• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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Dreaded Lamentation

“You left Akuta behind!?”

Kirschtaria Wodime winced as Goredolf shouted from his communicator, even as a small hologram, the Director could be loud if he really wanted. Granted his displeasure this time was very understandable.

“What possessed you to make such an idiotic decision? If those Equestrians somehow manage to force vital information out of Akuta, then we’re toast!”

“I know that, and I’m sorry,” Kirschtaria said. “But it’s not like I could just rush in there and fight them all at once. I may be a talented mage, but I am still just one guy. And while Kato Danzo is a skilled infiltrator, I was not sure if her illusions would be powerful enough to deceive an entire town of magic users.”

Goredolf sighed. “Still, the longer we leave her there the more time they have to try and interrogate her.”

“You think that Akuta might be persuaded to give away our location?”

“It honestly wouldn’t surprise me,” Kadoc said. “It’s not like humans are her favorite species. And as we all know, the only reason she is even at Chaldea in the first place is that it’s a safe haven for her to hide.”

“No,” Mash stated. “Akuta is our friend. Whatever reservations she has about humanity, we are about the only companions she has at the moment. Akuta is someone who has a sense of loyalty to those who treat her with kindness. So I don’t think she would sell us out.”

“I concur with Ms. Kyrielight,” Sherlock added. “As anti-social and rough as Akuta is, I do not think we have to worry about her willingly selling us out. My concern is how the Equestrians might force the desired information from her.”

“How so?”

“Well thanks to the information gathered by the servants who were summoned here before us, I have learned some of the basic things when it comes to the creatures we know as Pokemon. One basic part of their biology is their ability to draw their power from the elements. Although keep in mind that the way they use the elements is slightly different from ours. The Pokemon are divided into 18 elemental types.

“18!?” Goredolf exclaimed.

“Yes, 18. The list goes as follows: Normal, Fire, Fighting, Water, Flying, Grass, Poison, Electric, Ground, Psychic, Rock, Ice, Bug, Dragon, Ghost, Dark, Steel, and Fairy. While some of these may seem questionable and others are related if not derived from others, I can assure you that this is how the Pokemon race classifies these elements.”

“Okay, But what does this have to do with interrogating Akuta?”

“I was about to get to that. As you may have noticed, one of these elements is called Psychic. Which from what I have learned shares some similarities with the Psychic’s of our world.”

“For those who don’t know,” Da Vinci said. "Psychics are a type of mystery different from Magecraft. While Mages learn and practice their powers. Psychics are born with their abilities, in a sense they are mutations. Psychic powers are the ultimate ability of humans who have become an existence independent of nature. Some even theorize that their powers are born from the Counter Force itself to deal with certain threats.”

“Indeed, everything Da Vinci said is true. Some Pokemon are able to wield many common psychic abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, precognition, and clairvoyance. But the one that has me worried the most is mind-reading.”

“Wait mind-reading!?” Kadoc said. “You mean the go inside your head and pull out information like you’re in a library, ‘that’ kind of mind-reading!?”

“Yes, that kind of mind-reading. While apparently, not every psychic Pokemon in the world has this ability, I can’t imagine that the Equestrians would not resort to that if Akuta proves to be resilient.”

“Well if that’s the case then I say we go and rescue Akuta now before it’s too late,” Ritsuka said

“I agree, we should form a plan to break out Akuta as soon as possible. After all, Psychic mind-reading is not the only thing we have to worry about.”

“Why, what could possibly be worse than that?”

“Well, I imagine that if he cares about this world and its continued survival, then it is possible that Arceus might be informed that a member of Chaldea was captured recently. And if he does know, he may have sent an envoy to oversee the interrogation, or worse, he might do it himself.”

Abby sat in the hallway as Kasai tried to comfort her.

“Are you alright Abby?”

“....Honestly I’m not really sure myself.”

“That’s understandable. Do you want to talk about it?”

The Ninetales let out a sigh. “It’s just, how can that human be so dismissive of the people who live in this world? She doesn’t understand just how much suffering the Pokemon have had to endure over thousands of years. She doesn’t know how beautiful this new world is. How its people are good and deserve to live.”

“...And you don’t think her world deserves to live?”

Abby was silent for a few moments, but for her, it felt longer as her mind thought of an honest answer.

“Kasai, I don’t know her world, I haven’t seen it. I only know this one and the one we left. We have lived among these good people for months now. We have seen that this is a just and fair world for all, it is in a way leagues better than the one we left behind. Our world was constantly under threat from human groups who wanted to exploit Legendary Pokemon for their own goals. It seemed like every other day Team Rocket or some other evil team was causing a catastrophe that threatened to end the world. We have seen the worst it had to offer.”

Abby looked into her husband’s eyes, her pupils filled with a certain tiredness.

“I don’t have any love left for humanity Kasai, I honestly don’t. I don’t think Arceus has any either or he would not have done this, or at the very least let some people keep their human forms. God has judged his creations and found them guilty. And while I know this is a different version of humanity, I cannot help but project my own feelings onto them. Does that make me a bad person?”

