• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Arsenal: Zeldrin Starport

As it turned out Courtney Gears, upon their return to Marcadia, as the President insisted on her being brought there, knew next to nothing about the final stages of Nefarious' plans for the Biobliterator, and most of the information she did have on him was either outdated or simply bases she had been to in the past. Sasha wasn't too pleased with the star's lack of any real knowledge on Nefarious' movements, but at least they had convinced her that siding with the supervillain had been the wrong move and that siding with the heroes was for the best, even if she'd have to take down her latest song, the one about the extermination of all organic life. Other than that there wasn't much else for them to do while they waited for some new piece of information to come their way, where Ratchet found that the Galactic Rangers had finally returned and were now resting, after informing Sasha that everything was fine on Rilgar, confirming the report he and his family had handed her earlier. The only reason they knew that was because they returned to the Phoenix after discovering that Courtney Gears knew nothing about Nefarious' plans, giving Ratchet some time to try out all of the other Vid-Comics they had gotten since starting this adventure, where he scored perfect scores on the ones they had collected so far while Autumn and Starswirl continued their studies while Clank and Angela sat near him.

When he finished the last of the Vid-Comics they had collected, which was only three of the Qwark series so far, Ratchet switched to some of the other games Sasha had provided when creating a suite for them and the man that was the head of the Q-Force, but before he could start it Sasha contacted them.

"Ratchet, we've located the Leviathan: it's currently docked at the Zeldrin Starport," Sasha said, which was good news for the family, as it meant they might have a chance to stop Nefarious before he was able to set his plan in motion, and he found that she sent him the coordinates of the structure in question, "Qwark will be coming along, though he said he has some business to attend to before catching up with you guys."

"Makes sense, he'd rather see this battle end with his own eyes," Ratchet replied, because based on everything that both he and his family were able to figure out, during their short break, Qwark and Nefarious had several encounters with each other and that meant they would want to see the end of their rivalry with their own eyes, "though if he's taking his time it should give us a chance to see if there's anything around the starport for us to acquire in the long run."

Sasha said nothing to that as she let the family do whatever it was that they did when they were exploring the worlds that they visited, where Ratchet and the others got up before heading for their ship, allowing them to return to their starship without much delay. Once that was done Ratchet input the coordinates for the Zeldrin Starport, which rested near the planet of Zeldrin, and they departed for their newest destination, where he, Autumn, Starswirl, and Angela got ready for whatever might be waiting for them. Given everything that had happened, or what Courtney had been planning on doing before Autumn activated her trap on her, there was a good chance that this was a trap, or was supposed to be, so they had to be ready for whatever their foe had prepared for them. Autumn also made sure to double check their weapons, to be sure everything was working right and nothing was wrong before they went out into the field, and was pleased to see that all of them were fine, allowing her to relax as they waited for the starship to reach their destination.

When they finally reached the area near the starport, and could see the planet beyond it, Ratchet stopped nearby before they used the smaller ship to travel over to where Nefarious' starship was resting, where they found that the starport had it's own atmosphere and that they didn't have to worry about deploying their O2 Masks.

Once the ship had landed, and the family had a chance to see that there weren't any new weapons to acquire, the four of them found an area off to their left where it looked like a ship could land, likely Qwark's at some point, before finding that a force of robotic guards, the same that were at the facility on Daxx, were here. That was all the confirmation they needed to figure out that their foe was waiting on his starship, or was watching it from another area, like a hidden base or one of the other ships that were nearby, causing the family to engage their weapons before assaulting their enemies. The robotic soldiers, despite being warned that they were coming, seemed surprised that they were already here, as if they had come to the starport sooner than Nefarious had planned on them showing up, so the first group collapsed with ease and that lead to a door opening as more soldiers and snipers readied themselves for battle. Angela discovered that the building the soldiers were coming from was a maintenance section that was used to work on all of the ships that docked here, and as they made their way through part of it they found a few small ships that were being refueled, guarded by snipers that, like all of the other enemies, wanted them dead.

"Nefarious was certainly expecting our arrival, even though he likely thought we would arrive later," Angela commented, as that seemed to be the case as they made their way through the structure that all of their enemies were in, the soldiers and snipers seemed to be on break or something and were surprised to find intruders, but they were armed enough to deal with their foes.

"If this is a trap, he was likely hoping to ensnare Qwark while we were busy," Autumn remarked, because that seemed to be what their opponent had been planning, based on what she and the others had discovered so far, so convincing one of his allies that he had sentenced her to death by explosions had damaged his plan somewhat.

