• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Arsenal: Tyhrranosis

Upon their return to the Phoenix the first thing that happened was that Autumn transferred all of the items she had copied to Al, allowing him to start going over everything they had taken, leaving Qwark to address them before they bothered to plan the next stage of their war.

"Well team, I believe some congratulations are in order!" Qwark stated, where most of the Q-Force got ready for the man to take full credit for the mission being a total success, given that part of his old persona had returned after bringing back his memories, before he gestured towards Ratchet, his siblings, Clank, and Angela, "You five are the stars of this mission, working in perfect harmony with each other while Autumn using her magic to copy everything in the office, making it near impossible for Nefarious to realize that we've stolen his information. Skidd, even though you didn't do a lot of fighting, you performed well, with more heroics than what I was originally expecting, confirming that you have nerves of steel. For now, we are on an official break until Al finishes decrypting the information you've brought up, though hopefully we figure out where the Tyhrranoids are coming from, as taking their base out would seriously harm Nefarious' plans."

Ratchet, Autumn, Starswirl, Angela, Clank, and the others nodded their heads before going about their business as they waited for Al to figure out what Nefarious had been working on, though as they did that Sasha joined them, eager to learn about their trip into the sewers of their foe's base. Based on what the group could tell the exit plan Qwark had planned on them using, like an escape hatch or a side passage of some kind, didn't exist and the only way to get everyone out, without alerting the Tyhrranoid guards was to escape into the sewer. Ratchet then explained the existence of the Plumber, a figure who knew more about situations than what one would expect and helping him usually lead to some sort of aid being given, be it Bolts, advice, or items to help them in their quest to stop the villain they were facing. Sasha seemed a little surprised by that information, but didn't question it as she asked the other question that was bothering her, why take the Bolts when Autumn was one of the richest people in Solana, even though none of the others needed Bolts either, and it lead to what his sister was currently doing.

Autumn revealed the existence of her second account to make sure the Phoenix had everything it needed to combat the forces that Nefarious had employed in his mad quest to take over all of Solana, which included outfitting the Rangers with new weapons, armor, and even training to make sure they didn't need to rely on heroes, save for when it was a large scale battle and reinforcements were needed. What she was doing was upgrading them to their next form, like she had made in her plans after seeing what was scattered throughout Bogon, and such a thing required funds to make any improvements, and if things worked as she intended they would be able to focus on the Tyhrranoids without them needing to be called in to aid them. Several of them were going to be scouts, others in charge of demolition, a few would be snipers, a couple would become spies, she was designing a few who would be pyros, with most of the remainder split between soldiers and heavy weapon users, leaving the rest to be engineers and medics. She figured that nine types were good, especially since they had no idea what sort of tactics and challenges Nefarious' forces would throw at them, and Sasha was stunned when she saw the new designs for the Rangers, more in the short time it took her to do all this.

While they did that, waiting for Autumn to complete her changes while Al decrypted the information he had been brought, Ratchet and Angela headed to the virtual trainer, choosing to make sure they were ready for combat, before discovering an interesting addition, Sasha decided to join them. Her reasoning was that while she might never see battle, not with the group's abilities, she might as well be ready for whatever the future held for them, where they found that her weapon was an energy saber like the ninja robots on Clank's show, or the ones from Annihilation Nation, as she told them that she got it from one of the retired gladiators. Ratchet found that she was quite skilled with the weapon and could hold her own just fine, in fact she usually came here to train when she wasn't on duty, or when she didn't want to play games, which made him wonder if he had found another one like Angela, someone who was good at one thing but was secretly a good warrior underneath. Even Angela considered that for a few moments, as she had been an inventor before realizing that Ratchet's way was far better for her, especially when faced with the intelligent mind of Autumn Blaze, but after thinking about that they moved in to test Sasha's skills and see where she was lacking, just in case Nefarious decided to attack the Phoenix while they and the Rangers were gone.

After half a day of going over everything Al discovered that the Tyhrranoids had a base on Tyhrranosis, which had all sorts of defenses and obstacles to overcome, as they discovered an area with mortar launchers and cannons that would stop anyone from assaulting the main base. Even if that was brought down there were four plasma cannon turrets scattered all over the island that the base was built on, all designed to take out anyone that got too close to the main structure, so the dropship would have to fly above a certain height to ensure that the Rangers survived. It made sense for Ratchet and his family to tackle the four fusion cannon turrets, which would allow Sasha and the Rangers to use the dropship to blow the main door so someone could head inside and deal with the main boss, which would cripple part of Nefarious' plans, for the time being anyway. After that they would have to head out to Kavu Island, another base that might aid the war effort in some manner, so Sasha and Qwark agreed that it was a good place to attack before they left the planet, even though it was mostly going to be up to Ratchet and the others, unless the Rangers proved that Autumn's upgrades had boosted their abilities.

Once they knew the plan of attack, with the rest of the team staying here to plan the assault on the rest of Nefarious' plan, or at least find out more about it since Al was still working on figuring out what else their foe was planning, Ratchet and the others regrouped on their starship and departed for Tyhrranosis without wasting time.

It wasn't long before they reached the planet that was their destination, finding that the Phoenix's dropship was moving into position as well, which was when Ratchet and the others climbed into the smaller ship and flew down to the surface, only to eject themselves after making sure the ship stayed in the air. After that they glided down to the first base that had to be taken out so they could get to the main base, and sure enough the Tyhrranoids were firing missiles up at them, just to blast them out of the air, but none of them got close to them or the Rangers. This time Angela found that it wasn't one of the magical siblings doing the deed, rather one of the Rangers, who had the 'Soldier' personality, fired upon the missiles and opened the way for him, his allies, and the group to reach the entry point of the base, which had some Tyhrranoids waiting for intruders. Ratchet and the others joined the fight as soon as they landed, blasting the first wave of enemies out of the way before Autumn checked out a nearby Vendor, finding that the Annihilator, a rocket launcher she had designed in the past, was available, giving them one more toy to use against Nefarious' forces.

