• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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R/C: Pokitaru

What they discovered as they flew through the atmosphere of Pokitaru was that it was a rather pleasant place, filled with a number of vast beaches and islands for people to relax on, blue oceans which appeared to go on forever, a bright sun that wasn't covered by clouds at the moment, and all sorts of grand looking buildings that were common in a resort setting, something that made Ratchet, Starswirl, Autumn, and Clank wonder when they would be able to come here for a rest or just to relax... and the scene was ruined when they found some dark Blarg ships flying through the air, with Drek's logo on the side of each one.

"Sure enough, Drek's ships are bothering this planet as well." Clank remarked, though while he didn't have the systems that someone like Ratchet or his siblings might have, like a stomach and everything linked to it, he felt sick just staring at what was happening right now, that there was someone who could be so cruel to all of the planets in his galaxy, not just the one that he and his people used to call home.

"He's an annoying one... why couldn't he have dumped all his waste somewhere else?" Autumn asked, staring at the ships as well, as that was what everyone was doing right now as Ratchet found the landing pad that was designed for visitors, so the tour guide could determine where to send them next, before she sighed as she thought about what could have been done to all of the waste that the Blarg had created, "It makes me mad that he's going around, ruining planets with pieces that he wants and despoiling those he has no interest in, when he could be dumping all this waste, say, in a black hole or on one of the asteroids that aren't orbiting a planet... would certainly save him some Bolts if he did it that way, not that he seems at all concerned about Bolts right now."

"Don't worry, we'll stop him at some point." Ratchet promised, as he had a feeling that, despite their thoughts and what had been done to try and stop them from getting to this point in their quest, he and his siblings would find out where Drek was located, and where he was planning on moving his twisted planet, for a final confrontation with the greedy Blarg, no doubt ending in his defeat, before he sighed as he parked their ship on the landing pad, "Though for now we should focus on tearing down everything he sent to ruin this world."

Autumn and Starswirl nodded as they followed Ratchet and Clank in climbing out of their ship, where they found the green skinned man from the Infobot, wearing the same Hawaiian styled shirt, waiting at the end of the ramp that was attached to where they landed, though before that Autumn discovered that her Visibomb Gun and the Decoy Glove were available for purchase, and with their discounts she was able to buy one for all of them, though she had a feeling that in a few years Starswirl would have no need for guns, before they headed down to where the man was standing.

"Hey, you four are the first friendly faces I have seen in weeks," the man stated, where it looked like he was pleased to see people who weren't trying to harm his resort or those who were still working in the other parts of this place, though that was when he pulled back a little, like he had another thought about them and wanted to be careful in case they proved to be enemies of his resort, "you are friendly... right?"

"To you, yes." Starswirl responded instantly, though as he said that he glanced out at the area that they would have to go through to get to whatever weapon was designed to protect the resort from harm, something he was sure was offline at the moment and that they would be turning it back on at some point in the very near future, if the other planets were any indication for them to go on.

"To them, no." Autumn growled, gesturing towards the toxic dumpers that were currently bothering the resort and the rest of the planet, where she was curious as to whether or not she could fire a RYNO volley and blow one of Drek's ships out of the air, before deciding that it would only cause more harm than good when she thought about the power that was inside her weapon.

"Well that's wonderful," the man said, where it was clear that he was looking over them and must have seen how Ratchet had piloted their ship down onto the landing pad that was behind them, before glancing at the horns that were on both Starswirl and Autumn's heads, meaning he either knew the stories about unicorns or he had no idea what they meant, to which Ratchet assumed the latter, before the man spoke again, "at the other end of the resort we have a jet fighter that, I hope, can be used to take down those waste dumpers that have changed our local wildlife into the ravenous mutants we have been dealing with for some time. If you can escort me over there, I'll help you get to the jet and you can take out the toxic dropships that are assaulting my resort, not to mention the rest of the planet, and if you do that I'll throw in the last couple of O2 Masks that we have... I might have three of them stashed away."

