• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Commando: Grelbin, Damosel

Grelbin, as Angela told them and Autumn confirmed with her reading, was a cold world that was far different from what they had been expecting when all of them heard the name, as they were thinking maybe a forest planet or even something close to Veldin, only for Ratchet and his siblings to find that it was covered in ice fields, chilly mountains, and frozen wastes, which did make it the perfect hideout for Angela since she had been hiding before their arrival. Of course there were buildings that had been made by Megacorp, no doubt digging into the ground since Angela revealed that her home was like Tabora, as in the fact that it had some crystals that her boss had tried digging up at one point in the past, so they might find the Mystic at some point in time, since he seemed interested in desert crystals and icy moonstones. In response to that Ratchet figured out where they were going to find the second fragment of the Hypnomatic, all they had to do was track down the man that seemed utterly strange, figure out how many stones he needed, and then collect his price before heading to Damosel so they could save Allgon City from the Protopets. Angela was still surprised by the fact that they had picked out her home world and not Damosel, given the danger that the latter happened to be in, but given everything she had seen from Ratchet and his siblings she figured that they knew what they were doing and she was still learning how to be a hero, so she was letting them call the shots right now, even if it was her plan that they were sort of following.

It wasn't too much longer after their conversation that they landed in the area that was near Angela's house, even though it seemed like Megacorp had locked every building and forced anyone who came to this planet to land on the other side of the facility in question, hence why they climbed out of the ship when Ratchet landed and they stared out at everything that was in front of them, an icy field with snow falling everywhere and a small camp resting nearby, with the Mystic sitting under a fair number of large floating stones.

"If it wasn't for the fact that we saw him on Tabora, I would have said that he hadn't moved for days," Angela commented, though as she spoke what was on her mind they walked down the platform that was in front of them and walked over to where the man happened to be sitting, even though he might move once they walked over to a boulder that happened to be blocking the mine that was connected to the facility they had landed on the edge of.

"Maybe we can enlist his aid in several manners?" Starswirl inquired, referring to the Hypnomatic and the boulder, while also counting the fact that they might be able to trade in the moonstones for some Bolts, to offset everything that they had spent during over the last couple of planets, given the prices that they had been forced to pay for some items, especially on some of the weapons as well.

Ratchet nodded his head for a moment as they walked down to where the Mystic was resting and approached the boulder that was blocking the way forward, where he found that there had to be some sort of barrier over this place since most of the enemies in this place, white furred Yeties based on what Angela told them, stayed away from where the Mystic had set up shop, and, sure enough, the moment Ratchet touched the boulder, and Starswirl weaved his magic around it, their new friend got up and walked over to them.

"Violence is not the answer." the Mystic stated, though as he said that Ratchet glanced at his siblings for a moment, as all of them knew such a thing now since the boulder was still resting in the area that they had found it in, while Angela stood near Clank for a moment, as it would have saved them a few moments if he had said something to them when they came to this camp.

"Can you move this rock, sir?" Clank asked, as while he was sure that Starswirl and Autumn would figure something out, as their magic was far stronger than the weak spell Starswirl had used as a test to see how much power was necessary for it to be moved, he hoped that the Mystic would be able to help them with the boulder and the fragment of the Hypnomatic that they were looking for.

"I am able.. however, for the rock to move, the forces of the universe must align." the Mystic replied, revealing more about whatever power that he happened to be in tune with, something Autumn wanted to ask about since he was such an odd person when she thought about everyone else they had encountered so far, before he turned and started to walk back to where his chair was resting.

"So, um, can we make these forces align a little faster?" Autumn inquired, figuring that if they could get him to use more of his power she or Starswirl would be able to figure some things out about him, especially since no one in Solana, to the best of their knowledge, had powers similar to what they were capable of using, so it would be interesting to figure that out at some point in time.

"Ah, yes... the holistic resonance of moonstones may yet guide these wayward forces." the Mystic stated, confirming that they needed to head out and take down a number of foes to find and recover the moonstones that he wanted from them, which they should be able to do once they had a single stone, but as he reached his camp, however, they discovered that the Mystic paused before glancing at Autumn, "You, young one, must learn to control the anger inside you, least it destroy everything you care about."

