• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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Moving Pieces into Place

Shadow Border

The crew was dead silent as the Border drove further and further away from Ponyville.

Whether it was because no one knew how to start the conversation or because they wanted to find a safe spot to park before talking about what just happened.

But evidently, Meuniere got tired of the silence faster than the others.

“Okay, I’m just gonna say it, how in the hell did that happen!?”

He looked around but no one knew how to respond.

“It’s not just a rhetorical question, what happened back there doesn’t add up.”

“You don’t think we know that!” Kadoc retorted. “We were this close to getting rid of the biggest Lostbelt on this planet, and its tree just regenerated itself like it was Wolverine or something.”

“Perhaps, it could be that something else healed it and we just didn’t see,” Ophelia said.

“What do the readings say Da Vinci? Did the instruments catch anything that might explain what happened?”

“I’m too busy maintaining the Border to process the data we got from there. Wait until we make a stop before I can craft a theory.”

The crew once again went silent for another 30 minutes until they came to a nearby forest and engaged conceptual camouflage.

“Okay, now we can talk.”

“Alright, I just wanna say that as of now this Lostbelt operation is starting to become a disaster,” Goredolf said. “Our first attempt to glean any credible information got us in a literal sticky situation. Our attempt to rescue Akuta nearly got us all captured and possible mind probed if it wasn’t for literal divine intervention. And lastly, our attempt to cut down the Tree of Emptiness has been a failure!”

“Oh come one, we’ve been in worse situations before,” Akuta said.

“I agree with Hinako,” Da Vinci said. “As bad as the situation is, it's not hopeless.”

“Alright then, enlighten me on how we are supposed to proceed from here?”

“Okay, but before that, do you want my theory on what happened at the Tree of Emptiness?”

“Oh, well…sure, tell us.”

“Okay, so these scans are inconclusive, but from what I can tell, it seems that around the time the tree was dying there was a divine presence near it.”

“Was it one of the Legendary Pokemon?” Akuta said.

“Most likely yes. Further scans show that said divine entity merged its spirit core with that of the Tree of Emptiness, and my theory is that it was somehow able to reverse the damage done unto it.”

“So you're saying a Pokemon somehow was able to save the tree just before it died by sacrificing its own life?” Kadoc said.

“In all likelihood yes. Remember, we still don’t know much about these trees and what they can do. And how a Legendary Pokemon was able to heal a tree that was on death's door is beyond me. They must have had a great amount of power to be able to do that.”

“Alright, so we know the how. At this point, it is unwise to go back to the Tree of Emptiness and try again. Since the Pokemon and ponies will have greatly increased their defenses by now. Hell, we were lucky to get a shot at it with the minimal opposition that showed up,” Kirschtaria said.

“And don’t forget, Caster Gilgamesh said that that would be our only chance for a while that we would get a chance at destroying the tree,” Fujimaru said.

“So the question is, what to do now?”

“Hmmm, Tactical Advisor, what do you think?”

Holmes made a face one made when they knew the recipient would not like the answer.

“I have mulled this over for a while so I’ll just say this. This Lostbelt as we have seen is very much different from the ones we have visited so far. I would go so far as to say that it is an exception among exceptions when it comes to these Lostbelts, which is saying a lot since we don’t know the inner workings of the other 5.”

“Sion did give it an E-EX rank. Now we know why.”

“This Lostbelt is the largest so far and is home to a large variety of powerful creatures that we have no means of fighting all on our own. We were lucky that we never had to face the entire Oprichniki army when we fought Ivan the Terrible, I doubt we will have that kind of reprieve here. In all likelihood, this Lostbelt will now be looking to send the entirety of its forces after us, especially now.”

“What about the other servants, what if we gathered them all and made another attempt on the tree?” Ophelia said.

“Even with every servant summoned to this land. I’m afraid it would do us no good against the only true god that inhabits this kingdom. Make no mistake, from what our scans suggest, Arceus is tremendously powerful. I would not be surprised if it was very much within his capability to simply command us to die if he willed it. And that's without his Legendary Pokemon, which according to the book Kirschtaria obtained, total to around 50.”

“Okay, so, what your saying is until we have to means to fight Arceus, or at least level the playing field, we can’t make a move on the Tree of Emptiness?” Goredolf said.

“That summarizes it, yes. We need to nullify his authorities or recruit another equally powerful divine spirit to aid us.”

