• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Commando: Todano

Todano, as Angela told them and Autumn confirmed with her own research, was a mountainous world, with forests and grassy areas resting on told of large plateaus, though after Tabora she had no way of knowing if this planet was naturally made or if Megacorp had modified it to suit their desires, that happened to be where the Armory rested, an area that they had been told about my Mr. Fizzwidget when he showed off the commercial for the place. She wasn't entirely sure what all of them would discover when they reached the Armory, since she hadn't been to it before and hadn't been involved with the weapons side of things, save for when she got her hands on the guards that had been on her flying lab and those that had been guarding the base she set up, so they were in the dark about certain things. Ratchet was fine with that and made sure to tel Angela that it was alright, as he and his siblings had faced this sort of thing in the past, that they went to planets with no real idea on what might be waiting for them, so facing the unknown was part of being a hero, or at least it was for them, something that caused Angela to nod as she said nothing else on the matter. The siblings and Clank knew that she was still trying to come to terms with the fact that this was happening, that she was fighting with heroes and was putting her name out there, if they were successful in saving the galaxy, especially with the threat that happened to be lurking somewhere in the universe, but all of them meant what had been said previously, they would deal with the threat when it showed up to take them down.

The area near the landing pad happened to have a path that went from one side of the plateau to the next, where it looked like there were four missiles resting along the way between where they started and where the ending had to be resting, before discovering a new weapon in the Vendor, the Hoverbomb Gun, which basically fired bombs that floated forward for a time before exploding, to which Autumn collected and duplicated it for all of them, before they found a red ship fly into the area and deposited a number of robotic citizens.

"A tour must be starting," Starswirl commented, remembering what happened when they watched the message that they had been shown, about the commercial about this place and the family of robots had been torn apart by all of the hazards that were in this place, to which he glanced at the others for a moment and could see that they were gearing up for what might be waiting for them in this place, "well, might as well make sure that this group survives their visit, before worrying about the Armory and whatever else is on this planet."

Ratchet shrugged as he stepped forward, as right now it seemed like a good thing to do, facing the seemingly innocent red furred squirrel creatures that were scattered around the area that the tour path happened to cut through, hence why the four of them fell in with the robots and stayed close to a robotic Mr. Fizzwidget, who welcomed them to the Armory before moving down the path it had been programmed to follow. Sure enough when they got close to where some of the mutant squirrels were resting the group in question turned and rushed towards the tourists, which caused the group to lash out at the enemies that were coming at them, making sure to use the weaker weapons while wiping them out, as none of them wanted to harm the tourists, who seemed fascinated by all of the missiles they stopped at. What Autumn discovered was that the first missile seemed to be one that happened to be intergalactic and had facial recognition, though why they had designed it that way none of them knew, even Angela was partly confused by it and assumed it was to make sure that only Megacorp employees or trusted allies could use the missile, while the second one, slightly bigger and thinner than the first one, was faster and he forgot the name of it. After that the robot Mr. Fizzwidget talked about the third missile, the Z-X9 galaxy cruise rocket, that was used to transport a test squirrel to a black hole, with neither returning from that mission as they soon discovered as the group beat back more of their enemies, before he got to the fourth rocket, the Triple B, which had been used to take Gadgetron out so everyone would only by from Megacorp, even if the robot hadn't given the name of the other company when describing the last missile.

What was surprising was that it seemed like there wasn't a lot outside the Armory for the group to explore, which was odd since they expected the tour to be far longer than a few minutes, but since there was no changing what they were seeing, not without altering everything that was around them and making a true tour of the area, Ratchet, Angela, Autumn, and Starswirl watched as the tour ended before the robotic Mr. Fizzwidget disappeared, allowing them to walk over to where a platform rested and discovered an Electrolyzer terminal.

"This should give us a good view of everything else that's in this area," Autumn remarked, because it seemed like the lift was currently resting just out of reach, thus it had to provide a good view of this area of the planet, and Ratchet wasted no time in hacking into the terminal with the gadget in question, allowing him to remove whatever defenses it had before he lowered the lift, allowing all of them to climb on it before heading to the top of a new walkway, causing her to chuckle for a few seconds, "well, I was right about there being a good view."

It appeared that the top of the lift was connected to the top of a dam, one that they had spotted while walking through the tour grounds and seemed to be blocking a lake that was off to the right of the structure, between them and the Armory to be exact, though across from where they were standing the group found what appeared to be a large missile silo, one that had an electrical barrier blocking the way forward.

"You know, while I think the silo might be our main destination, I still want to check out the Armory for any new weapons or gadgets that might help us," Ratchet stated, knowing that the others had to be thinking about what was in front of them and which path they might end up taking, though Angela nodded her head first, showing that she understood adding new gear to their arsenals would improve their chances of success, especially since they had no idea what might be lurking in the missile silo.

