• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Size: Quodrona

The planet that Otto's clone factory was on was a molten world, the mass roughly split between usable land and a mass of lava, though the coordinates brought them to one of the landmasses, meaning they didn't have to worry that much, as the starship was left beyond the atmosphere and they landed without delay.

"At least we're able to land in a city this time." Ratchet remarked, though the reason they were able to get here so quickly was due to the fact that Luna's previous destination was so close to where her boss was hiding out, even if she hadn't planned on such a thing.

"Indeed, and we don't have to go far." Nika said, as she had seen the others in battle and knew that she needed to keep up with all of them, or at least Ratchet, Angela, and Sasha, since none of them had access to magic, though as soon as those words let her mouth she raised her hands and revealed one of the small hovercars they had used earlier.

The group smiled as they shrunk themselves down to the appropriate size and used the vehicle to head towards the area it was connected to, no doubt having been reserved for Luna whenever she came to this place, finding that it brought them to a massive factory built near a lava river, providing power to the entire place.

"It looks like an interesting place, if slightly dangerous." Autumn commented, though at the same time she checked out the nearby Vendor and discovered that the Laser Tracer, a weapon that could vaporize most things, enemies and crates to be exact, instantly, making it nearly on the level of the RYNO weapons, where she only purchased one this time around, just to complete the weapon set for this adventure.

With that done they headed down the conveyor belts in front of them and stormed the factory, finding that all Otto had to offer them were turrets that either fired bullets or fired missiles at whoever wasn't supposed to be here, meaning their foe knew or suspected they'd reach this point and prepared accordingly. After taking those down, and Ratchet hacked into the lock in front of them by shrinking himself down again, Starswirl noted that there were points where other foes had been designed to stand, likely the Ratchet clones that Otto wanted to make. Since they smashed the medical station down, and cut off their foe's attempts to get his DNA, they wouldn't have to worry about the clones at all, in fact he was sure that this place was useless to Otto, so he'd either be here to stop them or he likely ran by now. When Ratchet returned he opened the door and they smashed their way through the enemies on the other side, robotic nurses armed to the teeth, though it was easy to tear them down when Angela and Sasha discovered that none of them could handle their weight.

As the group moved through the facility, however, Autumn fell behind as she hacked into the terminals and copied what she found on them, before deleting and destroying each one, meaning that everything Otto and the Technomites might have made was now hers to do with as she pleased, though she was thinking of finding ways to restore lost limbs for the people who suffered such a thing.

They passed by more rivers of lava and several rooms filed with tanks that clones could be kept in, where Autumn left all of the guards, nurses and defense sentries, as she seized their foe's information and shattered the machines so he had nothing to fall back on, if he somehow beat all of them. Everyone had to admit that if Otto had gotten his hands on some of their DNA, no matter whose it was, would have been bad for them, as an army of Ratchets would have been hard to take out, while an army of magic users, in their minds, would have been even worse, but this was fine. There were rooms made for training a force to bring down whoever was in charge of the galaxy, everything from wall jumping to dealing with a large force of enemies, yet nothing was using them, once more due to them ruining Otto's sinister plans. It also looked like Otto had plans for the clones to deal with Ratchet and the others, because of the existence of dummies that bared a likeness to everyone in their group, not to mention other heroes like Nika and Qwark, so he had left nearly nothing out of the clone training program, even if Otto would never be able to use any of it.

Everything they were seeing told them that Otto really wanted to dominate everything in Solana, so Autumn and Starswirl tore each and every machine down, ruining his hard work and preventing his machines from being used again, just in the off chance he had other allies they didn't know about, before finding a tower that lead to an arena.

"Ratchet, it is so nice to meet you and your family." a voice said, where they found a gray skinned figure, wearing a red suit that seemed appropriate for a ruler, much like Sasha's father for example, and whose black hair was thinned out and set into four points behind his head, all while standing on a floating platform fit for a single person, "I must admit, you are far tougher to deceive than I originally believed you to be, even if we took your siblings and the others out of the equation... I certainly didn't anticipate the plan being derailed and utterly ruined."

"You might as well give up, Otto, as your plans have been torn apart." Ratchet replied, though he kept his hands empty for the time being so they could talk, as he might be able to convince the Technomite to surrender without needing to fight him, like they did to the other villains they encountered over their adventures, all while Starswirl held off on using any of his magic, Autumn held her new power back, and the others kept their weapons down.

"Please, an army of you was only the first step, as I was planning on training them to..." Otto stated, where he lowered a screen for them to see some sort of machine that seemed to be connected to two different structures, no doubt what he was going to talk about for some time, as they could see that he was pleased with whatever he was planning.

"Kidnap the most brilliant and intelligent minds so you can steal their intelligence?" Autumn inquired, causing Otto to stop for a moment as he realized that she had guessed what his plan was, to which she pulled out a tablet and chuckled for a few seconds, even though the others were getting ready for battle, "You wrote it far too much in all of the documents I've found on your computers... also, it's a really cheesy plot when you think about it."

"Plus you would have had to get to Autumn or Starswirl, and they're not easy to take down." Angela added, since both of Ratchet's siblings were smarter than most people she had encountered over the years, especially after joining them and seeing all of the villains they had to contend with, "Honestly, your plan was a failure from the beginning if you included either of them in your list of targets."

"That may be so, but I have a trump card to take you down! Qwark, my son, capture them!" Otto declared, showing them that he must have done something to Qwark's search for his parents to make him come here, likely lying to the man to get what he wanted, and sure enough they found the idiot behind him, only he scooped Otto up in a jar and sealed it before the villain could do anything to stop him.

"Nice try, Otto, but I knew from the moment I met you that you weren't my father... in fact, I didn't believe anything you edited to make me come here." Qwark stated, informing Ratchet and the others that he had learned from his experiences with them and knew that the villain had been lying to him, though what was impressive was how he figured it out a long time ago, back at the start of this, and only pretended to go along to pull the wool over Otto's eyes, though he allowed the magic users to seal the container so Otto couldn't escape.

"Qwark... learned. I'm not sure if we should be happy, or afraid." Sasha remarked, since Qwark had been somewhat useful during the war with Nefarious, though she had considered it a one time thing because of who they were facing, meaning he must have been improving to be of use to Ratchet and the others.

Ratchet, however, was fine with this turn of events as he, his siblings, and his girlfriends joined Qwark as they headed out of the molten area that the facility was in, as they had to turn Otto in, ensure he couldn't escape his cell, and then get back to the vacation he had ruined before another villain showed up, but he had a feeling that they would have peace for some time and he was looking forward to their well deserved time off.

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