• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Size: Pokitaru

Ratchet, his siblings, and the rest of their group found that they had a few days of peace, two to be exact, and they were all too happy to take a break from everything, all while joined by Nika, who would be heading back to Aquatos once it was time for them to get back to being heroes. Angela and Sasha were happy to have another female companion to hang out with, as in someone who was interested in Ratchet, instead of a sibling, especially one who was basically a mermaid when she was in the water, though it didn't take Autumn all that long to find out more about her species. She could pick and choose when to show the scales, though while they were armor against aquatic enemies, given her home planet, they weren't great against a land species, hence another reason behind the gear she wore and caused them to nod their heads in understanding. She clearly had fun hanging out with them, even though Nika did seem jealous of Angela and Sasha, due to the fact that both of them were largely known as Ratchet's wives, or mates as some called them, and Autumn was curious if she wanted to be one of them as well.

Part of her was curious as to what the child of a Lombax and an Aquatian would be, though their vacation was interrupted on their third day as a girl, wearing blue overalls with a pink shirt and red hair tied up in four points, all while having a teddy bear backpack on her back, snapped a picture of Ratchet.

"Um, what are you doing?" Ratchet asked, as no one was supposed to know they were here, on Pokitaru, and if this little girl knew about them than it was only a matter of time until someone else learned about their presence, while the others stopped what they were doing and gathered nearby, even Nika joined them.

"I'm taking picthures for my tchool project." the girl replied, where she spoke with a lisp as she held the picture and put it in her pack, all while priming the old device to take another picture, before she focused on all of them once more, with a look of innocence in her eyes, "I'm doing a project on heroeth and I reconithed all of you from the newthpaperth."

Of course while they were happy she recognized them, even Nika despite her being a lesser hero in the eyes of the whole galaxy, Ratchet and his siblings were worried that something bad would happen and, sure enough, the girl, Luna, knew where to find enemies. In that moment Autumn opened a case that contained two new weapons from Gadgetron, a new bomb glove, this one being an Acid Bomb Glove, and the Lacerator, a new gun like what they had back in Bogon, though, in the off chance that Nika joined them, she made sure to have a pair for her. In addition to that the Vendor held a third new toy for them to use, the Concussion Gun, which was added to their arsenal without much of a drop in their accounts, a fact that surprised their newest companion as she remembered that Autumn was one of the richest people in Solana, and it allowed her to easily buy anything, especially with her discounts. Once everyone was ready to go they followed after Luna and found that she brought them to a few blue crabs, which they took out the moment one tried to attack them, as it meant that all of the mutations weren't out of the water yet, and moved forward.

The robotic attackers looked like they were tourists that had gone insane or something, or maybe they had been this way for a long time, where Nika watched as the group blasted and smashed their way through the enemies without wasting even a second and Ratchet turned a Bolt Crank as the others covered him. That opened the gate in front of them, where he lead the charge, in a sense, as they focused on all of their upcoming enemies and tore each one down without delay, a fact that reinforced why they were the greatest heroes in Solana. The groups of enemies gave them a chance to test out their new weapons, as the Lacerator packed a bit of a punch, the Acid Bomb Glove really damaged their foes, and it wasn't a surprise that the Concussion Gun was a shotgun, knocking enemies back with ease. While they did that Luna took a few pictures, doing her best to get Ratchet, since he seemed to be the star of her report, though she also took a couple of his siblings as well, not to mention the others, just to earn brownie points with her instructor.

Heading down a sandy hill allowed the group to reach another area with insane robotic tourists, which Autumn was able to confirm weren't part of the resort, in fact the owner had no idea who they were and that meant a new villain had to be making their move, so they engaged their enemies without delay. The strangest thing, in Ratchet's eyes, was that none of the fake tourists seemed particularly threatening, in fact they were far weaker than Vox's gladiators, even Nika knew that as she joined them, so it made him question what was going on right now. As they moved through the next gate the group found that they seemed to be heading back towards where they had been resting, allowing the group to jump over to a small patch of land that had a Bolt Crank of it, raising a bridge that connected back to their section of the resort. What was a surprise to them was that there was a suit of red armor on it for them to claim, where Autumn took it and found that it seemed to be part of the Wildfire armor set, which only interested her and the others even more than before.

As they returned to their camp, however, Ratchet spotted Qwark standing nearby and Clank walked over to see what was going on, as he wasn't supposed to be here at all, in fact the reason they told no one about this was so he didn't track all of them down and annoy them again... only for ships to come in, blast the resort, and green plated robots chased Luna away, like she was their actual target.

"There's the minions of the villain." Ratchet remarked, causing Autumn and Starswirl to nod, while Clank returned and told him that Qwark never knew his parents, as that was all the information he got out of him before the attack, to which he shifted his focus to the ships, "Well then, let's show them who they're messing with."

As they followed the new path, however, they discovered that the green robots were tougher than the tourists, and that, oddly enough, they had been designed to deploy their heads if their bodies took too much damage, but that didn't stop the group from laying waste to them. It shocked Nika as she watched Autumn and Starswirl slinging spells at their targets, in addition to using their melee weapons and their guns, which Ratchet, Angela, and Sasha replicated with ease, showing her that they were unstoppable. Autumn also made sure they had their Gravity Boots at the ready, to climb up a wall that blocked their path, bringing them to an area with more enemies and a zip line that brought them down to another part of the resort, though the group kept an eye out for anything that might tell them what was going on. The path brought them to a small cave that had more robotic enemies and crabs, to which they opened fire on their enemies and cleared the path in no time, though it ended with them discovering the gloves to the Wildfire set, putting a smile on Autumn's face as she collected it as well.

After that they used some moving platforms to traverse the outer reaches of the resort, tearing through the robots that were in the middle of attacking this part of Pokitaru, before reaching the highest point in time to watch Luna being taken by a robot, who informed their boss that they were heading to Kalidon, all while Luna dropped something for them, with none of the robots realizing she had done so.

"My memory banks indicate that this is a Technomite artifact." Clank said, though as he did so they returned to the pad that their smaller ship would come down to, as it was time to start another adventure and see what was going on, even if his words confused the siblings a little.

"Knowing our luck, Technomites actually exist." Starswirl remarked, as the species in question was one of myth, legends to tell children why technology worked the way it did, though his statement was true, they had some strange luck at times, all while Autumn found that the coordinates on the object pointed to Ryllus, not Kalidon.

Nika, despite how out of depth this was for her, joined the family on their ship as they departed for the starship, where it would take them to Ryllus and allow them to armor up with everything they had left behind after their last adventure, all while wondering what the future held for them.

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