• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Commando: Dobbo

It took some time for Ratchet to get them to Dobbo, though along the way Clank found another Behind the Hero episode for them to watch, telling about how the Galactic Court fined Quark a grand total of six billion Bolts in damages to those who bought the Personal Hygienator, an impressive amount given everything he had done, and maybe he could have paid it had he not been bought off by Drek and all his money had been tied to the Blarg. What the siblings found to be very hilarious was that he actually tried to escape to Pokitaru, where people loved to visit and where he would be recognized far too easily, especially when the authorities had found that he intended on hiding out for a time before making his escape to one of the lesser known planets in Solana, where he wouldn't be recognized. After that he was placed in custody and that he was awaiting trial, no doubt to be forced to work to pay expenses for those he had wronged, or just jailed entirely, for the rest of his life or for a time, but what surprised them was that he apparently escaped by flushing himself down the toilet of his cell, allowing him to escape to freedom as the authorities resumed searching for him. As the video ended Angela asked what sort of connection they had to Qwark, where Ratchet told her that he had been a hero in Solana, but decided to throw his lot in with Drek and that he tried to imprison them in the same place as a violent creature that wanted to kill them, so it was like he wanted them to die, and they got revenge on him later, both by blasting him out of the air and informing the Galactic authorities of his crimes

As Ratchet said that Autumn thought about some of the odd things that Qwark had been able to do in his adventures, the facts that many deemed as additions to make things more exciting and fun, such as holding his breath in space and being able to survive a journey between planets, making her wonder if he might have the latent power to believe certain things were possible and have those events succeed, like flushing himself to freedom, before she figured that they would have time to think about it once this mission was done.

Dobbo, as it turned out, was a planet that reminded the siblings of Orxon, only it wasn't polluted by toxins and whatnot, as it had all sorts of factories, buildings, pipes leading between one part of the planet to another, large smoke stacks, and no doubt had some defenses that would activate in the event that some invaders came to bother Megacorp, though given the luck they've been having lately they would fall under attack in no time. It would mean either Mr. Fizzwidget didn't want any of them to bother his plans, or whatever plans the one in control of everything had, or maybe an error might have struck all of the Megacorp machines and caused them to attack those that were employed by the corporation, but they were sure the former was right this time around.

"Okay, the structure to our left is the facility in question... I'm honestly surprised that we were able to land so close to it, as I heard it was supposed to be heavily guarded," Angela commented, speaking once they touched down on the landing pad that Ratchet had spotted when he flew through the atmosphere, giving him a chance to turn off the ship as she and the others climbed out, walking on the platform that lead to a teleport pad that should, according to her information, take the lot of them into the structure, before she glanced at the other path.

"We might want to split up this time around, cover our bases and make sure we leave nothing behind," Ratchet said, as all of the planets they had been on before seemed to have multiple paths, for the most part, and that meant there was a fair chance the other path might have something useful for them, a gadget for Autumn to tinker with, a weapon to add to their growing arsenal, or even the coordinates for another planet that might have useful items for them to obtain, though he did glance back for a moment, "unless we want to stick to the pattern and stay together."

"Given the danger of the Experiment, splitting up to save time might be the better course of action," Starswirl replied, due to the fact that they had no idea what Mr. Fizzwidget was planning, regardless if there was a puppeteer pulling the strings or not, something that caused Autumn to nod her head for a few seconds, hence why he focused on the two paths that were in front of them, "Ratchet, why don't you, Angela, and Clank see what's inside the facility? If Mr. Fizzwidget thinks we are stuck on Tabora, and haven't left yet, he might leave our employee status alone, meaning the devices inside the large facility should recognize us and not attack on sight... Angela, he might not be aware that you left either, so you might be able to convince the machines without any alarms being sounded."

"And if you run into trouble... well, you know what to do." Autumn stated, where she handed over the new weapon she had found inside the Vendor, a rocket launcher called the Minirocket Tube and happened to be just like her Devastator in terms of how to use it, already duplicated so everyone could have one, this time showing that she didn't care that she and her siblings were near potential Megacorp cameras, before tossing Angela a duplicate of her other device, which held the combined gadgets they had found in Bogon so far.

