• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Size: Medical Station Omega

Ratchet, his siblings, and the others didn't have to wait too long for something to happen, as not ten minutes after the trap was sprung, and Luna's betrayal was made known to them, a ship arrived and the fake Ratchet was transferred onto it, as Autumn and Starswirl could feel it moving. Once the ship started to move he made sure to engage the cloaking device for the Helios, since they needed to keep it hidden from all of their enemies, and followed it toward whatever destination it was heading for, likely another Technomite facility or location, given what they found on Ryllus. So far it didn't look like Luna or whoever her boss was even realized that they had been fooled, rather it looked like they believed that 'Ratchet' had been abandoned by everyone else for the time being, allowing the girl to do whatever it was that she was hoping to do. For now it allowed them to rest and relax for a while, to recover from what they had done on Kalidon, and Ratchet wanted to make sure everyone was ready for whatever might happen next, even though Autumn was hacking into the other ship, without it noticing, as Starswirl maintained the fake copy that had fooled Luna.

It was also because Nika hadn't been given a lot of time to rest, since this was her first adventure with them and he didn't want to overwhelm her, but she was eager to see what happened next and got the seal of approval from Angela and Sasha, as she was acting like they had when it was their first adventure.

The ship brought them to what appeared to be a medical outpost, though Autumn confirmed it wasn't an official one, as in it wasn't marked or noted down in any of the official documentation for the Solana Galaxy, meaning they knew where part of the villain's domain rested. Of course Ratchet docked the Helios some distance from the station, meaning nothing should detect them, as they sought out more information on what was going on and who happened to be the villain they would be defeating in due time. Autumn discovered that Luna was definitely communicating with someone, especially when she found a few journal logs and communications she tore open, finding that the girl spoke about someone that she called 'Otto' and that he was an 'Emperor'. According to what she discovered the pair had set this all up, the fake girl who needed a hero to come and save her, the cameras and pictures that would allow them to study Ratchet, in fact they had planned on it being only him and Clank, to lessen the chance of their plans being ruined.

"I get it now. They were planning on making an army of Ratchet clones," Autumn remarked, though she wasn't even a little bit surprised by this turn of events, as Qwark's plan during their time in Bogon involved the clones of the Protopet, so this was just someone else using cloning technology, "Otto wants an army of soldiers so he can conquer the galaxy, possibly even Bogon if he wanted, and it would succeed if he had an army of Ratchets at his beck and call... I mean, we've torn our way through hordes of enemies in the past, so it makes sense we'd be his targets. From what I can tell he was planning on testing your skills before capturing you, to verify that you were the hero he had heard about, so he could make his army in secret, and once they were ready to go he was going to track us down, one by one. Imagine what Otto would do if he had an army of our clones, he'd be able to take control of the entire galaxy in no time, and if my clones or Starswirl's could use magic there would be no way to bring down the army."

"We're fortunate Luna messed up when we found her." Nika said, as she didn't want to imagine what would happen to the galaxy if an army of clones, made from this particular group, decided to attack it, because she was sure that nothing would be able to stand up to them.

"I'm afraid that our deception has been discovered." Starswirl stated, where he cancelled the spell that he had created to keep Luna and the others distracted, though Ratchet wasn't too surprised by his actions, as his brother usually maintained a spell for as long as he could, either dismissing it when it had served it's purpose or it was discovered by someone, "We only have a few moments before our foe flees."

"Let her flee, I have copied everything on the station without her figuring out what's going on." Autumn said, though once she was done with her work, and made sure to back it up just in case the originals got corrupted in some manner, she used a bit of her power to teleport outside, with her helmet on, before shifting into her empowered form and summoned a ball of energy that she sent into the heart of the facility, "That should be good enough."

As Nika opened her mouth to question her, to figure out what was going on, the energy expanded into an explosion that tore the entire medical station to pieces, either taking care of Luna or missing her entirely, though Autumn remained still for a time, to be sure that the destruction was complete, before reverting to her base form. Once she was done with that she teleported into the ship and looked at Luna's entries for a few seconds, finding that Otto was planning on using false evidence to turn Qwark into one of his pawns and that the little girl was heading to 'the city', which gave them the exact coordinates for. Ratchet didn't depart immediately, as he wanted to see what remained of the station and if there might be anything important that survived the explosion his sister had caused, before discovering that a metallic medical bed, plus part of the room it had been in, was intact. In addition to that they found that the lion guy from Kalidon was here as well, meaning he was either following them or he was in on Luna's plans, but such a thing meant he might have a gadget for them to claim and was the reason that they went down to the ruined station for a time.

When they landed Autumn accessed the Vendor and discovered another pair of weapons were available, where one was a modified and heavily improved Suck Cannon while the other was a Bee Mine Glove, both of which she added to what they had right now, before Ratchet approached the lion guy.

Apparently he wanted a rematch, so soon after getting his rear kicked, and while Ratchet accepted the challenge Clank did find that the man currently had a device attached to the bottom of his skyboard, a Polarizer to be exact, which he claimed to have never seen before and offered it as the reward if Ratchet beat him. A few moments later, as the group expected, Ratchet emerged victorious after beating the lion guy and his team again, earning them the gadget that would likely be of use on the next planet, if the pattern held, before he accepted a few more challenges. Such a thing deprived the lion guy and his buddies of their Bolts, even though Ratchet really wasn't interested in them and took them so the guy didn't throw a fit over losing, while the others just sat and watched him work. The fourth race ended with him earning a silver and blue pair of boots, which happened to be part of the Electroshock armor set, though as the man flew off Ratchet handed it over to Autumn so she could mess with it, only to find that she had used her magic to summon more pieces of it as well, and a few purple pieces of Crystallix armor, likely having survived the station's destruction.

With that done, and there was nothing else for them to do, the group returned to the Star Explorer so they could depart for the Helios and then head to the next planet so they could get this show on the road, to stop Otto from his dreams of galactic domination and save the galaxy from another threat.

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