Kasai nuzzled his mate who leaned into his mane.

“I understand how you feel, and I also think you have a right to be angry. I don’t think you’re a bad person Abby. However, whatever feelings for humanity you have, I want you to try and control them. These new humans, whatever they have done, are only doing it to save their world. Plus this is technically their planet.”

“Last I checked it’s also Equestria’s planet.”

“And we have their permission to live here. But the humans must also-


An explosion rocked the building before Kasai could finish. After the shaking stopped, the couple rushed back to the confinement cells to see what happened.

The sight they came upon was one where several ponies had fainted while the others were in shock.

“What happened here?” Abby said as she walked closer to the cell, upon looking inside, however, she wished she hadn’t asked.

“Oh,” Abby who had seen some terrible grisly things in her Pokemon Ranger career, had never seen a bloody mess like this.


“W-we don’t know,” Celestia said. “Apparently she was somehow able to cause herself to explode. Whether it was some kind of magic spell or a bomb that she had somehow concealed inside her, either way, she took he own life.”

“Indeed,” Luna concurred. “It seems she was willing to die rather than risk use finding out what she knows.”

“It, unbelievable,” Twilight muttered. “To think that she was willing to die over something like this. I just, can’t imagine doing something like that.”

“There are some people in this world that are willing to do anything for the cause they believe in Twilight. To them, their cause means more to them than anything.”

“But still!” The alicorn princess was practically holding back tears of horror at this point. “It’s your own life! What about her friends, her family, the people she cares about!? Life isn’t something you should just throw away!”

“Twilight,” Celestia draped a wing over her student and let her cry into her chest. “You have learned much as my student and you have also learned much from the friendships you have made here. But you are still young, there are things in this world you have yet to learn. Dark things. You will learn that there are people and places in this world that scare and hurt you in ways you can't imagine. But you’re ready to face those things. You will overcome them, I promise that you will.”

Celestia then enveloped the unconscious Rarity in her magical grasp and stood up.

“Let’s go back upstairs, there is no need to be here looking at this horrible scene.”

No one protested, everyone soon made their way back upstairs, some moving faster than others.

However, as soon as they were gone, the blood that was all over the cell room began to move.

Kirschtaria, Ritsuka, and Mash stood beside some trees on the edge of a forest, the darkness of the night hiding them from view. In the distance was their target, the Pokemon Ranger Union.

“So that is where Akuta is being held?” Mash said.

“According to the GPS, that is where Akuta’s genetic signature is coming from. Using this we can locate her once we are inside” Krischtaria responded.

“Alright, so what’s the plan?” Ritsuka asked.

“Well, first we shall use those makeshift cloaking mystic codes Da Vinci prepared for us to sneak inside. Then locate Akuta, give her one as well, and just walk out ."

Goredolf came up on the holocom to chime in.

“While I can see the merit in the plant to rescue Akuta, there is also the getting away part that we have to consider. Should the mystic codes fail or if they have some way of seeing through them, I’m pretty sure they won’t let us get away that easily.”

“I know director, that’s where you come in.”


“I believe it is best if we move the Shadow Border close as close as we can, you will be our exile if things go south.”

“Are you mad Wodime!? We cannot risk the Shadow Border like this. After that encounter with that illusion-casting Phantom Theif, I am not risking this car and its occupants. If the Border is somehow captured or destroyed, then we are finished.”

“I understand the risk that I am asking of you as well as Chaldea, but the Border is our fastest means of escape. As I am willing to bet that none of us humans can outrun horses, or flying pegasi if they sick some on us. Plus if worse comes to worst we have a sure way for us to escape is if we initiate a zero dive. Besides, Akuta is one of our own and a powerful member of our team, she is worth the risk.”

“Hmph, Tactical Advisor, what do you think?”

Holmes raised an eyebrow.

“Personally, I think Mr. Wodime’s plan is logical. In the event that the Equestrians have means of pursuing us, the Shadow Border and its zero dive are the best means of us escaping it. While I do caution the excessive use of performing a zero sail, it would not hurt to use it should a means of escape become slim.”

“I see. Hmmm, this plan is risky, but I guess I’ll sanction it. And your right, Akuta is a valuable member and asset to Chaldea. Plus a zero dive would allow us to get away scot-free. And unless they have someone as strong and fast as that servant back in Scandinavia, I don’t see how they’ll be able to stop us from getting away.”

“Thank you, director. And on a side note, I suggest you start moving the Shadow Border now. If the Equestrians have already forcibly extracted information out of Akuta, then it would be unwise to remain in a location that she knows about. This should also extend to the servants hiding in the caves as well.”

“So what should we do now?” Twilight said asking the obvious question. The answer she got was a mixed reaction of faces.

“Well I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m going home,” Rarity stated. “That was enough of a traumatic experience to last the rest of my life.”

“Yes, you should go home and rest Rarity, we can deal handle things here.”