“Then where does that leave us now? What can we do if we have no means of fighting this Lostbelt at the moment?”

Holmes looked at everyone, who in turn looked back at him. Despite Goredolf being the Director, everyone saw him as a source of logically reasoning. As such, they were very willing to listen to any suggestion he might have.

“As much as it pains me to say this, I believe it would be best if we made a tactical retreat back to the Wandering Sea. We must leave this Lostbelt for now and for later.”

Equestria Daily Newspaper

World Sustaining Tree!

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna reveal the truth behind the mysterious towering tree that appeared in the Everfree Forest!

It has been a strange and frightening day for Equestria and the world. Yesterday, a massive mysterious tree of unknown make appeared in the Everfree Forest. This tree according to physicists is tall enough to pierce the cloud layer. Then several minutes later, Almost everyone in the kingdom and reportedly around the world experienced alarming symptoms which included nausea, weakness in muscles, drowsiness, and most frightening of all, becoming transparent and weightless. The only demographic that seemed to be unaffected by this phenomenon were the Pokemon. These symptoms seemed to pass after less than a minute and all seemed fine shortly after.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna soon after held a press conference which explained in as much detail as they could what the circumstances surrounding that tree is. As we previously reported there exist 5 other alternate timelines known as Lostbelts which are located all over the globe and are currently expanding as we speak, our timeline being one of these Lostbelts. It was then revealed by the Princesses that each Lostbelt is kept alive by what is known as a "Tree of Emptiness" also known as a "Fantasy Tree". These trees are apparently responsible for each timeline growing and sustaining itself in the face of temporal correction. The Tree of Emptiness that now looms over the Everfree is the Fantasy Tree for our world.

“Obviously, the protection and safety of this tree are of the utmost importance to not only Equestria but to every other nation on this planet.” Said Princess Celestia. “As such, we will immediately begin sending guard ponies and Pokemon to defend and patrol this most important of constructs. Despite whatever reservations some might have about the Everfree, I expect that as many as we can spare will be sent to protect the tree from aggressors. I also have good word that Arceus and his Legendary Pokemon will make defending the tree their number one priority. This means that the task of hunting down servants will now mostly defer to a special task force that is currently being assembled and lead by Captain Seth Crescent.”

“Despite his new priorities, Lord Arceus has agreed to provide us with aid in the form of a new weapon that will be revealed sometime later this week.” Said Captain Seth Crescent.


Seth walked down the hallways of the castle with his team by his side, there was some anticipation in the air as they made their way to the throne room.

“So what do you think Arceus is gonna give us?” Rikka said.

“Who knows,” Selena replied. “Maybe he’ll give us a power related to Mega Evolution.”

“Oooh, you think he’ll be giving me a Mega Evolution!?”

“If he did that he’ll have to do it for all the Eeveelutions,” Seth pointed out.

“Hey, as long as I get one I'm fine. Besides, I’ll always be your favorite.”


“If that's what's happening, then I want a Mega Charizard Z form!” Ingis exclaimed.

“Mega Charizard Z? What would that look like?” Selena said

“Obviously it would combine both Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y. Best of both worlds baby!”

“Of course, it would.”

“Welp, you guys guess can ask him yourself.” Having arrived at their destination, Seth knocked on the doors to the throne room which opened to let him in.

Inside, were the Princesses as well as Arceus and several other individuals he recognized, namely a Ninetales and an Infernape.

“Oh, hello Abby, didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Hello Seth, hope you’re doing well.”

“And John Williams, what brings you from the Crystal Empire?”

“Apparently the same reason we're all here. Arceus said he wanted to give us some kind of new power?”

“Indeed,” Arceus said. “Let’s dispense with the pleasantries, and get to the point. As you know, yesterday, the tree which you now all know as the Tree of Emptiness was revealed to the world and shortly attacked by Chaldea. While we managed to repel the interlopers, it would be no exaggeration to say that our world nearly came to an end. If it weren’t for the sacrifice of one of our own. Everyone natural-born species on Equus would have faded out of existence. I believe some of you know what I’m talking about.”

Seth and John’s faces became despondent as they recalled what happened recently.

John could vividly remember holding Holly Heart in his arms, she looked like she was about to disappear at any moment.

“As such while Chaldea is now in hiding, it is clear that they cannot be allowed to continue their operations any longer. While my Legendary Pokemon and the Canterlot Royal Guard are now busy setting up a defense perimeter around the Tree of Emptiness. Yesterday's battle has told me something.”

