• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Commando: Yeedil

As they flew towards Yeedil, and the Protopet facility that was their final destination, Angela explained that they were going to have to fight their way through all sorts of enemies once they reached the facility she used to work in, as Megacorp had some pretty nasty defenses and they would be lucky to get passed them, or she would have thought such a thing had both Autumn and Starswirl been ordinary individuals. With their magic, however, Angela knew that their chances were far better than when she planned this for herself and Ratchet, plus Clank even if he was just sticking to Ratchet's back, especially since they might be able to break through the defenses so they could safely land in the landing area that she made sure Ratchet would be aiming for. Regardless of that fact they were going to have to fight their way through all sorts of defenses, those that were outside the facility and the ones that happened to be inside it, and quickly make their way to the room that the Protopets were being replicated in, as each of the ones they had fought back on Damosel were clones of the original, so if they were to mess with the original Protopet, and she amplified the signal, they should be able to stop the upcoming storm by calming the creatures down. That was where the Helix-o-Morph came into play, as it would allow her to do such a thing when they reached their destination, though it was going to take some time for them to reach that point, hence why she was more interested in clearing out the defenses before Mr. Fizzwidget realized what in the world they were up to and tired to stop them, which would just make matters worse.

Yeedil, as the siblings discovered, was a dark looking planet from space and they could tell it was heavily industrial, given all of the factories and buildings that they could see, though what surprised everyone, and gave them some red flags as soon as it happened, was that none of the orbital defenses came online, meaning they were able to fly down to the landing pad and Ratchet turned off the ship once he had landed.

"I don't like this." Angela commented, where she climbed out of the ship as well and made sure her weapons were at the ready as Autumn and Starswirl climbed out as well, since Ratchet was the first one to do such a thing after making sure he was done with the ship, even though she could see a number of ships moving through the air and hoped that they kept their discoveries to themselves, like Davin promised, otherwise this plan would fail, "We should have been blasted by the orbital defenses, especially since the other facilities saw us as enemies... something about this doesn't sit well with me, not after everything we've been through."

"Either someone forgot to add us to the wanted list on Yeedil, or someone forgot the password again," Ratchet said, as the latter was directed towards Mr. Fizzwidget and the Deep Space Disposal Facility, even if they were sure that the man they had talked to wasn't him at this point, as Angela was convinced he wasn't the same man she had worked for, while he and the others knew that the former likely meant that this had to be a trap, "however, we don't have much of a choice right now, given what happened to Damosel."

"Sure, we stopped the assault, but its only a matter of time until it happens again," Starswirl added, causing the others to nod their heads for a moment as they took the statements into consideration, where they knew that he was talking about all of the other planets that were scattered across the galaxy, who could fall victim to what Megacorp might be planning if they didn't stop the Protopets.

"Given what you've said about this place, Angela, I think we might need this," Autumn said, where she pulled out the RYNO II for a moment and made sure it was fully stocked for the battles that would be ahead of them when they started waging war on the facility's defenses, even though it had only been used in the most dire of situations, so this would prove to be the best time to test it's abilities before this adventure was over, before she glanced at the facility, "Come on, we had best get started before the defenses realize that enemies are standing nearby."

Ratchet nodded as they crossed the bridge that was in front of them and made their way to a Vendor, making sure to take a few seconds to restock any weapons that might need to be at their full capacity, before finding that the only way forward was to use the Hypnomatic on some receiver robots and that was what Ratchet did as soon as he spotted it, allowing him to take control of it as he made his way across some platforms. From there he crossed over to the main area that was right in front of them and started to bring down the electrical fences that happened to be in their way, eventually stopping as he found a button that revealed some Swingshot targets for them to use, hence why they switched gadgets and swung over the gap that was in front of them. Of course when they landed the group had to deal with a few more buttons as boxes of Protopets broke open, and Troopers and Tanks came out to deal with the intruders who had appeared on their radars, but it was what the group was waiting for as they opened fire the moment each one landed, this time focusing on using their guns to blast through the enemies that were in front of them. None of them were surprised by the level of guards that had come out to fight them, before they even reached the main door of the facility, especially given what they had seen back on Dobbo, though Autumn found more forces coming out of several doorways that were near the main door, to which she turned her attention over there and opened fire with the RYNO II, cutting down on some of their enemies as Ratchet and the others cleaned up the enemies that were around them.

