• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

69 Zero Hour: The Battle of Ponyville

There were few familiar faces in Ponyville lately, with the evacuation only those who intended to fight remained. Twilight looked to her school as she got to the end of her tour of the town, (something that had become a habit for her over the last few days.) Garrus and Lucca were the only ones there now. They were keeping watch from the highest point of the school where they had set up to provide cover fire during the battle.

Honestly she was glad that Garrus wasn't fiddling with the shield generators anymore, or making defense suggestions that would weaponize the most random objects. He was certainly happy to help them prepare for the coming battle, but his enthusiasm seemed to get the better of him.

She looked up as she continued to walk. She had read about the darkness that always seemed to surround Grogar and with what she had learned about miasma this was probably what it looked like. How bad were things that they could actually see it? How strong were Grogar and Xellos with all this miasma to feed them?

“You look like you're taking a final tour.” James said with a smirk as he walked towards the Princess of Friendship.

“I could be.” She quietly said. “We have no idea how tomorrow's going to turn out.” She turned to face her friend, only now realizing that she had started a second tour of the town and was now standing near where Golden Oaks Library used to be. She chuckled a moment. “Funny … this is where both of us were welcomed to Ponyville. It's gone now because of a fight we both had to save Equestria. And here we are again, at what could well be the end.”

James shook his head. “Start thinking like that and it may as well be.”

Twilight smiled as she looked to him. “I'm glad all my friends are here.” She knew right away the dismissive joke James was about to say and cut him off before he could start. “Yes, you're my friend. No matter how much you joke otherwise, or even how much you can really frustrate me at times.”

James smiled and looked away for a moment. Twilight had known him long enough to know the smile was genuine.

“And you're my friend, you and the rest of the girls too.” His smile faded slowly before he eventually spoke up again. “Thank you for putting up with me for so long. I've always been more trouble than I'm worth. … To be honest, I don't really have many friends. The people at the game nights Rainbow Dash loves so much are Lucca's and Tali's friends, I'm just their friend's husband.” He tried to smile for a moment, but he just couldn't force it. “My last really close friend, the one I told her about … he died a long time ago. Tali never actually met him, I just didn't want her thinking that I needed friends.”

Twilight took a step closer to him. “Everyone needs friends.”

“Yes. But after he died I closed myself off, I didn't let anyone get as close as you all have. Even those I considered my friends I kept at arm's length. I'd forgotten what friendship could be.”

They started walking side by side back towards the castle as they continued to talk. “And you taught me just how durable friendships can be.”

James chuckled slightly. “That sounds bad.”

Twilight joined him and chuckled herself. “It's not great.”

“Twilight!” Came a call from the distance. They both recognized the voice as coming from Rainbow Dash, who even now was flying right at them. She stopped suddenly, a wide smile on her face. She had the Replica Sword of Light hanging at her side and easily within her reach as she had been practicing with it since James had lent it to her.

“What's going on?” Twilight asked, daring to hope for some good news from Rainbow Dash's smile.

“The dragons are coming to help us!” She answered excitedly.

Just as Twilight was about to speak she was cut off when Pinkie Pie pounced on her. “Twilight! Prince Rutherford is here! He's brought a-a-a-a-a-l-l-l-l-l-l of Yakyakistan too.”

“I just heard from Thorax.” Spike said as he approached from behind. “He's coming and Pharynx is leading the swarm.”

“Don't count us griffons out.” Gabby happily said as she came to land near the group, accompanied by General Seaspray.

“I believe it was your friend here, who once said. “In times like this we do not bicker and quibble about who's responsibility it is. It's everyone's responsibility.” And the hippogryph forces stand ready to fight alongside our friends. Just tell us where you need us.” General Seaspray stepped forward and offered a polite bow as he spoke.

Twilight's heart beat faster and faster. She couldn't contain just how happy she was that everyone was so willing to help and smiled as tears rolled down her cheeks. They really did stand a chance!

James smiled back at her, she would need that confidence. If Xellos stayed out of the fight, they could probably win. But if he didn't …


Twilight was glad for her larger map table with as many people gathered around it as there were, with all of the other leaders seated between her friends along with Cadence and Shining Armor. James and herself were the center of attention as they had to once again go over their plans and coordinate with the newcomers.

James placed his hand on the map table, using it's magic to enhance his illusions as an image of Xellos formed above the table. “This is our biggest threat.” James bluntly said.

“He doesn't look that tough.” Ember scoffed.

“Yaks smash tiny creature!” Rutherford agreed.

“Looks can be deceiving.” James said as a black cone grew out of the table next to Xellos' image, followed by a featureless dark humanoid. “That was just what he normally chooses to look like. He's taken all of these forms before, the cone being his true form, but he isn't limited to them.”

“So he's like a changeling.” Thorax surmised.

“In many ways. But what's important right now is that he's the most powerful thing in Equestria right now. Physically I can beat him, so if any of you or your soldiers see him, get me immediately.” James explained before nodding to Twilight.

The images of Xellos faded, replaced with a single image of Grogar. “I don't know how many of you are familiar with Grogar.” Twilight said as the image rotated. “He once kept it so that all of Equestria had no single settlement larger than a town. He was a threat to all creatures, partially because of his bell which he can use to extract magic from anycreature and transfer it to himself. It wasn't until Gusty the Great built an army of unicorns that she was able to defeat him and seal away his bell.”

“So with all of us here the matter should be a rather simple one.” General Seaspray offered.

“Not really.” James said as Grogar's image faded away, replaced by the twisted form of a lesser demon. “Xellos apparently brought lesser demons with him, or was able to create them here (I don't know which, demon lore is hardly complete.) They are powerful monsters, but stupid. It will be tough, but we can beat them.”

“Yaks not afraid of weak demons! Yaks smash! Friends of yaks don't need worry.” Rutherford announced.

“Actually, the Dragons, unicorns, and changelings will be most useful as magic and fire will effect them more than smashing.” Ember got a smug look as she listened to the importance of her help. “But they are susceptible to physical attack, so don't hesitate to smash.”