Of course as they headed down the steps in front of them, so they could head for the Armory's entrance, they found one of the large robotic guards from Mr. Fizzwidget's commercial happened to be guarding the electric fence right now, where Angela informed them that they were called Laser Guards, based on the blasters that were used to attack any intruders in the areas that these were supposed to be patrolling, and they were built to be tanks. The interesting thing was that they were supposed to be guarding the more important facilities that Megacorp owned, such as this place, the Headquaters on Yeedil, and a few others that she could name off the top of her head, but she didn't since it didn't have anything to do with their current mission, though it allowed the siblings to know they might find more Laser Guards at some point. What they discovered was that the Laser Guard turned and fired upon them when they stepped down into the area that lead to both the Armory entrance and the electric fence, where Starswirl weaved his magic into a protective barrier while the others did what came naturally, they opened fire on the machine as Angela used her speed to get close to where it was floating, since it had no legs and floated from place to place. They found that she was able to slice off one of their foe's arms, once more thanks to her lightsaber, and as it was distracted Ratchet opened fire on it, tearing it apart so Angela could get out of there without being harmed by either the robot or his own attacks, though with the area cleared out the four of them regrouped near the thin walkway that would bring them to the Armory's entrance.

What they discovered outside the building were more of the mutant squirrels, who seemed to be just fine until the group got close to the structure, hence why Starswirl swung his staff and knocked them out, allowing the others to head inside the Armory as he caught up with them, where they discovered a security fence that required someone to pull a cylinder container into the path. It gave Angela a chance to test out the other function of the gadget Autumn had created, the one that contained both the Tractor Beam and the Dynamo, allowing her to fire a beam of tractor energy and move her target into the path, even though she positioned it near the left wall so everyone could move forward, but she found that she was enjoying Autumn's toys and even admitted that Autumn could have passed as a Lombax in some instances. After that they found their way to another chamber that happened to have two more movable cylinders, an exit that could be reached if one moved both into position, and an Inspector Bot that went to the locked door on the other side of the chamber, hence why Ratchet and Starswirl moved everything into position as Autumn moved the robot over to the door. As she unlocked the door, however, Ratchet found some sheep wandering around the chamber before they moved up to the higher exit, a path that brought them to a walkway that lead to the side of a mountain, where a Laser Guard moved into position before Angela slashed into it so the siblings could take it down.

With that done they followed the path in front of them and discovered that it was very short, that it brought them over to a small structure of some kind and that there happened to be a makeshift stand near the small building, where a man stood with a costume that made him look like a fan of Qwark, though he was wearing glasses and seemed focused on a gadget in his left hand, with a metallic hammer in his right.

"Captain Qwark, completing quality control on super electro-gadget... Hammer of Power detecting no defects." the rather thin man said, caught in whatever fantasy he happened to be playing right now, before he noticed them and gasped for a few seconds as he stared at them, like he knew exactly who they were and what they had done, especially since he took a moment to point his hammer at Ratchet and his siblings, "The Blaze Family of Veldin, I knew this day would come! Draw your weapons, my mortal enemies, for I smite you in the name of Captain Qwark!"

As he said that last word the man leapt out of the area behind his stand and launched himself at them, where Autumn just weaved some of her magic into a barrier that would stop him in his tracks, not to mention knock him backwards without doing any harm to his body, though such a thing lead to the man activating something on his hammer as he swung it down on the magical barrier, breaking it in seconds as the now glowing hammer seemed to suck in the magical fragments, but as they saw that Starswirl knocked him backwards before seizing the weapon.

"Stuart?! What is the meaning of this?" Angela asked, meaning that the man in front of them, who happened to be resting in front of his stand with five unimpressed figures staring at him, had to be an employee of Megacorp and that she knew him, even though Ratchet figured out that she wasn't too happy with him, meaning this had to be his behavior in the past and that he hadn't improved over time.

"I told you, I prefer to use my last name, Zurgo!" the fan boy, Zurgo as he preferred to be called, stated, showing them that he was more interested in making sure Angela got his name correct, even though the dislike in his eyes returned when he focused on Ratchet and his siblings, who seemed to be waiting for him to do something while Autumn took his hammer from Starswirl and studied it, "And as I said, I was going to smite the Blaze Family for shaming the greatest hero that both Solana and Bogon has ever known... though it would appear that my Hammer of Power has reacted to your magic in an interesting way, despite the fact that it wasn't supposed to do such a thing."

"Now why don't I believe you?" Autumn inquired, where she called forth her own magic for a moment and quickly crushed the hammer like it was nothing at all, as whatever system was inside it didn't do much to save the weapon from breaking into a thousand pieces, though as Zurgo stared at her she also yanked the gadget out of his hand, catching it so she could check on it before they left the planet, "Oh, and you would be better served to stop focusing your attention on Qwark, as he isn't the hero you think he is, since all the tales you've heard about his evil deeds are true, and it will save you a lot of headache in the future."