“Yes, I’ll see you all later.”

“Stay safe Rarity.” Applejack said.

As soon as the white unicorn left the building Abby spoke up.

“Okay, so I think I have a few ideas of what we should do next.”

“I’ll tell you what we should do next,” Lucario said in an irritated voice before looking directly at the Princesses. “I want to know why you two did not bother to inform the Legendary Council that we had captured a member of Chaldea.

Celestia had seen this question coming but had yet to structure the answer in a way that sounded justifiable.

“Lucario please try to understand. We were trying to handle this situation in a way that we believed would best suit everyone.”

“What are you talking about!?” the former Pokemon of Korrina was starting to let his aura become more visible. “If Mewtwo or any of the other Psychic Legendaries were here, they could have extracted the information we needed from her brain without all the futility of trying to talk them into handing it over.”

“Wait?” Twilight said. “You wanted Mewtwo to mind-rape them?”

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly be opposed to the idea.”

Abby ground her teeth. “Look Lucario, I may not have sympathy for the Chaldeans. But something as invasive and immoral as forceful mind reading is a line we do not cross. I nearly let Kasai tear into Mewtwo after what he did to Luke last year. I even called out Belle, my best friend after she did something similar to Hastings when he came to Ponyville. A person’s mind is their last sanctuary, their final fortress from the outside world. No one has the right to violate that space.”

“Have you forgotten what they did to us!? To Equestria!? 50,000! That about as many people they killed during the Summer Solstice, Korrina being one of them! Pokemon and Ponies that day lost, friends, family, lovers, are you going to spit in their faces by not doing everything in your power to avenge their deaths!?”

“Revenge is not how we do things here in Equestria Lucario,” Princess Luna said. “In this kingdom, we forgive and forget. That is what makes our nation great, we don’t hold grudges as much as we want to.”

“Speak for yourself.”

Princess Celestia glared at the Aura Pokemon. “While the loss of life that day is a great tragedy, and make no mistake I will see the ones who murdered my little ponies brought to justice, Chaldea is not to blame for what happened that day as far as we know.”

Everyone except Luna turned to look at the Princess as if she just said something that was not common knowledge.

“Wait what do you mean?” Applejack said. “I thought Harmony made it clear about who was behind all of that..”

“You misunderstand Applejack. The day after the bombing when Harmony gathered all of us together, she merely told us who our enemies were, she never said who was directly responsible for the attack on our people.”

“Wait, really?”

Celestia turned to her former student. “Twilight, you were with me and Luna. Do you recall Harmony ever clearly stating who was responsible for the bombings that day?”

Twilight opened her mouth before her brain searched through the important memories from that day. And she could recall nothing that hinted at the culprit behind that monstrous act.

“No, I don’t think she did. Harmony never directly said who was responsible for those firebombs.”

“But wait, if it wasn’t the Chaldeans fault then who was it?” Abby said. “It couldn’t have been someone from the Lostbelts. They only came into existence at the same time as when the bombs went off.”

“Exactly!” Lucario said. “Our enemies are the Chaldeans and the Lostbelts. Since it couldn’t be the latter, then it has to be the former! Just because Harmony never said it wasn’t Chaldea does not rule out them as suspects!”

“Even if they are suspects, they are still innocent until proven guilty. We should at least hear their side of the story,” Celestia retorted.

“I don’t get why you would want to hear out a bunch of mass murders who intend to massacre everyone on the planet just to save their world.”

Lucario was about done with this situation, he got up from his chair and then walked to the door.

“And just where are you going?”


Lucario then left the building.

“Should someone go and talk to him?” Twilight said.

“Lucario is in an unstable mood right now. I think it’s best if we give him some space before we try and help him.”

“While we wait for that,” Abby said. “Twilight can you come with me for a second?”

“Sure, where to?”

“Bio Chem’s lab. I personally don’t think anything useful could come of him observing human DNA. But maybe there is something he could do to help us.”

Outside Lucario kept walking, the anger that he had been holding back demanding manifestation. It demanded justice for the brutal needless death of Korrina. The person he loved more than anyone in this world was dead and her killers had still not been punished. It was enough to make him lash out.

Lucario let out a roar of fury and used Mega Punch on the nearest tree, splitting it in half.

With that release of anger, Lucario allowed some of his rage to simmer, but not dissipate. He did a breathing ritual in order to clear his mind. After said ritual, he began to think of what he should do.

It was obvious that the Princesses were not going to punish the Chaldeans. And now they were left with no leads as to where they are. His gaze scanned the horizon until it laid on the Everfree Forest.

After a bit of contemplating, Lucario used Extreme Speed and ran off into the distance.

Bio Chem was in a giddy mood. The scientist had never thought he would get the chance to study human DNA. After nearly a year of studying Pokemon biology, this was a nice change of pace for him.

So far, the results from the various tests had given him some very interesting reactions.