“It sounds like we need to concentrate our efforts on getting this Grogar creature.” General Seaspray offered. “If he's the leader, once he's defeated the fight should end quickly. Or do you believe that Xellos will take over once Grogar is handled.”

“We don't know what Xellos will do.” Shining Armor said. “But whatever he's investigating, it has something to do with Twilight.”

“Investigating?” Thorax asked, turning a concerned look to Twilight.

“From what we've pieced together from Discord and Xellos himself is that he's trying to find out something about Twilight, something that requires putting her in life threatening danger.” James explained as once again the human image of Xellos rose from the map table.

“Then you're not going anywhere.” Ember said evenly, looking right at Twilight, glad that the other purple pony wasn't here to confuse her.

“No.” Twilight quietly said. “Because of that I'm going to lead the charge into the Everfree Forest with my friends. The only way this truly ends is giving Xellos what he wants, and that means me fighting … I think.”

“Yaks support pony friend!” Rutherford agreed.

“Gotta hand it to you. You ponies are tougher than I thought.” Ember admitted.

“Are you sure about this Twilight?” Thorax asked. “I can have any number of changelings take your place, at least to provide a distraction.”

Twilight just shook her head. “I don't have the right to risk them.”

“Besides.” James cut in. “Xellos might not be fooled. Mazoku put little stock in shape and he could possibly see right through the ruse. It's better to have the swarm working on defense.”

“So all we're doing is defending an empty town?” Ember asked.

“We're showing them that we won't be intimidated by them.” Twilight corrected. “Besides, we have to stop Grogar. Now that he has his bell back he can destroy all of Equestria if we don't.”

“Given how dangerous this is, and how many fighters we have, nobody should hesitate to retreat if they're hurt.” Shining Armor said as the image of Xellos was replaced by one of Twilight's castle with a pink bubble around it. “I'm placing a shield around the castle and leaving a small area open here …” The image rotated to focus on a hole that lined up with the school. “It's not a strait shot to the entrance of the castle, giving us some area to defend inside the shield, but that's better than just letting them walk straight inside.”

The image once again faded out as a map of Ponyville took it's place and began pinpointing locations. As the locations were marked images of the general group composition appeared above it, demonstrating ideal functionality and actions for each. Unicorns using magical blasts, dragons breathing fire, changelings moving as a swarm. New Guradians (represented by an Asari) firing rifles as Yaks, and crystal and earth ponies attacked at close range. As this was displayed James spoke.

“We're reassigning groups right now. To cover any weaknesses each group will have at least one unicorn, dragon, earth and crystal pony, and yak, with New Guardian soldiers providing cover fire. Changelings are going to attack in a swarm where they are most effective. Gryphons and hippogryphs will provide air support while pegesi bombard the demons with weather.”

The image once again changed as lines spread across Ponyville linking with large emerald green bubbles. “We've placed shield generators at these locations and have New Guardians stationed at each to allow allies inside. These are caches with medical supplies, white mages, weapons, and even food and drink. The shields provide a safe place to rest and are armed with ranged weapons, however these weapons are of limited effectiveness against lesser demons and the shields can be overpowered so use them sparingly.”

“We're not the only ones out there either.” Cadence added.

James nodded as several images appeared above the map and new markers took their place. “A little battle chaos can be of use to us so we have several roaming groups fighting in various places and will likely come to the aid of anyone who may need them. And Discord will be doing … whatever he wants to do.”

“About that.” Shining Armor said suddenly. “Can't he simply snap his claws and fix this whole thing if he feels so bad about it?”

James shook his head. “Xellos and lesser demons are powerful magical creatures from another reality. Unfortunately Discord doesn't have the necessary power to fight them. His reality altering magic isn't enough to simply negate them, he'd have to match the strength of the strongest demon lords to pull that one off. And if he had time to build up the momentum behind his power to do so Equestria wouldn't survive the chaos. Add that to him not possessing any directly combative magic and he's just not up for the task. Fortunately the lesser demons can't hurt Discord directly with their magic, Xellos on the other hand uses channeled black magic like mine. Then there's Grogar's bell that makes it too dangerous to let Discord near him.”

“So what good is he?” Ember huffed.

“He's determined to help.” Fluttershy answered. “We can at least give him the chance.”


It was hard to tell when night was now with the thick dark clouds that no Pegasus could disperse. To compensate flood lights had been set up at every shield generator providing a goal for any who needed the escape. And street lights were perpetually lit now just so everyone could make their way around town.

The largest light that night, though, was the bright pink ball that surrounded the Castle of the Princess of Friendship. Shining Armor's shield had only one weakness, and it was heavily guarded. The tension in the town could be felt by everyone as the attack was to happen any hour now and all they could do was wait. They'd done everything they could think to do, not that they could do anything else useful this close to the anticipated battle.

A loud blast from the school told them that Lucca or Garrus had seen something, and that the fight was now coming.

On cue there was a flurry of activity from the town as pegesi rose from their stations. The Wonderbolts were the first into the air, followed closely by several pegesi of the EUP in formation.

Lesser demons flowed so densely from the forest as to appear to be an undulating, salivating wall moving towards the town. From high in the air in sets of two jars of lightning fell, crashing with the burst of light as they broke.

“Let's give them some thunder ponies!” Spitfire called as they made another pass and swooped low, a blast sounding out as they barely missed slamming into the ground. The shock wave of which sent several demons sprawling on their backs.

The pegesi were buying them time to get their defenses organized.

The swarm rose up from the buildings and gathered as thick as the clouds above, their bright colors creating a prismatic effect as they moved around in anticipation of the fight to come.

Clouds were brought down from careful positioning by the remainder of the pegesi of the EUP. With a kick each began to release a heavy drift of snow. Griffons and Hippogryphs beat their wings creating gusts that carried the snow drifts into the coming horde, slowing them down further.