After that they crossed over a few platforms and opened fire on the Troopers and Tanks that were still out in front of the front door, as those Autumn had fired on beforehand had been replaced by new ones, not that it mattered as the group dealt with their enemies and focused on how they were going to get inside the facility to track down the room that the main Protopet was resting in. As they did that Ratchet found a door that opened, one that lead to an area which might be connected to the door, and he used the Hypnomatic to access the area that it was resting in, where he opened fire on all of the Troopers and Protopets that happened to be guarding this section of the facility's exterior, before finding a button to press and he did so without delay. What that did was open up the main door that he and the others had been fighting their way towards, to which he fell back and regrouped with his siblings and Angela before everyone headed inside, using a teleport pad to move themselves into the inside of the facility, and sure enough the passage that was in front of them was being guarded by a number of Troopers, who instantly fired on them as soon as they revealed themselves. As such the group declared war on all of the enemies that were blocking the way, as they smashed and blasted their way through them and pushed into the first major chamber of the facility, which was crawling with Troopers, both around the pillar that was in the center and in front of the passage that lead even deeper into the facility.

One thing Ratchet saw and confirmed, all over again, was that Angela fought like she had been trained to be a commando, even if she claimed that such a thing had never happened to her, and had to assume that her warrior heritage was what he was seeing, especially as she jumped between two Troopers and spun around, the blades of her lightsaber cutting the pair down like they were made out of butter. Of course such a thing opened her defenses for the remaining Troopers to fire on, though that was why he made sure to counter them with his weapons, blasting their enemies before they even had a chance to hurt her, causing the two of them to nod towards each other for a second as they continued blasting and slashing their way through the enemies that happened to be guarding this area. Autumn and Starswirl, on the other hand, didn't need any assistance as they picked when to use each weapon against the Troopers who were between them and the passage that they were heading towards, though Autumn noticed the lack of superior firepower and refrained from using the RYNO II, once more choosing to use it in an emergency than to clear out everything in seconds. She knew that it could wipe out everything in a room in a matter of seconds and allow them to progress through this facility rather quickly, given the power that each version of this weapon possessed, but right now she could see that none of them needed it to be used and such a thing meant they could get away with using the guns that Megacorp produced, tearing down all of the Troopers who happened to be blocking the way forward.

After dealing with the Troopers the group entered the passage and found that it had a few Protopets inside it, which were quickly taken out as Ratchet moved towards the next chamber, where they had to use the Dynamo to activate some new devices so they could progress through the facility, though as they did that Starswirl turned and waved his hand at several Troopers who were hovering in the air, blasting them out of the way so he and the others could move forward, giving his siblings and Angela a chance to cross before he followed after them. That, of course, brought them to another chamber that had a sealed door, this one requiring the use of the Infiltrator to unlock so they could use a teleport pad or something to get closer to the room Angela was directing them towards, and it had an army of enemies waiting for them, to which Ratchet blasted his targets with his guns, Autumn and Starswirl switched between using their weapons and magic so they could inflict the most damage that they possibly could, and Angela slashed her way through her enemies. There was also a Tank that joined the battle at one point, though given what the group was doing it didn't have much of a chance to fire at one of them, rather Ratchet, his siblings, and Angela tore it down without really noticing that it was there in the first place, though once all of their enemies had been beaten they paused for a moment, mostly to catch their breath and make sure that no more Troopers or Tanks came out to fight them. Once they were sure that the coast was clear Ratchet stepped up and hacked into the terminal that was connected to the metallic door, where it took him no time to hack through it with the Infiltrator and revealed a circular chamber with Protopets, a sunken icy floor, some moving platforms, and an opening that lead deeper into the facility, to which they simply took down the little blue fuzzballs before heading through the next opening to see what else was waiting for them.

