• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Rift Apart: Sargasso

Autumn and Clank spent most of the trip out of Nefarious City, located on Corson V oddly enough, explaining things to Rivet, who spent most of the flight in silence as she listened to what they had to say, taking turns telling her about the fact that they were from another dimension, the Dimensionator, and everything else that was important. Of course they had to cut out a number of details, like the old adventures that came before this one, even though they did have to mention to barrier between dimensions so she understood why this was happening now and not a few years ago. Autumn knew that there was just too much information to share with Rivet, especially since she informed them that they were heading to Sargasso, so she and Clank really had to give her the rundown on what Nefarious was up to. The only downside to all of this was that she didn't seem too happy with them suggesting that she had a brother, though they did refrain from even mentioning the painful day that she lost her arm, as that seemed like it would damage everything they were trying to do right now.

When they got closer to Sargasso, and the end of their tale, Rivet started to talk and, in a way, recite the information she had been given, as if she was making sure she had gotten everything right, but it was clear that she was incredibly stubborn, just like Ratchet was from time to time.

"...and then this Dr. Nefarious stole the Dimensionator, which, according to what you said, brought you two and your brother, and mine as you claim, to Nefarious City before being destroyed." Rivet continued, showing that she had an idea of what they were saying, even though it was painfully clear that she didn't really believe everything they were telling her right now, causing Autumn and Clank to remain silent as she continued repeating their tale, "So now you need to meet up with the others of your group, who are who knows where, before figuring out how to, as you put it, 'save the day'?"

"Precisely." Clank replied, as it sounded like Rivet understood the situation that was unfolding right now, even though he and Autumn could tell that it would be some time before they convinced her of several things, especially the fact that they had brought her brother to her dimension.

"You guys must seriously think I'm an idiot... Look!" Rivet remarked, where she gestured out of the cockpit of the ship with her right hand, pointing at a trio of dimensional rifts that happened to be in the air, one staying for more than a couple of seconds while the other two closed after she pointed them out, "As real as I'm sure that this Dr. Nefarious is, this has the Emperor written all over it... it's hard to imagine that anyone else could be behind..."

She never got to finish her statement as she got a transmission from the residents of Sargasso, not the Kerchu as Autumn and Clank were expecting, rather it was some sort of short race of near identical beings with hardhats and uniforms that indicated that they were gelatonium workers. It seemed that they were under attack, though as Rivet told them to hang on they were knocked around by a metallic centipede that seemed to be patrolling the swamp they were flying over, forcing her to tell Autumn to brace for impact, which she did as she held Clank tight. A few moments later the ship crashed into the ground, on the outer reaches of the swamp based on what Autumn could see, though while it seemed undamaged, as no real harm had been done to it, she could tell that some of the systems were damaged. As such they had to climb out of the ship, where Rivet insisted on taking Clank, either because she didn't trust Autumn or because she felt that he was far safer on her back, though she wasn't about to argue with Ratchet's sister, not when she was determined to save her own friends from whatever danger they were in.

As Rivet made her way towards the gelatonium factory she informed them that she was taking them to her hideout, since she still had a job to do, and mentioned that the enemy vessel was a Seekerpede, which wasn't a good thing, while telling them that she was going to have to use a Speetle to get to her destination, only to be surprised by something.

"Hello sugar! I've got some goodies for you." Ms. Zurkon said, speaking as soon as they reached her, as she had set up her shop on the outskirts of the swamp, near where they had crashed, where Autumn discovered that she handed over a few weapons, likely those Ratchet and Starswirl had purchased earlier.

"Wow, these are amazing... and those... weren't in my account last time." Rivet replied, as while she found several of them to be to her liking, without even firing them, she did notice a few new weapons were available, the Topiary Sprinkler, which turned enemies into plants for a time to stun them, and the Ricochet, a weapon that hit someone multiple times in a row with a little ball.

