• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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Pillars of Fantasy

Equestria over 1,000 years ago

Starswirl the Bearded walked down a corridor as his mind went over recent events.

It had not been long since the Pony of Shadows, formally known as Stygian, had attacked him and his companions in their own home. After some struggle, they managed to repel that monster, but not defeat him.

To think that but some time ago, Stygian was once a little unicorn who could do nothing but gather them all together as guardians who would protect the buddying kingdom that was Equestria. As Celestia and Luna were too young to properly defend the realm, he and his fellow Pillars of Equestria were in charge of keeping peace and hope alive.

But now, Stygian was nothing more than a “shadow” of his former self, with no trace of the timid shy pony that he was before. He had fallen into darkness, and so it fell to Starswirl and the other Pillars to snuff out that darkness before he could destroy hope.

If Starswirl had any misgivings about doing this, any sympathy for Stygian out of their former friendship, he pushed it to the side. Now was not the time to focus on what might have been, now it was time to prepare for the future.

The old unicorn opened a set of double doors and entered a room where his fellow pillars sat around a table waiting for him. Everypony acknowledged his presence as he took his seat.

“I gather everypony knows why we are all here.”

The five nodded in understanding.

“The plan that I have proposed will seal away the Pony of Shadows and ensure he will no longer pose a threat to Equestria. I believe everypony here knows the cost this great spell will ask of us as well?”

“Indeed,” said Mage Meadowbrook. “We all know that sealing the Pony of Shadows using Ponhedge will mean sealing ourselves in Limbo as well. But if that is what it means to protect Equestria then so be it. I just fear for what may happen to our home in our absence.”

“That is why we are gathered here today,” Somnambula pointed out. “What we do now will ensure that hope will continue to grow in Equestria even after we are gone.”

“So Starswirl,” Flash Magnus said. “I assume you got the thing you were looking for?”

“Yes, I have it right here.”

Starswril then produced from his cloak a clear crystal that was oval in shape.

“What is it?” Rockhoof asked.

“It is a crystal seed from the Crystal Empire. I was lucky to find it at all, after King Sombra caused the entire kingdom to vanish, I doubt I would have found something like this still around.”

“If it’s a seed, what does it grow into?” Mistmane inquired.

“I’m not entirely sure, that all depends on what we give it.”

“Give it?”

“I will cast a spell that shall allow each of us to infuse this crystal with the aspects that each of us represents as Pillars of Equestria. And once it’s planted, it will grow into something that will bring hope for future generations once we are gone.”

“Well, then are we waiting for!?” Flash Mangus said. “Let’s do this thing!”

“Very well. Everyone hold still and focus on the elements that make you who you are. Beauty. Bravery. Healing. Hope. Strength. And Sorcery.

All five ponies closed their eyes as Starswirl's spell began to take effect. The six of them resonated with the artifacts that symbolized their respective elements. Finally, six beams of magical energy were shot from the ponies and their relics as they filled the seed with their essence.

The seed floated for a moment before it fell back on the table, its once clear shine was replaced with a rainbow glow.

Mage Meadowbrook stared at the crystal. “So, what now?”

“I will take this crystal and plant it in someplace where it can grow without interference.” Starswirl took the crystal in his magical grasp and put it back in his pocket. “Once I return, we shall set off for Ponhegde and do what must be done.”

Everyone watched as Starswirl walked out of the building with the crystal. Heading to a place not far from here. Eventually, the skilled wizard arrived at a small cave. He dug a hole and put the seed in before covering it. Almost immediately the soil around the seed glowed and a small sprout emerged from its place.

Starswirl looked over the crystal plant, it already had 6 different colored gems that he knew represented each of his companions. After gauging the crystal’s rate of growth, he was satisfied to know that it would reach full maturity by the time Celestia and Luna were ready to rule Equestria.

As Starswirl made his way out of the cave and back to his home, his thoughts turned to the other preparations he had made for his eventual disappearance.

Such things included a note telling his alicorn students were to find the seed in the event they needed it. An old journal of his detailing a powerful but incomplete spell. And several of his belongings that would help Celestia and Luna to build up Equestria.

The wizard’s thoughts then turned back to the seed. And how he felt bad not telling his companions the whole truth about it.

What he hadn’t told them was that the seed was more special than they would ever know. It was not in fact from the Crystal Empire, in reality, It was from a land in the far east. Where the people of mystic land practiced a form of magic that even he was not familiar with. It had been created from a magic that would connect it to an empty space, where it would absorb energy from the land itself to power the fruit the seed would bear.

But most importantly of all, he withheld the true purpose of planting said seed.

As a wise and experienced sorcerer, Starswirl was versed in a number of magic spells with mystic arts. One of these rare spells was one that allowed him to see into the future or at least a possible future. Not long after Stygian was corrupted, he used this spell for the first time to see just what evil the Pony of Shadows would unleash should he be allowed to commit his evil deeds.

But something unexpected happened.

Rather than show him a future where the Pony of Shadows unleashed his darkness upon the realm, it instead showed him something from the far far future.

The things he saw, the evils he witnessed, would put the Pony of Shadows to shame.

He saw Equestria and the world itself plunged into a war, unlike anything he had ever imagined. He saw great calamities of fire, curses, and darkness. Of an invader from beyond the stars. Of a terrible insect who would indiscriminately destroy everything if not stopped.

But the thing that would haunt him for the rest of his days, the thing that he dare not share with anyone no matter how much they pried, was a truth. The truth of the world itself and how it came to be.

He had seen the truth of their nameless Goddess and was left speechless.

After what he just saw, Starswirl was surprised he still retained his sanity. In fact, he only still retained it because he used a memory wiping spell to blur out all the details.

In truth, the seed he had just planted was meant to give future generations a means, a chance of fighting these future threats to Equestria and the world. In fact, that seed may be the world’s best and only hope.

Starswirl pushed those heavy thoughts to the side for now. He could not dwell on what had come to pass, only on what he had to do now.

The spell that he would cast to seal away the Pony of Shadows was a sacrificial one, it rip that monster away from this base realm, but it would take Starswirl and his fellow Pillars with it. The place where they would spend the rest of eternity was a place of limbo, an unknowable realm that technically didn’t exist, a void in an imaginary space.

Equestria, Today

The Shadow Border breached the imaginary barrier between the positive and void planes of reality as it resurfaced and anchored itself to the real world once again. After a quick but thorough scan to determine that they were alone, the Border engaged its cloak.

“So, where are we?” Ophelia asked.

“According to the map provided to us by Gilgamesh, we should be near what the Equestrians call the Foal Mountains,” Meuniere stated. “It’s far enough from where we dipped.”

“Okay, so the plan is to meet back up with the other servants and see if we can’t find the Tree of Emptiness,” Kirschtaria said. “If that turns out to be the case, then we take as many servants as we can back to Chaldea.”

“After which we need to come up with a plan on how to approach this Lostbelt in a way that does not end in us being at the wrath and mercy of an omnipotent god,” Goredolf added.

“Let’s make this snappy,” Kadoc said. “I don’t like being here any longer than we have to. I feel like that god could just show up at any moment and we’d never see him coming.”

“I know what you mean,” Ritsuka said. “I honestly am not sure how we’re gonna beat him.”

“Arceus is a terrifying opponent. But if there is one thing I have learned during our travels is that nothing is invincible or unkillable. The answer will provide itself in time. But for now, we must focus on what is possible and what we can do now.”

