• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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In the stories and myths that were long forgotten by all but a few humans, but still remembered by the Fairy-Type Pokemon, Avalon was said to be the birthplace of magic itself.

Once home to the Pokemon of Life, Xerneas, Avalon was the ancestral bed of all Fairy-Type Pokemon, of which Xerneas was their guardian and patron. It was in this place that some of the earliest humans were taught magic. Many became skilled Sorcerers, Sages, and Priests. It was a land that would ideally be described as paradise.

In the days before Arceus was sealed, those who were deserving were allowed to step foot onto this sacred island. The innocent and the pure of heart were especially sought after since they were people yet to be molded. Such humans with no bias or prejudice had the potential to become great magicians and wizards. It was a time of good cheer and prosperity.

However, all that came to an end, when someone who had the innocence of a fairy brought this great island paradise to its knees. Someone who would be remembered as ■■■■■■■■■.

With the era of Avalon over, Arceus and his sons sealed away. The magic and secrets of the island became lost to time. Those who survived with its knowledge eventually forgot about them. Even those who inherited the gifts from the island through long undiluted bloodlines would live their entire lifetimes without ever discovering their abilities.

Before the great rapture that brought them to a new world, less than 0.1% of the human population inherited these gifts, now only a handful of them exist. And that handful was among the unworthy ones left behind.

The manifestation that appeared before the assembly of Pokemon, Ponies, servants, and humans, was a projection of the Avalon that was only found on this Earth. So similar, yet so different to the one that existed back in the Pokemon World.

And since no one alive from the Pokemon World knew the nature and significance of what they were seeing, they would just dismiss it as a beautiful illusion.

But for Xerneas, the sight before her sparked a familiar echo in her memories. Even if it didn’t look like the Avalon she knew, the feeling was still the same.

Memories flooded her mind. Of friends and good times long gone by….of him.

Her mind was brought back to reality when another explosion went off. Even with this beautiful scene, this was still a decisive battle that had yet to reach its outcome. But, unbeknownst to most of the Pokemon and Equestrians at the moment, the Garden of Avalon was not just for show. Every heroic spirit on the battlefield received its power, the wounds they had sustained were quickly closed, and the magical energy and stamina they had lost began to be replenished much faster.

The first sign of this was when Gawain, who at this point had fought Princess Celestia to a standstill. His Galatine began to glow brighter and hotter with each swing, his movements became faster and better. Where once Celestia had the advantage in magical energy and numerous spells at her disposal, the Knight of Midheaven was quickly closing the gap with his own mana recharge.

“What is going on?” Celestia thought. “A moment ago it looked like he was becoming more and more exhausted, now it looks like he just woke up from a nap and is raring to go?”

The alicorn made a quick glance at the tower that stood proudly above her.

“Is it because of that?” she thought.

“Heh, I never expected him to show up,” Gawain said.

His words caught Celestia’s attention.

“You know who is causing this?”

“Yeah, normally he should be imprisoned. But Merlin is nothing if not tricky. Still, I can’t say his help is unwanted at the moment!”

Gawain swung his sword again, this time with more speed. Celestia barely had time to react and parry, the force sending her back a few inches.

“This battle is far from over!”

Celestia stood her ground and readied her sword again.

“Let’s just hope we’ll all last long enough for one of us to take down that barrier.”


“Merlin, why are you here?” Kirschtaria asked.

“Do you even need to ask?”

“Considering that it's you we are talking about yes. You don't show up unless it's a situation that actually requires your help.”

“Ah, you're really that insistent. Okay, I guess we have the time. Simply put this Lostbelt is a great anomaly that would normally not exist.”

“We know that.”

“Ah, but what you may not know, is that this Lostbelt was the first and initially the only intended Lostbelt to be planted on the surface of the Earth.”


“Hold on,” Da Vinci said. “We kinda knew it was the first Lostbelt, but what do you mean this was meant to be the only Lostbelt?”

“Well, ask yourselves this. Why would the Alien God need to make multiple Lostbelts? Why grow them all when it really needs just one.”

“Just one?”

“Correct, these Lostbelts are meant to be the staging ground for when the Alien God descends. So why make more than one?”

“Because the one you just made not be suitable for descending?” Kirschtaria guessed.

“True, but it is also another reason. Ask yourself this, why is this, the biggest Lostbelt on the planet, not expanding?”

The Chaldeans' eyes widened as they remembered that little detail.

“We don’t know. That has been a mystery ever since we learned about it.”

“Well, the answer actually lies in a Lostbelt you have already been to.”

It was not hard to guess the answer, of the two Lostbelts, only one outright refused to grow for a simple reason.

“The Lostbelt King.”

“Ding ding ding! The Lostbelt King has authority over their Tree of Emptiness, and they alone have the prerogative to grow it at whatever pace they desire, no none at all.”

“So you’re saying the King of this Lostbelt, whoever they are is refusing to grow the Tree, despite being so close to victory?”

“Correct, it is an interesting enigma. Why stop when you are just a few feet from the finish line?”

Kirschtaria looked out over the battlefield, at the servants fighting and dying so that they would have a chance to escape. They had come to this Lostbelt and learned much about it, but now they were about to leave with still so many questions unanswered.

“Whatever the answer may be, we will not get it today.”


Ingis unleashed a Flamethrower that burned with a passionate intensity, fueled by his fighting spirit and love for his family.

Tsuna cleaved it with one swipe of his sword. The bisected flames went around him and set two trees on fire.

“I’ll be honest,” he said. "My main expertise is hunting demons, not dragons.”

Ingis stopped breathing fire. “Well, I’m not of the dragon type, most of the time.”

“I see, either way, cutting you down is something that will be a new experience.”

“Not if I cut you down first!” Said a voice from behind.

Tsuna turned around and parried an incoming Slash attack from Selena. However, this left him open to a Mega Punch from Ingis that he barely managed to block, sending him skidding back several feet.

“I see you two work well together, are you two battle partners?”

Ingis and Selena looked at each other.

“We’re more than just partners,” she said.

“Which means we’re more than enough to handle you!” Ingis finished.

As one couple fought against one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Yorimits, another battled against one of the shield maidens of Valhalla.

Seth unleashed a Thunder attack that Ortlinde raised her shield to defend against. Despite blocking most of the attack, she still received some damage from arcing bolts. Keeping the momentum going, Rikka fired a Moonblast that the Lancer narrowly evaded.

“Rikka, I want you to use Hyper Voice!” Seth commanded.

“You got it!”

A powerfully loud blast of sound echoed from the Sylveon’s mouth that shook the trees and bushes in its wake. And because it was a sound-based attack, Ortlinde could do little to defend against it, especially when it temporarily deafened her. As such she did not hear the second Thunder attack the Seth summoned from the sky.

This time the attack hit head-on and did major damage to the Valkyrie.

She had to admit, even though she was a demigod daughter of Odin, Ortlinde was surprised that she was being backed into a corner by two people who would otherwise pass as phantasmal beasts.

“Your teamwork is exceptional, the two of you are true warriors who would hold their ground against most opponents,” she said.

