• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Arsenal: Mylon

After dealing with the first Biobliterator, and crippling Nefarious' base on Koros, Ratchet and the others returned to the Star Explorer and docked with their starship once more, where he plugged in the coordinates for Mylon and they got moving not a few moments later. Such a thing gave them time to restock their weapons and wonder what sort of alterations might have been added to the second Biobliterator, as Al was unable to figure out what sort of changes Nefarious had made to it after making the first one, but in the end they decided not to think about it too much. The only downside to this mission was that Al was able to confirm that there was no ion cannon for them to take control of, meaning that to destroy the second orb they would have to either find another weapon, like one of Ranger saucers they used in the past, or rely on one of the magic users to blow it apart. Other than that there was nothing for Ratchet or the others to do but sit and wait for the starship to reach the final destination of this adventure, though Sasha was able to confirm that the Rangers were coming, because they wanted to take part in the battle that would decide the fate of the entire galaxy.

Mylon, as they soon discovered, was a heavily industrialized planet that seemed to be made of multiple islands, based on what Ratchet and his family could see right now, before they spotted the fortress that had the second Biobliterator resting in the air, but it looked like they were going to have to fight through an army to get to their target.

"So, this is Mylon... we need to stay on our toes, since Nefarious knows we're coming." Sasha commented, speaking as they headed down to the furthest point of the fortress and found a place for the Star Explorer to land on, which Ratchet did as fast as possible so they could get started on tearing down their foe's dark plans.

"We've shown him that none of his plans have worked, that he's aware of since he thinks Qwark is dead," Ratchet said, as it was the truth, Nefarious was suffering the same thing that Drek had faced when they first explored the galaxy, but as he said that he noticed that Autumn was sending a short message without telling Sasha, who was focused on what might be ahead of them, "but we should keep our guard up, since there's no telling what he might throw at us."

Starswirl and Autumn nodded their heads as they approached the end of the platform they had landed on, finding that a pair of large Robotic Tyhrranoid guards were standing guard over what appeared to be the only entrance to the fortress, that they could see anyway, where Autumn pulled out her Flux Rifle as the others readied themselves. What happened in the following seconds was that she sniped the first one and took it down with ease, causing the second one to pause for a moment, which opened the way for Ratchet, Angela, Sasha, and Starswirl to swing down to where it was standing before blasting the robot apart. Once that was done they moved through the building that they had been guarding and blasted a couple of brute robots out of the way, even though Ratchet found more of the Robotic Tyhrranoids that were blocking the way to the area that the Biobliterator was stored in, or at least get close enough so they could blast it apart, before their foe was able to activate it. Still, that didn't stop them from advancing further into the fortress, blasting the guards as they tore down any of the cameras Nefarious could use to see them coming, just to keep him in the dark about all the skills the family had to offer, even though the trail of destruction would give him an idea of where they were.

One thing they discovered was that there were a few force fields that were being guarded by some Robotic Tyhrranoids, just like what Ratchet had discovered back in Nefarious' 'secret base' on Aquatos, which caused him to reach for the small device, the Tyhrra-Guise, before glancing at the others for a moment. The problem, as he soon discovered, was that they only had one device and five of them, though Autumn and Starswirl combined their magic, one focusing on the power of the gadget while another fueling another spell, before they were all replaced by Robotic Tyhrranoids, more fleshed out so no one would be able to tell the difference. The family quickly discovered that it worked like a charm as they approached the guardian of the first force field, as the Robotic Tyhhranoid in question thought they were reinforcements, which they confirmed and found that he didn't bother to radio their presence in, before activating the lift to send them deeper into the fortress, causing them to smile once they were out of range. After that they found an area with no enemies and such a thing let them walk in their natural forms for a time, even though the ladder at the end brought them to another section with a force field, so once everyone was in a hidden area they reapplied the spell before moving forward again.

Sure enough they found that the Robotic Tyhrranoid guarding it believed that they were reinforcements and didn't bother to question or report their presence, allowing them to move forward and use a lift to head down to another level, and the moment they were out of sight Autumn and Starswirl dispelled the illusion.

"I know we used magic, but I can't believe that worked." Angela commented, as while she understood that magic was far stronger than what they had seen in the past, especially when she considered how Ratchet and his siblings had chased her under Megacorp's, or Qwark's, orders, but this just made her wonder what else they were capable of.

"With my knowledge of the various spell matrices in existence, anything and everything is possible." Starswirl said, a fact that Ratchet and the others were beginning to understand, as he was far more in tune with his magical side while Autumn was more in tune with technology, and the combination of the two made things more interesting for those who traveled with them.