Kirschtaria turned to Ophelia. “Send Ortlinde to the servant camp since she is the fastest person here. Tell her to ask them about what happened during our little time being incognito. I doubt the heat died down very much, or at all, but an appraisal would tell us if it’s wise to proceed to their location. Otherwise, we might just stay here.”

“Got it.”

Ophelia left the room. Then Kirschtaria turned back to the rest of the group.

“In the meantime, let’s discuss how we are going to find the Tree. I don’t like the idea of waiting around for it to just appear. Worst-case scenario, it appears far away and by the time we get there, the Equestrians and Pokemon will be waiting for us. I’d rather try and find it now so we can quickly destroy it before anyone shows up.”

“You’re forgetting Kirschtaria,” Da Vinci said. “If the tree is here, then in all likelihood they already know where it is and have it heavily guarded.”

“Actually that may not be the case.”

Da Vinci raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“It’s just a theory, but one I have a good hunch on. Ask yourselves, why can we not see the Tree? Why would the locals go so far as to hide it?”

“Perhaps as a safety percussion,” Meuniere suggested. “Or perhaps it is not in this country and is somewhere else. Remember that this Lostbelt covers a good portion of the planet. The Tree could just simply not be in Equestria.”

“That’s possible, and yet, what is it that we have noticed about the locations of the last two Trees of Emptiness?”


“The Russian Tree was near Moscow, only a walking distance from Ivan’s palace. The Scandinavian Tree Sombrero was just north of Queen Skadi’s palace. Are you following me?”

“Oh!” Da Vinci exclaimed. “Both Trees were near where the seat of power for the Lostbelt King was.”

“Exactly. I imagine if one has been chosen as the Lostbelt King. You’d want your tree planted near where you live so you can quickly come to its defense. So the tree might be somewhere near where the Lostbelt King’s crib is. Now let’s recall what we know, according to Gilgamesh, the Lostbelt King is actively preventing the tree from growing any further for reasons unknown. We can rule out Arceus since for one, his recent arrival means he cannot be the Lostbelt King unless he managed to usurp them in the short amount of time he has been here, not impossible but unlikely. Secondly, I do not think someone like him would have any good reason to prevent the tree from spreading since it would be the quickest way to fully subvert Proper Human History. He has from what Kadoc told us no love for humanity so he wouldn’t be stopping out of concern for us.”

“So if he is not the King, what other candidates are there?” said Meuniere.

“Perhaps it’s one of the Princesses who rule this country,” Akuta said, recalling her encounter with the alicorns while she was captured by them.

“Okay then, Akuta which one of them seemed more powerful to you?” Kirschtaria asked.

“From my guess, I’d say it’s the tallest one. The white alicorn called Princess Celestia.”

“Describe her to us.”

“She was nice in my opinion to a fault. She was like a mother who forgave you and wanted to make nice to everyone she met. She even asked me if Chaldea could form a truce with her.”

“She wanted to form an alliance with us?!” Kadoc exclaimed. “To what end?”

“Perhaps she thinks she might learn certain things for us that would benefit her and her Lostbelt in fighting the other ones.”

“You may have a point. According to her, Equestria has barely ever known true war. It has been mostly a place of tree-hugging ponies who never had to spill blood in a nation vs nation conflict. If I’m being honest, Celestia is a ruler who excels at leading a peaceful nation. But when it comes to war and conflict, she would be trampled by enemies who knew no mercy. I’m not saying she is a pushover or lacks conviction. But compared to how humanity has fought their stupid wars, she would not last very long in one of them.”

“That is very informative, but the question remains, do you think she is the Lostbelt King?” Kirschtaria said.

“...No I don’t think so, she did not display the same authority that Ivan and Skadi did. I didn’t get the same feeling from the other two Princesses who were with her. And if she was the Lostbelt King, I’m sure she would have mentioned it in our conversation.”

“So if it’s not Celestia or Arceus,” Da Vinci said. “Then that means there must be another powerful entity we have yet to see.”

Ophelia then came back into the room.

“Done. Ortlinde is on her way to the other servants.”

“Good work Ophelia,” Goredilf said.

Mash who had something on her mind then spoke up. “Hey! You know who might know? The Crypter who oversees this Lostbelt.”

“That’s right!” Da Vinci said. “We have yet to learn who is the Crypter of this Lostbelt. Although...”

“Although what?” said Kirschtaria.

“Nothing, never mind.”

“Okay, so while we wait for Ortlinde to come back, let’s all try and figure out where the Tree of Emptiness might be. While we might not have much info to go off of, it might help if only a bit.”

Canterlot Castle

Celestia and Luna once again stood in front of the mirror that allowed them to communicate with the goddess Harmony. One sister was determined to again glean some answers from their maker, while the other was not so sure.

“Sister, how do you know Harmony will tell you where it is this time?”

“...I don’t Luna but I have to try. While I understand her concerns, Harmony should tell us where the tree is. If we cannot be there to defend it then we would be too late to save our world.”

Luna conceded, seeing that her sister had made up her mind.

Celestia then lit her horn as the mirror once again shimmered with magic, moments later, the image of the goddess appeared on its surface.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, to whom do I owe this pleasure?”

“Lady Harmony, I know you mean well, and that you have our best interests at heart.” Celestia looked at Luna with pleading eyes before turning back to Harmony. “But I ask you again, please tell us where the Tree of Emptiness is.”

“....I see.”

“Harmony, please tell us.”

“I can’t.”

“Harmony, I understand that you fear what Arceus or someone worse than him might do. But if Chaldea or someone else finds it before we do, then it may be too late to save it.”

“Celestia, my child. I wish I could tell you, but I can’t.”


“Because…” For a few moments, Harmony looked almost sad. As if she felt ashamed of what she was about to say next. “Honesty is one of the Elements of Harmony, correct? One of the things that embodies the meaning of friendship. Being honest with yourself and others.”

Harmony then steeled herself as she gazed upon her creations.

“But there are some truths in this world that are best kept hidden if not known to only a few. I mean the kind of truths that would make you question everything, that would make you realize that everything you know is a lie.”

Celestia and Luna almost looked concerned themselves, to think they would see the one who made their world look so frightened. To think that she knew something that was apparently world-shattering in terms of revelations.

“To be honest I’m stalling for time. Whether I want to or not, the Tree of Emptiness will reveal itself in time. And once that happens it will inevitably set off a chain of events that will leave the truth of this world laid bare for all to see.”

Harmony took a deep sigh.

“That being said, while I cannot tell you where the tree is, I can show you what a Tree of Emptiness looks like. That way you can recognize it once it shows itself.”

And with that, the mirror shimmered once again, and Harmony was gone. The alicorns then noticed a scroll at the foot of the mirror.

Celestia levitated the paper up to her face. Luna slid close to her to get a better look.

Then the elder sister unraveled the scroll and gazed upon the picture that was inside.

Hall of Legends


The shadowy dragon of antimatter stopped in his tracks as he heard someone call his name, he then turned around as he saw Arceus approach him.

“I am at your beck and call father.”

“Drop the formalities, we are family after all.”

“And yet there are still so many who do not respect you and do not appreciate what you have done and sacrificed for them. I hope that my formalities might make up for their lack of gratitude.”