“That’s all thanks to hard work and training, if it wasn’t for the change of locations and bodies, I might have become a Champion had life not thrown me a curveball,” Seth said.

“It's true, Sethy can throw down with the best of them!” Rikka exclaimed.

“I see, and that noble virtuous look in your eyes, had you been born during my lifetime, you might have been taken by me or one of my sisters to Valhalla.”

“Yeah no, you ain’t taking Sethy nowhere!”

“I am flattered by your comments Miss Ortlinde was it? But I’m afraid they won’t save you.” Seth’s face then became serious once again. “I insisted that you consider surrendering, you and your friend are outnumbered and frankly outmatched!”

It was true, despite her fame as a member of the Valkyries, and Tsuna’s legend as one of Minamoto no Raikou's retainers, they were actually losing this fight.

Valkyries were normally suited to fighting in groups instead of one on one, and Ortlinde did not have the mana to call upon her sisters at the moment. Tsuna, despite his great skill with a blade, was more adept at fighting demonic beasts than creatures of these types.

Both sides had taken damage, but it was clear which one was winning.

Then, all of a sudden the landscape changed. What was once a forest under the cover of night, was now a flowery field in a bright beautiful sky.

“Wait, what the hell!” Selena exclaimed.

There was a momentary shock as everyone looked around and saw that the landscape had instantly been changed. At first, they thought they had been transported to a different location, but the sight of Chaldea’s fortress and the Equestrian army in the distance brought that into question.

“What is this place?” Ingis asked out loud.

“It looks so pretty though, not gonna lie,” Rikka commented.

“Is this some kind of magic spell?” Seth said.

“Not a spell, it is the work of a Noble Phantasm.

The Pokemon looked back at their opponents and gasped when they saw that their wounds were closing. That any fatigue they had at the moment was not being washed away.

“It seems that fate has decided to lend us a hand.”

Now it was Seth’s turn to be worried. While they had the upper hand before, things had now become uncertain.

Despite outmatching the two servants before, the healing they had just received put them at an advantage over his team who had yet to lick their wounds. And unbeknownst to them, the mana recharge boost meant that they were much closer to using their Noble Phantasms, and once that happened, the battle would be decided.

“Bah, who cares if they just got healed, I still got steam in me to fight all night!” Ingis exclaimed.

“I liked your enthusiasm Ingis,” Selena said. “But we can’t keep this up forever.”

“Not to mention, they have yet to use their Noble Phantasms,” Seth pointed out.

“Then let's not wait for them, bust out the new Z-moves and we can take them out in one shot!”

It was true, they still had that card up their sleeve, and now, it looked this was their best chance to use it.

“Alright then, Ingis I'm gonna send you Z-Move energy. Is everyone ready?!”

All of his Pokemon nodded in agreement.

“We’re with you, Seth!”


“Just say the word brother!”


Seth touched the stone on his necklace which glowed with power. A power that was sent to his Pokemon and filled him with an otherworldly energy.

"It looks like they are about to use a final attack!" Ortlinde said.

"I see, then it is only fair that I respond in kind."

Watanabe no Tsuna then unsheathed his sword, then with his finger, drew various kanji in the air.

Rin, hyou, tou, sha, kai, jin, retsu, zai, zen.

He then sheathed it again as a fire began to build in it. Meanwhile, Ingis was gathering a giant ball of fire in his mouth.

"My blade, that of which slays demonic beasts. Mount Ooe, Bodhi Oni Slayer! Burn ablaze, and may your sins be purged."

"Let's go, Inferno Overdrive!"

The Charizard let loose the Fire-Type Z-Move, blazing a trail along its path to its target.

Mount Ooe!
Enlightened Oni Slayer

The two attacks rushed at each other, fighting for the fate of their worlds.


Abby and her team might have been surprised at the activation of Garden of Avalon, but the seasoned Pokemon Ranger brushed it off and refocused on the battle at hand.

“It's just two against one, and only one of them is actually fighting,” Abby thought to herself.

Gareth while not being the strongest member of the Round Table, was still strong enough that one could see why she was counted among their number. As a servant more geared towards defense than attacking, she could last long in a fight.

Abby noticed this, Gareth was not so much attacking her Pokemon as she was defending herself from them. The damage she received was minimal and whatever damage she did receive was quickly healed, every faster now that Garden of Avalon was active.

“I get it now, this change of scenery isn’t just for show, it's providing power to every servant on the battlefield!”

Gareth charged at Rill, her speed and momentum increasing until it would hit its target or something else.

But the Flygon had anticipated this.

“Heh, baited!”

The Dragon Pokemon moved out of the way, and using Extreme Speed, Kasai rushed in and bite down on Gareth’s lance, he then tried to wrestle it out of her hands.

A cunning plan, were it not for…

“Heh, big mistake!”

There was an audible click, and the tip of the lance exploded in Kasai’s mouth.

“Kasai!” Abby cried out.

The Arcanine was sent flying back, knocked out instantly but the explosion.

“My lance is enchanted with an explosive spell, anything it touches will go boom!”

Abby gritted her teeth as she stared at the servant with rage at her beloved being hurt.

“So, you got a trick or two up your sleeve. I thought you knights were supposed to be the chivalrous type. Isn’t using deceptive tricks like that kinda underhanded?”

“Deceptive? I never mislead you to believe that my lance couldn't do that. And who are you to call me out for being unchivalrous when you guys outnumber me!”

“Well to answer that question, I don’t care. I will use whatever I have to protect Equestria, my friends, and my family! You servants think you can just waltz in here and genocide us all under some self-righteous belief that it's what fate says is supposed to happen!?”

“Well, I don’t know about what fate wants, but if my master is a righteous person who fights for what is right, then I will gladly follow them come hell or high water!”

“And you think killing an entire world of people is righteous?”

“That's not my point-”

“No, I think that's exactly your point. Humanity has always trampled over races that they thought were beneath them. And now it's happening again. No, not this time! We of the Pokemon race will not just die forgotten after all we’ve been through!”

In the background, Hans watched on as Abby ranted against Gareth.

“Hmph, talking in the middle of a fight, couldn’t get any more cliched than that.”

“We will win this fight today, we will survive and have a future where humanity will not hold us back anymore, and this is how!”

Hans, then felt a presence above him and looked up just in time to see Rill fire a Hyper Beam at the Caster. He barely had time to avoid it, and the explosion from the blast sent him into a tree, injuring him, but not enough to knock him out.


“That guy was supporting you from the sidelines, providing you with spell buffs like a trainer using Potions or Batte Items. But remove him from the equation and you are now left without any backup! Kasai may have been beaten, but the three of us are more than enough to finish you!”

Gareth raised her shield and faced down the three Pokemon.

“Even if I fall here today, knowing that I bought everyone the time they needed means I was at least able to fulfill that role!”


Iris fired off a Dragon Pulse that Seig barrel rolled to avoid. Already on the dirt, he pressed his hand against the grass and sent a blast of magical energy along the ground that struck Iris.