Autumn nodded her head for a moment as she opened fire on the group of Drones that were in front of them, while both Sasha and Angela used their Flux Rifles to fire at two of the larger Robotic Tyhrranoids they spotted, across a gap and on a pair of short watchtowers that seemed to be connected to the path they needed to take. As they did that Ratchet found an army of robotic enemies guarding the path that would bring them to the Biobliterator, which told him that they must have found the correct path given the level of resistance, but they seemed to be waiting for them and not overwhelming them with their might. As he, Angela, and Sasha started to cross over the gap, using a platform to do so, Autumn and Starswirl used a bit of their magic to knock down any enemies that tried to stop the trio from crossing, and once they were over on the other side it was up to them to defend the area so the pair could catch up. Once they were back together they waged war on the defenders that were scattered all along the path that was in front of them, tearing down their robotic enemies before finding a large metallic door, one that was locked and had a Hacker terminal, though this time around Ratchet and his siblings decided to just ignore it entirely.

What that meant was that Starswirl raised his hand and crushed the door, tearing out the metal and opening the way for them to enter the chamber on the other side, surprising Sasha the more she watched what they were capable of, which also surprised all of the Robotic Tyhrranoids that were inside it, since they were expecting to have a few more minutes to prepare for their arrival.

It took the family no time to tear down the defenders of the chamber and found that the key to open the door forward was to use a laser and two locks, meaning it required the Refractor, though once more Ratchet decided not to worry about it as Starswirl crushed this door as well. With that done he and the others moved forward and found another section that held all sorts of robotic enemies for them to take down, which was what they did without delay, opening fire on Nefarious' guards as they kept an eye on the Biobliterator, since they had no idea if their foe would move it before they reached the end of the command center. At the same time Sasha knew that they were showing Nefarious that nothing he could throw at them mattered, as Autumn and Starswirl weaved a bit of their magic through the air and crushed their enemies as the former used her weapons to do the same, while Ratchet and Angela fought like seasoned warriors, which they were when she thought about their updated profiles. She suspected that the sheer power that the family possessed, both in magical and technical might, was making Nefarious quake in his boots, or however robots quaked in fear, but that didn't stop her from smashing and blasting her foes into submission, instead of falling back and just watching them tear their foes apart on their own.

When they reached the next chamber, which was open, they found the way to the Biobliterator and discovered that both Nefarious and Lawrence were present in front of it, but before anyone could do anything they teleported aboard the large sphere and it moved out into the distance, to one of the battlefields that rested across some islands, but Sasha was glad she had thought ahead. The reason was because the Ranger dropship had arrived and the ramp was lowered so the five of them could climb aboard, though once they were inside the ship each of them restocked their weapons as their pilot tracked down the Biobliterator, confirming that it went out to a set of islands for some reason. None of them needed to be told what was going on, Nefarious was planning on leaving the planet so he could start his attack on Solana, turning all of the planets' inhabitants into robots to cement his victory, meaning the new weapon must have greater energy reserves, a fact they hoped they were wrong about. If the second Biobliterator was self-sustaining it meant he could endlessly attack the planets of the galaxy, without stopping to recharge, and would cripple their chances of tearing his plans apart, which meant they had to stop him now, before he departed from the planet and resumed his conquest.

Once the dropship was above their destination Ratchet and the others descended to where Nefarious was standing, as he seemed to be working on something, and as they did that Starswirl sent out a number of small magical blasts that struck the incoming rockets and opened the way for them to reach their destination, allowing them to land on the platform that Nefarious was standing on.

"You again?!" Nefarious exclaimed, as if believing that they would have realized that he had the upper hand on them and that there was nothing they could do to bring down his plans, all while Ratchet spotted what appeared to be some sort of control panel or miniature ship right behind the robotic doctor, "I will admit, your persistence is admirable, but the lot of you will pay for your insolence towards the new ruler of the entirety of the Solana Galaxy!"

"Sorry Nefarious," Ratchet replied, where he pulled out his Omniwrench and threw it, something that caused Nefarious to dodge out of the way as he smashed the device behind him to pieces, before extending his hand to summon his weapon back to him as he and the others stared at their robotic foe, "both your flight, and your attempts at galactic domination, have been cancelled."

In that moment Nefarious called for Lawrence to assist him and found that, after ordering the 'figure' to destroy them, his assistant had departed after teleporting aboard the Biobliterator, or maybe he was ignoring him as he got ready for some sort of event, causing their foe to groan as he readied himself for battle. One of the abilities that Nefarious had installed in his body was the power to create holograms that he hurled at whoever he was fighting, so it was something that acted on his own actions and could, in fact, harm anyone it touched, hence why they avoided the attack to the best of their ability, all while blasting him in return. Another thing he did was pull out two small guns that fired out surges of black bullets, why they had no idea, though it didn't stop the group from moving around the arena and forcing him to focus on one of them at a time, where he targeted Autumn and Starswirl first, showing them that he wanted them taken down first, to make the battle easier for him. Other than that it didn't seem like he had anything else to throw at the group, so it didn't take them long to knock Nefarious to a knee and he coughed for a moment, forcing him to consider his options once more, all while Ratchet and his family started to surround the area that he was currently resting in.