Arceus chuckled. “As always, you are one of my most loyal and supportive sons Giratina. I just wished I could have done something to make sure you got the respect you deserve.”

Giratina winced as he knew what his father was referring to.

“While the terrible lies and myths spread by the humans does indeed make me resentful, it is not your fault father. And it doesn't matter anymore, those lies about me being the rebellious son were left back in our old home. Here I have a chance to start anew, and show the people of this world just who I really am.”

“Well, you’re in luck then. I want to delegate a task to you that will help make you more respected in the eyes of Equus and the Pokemon.”

“Whatever it is you require father, I shall do.”

“Well you may not know this, but after that battle yesterday, I was in fact left severely drained of my power.”

“What, how can this be!? Are you alright?”

“I am fine, my son. As for your former question, you can thank the god who was summoned as a servant for reducing me to this state.”

“Accursed servants.”

“Which brings me to now. I intend to recharge as the kids say these days and to do that I’ll need a full day’s worth of hypersleep. During which I will be can’t be woken up for the entire duration, so while I am indisposed, I will need someone to be in charge of the Council for the time being.”

“So, you’re asking me?”

“I have been giving this some thought. It was between you, Mew, and Rayquaza. Mew although she is bright, I feel she would not excel in a leadership role.”

“I’d say she’s more of a mascot,” Giratina snickered.

“Now now, don’t be mean towards your sister. Anyway, Rayquaza was the most proactive during my imprisonment, and the other legendaries trust and like him more than most, so I was considering him. However, when I thought of you, l remember you have little experience leading despite being my oldest son.”


“Giratina, while we may be immortal, there are still things for us to learn and grow from. This entire situation has brought to light several things I never considered or would have to account for. I thought it was going to be peaceful sailing from now on. But even for a god, it seems life will always throw you a curveball. So in the event that I may become incapacitated again, I want there to be someone I can count on to lead in my place, to make the best decisions in the heat of the moment.”

“So again, why me?”

“Because I trust you Giratina, I trust you the most to follow in my example and do what I would do. That is why I am asking you to lead in my place.”

“....Well, if it’s something father wants, who am I to refuse such a simple request.”

Arceus metaphorically smiled. “Thank you, my son. I will make sure you are rewarded for this.”

Behind his mask, Giratina smiled. “Alright father, have a good night’s rest.”

“I will, but before that, I shall make an announcement to everyone about this so they know what’s going on. Meet me in the foyer in a few moments.”

Once Arceus was gone, and Giratina was sure that he was alone, he by way of his hidden ability Telepathy contacted Mewtwo.

“Mewtwo, it’s me. Father is about to make an announcement, after he does, gather everyone and meet me in my room. We are about to have an opportunity.”


Koyansaka walked up to the wounded Aggron as the Pokemon attempted to call out for help. An armor-penetrating bullet from the secretary had nailed it in the leg leaving it limping and unable to run.

“My my you’re a big one.”

The Aggron turned its head and used the last of its strength to fire a Flash Cannon at its attacker. The foxy servant just sidestepped it and continued walking towards her prey.

“Hmmm, you’re not big enough or powerful enough to become one of my tails. I kinda wish I could get my claws on one of those Legendaries you and your kind worship. Now that would be a great investment!”

She knelt down next to the Steel Pokemon, her smug smile making the Aggron only more angry and causing it to let out a roar of defiance.

“But for now, I think you will make a great asset to NFF. So congratulations, you’re hired!”

The Pokemon seemed confused for a second then Koyansaka pulled a talisman from her bosom and let it fall on the Iron Armor Pokemon. Then in a flash, the Pokemon was gone, spirited away to where she kept all the other creatures and Phantasmal species she had procured from the other two Lostbelts.

“Heh, coming back here is always a mixed bag for me. On one hand, you have all sorts of monsters and things a lady can add to her collection of assets. On the other hand, this place is so disgustingly peaceful I could just puke. What I wouldn’t give to go all out make the people of this Lostbelt suffer. Sure those fires may have satisfied my taste for sadism for now, but one always becomes hungry again eventually.”

She turned her head in the direction of a little town. One that was so friendly and brimming with happiness she wished she could just drop a nuke on it. But then Koyansaka reminded herself why she was here in the first place. After all, she had a contract to fulfill, and unlike humans and other species, she always kept her word.

“Besides, if all goes well, there will be more suffering to come.” The founder of NFF licked her lips in anticipation of the chaos that was about to unfold.


Twilight was flipping through the pages of the Earth Conceptual Compendium. While she normally could read through an entire book as big as the one she was holding in a day, certain things had prevented that from happening.

First of all, the number of pages in said book was more than they appeared. Given that it was the complete and total common history of Earth, if the amount of material reflected the number of pages one would need to make such a collection. Said book would realistically be able to fill up an entire bookshelf or be split into different volumes for easier consumption.

Secondly, given all the things that had been happening recently, Twilight had little time to sit down and actually do more reading. Not to mention that she couldn’t properly concentrate with other things on her mind distracting her.

Said distraction was brought to the forefront of her mind when she flipped a page in the Norse Mythology chapter of the book and was shown a picture of what was called, “Yggdrasil” or the World Tree. A cosmic structure that supported the 9 realms of that mythological system.

It was hard not to think about a similar tree that sustained her own world.

“The Tree of Emptiness,” She whispered.

It was still almost unbelievable to think that her entire world was dependent on a mere plant growing. Then again Equestria was kept safe for 1,000 years thanks to the Tree of Harmony and the fruit it produced known as the Elements of Harmony.

Even so, the amount of energy required to keep an entire world, no, an entire timeline alive must be unfathomable. Being the inquisitive learner she was, Twilight was burning with questions. How big was this tree? What did it look like? Where did it come from? And most importantly, where was it now?

The question of where it came from was almost as important as where it is. According to the Goddess Harmony, the Tree was planted on this world by an alien god. While the existence of a god from beyond the stars didn’t surprise her, given that someone like Arceus existed, the currently unknown identity of said god concerned her.

It did not escape her notice that as soon as Harmony mentioned said god during the first time she met her, she stopped talking about her just as fast. Almost as if she didn’t want to discuss the subject.

Considering that they basically owed their lives to this mysterious deity, it would have helped to know who they were or what they wanted from us. Twilight can’t imagine that this divine entity just restored their timeline out of the goodness of their heart, they had to have had some other motive.

What exactly was the Tree of Emptiness, who was this alien god, and what did they really want? These questions only kept nagging her to the point where she couldn’t concentrate on her book.

Twilight decided to close the compendium and decided to walk outside to clear her mind.

“Spike, I’m going out, you want me to come with me to get something to eat?”

The baby dragon who was currently reading his comic books just said.

“Get me some cupcakes from Sugar Cube Corner, and make sure they’re velvet flavored!”

Twilight rolled her eyes as Spike was too apparently too lazy to get up and come with her. She just brushed it off and decided to honor his request anyway for all his hard work. Once outside her house, she began to make her way to the bakery, hoping that nothing would distract her on the way there.


Lucario sat on a bench as Celestia’s Sun beamed overhead on what was a beautiful morning. Ponies were outside laughing and going about their day. Little foals played with each other nearby with other small Pokemon. The Aura Pokemon then turned his head and saw two ponies walk out of the Ponyville General store. He recognized them as Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and sleeping on the back of the latter were their two infants sound asleep. Lucario watched as the two parents nuzzled each other affectionately as they began to walk back to their shop.

