• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Nexus: Igliak

Talwyn and Qwark, as Ratchet and his siblings expected, weren't too happy with the fact that they were now working with the Twins, especially given everything that Vendra and Neftin had done since running everyone out of the Zarkov Sector, but, due to the nature of the threat they were facing, remained silent on the matter. From what they could tell Mr. Eye was in no mood to destroy things that were meaningless to his plans, confirming that his only mission right now was to ensure that they couldn't use the Dimensionator to return him and the Nethers back to the Netherverse. His target was Igliak, where the museum holding a fake copy of the device, purely cosmetic for the sake of an exhibit it was built for, rested, so they had to get to the planet first, hence why Ratchet was seeking an area close by that was void of buildings and people. He didn't want anyone to get caught in the crossfire of the battle that would unfold once their target arrived, so Talwyn found them a spot to do their battle in as Qwark did his best to warn everyone about the incoming danger, causing some of the population to flee to bunkers that had been made in case of another invasion.

Vendra and Neftin, however, were surprised by the amount of reinforcements that the siblings could call on, especially on such short notice when she thought about it, and simply watched from their seats as the Helios reached Igliak in no time at all, causing the Twins to be simply amazed by the siblings once more.

An area's been cleared, ready for your fight with Mr. Eye, or whatever his name is. Talwyn said, speaking to the group as they touched out on the outskirts of the area in question, a large area that would house someone of Mr. Eye's size, all while having several towers that could house several people that could work on the Dimensionator, We've got word that he'll be here in no time at all, so everyone had best get ready.

"Right. Autumn, Starswirl?" Ratchet inquired, where he turned towards his siblings for a moment and they watched as the pair opened the way to the magical storage area that the true Dimensionator was housed in, which was withdrawn from it's resting place without delay and handed over to Neftin, "Good. Now, from what I can tell, my dad has set up shop in one of the towers, so let's head over there and get ready for this fight.

What was interesting was that inside the tower the group discovered another Vendor, carrying the Netherbeast weapon, a new addition that Autumn had made in such a short period of time while utilizing a lesser Nether, likely a pet of some kind in it's home dimension, while containing the resident energy of the Netherverse to preserve it.

"I know you're an inventor, but... wow, I wasn't expecting this." Vendra remarked, as she had never seen one make a new weapon in such a short period of time, much less from a new source of energy that they were only just now encountering for the first time, all while wondering what else Autumn might be capable of in the future.

"If you think that's impressive, just wait until you see this." Autumn said, where she tapped a button and a container, one large enough for a very specific weapon, floated down to where they were standing, revealing a large dark grey weapon that had purple highlights, causing Ratchet to pause for a moment as he realized what he was seeing, especially since the Twins followed suit, "The RYNO VII, possessing multiple barrels that the bullets will fly out of and having far more power than even the RYNO VI Protosuit from our last adventure... and it plays Night on Bald Mountain while firing, just for a little extra flare."

"And that's not counting what she's got planned for the RYNO VIII... she's confirmed that the plans for it exist, as terrifying as that sounds." Ratchet commented, as he knew that Clank and a few others were worried that she was planning on the eighth weapon in the RYNO series being a Dimensionator style weapon, and if that was true it would be devastating in her hands, or whoever hands it ended up in, and the Twins seemed caught off guard by this new discovery.

"I know you two are interested in her weapons, but we need to focus." a voice said, where Ratchet found his father waiting in the center of the tower he had picked out after hearing that his assistance was required, with the equipment he needed to work on the Dimensionator, causing him to beckon Neftin over so they could get to work, "As soon as we start working on the device that creature is going to sense us and come running, so you guys had best get into position before he and his forces arrive."

"The device is in worse shape than I thought it would be... just look at these markings." Neftin remarked, gesturing to a set of burn markings on the exterior, which Ratchet was sure had come from Tachyon, before he and Kaden opened it to start their work on the insides, though the grim look on his face spoke volumes about the Dimensionator's condition, "This is a technological marvel... just look at everything that went into making the device and powering it to the point where it can safely punch holes in the barrier between dimensions... and something snapped off the primary reflux coil, which isn't the best thing to see at the start of our work."

"Indeed, though we have the three and three quarters cubit hexagonal washer that we used back when it was damaged in the fight against Tachyon." Clank said, where he opened his chest compartment and withdrew the item, as he had pulled it out after the second adventure to prevent someone from using it, just in case something happened to it before either of the siblings could store it in their storage areas, which he handed over to Neftin.