"Oh, that's because I added our mutual friends from Nefarious City." Ms. Zurkon stated, confirming Autumn's own thoughts on the matter, that her brothers had purchased the weapons and they had been added to Rivet's account, while also giving them what appeared to be fully upgraded, mimicking what her brothers had done.

"Well, thank you for making these available... they're wonderful additions to our arsenals." Autumn said, making sure to buy both weapons and do what she could with the Raritanium that was in her own account, where she was pleased to find that she could use her funds, despite the fact that she was from another dimension, before noticing that Rivet was caught off guard by this new discovery, "I design weapons and gadgets back home, which heroes and citizens buy... Ratchet has said that I have too many Bolts and that I'll never spend them all, even after fully outfitting everyone during our various adventures over the years."

Rivet stared at her for a few moments, clearly debating something in her mind, before deciding that it was better to get a move on and not waste time talking about Autumn's money situation, where she explained her plan to them, or rather the fact that Speetles were incredibly fast and usually hid from people. Catching one while it was above ground was hard, not impossible she informed them since she had done so several times in the past, so they were either going to have to be far more careful than they were being right now or find one of their nests to encourage some to come out. Autumn and Clank quickly found that such a decision wasn't up to them, as a couple of purple toads and wasps that spat poison scared them off, causing Rivet to groan in annoyance for a few seconds before firing on the enemies that were in front of them, which Autumn did as well. She also found that Rivet's hammer wasn't for decoration, as she swung it at one of the toads and hit it into the acid water that was off to their left, though as she noticed all of the machinery, different from her dimension's version of Sargasso, he paused for a second as she noticed how Rivet fought almost like Ratchet did.

If it wasn't for the fact that she knew Rivet and Ratchet were twins, confirmed many times over their adventures, Autumn had a feeling she would have thought they were dimensional counterparts, though her thoughts were interrupted as two Speetles rushed into a dimensional rift that partly sealed itself behind them.

"Why is that rift glowing?" Rivet asked, because this was the first time she was doing anything with dimensional rifts and the fact that it happened to be glowing right now, and was still partly visible to both her and Autumn, and likely Clank as she thought about it.

"May I?" Autumn inquired, gesturing to Rivet's arm for a moment, the robotic one, where the Lombax stared at her for a second or two before switching her hammer to her left hand so she could hold her right arm out, allowing Autumn to take a look at it, just long enough to figure out what was going on, "Just as I suspected, you have a piece of Phase Quartz inside your arm, which the rifts are reacting to... you might be able to open the rift, in addition to utilizing them to move from one point to another."

Rivet raised an eyebrow for a moment before watching the movement Autumn had done when she and her siblings used the Rift Tether, as she was calling it, back on their Corson V, where she did the same thing and focused on the rift, causing it to burst open before their eyes. It opened the way to what seemed to be a pocket dimension that looked like part of the planet had been duplicated and placed in here, a symptom of the Dimensionator's destruction in Clank's eyes, though as Autumn agreed with him Rivet just wondered how they kept coming up with stuff like this. Fortunately they did find one of the Morts', that being what the new inhabitants of Sargasso were called, Helperbots, a blue bot called Maynard, though as he flew off they had to find a way to follow after him and not get trapped by the acid water that was in front of them, and Autumn had a solution. In front of them rested an odd shaped nest that shuddered when Rivet hit it, causing a couple of Speetles to pop up, though she directed Autumn on how to ride them, by sitting on their shell backside and using both of their eyestalks like the handles of a ship, before speeding off.

Together the two of them raced through the pocket dimension, following a path that Maynard must have charted while he was stuck in here, and Rivet told Autumn how to boost to the Speetle's highest speed, allowing them to shoot back over to the opening and pass through it, returning them to Sargasso with ease. After that Rivet followed Maynard through the rest of the swamp, crossing over the acid water with ease as Autumn made notes about the Speetles and their abilities, a fact that Clank wasn't even surprised by as he noted that she was able to keep pace with Rivet, even while partly distracted by all the new stuff she was discovering. One thing Autumn added was that there were a fair number of Speetle nests in this portion of the swamp, showing her how Rivet could have learned how to tame one of them and ride them with the degree of accuracy that she had, before they passed by a Troglosaur, or under it's body since they rode by it's large hooves, a fact that caused Rivet to tell them that she didn't always crash. A while after that Rivet found an area that they had to stop in, due to Maynard reaching what looked like the outskirts of the gelatonium factory, and she jumped off the Speetle, which Autumn did as well once she got up to where her new family member was standing.

