• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Arsenal: Obani Moons

As they departed from Holostar Studios, and started to make their way to the Obani Moons, which happened to be the last place for them to explore right now, they got a transmission from Sasha, which meant she must have received their latest message, about the Leviathan, and wanted to speak with them.

"Ratchet here. What can we do for you, Sasha?" Ratchet asked, all while Autumn and the others spread out around the area of the starship they were in, the modified flight deck that allowed his siblings, Angela, and even Clank to relax for a time, while they traveled between all of the planets of the Solana Galaxy, showing that they were resting and getting ready for whatever might be at their next destination.

"I just wanted to inform you that we received your message about the Leviathan and that we'll be searching for is, so once we find it you'll be the first to know," Sasha replied, though the smile on her face told them that she must have read the rest of the message, about how they got said information in the first place, and that she approved of their trickery, "Also, I wanted to inform you that Skidd read your last message, about the Obani Moons, and warn you that he might show up to 'aid' you while you guys explore the area."

"He's desperate to prove himself, given how many still worship Qwark," Angela remarked, as she had learned that fact while talking with Ratchet and his siblings back in Bogon, which had been confirmed as they explored more of Solana and met more of the people who called it home, before she considered something odd, "but that makes me wonder why so many are still loyal to him, when he betrayed this galaxy and sided with Drek... especially after all the news that was posted about him and his connections to Drek."

"I did some research and it seems that, in preparation for Qwark being found, the President pardoned him of all his crimes and wiped out all his debts," Autumn spoke up, while at the same time Sasha let out a sigh, no doubt because she knew of her father's antics and didn't approve of any of them, especially when it came to the person who assisted Drek and tried to stop them from saving the planets of Solana, "of course the Chairmen of the planets that were attacked by the Blarg aren't too happy with that, so he might be facing some opposition if he runs for office again."

"Well, we'll keep an eye out for Skidd while we're searching the Obani Moons," Starswirl said, returning to the reason that Sasha had called them in the first place, since she wanted them to be aware of the fact that one of their friends would be arriving at some point, or not since they knew Skidd more than anyone else at this point, so he was likely lingering near their destination and would show himself when they were done clearing the area out.

With the conversation done, as there was nothing else that Sasha wanted to tell them, other than wish them well and that they would be tracking down the Leviathan, Ratchet and the others focused on heading to the Obani Moons, where they discovered that Obani, the planet, had three moons, Gemini, Pollux, and Draco. Supposedly the entire set was owned by Courtney Gears, as in she owned the dwarf planet and the three moons that orbited it, which meant that since she was working with Nefarious they could expect some opposition when they reached Obani Gemini, as each moon's name had it's planet's name first, then their own name. Based on what Autumn was able to figure out she knew that they would have to start exploring Obani Gemini, before making their way to Obani Pollux and Obani Draco, mostly because the page she was getting her information from said the last one had a barrier that could only be deactivated with either a code or by bringing down something on the second moon. The problem was to get to Obani Pollux they would have to explore the first moon and then find a way over to their true destination, even though they were aiming for Obani Draco, which had to be where they would find the Biobliterator and whatever guards Nefarious left to protect his weapon.

When the starship finally reached their destination they used the smaller ship and headed down to the surface of the first of the Obani moons, where they found that it had a ring of asteroids rotating around it and a good place to land, not to mention a number of satellites that were positioned all over the moon's small atmosphere. Ratchet touched down in an area that had a beam being fired from a device, something that told them that they had to bounce the beam all over the moon to unlock a teleporter to Obani Pollux, and as they climbed out Autumn found another weapon to add to their still growing arsenal, the Disc Blade Gun. This gun was designed to fire razor sharp discs that would home in on enemies and strike them, not to mention ricochet off walls and other structures, without damaging the surface in question, making it another good weapon to add to their arsenal. The other weapon that was available was something called the Rift Inducer, a weapon designed to open little rifts that sucked in the user's enemies, though if one fired multiple charges they could combine into a larger one and added more pull to the rift in question.

With both weapons in hand Ratchet pulled out the Refractor and used it to move the beam into the nearby slot, which, in turn, caused the bridge that was in front of them to lower into place so they could move out of the high metallic walled off area that they had landed in, allowing the group to see what they had to deal with. What they discovered was the the foes they had to deal with were the small white robots who floated and shocked whoever got close to them, a weak enemy that wasn't worth actually using much of their ammunition on, to which everyone switched to their melee weapons until they found a way to the next moon. In addition to that they discovered a few platforms that would allow someone to reach the areas that the lasers were being redirected to, so while Autumn, Starswirl, and Angela dealt with their enemies Ratchet headed up each set and bounced the laser to a new satellite. As such most of them fought off the foes that were coming towards them, while Ratchet focused on moving the beams around so they could open the way to the second moon, due to Autumn thinking that such a thing was the purpose of the lasers, before eventually seeing that it brought them to the other floating structure in this area.