Once Ratchet was sure that Angela was outfitted, and Autumn made sure she had an idea of what the gadget could do, a bit of information which came as a surprise to her when she heard that it had the Tractor Beam, Dynamo, and Swingshot inside it, but once she was sure that she was ready to go, or at least as good as she could be given the situation, she and Ratchet used the teleporter to head inside the facility. The first thing they discovered was a trio of Sentries, flying drones that made sure an area was secure and opened fire on anything that was caught in their searchlights, which were moving around the part of the path that was in front of them, not to mention some green Bladeballs beyond them, to which the pair had to be careful as they moved forward, Clank keeping an eye on what was behind them. Of course that happened to be the first plan of action, bypass the Sentries so they could silently move forward, though all three of them sensed that they had intruders and turned on both Ratchet and Angela, causing the pair to open fire on them and several enemies, as in those that happened to be further along the path, even if it meant that the defenses became active. Ratchet told Angela not to worry about it, as sometimes the best plans that he and his siblings had come up with, and those refined by Clank, had chances of going up in smoke and this appeared to be one of those instances, though he opened fire on the rest of the enemies that were in front of them as Angela joined him.

Of course during their trek through the facility, which included bypassing the electricity that a defensive measure had and smashing it to pieces, Ratchet found some large humanoid red colored robots that had yellow eyes, Troopers according to the information that Angela had for him, though while he blasted his foes into the walls Angela used her saber to cut down a duo that happened to be coming after her, allowing her to emerge unscathed.

"I know you prefer the inventor side of things, but I think the warrior side is showing right now," Ratchet remarked, where he blasted a Trooper to pieces as he and Clank watched as Angela avoided the attacks of another foe, before she swung her saber and slashed through it's body, the energy blades separating it into pieces and left it in a pile on the floor, but he was telling the truth, she was skilled in fighting and could make a great hero if she decided to make a chance to her life, as in joining him and his siblings for example.

"Sorry, just... venting some of my frustrations." Angela replied, though she had a feeling that Ratchet knew she was lying at the moment, as she wasn't angry anymore, due to the fact that she had vented her anger over the Experiment before she even set the plan in motion, nor was she annoyed that it was back in Mr. Fizzwidget's hands, something she felt was due to being in Autumn and Starswirl's presence, rather she was just following her instincts a little as she focused on saving the galaxy from the danger it was in.

"Relax, Angela, we will deal with the Experiment," Clank said, as he knew that Angela was thinking about her failed mission, in some manner anyway, and he knew that Ratchet understood what the other Lombax had to be thinking about, she had gotten lost in the moment of battle, meaning the warrior gene might be more prominent in her, like Ratchet based on all he had seen so far.

Angela nodded for a moment before heading forward, deciding not to speak on the matter anymore, before they used a lift to head down into the lower section of the facility and opened fire on some enemies that were down there, namely the Troopers and some Sentries, before finding another lift that brought them to an area where a few Dynamo devices were located, allowing them to reach a platform of sorts that had a holodisplay at the end of it, one that caused Clank to climb off of Ratchet's back as he and the Lombaxes approached it.

"It appears that the power is out in this part of the facility," Clank commented, as Ratchet had approached the holodisplay and they discovered that the device wasn't even online or even functional, something that caused Angela to sigh as she thought about something, no doubt thinking of ways to make everything work far better so something like this wouldn't happen in the future.

"Well, let's call the maintenance bot and see what the problem is," Angela said, since it seemed odd that everything that was beyond this platform seemed to be functioning well and this was the only thing that wasn't on, to which Ratchet just nodded his head, as he had been thinking the same thing, as he pressed the button in question and they waited for a few seconds, to which a floating humanoid bot flew up and smashed into the device, before it hit itself and retreated, causing them to look disappointed in in, as she pulled her hand from her face, "okay... let's follow it and see if we can fix whatever the problem is."

As it turned out the way to follow the maintenance bot was to use the Glider that Autumn found back on Tabora, where Ratchet and Angela kept up with their target as they flew above everything they had passed so far, before heading into a section of the facility that they hadn't been in before, one that brought them right to a terminal that they landed in front of, allowing the pair to use Ratchet's Electrolyzer to bypass whatever the problem was, before using a teleport pad to head back to the terminal, where Clank was standing.

"Whatever you did worked, the power is back in this part of the facility," Clank said, meaning that they were successful in their mission, that now all that needed to be done was figure out what sort of information the holodisplay had for them, as it would influence the next stage of their mission, before he sighed for a moment and beckoned to the device that he had been staring at as his friend left him to find the problem.