With that done they walked through the short cavern passage and discovered what was going on with the Morts, a couple of Goons were harassing them, as one flying Goon, using a jetpack, started to threaten one of the workers, something that ticked Rivet off as she charged into battle. Autumn found that her virtues were similar to Ratchet's, she fought to save the worlds of her dimension, for the good of the many while tearing down the army of evil that ruled over her home, she did all she could for everyone who was threatened by Emperor Nefarious and his forces, and anyone who threatened those she cared about were torn down. She was definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, Ratchet's twin sister, there were far too many similarities between them for her to say otherwise, something that put a smile on her face as she heard Rivet taunt the Goons by mentioning that she was a Lombax, causing her to rush into battle as well. Sure enough the Goons were still the same Thugs that Autumn remembered beating during their last adventure, they fell for it easily enough as she opened fire on them as well, since she didn't want Rivet to think she was slacking.

It didn't take the pair too long to take down the Goons and their Robomutts, allowing them to clear out the area and make sure that the Morts were safe, though as they walked up to a group of them Autumn noticed that there was a pulsing orb or dimensional energy on a nearby landing strip.

"Mort! Good, you're okay." Rivet said, speaking to one Mort that didn't have a hardhat on, though only she knew how to tell one of them from another, something Autumn was interested in learning about if she was willing to help her out, but for the time being she kept her thoughts to herself.

"Us?! Oh, when we heard those fellahs were after a Lombax, we were worried about you!" the Mort replied, speaking in a feminine voice, while Autumn noticed that some were talking in a male voice, before deciding that, once again, she would have to defer to Rivet to figure everything out, "Next thing we know, you're here saving our behinds... to be honest, some of the Morts are stuck in that purple mess over there, the only thing we know about it is that it keeps growing. Between that and our new neighbor up there, we aren't doing too good."

Rivet glanced up at the Seekerpede for a moment, as she was annoyed that it was here in the first place, before telling them that she had something that would keep them busy for a time, a vital component of the ship that Mort was working on, only the Mort in question happened to be stuck in the purple mess. They also informed Rivet that, due to the arrival of the Goons and the Seekerpede, they had locked up her hideout so no one could stumble upon it and take something that was valuable or important to her, where Autumn noticed that Rivet raised her hand to her neck for a moment. It reminded her of what her brother did every now and then, making sure that the necklace was still there and that nothing had happened to it, so it told her that Rivet valued her half of it as well, before she focused on informing the Morts that she'd fix the problems they were facing right now. Such a thing caused some of the Morts to lower a bridge to another section of the swamp, likely in the direction of her hideout, where Autumn noticed that a Grunthor was wandering around, either looking for food or just out for a walk, even though Rivet had other concerns right now.

When she tried to access the dimensional mass, however, it let out a little shock that caused her to lower her hand, before it did anything else to her, and made her wonder what in the world she had to do to deal with this problem, causing Clank to offer his services on the matter, where Rivet turned around so he could study it and Autumn could see that his mind went into the anomaly, meaning it would be fixed in no time.

Clank was surprised to find that the dimensional anomaly was like the Nether Rifts he had entered after his systems had been upgraded by Pollyx, before discovering that he was in some sort of other realm, a mechanical one to some degree, all while his body was more like a phantom's. In that moment he realized that his mind had been projected into the anomaly that Rivet and Autumn had discovered, causing him to look at himself for a few moments, finding that his right arm was back and that his legs weren't stuck in the locked position. Clank also noticed something weird not a moment later, there were a large number of copies of himself running down a path, a path that looked more like a puzzle that had to be the key to fixing the anomaly, or at least that was what he assumed based on his previous experiences. Floating behind him was a figure he hadn't seen before, as while it looked like a Goon, sharing the same species anyway, he was dressed more like a mystic, as he was floating with only his tail supporting him, he was reading from a book, he had a necklace with some sort of eye on it, and a special looking headpiece on his head.