Seeing that caused Lucario to turn his head away in sadness, feelings of what could have been were brought up as he was reminded of Korrina.

His sadness was soon replaced by anger and resentment as he thought about her killers and how they had yet to be brought to justice.

He was so close to, the ones who arranged her murder had been saved by something unexplainable, and now they were nowhere to be found.

He did not blame Arceus for failing however, no, his blame was reserved for the ones they calle-.


The jackal-looking Pokemon snapped out of her daze and looked to his side to see a certain lavender alicorn looking back at him with a sudden face, as if she didn’t expect to find him here.

“Princess Twilight.”

Twilight was about to say something when Lucario got up and began to walk away.

“Lucario, wait!”

The Pokemon instinctively stopped in his track as Twilight walked up beside him.

“Hey Lucario, can we talk?”

“About what?” He knew what she wanted to discuss with him, but he was not in the mood.

“Hey look, I’m sorry about what happened yesterday. But can we just clear the air? I understand that you are upset, but you are still my friend, just like Korrina was mine.”

Lucario clenched his paw.

“Tell me Princess Twilight. Have you ever had to watch someone you loved die right in front of you?”

Twilight did not say anything, for she knew the answer to that question.

“Have you ever had to deal with thoughts of revenge? Did you ever want to dole out justice in a way that you think would fit for the crime? Having to be frustrated when those whom you trust to do important things decide not to do them because of some agenda?!”

“Lucario, I know you are upset.”

“You can’t possibly understand, do you!? You and your friends never had to suffer like I did, you don’t know what it’s like to see someone die in your arms. She doesn’t deserve this Princess! Her death should not be allowed to go unanswered! You say that Korrina was your friend, then why are you sitting here doing nothing while her murders are still at large. I think I know why, it’s that you don’t care!”

Lucario’s voice raised with each sentence, enough to where other ponies around them were starting to hear.

“Lucario please listen to me!”

“You never cared about her problems. When she was upset about being robbed of her human body, you assured me your Princess Celestia would help her convince Arceus to make her human again. But that never happened, in fact, I’d go as far as to say that you cared more about our other friends than her!”

Twilight raised her eyebrow at the implication. “What do you mean by that?”

“I’m just saying, you seemed to care more about Gene and Belle’s problems than hers. You and your friends did everything in their power to make their dream come true. But after that did you ever try and help her with anything!?”

Twilight wanted to retort that Lucario seemed perfectly fine with Korrina remaining a Pokemon given how better it would be for his interests in the long run. But she bit her tongue and said something else.

“Look I’m sorry for Korrina and every former human who didn’t or does not want to be a Pokemon. But their issue is beyond our ability to help with. There was no convincing Arceus to change his mind about taking her home let alone giving her back her human body. And if she was alive right now I’d say it would be even more difficult to change his mind given what’s going on. Gene and Belle were people we could help within our means, they were friends with a problem we could solve. I’m sorry Korrina died without getting to be human again but that is not our fault.”

“Maybe, but you know what is your fault? The fact that Chaldea got away if it weren’t for you and you Celestia those monsters would have been brought to justice!”

“Chaldea didn’t kill Korrina!”

Lucario blinked. “What?”

Twilight looked around and saw that their argument had gathered a crowd. Ponies and Pokemon leaning in on what they were talking about.

Seeing the opportunity, Twilight activated her Canterlot Royal Voice and flew just above the crowd.

“Attention everyone! I have some misinformation that I would like to clear up. The attack on Equestria during the Summer Sun Celebration was not due to the actions of the human group known as the Chaldea Security Organization. I repeat, Chaldea was not responsible for the fires and lives lost on that day.”

Some ponies and Pokemon were giving her confused looks, to which she continued.

“I understand this may be confusing to some of you, but I assure you Princess Celestia and Luna are currently trying to investigate who is really responsible for that horrible attack. We will find the true culprit and bring them to justice. This does not mean however that Chaldea is not our enemy, they are still most wanted and should not be approached. Remember, if you have any sighting of a servant or human, report them to the local guard and we will handle it.”

That last part seemed to satisfy some people, particularly the Pokemon who had little love for humans.

“No, please go back to your business. I can't answer any questions you may have right now. Just trust us that we will resolve this situation as best as we can.”

And with one last stern look, the crowd dispersed. Some were not exactly satisfied with the explanation they were given but decided not to push the issue any further.

Once Twilight and Lucario were alone again, the Pokemon looked like he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the right words. And with that, he just walked away. Twilight let out a sigh of relief.

“I would be a happy mare if nothing more eventful happens today.”

Twilight then realized she probably jinxed herself by saying that. After all, the day was still young, and there were plenty of things that could go wrong in that amount of time.

Shadow Border

“Ortlinde’s back!”

Ophelia announced this just as she sensed her servant’s presence nearby. Not a moment later, the Valkyrie manifested herself in the room.

“Servant Ortlinde reporting master.”

Everyone gathered around before Goredolf spoke.

“Well servant, what do you have to report?”

“I have intel from Caster Gilgamesh. It relates to what happened while we were in the imaginary space, as well as something else we should know. First of all, there does not appear to be an increase in activity regarding the hunting of servants. It appears that the Legendary Pokemon have retreated into their temple complex for the time being.”

“Hmmm, if I remember correctly that temple is located in what they call the Everfree Forest correct?” Kirschtaria said.

“Correct, said forest is near where the servant camp is located. The Assassins report no movement or mobilization of forces from the capital city. So it seems the people there are not aware of where either the servants or Chaldea are located, we remain safe for now.”

“Okay, so it seems the Equestrians and Arceus really lost track of us. Thank god for Zero Sailing, that’s saved our lives twice now.”

“Agreed Ms. Da Vinci,” Holmes said. “Although given the risk of Zero Sailing, it is not something that should be performed often. Although that’s a conversation for another time. Lady Ortlinde, was there anything else that was told to you?”

“Yes, and this is the most important one. Head straight to the Everfree Forest.”

“What? Why?” Kadoc said. “That’s where the angry god is holed up. We should be heading in the opposite direction. Unless you’re about to tell us the Tree of Emptiness is there, I see no reason to go.”

“Gilgamesh didn’t say that the Tree of Emptiness is there, but he did say there is someone in that area who knows where it is.”

“Is it the Crypter of this Lostbelt?” Goredolf asked.

“No, it is an apostle of the Alien God, the one you know as Koyanskaya.”

Back at the Hall of Legends

“So I am just going to cut to the chase. Simply put, for the next 24 hours I will enter into a state most of you know as hypersleep, this will allow me to replenish the energy I had lost and expended during yesterday’s battle.”

This came as a surprise to some of the Legendaries, Arceus didn’t require sleep to rest himself unless he was seriously weak.

“During that entire time, I will be unreachable and unwakeable. I understand some of you may be concerned that something might happen during my absence, but rest assured I have every faith you will be able to handle yourselves. Still, I have decided to put someone in charge of the council while I am asleep. Giratina, come forth.”

Everyone watched as the Renegade Pokemon walked up to his father’s side.

“I trust Giratina to be able to handle any internal and external affairs while I am away. I ask that you put your faith in him as you would me. Any questions?”

Several members looked like they wanted to say something, but didn’t out of respect for Arceus or fear they may get on the Distortion World ruler’s bad side.

