• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Size: Ryllus

Nika couldn't help being surprised when she boarded the Helios, the starship that Ratchet and the others used when they were on their adventures, especially since it was equipped with all sorts of gear and tools that would help them with their current quest. After putting the ship on autopilot, set with the coordinates for Ryllus, Ratchet and his siblings slipped into their armor and readied their weapons, looking more like what the stories said, while finding that both Angela and Sasha did the same, their armor altered to fit their bodies. Since she was going to be traveling with them for some time, she wasn't too sure for how long, Autumn walked over to her and took her measurements before getting to work, quickly crafting a set of armor that matched her form. In fact, according to the genius, it would also work with her natural ability, that the leggings would transform with her legs and help protect her whenever she was in her mermaid form, which surprised her when she thought about it, but she thanked Autumn as she slipped into her new attire.

After she was outfitted, and Nika got used to the new armor with a few runs in the onboard training ground, Ratchet found that they were nearing Ryllus, so once everyone was ready they climbed into their smaller vehicle, where he was once more glad for the expanded inside, before heading to the planet's surface.

"It would appear that whoever lived in this area, be it the Technomites or someone else, has abandoned it." Clank said, as he could see a temple of sorts off in the distance, with trees scattered all over the place, making him wonder why the device would have someone come here, of all places.

"Um, you do know that Technomites are a myth... right?" Nika asked, though she joined the others as they climbed out of the Star Explorer, a well named ship in her opinion, and found that there was a Vendor nearby, which Autumn was looking at as everyone else gathered nearby.

"Like Starswirl said, knowing our luck they're real and might be a danger to everyone else." Angela replied, though both she and Sasha couldn't fault Nika for thinking that way, since this was her first real adventure with Ratchet, Autumn, and Starswirl, rather it was refreshing to have a new set of eyes for this sort of thing.

Of course they found that Qwark had hitched a ride on the smaller ship, and had remained 'hidden' until now, where the siblings told him to stay here, meaning he could use the computer inside the Star Explorer to figure out more about what happened to his parents, before they got moving. Autumn found that they could purchase the Agents of Doom, a brand new version that has been upgraded from the last one she made, and it wasn't long before everyone had a new toy to use against their enemies, though Starswirl did use his magic to wipe out some security cameras. It meant that someone had to be watching them right now, either the people guarding this place or the villain whose robots had kidnapped Luna, but regardless of who it was he didn't want people spying on them while they were here. After walking down some stone steps the group found an area that had a gate they had to overcome, one that had some light yellow skinned creatures, which reminded most of them of the Lawn Ninjas from Megacorp, who came out and attacked them, though the Agents of Doom were more than enough to wipe them out.

On the other side of the gate they discovered a few feline beasts that had spikes growing out of their backs, an interesting species based on what Ratchet had seen so far, though they seemed to realize the size difference in their group with the group following the siblings, causing the cats to flee. After that they found some plants that were capable of spitting at any and all enemies that happened to be in the area, so while Nika and the other girls dealt with it Ratchet turned a Bolt Crank to open the way forward, opening the way for his siblings to open fire on the enemies on the other side. They discovered that Nika's melee weapon was a trident, which made sense when they thought about it, and she joined them in whacking all of the yellow warriors that tried to slow them down. The gate also brought them to someone who had a new gadget in his hand, a little water dispenser that made plants grow, which was called the Sprout-O-Matic and he explained how they could use it, even though Ratchet took care of the aggressive plant he created, which earned them it for free.

While they did that Autumn also found a small opening in the wall to their left and discovered a green set of boots, which came from the Sludge Mk. 9 armor set, causing her to store them away before returning to what was going on right now, as she'd get to the armor later on.

Using the device on a 'Mimic Plant' allowed it to come alive and follow them, where Ratchet was able to plant it in one of the patches of exposed soil and it transformed into a bomb dispensing plant in a matter of seconds, which they knew due to the explosive plant they could hit into a target. Clank and Autumn were right, this seemed useful for this adventure, as they always found new gadgets during each adventure, though one was already wondering what else this might be used for as they walked through the opening and continued to explore the rest of Ryllus. They found two more plants on the other side of the hole, so while Angela, Sasha, and Nika dealt with them, to clear the area out, Ratchet found another small Mimic Plant and brought it up to the soil that their enemies had been guarding, allowing him to make a ladder of vines, an interesting use for sure. With that done they headed up the ladder, finding that it was as sturdy as an actual ladder, and dropped over the edge, only to find an area with more aggressive plants, the yellow warriors, and a pack of razor cats that wanted to take all of them down, causing them to sigh as they engaged their enemies.

Sure enough it wasn't long before the area was cleared and they were able to awaken the Mimic Plant that was resting in the shadow of the wall they had climbed over a few moments ago, giving them a plant with two leafy hands that it used to launch them over to the area in front of the temple. Ratchet and the others then used their Hypershots to move forward, over a gap between them and their destination, where they engaged the aggressive plants that were in the area, including some yellow warriors as well, who came out of a few holes and tried to take them down. In the following moments they found another platform with a second Mimic Plant, the Launcher one, to which Autumn had Ratchet place down the Bomb Plant and water it, allowing them to blast a hole in the wall in front of them. Once that was done they regressed the plant in front of them and switched it with the other one, something that sent all of them flying through it, though it allowed the group to find the helm of the Wildfire set, interestingly enough, which Autumn collected.

The door to enter the temple, however, was locked and it didn't look like there was anything they could do to open it, at least from this side, where Ratchet asked Clank if he could investigate a nearby small opening and he did so without delay, to which everyone simply took a break as they waited for him to return... though it wasn't long before he unlocked the door and allowed them to enter the temple.

"An empty room with a pedestal." Nika commented, as that was all they were seeing right now, just a lone chamber with nothing inside it, save for the item she had mentioned, though in that moment Clank, holding the artifact, approached the pedestal and slipped the device into the open space.

A few moments later it opened up into something more impressive, casting small beams of green energy at the walls that opened everything up, revealing all sorts of gears before loosing one more at the ceiling, creating a number of holograms that showed a number of planets, complete with names and coordinates that Autumn copied.

"A Technomite Map Room, complete with the coordinates to Kalidon." Autumn said, something that caused Ratchet and the others to smile, as it meant they could catch up with whoever took Luna and get her back, and like find out what sort of dark plan the villain had in mind this time around.

Starswirl had them all gather nearby before teleporting them back to the Star Explorer, where they appeared nearby and quickly boarded it so they could return to the starship, as it was time to see what was going on and what needed to be done to stop another villain in their tracks.

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