As it turned out they were entering a larger section of the facility, one with gaps and Tanks to make sure anyone who even dared to assault this place would be taken down in due time, though before anyone could ask about the RYNO II Autumn loosed a burst of magical energy that raced through the air and took one of their foes down, blowing a Tank apart, and it wasn't long before Starswirl did the same thing. Once that was done they used a pair of Swingshot targets to reach a fairly large conveyor belt, like where boxes of weapons or Protopets would rest before being sent out, before using another one to cross the gap that the pair of Tanks had been resting in, allowing them to reach another Vendor and an Electrolyzer terminal, so they would have a chance to restock before heading even deeper into this facility. Ratchet let the others take a moment to restock, all while he hacked into the terminal so he could power up a rectangular lift that was nearby, and as soon as he was done he made sure to stock up on ammunition as well, since there was no telling what might be lurking in the rest of the facility. What they discovered was another chamber filled with Troopers and some Protopets, not that they were surprised by this fact when each of them considered the enemies they had seen so far, hence why the group opened fire on the facility's defenders and smashed their way through all of the robots that happened to be in this area, while also finding a bridge that could be lowered by one of them using the Swingshot on a blue target, which was what Starswirl did as the others finished off the rest of the enemies.

"There it is, the Protopet Duplication Room." Angela said, revealing that the door they were walking towards, which had no defenders for some reason and meant that they had to be walking into a trap, even if she really didn't want to admit that it was a very real possibility, before she sighed as she focused on why they were here in the first place, hence why she took a moment to pull out the Helix-o-Morph, "Come on, let's get in there and put an end to this madness."

"Not so fast," a voice said, where they found Mr. Fizzwidget, who was armed with a Lancer, warping into the area that was right in front of them, as in between them and the door they had been focused on, while at the same time all sorts of foes, an army of Troopers to be exact, warped into this section of the facility as well, surrounding Ratchet, Autumn, Starswirl, and Angela in a way that meant they had weapons pointed at them from every direction, "Did the four of you really think that you could break into Megacorp and do as you pleased?"

"Come on Qwark, we know it's you." Starswirl remarked, figuring that if they were being ambushed in this manner, and the army looked like they were itching for an excuse to attack them, he and his siblings might say something before they took this matter into their own hands, especially since he could see that Autumn was readying herself in case they were right in thinking that Mr. Fizzwidget had been replaced by Qwark.

"You guys are smart, I'll give you that." the man said, where he reached back and pulled on something that split the small disguise apart, allowing them to see that it was definitely Qwark standing in front of them, though none of the Troopers seemed to care, meaning he must have corrupted them or edited all of their protocols in some manner, before he pointed his gun at them again, "What gave me away?"

"Oh, you know, 'Qwarktastic'... that, and you did several things that Mr. Fizzwidget never did," Angela answered, as she and the others knew that the latter was how she figured out something was wrong and reacted accordingly, while the former had been the final key to understanding that the man they were dealing with wasn't her boss, hence why she fully joined Ratchet and his siblings as they uncovered Qwark's plans, "not that it matters, since we'll have the last laugh and bring an end to your foolish plans."

"I'll have to remember that for the future," Qwark stated, where he gestured to the side with his gun and the group, while knowing that they could overpower him at any moment with the magic that Autumn and Starswirl possessed, something that allowed everyone to see that he had set up some cameras for their arrival, "As you no doubt know, I'm about to save the galaxy from the Protopets and the lot of you are about to become public enemy number one... and two, three, four, and five. Once I have shown the people of this galaxy that I have beaten the Protopets, and have restored the peace, I will turn my attention to the lot of you and bring you to justice as well, which shall complete my plans to become the greatest hero that has every lived: Captain Qwark!"

Ratchet, his siblings, and Clank glanced at each other, as this was normal for a moron like Qwark, the wanting to get his old position back, though Angela stood there for a few seconds as the man snatched the Helix-o-Morph from her, but she did know not to fight back, not yet anyway, allowing them to watch as he stood near all of his cameras.

"Ahem. Citizens of Bogon, I am Captain Qwark." Qwark stated, informing the people of the galaxy that there was a brand new hero in town, which they may or may not care about once they heard what he had to say, and, sure enough, he did move his hands while he was talking, like he was addressing children, "I come to you in this, your darkest of hours, to shine the flashlight of justice on your galaxy."

The siblings and Angela had to resist the urge to laugh at that, as the 'flashlight of justice' sounded like something that a child or a moron would come up with, though with all of the guards nearby they had to hold back their laughter, since they were sure that the guards would turn on them if a single laugh was let out.