“Alright then, before I go I have one other announcement. I have come up with what we might call a new...gimmick that will help us in the fight against Chaldea and the future Lostbelt conflicts. I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but let’s just say that this thing will be able to be used by every Pokemon, unlike Mega Evolution.”

Most of the council nodded in excitement over this, with some already speculating just what Arceus was planning.

“Alright then, if there is nothing else, I bid you all goodnight as they say.”

Arceus then disappeared in a flash of light, after which the Pokemon began to clear the room. Some formed groups as they left, discussing different things as they walked.

“You know I kinda wish Arceus would let us collectively decide who should temporarily lead the council in his place. Like how an actual council would do,” said Zekrom.

“Yeah, it feels like we are just a council only in name. The only one who has the final say in anything is grandfather. And the only ones whose opinion he ever listens to are the eldest children or major Legendaries,” Suicune pointed out.

“Not much we can do about it,” Groudon said. “Although if I had to pick who would be in charge while the old man is asleep it would be Rayquaza, and that’s not just because he is the leader of my trio.”

“So what now? With Giratina in charge, he is bound to do something that would be unfavorable to us.”

Zekrom only needed a moment to think. “Find Virizion and tell her to gather the others, we need to talk.”

Suicune nodded as she split off from the other two and was about to run down another hallway when she felt a chill up her spine. She looked around and saw nothing. The Aurora Pokemon just shrugged and ran off to find Virizion, never noticing the shadows move in the opposite direction.

Giratina’s room

It had just been a minute after Arceus announced that he was going into hypersleep. But already Giratina and Mewtwo had gathered their like-minded Legendaries. Once everyone had quite down, the ghostly dragon spoke

“Alright, everyone. As you all know, Arceus has made me the temporary head of the Legendary Council, with all the authority that comes with it. For the next 23 hours, 57 minutes, and 29 seconds, I decide what every Legendary does and how they do it.”

“Okay,” Zygarde said. “So what do you propose we do?”

“Well first of all I want as many Legendaries as possible to be sent around the globe to potential hiding places to look for Chaldea. This will be mandatory for several of you as well as volunteers, I will have Palkia send people where they need to go via special gates.”

“Okay, so who’s going where?” Yveltal asked.

“I will be sending the Forces of Nature and the Legendary Beasts to Zebrica. They should be able to search the entire continent in the time before father wakes up. Zygarde, you Shaymin, and Swords of Justice will be sent to the Stag Empire. I’ll have Mewtwo, Reshiram, Zekrom, and Lugia sent to the Minotaur nation. Groudon, Rayquaza, and the Regi family will be sent to the Griffin Empire. And finally, Victini, Jirachi, and Hoopa will be sent to Saddle Arabia while Ho-oh and Genesect go to the Changeling jungles. The rest will remain in Equestria and do our searching here.”

“That just leaves less than 20 Legendaries to protect the temple,” Latios said. “What if we are attacked while most of us are away? Even with the divine protection of this Hall, we know for a fact gods can be servants, which means they could enter as they see fit.”

“I have already rescinded the rule where immortals or divine beings can enter the Hall. Now only those whom I allow to enter can come in. And even if they were somehow able to bypass the defenses. It would just be a simple thing to call back the other Legendaries with Palkia or Hoopa’s portals. Does that relieve your concerns, Latios?”

“Yes, I suppose it does.”

“Very well, now onto our next topic: where everyone stands.”


“Suffice it to say, it is not unlikely that not every Legendary Pokemon agrees with our goals at the moment.”

“Indeed,” Mewtwo continued. “I make it a personal rule of mine not to read the minds of my fellow Legendaries. You are my family and Arceus made it clear that I should trust my fellow Pokemon. That being said, when it comes to empathetic feelings that is something everyone radiates. I sense those things whenever I am near people. So while I don’t consider it mindreading, I will admit that I picked up certain feelings that several Legendaries had about father and his intentions.”

“Mewtwo, where are you going with this?”

The Genetic Pokemon casually locked eyes with Latios. “What I and Girtiana are trying to say is. I think we should find out just what everyone’s opinions and thoughts are concerning how to best resolve this situation. We must know who shares our beliefs, who is neutral on the matter...and who disagrees with us.”

“So in layman’s terms, you want us to find out who is more sympathetic to the humans, and who are all for their extinction.”

Mewtwo made no reaction to that comment.

“Personally I believe that every Legendary Pokemon has the best interest when it comes to the continuity of our species, and the will of Lord Arceus. I just wish to remind those who have second thoughts, or Arceus forbid, not his best interests. A simple talk is all I’m suggesting.”

“And you’re not worried about how this might affect relationships with our fellow Legendaries?”

“Well if you ask me,” Zygarde said. “If they are not with us fully, then there is the chance they might do something that impedes us in the future. And we can’t have that now, can we? Besides it's not as if some of us already don't get along.”

“They’re our family! I don’t want to have to fight them if it comes down to that.”

“And it won't be Latios I can assure you,” Giratina said. “But I believe it’s for the best if we quash any doubts the others may have now before it becomes more than doubts. Many of the others still have some love left for humanity, as idiotic as it may be. We have to remind them what needs to be done, no matter what feelings they may have.”

“...*sigh* You’re serious about this aren’t you?”

“We are.”

“And how do you propose we start sorting out the ones with doubt in their hearts? As Mewtwo said, he isn’t gonna read their minds.”

“You’re right. But they say that if you follow a Durant to his nest, then it will lead you to the others. So we don’t need to find them all one at a time, just find one Legendary and have them lead us to the rest.”

“And I assume you already found a Legendary who is sympathetic to humanity?”

“Indeed. Darkrai, you can come out now.”

The shadows converged into one spot as the Pitch Black Pokemon rose from the floor.

“I was wondering when you were gonna let me come out.”

“I had Darkrai here trail a group of Legendaries after father went to sleep. Admittedly, he wasn’t too keen on the idea of spying but I eventually convinced him.”

“I’m only doing this so that I, Cresselia, and our children can have a future. I don’t care if humanity lives or dies, but if the Chaldeans win, we lose our future and I can’t let that happen. Not after our lives together have only just begun.”

“I wholeheartedly agree with you Darkrai, you deserve to be happy. Now, what did you find?”

“I heard Groudon, Zerkrom, and Suicune talk about meeting up with some others after the meeting. Along with some words that suggest they don’t trust you Giratina.

Reshiram and Kyogre snorted. Both of them were not at all surprised that their counterparts were supposedly on the opposite side of the political spectrum. Giratina on the other hand was slightly irritated that others were talking behind his back.

“They'll see, once this is all over and we have won, they’ll be reminded who is in the right here.”

“Alright, then it’s obvious what we should do next.”

It didn’t take much consideration before it was decided that Chaldea was to travel to the Everfree Forest in search of Koyanskaya. Or rather, as soon as Director Goredolf heard that name, he immediately gave the order to pursue and capture before getting in the driver’s seat himself and hitting the gas before anyone had a chance to put on their seat belts.

In about 2 hours they arrived back at the cave where all the other servants were holed up. Once inside Kirschtaria, and Ritsuka made their way to Gilgamesh who was still in his workshop.

“You’re late,” said the King of Heroes who didn’t bother to look up from his tablet.

“Sorry we stopped to get lunch,” Kirschtaria said jokingly.

“Good, cause you’ll need all the energy you can get for what will come next.”

