• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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R/C: Hoven

It took some time for Ratchet to reach the ice planet known as Hoven, though when he reached it he and Clank set their ship down on the landing pad before powering it down once more, where they and his siblings climbed out of the vehicle and took a look at everything that was around them, even though the first thing all of them found was the massive missile that was hanging in the air, a planet destroying weapon built by Drek and his scientists to wipe out whatever world they were interested in blowing up for their new planet.

"There it is, the Planetbuster Maximus," Clank commented, where they found that the missile was already attached to the ship that would no doubt be taking it off planet in the very near future, though based on what he and the others could see it looked like it was in the middle of fueling up, which meant there was time for them to find a way to destroy it before Drek's bomb was taken off of Hoven and sent it towards the planet they wanted to blow up, "We must take out that ship, before it leaves this planet."

"That's the plan," Ratchet replied, though as he thought about that he had to wonder what sort of weapon would be capable of taking out the ship from down here, something that would save them a lot of time and might grant them a chance to catch up with Drek, because if they took him out the Blarg might stop their plans to wipe out the rest of the galaxy, but that was a thought for the future, once he and his siblings were done with this adventure.

"Of course taking it out is the problem, since our weapons can't reach it," Autumn added, something that made her take a moment to wonder if the RYNO would reach it, before discarding the idea entirely, because while the weapon did have the power to take something like this down it didn't have the range necessary to hit their target, meaning any shot she fired would be wasted and meant they had to explore the rest of Hoven to find a weapon to take the ship out.

"I'm sure that we'll find something here that will allow us to tear that ship down," Starswirl said, as he was sure there was a turret or something nearby that they might be able to use against Drek's ship and the bomb it was carrying, though that made him wonder if hitting the Planetbuster Maximus would cause it to go off, taking Hoven with it, but figured he and his siblings would figure that out soon enough, even if he hoped it wouldn't explode when they dealt with it.

Ratchet nodded as he stepped forward, causing Autumn and Starswirl to follow after him without much delay, where they found a new weapon, one called the Drone Device, a defensive weapon that summoned six drones that absorbed bits of damage to protect whoever was using it, though while they bought it Autumn had a feeling that it would be used once or twice before being put aside, as it was one of her weaker weapons and she already knew what was coming. With all three of them maxing out their ammunition the siblings headed down the path that was in front of them, where they found a pair of grayish furred creatures that seemed to be eager to bite whoever got near them, though as they discovered those enemies Ratchet noted that the structures around here matched what they found on Orxon and Gaspar, Blargian design to be exact, before pushing that thought to the side as they moved forward. The little Anklebiters, which did look like small yetis upon inspection, were easy to take care of, even if Ratchet found that they were coming in groups between two to six as he and his siblings progressed, though Autumn did collect a few samples of the fur that wasn't damaged by any of their weapons, just because it have her something to study in the future and might come with a new weapon being added to what Gadgetron was producing right now. The other thing Ratchet discovered was that a good number of Blarg bombers, as in the stealthy ones that they had faced back on Batalia, were hanging out in the open and opened fire on him and his siblings as soon as they spotted them, causing Starswirl to summoned a barrier for a few seconds, blocking the wave of attacks, which allowed Ratchet and Autumn to lash out with their own weapons, though it wasn't long before all of their current foes were taken care of and allowed them to move forward.

That allowed them to reach another area that had four of the bombers, who fell within a matter of seconds, before they found a decision, either they head across some platforms and ascend to a higher position or they use a lift to head into a mountain wall for whatever reason, to which Ratchet decided to check that out later as he and his siblings smashed the rest of the nearby crates and then used a platform to cross over an icy river, as there was ice forming all over it, which let them reach a platform. Given all of the enemies they had faced so far the siblings figured that the platform would have a lot more enemies waiting for intruders while Drek's bomb was being built, though what they discovered was that there were no guards and that it only had a few mines guarding it, which was unexpected, and even a Blarg chopper, which did come in after all of the mines were taken care of, didn't do much in the grand scheme of things, given that Starswirl just used his magic to blast it apart. Such a thing allowed them to use a lift that brought them up to the next section of Drek's bomb factory, where a number of Blarg bombers were waiting to defend their boss' bomb, not that it mattered since the siblings threw a trio of bombs into their midst and took them out, something that opened the way for them to discover another chopper was moving towards their position, where a combined Devastator barrage took it out before it even had a chance to fire at them. From there Ratchet found a pair of pillars for him to use the Wall Jump on and he did so as soon as they were sure all of their enemies had been taken care of, though at the top of it he found a small tunnel that lead to a conveyor belt and a mine dispenser, the enemy machine being taken out in seconds and allowed them to use another set of walls to ascend even higher, which was good since it looked like they were drawing closer and closer to where the large bomb was resting.