With the new weapon in hand they tore their way through the defenses of the first base, surprising the Tyhrranoids with the new accuracy of the Rangers, making Ratchet wonder what exactly was in each of their new personalities, as the Pyros were just burning anything that got near them, but he wasn't about to question it as they smashed through the rest of the defenses and emerged on the other side of the base.

"Good work everyone. I'm sending down the dropship now." Sasha stated, where they watched as the ship flew down to where the smaller ship was resting and it opened up, revealing something interesting to them, Sasha had come along for the ride, as she was sitting in the driver seat of an assault vehicle that was sporting Qwark's colors, where they suspected that her father was behind the paint color, "Come on, let's take out those fusion turrets."

The group nodded as the Rangers propelled themselves over the gap in front of them, which allowed them to open fire on all of the Tyhrranoids that were between them and where the commander rested, where the new vehicle allowed Ratchet, Sasha, and Angela to do the same as Autumn and Starswirl used their magic to cross it. While they did that Autumn found that Qwark was present as well, keeping an eye on the situation while not drawing attention to himself, not yet anyway, but she turned her attention to the fusion turrets as Ratchet's team tackled the one in the upper left section of the island, some of the Rangers took the one to the immediate left, leaving her and Starswirl to pick from the remaining two, where Starswirl picked the right and Autumn took the last one. With that decided the group separated and Starswirl called forth his magic, lashing out with blades made of wind, bits of water that froze his foes, Fireballs, and whatever else he decided to use, before reaching what appeared to be the power generator for the fusion turret and overloaded it with a Lightning Bolt that caused everything to explode.

While he did that Autumn decided to actually use the RY3NO, as she hadn't had an opportunity to wield it since she and the others were usually enough to tear through their enemies and whatever tactics might be thrown at them, where she watched as the Tyhrranoids and their ships fell without being able to put up a fight. It confirmed something for her, this was a dangerous and powerful weapon, which meant that the fourth and fifth versions she was planning on making in the future were going to be even more dangerous than this, and it made her wonder about the sixth entry she had only just started working on, a suit this time around, instead of a gun. After that she had an idea for a seventh RYNO, one that was even stronger and outclassed all of the other RYNOs she had created so far, and those that had yet to be produced, but that was far in the future and she had to focus on the fourth and fifth entries. She turned her attention to the fusion turret for a few seconds before destroying the entire thing, where she watched as the one Starswirl went to was breaking down and the ones that the rest of their group had tackled were breaking as well, something that allowed her to use platforms to reach the ground and approach the massive door that lead to the Commander's domain.

As everyone regrouped in front of the door, showing that they were ready for whatever was on the other side, they took a moment to watch as the dropship flew by and blasted it open, with Qwark jumping out and marching forward with his sole weapon, a blaster that Autumn had modified to be more modern than what he was used to using.

After that they used an elevator to ascend to the upper level of the main base, finding that the Commander was a massive Tyhrranoid, or maybe it was more like a slug with arms and legs, not to mention a cannon or turret that was mounted on it's back that was being controlled by two smaller Tyhrranoids. The beast roared as they entered it's domain and charged at them when they opened fire on it, showing that they were here to do battle and nothing else, while Autumn decided not to use her RN3NO, otherwise the battle would be over in no time, though everyone also did their best to avoid the attacks that were coming their way. Eventually their massive foe lowered a barrier and opened the path to another section of the structure, where Qwark led the way and blasted at the smaller enemies that happened to be in the way, opening the way for Ratchet, his siblings, Angela, Sasha, and the Rangers to target their main foe. Once more it didn't matter what the large Tyhrranoid did, as the group was more than enough to take care of anything and everything that was thrown at them over the next few few moments, and after a short period of time they dealt the finishing blow to their foe.

As the massive Tyhrranoid collapsed, and everyone took a moment to rest up, Qwark stepped forward as a few reporters showed up, where they were able to catch him in the act of crushing one of the fallen beast's eyes, as it was dead from all of the attacks it had suffered.

"Captain Qwark. First you made another miraculous comeback." the reporter, who happened to be Daria Gratch, who just seemed to be everywhere in both Solana and Bogon, which Autumn was able to explain since she was mass produced and each one was tasked with reporting on a specific planet, "Now you've defeated the tyhrranoids in a spectacular battle on their own planet. How do you explain your recent success?"

"Courage... compassion... dashing good looks... iron hard abs!" Qwark stated, which was what they had been planning on, him taking the spotlight so Nefarious would focus solely on him for the foreseeable future, at least until he realized that he was being tricked by the man he hated, and a simple nod from Ratchet was all he needed to go on, "Seriously though, to be a true hero of heroes, you need more than loads of charisma and a brilliant tactical mind. I couldn't have done it without... these massive guns!"

Ratchet and the others let out a light chuckle as they boarded the dropship and departed for Kavu Island, though as they did that they discovered that they actually didn't need to head over there, the Rangers who had been assigned to take it were reporting success, as in all the Tyhrranoids had been routed and they were in control of it, to which they returned to their ship and took off, eager to figure out what else needed to be done to stop Nefarious.

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