“I assume this has something to do with Koyanskaya?” assumed Rituska.

“Yes, that servant has been stalking around the same place all day. I had the shapeshifting assassin trail her and she hasn’t moved from her spot.”

“Is that so?”

“It’s almost like she is waiting for someone.”

“And it’s not hard to guess who.”

“Your assumption is correct mongrel. She has been waiting for you this whole time, she has set a trap and is waiting for you to take the bait.”

“And let me guess, that bait is the Tree of Emptiness?” Ritsuka said

“Most likely, or perhaps it is a trick,” Kirschtaria pointed out. “I doubt Koyanskaya would risk revealing the location of the tree if when she knows we already cut down two.”

“Fools, the trees you cut down were ones that were weakened, not to mention they were still in their infant stages. I assure you, the tree of this Lostbelt has had time to grow. Plus the way it was planted was different from the rest, this tree is not like the others you have and will face.”

“How so?”

“I cannot say, all I know is that despite its mutation it’s still able to be cut down. A sufficient number of servants should be enough to dispose of it quickly. So when you go after the vixen, take as many servants as you need. You will need as many as you can to kill her and cut down the tree.”

“Wait, your message from Ortlinde told us that Koyanskaya was in the Everfree Forest,” Ritsuka pointed out. “If that’s true then we would be dangerously close to the temple where the Legendary Pokemon live. And no doubt if fighting breaks out they will hear it and come to us.”

“All the more reason you should take as many servants with you as possible. Once they know you’re here, they can fight them while the rest focus on the tree itself.”

Both masters looked at each other, a certain worry adorning their faces. They had faced many impossible odds before, from Tiamat to Goetia. Even though things seem hopeless, they found a way to win in the end.

And yet, neither of them was thrilled at the possibility of facing off against Arceus again. Especially after that display of power he made. He could just blink and they would be gone if he got the chance, or worse he would read their minds and possibly find a way to reach the Wandering Sea.

And yet…

“I don’t like the odds,” Ritsuka said. “But if there is a chance, even a small one we have to take it, no matter the cost.”

Kirschtaria looked at his fellow master before he too found his resolve.

“Alright, we’ll do it.”

Gilgamesh smiled before laughing. “Very good mongrels. As a reward, for your display of reckless bravery, I shall tell you one detail of the battle that I foresaw.”


“If you are worried that Arceus will be there, how do you say? Curbstomp you? Then don’t, that god for whatever reason will not interfere with your fight, I can assure you.”

Kirschtaria and Ritsuka deadpanned.

“You know, you could have told us that sooner.”

Back in Ponyville

Twilight entered her house with a bag of cupcakes as she called out for assistant.

“Spike I’m back, I got the cupcakes you wanted.”

Spike ran down the stairs and up to Twilight as he started salivating.

“Alright! Did you get the ones with crystal sprinkles?”

“Did you ask for them?”

Spike’s face dropped as he recalled that he did not ask for them.

“Well you’re in luck I asked Pinkie to make them with crystal sprinkles just for you.”

Twilight levitated the bag of sweets to Spike’s hands.

“Wow, I can’t wait to dig my claws into...oh, wait a second.” *belch* A sealed scroll came out of Spike’s mouth as it landed in front of Twilight.

“A letter from the Princess?” Twilight set the cupcakes on the ground as she read the contents of the letter.”

“My dearest student Twilight Sparkle, I send you this letter with an enclosed picture on the opposite side. Said picture contains a drawing of what the Tree of Emptiness looks like, I am tasking you and your friends with looking for it. Find it, if you can. And once you do, tell no one but me or Luna. I am sorry to ask this of you on such short notice. But it is imperative that we find the tree before Chaldea does. I am counting on you my little pony, I know you won't fail me.”

Twilight gasped halfway through the letter. And indeed there was another paper rolled up with the scroll. Although a bit hesitant at first, the alicorn separated the papers and beheld the picture.

What she saw was something that looked like a tree, but didn’t resemble any tree she had ever seen, which was saying something. Its outer bark was white and brittle, but as one got to the top half is where it really started to look as alien as its origin.

The branches were blooming more like a flower than just growing out from the trunk of the tree, almost like it was unraveling itself. The inside of the tree was also notable in that it looked like the night starry sky.

“Huh, so this is what a Tree of Emptiness looks like. Although I can’t tell from this drawing if it’s the size of a normal tree or if it’s meant to be bigger. Then again, if it was huge we would have noticed it by now. So assuming it’s regular size, it could be anywhere in Equestria.”

Twilight rolled up the picture and letter and put them in her bag. After a moment of thought, she grabbed a book that contained the most detailed and complete map of Equestria and put it in her bag as well.

“Might as well start somewhere.”

And with that, Twilight walked back outside. Leaving Spike alone to finish eating his velvet flavored confection.

Suicune walked towards Virizion’s room as certain thoughts ran through her mind.

“Just how are we supposed to proceed from here? According to Lord Arceus, Celestia is open to an alliance with the Chaldeans, but I don’t think for a second that he likes it. If anything father will be waiting or hoping for Celestia to fail so that he can do things his way.”

Suicune was approaching the corner that led to the hallway that contained the rooms of several Legendaries, Virizion included.

“Well, let's just hope we can come up with-”

Once again the Pokemon felt a shiver up her spine. This time she didn’t brush it off as a cold breeze, she came to the conclusion someone was following her.

She turned around and looked for anyone who may be hiding.

“Who's there?”

No response.

Narrowing her eyes, Suicune turned her head back around and was face to face with Mewtwo.

“GAH! Mewtwo! Don’t sneak up on people like that!”

“My apologies Lady Suicune. I did not mean to alarm you.”

“Well, you did jerk. Now, what do you want?”

“I am here on behalf of Lord Giratina, he wishes to speak with you.”

“Can’t it wait? I have to be somewhere.”

“Okay then, I’ll just wait right here when you’re done.”

“Fine whateve-,” Suicune then paused as the gears in her head began to turn.

It was not a secret that Mewtwo had just as much if not less love for humans than Arceus. Not to mention she knew that he and Giratina were secretly meeting with other Legendaries to talk about who knows what.

And now, here he was, standing here, saying he’ll wait for her. He would be able to look as she went into Virizion’s room. And once he saw that she didn’t come back out, but rather used the connected room doors to slip away unnoticed, it would make him suspicious.

“Matter of fact, why is he going to stay here in the first place? Doesn’t he know I can just go find Giratina myself?”

The train of thought led to one conclusion.

“Is...is he onto us?”

Suicune was now presented with a dilemma. She could either continue forward and implicate Virizion in their little group. Or she could just go with Mewtwo to see Giratina, who may or may not have some questions for her.

“Hmmm, darned if I do darned if I don’t. And yet, one option potentially has a way out.”

“Actually, you know what, I’ll go with you, let's see what Giratina wants.”

Mewtwo smirked. “Splendid.”

Pretty soon, Suicune found herself in the meeting room where only she, Mewtwo, and Giratina were present.

“Alright, I’m here, now what do you want?”

“No need to be so defensive, Lady Suicune. We merely wish to ask you some questions, that's all.”

“Alright, shoot.”

Giratina leaned a little forward.

“I'll be blunt Lady Suicune. What are your feelings regarding humanity?”


“I mean I can’t imagine they would be positive, seeing as how the moment you were born, or reborn I should say, you were immediately rejected as freaks of nature.”