“I see, I see! Is this really what humans were like? No wonder they were the undisputed dominant species of their planet! Then again I wonder why no one has mentioned this about them. After all the applications for this kind of ability are-”

“Bio Chem?

The scientist pulled himself from his microscope and turned around to see two certain individuals enter his lab.

“Ah Miss Trombley and Princess Twilight, to what do I owe this visit?”

“We just wanted to check up and see how your analysis was going,” Abby said.

“Oh yes yes. I was just marveling at the DNA structure of humans and what it says about your species. Oh, I’m sorry former species that is.”

Abby cocked her head in confusion but nevertheless just wrote it off as Bio Chem’s general enthusiasm when it comes to biology on new species.

“I’m...glad to hear that Bio Chem. Although speaking from experience. There is nothing relatively amazing or special about human genetics, at least when compared to Pokemon. We were a relatively normal race with no powers to speak of aside from the occasional Psychic or Aura user.”

“Really, that’s it? Strange.”

“What do you mean strange?” Twilight asked.

“Well if these test results say anything then the humans of this universe are staggeringly different from the ones that came from your world, Ms.Trombley.”

“What are you saying Bio Chem?”

“Well, I managed to run some tests and so far it appears that this human DNA does not share any generic code with any known sapient species on the planet much less Pokemon and animals. Naturally, this genetic structure is unlike anything I have ever seen in my life.”

Bio Chem brought up a red DNA helix on the screen. To someone like Abby who did not have a scientific background, the significance of the color was lost on her. Twilight on the other hand…

“Huh, that is strange.”


“Well, recently Professor Juniper taught me some lessons about the human body and what makes it up. Among the things, she showed me was a human DNA helix. And if I remember correctly the one on this screen has very different values from the one Juniper showed me. I would go as far as to say this isn’t human DNA at all.”

The words that left Twilight’s mouth caused Abby to grow concerned.

“Bio Chem, what else did you learn about from this DNA structure?”

“Oh yes, apparently these humans have an astounding regenerative capability.”

The room went silent for a moment.


“Beleive me I was surprised too. But if these readings are correct. They have the ability to heal and regenerate any wound inflicted upon them.”

Abby and Twilight looked at each other. For former passing her concerned face onto the other.

“Bio Chem, theoretically, how powerful is this regeneration?”

“Well, I can’t exactly do a full trial with the amount of DNA that I have to get a definitive answer. But theoretically, these humans, or at least this one, in particular, could live forever. I’d even go as far as to say they could get blown up and still pull themselves back together.”

Abby’s heart skipped a beat. That last sentence was enough to confirm her worst suspicions.

“Twilight, did Princess Celestia send that clean-up crew to Akuta’s cell yet?”

“Uh, I think I saw them walk by on the way here.”

After that, the Ninetales bolted from the lab without another word, followed shortly by the alicorn princess.

Bio Chem shrugged his shoulders. “Wonder what got them so spooked.”

A unicorn and earth pony duo opened the door to Akuta’s bloody cell as the two janitor ponies got to work.

“Well, that’s a sight you don’t see every day,” one of them said.

“I can’t even imagine what happened that could cause something like this. It’s like something out of those horror stories you hear about.”

“Yeah well, let’s just clean this up and we won’t have to think about it for much longer.”

The unicorn got out a hose and prepared to wash down the walls, but before that could happen he slipped on the blood.

“Ow! The heck I wasn’t even moving?”

“What do you mean? This blood can’t be that slippery.”

But when the Earth Pony looked down, he recoiled in shock as the blood in the room began to move. Both ponies watched in amazement and horror as the red liquid joined together and formed a mass. Finally, the bodily fluids began to take a humanoid shape. A few seconds later, a reassembled Akuta stood before them.

The two janitors did not know what to make of what they just saw, nor did they have any idea how to respond except.


“If your about to call me a monster. Well, you wouldn’t be the first.”

Akuta then flew past the two ponies before she proceed to knock them into the walls and into subsequent unconsciousness.

“Alright then, now how to get out of here?” Akuta looked around and saw the stairwell before walking towards it. But once she came to the foot of said stairs, she heard some rapid footsteps before looking up to see Abby and Twilight at the top.

Twilight being the quick thinker that she was attempted to create a force field to block her in.

But unfortunately for her, Akuta was faster.

The Elemental fired a blast of blood which the duo managed to avoid by hiding around the corner. But this allowed Akuta to run up the stairs and past them. Abby got up in time to see the Chaldean run down one of the hallways. Before pursuing her, she tapped her Ranger badge which activated her comm device.

“Lance sound the alarm! We have an escapee on the loose!”

Not a second later, a blaring alarm sounded throughout the facility sending the entire building into lockdown. Reinforced barriers came down on all the windows and glass doors, while a force field was erected around the entire HQ.

“Twilight I’ll follow her, go get the Princess and the others.”

“Got it! And Abby, good luck.”

The former human nodded before they both went in separate directions.