“Tch,” Iris grunted from the pain. While she knew almost nothing about magic in this world, she had a suspicion that it was very similar to Fairy-Type attacks. But that attack just now felt more like an electric attack, which didn’t do much damage against a Dragon-Type.

“You're a Caster-Class servant correct? I honestly expected something along the line of magical attacks or something. But so far you’re just using that sword and lighting. And your friend, he just makes robots, which at the rate he’s making them kinda makes him more of a magician than you.”

“I’ll admit, I’m not the most skilled or versatile when it comes to magic. In fact, I am pretty young and a novice when it comes to being a servant. I’m not even a great hero worth mentioning.”

“Then what are you?”

“Just someone who wishes to fight for the sake of someone who left a deep impression on me. Just a person who wants to fight for my own reasons and of my own will.”

“Well, I don’t know what to say to that other than if its a fight you want-”

Sieg heard the sound of crunching metal.

“Then it's a fight you’ll get.”

The homunculus then turned around to see a fatally wounded Babbage lying on the ground, his spirit origin already fading.

“I have done...all I could, I leave…the rest…to you…Sieg.”

The body of Charles Babbage then dissipated, leaving his killers to turn their attention to Seig.

“You are outnumbered. Give up now, I’d rather not let Axle tear you apart, once he starts, it's hard to stop him.”

Sieg looked back to see that the dragon Pokemon were now surrounding him on all four sides.

“You cannot win human!” Axle exclaimed. “You face 4 dragons, the most powerful Pokemon type! And only a dragon Pokemon can beat another dragon!”

“You forgot Fairy and Ice Types.” Druddigon pointed out.

“I KNOW WHAT I SAID! Besides, does it look like this guy can shoot ice or fairy dust!?”

I’m low on options,” Sieg thought. “If only I could use my-”

“Garden of Avalon!”

The forest the five of them were in vanished as a field of flowers took its place—the Noble Phantasm of Merlin projection itself onto the physical world.

“Huh, where the what!?” Hydreigon exclaimed.

The four dragon Pokemon were baffled at what they were looking at, none of them making sense of what they were seeing. And yet Sieg, knew exactly what this was.

“Ummm, can someone tell me what this place is?” Iris said.

“It is the Reverse Side of the World.”

Iris looked back at Seig, who had looked worried before but was now filled with determination.

“What your seeing is a projection of the Inner Sea of the Planet, the place where the majority of the mystical and the divine went to after the gods of the world ceded this planet to humans.”


“Nothing that is born in the world of man may live here. Nothing that is of the Age of Humans my touch this place. It is a layer of the planet that contains the last remnants of the Age of Gods.”

A powerful aura surrounded Sieg.

“I will tell you something else, this isn’t my true body. My real self is currently resting in this very place, waiting eternally for someone that may never show up, but even so, I continue to wait for that day when she comes.”

“Ug, guys, I got a bad feeling about this,” Hydreigon said.

“Well don't be you fool! He’s still just a single human, what can he do to us!?” Axle exclaimed.

“I may not be a proper servant with a proper place in the Throne of Heroes, but I still have a Noble Phantasm. Allow me to show you, allow me to demonstrate the very journey I took to get to the domain of the Planet’s soul!”

Energy coalesced around Sieg, and then expanded outwards, blinding everyone who saw.

When the light faded, when the dust settled, when the four of them looked upon their opponent again, they could not believe their eyes.

Where Sieg once stood, was now a towering dragon that dwarfed all of them.

“I am Fafnir! The wicked dragon who guards the Grail of Heaven!”

“Did he just-”

“Turn into-”

“An actual-”

“No. Nononononono! It's not possible! A human cannot become a dragon!”

Any other day, Iris would have agreed with Axle on that statement. But with these servants showing up, and the things she was witnessing, she wasn’t sure what to believe anymore. What she had just witnessed now, had

“Torch everything!”

Akafiloga All-Grið!
Incandescent Dragon's Breath - Liquefaction of Myriad Lands

Just in the Pokemon world, Dragons stood atop the mythological system of phantasmal beasts. Be they Monstrous, Phantasmal, or Divine, dragons had members in every class and were revered in legends and myths to this very day.

It was the dragons who molded time, space, and anti-matter. It was the dragons who were chosen by Arceus to be the guardians of Pokemon. It was their race that numbed the most among the Legendary Pokemon.

Now both kinds of dragons, both from two different worlds, would meet on this battlefield and would begin a long conflict to determine which iteration of their species was the strongest version of each other.


Reshiram was the Legendary Pokemon of Truth.

What kind of Truth she valued was simple. To believe in Truth was to accept the absolute, to believe in one immutable answer that could not be swayed or countered otherwise.

This was why she choose to align herself with N. For he sought to bring about a world where only his Truth was absolute. A world where Pokemon would be free from their human enslavers, where they would be equals to humans and walk alongside each other not as masters and servants, but as two peoples coexisting in harmony.

In another world, N might have suitable to gain the favor of Zekrom the Legendary Pokemon of Ideals. For if the Truth of the world was that Pokemon and subservient to humans, and an unideal world, then he would make an ideal world. One with the same principles he had been raised to believe.

And yet, during N’s journey his Truth began to waver. As if he began to see the cracks and inconsistencies forming as he finally stepped out of the castle he has been sheltered in for so long.

Reshiram knew that N’s innocent heart meant that he had yet to grasp the full reality of what the world really was. That was why he lost, because he had come to understand that there are different kinds of Truths that had been hidden from him.

So why did Reshiram stay with him after all that?

Simply, put it was for a selfish reason.

Reshiram may be the Dragon Pokemon of Truth, but even she had opinions and Truths of her own that she wanted to be imposed.

Having seen the state of the world after being in slumber for so long, Reshiram realized that humanity had long strayed from the path that had been set by Arceus at the dawn of history. She wished to correct that, to bring back the true state of this world. One where Pokemon and Humans were equal. This was why she resonated with N so much, for not only did he believe in an absolute Truth, but it was a Truth they both shared. And even after being beaten by his new rival, and her by her ancient rival, they still shared that same Truth.

So when Arceus transformed all humans into Pokemon, in a way, that Truth had once again asserted herself in her opinion. For now, humanity was truly equal to Pokemon once again, by becoming one with them.

While it was not exactly the exact Truth that N sought, it was enough for her.

So why was she fighting with all her might against these servants who challenged her? Simple. If Pokemon ceased to exist, humanity would only remain. There would be no one who would be called their equal.

And she would not have that.

“Is that the best you got?” Reshiram used Ancient Power to knock away two servants who jumped up to attack her, only to be met with that move that knocked them out of the sky.

“You will have to bring more than that if you wish to take down a Legendary Dragon Pokemon.”

“A dragon you say?”

Reshiram looked as a new servant manifested himself on the battlefield.

“I accept your challenge.”

The servant was dressed in armor from neck to toe. He had a split hair color of black that contrasted silver. He wore a pair of sharp glasses that gave him a gaze of wisdom and honesty. Just from looking at him, Reshiram knew that he was a warrior cut from a different cloth than those she had been fighting up until now.

“Speak your name, so that I will at least remember it before you die.”