Zurgo growled for a moment but didn't do anything as the siblings and Angela walked back to the Armory, where Autumn took a moment to study the gadget and found that it was something that attracted Bolts, like the Bolt Grabber, so she just duplicated it before making sure each of them had one resting on their belts, allowing them to return to the structure and use an elevator to head down to another floor, unaware of the dark smile that appeared on Zurgo's face. That was when Ratchet found some red ankle biters, which happened to be the same ones from Dobbo when he recalled what his siblings had told him, that seemed to be guards for this area, but it made no difference as he, Autumn, Starswirl, and Angela blasted and smashed their way through their enemies, all before finding a sealed door that required a cylinder carrying a missile to open it. As such Angela used Autumn's gadget to move it into position before blasting the door down, revealing a tunnel that brought them to an area with a number of ankle biters and some of the Troopers that had been back on Dobbo as well, causing a battle to break out as they opened fire on the guards who were supposed to be on Megacorp's side, so they should have stood down when noticing Angela, but that just told them that someone had messed with her credentials. It took a few minutes for them to clear out the chamber, as the Troopers had teleport pads that brought more in until they depleted those that were supposed to come to this area if it came under attack, before Autumn found another pad for the Inspector Bot as Ratchet moved a cylinder into position, as it revealed a lift that allowed them to reach the uppermost part of this part of the Armory.

Sure enough they found an area that had room for two different sized missiles, where Autumn and Angela moved them as Ratchet and Starswirl kept watch for enemies, even if there didn't seem to be any for this area, before they blasted down the wall and revealed a passage full of floor lasers that required one to use another cylinder to safely move across the rest of the area, to which Starswirl lifted them with his magic and dropped them on the other side. As he did that the others did open fire on some ankle biters that happened to be in their way, allowing Ratchet to walk into another chamber that had three missiles for them to move, to which he and his siblings simply activated their Tractor Beams and rearranged them to blast the door down. That let them see another laser floor that needed a cylinder platform to traverse it, where Starswirl lifted everyone to the passage and entered another chamber, one that was just as heavily guarded as the last one they had passed through, with a fair number of Troopers who teleported in to deal with them, from both the ground level and the tunnel that seemed to lead to what appeared to be the end of this path. As such Ratchet, Angela, Autumn, and Starswirl repeated what they had done before, they opened fire on their enemies and smashed them with their melee weapons, as a few got close for some reason and whoever was close to them took them out, before wiping out all of the defenders and opened the way for them to reach the teleport pad that was at the end of the path.

"Interesting, they left a Sheepinator behind," Angela commented, naming the weapon that was right in front of them, one that reminded Ratchet and his siblings of the Morph-o-Ray, though she stepped to the side and let Autumn take it like the weapons they had gained so far, who studied it for a few seconds before duplicating it, something she was still wrapping her head around since there weren't a lot of magic users in their universe, "basically, you fire it at something and it will be turned into a sheep, with larger enemies taking more time than the smaller enemies... or at least that is what I was told on the day I discovered the weapon existed."

"Sounds a lot like my Morph-o-Ray... wonder if it's a coincidence, or if they stole the idea from us," Autumn said, where she was more than willing to bet that it was a coincidence that both she and Megacorp's head weapon makers created nearly identical weapons, though she only offered the other idea in case there was some truth to it, given the fact that Gadgetron had been forced out of Bogon by Megacorp, before she shrugged, "oh well, it'll be fun to see how good of a weapon this is and now it compares to mine."

Angela said nothing to that as they teleported back to the dam's wall, where they found some mutant squirrels waiting in the area near it and fired their Sheepinators at them, transforming them into wandering sheep, just like the ones that had been in the Armory, though once all of the squirrels were taken care of Ratchet headed over to the Infiltrator terminal and hacked into it with the gadget as the others stood behind him. Once the electrical wall was disabled they found another Laser Guard guarding an area that happened to have a lot of mines between them and the opening of the missile silo, to which Autumn and Starswirl shared a glance for a moment before they lifted all of the mines and wrapped them around their main target, not to mention a second Laser Guard they spotted a few seconds later. As his siblings took care of their large enemies in style, Ratchet used the new weapon to sheep all of the squirrels that were in their way, allowing Angela to take a moment to watch them once more, seeing the damage that all three of them did to Megacorp's defenses, which she knew were the best in all of Bogon, and made her wonder if her other plan to stop the Experiment might be successful if they decided to go along with it, or alter it in some manner. Once all of the enemies were taken care of they made their way over to the silo's opening and used an elevator to reach the lowermost level of the structure, which allowed them to walk on a platform that was near the rocket's thruster, even though they found a couple of Troopers guarding this place as well, hence why the group opened fire on them without delay.