Outside Ritsuka, Mash and Kirschtaria watched from a low camouflage spell as the entire facility went into lockdown and a forcefield tightly surrounded the building.

“Hmmm, well that complicates things.”

“Did they spot us?” Mash asked.

“I don’t think so. If you look at this forcefield, it activated before we could step inside. And given how it matches the shape of the building rather than being a bubble, I’m thinking this not meant to keep us out, but rather keep someone in.”

“You mean Akuta?”

“I believe so, it seems she managed to escape on her own without our help. Although that doesn’t really surprise me. She is more clever than we give her credit for.”

“Okay, but how will she get out?” Ritsuka pointed out.

Kirschtaria rubbed his chin for a moment. He checked his wrist device, which showed Akuta’s general location within the building. A fact that was only made possible now that they were standing close enough to get a better reading. Once that was confirmed, he activated his communicator.

“Director?” Goredolf once again appeared on the holo com. “Yes, Wodime?”

“It appears we may need some help getting Akuta out. Is Pepe still back at the caves?”

“Last I checked, why?”

“Well, tell him that I need a specific servant.”

Back inside Twilight ran into Celestia, Luna, and her friends who were coming to see what was going on.

“Princess Celestia!”

“Twilight, what is happening? Why is the building on lockdown?”

“I don’t have time to explain, but Akuta is alive.”

“What!?” Everyone said.

“She’s is trying to escape but Abby is chasing her as we speak.”

“Where is she now?”

Elsewhere in the building, a certain Xian ran down several hallways. She sometimes would encounter a guard or two, as well as the occasional Pokemon Ranger, but they were not much trouble for her.

“Man just how big is this place?”

Akuta ran past offices and down corridors. She would sometimes come upon a window, but the barrier combined with the force field was too strong for her. Especially since she used a good amount of her power to revive herself.

She was growing tired. She had not replenished her energy in a while, being trapped by this man-made building was not helping her.

“At this rate,” She thought to herself. “I might just have to do the one the few things I detest doing. Maybe the next person who shows up might-”

Akuta was taken out of her thoughts as she felt something slam into her, sending the Chaldean sliding across the floor. She then picked herself up to look at her attacker.

“Oh, it’s you.”

Abby stared down at Akuta as the latter got up.

“I know these hallways better than you, it was only a matter of time until I caught up.”

“So it seems. You don’t really think you’ll be able to take me down on your own.”

“I don’t know. I assume you have some degree of power since you somehow were able to revive yourself after getting blown up. Not to mention that Bio Chem says you may have some form of immortality going on.”

“That right, I have been alive long before you were a thought in your creator’s mind and will live long after you and everyone in this world have returned to dust.”

“I see, I believe you. And while part of me is curious as to what you are exactly I can’t let you escape.”

“I thought we just established that I’m out of your league.”

“Perhaps, but being immortal doesn’t mean your invincible, seeing as how we captured you before. Plus, I am willing to bet that there is a limit to your regeneration.”

Akuta, gritted her teeth, something that did not go unnoticed by Abby who smirked.

“You see, so even if I don’t beat you-”

Abby raised her tails which began to shake with power.

“At least I’ll soften you up for the others.”

All of a sudden Akuta felt locked in place unable to move. She looked at Abby whose eyes were glowing blue.

“You who would bring hate and hurt to this world,” the voice that came out of Abby was cold and low. “BE CURSED WITH THE HURT YOU HAVE NEVER KNOWN!”

Akuta was then inflicted with a wave of pain that crawled along her very skin. It felt like her entire body was on fire.

It had been some time since Abby had cursed someone. A Ninetales curse was a natural ability she had used and admittedly abused in the past when she first got this new body. But after being a bit too trigger-happy with that power, she toned it down after Kasai pointed out how she didn’t exactly have the right to punish people like that. But for Akuta, she was all too willing to make an exception.

Akuta almost fell to the ground as her body tried to counteract the curse inflicted upon her. She looked up to see Abby staring down at her with a small grin on her face as if her victory was assured.

“Oh hell no…” She was not about to go down like this.

Slowly bringing herself up and fighting against the pain, she met her opponent with a hard stare.

“You call that a curse.”

Akuta grabbed her chest as she began to build up power.

“Let me tell you something fox, I don’t get curses.”

Akuta took off her glasses as her eyes turned from brown to a deep crimson.

“I give them!”

Abby’s smile then faded as a fierce aura began to emanate from Akuta.

“The eternal wail of one abandoned even by death. O sky! O clouds! Rain tears of compassion to curse life!”

Eternal Lament
The Cursed-Blooded Immortal's Song of Grief

A small contained explosion of blood and red exploded from Akuta and rained down in the confined spaces of the hallway. Because of this, Abby had nowhere to hide as she was slammed against the wall and inflicted with minor curses. Had Akuta been at full strength, she would not have survived that Noble Phantasm.

Naturally, Zeheran drained some of her last reserves of energy to use that attack and remove the curse inflicted upon her. She needed to replenish her power here and now.