“What’s that?” Selena asked.

“That despite my great power and the power of my Legendaries, we will not always be there to help you all. Now normally I wouldn’t expect you all to always rely on me and my family, but these are dangerous times, and we need all the help we can.”

“I agree,” Luna said. “The Chaldea we are facing may seem like a small group. But the servants at their command have shown that they are capable of fighting both my sister, me and the Legendary Pokemon as equals. This is why Arceus wants to give you all a power that allows you to have a fighting chance.”

Everyone looked at each other.

“Well don’t keep us in suspense, come on! What kind of new powers are we talking about here?” Ingis’s inquired.

“This power is something that can only be used by Pokemon, but unlike Mega Evolution, it can be used with any Pokemon. It will allow you to transform any attack move into a new type of superpowered move on par with Mega Evolution. I call them: Z-Moves.”

“Z-Moves?” Seth said.

“Yes, they work on the same principles as Mega Evolution in that it is powered by the bonds between Pokemon and trainer. Or should I say Pokemon and former humans?”

“Interesting, an ability that allows any Pokemon to use a superpowerful move," Abby said. "That sounds really helpful.”

“Keep in mind, that just like Mega Evolution, this power can only be used in one session. So don’t expect to be firing these things off over and over. Also, if you wish to use these things, know that you won’t have the energy to Mega Evolve afterward. You can only pick one.”

“Aww really!?” Ingis said disappointingly. “I was imagining myself going Mega Charizard and then using Z-Moves to blow away the competition in one fell swoop.”

“As advantageous as that would be, I do not want my Pokemon to overwhelm themselves with that kind of power. Trying to unleash a Z-Moves while Mega Evolved will cause serious strain on both the Pokemon and their partner. So do not try it.”

While Ingis pouted, Seth raised another question.

“I assume there are some kind of items that will be needed to trigger these Z-Moves or something?”

“Indeed, just like one needs a Key Stone and a Mega Stone to Mega Evolve, you will need these in order to use Z-Moves.”

Arceus’s eyes glowed and then white metal bands appeared on all three of the former humans. For Seth, a new piece was added to his guard badge, while Abby and John had theirs warped around their ankle and arms respectively.

"These are called Z-Rings, they will allow you to use Z-moves. Also required are one of these special crystals."

Then 3 black rectangular boxes appeared in front of the Z-Ring wielders. They opened up to reveal 18 different colored crystals that all had symbols on them that the trainers recognized as the icons for the 18 Pokemon types.

“Put these things into the slot of your Z-Ring and if your Pokemon has a type that matches the crystal, their moves can be converted into a Z-move. Further instructions can be found within the boxes on how to use them.

“Cool!” Seth said.

“Thank you, Lord Arceus, we greatly appreciate this,” John said while bowing.

“So, are we the only ones getting these things, or will everyone else get them?” Abby inquired.

“I intend to distribute these items in a manner that is favorable to everyone. But for now, the ones who are in law enforcement or contributing to the fight against servants will be the ones to receive these things first. They are the top priority for now. After which I will find a time and place to give them to everyone else. Or maybe I’ll just scatter them around the world and let everyone find them.”

“Kinda how people would hunt for Mega Stones,” Seth said.

“With this power, all of you will be able to match the might of a servant's Noble Phantasm, their most powerful weapons. Basically, they are your own Noble Phantasms in some kind of sense. Use them well and use them wisely. The forces of Chaldea are merciless, and you should respond in kind. Any questions?”

“Just one.”

“Yes, Seth?”

“You said someone sacrificed themselves to save us, who was that?”

Arceus’s face went dark for a brief moment, but then sterned himself.

“It was Shaymin. She gave her life in order to save the Tree of Emptiness.”

“Oh no, not Shaymin,” Abby said.

None of them had particularly got to know the Gradittude Pokemon, but they knew from myth and legend that she was one of the oldest and most important Legendary Pokemon. Many folklore attributed her to be the one who created most of the first plant life and vegetation on Earth. Many of the berries were her idea, although apparently, apricorns were not.

“I am so sorry for your lose Arceus,” Celestia said. Her sentiment being expressed by everyone in the room.

"Me too," John said. "I can't imagine what you must be going through, especially since you also just lost Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres."