Of course Ratchet, Autumn, Starswirl, and Angela made sure to aim away from the massive rocket, just in case one of their attacks accidentally set it off and set it to whatever area it happened to be targeting, in case Megacorp had it pointed at an enemy or something, but it wasn't long before they entered a new passage that lead away from the missile and lead them to another chamber. They then opened fire on some Troopers who teleported into the area in question, repeating what had happened in the Armory earlier, and it wasn't long before their enemies were taken care of and this part of the Silo was cleared, allowing them to head down a passage that brought them to an area with two defensive walls and a number of Troopers guarding it, causing them to shake their heads as they continued their assault. Getting across the short gap in front of them was rather easy, as Starswirl formed a walkway for him and the others to use as they tore down the group of Troopers guarding this part of the missile silo, before they found another Infiltrator terminal and Ratchet hacked into it, a fact that was quickly followed by him opening the door and they discovered a Laser Guard on the other side. Their foe fell in moments, totally caught off guard by the fact that enemies were here and that they had beaten everything else that was in this place, though with the Laser Guard taken care of the siblings broke some ammunition containers before finding an elevator that took them back towards the surface, to a chamber with a holodisplay in it.

The holodisplay happened to be a message left by Davin, Angela's coworker who also seemed to be working against their boss to stop the Experiment, who revealed two things that were rather shocking, the first being that Thugs-4-Less have taken over Angela's lab and were no longer working for her, meaning someone must have made them a better deal than what she gave them, and second Megacorp was planning on selling the 'Protopet', the name of the Experiment, where it seemed like Mr. Fizzwidget would be on Boldan.

"I know Megacorp was planning this, given what you said, but isn't this a little too fast for them?" Ratchet asked, as it just seemed odd for the company to have made leaps and bounds considering the fact that they just got the Experiment back, especially since it had seemed like they were in the early stages of this plan when he and his siblings were called to Bogon to retrieve it, and even if one assumed that Megacorp had resumed operations after bringing them here it still didn't make sense for them to already be distributing the Protopet.

"Yes, it is... even if they had been planning this, they should have been forced to delay things when I stole the Experiment from the facility," Angela replied, though she was worried about this piece of information, as it seemed like things had moved too fast in the last couple of days, faster than what she and Davin had thought when she decided to put this plan into action, before she considered something else, "We might not find the real Mr. Fizzwidget on Boldan, but we might be able to gain some information from whatever he and Megacorp left behind."

"Then we're heading for Boldan." Autumn said, to which the four of them headed for the opening and jumped out of it not a few seconds later, landing in the now empty mine field, where Ratchet started to walk over to where the zip line back to their ship rested and the others followed after him, even though she did consider something, "Hey Angela, is Davin a love interest or something?"

"No! He's a coworker who wants to stop the violent Experiment, I mean Protopet, from being released into the galaxy, a plan we failed to stop," Angela replied, where Ratchet said nothing as he listened to what she had to say, since she had a lot more experience in certain fields than he and his siblings did, though she did sigh for a moment as she considered the information that would allow her to answer the question, "Listen, Davin's a sweet guy, and a great inventor, but neither of us are romantically interested in the other, especially given Megacorp's strict rules when it comes to employees dating each other. Anyway, one of the artifacts my mother left with me mentioned that we, as in the Lombaxes, are compatible with a few of the other species of our universe, those being the Cazares and the Markazians... I'm not really sure why she gave me that information, but I don't think it's necessary anymore."

Autumn smiled as they used the zip line to travel down to their ship, as it seemed like Angela was in love with Ratchet, to the point where she disregarded her mother's information on potential races that could likely produce Lombax children, as that was her thought on the matter, before they restocked their ammunition and climbed into the ship, allowing them to blast off and resume their mission to stop Megacorp and the incredibly dangerous Protopets... and as they did that a lone figure on Todano watched them depart before turning to a communicator that he knelt towards.

"My Captain, the experiment was a success," Zurgo said, speaking to the figure who was on the other side of the line, who was simply listening to what he had to say as he talked about the item he had been developing, even though everything he had on him was gone, save for a secured blueprint he could copy his findings to once he left the planet, "you will have your gadget by week's end."

The figure congratulated him on a job well done, that he was doing his part to keep the galaxy safe, and that once this was done, and he was successful, they could tackle the dangers that existed in both Bogon and Solana together, which caused Zurgo to bow his head as he imagined what they future held for them, as he eagerly awaited the day that his Captain told him the news that their revenge had been obtained at long last and that he could join him in saving the galaxies from all of the dangers that plagued them.

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