As he turned the page in his book, however, the lizard man paused for just a second as he noticed something weird and let out a yelp of surprise, causing him to actually drop his book and take a normal stance, mostly because he wasn't expecting to have company, before he brought his hands together, one a fist and one open.

"Greetings. Welcome." the lizard man said, where it was clear that the gesture had been more like a bow, either to show a bit of respect or to make Clank feel like he was with a friend, though he did like to use his hands to gesture a little, mostly so he could beckon to what was around them, "Um, how did you get in here?"

"My companions and I discovered a dimensional anomaly on Sargasso, and when I studied it I projected my mind into it, or at least that's my assumption." Clank replied, where he took another moment to look around the area they were in, as it was far different from any of the other areas that had been caused by the Dimensionator's destruction, before turning to look at the figure again, "We're inside the anomaly, right? Or are we somewhere else?"

"Oh, you don't know? Well... to be honest, I'm not sure either." the lizard man stated, showing Clank that this had to be his first time seeing a place like this as well, all while he picked up his book and made sure it was okay, even though he was also a projection and no damage had been done to his tome, "I think you might be right about this being a dimenional anomaly, a space between dimensions... it could be nothing, or it could be a cascading entropic fissure that will soon turn the universe, and the rest of the multiverse, into a formless soup... time will tell."

Clank wasn't too pleased with that fact, that he, Vendra, and Kaden might have actually set off the Dimensional Cataclysm, or at least forced the start of the early stages of the terrible event, and he offered his services to the Lizard Sage, while making sure to tell him his name. Such a thing caused his new companion to resume his sitting position as he opened his tome for a moment, to resume his place inside it, before introducing himself as the 'All-Seeing Cosmic Prophet of Inter-dimensional Sector 2-2-5-5 Phase Omega', whatever that meant since it was lost to Clank, and then clarified that he could just call him by his name, that being 'Gary'. After that Gary turned the page and started to read up on Clank's exploits, about his past, where he had been designed as a warbot before becoming what he was now, about how he had teamed up with several Lombaxes over the years, and, more important in Clank's eyes, that he happened to be a friend of Gary's father. That told him all he needed to know about the figure, he had to be the Plumber's son, even if they looked nothing alike and meant he must have taken all of his mother's genetics when he was growing, but he kept that information to himself for the time being.

Gary, impressed by the tome's information, accepted Clank's offer to help fix the dimensions and started to explain what he could to him, starting off with the copies of Clank being his Possibilities, which were the key to fixing the anomaly that they were in, before asking him to pick up the nearby red sphere. It was a Lift Sphere, something that actually reduced the gravity of anything it touched, so if he hurled it at a metallic circle on the ground it formed a ring of energy that the string of Possibilities could use, or if he used it on items they would be affected by it's powers, confirming that he had to solve puzzles to move on. Clank did take a moment to ask how many types of Spheres there were in these anomalies, where Gary informed him that there were only four, the one he was using now, the green Speed Sphere, the blue Heavy Sphere, and the yellow Electric Sphere. It gave him an idea as to what sort of challenges he might face in the future, since he had faced multiple puzzles in the past and knew that he'd encounter more anomalies in the future, so this gave him a chance to understand the concepts of the Spheres and their abilities, so he'd be ready for whenever he actually encountered any of the other anomalies.