Every few seconds there was another crack and flash of light as more lightning was dropped among the demons.


Ponyville wasn't the only place swarming with activity. In Twilight's castle there were last second preparations to make.

The explosion and subsequent activity woke Rainbow Dash who jumped out of bed, held the replica Sword of Light between her teeth and focused. With a flash the blade appeared, it was as long as a broadsword and pure white. With a thought the blade vanished and she placed it in the sash she had to carry it. A chill ran down her back as she remembered why she had the sword. James had built it, had suffered for it, because the idea of fighting Xellos worried him. And he had handed it to her because she was afraid of the mazoku.

Her sense of security was more important to him than his means of facing Xellos. She turned away from the mirror, not wanting to look at herself right now. With a sigh she walked out of the room to meet with everyone in the foyer.

James stood straight with his palms facing each other and his elbows held up and out as he muttered something under his breath. Something he called the “cross stance”. He opened his eyes and walked over to Twilight and began chanting something quietly to himself. After nearly a minute he touched the tip of Twilight's horn. A bright pink light surrounded her before fading into nothing.

“How long is this going to take?” Twilight asked. “We need to get out there and help.”

James paused a moment as he looked to the group gathered. “I'm casting optimized heavy duty defensive spells. Total, it'll take about fifteen minutes. I can cut off a couple minutes if we forgo a couple support spells.”

“Save us all the time you can.” Twilight insisted.

“Of course.” James agreed before chanting another spell. As these were only lesser demons he could justify cutting out the time needed to cast the same spells on himself and save them a minute or two.

Cadence walked over to her husband and kissed his cheek. “It's up to you honey. Keep everyone in here safe.”

“Where are you going?” Shining Armor asked, no small amount of concern in his voice.

“I'll be the most help out there providing comfort to the injured.” She explained.

Shining Armor nodded, she was right after all. “Keep safe.” He said as she started to walk out the door.

Cadence smiled and looked back to Shining Armor. “Keep yourself safe. I want my husband back when I'm done out there.” She threw a wink his way as she walked out the door.


The battle had been pushed to the streets of Ponyville, and still the lesser demons further in. Numbers alone giving them a significant edge in the battle. Close by, Thorax and Pharynx had split the swarm into several groups in multiple forms to better engage the enemy.

“Hold evil doers!” Came a bright, clear voice from the top of the City Center. Four figures stood atop the building, wind blowing around their clothing and hair. The shortest of them held her fist up as her raven black hair blew around wildly, smiling wide after her statement.

“Those who attack the innocent and spread fear must face the justice of the righteous!” Came a booming voice from the largest of the group by far.

“You are standing in the way of these people's happiness!” Came another woman's voice as she ripped off her helmet and threw it to the ground. Revealing her blue skin, dark red hair, one yellow eye and sharp teeth exposed by her wide smile.

“And we will be their champions!” The first woman announced.

“Amelia.” The fourth figure finally spoke up, though only to his group. His white clothes a stark contrast to his dark blue skin mottled and stone and his lavender hair “Lesser demons don't care about any of this if they even understand it.”

“Zelgadis, whether they care or not, it is our duty to give them the chance to repent their ways. For none, not even demons, are beyond redemption.” Prince Phillionel said solemnly.

“And we look awesome up here!” Undyne laughed.

“Can we just fight the demons now?” Zelgadis asked, defeated.

“Yes!” Undyne was as done with waiting as Zelgadis was. A spear of blue light formed in her hand and she leaped off into the mob of demons that had gathered to fight them.

“My heart swells with pride to see another champion of justice take up cause with us.” Phillionel said, wiping a tear from his eye.

“I think she's just as violent as Lina.” Zelgadis muttered under his breath.

“Come on daddy, Zelgadis. We have justice to serve!” Amelia excitedly said moments before she and her father leaped high in the air, adjusting themselves and raising their fists high above them. “This is our ultimate! …” She announced.

“Father Daughter …” They both called as they reached the apex of their leap before twisting into their fall and pointing their fists downward. “Pacifist Crush!” Their fists appeared to ignite as they hurtled towards the demon that was their target. The impact was no less impressive as their attack, a sickly yellow powder inside a two foot deep crater was all that was left of the demon as the two royal justice enthusiasts moved quickly to their next target.

“At least I can come down now.” Zelgadis said to himself before using a levitation spell to float gently to the ground as he cast Astral Vine, imbuing his sword with arcane power. A little overkill for the task at hand, but with the numbers they couldn't exactly guarantee victory. The fight would be enough to take his mind off being forced to come here.


It was hard for the surly dwarf to not hear the commotion those four were causing a few streets over as his ax bit into the arm of another demon. But Bruenor was just happy to get some real battle in, that and help protect an innocent town from demons. He told himself that it wasn't because this was the pegasus child's home.

Drizzt danced around his target as it slammed it's powerful claw into the ground next to him. These weren't the most dangerous enemies he had faced, but they were unusually powerful and durable for being “lesser” demons. Were his scimitars not enchanted he may not have been able to take a single demon without help.

He heard a roar behind him and turned just in time to raise his swords and guard against a slash from another demon. His arms tingled as the hit nearly tore his swords from his grip. Now there was a demon on both sides of him ready to attack. He could defend against this, but with their power he would have to get them both on one side so he could more easily dodge.

Any plan he had went out the window as the demon roared and shot a magical blast towards him. He rolled quickly towards the demon's legs, but his left foot was caught in the blast keeping him at a crouch as he tried to get up.

Glancing back he could see the other demon readying to slash at him again. He brought his scimitars around behind him to at least minimize the impact. But the strike never came.

As he turned to find out what was happening a magical blast shot over him, striking the demon once more and knocking it over.

Bruenor hurled himself, ax first, at the demon that had just attacked his friend, cutting deep into it's reaching arm. “Yer getting' slow, elf.” He growled as he ducked under the demon's other arm, knocking his one horned helmet to the side.