"As you know, a living menace called the Protopet has been set loose in your galaxy. But fear not Bogonites, for I, Captain Qwark, have caught the perpetrators!" Qwark continued, where he glanced at the device in his hands and messed with it while he was talking, even pulling the battery out and putting it back in after checking it out, before turning his attention to the cameras, "Yes good citizens, these are the masterminds behind Megacorp's experiment with death! Stay tuned, dear viewers, as I amplify the signal from this Helix-o-thingy and render every Protopet in the galaxy completely harmless. Allow me to demonstrate."

While one could have questioned how Qwark even knew what sort name Angela gave the device, even if he butchered it in no time, they didn't have a chance as he turned the device on the main Protopet and everyone watched as it shuddered for a moment before expanding into a massive beast, one that ended up eating Qwark as the guarded retreated, though it smashed through a wall and jumped onto a large circular platform. The group glanced at each other for a few moments, as they weren't expecting something like this to happen before they confronted the moronic ex-hero, though they could see that the Protopet was a dark purple beast that had red eyes and easily towered over all of them, causing Ratchet and his siblings to sigh as they pulled out their weapons. Angela followed suit as they used their Swingshots to cross the gap that was in front of them, though when they landed she and the others opened fire on the Mutant Protopet, where it jumped for a moment and surrounded itself in a barrier, like the Shield Charger, to which they dodged the attack before firing on it a few seconds later. As it rolled along the platform there was one other thing the group noticed, several crates phased into existence on the platform, no doubt teleported over to it by one of the guards, and it caused their foe to walk over to one of them, not that it got to eat one of them since Starswirl and Autumn used their magic to grab the containers and moved each one over to where they were standing.

Of course Starswirl also threw several spells into the mix, hurling Fireballs and Ice Spikes at their foe, not to mention a few Lightning Bolts as well, which caused the Mutant Protopet to stagger for a time as they waged war with it, and when there was an opening Autumn launched a volley from the RYNO II, which smashed into the side of the beast. While they did that several of the guards decided to come into the fight and fired at the group, to which Autumn tossed Ratchet her RYNO II as she shifted into her Dark Form, sending out bursts out magical energy that smashed them to pieces, though she only had to deal with half the area since Starswirl had the other half. Ratchet and Angela, on the other hand, focused on their foe as they opened fire on it, allowing them to smash through the Mutant Protopet's defenses with ease as they avoided any and all incoming attacks, showing the others that their warrior sides were coming to the surface once more, causing Starswirl to smile as he watched the pair in action. Such a thing made him wonder what Ratchet's sister would be like, if they ever met her anyway, before he hurled one of the tanks into their foe's side and caused it to stagger once more as his brother and his girlfriend blasted it in the face with their missiles, dealing some impressive damage to it before it had a chance to do anything to them.

In the end the battle ended with the Mutant Protopet collapsing on the ground while they took no damage, though while that happened it also threw up Qwark, who moaned for a moment before, somehow, upchucking the Helix-o-Morph, so Angela was able to pick it up and mused what might have happened to it to cause such a mutation to the Protopet, since it wasn't supposed to do that. She and Clank found out what the problem was within a matter of seconds, as Qwark had put the batteries in wrong when he was messing with the device, though as she corrected the issue they found out another interesting development, the real Mr. Fizzwidget had been freed from where Qwark had tied him up. As he stopped near them, however, the Mutant Protopet stood up and roared for a moment, where Angela used the device and it was quickly restored to a small puff ball that was overly affectionate, which was exactly what she had been tasked with doing before her boss had been replaced.

"We... we did it!" Angela said, as she honestly couldn't believe that they were able to solve the mystery behind the odd and strange behavior of her boss, find the one responsible for all the madness she had endured, and calm the Protopets, even if she knew there would be some cleanup before they did anything else, "So, um... what now?"

"Now we rest, then we'll clean up Qwark's mess." Ratchet stated, though as he said that Autumn reverted back to her base form and showed them that she was smiling, as she was happy to have beaten another foe and save another galaxy from some sort of mad scheme, though his focus was on Angela and both of them had a smile on their faces.

Mr. Fizzwidget, of course, was happy to solve this madness and informed them that he would be holding a party in their honor, and that he would fix whatever Qwark had done during his time pretending to be him, though the siblings, Clank, and Angela were eager to see what the future held for them and the rest of the Bogon Galaxy.

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