“My class is Saber and my true name-”

The servant manifested a long, blue, glowing, double-bladed greatsword. For some reason, when Reshiram first saw it, a twinge of agitation came over her.

“Sigurd, the King of Warriors. Slayer of the Evil Dragon Fafnir.”

The name of course meant nothing to her. Nor did it mean anything to anyone from the Pokemon world. After all, while both human histories shared many mythological and historical figures, Sigurd and Seigfried had no such presence in the anals of the Pokemon world’s long history.

“Then approach Sigurd, so I might deal with you swiftly.”

“Hmph. You will find that I am not so easily vanquished.”

“You overestimate yourself. I am only of the Legendary Pokemon, an existence as old as the world I came from. My breath can melt an entire forest, the authority of Truth is my domain. No human alone can defeat me, and on top of that.”

Reshiram smirked.

“You cannot fly up her to reach me.”

Sigurd did not smile back, just merely responded with-

“I do not need to fly to reach you.”

Reshiram then heard the crackle of lighting behind her.


A powerful lightning attack from Kintoki’s axe slammed into her back. Unable to avoid or react in time the force of the hit sent her spiraling back into the ground.

“HA! Nice teamwork!”

But Kintoki’s smile soon faded as he found himself standing behind the tail of the Legendary Pokemon, which started to make a noise similar to a jet engine as it began to heat up.

“Oh shoot!”

He quickly avoided the burst of fire that shot from it, as Reshiram pulled her head out of the ground, more pissed off.

“Insolent! Do you two really think killing me will bring you victory today!?”

“We don’t need to kill you to beat you,” Sigurd said

“Just enough to beat the living daylights outta ya!”

The two heroic spirits then lunged at Reshiram at the same time, but the dragon countered by enveloping herself in flames, pushing them back.

“Fusion Flare!”

Reshiram gathered a giant ball of flame above her and slammed it into the ground near Sigurd. While not a direct hit, the heat from the attack was enough to stager him.

“Tch, this is why I don’t like fire.”

“If you can’t handle the heat,” Reshiram said through the flames.

“Then don’t fight a freaking dragon!”

Dashing at incredible speed through the fire, Reshiram slammed into Sigurd and bit down on his arm.


She bite down harder as if attempting to chew his arm off.

“Not today!”

Reshiram felt a sharp pain in her cheek as Sigurd sunk one of his daggers into it. This caused her to let him go.

Blood seeped from her wound, staining her white fur.

“Enough of this!”

Reshiram took to the skies once again, far out of the reach of the servant's weapons.

“I can deal with you from up here!”

Reshiram then let off a series of dragon pulse attacks that shelled the battlefield, Sigurd and Kintoki were quickly able to avoid them, but…

“Blue Flare!”

The second signature move of Reshiram was not so easy to evade. Blue Flare, a powerful move that left searing burns in its wake. If that move made contact with them, they would surely take major injuries and burns that would affect even a servant.

However… it was met by an equally powerful blue fire.

A giant evil dragon touched down in front of the two warriors and with its own dragon breath, met the move head-on, but flames canceled each other out.

“WHAT!?” Reshiram exclaimed.

Sigurd looked up at the new arrival, his eyes instantly recognizing the beast before him.


The dragon looked back, at him, its eyes were not that of an evil dragon, but one of a determined young individual. Upon closer inspection, Sigurd saw the saint graph and spiritual core that was the true nature of this person.

“No, your name is Seig correct?”

“Yes, I just got done dealing with 4 other guys who were trying to breach the fortress. Then master told me that this one was giving everybody trouble.”

“Heh, indeed, your arrival could not be more fortuitous!”

“What is this?” Reshiram said. “You have dragons of your own on your side?”

Seig turned back to the Legendary Pokemon.

“No, I am not a dragon in the truest sense, I am what you might call a fake. Someone who is just borrowing this power.”

“So you are a falsehood, an imitation? Then you are most foolish to face me, for I am the Pokemon that places truth above all else. A faker like you could never dream to defeat the likes of me!”

“You’re probably right, alone I could not defeat you. However…”

Kintoki and Sigurd walked up beside him.

“I have more than enough help to beat you!”

Seig then soared into the air and fired off more dragon breath as he began to chase Reshiram.

“Seig, just keep her like that! Draw her closer so I can do my thing!”

“I’ll try!”

As the two draconic existences did battle in the sky, the Warrior King called upon the power of the demonic sword that he wielded.

Reshiram compared to Seig was obviously much faster. Her tail allowed her to soar at speeds that would normally be impossible for most dragon Pokemon. Seig was much heavier and was not entirely used to his dragon form.

Seeing her opening, she resumed her attacks.

“Take this, Dragon Pulse!”

“Akafiloga All-Grið!”

The two moves collided, but while Dragon Pulse was formidable, Seig’s Noble Phantasm was much stronger. It incinerated the move and went all the way back to its owner.

“Yes, I got her!”


Reshiram flew through the blue fire via Giga Impact, her dual-type resistance meaning it did little damage to her, the powerful tackling move she used was meant to hit its targets with the full weight of the user's body and then some. With this critical attack, Seig was knocked out of the sky.

“Did you really think you had a chance of defeating one who has existed since the beginnings of the planet!?”

As Seig fell to the ground, one thought came to mind.

“Wasn’t trying to beat you…”

He looked to his comrades and saw the light of several spinning daggers. The Völsunga King was preparing to unleash his true name.

“Demonic blade, complete. Show me your pride!”

Sigurd then punched the draggers with blinding speed and precision. They soared through the air at their aimed target.

Even if Reshiram saw the attack coming, it would have been unlikely that she could have avoided it. Since Giga Impact of one of several moves that made the user very tired after its use, she would not have the energy to move out of the way.

The draggers sunk themselves deep into her skin, and the Dragon Guardian of the Unova region cried out in pain.

“This is the dawn of destruction…”

Bölverkr Gram!
Heaven's Wheel of Destruction!

Gram was a demonic sword said to be equal to and the opposite of the Holy sword wielded by the King of Knights. If Excalibur was as brilliant as the moon, then Gram was deadly as the sun. On top of that, Sigurd was famed for having felled the evil dragon Fafnir in his lifetime, gaining its heart as a mana reactor. As such, when summoned as a servant, his Noble Phantasm would do extra damage to dragons.

The magic sword hit its target dead-on, dealing massive damage to the Legendary Pokemon. Reshiram felt pain like never before. Even in her long existence, she had never taken a weapon like this before.

Normally, Sigurd would deal the decisive blow by punching Gram while it was still embedded in its target. He this happened, the would Reshiram sustained would likely have been fatal. But because she was still in the sky when this happened, she was spared this outcome.

Nevertheless, the dragon Pokemon of Truth fell from the heavens and impacted the ground with a resounding thud. She lost consciousness a moment after.




Streaks of light rained from the heavens as Mohska came from below. Each bolt that would judge the sinful was objected by another one of equal power.

Judgment was the great Authority of Arceus, the Chief God of what can be considered the Pokemon Pantheon.

Pashupata was the great Authority of Shiva, one of the tree Cheif Gods of the Hindu Pantheon.