“Easy living.” Drizzt said with a smile.

“We're hitting the road again once this is over.” Bruenor said with a smile. “Read of this Dwarven land in another world. We can take it back from the orcs and return it to it's proper people.”

Drizzt began to laugh. “I may have slowed down, but you've clearly picked up the momentum. We should probably finish this before planning out our next adventure.” Dropping Icing Death, he grabbed the arm of the demon in front of him and used it to pull himself up and forward, thrusting Twinkle deep into the monster's chest. The monster began to dissolve into a sickly yellow powder as he dropped back to the ground.

“Are you jokin', elf?” Bruenor said as he fixed his helmet and gave him a wide smile. “I've been plannin' this out for months.”

“Are you all right?” Came a gentle female voice. Despite the world they were in they weren't quite expecting to see the white unicorn with golden hair and piercing blue eyes coming towards them. She was wearing most of her golden royal guard armor, and what metal was still there was ripped to pieces showing a vine of ivy as her cutie mark.

Bruenor took Drizzt's arm and hefted the drow to his feet. After gingerly testing his foot he realized that he had to support himself on Bruenor's shoulder, he was pretty sure that his ankle was broken. He could force it to hold him if needed though. “I'll be alright.” He said moments before the unicorn's eyes went wide and she shot a blast of magic over his head.

“Let's get out of here, there's a field base near by.” She turned to look down the street they would need to go down. It was completely overrun. She sighed and shook her head. “This isn't going to be easy.”


Undyne was glad for her armor as a demon tossed her around. Their magic was nothing to her, but just like with humans (at least humans of her world) a physical hit could potentially be devastating. She made a mental note to thank Alphys when she got home.

Saving the world was just as awesome as she had imagined! There were even magical princesses fighting the demons here too! She couldn't help but smile as she dusted another demon and began to turn her attention another direction.

In the distance she saw several figures moving towards one of the field bases, but there were also a dozen demons in their way. With a wide smile and wild laugh she held her hand out and showered magical spears onto the path ahead of the group. She didn't dust any of the demons, but her goal was to keep them off the retreating group while they went for help.


“They just keep coming!” Zelgadis grumbled as he struck down another demon. A bolt of light shot over his head, striking the demon just behind the first one.

“Even if our lives are forfeit in this struggle it will have been worth it. Standing to defend those in need is a righteous task those in power have the awesome responsibility to take up.” Prince Philionel said as he punched another demon. Even though he didn't use magic his strength was considerable as the single punch sent the demon flying into another and knocking them both to the ground.

“Why didn't he ask Ms. Lina to help, again?” Amelia called as another demon crumbled to powder in front of her.

“Think about it, Amelia.” Zelgadis said, slashing a demon while a bolt of light from his palm struck another one. “She's a bigger threat to this town than the demons. And she'd probably bankrupt them asking for payment. And let's not forget that unicorn horns sell for a thousand gold each back home.”

Amelia glared/pouted at Zelgadis. “Ms. Lina would never hurt one of these adorable unicorns!” Even as she said the words she had to pause and think about them. “Well, probably not.”

Zelgadis just cocked his eyebrow at her. Neither would put it past her.


“Are we ready yet?” Twilight asked to nobody in particular as she paced. The longer the battle went on the more nervous she got, she needed to get out there and bring this to an end.

“Sorry it took me so long.” Starlight said as she came running up, her drill pendant hanging around her neck. “I'm good at coordinating, but this is such a mixed group it took forever to finally get everything straightened out.”

“Wait.” Twilight said, shocked. “You're coming too?”

“Of course.” Starlight took a step closer to her. “Whether or not I have a throne around your map, I'm your friend too. And other than James I'm probably the most informed about what we're facing.”

“Okay.” Twilight said with a nod. “I guess we can wait for James to do another set of defensive spells.” She looked to James as he finished placing another spell on Applejack.

“Got that covered already.” Starlight said, magically lifting her pendant. “Turns out James enchanted them.”

Twilight still had her worries, even though she needed to focus on other things right now. “But even James isn't sure we can do this.” She whispered.

Starlight shook her head. “Only if Xellos shows up.”

“And what if he does?” Twilight nearly shouted as her horn lit up while she shook Starlight. She had to take a moment to stop hyperventilating after she finished shaking her friend.

Once Starlight had her bearings she looked to Twilight. “Then we do everything we can.”

“What if it's not enough?” Twilight asked, her fears taking hold once again.

“When you all work together, you don't fail. And it's not just you, it's all of us! We're not going to fail, Twilight!” Starlight said confidently.

“I'm glad you're coming with us.” Twilight hugged Starlight quickly and smiled.

As the rest of the group approached it was easy to notice that James was already starting to slow down. “Are you alright?” Starlight cautiously approached him.

“It's just casting all those augmented spells has me a bit drained. Though I can still use the big stuff if necessary.” He said with a nod. Truthfully the magic he had cast drained him more than he wanted to admit, but it was important that they know he was tired so they don't lean on him too much. The last thing he wanted to do was let them down.

“Alright. Let's get going.” Twilight walked with her friends towards the front exit to her castle, already she could see the demons at the edge of the shield. Fortunately one of Garrus' less explosive suggestions was another layer of shielding before Shining Armor's shields to give him as much time as possible should it be needed.

As she started to walk by, Shining Armor reached out and hugged her. “Just a moment Twiley.” He quietly said. “I don't want you to go … but I know you have to. Just promise me that you'll come back. I can't lose my baby sister!”

Twilight swallowed the lump in her throat. “I'll be okay Shiny.”


The forest was finally beginning to empty of the legions of demons Xellos had managed to create. Grogar had to admit that he was quite pleased with Xellos right now. The lesser demons had been exactly as promised, strong and stupid. Perfect to wear down any opposition. All he needed to do was wait for a while before joining the fray and securing his defeat of the Princess of Friendship.