The Lift Sphere allowed him and his Possibilities to float into the air for a few moments before landing on the platform in front of the 'Meta-Terminal', as Gary called the end of the area they were in, so he cleared the area of crates as Gary told him that his Possibilities looked like him because that's how he interpreted dimensionality. Clank was able to figure out that guiding the copies to the end of this portion of the anomaly allowed him to repair the damage that had been caused so far, at least in this one, and when the tunnel was opened it warped Clank to another section he needed to work on for a short period of time. As he started to fix the second section, utilizing a Speed Sphere to break some barriers down so he could get to a Lift Sphere, Clank learned that Gary didn't live on Sargasso, he actually lived on Savali and was studying the content of the Archives, the greatest repository of dimensional knowledge in existence. Clank had a feeling that it was one of the devices or structures left behind by the Lombaxes, before learning that the only way to stop what was happening in the multiverse, to stop the Dimensional Cataclysm before it happened, they needed the device that caused this problem in the first place, the Dimensionator.

Clank had several ideas in mind on how to do that as he reached the end of the third and final section of the anomaly, an impressive feat in Gary's eyes since it meant it had been repaired, allowing Clank to wish Gary well before walking through the last Meta-Terminal so he could return to his body and continue on their adventure.

Clank discovered that no time had passed since he entered the dimensional anomaly, meaning for him it might have been a couple of minutes while maybe a few seconds had passed for Rivet and Autumn, though he found that the anomaly just shrunk until it was totally gone. Such a thing revealed another ship, identical to the one they had crashed on the other side of the swamp, that had three Morts working on it, who resumed talking not a few seconds later, meaning they had no idea they had been stuck inside a dimensional anomaly or that time had been paused for them. Rivet, of course, was happy to see that her friends were safe, even if Clank couldn't accurately explain everything to her right now, before she talked with the now freed Morts for a couple of seconds, where Autumn discovered that lemonade was their alcohol, or at least it sure seemed like it given the discussion they finished up. Rivet even shared a little dance of sorts with one of them, consisting of a couple of high fives, a hip bump, and some finger shaking, before delivering the item she had claimed from pirates, no doubt before her mission in Nefarious City, while her friend informed her that they'd have everything ready in no time, so she could leave and do whatever she wanted for a time.

With that done Rivet started to walk over the nearby bridge so she could reach her hideout, causing Autumn to follow her as they found that some Goons were fighting the Grunthor they had spotted earlier, where they found that both groups of enemies stopped and turned on them.

"I can understand the wildlife wanting a piece of me, but the Goons as well?" Rivet remarked, where she opened fire on all of the enemies that were in front of them, a little more than she was expecting since usually the Grunthors fought alone, or at least the majority of them did from what she recalled.

"They're looking for Ratchet. Unfortunately, they aren't the smartest tools in the shed and think you're him... I bet he had the same thing happen in Nefarious City." Autumn replied, making sure to blast a couple of Goons with her weapons, once more finding that they worked as she intended and it made her eager to see the others when they came out, before her targets fell and granted her the ability to fight the Grunthor as well.

"Right... yeah, sorry, but I ain't buying that part of your story." Rivet stated, once more showing how stubborn she was, as she refused to believe that she had a brother just because someone told her she did, even though Autumn suspected that if Kaden or Millie had been here, well, it would have been a different story.

Autumn shrugged for a moment as she used the Topiary Sprinkler to stop the Grunthor and inflicted more damage to the beast, allowing Rivet to do the same thing, before eventually bringing it down so they could safely explore the rest of this part of the area and see what else needed to be done. As it turned out there were a few Morts nearby who informed them that some Goons were bothering the Morts who had finished locking up her hideout, over on the nearby platform, a pump as Autumn glanced at it, so they had to use some buttons to activate a lift. After that Rivet got a chance to use her new Rift Tether and move from one point to another, which she actually enjoyed since it put a smile on her face, though as the pair crossed over to the pump they heard the Goons being surprised that the Lombax here was female, since they were going after a male. Since all of the Goons were messing with the Morts the pair opened fire on them, blasting every foe that was in the area as the Morts cheered for them, and in the end they cleared out the area of foes, allowing River to utilize a new device, new to Autumn anyway, a Hammercrank that was linked to the bridge leading to her hideout, where the bridge in question broke and fell into the acid water.