Neither was able to override the other since they were the same type of attack from the same type of god. Even if Arjuna could not wield its full power, the fact that Arceus was not as powerful as he once brought him down to a level where it was possible to match him.

“RAAAH! That is becoming very annoying!”

Arceus was very infuriated, they had at this point fired off 5 ultimate attacks and neither one overcame the other. Arceus was someone who was meant to be a supreme being, one who could not be challenged by anyone who is considered a lesser existence.

So the fact that a mear demigod was able to match his most powerful attack, even if he was not at his strongest, was a great blow to his pride.

“You keep using that single attack, and yet you do not think to use others, why?”

Arceus leered at Arjuna.

It's true, there were many ways he could end him now without using Judgement. But as stated before, Arceus was a prideful being. He kept using Judgment out of hope that Arjuna would simply run out of magical energy, then he could do what he wanted to do before and wipe them out in a single stroke.

“So how, how is he still using his Noble Phantasm over and over?”

Arceus looked to the battlefield, everywhere, servants were starting to gain the upper hand over the gathered forces. Despite the fact that they were vastly outnumbered, the servants were beginning to push back their foes.

"Their Noble Phantasms. They cannot all be using those attacks over and over. They must be getting more power from somewhere…"

Arceus’s attention then focused on the tower that was now situated over the Chaldean’s fortress. How the moment it appeared, the landscape changed and all the servants began fighting with renewed vigor.

“It's that tower, that's what is granting them more power! Then I must destroy it, remove it from the equation.”

And yet that tower was still behind the shield that he had been trying for the last 10 minutes to try and break down. And yet he was getting nowhere with that.

He looked to the other Legendary Pokemon, his children, his family, fighting with everything they had.

And then he saw Reshiram.

A blast of energy from some kind of weapon struck her square in the chest. Sending her falling out of the sky and out of the fight.

“No. No more. This ends now!”

Arceus was a prideful being, it is true. He usually never think to ask for help from mortals unless circumstances required that he did.

But when it came to family, that was a different story.

“Everyone, to me!”

All the Legendary Pokemon stopped what they were doing and looked at Arceus, they then received a telepathic message from him stating what they should do. Some of them smiled and grinned at the plan they were told of.

All Legendary Pokemon that were able to fly and float gathered around their Alpha Pokemon, while those bound to the Earth huddle together in a group. Their enemies and foes looked on in confusion.

“On my signal, attack with the barrier with everything you have!”

“Yes, father!”

“You got it, gramps!”

“It's time to end this!”

Arjuna, however, would not just stand by and let this happen.

"As is you expect me to just stand here and-"


A blinding fast dragon slammed into Arjuna and knocked him out of the sky. He fell until he landed at the feet of the other Heroic Spirits

After helping the Indian prince to his feet, all the servants looking on soon began to realize just what the Pokemon were about to do.

“It looks like they’re gonna do a volley attack!” Seigfried said.

“Then let's stop them!” Achilles said.

But before the servants could act, they found their paths blocked by three Alicorns and an entire army of Ponies and Pokemon trainers.

“If you want to get to them,” Twilight said.

“You’ll have to go through us!” Rainbow Dash said.

The mane six then felt a surge of power flow through them. Their bodies then changed into a shining colorful transformation that they had recently used before.

“Oh would you look at that, we got out Rainbow Power back!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Still need to figure how how to trigger it on command,” Applejack said

Back in the sky, the Legendary Pokemon had finished charging up their moves. And were just waiting for the signal.

Arceus, looked down upon the fortress, upon the humans who stood atop it. He felt no pity for them, not one ounce of remorse. He only felt that he was giving them what they deserved.

“Now, Attack!”

The most powerful Pokemon in the world fired off their signature moves, their most powerful Authorities. If their signatures were not attack-based, then it was a Hyper Beam or someone equally strong.

The first barrier was destroyed instantly, the second one was already halfway gone.

“Uh, guys, they're starting to get through!” Kadoc said.

Da Vinic! How much longer!?” Ritsuka said.

“3 minutes, just give me 3 minutes, and well all be good to get the hell outta here!”

“That barrier won’t even last 30 seconds,” Kirschtaria pointed out. “We need more time.”

“I can get Mash to deploy her Noble Phantasm. That might-”

“No, that defense would be useless if Arceus could just teleport inside and destroy the Shadow Border. Or if Mewtwo might mess with our minds like her tried to invade yours.”

Every second that passed, it look more and more like they were about to left completely defenseless. And more and more, Kirschtaria kept thinking that he would have to use his ultimate spell.

His thoughts were shattered along with the second barrier.

“Shoot!” Kadoc exclaimed.

Goredolf then spoke through the comms.

“Kirschtaria Wodime. As director of Chaldea, I am well aware of your condition and what you can do. So I ask you, if it at all possible, would you be willing to yours your me-”

“No need to ask Director, I was already about to do that.”


“Are you sure, Kirschtaria?” Da Vinci, remember you can only use that so many times.”

“If I don’t use it now, there might not be more times I would be able to use it.”

Back in the sky, Arceus watched in satisfaction as the second layer of the barrier shattered like glass.

“One more to go, is everyone ready?”

The Legendary Pokemon acknowledged him with a yes.

“Mewtwo, once it's down, go in there and immobilize them. Prevent their escape and whatever else they may try.”

“Yes, father.”

“Palkia, Dialga, take out that tower, reduce it to rubble.”

“Yes, father.”

“Giratina, Yveltal, wipe out the remaining servants, and don’t worry about damaging the area.”

“Yes, father!”

“Good, on my mark, fire again!”

Every single Legendary Pokemon, did as they were told. Some eagerly, so hesitantly.

Lugia and Ho-Oh prepared Aeroblast and Sacred Fire. Kyogore and Groudon readied Origin Pulse and Precipice Blade. Mewtwo and Yveltal charged Psystrike and Oblivion Wing. And a bunch of others had several Hyper Beams at the ready.

“One…..Two……T- “

“Enuma Elish!”

From above the sky, chains descended from heaven. Golden links of godly craftsmanship fell to the Earth in a display of precision and power.

In an instant, 49 Legendary Pokemon were wrapped and restrained. Because they were too focused on destroying the shield, they never saw the chains. The golden links bind and bound them with a tightness they had never known.

Arceus and some of his eldest children were made prisoners in their own homes for thousands upon thousands of years. And now these set of chains brought back up bad memories.

From the ground, no one could believe what they were seeing. The Legendary Pokemon they had revered all their lives were now all restrained and bound by an unknown force. In that moment, someone or something had the entire Legendary Council at their mercy.

But who?


N watched from a distance as the battle raged. On one side was a group of people who fought in order to live, and on the other side was another group who fought in order to live.

If he had said that sentence to someone else, he would have asked them which side was in the right, and which one deserved to win.

He would likely have gotten an uncertain answer, for he did a poor job of explaining each side other than their motivations for fighting.

And yet N once thought like all well. Once he was someone who simply fought for a side out of a motivation that he believed to be righteous. And yet, he knew very little about the other side other than what he assumed it was they were fighting for.