Xellos may have said that the princess was his to deal with, but it didn't seem that the mazoku was even around at the moment. If he happened to find the her first he'd just use his bell and claim her alicorn magic. It's not like Xellos could oppose him then.

He grinned as he began to cast a simple spell to see beyond the forest.

Many of the buildings in Ponyville were burning and the outskirts had been totally destroyed. He laughed as he saw the mismatched groups fighting his army. It was so satisfying to watch the ponies struggle futilely against his power. There was no unified unicorn army to counter his magic this time, just a menagerie of creatures trying to fight off what they couldn't even understand.

All he needed was a little patience.


The group looked out towards the Everfree forest, beyond the sea of lesser demons and their own mixed forces.

“How will we ever get to the forest?” Fluttershy asked, distressed.

“The only way we can.” Twilight said. “Right through the demons.”

Rainbow Dash reached down and took the Replica Sword of Light with her teeth, activating the weapon as she drew it.

“Stick together everypony.” Twilight said as she began to run towards the demons.

James held out his hand and a bolt of light shot from his palm, striking and destroying a demon. His bolt of light was followed shortly by a second fired by Twilight, more than ready to help in the battle. Now they had the attention of the demons.

Large groups broke away from their assault against the town (literally, as many were occupied until that moment destroying buildings.) No demon engaged with their forces broke away as they were too engrossed. But for the rest, their target had come into the open.

Several magical blasts converged into a single beam flying right for the group. Starlight leaped to the front of the group moments before contact. The ground tore free and pulverized under the force of the combined attack. In the debris the group stood unharmed, an large emerald shield floated in front them as Starlight's horn and pendant glowed. The shield dissolved away and the group continued their rush towards the forest, hoping to gain as much ground as they could before being bogged down in battle.

As they moved forward James began to barrage the demon's line with Elmekia Lance, focusing on the point closest to them. He was trying to make a break in the line that they could push through, unfortunately for every demon that he took out another three took their place. Even with Twilight and Starlight joining in the barrage there were simply too many for them to make a big difference.

James counted himself fortunate that the enhanced defensive magics he had cast were holding strong as he wouldn't get the chance to recast them later, if he even had the energy to try. Elmekia Lance was an easy spell and much less taxing than the defensive spells had been, but he was now more than twenty minutes into a spell slinging marathon. And unlike Twilight he didn't have the life of practice to continue the feat for much longer.

“I'll break 'em up.” James said as he stopped casting. “Just give me a second.” With that he closed his eyes and began to tense and loosen his muscles. He couldn't do this suddenly without causing a great deal of destruction himself. His ki rose up around him like a flame engulfing him, his long blond hair went rigid, and his dark blue eyes turned emerald.

Much to his surprise the exhaustion he felt from his extensive spell use not only carried on to this form, but he even felt more drained once the change was complete. He didn't have the luxury of wondering just why that was as he flew towards the group of demons, tossing them around as he did.

Rainbow Dash was right behind him, slashing at any demon he didn't strike. The sword was as good as promised and between the two they were actually making headway towards the forest.


Xellos watched invisibly over the battle. James had certainly helped them prepare, which was to be expected. Clearly he was spending a great deal of time here. One thing that caught his attention was the presence of Amelia and Zelgadis. This was worth investigating while he waited for Twilight to make her appearance.

Amelia's clothes were torn in several places and she was heavily bruised. Even as heavily injured as she was she refused to slow down. She had used a specialty spell of hers, Visfrank, to imbue her fists with magical power she continued to assault the demons. Zelgadis was as durable as ever, but even he was showing signs of fatigue as he continued to attack.

He was considering speaking with them to find the answer when the princess finally left her castle with her friends on tow. Unfortunately, though expected, James was with them. He would have to wait to sate his curiosity as he had still had work. … But they were a ways from the forest, he could afford to observe for now.


As they got closer to the woods James realized with no small measure of humiliation why he was getting more and more exhausted. While he had been exercising and fighting regularly, he'd done next to nothing to improve his stamina. He wasn't going to be able to hold this form for much longer and thanks to the form itself sapping his stamina, he could probably only get a handful of spells off when he dropped it.

It was then that he saw exactly what he had been afraid of.

Xellos casually floated high above the battle, seemingly just observing.

James released the form and began a spell, drawing on what power he still could. This was going to take almost all of his remaining magic to pull off, but he needed to isolate them from the demons for a moment. Once the spell was ready he released it. A bright golden light washed over the area, destroying several demons and simply pushing others back. He had created an area that no creature could enter without his approval. Maintaining it was draining him faster than Super Sayian had, but this was important. “Girls, come here quick!”

The ponies shook their amazement at the spell quickly at James's call and ran over to him. “What's going on?” Rainbow Dash asked as she landed nearby.

His response was to point towards Xellos, who politely waved at them as he watched. Rainbow Dash involuntarily recoiled at the sight of him.

“I'll keep him busy. All of you get to Grogar, you stop him and you spoil Xellos' plan.” James explained.

“But what about you?” Twilight said.

“Let your shield serve it's purpose. I'll defend you from Xellos so you can strike at the problem.” He calmly urged.

“You're not a tool!” Starlight said. “You're our friend!”

“I know. And I'll always be thankful for that. So as your friend, please, let me do this so you can do what you do best.”

Rainbow Dash wanted to fight him on this, wanted to drag him with them, but she had promised that she would leave him behind if asked. No matter how badly she wanted to, she couldn't break her promise. She approached him, griping the Replica Sword of Light with her foreleg and held it out to him. Her face was even, though James could see her reluctance to leave. “Here.” She calmly said. “You'll need this.”

James put his hand on the hilt and could feel that it's power was steady, given her apparent reluctance the sword should waver a moment. That's when it hit him, the Crystaling Crystal inside held within it will power as well. He kept his hand on the hilt and smiled as he placed his other hand on her hoof. “You keep it. The sword stores your light and love, amplified by your fighting spirit. Use that power and save Equestria!” He gently pushed the weapon towards her.