“Thank you all, but there will be time to mourn later. Right now we must hunt down Chaldea, so that Shaymin will be the last of my children to die in this conflict. If there are no more questions I shall go now.”

Most shook their head, and Arceus took that as his permission to leave.

“Good luck everyone.” And with that Arceus, disappeared in a flash of light.

“So, who up for testing these bad boys out?” Ingis said.

“I and Kasai can be your partners if you need one,” Abby said.

“Are you sure Abby?” Luna said. “You only just recently recovered from you wounds that you got fighting that Chaldean.”

“I’m fine, a little blood transfusion and some potions and I’m now back in fighting shape.”

“Blood transfusion?” John said. “What happened that you needed something like that?”

“I fought a member of Chaldea who was able to beat me and suck out my blood like a vampire. Not a pleasant experience let me tell ya.”

John was taken aback by this. Vampires were only the stuff of legends. While there are Pokemon who drink blood as a sustenance, he never heard of humans doing it.

“Oh great, you’re telling me we have to deal with vampires now?” Selena sighed. “Just when I thought this world couldn’t get any more stranger.”

“Okay, less talking about blood-sucking monsters, more testing out these Z-Moves,” Seth said. “I’ll go secure a training ground for us.”

The group of Pokemon and their trainers then left the throne room. Once alone, Princess Luna turned to her sister.

“So, what shall we do now Tia?”

“For now, let's just focus on sparring what guards we can to fortify the Tree of Emptiness. Thankfully the one good thing to come out of that fight is the crater that was made around the tree. So setting up an encampment should not be a problem.”

“That and I also imagine that we should be receiving letters from the other World Leaders regarding the tree and wanting their input on the matter."

“I have some ideas regarding that, which hopefully will involve them sending aid for fortifications.”

“I see where you're going with this. Equestria has always had a large sway in the political world, and now it's only about to get more influential to the point of unfairness.”

“Now now, Luna, we must not boast about taking too much pride in this. Equestria is a nation of humble ponies who only seek to better the world and our allies, not control it.”

“Speaking of allies, what is your stance now after all this?”

Celestia noticed the change in Luna’s tone. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, do you still plan on negotiating with Chaldea after everything that has happened. Cause I’m not sure you would have the support of the rest of the nation if you made such a decision.”


“I’m serious Celestia.”

The solar alicorn walked to the balcony followed by her sister.

“I love and admire the pony you are, somethings I even envy that. But there comes a point when mercy must be set aside for the greater good.”

Both sisters looked over their city as well as their kingdom. The sun at high noon illuminated the land with its yellow shine.

“Everything and everyone we know and love were nearly taken from us. And while we may have narrowly avoided death, the people of our kingdom were left scared and frightened.”

“I know it's just.”

“What? Tell me why you won’t go down this path? What is keeping you from making the hard choice.?”

“....Because I don’t wish to take away anyone's future.”


“None of us did anything wrong, Luna. There is no clear good or evil in this conflict. Only people trying to protect their future and their people. And yet, the world asks us to become murderers to save our own. It’s not right, it's not fair. Why can’t there be a path where everyone can live in peace. Why does the world have to be so complicated and cruel? Why has any of this have to happen!”

A single tear fell from Celestia’s face.

“How many times must we fight to save our world.”

The solar Princess then knelt down. She soon felt a wing drape over her and a smaller body lean next to her.

“I don’t know sister. I don’t think anyone knows. It seems like the innocence and happiness that we tried so hard to achieve has been lost. Time is the most cruelest of mistresses, and conflict is as everpresent as peace. Perhaps things will never be the same. Perhaps this is when Equestria finally grows up and learns to accept just how complicated the world can really be.”

Luna nuzzled her sister.

“There is no easy path through this. No lesson of friendship to be learned. We can only do what we must, and more than likely we will be asked to do things that will leave us broken and changed. But I do know this. When I saw little Scootaloo being held by Rainbow Dash, her voice becoming weaker and weaker, I promised myself, that I would do anything and everything I can to protect my little ponies. No matter the personal cost.”

Celestia let her sister's words sink in, her mind pondering what she would do when she faced Chaldea next.

She then remembered a quote she heard from somewhere, she had forgotten who said it, but she could recall their words vividly.

“Mercy to an enemy, cannot come at the cost of mercy for their victims. The right path isn’t easy to find but once you do, the only question is whether you're strong enough to walk it.”

