• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Arsenal: Metropolis

The family returned to the Phoenix as quickly as they could, after witnessing the destruction of the Leviathan, and when they returned to the docking area, after leaving their starship, they got a surprise, Sasha ran up and embraced Ratchet, as in she kissed him and then hugged him afterwards, before pulling back with an embarrassed look on her face.

"I... um..." Sasha said, showing that she really didn't know what to think of this situation, of her sudden desire to embrace Ratchet in front of his girlfriend, to which she beckoned to the others that had joined her, the rest of the Q-Force, "Well, we are all glad that you guys made it back safely. We should have known Nefarious would set a trap for us."

"We were hoping that we'd get there fast enough to prevent that from happening." Ratchet replied, though he was happy to see that Sasha cared about him and his family, despite the fact that she was embarrassed about kissing him in front of Angela, before he thought about the Leviathan's destruction, "Did you guys see any other ships leaving the Leviathan?"

"As much as I want to say yes... the scanners say no." Al stated, where it was easy for them to see that the knowledge of Qwark's death was crushing him, as at one point he had looked up to the figure, even if the adventures of Ratchet and his family had exposed the truth.

Ratchet sighed for a moment, as he had been hoping that Autumn's scans had been wrong or had missed something, as she had done the same thing on their way back to the Phoenix, but they had to admit that there was no denying the fact that the man that annoyed them was now dead. With that thought in mind he and his family headed for the bridge, where Sasha had prepared a funeral session for Qwark, as in they were stand at a podium for a time and speak about the man who had, in an odd twist of fate, went from being a hero and switched to being a villain, before switching to a hero after what happened in Bogon. Skrunch even joined them, even though he was the only one that understood what he said, but they gave him some time to get everything off his chest before eventually making way for Ratchet and his family to take their turn. Each of them had a few things to say, though one thing they agreed on was that, while he had been elevated to the rank of Superhero by the people of Solana, this was his chance to actually make himself a hero in his own right, which Ratchet made sure the others understood in due time.

After that, and everyone went back to their own duties, Al handed over something that arrived for Qwark, the fourth and final installment in the Qwark Vid-Comic series, where Ratchet took it and headed for the game console so he could see if it had any useful information on it, all while Sasha joined them and sat by Angela.

"So, um, I want to apologize for earlier... I shouldn't have done that." Sasha said, speaking to Angela as Autumn resumed her work on all of the schematics that she had been working on recently, while Starswirl continued to study his tomes and learn more about magic, at a frightening pace if she was being perfectly honest.

"Oh, its perfectly fine. There was a time where a single male Lombax would have multiple partners, hence why we know that we're compatible with Cazars and Markazians," Angela replied, reminding Ratchet of what she had said at one point in the past, about the races that they could form bonds with and reproduce with, before focusing on the game as he found that it was set in Metropolis, during one of Qwark's training sessions with Helga, "Considering that Ratchet is the last male Lombax in existence, well, I'm not surprised to find that there are others interested in him, just like I am... I'm even willing to share, if you want."

Autumn held back a chuckle that came from watching the pair, as Sasha seemed both embarrassed and turned on by that fact, even though the Cazar was surprised by the fact that Lombaxes formed prides, which had been done for survival based on what she knew about her brother's species. After thinking about that, and the fact that Ratchet might have more than one girlfriend by the time this adventure was over, she focused on the screen as her brother made her way through the city, collecting tokens and taking down enemies, little red robots designed by Nefarious. This seemed to be the first time Nefarious used his robotic body, in public anyway, and despite that fact Qwark, in some way, was able to beat him in battle and knocked his head clean off during the fight. As Nefarious' head was put in a trash can, however, the robotic doctor declared that he would return one day and bring Metropolis to its knees, even though it looked like there was something wrong with the ending since Qwark took over, meaning he had something to hide from the rest of the galaxy.