All of the ponies but Rainbow Dash smiled and nodded before walking to the edge of the established field. Rainbow Dash stayed back, looking at James, making sure not to let her fear for him show. She was, after all, carrying the weapon he had specifically made for this purpose. “Then … let me just give you this.” She hesitantly said before coming forward and kissing his cheek.

“For luck?” James asked with a smile.

Rainbow Dash smirked at him. “Well, I sure don't need it.” She used her free hoof to push James's shoulder playfully before flying off to join her other friends.

The group shared a nod and confidently took a step beyond the barrier to continue fighting.

James stayed back, the field shrinking as he no longer fed magic into the spell. With a twitch his omnitool blinked to life and he brought it up to his ear. There was a faint crackling sound as a comm-line opened up, a small disk of light hovering by his ear as he brought his arm down and spoke.

“Hey beautiful.” He calmly said.

“That my call sign now?” Lucca asked flirtatiously.

“Not a bad idea. … I'm just letting you know that the girls are going on ahead without me.”

“Xellos is there?” Her tone immediately shifted to concern. Over on the highest part of the school she brought her scope around to find James, and hopefully get a bead on Xellos.

“Don't engage him.” James calmly said. “I'm going to keep him busy talking if possible. You and Garrus keep support fire going.”

Lucca sighed and began to turn back to the battle. “Good luck.”

James paused a moment. “Rainbow Dash already decided to give me some luck.”

“Gave, huh.” Lucca determinedly tried to tease him, to relieve her stress if nothing else. “Did she give you some sugar?”

In the background he heard Garrus' reverberating voice. “You two have the weirdest relationship.”

“Yeah.” James knew the forced joke for what it was. “Just a little on the cheek.”

“She's sweet. Promise me that you'll come back, and not just for us.” Lucca quietly said.

The last thing James heard was Garrus scoffing. “If he dies, it better be doing something stupid. I don't have the credits to cover that bet right now.” Before his omnitool blinked off he put in a command, turning off his transponder. He wasn't going to let himself be taken away while Xellos was still around.

Xellos wasn't alone waiting for the field to expire, though most of the lesser demons continued their focus on Twilight and her friends. “I'm sorry to find that we're in opposition Mr. James. Please, stand down and allow me to complete my job.” The voice seemed to come from nowhere as James felt space twist around him. Everything felt muted and slightly off, the scenery looked the same but for one glaring and disturbing difference: There was nobody there.

“You messed up when you hurt my friend Xellos.” James growled.

“I am sorry about that, Mr James.” Xellos said as he approached. “But you must admit, she attacked me.”

“Because you threatened our friends. And you still are!” James growled, quietly wishing he had made the duplicate sword like he had been planning on.

“Unfortunately I have to complete my job. And we both know how this ends.” Xellos said as his eyes opened to slits.

James wasn't going to just sit around and let Xellos win. He quietly cursed himself for not learning any summoning spells that would break the unreal space. The one he had would be insane to cast here.

While he didn't like what Pops had become he had learned a trick or two from their fight. “I'll take anything you'll give me L.” He whispered before he split off in a dozen copies and directions as each began casting the same spell. “Sword of the cold dark void.”

His stomach wrenched and his lungs burned as he began casting. He didn't have the magic to cast this, but he needed to. His hair began to turn white as he tapped into his own life force to cast. Black and gold lightning originating from the Demon's Blood Talisman arched around him. His muscles tore at the strain of the magic eating at his essence and his determination to hold together.

Xellos couldn't let James finish. If he were crazy enough to risk his own life just to get a chance to fight he wouldn't let something like death stop him either. “Hmm.” Xellox hummed. “I suppose if you feel that strongly, then you leave me no choice.” And he began chanting a spell that James didn't recognize.

The strain of casting was too much for three of James's copies and they fell over dead before fading out. He had to hold together. He had to keep going for his friends! “Free yourself from heaven's bonds and gather in my hands.” His heart stopped briefly as he cast, threatening to end more than just the fight. He needed to force the rest of the words from his mouth. Even if he couldn't hit Xellos, he could cut his way back to real space.

He had a promise to keep.

“Become one with my power and one with my body and we shall walk the path of destruction together.” He could feel his clothes become drenched, but this wasn't sweat. Even the lightest scratch he had before now had begun to tear into deep cuts all over his body. “Power that can smash even the souls of the gods!” His throat screamed in agony as he said the words, only the chaos words left and he could be done.

Xellos waved his staff towards each of the six copies that still stood. “Blast Bomb!” Dozens of balls of light appeared around Xellos and flew out in groups towards each instance of James. Each ball that connected sent out a blistering heat wave and massive concussive blast that would have destroyed Twilight's castle.

“Ragna … Blade.” James forced out weakly and the blade of darkness sprang from his clenched hands. By this time he only had enough strength to let the blade fall towards the ground, but as expected the sword cut the space itself. James's vision faded as the concussive blast of another of his copies exploding threw him through the hole back into real space.

He hit the ground and didn't move again.

Xellos calmly walked over and stared down at him. “You continue to surprise me Mr. James. But, again, we both knew how this would end. Now I'm afraid that I must return to the task at hand.” As Xellos finished talking he appeared to dissolve as he stepped back into unreal space.


Cadence recalled what Twilight had told her about Xellos, and how even James would hesitate to fight him. Now she understood why as she watched James square off against the creature, vanish, and eventually reappear in a bloody heap as Xellos casually left.

She fired another magical blast at a demon that approached and looked around, hoping that Xellos wasn't watching James. She needed to get him to a field base or, better yet, back to the castle. She could probably carry him back, but that would leave her open to the mass of demons. She didn't want to pull away her soldiers to defend her for this, but he was clearly badly hurt.

Having made her decision she raised her horn to the air and released a burst of magic, clear enough to be seen across the town and a signal she established with everyone who came from the crystal empire that Xellos had been spotted. Not an emergency call, but one that would inevitably bring some to her side.