As it turned out Nefarious had another skill up his sleeve, where he surrounded himself in a barrier and flew off to one of the other islands that was connected to this one, though as he fled they found that he was calling in his soldiers to take all of them down, which put a smile on Sasha's face for a moment. The reason was because the Rangers teleported down to the battlefield and started tearing apart the robots that were in front of them, allowing Ratchet and the others to preserve their ammunition for the final battle with Nefarious, who had to be watching this with disbelief in his eyes. Of course such a thing was only possible thanks to Autumn's changes to the Rangers, which they were grateful for since they could keep the galaxy safe from all sorts of enemies, through for right now they took a step back as the empowered Rangers took out every robotic enemy that was in front of them. When they reached a bridge that lead to where Nefarious was waiting they found that he had two other abilities to throw at the family, one being the power to fire beams of dark energy, which was easy to avoid, while the other was a barrage of missiles that was launched from his body, which likely opened along both of his arms and legs to do so.

When Ratchet and his family reached the final island they found that Nefarious had a final trick up his sleeve, one where he launched a burst of dark energy like it was a bomb, that way when it hit the ground it exploded outward and they had to jump over the ring that emitted from it, but even that didn't stop the family from knocking Nefarious to the ground in a matter of minutes.

'Lawrence!" Nefarious cried, as if he was desperate to take care of them, even though they could see that he was caught off guard by the fact that they were able to do so much to him in such a short period of time, and this time his butler did teleport down to where everyone was standing, this time looking like an old fashioned music player, maybe during the jazz era, and came with fake metallic hair.

"Is this important, sir? Its almost time for my solo, Bass Odyssey!" Lawrence replied, where he messed with the strings for a few seconds, showing them that he had been under the impression that his boss would be able to deal with Ratchet and his family while he was busy with his instrument.

As Nefarious demanded that they get the 'transformation' started, however, Autumn actually stopped them and allowed Lawrence to do his thing, since this battle was eating up his time and he might miss his solo, which brought a smile to his face as he played his tune for all of them. Once he was done, and accepted their applause with a bow, he pulled out one of the triggers they had seen him pull out in the past and clicked it, where the Biobliterator, which was in the center of this entire area, transformed before their eyes, becoming a mech warrior that looked like it might be powerful enough to do a lot of damage to anything that opposed the robotic doctor. With that done Ratchet wasn't surprised to find that the pair of robots had teleported over to the mech's head and Nefarious started to pilot it, aiming at him and his family, though such a thing caused him to grin as Sasha called in one of the Ranger saucers, because his siblings took on their empowered forms before taking to the air. Such a thing allowed Autumn and Starswirl to tank his attention while Ratchet, Angela, and Sasha climbed into the saucer, though there was another reason that they did that and he only became aware of it not a few seconds later, as it was hard to miss another ship flying into the area they were in.

What they discovered was that it was Qwark, as his ship was his usual green and bared his marking, and he blasted the chest of the Biobliterator, though while it didn't do a lot of damage they heard Nefarious screaming in anger and disbelief as he realized his foe was still alive. Of course Sasha had to wonder if Ratchet and his family knew about Qwark's survival and had purposely kept quiet about it, and it made sense when she considered what their note had said, but decided that, even if that was the case, it had been a good call, since knowing that Qwark had abandoned them would have crippled the Q-Force. As she thought about that Ratchet moved them into the air and moved out of the way of the incoming missiles, as Nefarious was firing at everyone who dared to stand between him and his desire to dominate everything in the Solana Galaxy, allowing Angela and Sasha to blast the missiles out of the air as Autumn and Starswirl dealt blow after blow to the large mech. Their magical attacks opened up several holes in Nefarious' mech, allowing Qwark to fire his own missiles into them and deal greater damage to the machine, where they could see that things were starting to fall apart, meaning the robotic doctor must have missed something when he made it, before the magic users combined their magic with a missile that Qwark fired, which tore into the machine and blasted it apart in a violent explosion.

The only thing that remained was the head and it, too, ended up blowing up a minute later, though Autumn found that a faint teleport signature was lingering where it had rested, meaning Nefarious was out there somewhere, but as she and the others cheered for their victory she knew that their foe was too far away to do anything and they could rest easy with another adventure brought to a successful close.

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