With that information in hand Ratchet glanced at Autumn for a moment, who nodded her head and researched if the fight had taken place like Qwark claimed it did, where she was able to find articles of eye witnesses telling people about what was in the Vid-Comic, meaning the accuracy of the game was valid.

"Well, I think we know what the next stage of Nefarious' plan is." Ratchet said, glancing at the screen for a moment, as he had left it on the image of Metropolis so the others could come to the same conclusion that they had reached, and based on what he was seeing Sasha understood it within a matter of seconds, "He said that he'd come back and bring the city to its knees, and with the Biobliterator in hand he's bound to attack it in due time... and with Qwark dead, well, now seems like the perfect time for him to attack the city."

"Set a course for Metropolis and get ready to deploy the Rangers." Sasha stated, speaking into her communicator for a few seconds, so that those on the bridge could hear her order, while at the same time she glanced at the family, who were in the middle of leaving so they could get to the planet first and see what was going on, "Let's hope we're not too late."

With the order given Ratchet and his family returned to their starship and headed for Kerwan, as it was time to see if they could topple Nefarious' plans, maybe even bring him in by arresting him, but this was the perfect chance to avenge Qwark, hence why they got ready for whatever was waiting on the planet.

Sure enough they found that Nefarious' forces were attacking Metropolis, another part of the city anyway, so Ratchet set the smaller ship down on the outskirts of the area the Tyhrranoids were currently in, and, based on what Clank was able to tell, their target was definitely on the planet, which meant the Biobliterator was near as well.

"Alright, let's show them why we're not pushovers." Ratchet said, where he opened fire on the smaller Tyhrranoids that were in front of him and his family, though he was the only one that did that since there weren't too many for everyone to worry about, meaning Autumn could look at the Vendor while Starswirl and Angela glanced around the area in case their enemies attacked this position.

After finding that there were no more weapons to buy, at least not yet, Autumn opened fire on the enemies that were in the building in front of them as the others caught up with her, where they found that these Tyhrranoids were stronger than those who came before them. Their reasoning was due to the more tiger stripe pattern that was on their body, which was completed by the orange body color, instead of the normal blue coloration they were used to seeing from this race, but their enemies still weren't wearing too much armor and it made it easier to knock them down. There were even a few dropships for them to worry about, though none of them did that as Starswirl used his magic to shatter the vessels before they had a chance to either fire on them or deploy more troops. As he did that Ratchet and the others continued to blast all of the Tyhrranoids that were guarding the next building, before they stopped inside the structure in question a couple of seconds later as Autumn spotted something over the ledge in front of them.

In that moment the Biobliterator, a massive spherical device that could be a miniature moon in some sense, rose up from the area Nefarious had stored it in and all of the Tyhrranoids turned back when they saw it, though the family moved the moment it revealed itself and hid themselves behind the walls as the machine was activated, turning everyone that was exposed to its potent rays into a robotic version of themselves.

"He actually did it. He actually used the Biobliterator on the city!" Angela said, though as she said that they found that the new Robot Tyhrranoids were much tougher to take down, as the enhancement allowed them to take more damage before being taken down, and since they were robots the final blow tore them apart.

"Yeah, and if we don't do anything about it, he'll use it on another planet and turn its people into robots." Ratchet stated, where he found a rank moved out as they cleared out the first group of transformed enemies that were in front of them, a foe they didn't have to worry about as Autumn lifted it with her magic and hurled it off the edge, reminding them that her magic was just as strong as her brother's was, "I mean, there's nothing wrong with being a robot, but being forced into that form, without consenting to the transformation, isn't okay at all."

