• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Commando: Oozla

While they traveled to Oozla, so they could obtain more information on what the Thief was doing, Autumn pulled out her tablet, which had been updated to include everything in the Bogon Galaxy, and learned that their target had been telling the truth when she said that she would be 'updating her security', as she went and hired Thugs-4-Less, who were a group of mercenaries who apparently sold their services to the highest bidder and were only interested in profit. According to the footage that Mr. Fizzwidget sent them, which was why Ratchet was heading towards Oozla, the Thief had been looking for a map of this quadrant of the galaxy and the humanoid person she had talked to, who was a Megacorp employee, proceeded to give her a number of items to choose from, such as galactic maps, 3D maps, fold-outs, cut-outs, and maps to the stars and their homes, before she selected the first option. The footage ended after one of the Thugs, who happened to be reptilian creatures with a purple coloration to their bodies, and some also seemed to be a little buff based on what she saw in the video, picked up the employee and hurled him at a big red button that deactivated the perimeter defenses of the facility that she had been visiting, meaning that they would be dealing with the native creatures this time around and not any of the Thugs. Ratchet admitted that this was still good for them, as knowing more about their enemies meant they might gain an upper hand on them at some point, especially since it looked like the Thugs liked to stay back and shoot their targets from a safe distance, so this would give them a chance to study their enemies and plan for whenever they might encounter the Thugs, even though he knew it would be some time before that happened.

Fortunately it appeared that Oozla was close to Aranos, or at least it sure felt that way since the ship Mr. Fizzwidget had given them was one of the faster ones, discovering that it was a swamp planet, which seemed to be overrun with all sorts of weeds and other growth, where the massive outlet building rested off in the distance, though once they landed Ratchet and his siblings climbed out of the ship and stared at the area around them, including the odd triangle shaped Vendor that was near one of the paths.

"So, facility first or wilderness first?" Ratchet asked, because those were the paths that were available to them right now, a path that likely lead to the main building and another that seemed to head out into part of the swamp, where he asked the question because of the fact that they usually found new items, weapons or gadgets, on optional paths that were useful in their adventures.

"Personally, we should check out the wilderness path first, in case we need the item it gives us in the facility," Autumn said, as she understood the question and that was her answer to it, that they head out into what might seem like an optional path and see if they found anything useful, though she was eager to get her hands on some of Megacorp's gadgets, just so she could modify them while they flew between planets.

Starswirl didn't really care which path they took, since in the end they would be heading down both of them at some point in time, before they found two new weapons for sale, one being the Chopper, which rested on the back of one's wrist and allowed the user to throw metallic discs at whoever their target was, while the other was the Blitz Gun, which fired with the spread of a shotgun. They were fortunate that Mr. Fizzwidget opened the channels for them to use their Bolts from Solana to purchase things in Bogon, as it would make their mission that much easier, to which Autumn purchased one of each as they headed down the wilderness path, though once they were out of range of the Vendor she smiled as she duplicated both weapons, a trick that Megacorp didn't know about and meant they would be able to conserve their funds for some of the more expensive weapons, despite her bank account being far larger than one realized. Ratchet, however, knew that in time this trick would fade away entirely, that Autumn would reach the point where she made far more than what she was able to spend and then she would buy all of their weapons, without duplicating anything, before he turned his attention to the area in front of them as they moved away from where he landed the ship. They discovered that part of the path just so happened to be made out of stone, either growing out of the swamp or cut to this size by Megacorp, and found some new enemies to deal with, some red skinned creatures that looked rather innocent and hopped around to move, along with a few crab like enemies that reminded them of what they found on Orxon, except these ones seemed like they resembled snails more in some way.