"What the?! Now even the computers are charging us?!" Ratchet exclaimed, seeing the ten thousand price tag that was resting right on the front of the screen, meaning it, an inanimate object that would be stuck here until Megacorp tore this place down, was demanding that they pay Bolts to see whatever piece of information might be on it, and even Angela was taken aback by this knowledge, "That's it, this galaxy, for the most part, blows worse than Qwark... the only good thing that has happened is us meeting Angela..."

Angela seemed to blush for a moment, like she was surprised to hear Ratchet say that, before the three of them sighed as he pulled out his Bolt Card and paid off the computer, silently wishing that Autumn was here so she could have hacked into the terminal to bypass this, before he and the others watched the most recent file that was related to the Experiment, one that was older than they expected. Not a few moments later they watched a report from a Megacorp scientist, who was called James T. Fullbladder, an odd name for sure, who mentioned that anyone watching this was fired, a stupid thing to say depending on how dangerous the Experiment was, before going into something that worried them more than they originally thought when they came here for information. The Experiment had some rather violent tendencies and those who came before Angela had been trying to make sure it didn't attack whoever harmed or threatened it, only their strange tests, like stabbing it with swords for example, only seemed to make it angrier as time went on and it eventually lead to a number of odd chances, like growing and becoming more aggressive as time went on. It even ate the handlers that were in charge of it, though this explained why Angela was never harmed by the creature, save for what she had been through as she prepared the rocket, as she had been rather kind to the Experiment and it took it until Siberius to figure out that she was trying to destroy it before something happened, and the scientist even mentioned that the Experiment should be taken to a disposal facility in space.

With that information in hand, and they were the first ones to view it so not even Angela had known how dangerous the Experiment had been, Ratchet decided to call Mr. Fizzwidget and tried to explain the situation to him, even though Angela found that their boss was more interested in his coffee, didn't care about how dangerous the Experiment was, and clearly had no idea that the deep space disposal facility even existed, going so far as to claim that 'Qwarktastic' was the password, even if she had no knowledge on the place. After speaking to Mr. Fizzwidget, and downloading the coordinates for the area that the facility was located in, Clank climbed back onto Ratchet's back as the Lombaxes headed for a teleporter that had appeared behind them, one that took them outside, giving them time to talk and discuss their next move while waiting for Autumn and Starswirl to return with whatever they found on their path.

While Ratchet and Angela were busy inside the facility, Autumn and Starswirl opened fire on the red colored ankle biters and a number of robotic guards who happened to be in front of them, the latter appearing to be far more armored than the enemies they had faced since coming to this galaxy, meaning things were about to become much harder for them, not to mention Ratchet and Angela. It took a few moments to clear out their enemies before Autumn used the Dynamo on a pair of devices, revealing a set of circular platforms for them to jump on as they moved forward, which included blasting a few more ankle biters to pieces as they followed the path, even if it brought both of them to some Troopers, who also fired at them within a few seconds of seeing Autumn approach them. Starswirl opened fire on all of their enemies as Autumn focused on a tank that happened to be in the area as well, where they broke all of their targets, even though it seemed like the Troopers had some reinforcements that warped into the containers that happened to be along the path in question, to which they hoped that it was helping Ratchet and Angela in their own mission. After breaking the tank, which had been a little tougher until Autumn used the Minirocket Tube to blast it to pieces, allowing them to quickly use the Swingshot for a few seconds and enter a new structure, one that happened to be more like a passage between one part of the area to the next, even though they seemed to be heading away from where the facility was resting.

"You know, I expected such a heavy resistance inside the facility, and in the immediate area around it," Autumn remarked, though at the same time she and Starswirl ducked behind some metallic containers that happened to double as shields, so they could stay safe for a time and not be blasted to pieces, especially since there were a fair number of enemies that were in the area that they had discovered, "but you have to admit that this is ridiculous."

What she meant by that was that the first couple of groups they had dealt with had been rather small, like four ankle biters and two to eight Troopers, though this area seemed to have an army of Troopers and a few tanks guarding the area, as if they were waiting for the two of them to arrive, or maybe all four of them considering that Ratchet and Angela had been with them earlier, so she and her brother had to fight an army to reach whatever was at the end of this path.

"I know what you mean," Starswirl replied, where he turned for a moment and launched a bit of magic with the rocket that he fired as well, blasting a hole into the force that was trying to stop them from advancing down this path, though he had to pull back for a moment to avoid being blasted by some of the Troopers, but as that happened he glanced at his sister for a second, "still, this seems like the best time for our secret weapon."