It was this black and white view of the world that made it hard for him to get along with people.

He thought the world to be a simple one, where people can be good and people can be evil. That people fought for selfish reasons and others fought for selfless reasons. But as he stepped out of his sheltered life for the first time, he began to see that the world itself was full of people who had deeper and much more layered reasons for why they did what they did.

There were people who committed evil deeds in the name of good, there were criminals who did good deeds for selfish reasons.

That did not change much when he came to this new world. If anything, things became even more complicated and even more grey.

Two worlds neither had done anything wrong to earn the other wrath and rage. It was a simple survival of the fittest, a war where only one world could live to see tomorrow.

“Heh, looking back now, maybe it was best if I just stayed in my forest home. If I never took his hand…”

“That's not a bad idea,” said a voice that walked up beside him. “I too was born in a forest.”

N did not even need to look to see that Endiku was now standing right next to him. It was strange, they had only known each other for a day and just he was already familiar with him. Was it because they were the same kind of being? Both people born without human hearts?

“I thought you might show up.”

“Indeed, after all, this was the reason I was summoned here.”

“So you know your purpose?”

“Indeed, each time a servant is summoned by the world, we are preloaded information on what purpose we were sent here for.”

“I see, but what about your first life, did you know the reason why you were born then? Did you know your purpose?”

“I did. I knew the reason why I was born before I even had a semblance of thought.”

“Heh, I envy you.”

“Oh, I’m not sure you should envy me. After all, I ended up defying my purpose. I rejected the reason I was born all for the sake of my friend, a decision that eventually cost me my life.”

“I see….even so, I wish I knew the reason why I was born.”

“Why is that?”

“I say this because I thought I knew, I thought I had an understanding of what I was meant to be and how I should use my gifts. Now, I’m not so sure what I am meant to do.”

“I understand your frustration. After all, it is said that the two most important days in a person's life are the day they were born and the reason they find out why.”

Enkidu watched as the Legendary Pokemon gathered around Arceus, and watched as they began their final assault.

“Well, it seems my purpose has come.”

“Are you going to kill them?”

“No, but it certainly won’t be a pleasant experience either. Why? Will you stop me?”

“I could, but I have a feeling I’d only just succeed in slowing you down.”

“Even a moment can mean the difference between victory and defeat.”

“True, but…”

N’s gaze fell upon the almighty creator of the Pokemon world, he gave him the same studious expression he gave whenever he first meets someone.

“I’m curious to see just what might happen if things did not go as he plans. Like it did for me. Will it humble him? Or make him even pettier and narrow-minded?”

“Who knows, but it's really not my concern.”

“No, I suppose it isn’t.”

Enkidu then walked closer to the edge, then turned to face the person who was more Pokemon than man from the day he was born.

“It was nice meeting you, N. If our paths cross again, I would very much like to talk with you once more.”

Then the person who was the oldest friend to humanity's first hero soared into the sky, off to fulfill his purpose.

“Yes, I suppose I won't be against the idea.”


This servant of humanity was born in order to bind Gods and Man, to prevent their age from inevitably declining. They were meant to do one thing and one thing only, no more no less.

But something else happened.

Instead of being the chains that would bind Heaven and Earth, they would be the spear that would forever sever them.

Enkidu, the world's oldest sidekick. Closet friend to Gilgamesh, the oldest hero.

And yet, despite the fact they were still at their core nothing but clay and chains. Even now in this very moment, those chains could be used to bind Heaven.

"I will awaken the breath of the planet, for I walk with humanity."

While there were many who would be resentful of this moment, many gods who left this world with regrets and unfulfilled desires, there were also those who felt that…yes, it is time to pass this world onto humanity. Their childhood had come to an end.

“O’ chains of heaven, bind once more!”

Enuma Elish!
O' Humans, Let Us Restrain The Gods!


There was only one time in his life when Arceus felt panic. And not just momentary panic, but real dread-inducing panic when you know that something very bad is happening. A prolonged agonizing panic that would make anyone hyperventilate.

The first time he was imprisoned, he tried everything in his power to break free of the personal dimension he called his home. When that didn’t work he tried exerting whatever power to try and influence the outside world in order to open his prison from the outside. Then when the gravity of the situation finally settled in, he nearly lost his mind.

It was the worst kind of prison and torture for someone like him, being subject to a confined space where he could do nothing but just watch as his world, his creation fell apart. The millennia of seeing his Pokemon reduced to slaves and further demeaned when humans started putting them in Pokeballs.

When he finally broke free, there were two things that he did.

One, send a signal to gather every Legendary Pokemon on the planet to convene for the first time in 6,000 years.

Two, erase every trace of the spell that was used to seal him away in the first place.

Needless to say, Arceus never wanted to experience the feeling of being restrained or confined in any way shape, or form ever again. Gods of his type were not meant to be limited or reduced to a helpless state. They were omnipotent, nothing should be beyond them, and nothing should be able to hold them.

And yet it never occurred to him that even with all his years of experience and knowledge, that perhaps he did not come out of that experience unscathed.

Insanity was not something limited to mortals.

This was why now, in this very moment, when Arceus felt the golden chains wrap around his limbs and bind him with a tightness and restriction that he had never known, he was in momentary denial.

But then he came to his senses.

He looked around and saw his family, his Legendary Pokemon wrapped in gold chains, unable to move or act. The sight brought him to horror.

This was far worse than when he was imprisoned. At least that time he was able to move around his pocket world. It was like house arrest in a sense.

But here, right now, he did not even have the freedom to move at all. And his family was suffering the same fate.

“No. nonononononononononononono…..”

Panic began to swell in him. To the point where he felt like he was about to go crazy. This could not be happening!

“What are these chains!?” Palkia said. “How are they binding us so strongly?”

“Is this the work of some servant?” Mewtwo said.

“It can’t be! No servant could possibly have the power to chain and restrain every Legendary Pokemon in the world!” Giratina stated.

“Father, what do we do!?” Rayquaza said. Looking to his maker for answers. “Father!?”

But unfortunately for them, Arceus’s mind was elsewhere.


Enuma Elish.

A Noble Phantasm that increased with power the more divine their target was. The more goldy a person was, the tighter its chains became.

And there was something else.

Despite not being a Counter Guardian, Enkidu drew their power from the Counter Force. And not just Alaya the Counter Force of Humanity, but Gaia, the Counter Force and the will of the planet. With backup from both aspects of the world, the Noble Phantasm’s power is increased in response to things that threaten the destruction of the planet or humanity.

The world itself considered Arceus a threat to humanity. This meant that for him, on top of being an actual god, meant that his chains were the tightest of all.

While everyone else watch one trying to make sense of what was happening, Chaldea, having witnessed this Noble Phantasm before, understood its meaning.

“No way is that-”

Mash was then interrupted by a legendary king having a long haughty laugh.

“Fu. Haha. Hahahahaha! SO! You have decided to show up Enkidu! Wonderful! This is truly a joyous moment!”

Ritsuka looked at him with a smile. “Of course, he has every reason to be happy right now.”