Suicune didn’t have to think too hard about what he was telling about. She thought back to the day she was remade when Ho-oh had just resurrected her and her siblings. She could vividly remember that human among the crowd of people who had just watched the Brass Tower burn down, pick up a rock, and throw it at her. The others then followed his example and started shouting obscenities and expletives at her, Entei and Raikou.

“After that, I recall you had to keep running around the world. The North Wind they called you right? You were hunted by trainers who wanted to catch you for various reasons. From those who wanted you dead to others who saw you as a trophy.”

Suicune remembered all of that, she remembered what she felt at the time. How the humans would mistreat her and other Pokemon, which led to her very high standards that she had adopted when it came to ascertaining a human’s worth. She recalled the man known as Eusine who hunted her for over a decade. With all this in mind, she gave Giratina her answer.

“Humans. If you ask me, they are not the best species around, not by a long shot. And yet…”

Suicune thought back to a certain trainer, one with which many Legendary Pokemon were acquainted, who was not like the rest. How she soon met several others like him. Trainers who embodied the best of humanity.

“They say that every once in a while you find something that makes it worth it.”

“Is that your answer?”

“More like a statement. My point is, there will always be bad humans, but that doesn’t mean they all deserve to die.” Suicune then narrowed her eyes. “Nor should they be changed against their will.”

The Aurora Pokemon met Giratina’s large red eyes with her own, waiting for his response.

“Next question. If it were possible to form an alliance with Chaldea. Would you agree to it?”

“Maybe, depends.”

“On what?”

“On if they meet my standards.”

Giratina narrowed his eyes.

"Alright, next question...

The Everfree Forest

Ritsuka, Mash, and Kirschtaria walked through the thick bushes and trees of the Everfree. Accompanying them were a little over 10 servants, which included the likes of Karna, Achilles, Mordred, Gawain, Ortlinde, Hippolyta, Siegfried, and several others.

Most of the servants remained in spirit form as to not attract attention from the local wildlife as well as Pokemon who made the forest their home.

“How much farther?” Ritsuka said.

“Almost there,” Achilles said. “According to Yang Qin, the fox hasn’t moved from her spot for over an hour.”

“Probably expecting us,” Mordred chimed in. “Heh, that’ll be the last mistake she makes!”

“She’s right though,” Kirschtaria thought. “In all likelihood, we are walking into a trap. But if we can at least know where the Tree of Emptiness is, it might be worth all this trouble.”

“You gotta wonder though,” Mash said.

“Wonder what?”

“If Koyanskaya is where the Tree of Emptiness is, how is it being hidden? We know that Skadi used wind and snow to hide her tree, but if we are close to the one that supports this Lostbelt, we should at least be able to have some clue that it’s here.”

“Perhaps, but I have a theory.”

“What kind of theory?” Ritsuka asked.

“What if the tree is being hidden by way of some kind of compression magecraft, or one that allows it to hide away in small spaces. After seeing Surtr swallow the Norse tree Sombrero, I can’t rule out the possibility.”

The group walked for a few more minutes before Achillies stopped. “We are here.”

The Rider class servant then cleared away from leaves to reveal Yang Qin standing on the other side looking over a gorge.

“Hey guys, took you long enough.”

The group approached the edge and saw a staircase leading down to the bottom. A bit further away one could see a cave at the bottom.

“I assume Koyanskaya is in there?”

“Yup, I can sense that her spirit origin hasn’t left the cave since she went in there.”

Kirschtaria took one look at the cave then back at the stairs, gripping his staff, he began to walk down.

Celestia and Luna sat in the throne room as they went through various paperwork. Although their minds were not truly focused on the task at hand.


“Yes, Luna?”

“I have no doubt dear Twilight will succeed in finding the tree, but I fear what comes after.”

“You’re worried about the things Harmony said earlier.”

“Very much so. For if something can frighten our creator then it’s nothing that should be dismissed.”

“I know, I’m concerned as well, but at least we know what the tree looks like, which means we are one step closer to finding it.”

“Yes, I suppose that knowing what it looks like is a goo-”

Celestia noticed her sister’s sudden cut-off. Turning to her young sibling, she saw the Lunar alicorn deep in thought.

“Luna, is something wrong?”

“Tia, remind me again what was the last thing Harmony said before she gave us the scroll?”

“She said and I quote: ‘I can show you what the Tree of Emptiness looks like. That way you can recognize it once it shows itself.’ And then she hung up.”

“No, you're wrong.”

“Um, I don’t think so, how am I wrong?”

“She didn’t say she would show us what the Tree of Emptiness looks like, she said she would show us what a Tree of Emptiness looks like.”

“Okay so I don’t see the problem Luna, after all, it’s not like all the other trees look different from ours.”

“How would you know, we haven’t seen another one have we?”

It was at that point Celestia started to see where Luna was going with this.

“Oh, dear.”

“So that begs the question sister. Is there something different about our tree, something that sets it apart from the others? And if so, what could it be?”

Kirschtaria, Ritsuka, and Mash stood outside the mouth of the cave. Inside they could sense the presence of a spirit origin, one which likely belonged to Koyanskaya, the one responsible for destroying the original Chaldea base.

All three of them had very strong feelings about what happened that day. And no doubt they wanted to pay her back for what she did to them.

But even so, they could not let their need for revenge distract them from why they were really here. With a silent agreement, all three humans walked into the cave, with several servants sticking close to them.

They had only walked a few feet into the cave before they came upon the person in question. Koyanskaya was polishing her nails as she sat upon a rock, completely ignoring the fact that she was not alone.

But right now Chaldea was not focused on her, instead, their attention was now on what was behind her.

Growing inside the cave was a tree, but not a Tree of Emptiness mind you. This tree was unlike any they had ever seen. Its bark shone like crystal, it sported five large branches that had sparkling ornaments hanging from its ends. But the most notable thing about the tree was the crystal gems embedded into each of its branches as well as the central trunk.

From clockwise, the different colored gems were shaped like a pink butterfly, a purple balloon, a red lightning bolt, a purple diamond, and an orange apple. In the center of the tree was a lavender six-pointed star, which was above what looked like drawings of the sun and moon. Near the roots of the tree was a diamond-shaped box with 6 keyholes on each side.

Mash was the first to snap out of her trance and address the elephant in the room.

“Koyanskaya! Surrender, we have you surrounded, there is no escape.”

The mercenary looked up from her nails and finally acknowledged their presence.

“Oh hello there Chaldeans, glad you could all finally make it, I was starting to get bored. And a hello to you two Mash! The last time we met was back in Russia I believe, how was your stay there? Warm I hope.”

Mash gripped her shield. She remembered how she and Senpai were at the mercy of the mercenary in that Yaga village. How she spared them out of some sadistic glee by seeing them squirm over not being able to do anything in that situation. It was a wound to her pride that she was intending to repay.

“Enough,” Kirschtaria said. “We know you have been waiting for us Koyanskaya, now why did you lead us all the way down here? What are you planning?”

“Straight to the point, I see Mr. Wodime. It’s a shame we must be enemies, I imagine in another timeline we would have been great business partners. Oh well, can’t dwell on that now. As for your other question, how about I answer that by addressing the elephant in the room.”

The servant pointed to the tree behind her.

“I don’t think you know what this is, do you?”

The three humans looked at each other and then back at the servant.