Ratchet didn't bother to ask if Starswirl or Autumn were capable of teleporting all of them over to the area that the man had mentioned, since he had to assume there was a good distance between this art of the resort and where they needed to go, meaning that his siblings likely couldn't use their magic to get over there in a matter of seconds, hence why he just nodded his head as Clank informed the man that they would escort him to the jet fighter. With that done he pulled out his Pyrociter and started down the rest of the ramp, where he started to set fire to a number of mutated puffer fish that were in his way, something Autumn joined him in as she pulled out her Blaster, though Starswirl found that there was an odd creature that looked like a hybrid between an octopus, a squid, and something else, so he wasn't sure what to call it, even if he discovered it was capable of firing energy balls from it's head. As such he focused on blasting those targets while his siblings focused on clearing out all of the puffer fish mutants, leaving the man to follow behind them with a shocked look on his face, like he wasn't expecting to receive three skilled individuals that might be able to take down all of the attackers that were assaulting his resort, but he said nothing as they made their way across the first little patch of land and came to a stop at what appeared to be one of the tour boats for this place. Not a few seconds later everyone jumped over to the tour boat in question and took up their positions as the man took his place at the front of the boat, where they stared to move towards the next part of this resort and found a number of mutated puffer fish jumped out of the water to attack all of them, where Starswirl swung his staff to knock some out of the air, Autumn blasted those coming up from behind with a few bits of her magic, and Ratchet either used his wrench to take out some of their enemies or the Pyrociter when they got close to him and wouldn't put his siblings at risk.

When the man reached their destination the boat floated up and allowed them to jump over to a walkway that lead to a pair of waterfalls, to which Ratchet and Autumn opened fire on the mutated puffer fish that were in front of them as their brother opened fire on the Psy-tcopus, a name that was still a work in progress according to Starswirl, even though once all of the pollution was taken care of they should revert back to normal, meaning naming them really didn't matter, but neither of them decided to say anything as they worked on taking their foes down. The next group of puffer fish were in the water that fed into the waterfalls, meaning to hurt them Ratchet and his siblings either used their weapons to take all of them down or used one of their other weapons, since the Pyrociter flames would be put out without any harm being done to any of their enemies, though there were no more Psy-tcopus in the area and allowed them to move towards the other end of the river. Sure enough they found another path and discovered a number of puffer fish that were waiting to do harm to those who came to this planet to relax, though they didn't last very long as the siblings burned and smashed their way through all of them, something that allowed Ratchet to see that they had reached another boat, where he and his siblings took up their positions as the man took control of the boat. As such he got them moving and the siblings took out all of the mutated puffer fish that dared to jump out of the water, allowing them to reach another platform that had to be the path that would bring them to the location that the jet fighter was resting in, though they waited for a few seconds as the boat raised up to where it was supposed to be and then jumped over to the platform in question, before they were able to find a new security measure, platforms that were contained in posts and extended when someone approached, no doubt staying in place when people were here all day.

On the other side of the walkway they found a number of mutant puffer fish attacking the buildings that were part of the resort, allowing Ratchet and his siblings to take them out since they were distracted, though once the group was taken care of they headed up the stairs to their right and moved closer to where they assumed the man was heading toward, an area that was infested with an army of puffer fish who seemed to be resting at the moment, surprising the man when he saw how many were up here. Sure enough the sound of the man gasping, purely because of how many enemies were in front of them, caused the mutant force to awaken and turned on where they were standing, though the siblings weren't even annoyed since it allowed all of their enemies to gather into a tighter area before they used their Pyrociters to burn all of them, something that opened the way for them to move forward. That brought them to a button that, when pressed as soon as the siblings discovered it, extended another walkway that was actually two and they moved to form a figure eight for some reason, or maybe it was supposed to be the infinity sign as Autumn stared at it, but once it was in place she and her brothers continued down the path that was in front of them and found more mutant puffer fish guarding the way to a pair of buildings, where Ratchet assumed the one that was in front of them was the jet fighter hanger and the one to the left appeared to be a mechanic shop. Based on how the man was acting it looked like this was where they were supposed to escort him to, so the first thing they did was repeat what they had done in the past, meaning tearing down the force of puffer fish that were blocking the way forward, something that seemed to impress the man behind them, before Ratchet and his siblings finished clearing out the area and discovered no more enemies that needed to be taken out and allowed them to approach the building in question.

"You know, you guys are pretty good at this," the man stated, showing that he approved of their skills and that he was very happy to have encountered them before they tried to take down the Blarg dropships that were currently in the sky, since he had a feeling that being on their bad side was a terrible idea, before he gestured to the clearly locked hanger that held the jet fighter they were here to use to destroy Drek's toxic dumping ships, and the large button that was in front of it, an item that Autumn quickly recognized, "now, don't be mad with me, but I don't actually know how to open the garage that the jet fighter is rest..."

