• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Time: Terachnos

After completing their hoverboot training, where Alister was surprised by their progress, he informed the group of the next location they had to head to so they could claim the Great Clock before it was misused by their enemies, Axiom City on planet Terachnos. He claimed to have a way to contact Clank, using one of the Eyes they had used to figure out that their friend was in this part of Polaris, meaning he needed to gain some information before determining where to go next, which Ratchet and the others understood. With that in mind he told them that they would be using their nav units as communicators, since no one would be foolish to tap into the devices, before calling his own ship, an older model that looked like Aphelion, without an AI inside it, and leaving Torren IV behind. After that Ratchet, Autumn, and Angela spent a few more moments figuring out the movements to use their new boots, even though two of them stopped as Autumn took a few seconds to merge it with her existing omniboots and found that it worked like a charm, allowing her to do the same to what her brother and Angela had.

Once she was done tinkering with their boots the trio returned to Aphelion and left the planet as well, as it was time to see if they could learn more about the situation and figure out where the Eye was located, and it didn't take them long to return to the space between planets, not to mention their starship.

"I know you guys weren't paying attention, but Alister is obsessed with the Great Clock." Autumn remarked, as she had seen a large number of schematics, or one's interpretations of what might have gone into making the device in question, and all sorts of papers on the walls of Alister's hut, where she knew that he might be planning on using it at some point, "We might want to keep an eye on him, just in case he's planning on altering history with the Great Clock's power."

Ratchet and Angela glanced at each other for a moment, as they suspected that tampering with time was a bad thing and was why whoever made the Great Clock went to great lengths to keep it hidden from those who might misuse it, but for the time being he set their course for Terachnos. As they did so Ratchet found that Qwark was oddly silent, they had yet to hear anything from him about the Agorians and whether or not they would be willing to join them in their fight against the villain of this part of the Polaris Galaxy, who they were convinced was Nefarious. If that was the case Angela was sure that he knew they were coming for him, even though he should know he couldn't defeat them and should just throw himself on their mercy, in the hopes that they would actually do so this time around. Her reasoning for that thought was because it didn't seem like Nefarious was doing anything this time around, other than being a silent ally of sorts for Vorselon and the other mercenaries of this galaxy, so maybe he would cooperate this time around.

After they considered Autumn's comment on the matter Aphelion, linked to the Helios' systems when she was docked in the warship, informed them that they were approaching Terachnos and the family moved without delay, boarding her so they could head down to Axiom City, a place that was different from what they were used to, and Ratchet landed without too much delay.

"So this is Axiom City... it's a nice place." Angela commented, in fact it reminded her of the capital cities they had been to since she joined Ratchet and his siblings in their quest to save the galaxies, and she found that the others nodded once they climbed out of Aphelion.

Alister called them seconds before they heard an announcement from the city's defenses, that the 'rogue Lombax' was in city limits and that troopers were being mobilized to deal with him, where he wanted to meet Ratchet and the others in a plaza once he dealt with his pursuers, allowing them to focus on exploring the city. The first thing they did was purchase a new weapon from the Vendor, the Tesla Spikes, before buying some new armor to ensure that every one of them survived longer in the future, the Ectoflux Armor to be exact. With that done they used a platform to advance deeper into the city and found that they landed near a spaceport of sorts, species were planning on leaving or traveling the galaxy, though it wasn't due to the ongoing alarm Alister had set off. Their enemies, as it turned out, were more of Vorselon's robots, which were far too easy for the trio to take out as Autumn used her magic to shield the bystanders, confirming that the troopers didn't care about people and were willing to hurt them if it meant taking out their true targets.

What was weird was that some of the aliens cheered them on and Autumn asked them about that while both Ratchet and Angela continued down the path that would link up to Alister's at some point, and when she caught up she informed them that Vorselon was definitely backed by Nefarious, but that's where things got weird.

"Apparently there are rumors of another robot that looks like Nefarious, who calls himself 'Dr. Virtuous'." Autumn said, all while blasting the next group of enemies down as she informed the others as to what she had learned so far, which was odd when she took a moment to think about it, "I think you know what this means."

"Either Nefarious separated himself into his good and evil halves... why, don't ask me... or we've got another dimensional issue to deal with." Ratchet remarked, as those were the two likely scenarios that would explain what his sister had found out by asking the local Terachnoids they had walked by, before he sighed as he pinched his nose bridge for a moment, all because he knew part of what was going on, "Here I thought we'd be able to get by without some sort of consequence for Tachyon's actions... should have kept our mouths shut once we got the device."