Since there was a ramp, provided by the now ruined bridge, Autumn offered the idea of using the Speetles to cross over the new gap, causing Rivet to nod her head as they crossed back over to where the Grunthor had been resting, where one of the nests was located. It didn't take them too long to reach the nest or call out some Speetles for them to ride for a few moments, though as they sped over the gap, however, Autumn, Rivet, and Clank discovered another Grunthor resting in the area that Rivet wanted to head in, who woke up as they sent their rides off into the acid water. Sure enough it was just as aggressive as the other one they had faced and it had some reinforcements, a force of purple toads that seemed to be looking for a quick bite, scraps from whatever the Grunthor didn't eat, causing the pair to open fire on them and the large beast. It was just as tough as the last one they fought, and with smaller enemies to contend with they had to be smart with how they fought them, utilizing both the Topiary Sprinkler and Mr. Fungus to cull the toads so the pair could focus on the Grunthor that was chasing them.

In the end they were successful and Autumn found one last obstacle, pressure buttons that needed a Speetle to cross to activate all of them, which Rivet did without delay and unlocked the outer door of her hideout, allowing her to use her own Swingshot to get inside a familiar cavern, the very one that lead to a testing site for the Dimensionator.

"So why are you so hesitant to trust us?" Autumn asked, as it was interesting that Rivet was more than willing to fight with her against her enemies, while at the same time not trusting some of the things she and Clank had to say, especially the items that involved her.

"Look, no offense, but robots aren't my thing... regardless if they're tearing apart my galaxy or not... and I'm not stupid enough to trust someone claiming to know my 'brother'." Rivet replied, though at the same time she used her hammer on a Hammercrank to open the final door of her hideout, allowing the lights to turn on as they headed inside as Autumn and Clank found a bed, a couch with a television, a few pictures, and a few other things that seemed personal to Rivet, before she came to a stop at her large workbench, "Okay, time to figure out what sort of secrets you and this Infobot have for me... we should be safe for the time being."

Clank, of course, objected to what Rivet had planned for him as she connected a cable to the Infobot's side, before doing the same to him and pressing a button, hacking into his memory banks with some level of ease, while Autumn stood off to her right as she watched the screen. Rivet remained silent for a moment as she watched the screen in front of her, seeing the scene of Dr. Nefarious using the Dimensionator and dragging them into the dimensional rift that brought them here, Clank's unveiling of the device, and, more importantly, Ratchet himself. Rivet paused for a moment as she laid eyes on the Lombax that Autumn and Clank had mentioned repeatedly, finding that their tales weren't too out there, they could pass as twins if they were near each other, before Clank regained himself and moved things along. He showed her a scene that involved Ratchet pulling out his necklace, the other half of Rivet's since she pulled hers out as well, just to confirm that it was the other half, before moving onto a scene that stunned her, a scene Autumn remembered all too well. It was when Ratchet woke up screaming, at the same time Rivet was wounded and caused her to rub her right arm, before he moved onto the event of Ratchet pounding on the barrier between dimensions, to rush to her side when she was hurt, which was when her eyes widened in surprise.

In the end Rivet pulled the plug out of Clank and he took the hint, cutting off the feed so she didn't have to see more of the events that happened in the past, though it was clear that she needed some time to come to terms with what she had just seen on the screen.

"You knew?!" Rivet asked, as it was an event that had help shape her life, given that she lost her right arm in the process, and not many people really knew what she had done while she was tending to her wounds, causing her to look at them like she was accusing them.

"Not the events leading up to it... we didn't say anything since you would have been suspicious of us from the start, if we told you about that day." Autumn replied, where it was clear that Rivet raised an eyebrow for a moment, as if expecting a better explanation than what she was getting right now, causing her to focus on how to ease her suspicions and earn her trust for real, "Ratchet, he... woke up screaming the night you were wounded, as he felt what happened to you, and that caused him to keep looking for you, even harder and more desperate than before. Rivet, your brother has been looking for you for years, tried anything and everything he could think of to come and help you, so Clank and I, along with both of your parents and everyone else we knew, figured out how to help him achieve his goal."