“As much I would join you in laying low some upstart divinities…Mongrel! You have been given a rare opportunity from the world itself, do not waste it!”

Kirschtaria was the first to understand.

The last time they had witnessed this, the chains of heaven had been able to hold Tiamat for a minute at most. He suspected that they had a similar amount of time to act.

“Alright. Every listen up, recall all the servants, tell them to fall back and get to the Shadow Border.”


“Ritsuka, we have been given a small window to get everyone out of here while we still can. Normally we would not be able to take the servants with us. But now we can.”

Rituska thought for a moment but then realized Kirschtaria was right, they had to act fast.


“Everyone, this is Kirschtaria, recall all servants. Tell them to head to the Shadow Border and reduced themselves to spirit form, we’re leaving.”

Team A did as they were told, they contact their servants and sent the message to every one of them.

Kirschtaria looked back to the chains and the one they held in place, he noticed that some struggled more than others and that some could not struggle at all.

“There is a good chance we make it out of here before that breaks…however…”

Abby used a Flamethrower as Rill and Lex came at Gareth from the side. The Knight of the Round Table did not go left or right, but ran straight into the fire and at Abby.

The Pokemon ranger saw this coming, and quickly sidestepped the servant and tripped her up with her tails. Gareth roll for a little on the ground before using the momentum to get back up.

She faced her opponents once again, who started back at her.

“Come on! It’s three against one! How is she lasting this long?” Lex said.

“It's this !@#$ magic scenery or whatever it is. It's somehow giving her a power boost, no matter, she can’t last forever,” Abby said.

Gareth raised her shield and lance, there was no fear in her eyes.

“I can do this all day.”

But before anyone could act, Gareth’s head perked up. Like a god that had just heard its owner call for its name.

“But it seems, this is where our battle ends.”


“You fought well, if we meet again, perhaps we could finish our fight.”

“Wait, you can’t just-”

But Gareth had disappeared into spirit form before she could finish.

Abby then turned around and saw that Hans was also gone.

“Those B%!@#$ds!”

Abby was so mad right now. She was left very unsatisfied with this whole endeavor. She failed to beat any servants and was left with a bruised pride more than anything.

But with them gone at least, she could make it to the fortress and find a way in.

“Umm, Abby? I think you need to look at this.”

Abby then turned to Lex, whose gaze was towards the sky. When she followed it, her expression then began to match his.

“Oh no.”



Siegfried brought down his greatsword and with it a torrent of energy and power that would normally destroy a fortress wall.

Instead, Twilight Sparkle caught it with a Rainbow Powered sword projection, long enough for it to dissipate.

Seig, who was still Fafnir, breathed Dragonfire in order to immolate the oncoming army, only for Celestia and Luna to project a shield large enough and strong enough to prevent even a lick of flame from hurting anybody.

“We will hold them here! Do not let a single one of them through!”

The ponies and Pokemon peasant let out a cry of determination as they held their ground against the servants who were now back to defending. Several of them had already fallen to Legendary Pokemon and others, leaving them reduced in size.

And then just when it looked like they were about to make another push, the heroic spirits relaxed and lowered their weapons.

“Uh, what's going on?” Rainbow Dash said.

No one made a move.

“Are they surrendering?” Twilight questioned.

Then all of a sudden, every single servant on the battlefield disappeared. Shimmering back into spirit form and becoming out of sight.

“What!? Where’d they go!?” Luna said.

Celestia looked around, not a single servant to be seen. Was this a sign of defeat? Had someone gotten inside and attack their masters, was that why they were recalled?

“No, this is something else.”

“Celestia look!”

The alicorn saw her student pointing at the top wall of the fortress. On it, she could make out a single figure standing on top of it.

She then flapped her wings and took to the air to get a better view, and sure enough, there was only one human on top when before there were several.

That was when she heard a voice, a voice that came from all around her.

“People of Equestria, my name is Kirschtaria Wodime!”


“Is everyone at the border Da Vinci?”

“Yes, everyone is here.”

“And what of the repairs?”

“60 seconds and all engines will be green. But we still need to start the process, and we can’t do that without you!”

“I’ll be down there in a moment, just gotta do one last thing.”


The leader of Team A shut off his coms and took a deep breath, he then walked towards the edge of the Kremlin’s roof and looked down up the field.

All the servants had been recalled. The only ones here were Ponies, Pokemon, and one human master.

“Alright, here goes nothing.”

He activated a spell that would allow his voice to be heard by everyone under the sky. As part of his astrology magecraft, this was well within his means.

“People of Equestria, my name is Kirschtaria Wodime!”

All eyes and ears were on the Master of Chaldea. And not just the ones on the field before him, or the Legendary Pokemon restrained in the sky. All over Equestria and the countries and lands that were under the night’s sky, they heard his voice, and felt its weight.

“I am the leader of Chaldea’s Team of Masters, I am here to speak to all of you. First of all, am here to say that I stand here before you on behalf of the human race. Some of you I know have mixed feelings about us at best, and downright hatred at most. In many cases, you have every right to hate us, we came to your land and tried to kill you for reasons you probably barely understand.”

Around Equestria, there was confusion, and intrigue. Many listened with anger and contempt, others with interest and concern.

“I do not expect you all to understand, I do not expect you all to care. You probably heard from your Pokemon neighbors about the worst of mankind, stories of how my race mistreated yours. And that when we came here, it only confirmed what you thought all along. But I am here to say this, as much as you have a right to hate us, I also ask that you try and form your own opinions. Do not just hate us because someone told you to. There are people in this world who are capable of doing this as good and evil as we have. The Earth created life, and life itself made humans, Pokemon, ponies, and so much more. We are all creations of this planet, and all of us have the right to exist and live on it. If there was another way I’d look for a path that would let us all live.”

The Legendary Pokemon who were still stuck had mixed reactions. Some like Kyogre and Yveltal cared not for what Kirschtaria was saying, but those such as Xerneas, and Regigigas stopped and listened.

“But, at this moment. Fate asks us that we fight to see who will inherit the history of this world. Who will be the ones to carry the Chronicle Theoretical Phenomenon. And while I’d prefer that be decided as soon as possible, for now, I must bid you all farewell. And to do this, I shall show you the full power of what humans are capable of, without the help of the gods.”

Kirschtaria then raised his hand, and the stars disappeared.

“Um, what happened to the sky?” Rainbow Dash said

“Luna, is this you're doing?”

“No sister, I can’t say it is.”


“Stars, Cosmos, Gods, Animus, Antrum, Universe, Anima, Animasphere.”

All over Equestria, and across the northern hemisphere, green lines flashed across the night sky. It looked almost like circuits to the naked eye, but they were in fact so much more.

“Oh great lights of the sea of stars, I beseech you to align yourselves with my ideals. I hereby affirm the Greater History of Man. Its gaze is strong, its limbs are mighty, and its wisdom is vast. As a human of this long and storied world hereby say that we are the ones who will carry on the Chronicle. And so with this single strike, the Age of Man shall shine once again!”

GRAND ORDER! Anima Animusphere!
Hunamity's Denfense Celestial Sphere

Across the entire sky, the stars began to align and move. Turning and dancing as they shined greater and brighter than they had ever been before!

