinobi, picking the lock to a wooden door was simple for Kato Danzo. Without making a sound, the ninja and her master entered the library as quietly as possible.

“Danzo,” Kirschtaria said. “Go and check to see if anyone is here and if they are asleep.”

“Yes my lord.” The assassin vanished, and a few seconds later reappeared in the exact same spot. “There are two residents here master. A creature the resembles an infant drake and a winged unicorn.”

“A winged unicorn? Hmmm, then this must be the home of the alicorn Princesse that is said to live in this town." But why is she living in a tree and not a castle? "Are they asleep?”

“Sound asleep.”

“Very well then, keep a watch while I look around.”

“As you command.”

Danzo then disappeared into the shadows. Kirschtaria walked to the middle of the floor and set his staff in the center. Once he let go, the mystic code remained upright and began to emit a dim glow that was bright enough for him to begin looking around the selection of books.

“Let’s see what we have here.”

The shelves as Kirschtaria looked through them had a number of books on a variety of subjects. The esteemed mage didn’t know where to begin.

“Perhaps I should have let Akuta come here instead, she’d have the books in the world to hide behind here.”

After a minute of tracing his hand along the covers, Kirschtaria spotted a book with a title he was looking for.

“Ah, here we go.”

He pulled the book from the shelf and read the title on the cover, ‘The History of Equestria’.

“Let’s see what we can learn here.”


Akuta opened the door to the Town Hall and snuck in without much issue. As a Elemental Xian, her presence concealment made her somewhat undetectable, but this ability was weakened in artificially constructed areas like this place.

“What am I even looking for?” Akuta said as she stepped inside. But she immediately had to hide as she heard someone come around the corner.

“Did you hear something?” Said a black, red, and silver armored Pokemon that resembled a knight.

“Nope, I thought I heard you,” The other Pokemon was a bipedal feline creature with gray fur.

“Alright then, carry on.”

As soon as they were gone, Akuta came out of her hiding place and resumed her search. She first came upon the empty hall the was apparently used for town meetings. She then walked around, checking other parts of the building, occasionally avoiding the sentries that were roaming the hall, she counted a total of four Pokemon walking around. Occasionally she would look outside and gaze at the moon. The Earth’s only orbiting celestial body and the conceptual origin for vampiric creatures like her.

“Huh, It’s amazing the I’m still here with them, especially considering…”

Akuta then became lost in her thoughts as she stared at the circle in the sky. For as long as she could remember, she was cursed, hunted, and hated by humans for foolish reasons. And so she cursed and hated them in return, never forgiving and never forgetting. But by the time she joined Chaldea, she had grown tired of it all, being hunted and running out of places to hide. She regretted not venturing to the inner sea of the planet when she had the chance.

Even though Chaldea was a respite for her, she knew what she was going to be used for and that it would be for humanity’s benefit. It made her sick knowing that she would be saving the humans she hated for so long. But she went along with it anyway for the sake of honoring her agreement, and for having a place to hide.

Seven singularities she traveled through, all for the sake of restoring the Human Order Foundation. Until finally the crisis was resolved.

She would never be thanked for it, the humans of the present would never know what she and Team A did for them. If anything the Mage’s Association would have persecuted them for the many rules that they broke, they would have been punished for saving a bunch of ungrateful humans like them.

Just the thought of it made her wonder if they should have just let that Beast do what he wanted to do.

She could have just left at the point, Marisbury was dead and she had fulfilled her end of the contract. With Goredolf coming in to replace the staff, she was free to go back into the world that would have eventually been wiped clean by that alien divinity.

And now here she was again, on another mission to save those miserable, despicable, loathsome humans who would once again never know or thank her for saving them.

She wasn’t doing this for humanity, she would never do this for them.

So why?

Images flashed through her head, of the other members of Team A smiling and laughing together. How sometimes even when they were not looking, she could not help but feel tugs at the edge of her mouth. How eventually she would put down her book and join them in whatever idiotic human activity they were doing.

How her beloved, wished for a world where humans could prosper and live.

Akuta then refocused on what she was doing, pushing such thoughts to the back of her mind.

If she did know the solution to her question, she was avoiding the obvious answer.


"And so, the elder sister took on the responsibility of raising the sun and moon. And harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations ever since."

Kirschtaria was intrigued by what he had read so far. It seemed that this world worked on the ancient belief that the sun and moon were objects that revolved around the planet and were raised every day and night by these alicorn sisters. There was also the mention of a set of powerful magical artifacts known as the Elements of Harmony.