And for her little ponies, she was more than strong enough.

“I am sorry humans of Chaldea, but the next time we meet, I shall hold nothing back."

Equestria Daily Newspaper

A Kingdom that was on the brink of Death!

The mysterious phenomenon that nearly killed everyone on the planet is revealed to have been caused by Humans.

As we reported yesterday, an unknown event caused everyone in Equestria and around the world to nearly die. We now have more information that confirms this was all caused by the human lead organization known as Chaldea! Who as we have recently learned attacked the Tree of Emptiness. In doing so, our world was almost erased from existence as a consequence. As this was something that was felt by everyone on the planet, people are now aware more than ever of the threat of this pro-human organization. As the days go by, more and more people cry out for the hunting of servants and bringing this dangerous organization to justice.

We can also confirm that the only fatality during that incident was the Legendary Pokemon Shaymin.

“We plan to put more effort in the hunting of servants and Chaldea as a whole. It is now very clear this organization poses a grave threat to the good citizens of Equestria and the world.” Said former Solar Gaurd Captain Ironside.

Meanwhile, we have learned that Arceus has given a brand new ability to the Pokemon race. A power that is known as “Z-Moves”. These Z-Moves can apparently convert any Pokemon attack into a powerful move that exceeds what is normally possible for standard Pokemon.

“These Z-Moves so far will only be available to Pokemon who are members of law enforcement and the Royal Guard.” Says Ambassador Mewtwo. “The rest of the Pokemon race will have full access to these Z-Moves in due time. While Lord Arceus makes no mistakes, there must be further trial and testing when it comes to refining Z-Moves and how they work.


“Okay, so let's see here.”

Seth, Abby, John, and their Pokemon partners all stood in the training grounds as several test dummies had been set up for them. The first usage of Z-Moves was to be conducted right there.

“So the way this works is that there are 18 different Z-moves for each of the elemental types. No matter what move of the elemental type is used, it will always be the same regardless. So no matter if you use Flamethrower or Fire Punch, it will be the same fire type Z-Move.”

“Okay, so what is the fire type Z-move?” Ingis asked.

“It's apparently called Inferno Overdrive.”

“I call first go!”

“Any objections ladies?” Seth said looking to Rikka and Selena.

“Nah, I’m good.”

“Go ahead, it would be unwise to keep Ingis waiting.”

“Alright, let's do this.”

Ingis stood in front of Seth and faced the leftmost dummy. Seth then tapped his Z-Ring and focused as best as he could.

“Arceus said Z-Moves work similar to Mega Evolution, but different. Let’s hope experience lets me pull this off.”

After a moment, Seth began to glow. Then energy that surrounded him sprung forth and went to Ingis who felt a surge of power.

“Oh, this feels amazing! Not like Mega Evolution amazing, but close enough.”

“Alright then, let's just see just how amazing it really is. Ingis use Inferno Overdrive!

The Charizard began to gather fire in his mouth, more than what had ever been seen before for his species. Once enough had been gathered, Ingis unleash a massive fireball at the target, which seemed to only grow bigger as it traveled. Upon impact, the resulting explosion shook the entire left side of the castle.

When the dust finally cleared, not only was the left dummy reduced to ashes, but also every other one on the field.

“Woah, so that’s what a Z-Move is,” Selena said.

“That was AWESOME! Let’s do it again.”

“Well while I do agree that it was awesome, we can’t do it again for a while remember.”

“Come on Seth, it’s not like you've never been able to Mega Evolve both me and Selena, why not Z-Moves.”

“Because I’d rather not try and push our limits now. Plus, John wanted to try next.”

“I think we should set up some more dummies first,” Kasai said. Since there doesn’t seem to be any left standing.”

After cleaning the field and putting up 3 more dummies, John equipped Waternium Z on this Z-RIng and stood behind his Pokemon, Eclipse.

“Alright Ecplise, since your specialty is Water attacks, let's use the Z-Move called Hydro Vortex.”

“You got it, John.”

John had no experience with Mega Evolution,(mostly because he never came across the Key Stone necessary for it) so he can’t say he knew exactly what he was doing. But Arceus did tell them that it focuses on the bonds between Pokemon and their partners. And if there was one thing people could say about John, is that he always put friends and family first.

“Let’s do this.”

The Infernape was surrounded with the same energy that had been used by Seth, and once again it was sent to his partner Pokemon. The Blastoise felt a surge of energy wash over him.