As it turned out both creatures were hostile towards people and attacked the siblings when they got close, hence why they opened fire on their new enemies and moved through the path that was in front of them, where Ratchet discovered that the Chopper made quick work of the smaller enemies while Starswirl rounded up all of the tougher foes so Autumn could take them out with a Gravity Bomb. After that they discovered a few swamp creatures that looked like they could be used to travel over the swamp, some munching on whatever grass was growing out of the water, though by jumping onto their backs it allowed Ratchet and his siblings to cross over to the other side and continue exploring the rest of the wilderness part of the planet, which revealed a passage for them to head through. That brought them to a few snail mutants and a fair number of fireflies that seemed to have been altered in some manner, though it didn't take them long to blast their way through the enemies who were guarding the rocky chamber and found a platform to jump up to reach the area that was on the outside, even though it looked like a venus fly trap, a large one at that. As such they had to be careful jumping on it before leaving the rocky room in question, though since none of them were caught by it, as each of them had been very careful in their movements, the siblings found another section of Oozla's swamp in front of them and a number of the dragonoid boat creatures, whatever they were called, that allowed them to reach a ruined building, one that looked like it had been that way for some time and not recently damaged by the Thief's actions.

After that they had to fight some more enemies in the ruined building, along with riding on a few more boat creatures so they could cross over some deadly fly traps, but after a few moments they reached a set of fly traps that lead up to a pipe, one that happened to bring them down into an area that seemed like a testing area of sorts, complete with a Megacorp employee standing near where Ratchet landed, even though Starswirl and Autumn landed near him while Ratchet ended up on a platform with a new marking on it.

"Welcome, welcome! If everyone could take their seats we can proceed with today's demonstration. First I'll need someone to volunteer. Anyone?" the employee said, speaking as if they were someone else that he was expecting to see, though due to the defenses being turned offline Autumn was sure that any visits had been cancelled, before he looked for someone so he could get things underway, to which Ratchet offered himself up and the man used the device on his right hand, which all of them found looked like a weird box of sorts, to move the platform he was on before knocking Ratchet onto his back for a few seconds, "And there you have it, the Megacorp Tractor Beam in action... let's give it up for our volunteer. Sir, how about taking advantage of our show special?"

Ratchet, despite being a little annoyed with the employee, simply purchased the item and made sure the man was away before handing it to Autumn so she could duplicate it for all of them, to which he used the Tractor Beam to move one of the two nearby platforms into position, which used an orange beam to connect with something that had the icon they had noticed on it, and as he did that Starswirl moved the other so they could climb up to an area above their ship, allowing him to activate a button and open the way for them to jump down. With that done they walked over to where they had found the Vendor and quickly headed down the path that would bring them to the outlet building, where the siblings found a fair number of snail mutants wandering around, who turned to face Ratchet as he, Starswirl and Autumn approached them, so since they were clearly hostile the trio opened fire on their enemies and cleared out the area as they moved forward once more. From there they found a number of mutant fireflies blocking the way to a metallic platform that would allow one to move closer to where the outlet building was resting, so what they did was take down their enemies and continued across the platform, though as that happened they spotted an employee off in the swamp being dragged into the water, too fast for either Starswirl or Autumn to do anything with their magic. In fact there was a side area where they found an employee who was resting on the ground, with no nanotech based on what they could see, though they did remove the hoppers that were around him before moving forward, that way when Megacorp came to investigate what had happened here, and no doubt clean up, it would be easy to identify some of the workers, where they blasted their way through the enemies that were in front of them and focused on the facility that was their destination.

Part of the path they walked by just so happened to be within range of the start of the other path, which was interesting despite the fact that all of the enemies had been taken care of, before Ratchet blasted all of the enemies that emerged from the water so he and his siblings could cross over another metallic walkway, this time allowing Starswirl and Autumn to blast their way through any enemies that were in front of them. Of course there were three platforms that were apart from each other, instead of just one like they assumed, which brought them to an area with a fair number of enemies that wanted to eat them and cut them apart, so Ratchet, Autumn and Starswirl blasted through their foes and included a few mutant fireflies that were beyond where they stopped for a few moments. After that they found something interesting, a platform that had two large tendril appendages, not to mention a single eye which popped out of the water a few seconds later, no doubt reacting to the sound of them walking on the rocky platform in front of it, before it started to swing both of its tendrils at them, meaning a fight was breaking out as Ratchet and his siblings dodged the attack and opened fire on the swamp creature that wanted to smash them. With three targets to choose from it was hard for the creature to actually crush them into the ground, which they were fine with since it allowed them to keep firing at it while dodging the attacks, something that eventually caused the creature to roar in pain, or at least it seemed like that, before descending into the depths, allowing them to make their way across a few more platforms before coming to a stop in front of the building that was their destination.