Autumn nodded as Starswirl blasted a pair of tanks that happened to move into the area behind them, to fire at the two of them while they were distracted by the larger force, before she switched weapons and pulled out her RYNO II, where she opened fire on the force that was guarding the way forward and wiped them out, though they remained still for a time as she made sure that no more Troopers were coming. Once she was sure that this area was cleared they made their way up a ladder before reaching the next building that happened to be in their way, to which the pair opened fire on some more Troopers and a few ankle biters, even though Autumn focused on crushing a tank that was further ahead of them, just to make sure nothing stopped them from reaching the end of this path. After that the pair found some more Troopers after they swung over to another structure, a force that was somewhat larger than what they had faced so far, but happened to be nowhere near the level of the army they had faced earlier, so they were able to smash their way through their enemies and didn't have to slow down this time around. Other than that there wasn't much for either of them to worry about, as both of them had Autumn's modified wrist gadget, which she made sure everyone had after some time, so all they had to do was use a Swingshot target, take out two more Troopers, and then create some Dynamo platforms before reaching what had to be the end of the platform of the structure, before finding a set of targets.

The targets in question just so happened to be of the Swingshot variety and it allowed them to get to an island of sorts, an odd thing when they considered everything that was around the facility, before discovering a buff man standing near what looked like a giantification pad, though he was wearing a torn set of attire that had a few numerical symbols on it, causing them to raise their eyebrows for a moment as they approached him.

"Nobody, I mean nobody gets by the Mathematician!" the strange man stated, pounding his chest for a moment while he held what appeared to be a calculator and some other item, while also allowing them to see that he had a tie on, which the pair felt was rather weird since it was out of place with the rest of his math related attire, especially since it didn't have any math symbols on it.

"Really? That's your name?" Starswirl inquired, mostly because he was curious, since it wasn't very intimidating and didn't inspire fear in him, as it seemed like the man might be someone who went to arena matches or something, so it was like he was trying to show off another persona of his, something Autumn seemed to guess as well, "I guess all the good names were taken."

"Watch your mouth, zero, before the Mathematician subtracts your head from your shoulders!" the Mathematician said, showing them that he didn't like people making fun of his name, even though it was just a comment and wasn't an insult at all, though Starswirl simply shrugged and readied himself, because if a fight brought out he was going to be ready for it and not back down.

"Listen, as someone who crunches numbers when making weapons and gadgets, can I ask what this is all about?" Autumn asked, figuring that she could cut to the heart of the matter and get this over with, before something bad happened, but if this was for another arena it seemed to be the weirdest way to go about showing it off to others, especially with the stand that was nearby.

"That moon's where we divide losers from winners," the Mathematician replied, pointing up at Dobbo's moon, which had a small city resting all over it and was likely where the inhabitants of Dobbo went after Megacorp built their facility on this planet, before he turned his focus on them once more, "before adding 'em to the Megacorp Games, there's a challenger up there ready to reduce you to nothing!"

Starswirl chuckled as he weaved his magic over him and his sister before launched themselves up to the moon, where he found the Thug Leader piloting what appeared to be a large mech, though he paused when he noticed both of them not a few steps away from where he was standing, meaning he had to be killing time while he waited for his 'boss' to call him for more of his forces. Without wasting any time the pair rushed forward and let loose with their magic, blasting the mech as their foe opened fire on them, which was followed by the two of them moving away from each other while hurling fireballs and throwing lightning bolts at their target, who turned around and threw punches at everything that was around him, as he smashed buildings and damaged overs as he tired to break them. Autumn wasted no time in channeling her inner fire, which wrapped around her once more in an aura and didn't alter her body at all, where the fireballs were far larger than a few of the others she had thrown and they seemed to knock their foe backwards for a time, opening the way for Starswirl to slash at the metal with the wind. Other than that the Thug Leader didn't seem to have any tricks up his sleeves, save for calling on Thugs in choppers to fire at them, which Autumn dealt with quickly by waving her hand at them and used a wave of magic to take them down, before she and her brother broke the mech with ease, causing the Thug Leader to declare that he would have his revenge as his machine shattered, allowing them to return to the Mathematician with news of their success over the 'challenger'.

As it turned out the Megacorp Games were being held on planet Joba, where it said they would be dealing with all sorts of 'mega' stuff, like a cage match and a large spider robot, and that the place in question also had races that could be done, a fact that meant they might gain something new from taking on whoever was racing, but after that Autumn and Starswirl, now having the coordinates for the next world, returned to their ship and joined Ratchet, Angela, and Clank, to which they blasted off and traded information before deciding on where to go next.

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