This great magecraft gave this single human control of the stars, planets, and celestial bodies of the universe itself and made use of their vast magical energy. It was a spell that normally would have been impossible to perform in the modern Age of Man where science and logic reigned. But in a world where people still viewed the night sky with mystery and awe, it was suitable for his special brand of magic.

These stars had once aligned and aided in freeing Nightmare Moon from her 1,000-year-long prison on the moon. Now, they aligned once again to aid this lone human in displaying the true power of mankind.

Below on the ground, everyone stood in awe and confusion at what they were seeing. Not even the Princess who held the Night as her domain could make sense of what she was seeing.

“Uh, not to be rude, but what the hell is going on!?” Misty said.

“Princess Luna, please tell me you know what happening!” Twilight said.

But the Alicorn of the Moon was left without an answer. She tried rationalizing what she was seeing, but could not. In her long life, she had seen and performed many spells related to the moon and the night sky, but never before had she witnessed something like this.

“I don’t know, I honestly don’t know,” was all she could say.

“But you can stop this right?” Applejacks said.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash added. “You're the Princess of the Night, you know the stars better than anyone! You must be able to do something.”



The younger alicorn felt a hoof rest on her shoulder. She turned to see Celestia looking at her with a reassuring face.

With that boost of confidence, Luna then lit up her horn and with every ounce of her magic, commanded the stars to cease moving.


“What!? This can’t be!”

“Princess Luna?”

“I’ll try again!”

Once more, with all her might, Luna gave a great command for the stars to stop their movements.

But they did not stop. They still turned and shinned as the human mage will them to do his bidding.

“This can’t be happening!”

Celestia could feel the despair and denial in her sister's voice, it was enough to bring even her to fear.

“How? How is he able to usurp my night sky!?”

“Uh everyone, I think the sky is falling!”

Everybody looked up, and sure enough, several large meteors began to descend from the heavens, each of them at a speed and force that once they hit the ground, would destroy everything in their path.


Arceus was brought back the reality by the sound of his name being called. When he snapped out of his panicked daze, he looked and saw Mew calling his name.


“M-Mew? Yes, I’m here?”

“Dad, we need you right now!”

Arceus for a moment felt shame. In this stunned state, he had neglected his family and what he had come here to do.

“I am here, Mew. I’ll always be here.”

“Good, cause we kinda need you right now!”

Arceus then finally turned and looked up at what had caught everyone's attention.

The sky had been rearranged into a great magical circle. And from that circle, several meteors were summoned from space and we're now heading towards them.

He knew that from their size and speed, it would kill not only everyone on the ground, but several Legendary Pokemon would surely perish.


Before, Arceus was filled with fear and panic. But now, all of that was replaced and anger and determination.

Not a single one of his family was going to die here.

“Not like this.”

The chains that had been holding him dow began to shudder.

“I will not be held down again!”

Several links began to crack and break.

“I swore that I would never be restrained and confined again!”

The bonds that held the god in place began to be undone.

“Least of all, by you insolent humans!”

The chains of heaven snapped and shattered. The God the Pokemon was free once more.

Wasting no time, Arceus soared higher and higher, closing the distance between him and the onrushing space rocks.

From within himself, he called forth his 17 elemental plates, the source of his powers, and proof of his Authorities.

Around him they began to spin as their power surged through him, filling the god with the primordial power that was used to create an entire world.

He aimed for the biggest meteor, the one that would surely have annihilated everything within 10 square miles if it made planetfall.

He collided with it, the resulting impact, slowing it down, but not breaking it.

With the last of his strength, he poured the rest of his power into the meteor, overloading it with energy to the point where it exploded with the force of a bomb big enough to level a city. It was only thanks to Arceus that the shockwave was negated.

And then everything was silent.


“Where is he!?” Akuta said.

Everyone at this point was in the Shadow Border, ready to leave.

The modifications had been complete, all the servants had been recalled and reduced to spirit form so that they could all fit inside the border.

Now all they were waiting for was Kirschtaria.

“What was is he doing up there again?” Kadoc asked.

Sherlock Holmes only needed to take one look at the Borders external sensors to guess.

“I believe, he is buying us more time.”

“Wait,” Ophelia said. “What do you mean by tha-”

“Hey, guys sorry I’m late.”

Kirschtaria causally walked into the command room and sat down on an open chair.

“Dude, where have you been!?” Kadoc said.

“Just taking care of one last thing. Now, if no one forgot anything, shall we be off?”

Kadoc just sighed at the way his friend just cooly went about the situation.

“Alright Everyone, this is your adorable pilot Da Vinci telling everyone to strap in! Thanks to the help of Gilgamesh and several other casters, this drill which would normally take about 10 minutes has been reduced to just one. So strap in and hold one, this will be a more bumpy ride than your used to.”

“Just hurry up and start it already. Let’s blow this thing and go home!”

“Okay then. Expanding Void-Reality observation device: Paper Moon. Expanding Logic formula on Shadow Border's external armor, removing exitance verification for Reality Space. Future Precdition hypothetically prove mirror world plane in ten seconds, relaxing space-time friction decomposition."

The border began to hum with energy as a glow of mana surrounded it.

“Overclocking Paper Moon computation core! Commencing Void Drill Dive Ritual!”

Outside, there was still confusion and uncertainty in the air, so many things had happened at once that those of lesser understanding were still trying to make sense of it all.

The Chains of Heaven that had been holding the Legendary Pokemon finally began to disappear. Mewtwo, due to his unorthodox birth did not have much divinity and was able to break out faster than the others.

“What happened to Lord Arceus!?” he said.

“He’s still alive,” Giratina said. “I can still sense his presence, it will take a lot more than a rock to kill him.”

“But is he conscious?”

“I’m not sure, but we can’t wait for him. We must finish this now!”


“Alright everyone, let's finish what we started, for Arceus!”

It took a few seconds for everyone to recover, but some of the more eager ones already started charging up their moves as they too wanted this to end. And after that meteor shower, who wouldn't?

“Ready, aim, fire!”

A Volley of powerful moves once again besieged the last barrier standing between them and the Chaldeans

“Almost through!”

The cracks in the magical shield finally began to buckle and break.

Shadow Border untether from reality! Void Space Dive, commencing Zero Sail unfurl in five, four, three, two…”


Mewtwo immediately teleported himself inside, to the deepest room where he sensed brainwave were coming from.

But when he arrived there, it was just an empty room.

“No. No No!”

He double and triple checked the area to see if he missed anything. He then went to every room in the fortress to see if they were hiding somewhere else.

In the time it took everyone else to make it to the gates of the Kremlin, Mewtwo had turned the place upside down 5 times.

The realization that they got away, nearly made him lose it.

Before anyone else could even step inside, they heard the scream of an enraged Legendary. And the shattering of glass as he unleash a psychic scream that could be heard for miles.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the slight delay, this was meant to come out yesterday but life will always through you a curveball.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this penultimate chapter of Arc 1.

The epilogue chapter will be out before the end of May.

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