Ratchet and Starswirl said nothing as they continued to do battle with Nefarious' forces, finding that he was trying to keep the starport intact, with minimal damage to the surrounding area, though with the four of them the robotic guards didn't stand much of a chance against their combined might. After the last batch of snipers they found their way to the outside of the building and discovered that it brought them to the other side of the starport, from where Ratchet landed, and that there were only a few more enemies for the family to worry about. The remaining soldiers didn't provide much of a fight, as with four opponents fighting them it was pure domination, and in the end they reached what seemed to be the end of the line, an area with a device waiting for someone to collect it from where it was resting. Autumn found that it was a new gadget that had been created, a combination of the Bolt Grabber and the Box Breaker, allowing the user to smash boxes from a greater distance and pick up Bolts from a greater distance, which was usually reserved for her and her family, so it was interesting to see one here, where she planned on duplicating it for the others once this mission was done.

As they returned to their own ship, however, they discovered that Qwark had arrived with his ship, not to mention the fact that he had Skrunch with him and they seemed to be arguing or talking about something, hence why they kept silent as they approached the area that the pair was standing in, to listen to what the conversation might be.

"I thought we agreed to put that jungle business behind us." Qwark said, staring down at Skrunch as he, against all odds, missed the fact that they were approaching the pair, though in response to his comment the little monkey made a couple of noises, which Qwark clearly understood, "It was mating season! How could I have known she was your sister? Er... ah, how long have you guys been standing there?"

"Too long, Qwark. Too long." Clank replied, though this was information they weren't expecting to discover while they were taking the fight to Nefarious and his robotic minions, while at the same time the others nodded their heads as well, just to show that it was the truth.

"Well, ahem. Stop lollygagging and let's get to work!" Qwark stated, though the family raised their eyebrows for a moment, as they had been busy since arriving in this place, not that he seemed to know that fact, before he gestured to his ship for a few seconds, "We'll use this shuttle to infiltrate the star cruiser undetected. Once on board, we find Nefarious and finish the job! Are you ready for this?"

Ratchet and the others simply nodded their heads before boarding the ship, where Qwark stepped to the side and actually allowed someone else, Ratchet, to take control of the ship, where he followed the coordinates that were in front of him for a few moments as he flew from the starport and docked with the Leviathan. Once that was done, and he was sure that the door had closed behind them, he and his family climbed out before making their way forward, finding that Qwark joined them in assaulting the soldiers and snipers that were between them and the bridge, along with a few ninjas. It showed all of them that Nefarious was expecting them to arrive at some point, though because they had arrived sooner than he had expected it was possible that there might be some holes in his defenses, only to discover that the robotic guards were as prepared as they could be for their eventual arrival. Autumn refrained from using the RY3NO, which she might have used if she was fighting them on her own and didn't have her family fighting by her side, though even then her weapons and all the weapons that the others had were more than enough to wipe out the enemies that were in their way.

As such it didn't take them too long to reach the bridge of the ship, where they used a lift to reach the area in question, all to find that Nefarious was sitting in the captain's chair and that the butler, Lawrence they recalled, was standing near the chair, confirming that they had been waiting for them to arrive.

"Come in, heroes. We've been expecting you." Lawrence said, one further bit of confirmation for them to think about, even if they didn't need to have him say that he and Nefarious were waiting for them to reach this point, to which he turned his head towards his boss for a moment, "The riffraff have arrived, sir."

"Captain Qwark! You've put on a bit of weight since last we met." Nefarious commented, while turning the chair around so he could stare at them and stand when necessary, giving him a chance to observe the heroes that were in front of him, as he was slightly interested in all of them.

"Yeah? Well, Courtney Gears didn't seem to mind." Qwark replied, as he knew that taunting the villain usually caused some sort of event to happen, and given Nefarious' past he had a feeling that something would happen soon,

"Qwa..!" Nefarious started to say, which was when the circuits in his head glitched and he paused in his action, standing as he protested Qwark's statement about Courtney Gears and his fat, while something inside him played an opera, Lance and Janice to be exact, which caused Lawrence to step up and slap his employer, "...ark! I'll have the last laugh. I lured you and your friends here so that I could witness your demise!"

In the following moments he pressed the self destruct button for the ship and laughed as Lawrence teleported out, as in he left him behind for a moment and probably freaked him out, though Autumn and Starswirl let them do that since using magic on technological teleportation could have some serious consequences. After their targets departed Ratchet and the others found that the system took over, starting the rest of the self destruct sequence, where they used the elevator and discovered something interesting, Qwark jumped off the elevator and rushed at something he had spotted. As such they headed back for the ship they had used to get here, opening fire on whatever enemies might be resting inside the rest of the Leviathan, meaning that if he wasn't back at the smaller ship soon they would have to leave him behind, and despite all of their opinions on the man none of them wanted him to die. As such it didn't take them long to get back to the ship, where Skrunch was waiting for them to return, and they climbed into the ship as they waited for Qwark to return, all while Ratchet kept an eye on the time limit they had, so he could get them out of there before the ship blew up.

Unfortunately time passed quickly and Ratchet, not wanting to get them caught in the blast, ejected the ship and headed back to the starport, giving them a chance to watch as the ship tore itself apart, with Qwark aboard it, before the pieces of the Leviathan fell to the planet below, causing them to return to the Phoenix and figure out what the next step in their battle against Nefarious was.

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