“Okay Eclipse, use Hydro Vortex!


Water erupted from Eclipse’s cannons and covered the field. Then enveloping himself in the water, the Blastoise rushed the training dummies and captured them in a watery vortex so massive and devastating it put the actual move “Whirpool” to shame.

When it was all over, the entire field which was once a charred mess, was now a muddy puddle.

“Wow, these Z-Moves are the real deal,” John said.

“And they certainly make quite a mess,” Abby pointed out.

Looking at the damage done, Seth had to agree. “Still wanna try your luck, Abby?”

“Nah, I’d rather not make more of a mess than we already have. I can train with Kasai back at the Ranger Union. So for now, let's just clean this up.”

“Indeed, I’d rather not hear it from Grissom asking what happened to the training grounds."

Equestria Daily Newspaper

We have recently done some interviews with those who experienced their near brush with death on the day Chaldea attacked the Tree of Emptiness. Many have much to say about this traumatic event.

”I can’t say I know what it feels like to die, but if what I felt on that day is anything similar, well then I now understand why people are so afraid to die. After all, no one likes being reminded of their own mortality. All of us simply expect our time to come when were old and lived a full life. But on that day I saw a kid, a young colt laying on the ground as if his time had come. That image is something that stays in your head. No one should have to go before their time.”- This person asked to remain anonymous.

“I want to be mad,” Says an earth pony from Baltimare. “I want to be mad because I honestly thought I was gonna die. My friends who are a Siczor and a Sylveon were scared for me when they saw that I was fading away. I wanna find whoever did this and buck them in the face. But then, I pause for a moment and remember what my friend said to me. That they were just trying to save their own world. From their perspective, they were only doing what they thought would save the human race. And so I think to myself, what would I have done if the roles were reversed. Would I be willing to take billions of lives just to save billions of lives?”

Once again from a Gardivoir who would only identify herself as “M”. “I thought something like this would happen. It’s honestly not surprising humans would do this, even so, to kill an entire world, a world full of people with families, hopes, and dreams…its times like these I ask why? When does it end?”

Her partner, a Zoroark who asked to be identified as “R”. “We brought this upon ourselves, the changes Arceus made to us and everything else, it was fully deserved. But humans can be sore losers, and now they have just proven to the world what lines they will cross to get what they want. To the people of Chaldea, if they ever see these words, I ask you, please stop. Don’t let your actions lead to something far worse. Because Arceus only has so much mercy for you.”

From a PLA member who goes by the name Rak. “I don’t care what their reasons are, I don’t care if they have justification or if their cause is righteous in their eyes. Humans are evil, they cannot be trusted. Arceus should have just left them all back on Earth if you ask me. As a veteran of the Pokemon Liberation Army, I was there when it was lead by our first leader, Commander Viper, he knew exactly how to deal with their kind. If he was still around, he would have not stopped until every human was eviscerated. To the point where there would be rivers of blood. Hear me now humans of Chaldea, whether it be me, Arceus, or fate itself, your time will come. You have already lost, there will be no escape this time.”

From a former human who asked to remain annonymous. "Who truly deserves to live more? A single sentient species. Or something around 10 different unique sentient races? They say this timeline, the one which we all live in is a Lostbelt, an alternate history of this planet, which is the right one? Ours or theirs? They say that these Trees of Fantasy keep our worlds alive in the face of temporal correction, does that mean the planet itself doesn't want us to live? You could make a case that the Pokemon who have suffered under the yoke of humans deserve to live more. But that alone is not enough for some people, you must also be worthy to live. You could make the case that humans deserve to live since this is their planet while the Pokemon come from another world, and just forced themselves in here. But you could also make the case where the Pokemon would take better care of this planet. With someone like Arceus around, this planet and its civilizations could last for eons to come. What is the right answer, is there even a right answer to begin with? I leave that up to you."


Hall of Legends.

Arceus reappeared back in the main foyer. His arrival was noticed as Giratina rose from the shadows to greet his father.

“Hello father, I trust your task was successful?”

“Yes Giratina, as if it would go otherwise. The use of Z-Moves will greatly increase the potential that Pokemon will be able to achieve. And more importantly, they now have greater means to be able to fight against servants.”

“I’m almost surprised you went with giving them Z-Moves instead of…that other power.”

“While Dynamax would be a great asset for them to have, I’d rather not have a repeat of the Darkest Day.”