"Ratchet... you aren't going to like this: even with Kaden helping, we'll only have enough power to open the portal back to the Netherverse, and maybe a little more to push the Nethers through it." Neftin commented, as he could tell that there was far more damage to the insides of the Dimensionator than any of them even knew, and from what he could see even Kaden was in the dark about it, mostly because he was trying to stop him and Vendra from breaching the barrier that Mr. Eye had passed through, "After that... there's a chance that we'll burn it out completely."

"Neftin, no! Please, we can't ask him to make that kind of sacrifice!" Vendra said, because while she was more than willing to do anything to repent for her crimes against Polaris, especially since she and her brother had allowed Mr. Eye to invade this dimension, she understood what her brother hadn't said, especially after learning about Ratchet's quest.

"You said there's a chance, probably fifty-fifty... we'll just have to risk it." Ratchet replied, as while it was sweet that Vendra was concerned about his quest to find Rivet and bring her home, or help her secure her dimension with no way back, he knew that sometimes sacrifices had to be made, for the good of all dimensions, so this was a gamble on his part, though as some of them opened their mouths an alert sounded, "That's our cue. Let's do this!"

Vendra floated there for a moment, noticing the look in Ratchet's eyes, a brief flash of pain that he hid from them, and as she opened her mouth to say something he and his siblings jumped into the space on the northern side of the tower, as it allowed them to descend into the arena they had picked out. Sure enough Mr. Eye and his Nethers showed up, causing all of the assembled heroes to open fire on their targets, pulling the small force away from the creature as the siblings fired on him, informing Talwyn and the others that the battle was starting at last. What they discovered was that Mr. Eye's claws released small shockwaves from where he struck, which they had to dodge as he tracked them, either because he wanted to end Autumn or Starswirl or he deemed Ratchet far more of a threat than his siblings. Another thing the siblings had to be mindful of was the fact that Mr. Eye was capable of destroying buildings with a swing of his arms, the armor looking far more sturdy than some of the structures around them, hence why they eventually took to the air with their devices, which made it impossible for him to target the various buildings.

As they did that Kaden and Neftin worked on the Dimensionator as Vendra waited for her moment to shine, which came as Ratchet and his siblings knocked Mr. Eye back at long last, something that spurred Neftin into donning the device, with Kaden's approval, before flying out as her brother readied himself.

"Autumn, Starswirl, join me!" Vendra stated, where she gathered her power and didn't have to hope that they understood her idea, as they jumped back and gathered their own energies as well, allowing them to mix the two types of magic into a single mass while Ratchet stood below them, watching as Mr. Eye regained himself.

"Dimensionator! Find the Netherverse and send the Nethers back home!" Neftin declared, activating the device like he and his sister did when one of them used their makeshift one, where reality shuddered for a moment as a series of cracks in the barrier appeared nearby, before bursting open into a large portal that started to suck in the remaining Nethers, just as he told the device to do.

In that moment Autumn, Vendra, and Starswirl loosed their attack, a magical surge of energy that was protected by all of Vendra's, so they wouldn't have to worry about damaging the barrier even more, that smashed into Mr. Eye and sent the creature screaming into the Netherverse, and once it was far enough away it exploded and tore him apart, which they were able to see before all of the portals closed.

"The deed is done." Kaden said, though at the same time Neftin undid the Dimensionator and handed it to him, since he was the only one capable of determining whether or not it was still operational or not, before he sighed as soon as he saw it and handed it over to Ratchet.

"Mr. Eye is gone and the Nethers have been sent back home... at great cost." Ratchet added, as he could see the truth of the situation, the Dimensionator was totally screwed, burned out from forcing open another portal after everything both he and Tachyon had used it for all those years ago, causing him to drop his hands as he left the device in Clank's hands for the time being, "I... need some time before we assess the damage the Nethers caused."

That instant pained Vendra more than she was willing to admit, Ratchet looked like hope had died or something and it told her that the Dimensionator was done for, though as he walked off, to come to terms with this before focusing on another method to fulfill his quest, she was determined to fix her mistake and help him find his sister, after whatever sentence she and Neftin would be charged with in the very near future.

Author's Note:

And so ends the Nexus arc... next up, the one I've been eagerly waiting for.

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