The others knew that his second statement was more for Clank, just in case he was offended by the first part, but he was perfectly fine with the comment as they moved forward again, finding more robotic enemies blocking the way and caused the group to open fire on them. Of course they also found a number of dropships moving into the area that they just so happened to be moving through at the moment, deploying more soldiers as they opened fire on the family, where a shield sprung up as Starswirl used his magic, opening the way for the others to move forward. As they did that Autumn studied the fallen enemies for a time, because the more she knew about the Biobliterator's transformation process, as while it did look similar to her weapons there was a difference that needed to be discovered, the quicker she might be able to figure out a way to reverse this. While she worked on that both she and Starswirl found Ratchet and Angela fighting side by side, in perfect unison, showing that the pair really didn't need either of the magic users, and the Robot Tyhrranoids fell to the pair, before finding a large group of laser gun wielding foes floating near the edge of the area they were in.

In that moment the Ranger's ship moved by the area they were in and they discovered something interesting, Sasha was on top of it and she leapt over to their enemies, unsheathing what looked like a purple dual bladed beam sword, like the robot ninjas from Clank's show, and cut through one before firing on two of the others, opening the way for the family to take the remaining enemies out so she could safely land.

"I had no idea you could fight." Starswirl commented, as based on what they knew Sasha was just the Captain of the ship her father had designated as the base of operations to combat Nefarious and his plans, meaning he, and most of them to be exact, believed that she wasn't capable of defending herself, so this was a pleasant surprise.

"Well, I was the top score holder in all of my classes, including combat training," Sasha said, though she couldn't blame the family for assuming that she couldn't fight, as she didn't present herself in that light and didn't volunteer that information to everyone she encountered, before they found that she had a jetpack on, much like Angela's, and understood what she wasn't saying, "however, we can talk about that later. We have a Supervillain to beat."

With one more fighter joining the family Ratchet found that the Robot Tyhrranoids stood no chance against their might, as they seemed to be having a hard time dealing with five fighters, before he used the Refractor and moved some lasers so a walkway could connect them to where Nefarious was waiting, on a hover train with Lawrence, not to mention a cage that held Clank inside it.

"I have to admit, Ratchet, that you and your family are far worthier adversaries than that bumbling Qwark!" Nefarious said, showing them that he appreciated heroes that were capable of keeping up with him, instead of either falling behind or just being completely stupid, like Qwark had been from time to time, "Alas, I have a galaxy to conquer, and so I must leave you in the hands of..."

"Your fake Clank?" Autumn asked, where she raised a small button for a moment and tapped it, where the Clank that was in the cage went offline and collapsed into a pile of spare parts, something that caused Nefarious to pause for a moment as he realized that he had been played, instead of him playing them, before she chuckled, "And yes, this is just like that one episode of Secret Agent Clank that you wrote about on some of the forums some time ago... be happy, you should be happy that you can now prove your theory."

"And be annoyed that it worked so well, to the point where I didn't notice anything wrong." Nefarious remarked, though as he said that they found that he wasn't actually unhappy about this, rather he seemed pleased to be able to back up all of his statements on the matter, where he beckoned to Lawrence for a moment and teleported out, showing them that he knew he was beaten and didn't want to fight them.

With that done the group returned to their ship and found the Ranger dropship waiting nearby, to which they took it to the section of Metropolis that was under attack right now, as there was another area that the Robot Tyhrranoids were attacking at the moment. The first thing they had to do was use the gunship to fly around and destroy all of the bombs that had been placed all over this portion of the city, so while Ratchet and Angela did that Sasha joined the others on the ground as they faced off against the ground forces. It didn't take them long to deal with the bombs, allowing the pair to descend to the battlefield and help drive back the invading force, though once again the new and improved Rangers were able to prove that they really didn't need backup, they were able to hold their enemies back. As such the group found that all they had to do was stay in the gunship or a turret and take down their foes, allowing them to save Metropolis from the invading Tyhrranoids, and once everyone was sure that the city was safe the Rangers handed over a Map-O-Matic, which was a device that revealed secrets on a map, which they'd consider using in the future.

With Metropolis saved, and they were sure that Nefarious didn't have any other forces on this planet, the family and Sasha regrouped at the ship before heading back to the Phoenix, as it was time to consider their next move and try to stop their foe from conquering all of Solana with his weapon.

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