“No, enlighten us.”

“This little shrub right here is what the locals call the Tree of Harmony. And those shiny expensive gems in its branches are what they call the Elements of Harmony.”

All of a sudden Kirschtaria thought back to the night he broke into that treehouse, he remembered while scrolling through those books on the shelf that he came across a small one with the title “Elements of Harmony ''.

“And what exactly are the Tree and Elements of Harmony?” Rituska asked.

“Well for your information this little tree was planted over a millennia by who knows what, they’re not important. What is important is that from that seed, a tree grew in time and produced these gems you see here. They, when working in concert, are able to perform a feat of magecraft that is comparable to the Five True Magics. In short, these little rocks are the most powerful magical artifacts in this Lostbelt.”

Everyone in the room was surprised at this, true magic was something that only a true magician was able to perform. If those things were as powerful as they say…

“Then why have you not taken them? Why not use them against us, or is that your plan?”

“Sorry, but I’m afraid that even if I wanted to, these gems would never work for me. You see, these Elements only respond to those who embody the essential aspects of what the ponies of this land call Harmony. Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, Kindness, Honesty, and the last one that makes it all complete, Magic!”

“Hmmm, you're right, you don’t embody any of those things!” Mash said.

“Not true, I think I would qualify for Honesty. But I really don’t care, an evil person like me could never go around wearing some self-righteous gems like those.”

“Okay enough about that, Koyanskaya, tell us where the Tree of Emptiness is. This will be the one and only time we ask you.”

“Oh dear Mash, so quick to anger. Maybe if you took off that visor of yours, you’d see the truth staring you right in the face.”

Once the words left her mouth, it didn’t take long for the Chaldeans to realize what she meant.

“No, you mean that-”

“The Tree of Harmony is the Tree of Emptiness,” Kirschtaria said. “Am I wrong?”

“Ding ding ding! Correct Mr. Wodime! I’d give you a prize but you may not like it.”

“Wait, how is that possible?” Ritsuka said. “A Tree of Emptiness is supposed to be way bigger than that.”

“Well, I could go into detail. But let’s just say that when the Fantasy Seed landed in this Lostbelt, it mingled with the ley lines of this world and was fused with the Tree of Harmony which just happened to be nearby. The King of this Lostbelt hid the truth from the rest of the world once they realized what would happen if they allowed Fantasy seed to fully mature, they then decided to further hide it away in the Tree of Harmony. It was actually pretty easy considering that the energy needed to power the Elements of Harmony is actually an entire other dimension in of itself. However, in doing so, the Tree of Emptiness has been slurping up all that energy this entire time, and now it has changed and mutated.”

“I can’t imagine that the Crypter who oversees this Lostbelt was happy about that.”

“Oh, there is no Crypter for this Lostbelt.”

“Wait what?”

“Having a Crypter here in this particular Lostbelt would have been...problematic. But still, with a proper Crypter this Lostbelt cannot properly expand and grow, so as an emissary of the alien god, I have no choice to declare this Lostbelt a failure.”

All of a sudden the ground began to rumble, and at the same time, the Tree of Harmony began to shine brighter and brighter.

“Hey what’s going on!” Achilles said.

“Congratulations Chaldeans, you get to cut down this Tree of Emptiness and I won’t even stop you. Although you may have to worry about the Legendary Pokemon that will surely notice a big white tree in their backyard.”

“You little @#%^,” Mordred said. “So that’s why you lured us here!”

“One last thing before I go, a little information free of charge. This tree’s real name is "Markarian". Although personally for me I would call Harmony, then again it pretty much ceased being a Tree of Harmony the moment it was fused with the alien god’s seeds. So it is more of an empty Tree of Harmony now.”

“We need to get out of here now!” Karna said.

“Farewell Chaldeans, I doubt you’ll survive this, but if you do please consider using NFF for all your personal needs.”

The group ran out of the cave as the tree glowed brighter and brighter until it shone more dazzling than the sun itself.



“Alright, is everyone pony ready?” Twilight said as she looked over her friends.

They were all in the Ponyville town square, each of them having a packed bag with belongings for the long trip.

"I got the marshmallows!" Spike said.

"I got the RV!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Yeah! Wait, what's an RV?" Applejack asked.

“So just to be clear on this Twilight, do we even know where we’re going?” Rainbow Dash said.

“To be honest, I have no clue, but I think we should start looking somewhere. Someplace where we haven’t been to.”

“How about a forest!” Pinkie Pie suggested. “Those places always have lots of trees.”

“True, but that would be too obvious.”

“And yet not impossible,” Applejack said. “If there is one thing an Apple family member knows about, its trees. Either way, we’re with you Twilight, for Equestria and the world.”

Twilight smiled. She then held out her hoof as all her friends put theirs together before breaking and saying.


“Yeah, this will be awesome. Well, find this tree in no time!”

“I’m not gonna lie to you girls, this may take a very long time. We will have to travel all over Equestria and maybe beyond. But as long as we are together, nothing can stand in our way, and we won’t rest until we find that tree!”

As if on cue, there was the sound of a major rumbling, followed by the ground shaking.

“Earthquake!” Somepony said.

But just as soon as it started it ended. After which, a strange ringing noise was emitted through the air, and finally, there was a flash of bright light from the Everfree Forest, which blinded everyone.

Once her vision cleared up, Twilight checked to see if her friends were okay.

“Are you girls okay?”

“Yeah, but what in tarnation was that bright light?”

“Uh, girls.”

“I swear if that bright light had caused permanent blindness, that would have been the, Worst. Thing. Ever!”


“Alright just calm down, let’s see if we can’t find out what caused that and-”


Everyone was surprised for a bit at Fluttershy’s yell, but at least she had their attention now.

“What is it Fluttershy?” Twilight said.


Everyone saw the yellow pegasus’s hoof pointing right behind them. Once everyone had turned around, they could not believe their eyes.

Standing there, in the middle of the Everfree Forest, now almost as tall as the clouds, was the…

“Is that, the Tree of Harmony!?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Ho nelly! How’d it get so big?”

“Twilight darling, what do you make of this?”

The alicorn could not hear Rarity, for she was too shocked to think about how this could happen.

But that was nothing compared to what happened next.

The tree slowly began to crack, even from all the way in Ponyville everyone was able to see the ancient tree split and shake. Starry light shone from between the openings like it was trying to escape. Finally, there was another flash of light as the tree began to shift and change.

When the light died down once again, everypony’s jaws dropped to the ground.

The tree was still there, but it looked radically different now. Its branches were now split and hanging in all directions like the leaves of a flower. The Elements of Harmony which had once rested on its arms were now floating in mid-air. Stary energy surrounded the tree as waves of gamma rays emitted from the massive structure, causing space-time and gravity distortions that distorted everyone’s senses.

There was confusion, panic, and pandemonium, in places like Ponyville to Canterlot to Cloudsdale. Any settlement that could see the tree from a far but visible distance saw everything that happened. But through it all, Twilight was the only one that was about to think normally. For she had seen a tree like that before.

Indeed, for the Tree of Harmony now looked like the spitting image of a Tree of Emptiness.

Author's Note:

Woooo! This took me all night to write but I did it for you guys!

Special thanks to Juneartcraft for the artwork of the Tree of Emptiness “ Markarian “ aka the “Tree of Empty Harmony”

Link to DeviantArt for a better picture.

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