Inside it they found a teleport pad that allowed them to warp over to Obani Pollux, a moon that looked far more metallic than Obani Gemini, as the previous moon was more organic and had pools of lava in the short ravines they had ignored, where the group also discovered some sniper bots and soldier bots, like those from Daxx. Such a thing told Ratchet and the others all they needed to know as they switched to their weapons and blasted their way through the first set of foes who happened to be blocking the way, as with one person it might be hard, but with four warriors they didn't have to worry at all. While they tore through all of their robotic enemies, and found a jump pad to move forward, Autumn found that all of the plants and trees were definitely metallic, made out of metal and looked like bolts in some places, though as she noticed that something clicked in her mind, as this definitely wasn't natural, and if it was she had to study it when they weren't busy with Nefarious and his schemes. The jump pad brought them up to the roof of a structure and found that it also had a number of foes for them to blast their way through, which was what they did before finding some of the more powerful sentry bots guarding another roof, causing Starswirl to snap up a barrier for them to use.

Once those enemies were taken care of the group found a zipline and used it to reach the next part of the path they were following, finding that more soldiers were waiting for them and seemed to be guarding the way forward, not that it really mattered given the arsenal the family possessed, and it wasn't long before they came to a stop, at the highest point of this moon and in front of a metallic structure.

"Cover me." a voice said, speaking as soon as the family came to a stop and had stared at the clearly man made structure for a few moments, where they found that Skidd had arrived, in fact it was possible he had either arrived before them and had hidden his ship or moved after they arrived and was only now showing himself, before he tripped and fell, doing no damage to him, save his pride maybe, "Man down!"

"Skidd, you don't have to worry about enemies, as we took them all out." Ratchet remarked, though once more he found himself questioning how he could have admired the man when he was younger, as it was like Qwark all over again, the pro Hoverboarder had been a bit of a disappointment when he met him, while at the same time Autumn was studying what was in front of them.

"No, that blows man!" Skidd stated, where he picked himself up and dusted himself off, though as he did that most of the family was able to see that he was secretly pleased by this information and was acting since they preferred to be near all sorts of warriors, "I would have gotten here sooner, but I, um... encountered some heavy-duty resistance... the drive-thru at Galaxy Burger was wicked slow and, uh, my food was made wrong, so I had to waste time complaining and getting what I actually ordered."

"As interesting as that sounds, we have bigger fish to fry... specifically Obani Draco," Autumn commented, returning their focus to the task at hand as she finished studying the structure in front of them and the moon that was hanging beyond the atmosphere of the moon they were currently on, causing her to let out a sigh as she faced Ratchet, "unfortunately, it is surrounded by an Omega Class disintegration field... if we had the right tools, well, we could bust through this door and get at the generator, so we can see what Nefarious is hiding up there. The other bit of bad news is that the 'right tools' to do this, as our magic would do more harm than good, is a number of licenses and permits that would allow us to hack into anything that is in the Omega Class, which can take anywhere from a week to six months... even if we use our Gadgetron connections, and asked Mr. Lumos to help us, it would still take a few days, which we don't have."

"Never fear, I have a solution!" Skidd replied, where he put his gun away and pulled out a crowbar, with one end that was busted and one that looked normal, even though he realized that he was starting with the busted side first and turned it so the unbusted one was ready to be used, which he stuck into the door, "It'll take me some time to get through this..."

In that moment they got a call from the Galactic Rangers, who informed them that Blackwater City was under attack and, while they could handle the assault on their own, some additional assistance would be appreciated, causing Ratchet and his family to wish Skidd well before returning to their ship so they could head to Rilgar.

Upon their arrival near Rilgar, the family boarded the smaller ship and headed down to the area that the Rangers were in, finding that the Tyhrranoids wanted to take them out and loosed missiles into the air, where Starswirl gathered his magic and blasted each target out of the air so they could descend with ease. As soon as they landed it became clear that most of the Rangers were true to their word, they really didn't need the family's help to deal with the Tyhrranoids, as they were holding them back and were preventing them from getting at their base, and with their arrival the Rangers were able to totally push their enemies back. From there it was a simple matter of pushing the Tyhrranoids up the ramp and across the bridge that connected the two halves of the island that the two forces were fighting on, where they positioned themselves accordingly and opened fire on their enemies, surprising all of the aggressive aliens with the firepower they possessed, not to mention the spells Starswirl had access to. After defending the bridge they pushed the rest of the Tyhrranoids back to the area in front of the red base, where they opened fire and took down their enemies before they had a chance to do anything, and Ratchet even forced the turrets of the base to explode, ruining the Tyhrranoids' chances of winning, which eventually lead to them leaving once they realized they couldn't win.