“However, this book mentions that the younger alicorn was banished 1,000 years ago. But everything we have learned says that she is no longer imprisoned in the moon but is now once again a ruler of this land. What changed?”

Kirschtaria flipped through the entire book but it ended before it could cover any recent history.

“What happened to you, Princess Luna?”

Looking back at the beginning of the book, the master reread a passage he saw.

"She transformed into a wicked mare, Nightmare Moon."

Kirschtaria then began to look through the shelves of books again, searching for a title that may relate to the subject of Nightmare Moon.

“Hmmm, what do we have here?”

Kirschtaria pulled another book from the shelf, one that read in the front, 'Mare in the Moon'. The mage opened it and began to read until he came upon a certain line.

"On the longest day of the 1,000th year, the stars shall aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal."

“So, it was the stars aided that aided in her escape…”

Kirschtaria smiled, he felt the magic circuits in his body pulse with energy.

“Hmm, how else do the ponies view the stars of their world?” Putting the book on the table with the other one, Kirschtaria strolled over to the astrology section of the library.


Akuta finally came upon a door that had a sign on it that said, "Mayor’s office".


Akuta turned the nob on the door until it broke, not caring if it made some noise as it did. She walked in and looked around, it did not escape her notice that the air was colder in the office. The room looked like your typical office with a desk, file cabinets, and a coat hanger. The Xian walked up to the desk and read the plaque that was on it.

Mayor Mare.

Akuta rolled her eyes.

“I really hope not every pony in this world has a name that is related to their occupation or is a pun. Cause if that’s the case, then fate has a very unimaginative sense of humor.”

Akuta went around the desk and sat down on the chair, part of her wondering why equine-based lifeforms needed to sit down like humans when a mere pillow would suffice.

She then began opening draws on the desk looking for nothing in particular. Then noticed a file section labeled, "Reports to Canterlot". Akuta then took out a stack of paper and flipped through them until she came across a report that read, "Servant Sightings".

“Huh, so they are keeping track of servants. Hmmm, can it also tell me where the nearest Ley Lines are?”

Akuta read the paper, but unbeknownst to her, the shadows around the room began to come together slowly.


“Oh, Keldeo you are just the sweetest pony I have ever met.”

“Not as sweet as you my dear.”

The couple shared a giggle, the two of them enjoying themselves. Then there was a knock on the door.

“Oh, I wonder who that is?” Rarity said as she got up to answer the door. Upon opening it she was greeted by a small green dragon.

“Hi Rarity!”

“Oh Spike, what are you doing here?”

The dragon noticed the confusion in his crush’s voice.

“Well, I was wondering if you needed any help today Rarity.”

“Oh Spike, that’s very kind of you. But I’m afraid Keldeo has already helped me with everything I need today.”

As she said, this the Colt Pokemon walked up to Rarity and gave Spike a smug look.

“Oh, well, I guess I’ll come back tomorrow to see if you need anything.”

“That won’t be necessary Spike. I don’t think I’ll be needing your help ever again.”

The baby dragon was shocked at Rarity’s words. “B-but, but why?”

“Oh Spike, you don’t think I don’t know that you have a crush on me, did you really think that you actually had a chance? You’re too young and immature for that to ever happen.”

“Yeah,” Kedleo said smirkingly. “Rarity wants to be with someone more on her level. Not a dragon who can’t give her what I can.”

Spike began to mumble as water formed in his eyes. “B-but I h-have known her for years! I have helped her a lot and have done so much for her! Who do you think you are just coming here and taking her from me!?”

“Yeah, well guess what, you snooze you lose pal. In all those years did you ever make a move or try to ask her out? No, and you know why? Because you’re just a little dragon who will never be anything more than a sidekick that does nothing except hide and sleep while the big ponies save the day. Me, I’m a Legendary Pokemon. I can give her what you can’t.”

“I’m sorry Spike,” Rarity said. “If it makes you feel any better, you never had a chance anyway.”

The two ponies laughed as they closed the door in Spike’s face. The dragon fell on his back as the tears he was holding back ran down his cheeks.

“No, no, NOOOOOOO!”

Spike shot up from his bed as he breathed rapidly. Once he calmed down, he reached for his face only to feel something wet on his cheeks.

The images of the nightmare that he just experienced came flooding back to him. The baby dragon wiped the tears off his face as he sat there in silence.