“Ah, speaking of which, I trust they didn’t ask where Z crystals came from.”

The question alone made Arceus narrow his eyes at his son. After all, it was clear he was referring to a topic that they and a few others had agreed to never speak of again.

“While I don’t like lying, I was prepared to tell them that I simply just made them and that Diancie might have had a had in the process.”

Reading the room, Giratina tried to change the subject.

“So that aside, have you developed a means of finding Chaldea?”

“I have a few ideas, normally it would not take much effort to simply locate them with just a thought. But they clearly must be using some kind of conceptual camouflage to hide themselves from my divine sight.” *Sigh* “Humans should not have access to that kind of power, conceptual abilities should remain in the realm of the divine.”

“I wholeheartedly agree father. Humans are dangerous enough on their own without superpowers.”

“However, while I cannot locate them at the moment, I think I may have a way of keeping them from leaving so to speak.”

“How so?

If Arceus could, he would be smiling right now.

“Call your brothers, it is time for them to once again alter the very fabric of time and space.”


Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack walked up the stairs of her house. A simple thing to do, something she had done countless times and never gave any thought to. And yet she could not calm down her beating heart.

There was anticipation on her mind, or at least that was what she told herself, it was closer to paranoia. After all, with what had just happened, she could not help but worry.

Her heart raced faster as she neared the room of her destination, the silence that came from it did not help calm her down.

Upon reaching the room, she quietly and against her own instincts, slowly crept it open.

And once she looked inside, her heart rate returned to normal.

Sleeping soundly on her bed was a napping Apple Bloom, and sitting on a chair next to her was Granny Smith. While Big Machintosh was resting his head on the other side of the bead.

The elderly pony knew her oldest grandaughter was there but did not take her eyes off her youngest one.

“Is she doing well granny?” Applejack said as she walked up to her. She laid her eyes on her sleeping sister, she looked so peaceful and content as she dreamed in Luna’s realm.

“She’s doing fine, this little one is stronger than we give her credit for.”

“Even so, she’s ma’ sister. Looking after her, worrying about her, that’s non-negotiable.”

“As it should be.”

Applejack looked at her sister. Despite her tranquil state now, the Element of Honesty could not help but remember that only a short while ago, she was holding her little sibling in her arms. The life leaving her, the fact that Apple Bloom was about to die before her. It would not be surprising if she were to have nightmares about this for weeks to come.

She brushed her hoof against her mane and her body, not just out of affection, but also to confirm that it was the real thing, that she was still here and alive….and not….

“I have to go now granny, Twilight called me and the other girls for a meeting.”

Applejack turned around and began to walk out the door.


The Earth Pony stopped and turned her head around.

“Do you know who did this, who almost took Apple Bloom away from us?

The answer was an honest one.

“Yes granny, I know who did this.”

“Good. Cause the next time you see them, if you get the chance, show them what happens when somepony tries to hurt a member of our family.”

“... Believe me, granny…”

Applejack continued walking.

“I intend to.”

After leaving her house, Applejack made her way over to Twilight’s library. After a knock on the door, she was let in to the sight of her 5 friends.

“Applejack, glad you could make it.”

“Glad to be here Twi. So what's the deal?”

“Alright, so as you girls know, Chaldea is still out there, and who knows what they are planning. After what happened yesterday, they have no doubt gone into hiding to recover.”

“Remind me, how are they still able to hide?” Rainbow Dash said. “Can’t Arceus track them or something? He is a god after all.”

“I don’t know. Apparently, Chaldea is using some form of cloaking magic that allows them to hide from even Arceus of all people. And they have an escape method that allows them to get away without any trace whatsoever.”

“So the question is, how do we find someone who is so good at hiding?” Rarity stated.

“Well, it turns out, the way we can find them is actually very simple really.”

The other 5 ponies looked at each other and back at Twilight.

“Beg your pardon?”

“Answer me this Rarity, what is the most common method for unicorns to find something they lost?”

“Hmmm, oh I know this one! A simple tracking spell. Wherever Opalescence is hiding, it’s a simple task of using her shed fur as a last resort. One tracking spell later and I soon find my little darling.”

“Good example Rarity.”

“Uh Twilight, I get what you are saying but theirs a little problem with your solution,” Rainbow Dash said. “Tracking spells can find things and people even. But that requires something that belongs to the thing or person you’re trying to find.”