Autumn didn't need to have that explained to her, as she knew that the Mystic was talking about her other side, the dark and evil side that awakened whenever she delved too deep into her anger, but she said nothing as she, her siblings, and Angela headed out into the tundra that was around them, finding Yeties coming after them while they hunted for the first of the moonstones. What Ratchet discovered, as they put some distance between the Mystic's camp and themselves, was that what they were trying to find happened to be contained in some earthen material that was blue colored, while the stone itself was a cluster of crystals embedded in a piece of earth, after being broken out of the case it was trapped in, all while they fought their way through the enemies that were in front of them. In the following seconds Autumn took it and duplicated it like she had done with the desert crystal, though after that was in her pack she focused her magic and sent out a wave of light energy that tracked down every moonstone that happened to be in the tundra, shattering the earthen containers and slaying what appeared to be serpents that had been lurking below the ground, in the icy water, and once it was done she collected all one hundred and one stones. After doing that they turned around and headed back to where the Mystic was resting, trading nine moonstones to him so he could lift the boulder and revealed the opening of the mine that they could explore if they wanted, while trading him sixteen more earned them the fragment of the Hypnomatic, all while leaving the remaining seventy-four for Bolts, three thousand a piece.

With that done they quickly headed through the mine, finding that it required them to use the Glider for a time, giving all of them a chance to see an ancient skeleton while avoiding lava, before landing at the end and Ratchet hacked into the Infiltrator terminal that was in front of them, allowing him and the others to engage a number of small robots that clearly didn't like them, blasting and smashing their way through each room while demonstrating why they were a force to be reckoned with, before eventually reaching the end and pressed a button.

"There, the way to my house should be open... though it looks like we need the Hypnomatic to move forward," Angela said, though this was the first time that the robots leading towards her residence had been activated, meaning someone had to be trying to stop her and her new friends from succeeding in their mission, Mr. Fizzwidget no doubt, causing her to sigh as she glanced at the others, who shrugged in response, "Oh well, guess we really need to get to Damosel now... hopefully we find someone who can build the Hypnomatic, otherwise we might have to use magic to cheat."

Ratchet resisted the urge to chuckle as he heard that, because of course Angela wanted to do things a certain way and had to think that using magic was cheating, though without saying another word they made sure to restock their ammunition before blasting off for Damosel, as it was time to face the Protopets, save a city, and obtain the Hypnomatic so they could return and obtain the items they needed for their assault on Yeedil.

Damosel, as it turned out, was a planet that was mostly covered in water, reminding the siblings of Kalebo III, and once the ship breached the atmosphere they quickly discovered that their thoughts were correct, Allgon City was built on poles that extended downwards into the water, or towers since some seemed to be far larger than they were used to, and once they landed Ratchet found something interesting, there were three paths for them to take.

"Okay, so we have a challenger on the moon, a rail system to explore, and the main city," Ratchet commented, taking just a moment to study the paths that were in front of them as they climbed out of their ship and walked into the area that the Vendor happened to be resting in, again with no new weapons, meaning there wasn't much else for them to claim at this point in their adventure and meant that they were nearing the end of it.

"I'll take care of the moon, while you guys can deal with the rail system," Starswirl remarked, where he walked over to the chamber that had one of the platforms that Clank used to access his Giant form, again they had no idea why Megacorp had it and at this point weren't about to ask questions, since he and Autumn were fairly sure that someone in Angela's company was stealing things from other galaxies, before using his magic to shield himself as he levitated himself up to the moon that happened to be aligned with the city.

While he did that Autumn decided to sit down near the tunnel and pulled out her tablet so she could continue her work on the next generation of Gadgetron weapons, such as a whip made out of plasma, a new blaster inspired by the Lancer, or at least to some degree, and a few other interesting ideas that would take some time to create, including her next RYNO, the RY3NO, one that would be superior to the second in every way. Ratchet simply chuckled as he jumped onto the rail before departing from the chamber in question, where he started to head out and followed the rail section, though he found that Angela was right behind him, mostly to get used to the feeling of the boot gadgets that Autumn had given her, all to make sure that they had no flaws in their movements during their eventual assault on Yeedil. Of course the pair discovered that a number of trains seemed to be warping in and out of this part of the city, meaning citizens had to be fleeing before they were devoured by the Protopets, though it allowed them to jump from section to section while avoiding some hazards, a number of metallic rings and a couple of annoying Protopets that happened to be resting on the rails. Other than that there didn't appear to be too many hazards for them to face, so Ratchet and Angela simply followed the path that was in front of them and kept an eye open for anything that might threaten them, finding that it was a rather peaceful trek as they leapt from rail to rail and smashed their way through the small blue enemies they found on parts of the rail, before it brought them over to a platform that seemed to be the end of the path.

On the platform they found the third and final piece of the Hypnomatic, which they knew since a voice came from their armor that informed them of such a thing, though as Ratchet held the piece up towards the sky for a moment, so show his excitement for finding it, Clank did a bit of a moonwalk before spinning around, returning to his starting point within a few seconds, and then pointed diagonally at the sky like he was doing the disco.