Even though it was just a dream, it still didn’t change the fact the Rarity was dating someone else. That even though he had known her longer than that Pokemon, she still choose to date Keldeo instead of him.

It was not fair. Why did someone have to come along and take away what was rightfully his? He deserved her, he had worked harder and longer in order to win her affections. He got his first kiss(on the cheek) from her. Everything should have gone his way.

“If only he had never come here, if only he had never shown up.”

Spike’s anger then turned towards Arceus. While he never held a grudge against the Pokemon god, he now had a reason to be angry at his hasty decision to bring the Pokemon here.

“If only that stupid god had picked another planet to take his stupid Legendary Pokemon too. If only he never broke out of that priso-... wait, where am I going with this?”

Spike then began to feel shame. He should not be thinking such selfish thoughts. It was unbecoming of him, what would Twilight say if she ever heard him saying such things?

Spike sighed, that nightmare had robbed him of any motivation to get some sleep.

“I’m thirsty.”

The dragon then got out of bed and began to walk to the stairs. It was then that he noticed a light coming from the bottom floor.

Huh, Twilight must be up late again.

Spike walked down the stairs without even looking at where the light was coming from, but as soon as he did, his heart skipped a beat.

Kirschtaria heard a gasp and turned around to see a small purple dragon staring at him.

How the hell did I not hear him walk down the stairs?

Although Spike was not actively involved in the current events as much as his friends, he was still informed well enough to know what a human looked like. And sure enough, he was staring right at one, in their house, reading a book.

Spike didn’t know if he should have screamed or run upstairs to get Twilight. But before he could do anything, he felt something grab him from behind, cover his mouth and hold his arms in place.

Kirschtaria only smiled and made a “shush” gesture. While he was content to just let Kato Danzo keep Spike quite the way he was now, his innate sense of humor thought of a different idea.

"Danzo, find some duct tape and stick him to the wall over here where I can keep an eye on him."

"Yes master."

In no time flat, Spike was soon taped against the wall with only his eyes and nose visible. At this point, Kirschtaria walked over to Twilight’s desk. On it was a few letters and reports as well as a few books. But the open book in the middle was the one that caught his attention.

In it were depictions of various creatures, with descriptions to match. Some names included Groudon, Latias, Zapdos, and Palkia. After reading some lines Kirschtaria realized that the creatures in this book were Pokemon. Flipping the pages to the cover, he read the title of the book.

‘The Equestrian Encyclopedia to the Legendary Pokemon, by Princess Twilight Sparkle’, First Edition.

“Now this, could prove very useful to us. Don’t you think?”

Kirschtaria looked at Spike as he said these words, but got no response.


Akuta looked through the papers on Mayor Mare’s desk as her frustration continued to grow.

“Ugh, there is nothing here that is of usefulness.”

Akuta was about to get up and leave until she picked up the last paper from the pile. On it was something that caught her eye.

“Huh, what’s this?”

It was a detailed map showing the locations of the various Ley Lines all over Equestria.

“Now this could prove useful.”

Then all of a sudden, the temperature dropped down even further. Akuta then felt a shadow loom over her. Turning around, she beheld a pair of red eyes and a wicked large smile.

What happened next she could not recall, only that she was blasted out of the office and into the hallway. The noise of which alerted the other sentries in the building.

Rubbing her head, Akuta got up in time to see her attacker step out of the office.

The creature, or Pokemon as she deduced was a large, purple, round thing with stubby arms and legs.

“What the heck are you?”


Jake the Gengar did not expect anyone to show up tonight. After nearly a year of being a night sentry for Mayor Mare, he did not encounter any midnight thieves looking to break into the Mayor’s office. As such he eventually just started to sleep in the shadows as the nights went by, it was easy money for him basically.

As such, when Akuta broke into the office and started rummaging through the Mayor’s things, he didn’t notice until she had gone through most of the papers on the desk.

Thankfully he had awakened just in time. And despite his slacking nature, he was still a Gengar and a strong one at that.

“Well, well, well, look what we have here.”

Akuta stared down at the Pokemon as his eerie voice reached her ears.

“I knew that humans had somehow returned. But I didn’t think I would catch one sneaking into the Mayor’s office, and unarmed as it would seem.”

“You are mistaken if you think that I am helpless, or that I am human just from looks alone.”

Akuta manifested a single stylized spear in her right hand, one of the few keepsakes from her husband. It was the best that she could do given that she had suppressed her powers for so long. Without a large source of mana, she was at half fighting strength.