“Yeah, and last I checked. We don’t have anything that belongs to any of the Chaldeans,” Appejack pointed out.

Twilight then smiled, as if she had a devious plan that she wanted to expose.

“Are you sure about that?”

Then with a glow of her horn, a small vial containing a red liquid popped into existence in from of her.

“Uh, what is that?” Fluttershy said.


The yellow pegasus then dramatically fainted in a way that would give Rarity a run for her bits.

“Okay. But, whose blood?”

“Remember when we captured that Chaldean named Akuta?”

“How can I forget,” Rainbow Dash’s body shivered. “I’m still coming to grips with Vampires being a thing.”

“Wait, when did you get that?” Pinkie Pie said.

“Remember when she exploded herself to make it look like she committed suicide?”

“How can I forget,” Rarity’s body shivered. “That image will be ingrained in my mind for the rest of my life.”

“Well, let’s just say Bio Chem wasn’t the only one to take samples from that room.”

“So you’re saying we can use this to track her!”

“Exactly Applejack. Once everything is ready, I’ll use the most advanced and powerful tracking spell that I have, and then we’re going a manhunt!”

Shadow Border.

“Shouldn't we at least say goodbye to the other servants first?” Mash suggested.

“That wouldn’t be wise Mash,” Kirschtaria responded. “The longer we stay here the more we risk ourselves being found and captured. It’s best if we cut our losses and leave while we still have the chance.”

“I know but, who knows if they’ll still be here when we come back.”

“It actually wouldn’t be too much effort to simply convert them into saint graphs and take them with us right?” Ophelia said.”

“That’s true, but remember, the cave where we left them is close to where the Tree of Emptiness is, and that's somewhere we don’t want to be right now. And it wouldn’t be wise to send a messenger familiar there on the chance someone could follow it back,” Holmes pointed out.

“Attention everyone! This is your cute and adorable Da Vinci coming to you from my lonely computer pod, is everyone stapped in and ready?”

“Oh shoot, forgot my seatbelt!” Goredolf said while scrambling to put his on.

“Okay then. Expanding Void-Reality observation device: Paper Moon. Expanding Logic formula on Shadow Border's external armor, removing exitance verification for Reality Space. Future Precdition hypothetically prove mirror world plane in ten seconds, relaxing space-time friction decomposition."

“Not gonna lie, as far as Lostbelts go, I’m not gonna miss this one,” Kadoc said.

“Well I thought it was kinda nice,” Anastasia said.

“When we come back we’ll be ready. When it comes to this Lostbelt, a different approach is clearly needed,” Kirschtaria said.

“Shadow Border untether from reality! Void Space Dive, commencing Zero Sail unfurl in five, four, three, two…

A few more seconds passed, but still nothing.

“Uh, Da Vinci?”

“Hold on, let me see what’s wrong.”

The engine was still running, and the paper moon was not turned off. But as far as everyone could tell, they were still in positive space.

“Okay, it looks like we may have a problem.”

“What kind of problem?” Goredolf exclaimed. “Is something wrong with the Shadow Border!?”

“No everything is in working order, I check and double-checked 5 minutes ago and just now.”

“So what's that problem?”

“Well, the problem isn’t us, that's for sure. Gimme a second to see if I can figure it out.”

“Hey, Da Vinci, take a look at this,” Meuniere said as he sent data to her pod.

“Wait are these readings correct!?”

“As correct as our instruments are saying.”

“Can someone enlighten us please?” Kadoc said.

“Okay, so The problem like I said isn’t us, it's the space around us that’s the problem. Simply put, the space we are in is unsuitable to perform a zero dive.”

“What, how!?” Goredolf exclaimed.

“I’m still trying to figure that out myself.”

“Well, then let’s just drive to another location then. If it's a matter of location then going somewhere else should be no problem then.”

“I don’t think so, whatever just happened, it was not here a few minutes ago.”


“What I’m saying is that the space was not changed when we arrived here, it warped sometime after we came to a stop. This was from all indications deliberate.”

“What are you saying, Da Vinci?” Ritsuka said.

“What I’m saying, and this just a theory, is that someone might have just cast a spell or something that has changed the entire spatial makeup of this Lostbelt or at the very least the surrounding area. Whatever it is has made it so that we can’t leave. We’re stuck here.”

Author's Note:

There will be 3-4 chapters left in this Arc.

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