Sure enough they whacked their way through another small passage, with a few Anklebiters blocking the way, before they found a ledge that just so happened to have three small platforms floating in the air between it and another part of this somewhat small factory, as all of them expected more from a place that made bombs like the one that was hanging in the air, or just bombs that all of the Blarg used against Drek's foes, but since no enemies seemed to be standing in their way Ratchet, Autumn, and Starswirl crossed all three platforms with ease. From there they approached a building that had to be part of the control center for the ship, even if all of the machines that happened to be inside it seemed to be offline and it looked like nothing could be done to reactivate them, though they did have to deal with a large group of Blarg bombers that seemed to be guarding the area, though upon inspection Starswirl was sure that these guys were more like troopers, since none of them used bombs.

"We're too late! The ship is leaving!" Clank stated, as he turned his head to see what the siblings were doing, allowing him to speak once Ratchet stepped outside with his siblings behind him, though that just so happened to be when the large ship started to leave the area that it had been resting in, meaning the refueling process must have been completed and a scientist, or whoever was in control of it, had started to move once that was done.

"That might be true, but there's an old defense turret nearby." Autumn replied, where she beckoned to the weapon for a moment and found that her brothers were thinking the same thing that she was thinking about, they were going to use it to take down the ship before it could either leave Hoven or arm the Planetbuster Maximus, hence why all three of them rushed over to where the turret rested and got to work.

What that meant was that Ratchet, being the greatest shooter among them when it came to turrets, climbed onto the old weapon as Autumn quickly scanned it and performed maintenance to make sure everything was fully operational, though as they did that Starswirl opened fire on the incoming choppers that were here to protect the ship, and once Autumn was done she joined him by adding her own magic and RYNO missiles into the mix as Ratchet focused on blasting their target, intending on blasting it out of the air and dropping the inactive bomb into the icy water. Of course Ratchet and his siblings discovered why there had been so few defenders between where they landed and where the turret rested, as there was a force of choppers to defend the ship's takeoff, though with the combined firepower of his siblings, plus their magic added to the mix, the Blarg stood no chance in defending the ship, allowing him to blast through the shattered defenses and hit his target before it was able to leave the planet behind. With their combined efforts sections of the carrier ship collapsed and fell into the water below it, meaning it was a mistake for it to sit there and try to take down whoever was attacking it, a mistake that whoever was piloting it wouldn't be able to make in the future, before Ratchet dealt the finishing blow to the carrier ship and sent the ruined ship, with the Planetbuster Maximus, straight down into the icy water below it, something that caused the siblings to cheer as they heard the sound of the remaining Blarg cry out in despair.

"Good shooting, Ratchet. Now we've set Drek's plans back quite a bit." Starswirl commented, where he and his siblings, not to mention Clank for that matter, grinned as they watched the dangerous bomb fall into the wall and become inert, or at least he hoped so since it was a dangerous object and seriously hoped that the icy water of Hoven ruined the machinery and components that were inside the missile.

Before anyone could say anything else an Infobot showed up, one that Autumn found on one of the choppers before they blew it up, that had Drek talking to his troops about a force that was being assembled on a moon base, one that would be attacking Gorda City, which was part of the planet Oltanis, before revealing that they were going to be attacking a planet that had no defenders and would be stealing their power generators, to which Ratchet and his siblings glanced at each other for a few seconds.

"At this point I'm not even surprised by Drek's actions." Ratchet said, to which he sighed for a moment, because all of this was far more than what he was expecting when he and his siblings wanted to explore the galaxy and leave Veldin for some time, as he honestly didn't think they would be involved in a fight for their galaxy, though he found that Autumn nodded her head in agreement and Starswirl seemed focused on what they might find at the moon base.

With that done the siblings decided to glide down to where their ship was located, figuring that they could come back once Drek was defeated to see what was down the other path they had seen, though once everyone was ready, and no more enemies were coming out to stop them, Ratchet and Clank activated their ship and departed from Hoven with all haste, as they might be able to stop the assault on Oltanis if they got there fast enough, even if they were hoping to take Drek down as well so they could stop his pointless and incredibly dangerous quest.

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