Shining Armor saw the burst of light from his post behind the shield and wanted to run immediately to his wife. But he knew that his post here was important. The residents of Ponyville were hiding in another world that could only be accessed through the castle and this was the primary field station/supply depot and it was up to him to keep it and everyone in it safe. “Sunburst!” He called, keeping his eye on the location the burst had come from.

Sunburst came running from a side passage, he already looked harried. “Sorry, I was just helping distribute supplies.”

“I'm sorry, but Cadence just sighted Xellos and I need somepony to make sure she's alright.”

“Xellos?!” Sunburst nearly shouted. “Alright, Starlight had a plan for this. Somepony needs to tell Ocellus to relay the message to Pharynx so he can adjust their strategy accordingly, and of course the dragons and unicorns need to be informed …”

“Sunburst!” Shining Armor said much more firmly. “I need you to go and make sure Cadence is alright.”

“M-me?” Sunburst stuttered. “… Alright. But I can't go alone.”

“And you wont!” Announced a confident voice. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will accompany you.” She said as they turned to see her.

“I'm coming too.” Maude said with as much determination as anyone could ever hear in her voice.

“I would be a poor boyfriend to let Maude go while I stay behind.” Everyone looked to Mud Brier as he approached beside Maude. He looked around for a moment at their stares. “But I'm going because I want to help.” Maude nodded as he finished his statement.

“But why?” Sunburst asked. “Those are monsters from another world far stronger than any creature anypony here has faced before.”

“Because Starlight's my friend and she's out there. So if I can help, I probably should.” Trixie explained.

“Ponyville is my home.” Maude said.

“Technically, you live Ponyville adjacent.” Mud Brier added, once again drawing their glares. He cleared his throat uncomfortably and nodded.

“So, where is she?” Sunburst asked.

“She's right under her signal light.” Shining Armor said, pointing out to the field that still swarmed with innumerable lesser demons.

Trixie's eye twitched as she immediately began to rethink her offer of help.

“Come on everypony!” Sunburst said, cutting Trixie's thought short as he ran off. Forcing her to catch up or be left behind.

“How are we going to get through that?” Trixie asked as they ran through the side passage between the shield and the castle.

“We're going to have to fight.” Sunburst said.

“I could teleport us.” Trixie said desperately.

“Are you sure? This isn't something we can afford to guess about.” Sunburst countered.


“I may not be a great wizard, but I do know a few tricks.” Sunburst said as they came out of the aperture onto the field. “Elmekia Lance!” He called as a bolt of light shot from his horn, smacking a demon and reducing it to a sickly yellow powder.

“Sunburst!” Trixie shouted as they continued to run. “Now they know right were we are!”

“We'd have to go through them anyway. Elmekia Lance!” Another bolt of light shot from his horn and another demon began to dissolve away.

“Elmekia Lance!” Trixie shouted as nothing happened. “Elmekia Lance! Elmekia Lance!! Elmekia Lance!!” She continued to no avail.

“What are you doing Trixie?!” Sunburst shouted before shooting another demon.

Trying to use that spell you're using!” She countered.

“You don't just shout “Elmekia Lance” to cast the spell. You'd know this if you didn't drop out of James' Magical Theory lectures!”

“He assigned homework!” Trixie shot back as Sunburst shot yet another demon.

If you'd paid attention you'd know he didn't grade it and was only using it to determine his effectiveness as a teacher!” Sunburst countered, continuing to attack the demons.

“Can we not argue while our lives are in danger!” Trixie screeched.


Grogar had given it enough time. The town was probably in ruins and it's inhabitants terrified and running for their lives. A dark smokey aura rose from his horns as he continued to absorb what the mazoku had called miasma. He was more powerful than ever before from it, but he could always get stronger.

Half a dozen lesser demons milled about, having been too stupid to go and join the battle. He didn't care, six one way or another wouldn't make a difference and they had something he wanted.

A long reverberating gong rang out as his bell absorbed the magic of the creatures, returning them to the forest creatures they were before their possession. Grogar felt the magic course through him and knew right away that Xellos had kept his promise and unsealed his magic. He would have to make an example of the creature once he was done with the princess. He'd had more than enough cheep tricks in his lifetime.

With a wicked smile he walked from the scene and towards the doomed ponies ahead.


Cadence was standing over James defensively attacking any demon that so much as looked their direction. At this moment she was glad she had paid attention during James's lectures concerning offensive shamanistic magic. What made her even more glad, however, was to see the group of four ponies led by Sunburst running her way.

“Sunburst!” Cadence said happily. “I'm so glad to see you.”

“We came as quickly as we could.” He said as he blew on his horn to cool it off from extended use. It was then that he looked down at James and his jaw dropped, he'd never seen him quite this bad before. “What happened?”

“He and Xellos vanished and a minute later he just fell out of thin air like this.” Cadence said as she attacked another demon. “I tried to use that healing spell he taught us on him, but he only got worse.”

“That's because he's got nothing left right now. That spell draws on it's target's life force to heal. His white hair means he was tapping into that to …” Sunburst said before Cadence interrupted.

“Can we discuss this back in the castle? He's still bleeding!” Cadence urged.

“Oh, yes of course. … But how? Nopony has a cart and Twilight said that she and her friends could barely move him.”

“Technically, we don't need a cart.” Mud Brier spoke up suddenly, his first word getting everyone's attention as he hoped. “Maude and I can carry him between us using his jacket like a sling, if somepony can hold up the backside to keep him from sliding out, which should be quite doable with magic. It would be much easier if we had some large sticks to construct a stretcher with, but we have to make due with what we do have.”

“Swoon.” Maude said with as much emotion as she ever did at hearing her boyfriend take control of a bad situation.

“Good idea!” Sunburst said. “Trixie, help me get his Haori off, we'll hold the back up and get him back to the castle. … If you can cover us Cadence.”

Cadence nodded as she looked towards the castle and destroyed another demon as it approached.