"Clank... what was that?" Angela asked, as while this was one of the rare times where the little robot was walking and not on Ratchet's back, since he seemed to prefer being on his friend's back and providing support, she wasn't expecting him to suddenly break out into dance after they found the final fragment of the Hypnomatic, or whatever that was, and Ratchet had an eyebrow raised, showing he was caught off guard by it as well.

"Sorry. I have no idea what came over me." Clank replied, offering them his signature laugh, even though it was weak this time around since he honestly had no idea why he had decided to do that little dance as Ratchet claimed the fragment of the last gadget they needed for this adventure, though his friend simply nodded his head and patted his own for a couple of seconds before the three of them used the nearby teleport pad to return to the main chamber.

Sure enough they found Autumn still working on her schematics when they arrived, though Starswirl returned not a few moments after Ratchet and Angela did, finding that he faced off against a mothership on the moon and recovered an item for them to hang onto, a Map-o-matic that Megacorp called the 'Mapper', though with that added to their armor, even if it meant waiting for Autumn to finish her work before duplicating, they turned towards the main path. What they found was that the Protopets were in the middle of attacking the robotic citizens of Allgon City, though there were a number of other robots who were fighting back against the plague of mutant creatures, Extermibots according to Angela's information on them, but she warned them to be careful, since everything related to Megacorp seemed to want them dead. A couple of seconds later Angela was proven right as some of the Extermibots turned and fired at them without warning, causing the group to fire at their robotic enemies and the Protopets that were scattered around this part of the city, The interesting part about all of this was that there were a number of dispensers that were sending out more Protopets to attack both the citizens and the group, so Ratchet made sure to focus them down first to cut down on the number of foes that they had to face off against, while the annoying thing was that if even one Protopet was left it would open it's mouth and quickly spit out another one for Ratchet, his siblings, and Angela to fight, so they had to take all of them down before even thinking about moving into the next part of the city.

It also appeared that a good number of Protopets had escaped into the sewers, given that some burst out of a manhole as the group moved by it, so Starswirl gathered his magic and sent a burst of flames into the sewers, burning everything that might be down there while his siblings and Angela dealt with the enemies that had decided to attack them, opening the way for them to enter a garden area of sorts before moving into another part of Allgon City.

As they expected there were more Extermibots and Protopets doing battle with each other in the garden area, even if the two sets of enemies wanted to end the group before dealing with each other, causing Ratchet, Autumn, Starswirl, and Angela to open fire on them while swinging their melee weapons whenever they got the chance to do use them, blasting and bashing their way through the disaster that was in front of them. Eventually the door opened and they crossed over a gap to enter a residential area that happened to have an overturned vehicle and a store right behind it, one that seemed to be a grocery store based on what they were seeing, thought that didn't stop them from smashing their enemies and making sure this place was safe for all of the remaining robotic citizens before Ratchet moved into the store. What they found out was that there weren't any enemies inside the store itself, allowing them to head over to a taxi before using it to head to what appeared to be the bank, so once it came to a stop they restock all of their weapons with the nearby Vendor before using a set of walls to Wall Jump up into the structure the four of them had been brought to, finding more enemies inside it, just the Extermibots trying to kill them and all of the Protopets trying to eat them. After clearing out the two sets of enemies in a matter of moments, and finding that the citizens were safe, they headed up the stairs and moved through an opening that allowed them to discover that there were small robots that tried to spin into each of them when they got close, so they smashed their way through those enemies, Receiver Bots according to Angela, and moved further along the path that was in front of them.

One thing Ratchet found, as they encountered another area full of Extermibots and Protopets, were some posters of an odd group, a mean looking male with blond-green hair and a small goatee, an orange creature that looked like a cross between a weasel and an otter, plus three girls that looked like Starswirl, as one had a unicorn's horn with a two purple colors in her hair with light aquamarine highlights, another who only possessed wings and had arctic blue hair, while the third seemed to have both a horn and wings while having a moderate purple color to her hair.

"So we aren't the only ones of our kind... or I would hope so, after seeing this." Starswirl commented, as while he had no idea who the aggressive male was, or who the odd otter-weasel creature was, he and Autumn were more focused on the other three individuals, as the girls definitely looked like them, bipedal ponies to be exact, even if one was a unicorn, one was a pegasus, and the other seemed to have the best of both worlds, causing hope to blossom in him as he realized that they might have a clue as to what happened to the rest of their mysterious kind.