She stared at the defeated form of Abby, down but not out. Slowly the Xian stepped closer towards her. Like a bat stalking its prey.

Abby growled in an attempt to not show weakness. “Stay back, you monster.”

“BTW I should let you know that I am someone who holds grudges. I have not forgotten what you did to me in that cell. I thought you Equestrians were nicer than that,” Akuta knelt down at the Ninetales.

“I’m not Equestrian.”

“Whatever, the point is, what I am about to do is basically payback.”

Akuta grabbed ahold of the Ninetales and bared her neck.

“But the good news for you, I’ll leave you with just enough blood to live.”

Before Abby realized what those words meant, Akuta sank her fangs into her skin. The Pokemon screamed.


Twilight and the rest of the gang ran down several hallways. Following Kasai as well as a trail of unconscious guards and Rangers left in Akuta’s wake.

“I have Abby’s scent, she's is this way.”

“You think Abby will be alright?” Rainbow Dash said.

“She is tougher than she looks. I think she can handle something like this herself.”

“The thing in question is something that should be taken lightly,” Twilight said. “After all, this thing did just revive herself after being blown up.”

“All the more reason to find her and help as soon as we can.”

Kasai then lead the group down another hallway until they came upon a 4-way intersection.

“Kasai which way?”

“Hold on give me a sec.” The Arcanine sniffed the air for a few seconds. But instead of going down another hallway, his nose recoiled in disgust.

“What’s wrong?” Princess Celestia asked.

“That’s strange, I can’t smell Abby.”

“What?” Twilight exclaimed. “How?”

“I don’t know, it’s like her scent is being masked by something….wait...wait a second.”


“I smell….blood.”

Twilight’s heart began to race, that was not a good sign. But before anyone could form a response to that. A scream pierced the hallways.

“What was that!?” Luna said

“It came down from here!” Kasai said as he ran down the right hallway, the rest of the group not far behind him.

The Fire-type Pokemon ran as fast as his legs could take him. After all, he recognized the voice that made that scream. His heart was racing, he prayed to Arceus that something terrible had not happened to his mate. As he came upon a corner, he braced himself for what he might find.

But when finally turned the corner and laid eyes on Abby, his heart nearly stopped.

Kasai stared in horror as Akuta on the limp body of Abby. The sound of sounding going down her throat echoing in his mind.

Soon the rest of the group caught up to him, and the reactions they gave once they saw what Akuta was doing to Abby were similar to his.

Twilight and Applejack were the most shocked. The very scene they were witnessing brought to mind a certain creature spoken of in scary stories. An immortal bloodsucker that would drain its victims of their lifeforce.

Akuta hearing the footsteps looked up and noticed the ponies staring at her. She then released her mouth from Abby’s shoulder, red blood dripped from her fangs as she licked her teeth.

Kasai suddenly found his nerve again. His face contorted into once of righteous fury, flames erupted from his mouth.


Kasai rushed down the hallway with a Fire Fang that he was about to sink into Akuta. But thanks to her recent meal, Akuta was now much faster. The Arcainine jump at her, but she successfully dodged the canine and just ran down another hallway.

Kasai was about to give chase, but a moan from someone beneath him was enough to snap him out of his rage.


Kasai knelt down next to his mate, he nuzzled her in an attempt to get a reaction out of her, to see if she was still alive.

He placed his head next to her chest, and to his relief, he heard a heartbeat.

“Is she okay?” Twilight said worryingly as ran up next to Kasai.

“She’s breathing, but I don’t how much-” Kasai knew the words to say, but part of him didn’t want to admit what he just saw.

Celestia came over and looked at the Ninetales. She closed her eyes and her horn glowed as a golden aura enveloped the Pokemon. After a few moments, she stopped and opened her eyes.

“I used a spell to stabilize her, but she has lost a lot of blood. Aside from that, there is something afflicting her. I have tried to remove whatever it is, but I can’t do that here, she needs medical attention now!”

“I’ll stay with her. You guys go on ahead,” Kasai said. “I’m not gonna leave her side.”

“Sister, I shall stay here. You go ahead and stop that human, or whatever she is before she escapes.”

“Alright, Luna.” Celestia then cast another spell. Causing a light from her horn to shine in a certain direction.

“I believe she went this way.”

Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, ran in the direction Celestia was pointing at. Before the elder alicorn ran after them, she looked back at Luna, as well as Abby and Kasai.

“You two take care of her.”

Luna nodded, while Kasai simply laid next to his mate, he did not intend to part from her any time soon.

Akuta, now with more power to work with, was presently looking for another window. She felt confident enough to think that she could smash through one, barricade, force field, and all.

“I’d rather not try a random wall, for all I know there is another one on the other side.”

Akuta then came upon a large area and looked around, there were no other hallways connecting this room.

“Dead end, I’ll have to go back and-” The sound of footsteps stopped her thoughts, as well as eliminated that option.

She turned around just in time to see 4 ponies blocking her exit. The expressions on their faces were either glaring daggers or cautiousness.