Angela knew what Ratchet was thinking, the Dimensionator was a great device, but now they were dealing with Tachyon's misuse of it, as it seemed some damage had been done to the dimensional barriers that protected their reality from one of the others that existed out there. She considered themselves lucky if it was the latter they were dealing with, that their Nefarious was still present and another one, a good one, had arrived from another dimension because of a crack in part of the barrier, but decided to say nothing on the matter. Angela also realized that this had to annoy Ratchet, not only was the Dimensionator broken, and one of the people who could fix it, Clank, had been taken before he could fix it, all sorts of other beings were sometimes breaking through the barriers, but not the person he wanted. She resolved to help Ratchet and Autumn finish this adventure, to stop whatever was going on in this part of Polaris, and then get to work on fixing the Dimensionator so they could repair the damage done to the dimensional barriers, before helping her husband find Rivet at long last.

After thinking about that they reached an area that looked like a terminal station for the city, where Autumn spoke to the Terachnoids that were present and learned about what was going on right now, that Alister had moved through the area not that long ago. She also informed them that he wasn't a rebel, as he wasn't challenging the official galactic rule that was in effect in the rest of Polaris, since this portion happened to be outside that zone, rather he was fighting the dark rule of Vorselon and his sinister allies. As such they promised to spread the work to the rest of the galaxy, to erase Alister from all of the wanted lists that the true villains had placed him on to separate him from anyone who might aid him in his quest to right his past wrongs, allowing her and the others to focus on the troopers. It looked like the troopers had done quite a bit of damage to the surrounding area, causing Autumn to make a note of how things were and how they should be, fixing it with her magic as Ratchet and Angela dealt with their enemies, showing the watchers that there was nothing to fear from the troopers if one of them was turning away from them.

In the end it really didn't take them that long to reach Neurox Plaza, where they found Alister waiting for them near what looked like a more advanced communication device that worked with holograms, something Autumn was interested in as soon as she looked at it, but for now they focused on their new ally, after smashing the enemies that had surrounded him upon his earlier arrival.

"It seems that your tales were right, you are definitely trained warriors." Alister said, though at the same time he was just a tad bit surprised when he saw Angela fight, as her family hailed from inventors and, from what he had learned, she had been one in Bogon before joining up with Ratchet, turning her into such a skilled warrior, "It would seem that Nefarious has boosted the patrols around the city... it's time for a change in plans: I'm going to contact my man on the inside, to get some information out of him."

"You know someone who works for Nefarious?" Angela asked, mostly because it was interesting to hear what Alister had been up to since the assault on Fastoon, and the Lombaxes disappearing into the other dimensions, though the others did keep an eye on everything around them in the off chance their foe attacked them.

"Actually, he works for Pollyx as a data miner... I saved him from becoming food for the Agorians." Alister replied, though he was amused that the others were somewhat interested in the story, even if it wasn't that great when he thought about it, before he quickly tapped the device and input the code he needed to use, "Jarvis, are you there?"

"I am, Azimuth. Finally calling in that favor, are you?" a voice answered, where they found a Terachnoid on the other end of the line, meaning he appeared as a hologram in part of the device, though what was interesting was that there were no new enemies coming their way, causing the family to worry that something massive was coming, "What can I do for you on this fine day?"

"Honestly, I expected you to hate me... but I'll take this any day. Anyway, we're looking for an Obsidian Eye." Alister said, the very same device that Ratchet and the others used to point this to this part of Polaris, according to their tale, though he wondered what in the world was going on with Jarvis, before realizing that Autumn must have said something earlier, as the alarm was gone, "Preferably one not under Pollyx's nose."

"Well, the only one we don't have control over is located in the Krell Canyon on Planet Lumos." Jarvis stated, where he took a moment to double check his notes and nodded, meaning he had to be checking the company files or something, but as he did that the family noticed nothing out of the ordinary still, "I can't tell you where, though, since we're not sure where in the canyon it's located."

"Thanks for your help Jarvis." Autumn said, as she knew that he must have risked himself a little to get that information, especially if his superiors found out that he was giving it to outsiders, though she did find that the Terachnoid was happy to help them out, no doubt a fan of hers, and the call was terminated once they had the coordinates, "This was too easy... Nefarious must have some sort of guardian to stop intruders or invaders, to protect his own investments, and yet there is nothing coming at us."

"I suspect that's the reason." Angela remarked, gesturing to part of the sky where they found what appeared to be a crack in reality, though above it was a blue crack, likely one of time since a purple one was dimensions, though Alister paused as he noticed how large they were, at least half the size of their starship, "This Nefarious might not have the resources to pull off such an attack, but one from another timeline or dimension might be able to do so... and it just so happens that a crack of the opposite type opened, taking the guard to another version of reality. We get off easy, the other one gets pain."

Ratchet sighed as he and the others told Alister that they would meet him on Lumos, to find the Obsidian Eye, before they all departed from Axiom City, so they didn't get caught up in whatever was going on right now, but he was worried about Clank and Starswirl and hoped that they were doing well, wherever they were.

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