"So we have Unicorns, Pegasi, likely Earth Ponies, Kirin... and, um, Alicorns... I guess?" Autumn remarked, as while she and the others stared at the poster it made her wonder about the races that must have inhabited their world before they were separated from each other, and since it looked like they had unicorns, thanks to Starswirl, Kirin, thanks to her, and Pegasi, due to the first winged one, she had to assume normal ponies of the earth had to be a thing, plus whatever the final girl had to be, whatever the name of her race was.

Angela glanced at Ratchet for a moment, who shrugged since this was the first time he had seen anything that might be related to his siblings, which made it odd that it was in Bogon and made him wonder if their planet had been in this galaxy before it was totally wiped out, so once this adventure was over he'd ask someone in Megacorp about it, or someone else if it came to that. Of course, if that was the case, Ratchet knew that Angela would have said something about them, or the planet in question, meaning his initial thoughts had to be wrong, his siblings didn't hail from Bogon and were sent to his galaxy to escape the destruction of their home, meaning it was either in Polaris or another galaxy they hadn't discovered at this point in time, but he kept his mouth shut for the time being. Once his siblings were done staring at the poster, and Autumn took a few pictures so she could study them once they were done with this adventure, they headed down the rest of the path and found that it was leading to another store of some kind, a locked one, and that it had a fair number of foes that needed to be taken out, both in front of it and some on top of it. That was why Ratchet, Angela, Autumn, and Starswirl opened fire on all of the enemies that were in front of them, blasting Extermibots and smashing Protopets out of the way as Angela sniped both guards who happened to be on top of the building, allowing them to clear out the area before the building's door opened and the group walked inside, finding more enemies to take down.

After clearing out the second shop they found a path that lead to a lift, one that brought them to another garden area and some additional enemies, who were busy fighting each other and allowed them to bring down both groups, before they jumped through another opening and reached an area that a man was standing in, a pale gray skinned figure with a white shirt and black pants, who seemed to be messing with a sock puppet. When they approached him, however, the man and his puppet talked about making the Hypnomatic and when it came time to discuss a fee the puppet made his main self fall asleep, meaning they might have been able to get away without paying and had missed whatever window had been open, to which Autumn simply paid the ten thousand Bolt price. With that done the man assembled the Hypnomatic for them, all in a few moments since they had all of the components for him, before he used the taxi and departed from this area, likely to leave the city before more Protopets showed up, before Ratchet aimed at a robot with a receiver on it's head and took control of it, allowing him to move and fire as he desired. As he discovered that, and Autumn took notes on what he was able to do, he directed the robot to a button that actually summoned another taxi for them to use and unlocked the door that it passed through, allowing the group to return to their ship, as it looked like Allgon City was safe and sound, with no more Protopets to worry about, allowing them to blast off once they climbed back inside their ship.

It didn't take them long to return to Grelbin, where they climbed out of the ship and entered the structure that would, in due time, bring all of them to Angela's residence and obtain the items that would bring down Megacorp's plans, or at least those connected to the Protopet, where Ratchet took control of a receiver robot and opened fire on all of the enemies that were in front of him. What Autumn could see was that he was taking out the enemies that were positioned along the path he had to follow, even though he also had to switch between several robots to reach whatever was at the end, which had to be a button that caused the ledge across from them to raise up and lock into place before revealing some platforms for them to use to head off to their right, another path that might link up with the one Ratchet used. After that Ratchet turned his attention to using the Hypnomatic to move robots and clear out certain sections of the building they were clearing out at the moment, all while his siblings and Angela used their weapons to clear out the hostile robots who spawned nearby, as any damage to him would break his concentration, and once he reached his destination they passed through the now lowered barrier and dived into the water, allowing them to swim for a time. A few moments later Ratchet and the others found that they were able to find an exit teleport pad and returned to the tundra without wasting time, where it was easy for them to see that they had found Angela's place, a small building that seemed to have one bed, one bathroom, and a large living area which had a kitchen and who knew what else, as they were guessing based on the outside's appearance, only for a smile to appear on Angela's face.

"Okay, I'm going to head inside, find my old ID badge and the Helix-o-Morph, and then we can get going," Angela said, to which she headed for the door, unlocked it, and headed inside her residence without delay, leaving Ratchet, Autumn, and Starswirl to stand outside and see if any enemies showed up, though with no Yeties to fight it was just a simple matter of them standing there as they waited for her to come out.

Thankfully it didn't take her long to track down the items she needed, as Angela had left her ID badge on the counter and the Helix-o-Morph was resting on a table, across from the holodisplay that she used to watch shows, before she returned to them and locked her residence up, though with that done they jumped down into the tundra for a moment, quickly made their way over to their ship, and blasted off for Yeedil, so they could put an end to this adventure and the threat that Bogon was facing right now.

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