Rainbow Dash was of the glaring daggers sec. “Alright, bub. You’re gonna pay for what you did to Abby.”

“Easy Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said. “We can’t just rush her less we all end up like Abby.” She then turned to face Akuta. “But before any that happens, I just have one question. What are you? Unless I’m missing something, humans are supposed to stay dead when they’re killed, and why were you sucking Akuta’s blood like you were a-”


Twilight turned to Princess Celestia, the alicorn’s face was one of stern displeasure.

“That’s what you are, isn’t it. A Vampire?”

“Princess,” Celestia began. “You can't possibly be saying she’s an actual-”

“While I can’t explain being able to come back from a death like that, the things I have seen tells me that the thing that is standing before us is Vampire. I can think of no other creature that comes close to what she may be.”

Akuta adjusted her glasses. “Oh please, don’t lump me in with those blood craving rejects of mankind. I may drink blood as nourishment, but do not degrade what I am by referring to me as an undead predator who can only be driven by the urge to feast on the living.”

“Well Vampire or not your still going down!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Look around you! You go nowhere to run, and you got no chance against the Princesses here by yourself.”

“They’re right, I could just use Eternal Lament, but the alicorns may have some spell that can tank it. And that little snack earlier was not enough to regain my full power. This doesn’t look good.”

Then from behind Akuta’s glasses, her eyes widened. Which was followed by a small smirk, which did not go unnoticed by Applejack.

“What’s are you smiling for partner?”

“I have nothing to smile for. In fact, you’re right. I cannot see a way for me to win this,” Akuta held up her hands. “I surrender.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Really. Your surrendering?”

“Yes, in fact, I’ll just go to that corner, turn around, and put my hands on my head.” As Akuta said this she started moving away from the area she was standing in.

“Wait, I don’t believe her,” Applejack said.

“What makes you say that?”

“I am the Element of Honesty. I can tell when someone is lying.”

“Trust me when I say that I am not going to do anything.”

Applejack didn’t say anything. But her words also made Princess Celestia suspicious.

Why would she move away from where she was standing? She could have just knelt where she was standing and given herself up...

After a moment of calculations, Celestia realized what was about to happen.

“Everypony get down!”

The wall where Akuta was standing was blown away, covering the room with dust and concrete and pelting the ponies with debris.

Standing in the newly made hole was a female servant, behind her was Kirschtaria along with Ritsuka and Mash.

“Well, I’d say that worked,” The elite mage said.


“Okay, so it looks like Akuta is just on the other side of this wall.”

Kirschtaria, Ritsuka, and Mash stood outside on the back end of the west wing of the Pokemon Ranger Union.

“And while the force field is too much for us mages or Mash to deal with, it should be no problem for demigod servant like you Queen Hippolyta.”

The female servant that was now with them, Hippolyta, nodded.

“Indeed, with a power boost from my Noble Phantasm, this force field would be like cardboard before my fists.”

“Very good. But before that, go through the wall in spirit form and tell Akuta what’s about to happen so that she doesn’t get...inconvenienced by what you’re about to do.”

“As you wish.”

Hippolyta disappeared for some ten seconds before reappearing outside.

“Akuta got the message, shall I commence?”

“Proceed Rider.”

Hippolyta turned around, walked to the wall, and took a deep breath. She locked her stance, and then called upon the divine gifts that were bestowed upon her by her father.

“Noble Phantasm activate!”

Goddess of War
War God's Military Sash.

Hippolyta’s body surged with power. And with a single punch. The entire wall was reduced to smithereens.

Kirschtaria smiled. “Well, I’d say that worked.”

With the ponies stunned, Akuta walked outside, and upon seeing her friends, could not help but smile a bit.

“Akuta!” Mash said. “We’re so glad you’re okay! Are you hurt, do you need medical attention?”

“I never let Romani give me a check-up Mash. I doubt I’d let you give me one.”

“Oh, s-sorry.”

“While this is a happy reunion. I suggest we high tail it before they gather themselves.”

Everyone turned towards where Kirschtaria was pointing at, just in time to see four ponies pick themselves up and lock eyes with them.

“Go!” Hippolyta said. “I’ll hold them off.”

“Are you sure?” Ritsuka said.

“Trust me. I would not be Ares’s daughter if I could not handle Hercules let alone a bunch of ponies.”

“She’ll be fine let’s go.”

While Ritsuka did not like leaving anyone behind, even servants, Akuta was the one they were here for. And now they had to escape by any means.

“Da Vinci, get the Shadow Border here now. We’re leaving.”

“Gotcha Fujimaru, one tank piloted by a cute genius coming your way!”

“Let’s go and meet her halfway, I don’t want them to be near the Border when it gets here.”

“Oh no, you don’t!”

“Senpai look out!”

Mash pushed Ritsuka out of the way as a blue blur nearly pinned him to the ground. Both Master and servant looked to see a determined pegasus staring back at them.