With Rilgar saved one of the Rangers, a Sniper, handed them something, a pair of Gravity Boots that allowed one to walk on walls and special surfaces, just like the old pairs they obtained in the past, and once the planet was secure Autumn took a moment to figure out if anything was different from the previous set, before adding them to their existing boots, all before discovering that Skidd had been captured.

"Looks like Courtney Gear's dancers caught him." Ratchet commented, taking a look at the video they were sent not a few moments ago, which prompted their return to the ship and caused him to set a course for Obani Draco, though there was one thing that was out of place.

"He also took a few of them out... guess he must have realized she was a villain after all." Angela added, because she and the others were able to see that a few of the dancers had been attacked by someone, which was Skidd since he pulled out his gun and attacked them after realizing the danger he was in.

Autumn and Starswirl, however, said nothing to that as they headed back to the Obani Moons, this time finding that the Omega Class disintegration field was down, meaning Ratchet was able to send in the smaller ship and allowed the family to dock inside what appeared to be a disco ball themed moon. This place was clearly Courtney Gears' base of operations, based on all of the spotlights and dance items that were built into the walls, though there were no new weapons for them to obtain and it caused them to start moving deeper into the moon base. What Ratchet discovered was that the only foes they had to worry about where the small robots that zapped intruders, so they decided to refrain from wasting ammo on these machines as they moved deeper into Courtney's base, aware that she was likely watching them. The family found that there were moving pools of plasma they had to avoid, shocked passages they had to navigate, and sections where all of them had to walk upside down, which everyone was able to do thanks to Autumn's armor modifications, before they reached a chamber that seemed like the end of the road.

The only thing of interest was a machine that was pointed at a table that someone could be strapped to, where it showed Courtney Gears strapping Skidd down before backing off, activating a machine that turned their friend into a robotic version of himself, all in a matter of seconds.

"Looks like Nefarious has been weaponizing the technology that turns one type of matter into another, like the weapons I created that turn our enemies into sheep or chickens," Autumn commented, not really surprised by this turn of events, as now she understood the name of the weapon that their foe had created some time ago, it literally took away one's organic form and replaced it with machinery, while likely retaining the target's mind, "If that's all it does, while likely suppressing any pain involved with the transformation, it shouldn't be too hard for us to reverse the process..."

"Do you ever stop talking?" Courtney asked, speaking over a communicator, meaning she was watching them and knew all of them had seen the video she had left for them to see, on Nefarious' orders to be exact, though while it was supposed to fill Ratchet and the others with despair she found that they didn't care, rather they were upset for Skidd and one already had an idea on how to counter the Biobliterator's main feature.

"Of course I can... I just find talking while talking to an opponent distracts them while I work." Autumn replied, as she had pulled out her tablet while she made notes on what the Biobliterator was capable of and Ratchet could see that some of her notes included how to counter the machine in question, before they heard the sound of something hitting the floor, followed by a look of shock appearing on Courtney's face, "And done. Nefarious' bomb has been disabled... guess he really didn't want to run the risk of you being taken in by the galactic authorities."

Ratchet noticed that Courtney never looked back at the 'explosive' as she struggled with the concept that her beloved, as she saw Nefarious in that light, would do something like this to her, and the robotic star practically threw herself at their mercy, offering to tell them everything she knew to save herself. He kept a straight face as Starswirl and Angela escorted the star back to their ship, as he couldn't believe that the plan his sister had come up with had worked out that well, as it was all props created in Holostar Studios and someone like Courtney shouldn't have fallen for it, but she did. Autumn, of course, collected the materials that had been left behind and silently made sure they would be returned to Mr. Hatfield in due time, so they could be used to make special scenes in the future, maybe during the next Secret Agent Clank film, but for now she focused on what they might learn from the robotic star. She also scanned the area for any additional info she might gleam from the surrounding area and machines, just to boost her chances of studying the Biobliterator's power and figuring a way around it, before regrouping with her family as they headed out of the Obani Draco.

They were hoping that Courtney Gears would have something to share with them, about what Nefarious was planning for his superweapon, but they guessed time would tell, as after seeing how foolish she was in accepting that the bomb was real it was hard to tell if she was a high ranking member of Nefarious' organization or just a tool, but they knew that they would find out in the near future.

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