"Don't worry, it's very simple," Autumn replied, where her horn glowed and she surrounded the large button with some of her magic, where she paused for a few seconds before forcing it into the ground and quickly unlocked the door, revealing the jet fighter as Ratchet grinned, as it looked like a useful ship in his eyes, though Autumn shrugged for a moment as the man stared at her with a look of shock in his eyes, "I originally designed that as a joke, fully intending for it to not be taken seriously, especially since one had to generate a very specific amount of force to unlock it... seems like Gadgetron liked it enough that they scaled it to where the force was harder to generate, as my original design was quite small. Anyway, I've been thinking about the toxic problem that you've been having, and I might have an idea on how we can counter what is happening to this planet... you wouldn't happen to have a sample of the sea water, from before the dumping started, on hand or stored away somewhere safe, would you?"

Ratchet and Starswirl glanced at each other for a moment, as it appeared that more had happened to their sister after her episode on Umbris, like unleashing all that magic and anger had awakened a part of her that they had only seen a small fraction of, while the man was sure they had such a sample, to which he beckoned to the Roboshack and she found a man who seemed a lot like Al, only he was skinnier and seemed far smarter in some aspects, though when he found Autumn in his shop he practically handed everything over to watch her work. In that moment Autumn sighed as her magic formed a circle around her, where Starswirl watched as she gathered a sample of the sludge that was being dropped from the fleet Drek had send to tarnish this world, a sample of the tainted water that was causing the mutations in the creatures they had faced to reach this point, and the third piece of the puzzle, the sample of pure water she claimed from Bob, who was the owner of the nearby Roboshack. As she did that Ratchet walked over to the jet fighter so he could tear apart the ships that were trying to pollute this world in Drek's name, where he and Clank discovered why the garage had been locked and why the man didn't have the key, as apparently he didn't trust tourists and the Board of Directors didn't trust him, but as soon as they knew that Ratchet and Clank climbed into the jet and flew off, where they opened fire on the dropships that were hanging in the air. In that moment Autumn really got to work, pulling items from her own storage area out and let all of them float around her, while pulling some items out of Bob's shack, not to mention gathering the pieces of one of the ships that Ratchet blew out of the air, before the parts broke apart as she worked her magic, something that showed her brother a level of control he had never seen in her before and wasn't sure if it was just her power at work or it combined with her modified helmet, but he remained silent as he watched her work.

The end construct, when Autumn was done working her magic over the area, was a centipede-like machine, about the size of the hanger that the jet fighter had been resting in, and it was a reddish orange color with silver stripes added to it, the colors chosen due to what was on the jet Ratchet was flying around, though as Ratchet landed, having finished off the rest of Drek's ships, she set in the three required samples and sent her device off, allowing them to watch as it went to work and started to reverse what Drek had done.

"There... it'll take some time, two months at most, but that should deal with the pollution and the mutants," Autumn said, to which she let go of the magic she had been using and staggered for a moment, something that caused Starswirl to rush over to her and catch her before her body gave out on her, while at the same time Ratchet ran over to check up on her as well, even though they could see that Bob and the Manager were surprised by this turn of events, causing her to let out a weak chuckle, "so... about those O2 Masks..."

Bob, deciding to thank her for showing him and his Manager how she worked in the field, pulled Clank to the side and did something interesting, he added a Thruster-Pack to the little robot, which gave him wing shaped arms and thrusters that were pointed towards the ground, away from whoever happened to be wearing Clank, while the Manager not only found the three O2 Masks, he offered the siblings what he called Lifetime VIP passes to the resort, as thanks for saving his resort from being closed down permanently. Autumn made sure to record what she had done with her helmet, since she had a feeling that it might open some doors in the future and it would be nice to have the schematics, which was a nice function of her modified Pilot's Helmet, though as she and her brothers were given their new masks, red colored helmets that had a breathing function in the front of it, Ratchet, Starswirl, and Clank found that she used a bit of magic and combined both the helmet with the mask. It was more of an Omnihelm at this point in time, in Ratchet's eyes anyway, something that he knew would be true if they found anything else to add to, though given her new nature to fix and improve things he had a feeling that by the time he and his siblings got to got back to Orxon they would have the same modifications, though as he thought about such a thing he made sure that Clank had secured all of their Passes for the future, so they didn't lose them during their adventures. With that done, and Autumn was sure there was nothing else she needed to do for Pokitaru, the siblings used a teleporter to return to where the landing pad that their ship had been left on, though while they could use another to head into the sewers, for whatever might be down there, none of them felt like it was necessary and climbed back into their ship, as it was time to head back to Orxon.

While they started to leave Pokitaru, however, Autumn reminded Ratchet that they needed to speak with Skid's agent at some point, since he had done well with the tournament back on Rilgar, though once that was done she returned to the area that she worked in and decided to take a nap, because she had burned a lot of her energy making that machine and needed to rest before they did anything else.

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