“Let’s me guess, you’re friends of Akuta, which makes you Chaldeans right? Well, neither your friend nor any of you are getting away!”

“Oh?” Kirschtaria said. “And just how are you going to stop us miss…”

“The names Rainbow Dash. Fastest pegasus in the world.”

“I see, that’s a bold claim miss Dash. How are going to back it up?”

“Like this!”

Rainbow dove into the group, only to be met with the flat side of Lord Camelot.

“If you want to get to my Senpai’s, then you’ll have to go through me!”

Rainbow Dash let out a snicker.

“Are you kidding me? That shield looks way too heavy and slow to keep up with me!”

The blue pegasus circled around and attempted to hit Kirschtaria only to once again be met with a grey shield.


“This shield may be heavy, but I’m stronger than I look!”

“Yeah!? We'll see about that!” Rainbow then tried to flow over Mash, only for the Shielder to plant her armament in the ground, climb up, and use the elevation as a way to deliver a kick to the midsection of her adversary.

Rainbow Dash did not expect someone the size of Mash to have such strength. As such, when the blow hit her, the pegasus felt like she was hit by a train. Rainbow was then sent sprawling into the ground, the fight taken out of her.

This defeat was witnessed by Twilight, who was busy using a magic shield to protect herself from Hippolyta’s punches.

“Rainbow Dash!”

Twilight teleported. Leaving Celestia and Applejack to deal with the demigod. She reappeared next to the Chaldeans and fired a stun spell at them. Kirschtaria heard the sound of her teleportation and activated a magical barrier just in time to block it. From behind his protection, he recognized the alicorn Princess from the night before, as did she recognize him.

“You!” Twilight said.

“Oh, it’s you.”

“Alright, mister! You can steal my book, you can tape Spike to the wall(but not really), but the moment you hurt one of my friends, was the moment you made a big mistake!”

Kirschtaria readied his staff, as well as powered up his magic circuits. The two magical prodigies prepared to do battle.

But such a thing would have to wait, as the sound of a roaring engine and wheels came up from behind a hill. While the Chaldeans recognized the growing noise, it was unfamiliar to Twilight, who turned around to see what it was.

The Shadow Border jumped over the hill and nearly flattened Twilight who teleported at the last second.

There was a honk on the horn, followed by the side door opening to reveal Kadoc.

“Alright folks, get in so we can blow this joint!”

The four wasted no time climbing up and piling inside. By the time Twilight saw what was going on, it was already too late.

Akuta, Kirschtaria, Mash, and Ritsuka went into the cockpit area and were greeted by Goredolf and the rest.

“Great you’re all here. Now let’s not waste any time, we're leaving!”

“Just a moment Director,” Kirschtaria said before mentally focusing on Hippolyta. “Alright Hippolyta, we’re all good. Get in here and we can go.”

Not a second later, the Rider class servant materialized next to Kadoc, which made him jump a little from the divine aura she was still projecting.


“Alright everyone, fasten your seatbelts!” Said Da Vinci over the intercom before Goredolf slammed the gas and the Shadow Border started to drive away.

Celestia and Applejack caught up to Twilight and Rainbow Dash as they watched the Border speed off into the distance.

“We have to go after them! If we fly there is nowhere they can run in that metal thing!”

Celestia was about to agree with her former student. But before anything could be done, a voice sounded in all three of their heads.

“Really now Celestia.”

All three of them recognized the owner of said voice.

“Oh no.”

“This all could have been avoided if you simply bothered to inform me of what was going on.”

Farther away, the Shadow Border was racing at high speeds across the grassy plains. The occupants inside started to feel a sense of relief.

“I suppose I should thank you all for coming to rescue me,” Akuta said.

“No thanks needed Akuta. You are one of us, and we would never leave you behind.”

“Senpai is right,” Mash said. “We stay together.”

Akuta smiled a bit.

“After all this time. Their affection still feels new to me. Yet I can’t bring myself to hate them, nor can I help but care for them.”

“Alright, I believe we are far away enough where we can initiate a zero dive. Da Vinci if you would?”

“Got it! Pre sail checks have already been done. No all we need to do is-..huh?”

“What. What’s wrong?”

Suddenly, everyone felt something. Or rather, while they could hear that the wheels were turning, they were not moving. A simple look out the window confirmed their suspicions.

“Uh, why are we not moving?”

Then, everyone felt a sense of weightlessness as the Shadow Border was tossed into the air, doing a full spin before landing back on the ground.

Outside, Mewtwo floated in the air with his arms folded. The Legendary Pokemon had just used his psychic powers to throw the Shadow Border like a toy car. The impact had damaged the vehicle to where it could not move for the moment.

“The Chaldeans vehicle has been disabled Lord Arceus.”

A little higher above, Arceus looked down at the incapacitated Shadow Border. The Pokemon god was greatly satisfied at the fact that one of the biggest threats to the survival of the Pokemon, was now completely at his mercy.

“Good work Mewtwo. I will take it from here.”

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