"Ratchet..." Rivet said, showing that, despite how she felt right now, the side of her that wanted to know her family won out in the end, especially since she gripped her own necklace for a moment, before the Infobot started to beep and drew her over to it.

Such a thing bad a negative side effect, the Seekerpede zeroed in on their location and used it's front pincers to tear the massive metallic door of Rivet's hideout out, before engaging a tractor beam that sucked in metal items, namely her arm, Clank, and the Infobot, the last one Rivet catching as Clank was captured. Rivet, now knowing how important Clank was to Autumn, Starswirl, and Ratchet himself, stashed the Infobot away before she and Autumn jumped outside, landing on two Speetles that happened to be nearby as they chased after the massive Seekerpede. As they raced across the acid water the pilot of the enemy craft informed them that he would be utilizing explosives to 'neutralize the hostile furball', showing that he knew Rivet was the more important target right now, hence why Autumn followed her sister's lead on the matter, as she was more experienced with these things than she was. Her plan was to race along the water and then use a ramp to launch herself up onto the back of the Seekerpede, where either of them could crash into it's flight module and disable it, allowing them to crash it into the ground or water and open fire on it.

The plan was, surprisingly, successful as Rivet knocked their foe out of the air and landed on a loading pad, where Autumn let hers ride off as she jumped onto where her sister was standing, allowing them to open fire on the Seekerpede when it emerged from the acid water. The Seekerpede had some interesting skills, such as using the device that used the tractor beam to fire a beam of energy at one of them, it could shift either of it's pincers to perform a swiping attack, which both of them had to avoid as it crushed several items to pieces, and faster melee speed than Autumn was expecting. After a few moments the flight module came online and the pilot took off, forcing the sisters to find more Speetles to chase after him, rushing along another portion of the outer reaches of the swamp to keep pace with him, forcing Rivet to figure out where another ramp was to bring him down. When she did so Autumn had to resist the urge to chuckle, as it was an area resting near the gelatonium factory, though she caught up with Rivet and they tore into the Seekerpede as it regained itself, while the pilot loosed some bombs in an attempt to destroy them, which Autumn and Rivet avoided before blasting open the cockpit of the entire machine.

As it fell, however, Rivet charged forward, readied her hammer, and, in an impressive feat, launched herself up into the air as the Seekerpede collapsed in front of her, where she crushed the headpiece of the Trooper that was inside the machine, ending it's life as she landed on the rim.

"You okay, Bolts?" Rivet asked, where it sounded like she wasn't totally ready to use Clank's name, though Clank was fine with that since he felt that the fact that she came to rescue him, even despite the fact that she didn't trust robots all too much, all while extending her left hand towards Clank.

"You came after me... thank you." Clank replied, though this was a good sign in his eyes, as it meant that their show and tell earlier might have helped break through part of the shell that Rivet had been wearing or a long time, that she was now ready to accept what they were saying, and he made sure to accept her hand before she withdrew it.

"Yeah, well, we've got some unfinished business... got to get you a signal booster to call my brother." Rivet stated, where she pulled Clank out of the ruined cockpit and placed him on her back once more, because it seemed like the right thing to do after what she had seen earlier, before she glanced over to Autumn, "You coming, sis?"

"Count me in, sis." Autumn said, as while it might seem like Rivet had done a complete turnaround with her opinions on the matter, about having a brother and two additional siblings, the evidence they had showed her was hard to ignore, so she was pleased to see that they had been able to convince her that they were telling the truth.

With the Seekerpede defeated the trio returned to the gelatonium factory, finding that the ship was ready to leave, and as they climbed in Rivet found that the Infobot held a hit list of the Emperor's most important targets, herself and a couple of other rebels, so she posted the list to the Resistance network before blasting off, as they had work to do to set things right and stop the dimensions from crumbling.

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