What the siblings discovered was that there was no easy way for them to get up to the entrance, as it was raised above the walkway they were currently standing on, and there was a spherical device that seemed like it interacted with something, to which Autumn wandered over to a pedestal that had a device with a pointer on it, one that powered up the device she had noticed and created a platform for one to ride to get up to the door.

"Interesting. This is called the Dynamo, and it interacts with objects like that to form platforms and walkways for people to use, or move things into position," Autumn said, reading the information on Megacorp's site once more, though as she did that she duplicated the gadget in question and handed one to her brothers, even though she was planning on coming up with a new way to handle this item and the Tractor Beam, plus whatever else they might find while they explored the other planets of this galaxy.

Ratchet didn't need to be told exactly what this did, as the demonstration was more than enough as they stood on the pad in question and he used it, forming the platform once more and allowed them to enter the outlet store, where a number of mutant fireflies and snail mutants happened to be wandering around, to which the siblings opened fire on them while also using the Dynamo to move forward. Autumn found that the device was rather wonderful, as it allowed one to create moving elevators to go from one level and reach another, conjured platforms for them to ride on, pulled walkways out of the walls for people to walk on, and a number of other things that they hadn't discovered yet, making her wonder what it could do and if there was a way for her to make a device to contain it, the Tractor Beam, and a few other things that they had recovered during their first adventure. Sure enough the outlet store had all sorts of everyday displays, like clothing for example, though based on what they could see there weren't any employees anywhere, as in all of them must have been dragged out into the swamp by a fair number of creatures that they had faced since arriving on this planet, especially after all of the employees they had seen during their time exploring this planet, before crossing over a gap so they could enter the backside of the building, away from where any customers shopped. From there they made their way over a couple of platforms created by their Dynamos, allowing them to make their way over to what seemed to be the end of the building, one that had a metallic walkway that they ignored for the time being, before Autumn found a path leading into the heart of the structure and they used their newest gadget to activate it, even if it meant dodging crates to reach a chamber that had a holodisplay near one of the walls.

"Ratchet?" a voice said, where they found Mr. Fizzwidget on the other side of the line, meaning they must have triggered something and caused him to link up with it to see what was going on, even though it looked like he was coming online and was curious if they could hear him, "Come in. Are you three there?"

"Copy Mr. Fizzwidget." Ratchet replied, as the commando training had taught him and his siblings a few things and meant they had matured to some degree, which everyone back on Veldin would be surprised by if they learned what they were doing, while his siblings remained at the ready so they could learn what needed to be done next.

"Listen, I have some new inflammation on our Experiment's wherewithal." Mr. Fizzwidget continued, which caused them to raise their eyebrows for a moment, before remembering that Megacorp was in control of most of the Bogon Galaxy, or at least in some manner, before he revealed a space station of sorts to them, one that wasn't all indoors, so they would be walking on platforms as they explored the place, "The thief was indemnified at Megacorp's Maktar Resort. Also, the Thugs have towed a moon-sized jamming array into Maktar Resort orbit."

"Do you want us to take it out?" Starswirl asked, though he knew that even if Mr. Fizzwidget said no to this, and wanted all of them to focus on something else to track down the Thief, they were going to find the jamming array and ruin it anyway, just to make sure the Thugs didn't get their way and bring harm to the resort, or whatever it was they might be doing while they were at the station.

"Affirmulous! It's disconfrabulating our annual Galactic Gladiators broadcast. See for yourself." Mr. Fizzwidget said, a fact that surprised them, since they were having a hard time understanding when he wanted something done and when he felt that they had best focus on something else, but this was good for them since it was a confirmation of sorts, before revealing the commercial he had mentioned.

As it turned out Galactic Gladiators was an arena style event that was broadcast to those who paid for it, a television show, and it had a few warriors, such as Chainblade and the B2 Brawler, who might be rather hard for someone to face, to which Ratchet smiled as he informed their boss that they would check it out and the link was severed, to which they discovered a teleportation pad nearby and used it to return to their ship, before departing for the Maktar Resort.

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