Then three other Pokemon sentries from earlier came around from both ends of the hallway and beheld the scene.

“Jake, what is going on here?” Said the Bisharp.

“A human has broken into the Town Hall! Sound the alarm, wake up the Pokemon Rangers!”

The Sword Blade Pokemon and then left.

“You’re in trouble now human. There is no way you are getting out of this by yourself.”

“We’ll see about that.”

Akuta then swung her lance at the ghost-type Pokemon, who met her weapon with a Shadow Claw.


While Kirschtaria had basically just skimmed through the other books he had read in the library, the one he was currently reading now he thought to take his time with.

“Interesting, this book will tell us everything we need to know about these Legendary Pokemon. Hey, do you mind if I check this one out? Judging from the title I can tell that this is an as of yet unpublished first edition. But it would really mean the world to me if I could.”

Spike who still had tape on his mouth could no answer, but the way his muffled voice sounded was as if he was trying to shout “No”.

“Thanks I knew you would be understanding.”

“Master, forgive my lack of understanding,” Kato Danzo began. “But why do you speak with the dragon when he clearly cannot reply?”

“It’s meant to be funny Danzo. Granted it’s a little bit mean since we are breaking into its home and everything. But I try to find humor in whatever I can.”

“Ah I see. I am a novice when it comes to the realm of comedic activities. Such things were not required from a Shinobi like me.”

“It’s fine. Now let’s go and meet up with Akuta. I’m sure she is dying to-”

Kirschtaria was cut off as an alarm rang throughout the entire town, followed by the sound of several dogs barking.

Danzo and Wodime looked out the window to see several houses turn their lights on. As such, this distracted them from the footsteps that could be heard upstairs.

“What is the name of Celestia is going on?” Twilight said as she turned on the lights. This caused both master and servant to look behind them to see a rudely awaken alicorn still rubbing her eyes at the top of the stairs.

“Spike, can you-”

The alicorn stopped mid-sentence as she looked and saw two humans standing in her house.

“W-what is-” Her eyes trailed off and she finally noticed a mass of duck tape covering a small figure that resembled Spike. She also noticed the book about Legendary Pokemon that she was working on was missing from her desk, he eyes trailed back to the duo, and noticed said book in one of their hands.

Twilight’s shock was then immediately replaced by anger. The kind that only a librarian with an overprotectiveness for her reading material could ever have.

“THAT’S. MY. BOOK!” the Princess said as her horn began to glow.

Kirschtaria eyes widened. “Okay, I think it’s best time we leave. Danzo.”

Before Twilight could react a smoke bomb covered the area, the princess used a quick spell to disperse the area, only to find the duo gone and her door open.

“Get back here!”

Twilight bolted out of her house, completely forgetting that Spike was still taped to the wall.


The doors to the Town Hall were thrown open as Akuta landed on her feet. Jake as well as Alex the Bisharp and Steve the Mienshao followed soon after. The later two Pokemon surrounding her on both sides to prevent escape.

Akuta then noticed that some residents were starting to either poke their heads out their windows or come out of their house to see what was the commotion

“This is bad. The more people that show up, the harder it will be to get away.”

She noticed that the Pokemon who had been woken up gasped in shock at the presence of a human in their midst, some of them even giving her looks and becoming aggressive due to the recent news they heard.

It was ironic how others were sneering at her because she looked human.

“Enough of this.”

Akuta jumped on top of a roof and was about to make her way across the various houses in an attempt to escape.

Before out of nowhere something hit her and knocked her to the ground.

The Xian groaned before she sat back up.

“Gah, what the hell was that?”

“That was me bub!”

Akuta then looked up to see a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail flying above her.

“So, you servants thought you could sneak into Ponyville and try to do something could ya? Well, think again!”

“I’m not a servant,” Akuta growled.

“What? Oh, I get it you must be one of those human masters from Chaldea that we’ve heard about.”

Despite her desire to correct this upstart pony about being human, Akuta kept her mouth shut.

“Well, that’s even better. You guys are pretty much Equestria’s most wanted.”

Akuta got up and noticed that her spear was knocked a few feet away.

“So it would seem.”

“Normally I’d say you have a lot of nerve coming into my town bub, but if you surrender right now, then you won’t have to face the awesomeness that is Rainbow Dash!”

Akuta looked at her spear and back at the pegasus.

“No, I don’t think I will.”

Akuta jumped for her weapon, Rainbow Dash seeing this tried to stop her. However, someone else was a bit faster than either of them.

Before she could grab her spear, a Shadow Ball courtesy of Jake knocked it further away. Akuta looked just in time to see the Gengar’s smirking face, and no time to avoid Rainbow Dash who slammed into her and pinned the Chaldean Master to the ground.

“Get, off of me!”

In one of the few instances of using her powers, Akuta created a blade of blood and jammed it into Rainbow Dash’s side.

The Element of Loyalty cried out in pain as she was thrown off her opponent and laid on the ground as red bodily fluid leaked from her wound.

The pegasus looked up to see Akuta telekinetically recall her spear back to her hand. She turned her head back to the Rainbow before she aimed and prepared to throw it.

“Hyper Beam!”

A blast of energy hit Akuta and sent her into a brick building, once the laser subsided, the Xian laid in a pile of rubble.

Rainbow Dash turned her head, expecting to see that the move come from Jake.

Instead, there was only a tired Arcanine and a Ninetales standing by his side.

“Got here just in time,” Kasai said.

It was at this point that Twilight and the rest of her friends arrived on the scene.

*Gasp* “Rainbow Dash! Are you okay!?” Fluttershy immediately flew to the side of her friend, followed shortly by the rest.

“I’m fine, I don’t think it’s too deep.”

“I sure hope not,” Rarity said. “It would be a shame if you found yourself in the hospital again so soon.”

Twilight conjured a towel and applied pressure to Rainbow’s wound. “Rainbow Dash, what happened?”

“I heard the town siren and came to see what was going on. Turn’s out a human had snuck into town.”

Everyone gasped.

“A human? Were they from Chaldea?”

“I think so.”

“What happened to them?”

“Don’t worry Twilight, Kasai took care of them.” Twilight looked up to see Abby standing next to her.

“Oh, good evening Abby. Uh, could you repeat that?”

“The human was about to kill Rainbow Dash, so Kasai blasted them with Hyper Beam into that building.”

Twilight looked to see a giant hole in the wall of the Ponyville General store. After instructing Rainbow Dash to keep pressure on her wound, Twilight carefully walked over to the building and stepped inside.

Using her magic, Twilight removed a few debris and bricks until she revealed an unmoving and unconscious Akuta.

The princess looked over the human before being joined by Abby and Kasai.

“This isn’t the right one.”

“What did you say Twilight?” Kasai asked.

“This is the wrong human.”

“What do you mean?”

“There was another human, or maybe a human and servant. They broke into my house.”

“They did?!” Abby exclaimed.

“Yeah, they stole a book and just ran off.”

“Did you know which book it was?”

“I do, thats what worries me.”

“Did they do anything else?”

“Nothing that I can recall. Except…” Twilight’s eyes widened as she realized who she left tapped to the wall.

“Oh sweet Celestia! Spike!”

Twilight bolted out of the store and made a mad dash for her house.

“Kasai, follow her. Make sure she’s okay.”

“Are you sure?” The Arcanine said. “You good here?”

“I’ll be fine, I’ll make sure she doesn’t go anywhere.”

“Okay then.”

Kasai gave his mate a lick before he went off in pursuit of Twilight, leaving the Ninetales alone with Akuta. The Pokemon Ranger stared at the sleeping form of Akuta with no hint of pity for her.

“We got you now, humans.”


The unconscious bodies of various ponies and Pokemon laid scattered around the area. Some of them were sprawled out on the ground while others were hanging from trees or embedded into their trunks.

But despite the awful scene. No one had been killed.

“I’m surprised you held back,” said a servant with red eyes. “You didn’t strike me as the type who shows mercy.”

“Well, that was just a warm-up si,” the servant with green eyes responded. “If we ever find a master and they command me to go all out, then I shall happily do so.”

“I see. So where do you propose we start looking for a master?”

“....I don’t know. I thought you might be able to help us with that.”

“Hehe, very well, if you insist.”

The red-eyed servant took out a wand and picked up a rock, they then wrote a symbol on it that glowed purple. To those who practiced rune magic, they would have identified the written word as “Berukana”, meaning Birch Goddess. The rock then lifted into the air and then flew away.

“Done, all we have to do now is follow it.”

“Gracias, I hope that we find some worthy partners to throw down with. Ah, the excitement is palpable!”

“Hmmm, so you are a violent one aren’t you.”

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