Xellos could easily see from his vantage that allowing Twilight to remain with her friends was still a problem as they each took some of the pressure of Twilight. He needed her to use her magic to it's fullest extent, then to go beyond it … if she could.

He quietly chanted, drawing a circle in the air with his staff. “Explosion Array!”

Without warning the ground beneath the ponies burst up into the air, hurtling them in different directions and pummeling them with the shattered earth.

Fluttershy quickly found herself cradled in the mismatched arms of a furious looking Discord, a literal flame burning in his eyes. He gently brought her to the ground and placed her down before growling. “Xellos!”

Xellos had his job to do and returned to his pocket of unreal space, pointedly ignoring the curious and chaotic creature. He wasn't expecting a tear to form in said space as the Draconequus clawed his way in.

Discord was fuming, more accurately smoking from his ears, as he stared at the mazoku. The unreal space warped and twisted as Discord began to manipulate it to his whims.

Xellos dodged out of the way of a boiling lava cake that flew his way. “Mr. Discord, please calm down.”

“Calm down?!” Discord raged as several deer legged rabbits charged his opponent. “You attack my Fluttershy and ask me to calm down?!”

“I was unaware as to your relationship with the young lady.” Xellos calmly stated as he knocked away the creatures only to be swarmed by a herd of cardboard cutouts of skeletal ponies using real arrows and swords.

Xellos simply waved his staff and ignited the flammable army. “I see you've devised ways to get around your inability to harm me directly. But I'm afraid that still won't be enough.”

As the flames died down he found that there were now hundreds of Discords riding flying pigs, sheep, and dog legged teacups. With a sigh Xellos began chanting again as each Discord lobbed explosive oranges his direction. The fruit exploded harmlessly in midair around the mazoku as he continued his chant, stopped by a magical barrier that formed when he began casting. He then uttered a word no creature limited by standard vocal structure could duplicate. A blast of brilliant light radiated out from Xellos and destroyed each construct and duplicate that Discord had made.

Discord appeared behind Xellos and attempted to grab him only for the mazoku to dissolve away, stepping back into unreal space several feet away.

Xellos ran his hand through his hair briefly before looking to Discord. “Mr. Discord, please stop this.” He calmly requested, flicking his wrist slightly. “I would prefer to not kill you, you're quite amusing. I'm even prepared to take Ms. Fluttershy and yourself somewhere safe for the remainder of the battle.”

“What about Twilight and the other girls?” Discord asked, a measure of calm breaking into his voice.

“I'm afraid that I cannot allow Twilight to leave, as this whole battle was arranged for her. And my master would prefer my assignment end sooner.” Xellos explained.

“No deal.” Discord said with a grin.

Xellos appeared to vanish and reappear several times around Discord as he spoke. “I fail to see your attachment to these ponies.”

“They! Are! My! Friends!” Discord growled as he got ready to begin his assault anew. Just then what felt to be an electric jolt tore through him and he pitched forward at the sensation. “What … did you do?” He asked as the pain passed. His head felt empty and try as he might, nothing happened.

“I've sealed your magic. As I said earlier: I'd prefer not to kill you. So this seemed like an adequate alternative. You may remain here while I observe Ms. Twilight from … What?” Xellos' eyes shot open as he watched the remainder of the battle.


The girls began to recover almost immediately, the vestiges of James's defensive spells only barely holding on now. But there was no time to properly recover as the lesser demons swarmed in.

Rainbow Dash was the first to her hooves as she looked around for the others. Discord had caught Fluttershy and even now was placing her gently down. Applejack was just rolling out of the way of a demon before climbing up herself. Rarity was struggling to rise, but with Spike helping her she got back to her hooves. Pinkie Pie had rolled into a ball and bounced off the ground and a demon before coming to a stop and shakily trying to get her bearings. Starlight was already attacking the demons getting close as she tried to stand and Twilight looked panicked as even more surrounded her.

Rainbow Dash felt a power within the sword. A power that at once reminded her of James, and more importantly of a time before Xellos had stolen her confidence. She remembered all the times things looked hopeless and they fought through. How they had always snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. How they never gave up, even when defeated.

She knew they could do this, and the sword responded to her confidence and determination. Rainbow Dash took the sword and the blade appeared to waver, but she could feel the strength inside it. Tightening her grip with her jaw, she flew forward and cut down several demons. “Rarity!” She shouted before throwing the blade to the unicorn as the demons turned to a sickly yellow powder and blew away.

Rarity caught the blade with her magic just as a demon unleashed a earsplitting roar and magical blast. Spike rushed between the two and released a blast of green flame, stopping the attack cold. The blade began to twist as Rarity used it to cut down the demon Spike held at bay. She spied Applejack and with a shout, hurled the weapon towards the strong earth pony. No sooner was it in Applejack’s possession than she used it to strike down another three demons as the blade continued to twist.

Pinkie Pie leaped in the air with a giggle and shout. “I’m open Applejack!” In moments the blade was flying towards her. Pinkie Pie caught it with her mane and bounced several more times as she handily evaded the demons. Without looking she tossed the sword into the air and bucked it away from herself as Fluttershy swooped in, claiming the still twisting sword. She barrel rolled around a magical blast from another demon before giving the weapon to Starlight.

What was once a sword of brilliant white light was now an emerald drill. She held it in front of her as she located Twilight. Striking the ground with her hoof before breaking into a full run, cutting down several demons before chucking it the remaining distance where Twilight easily caught it with her magic.

Deep inside, Twilight could feel the strength and determination of her friends echoed in the weapon, she allowed her own strength to join it as she looked towards the Everfree forest that Grogar was now leaving. She didn’t need it to tell her what this meant, she knew. Implicitly she knew what was was going to happen. Victory was waiting for them, they only needed to go and claim it.

“What in Equestria is that thing?!” Grogar demanded as he waded through the sea of abominations, expecting to see scattered and scared ponies in the ruins of a town, not the true battle before him. And certainly not the princess angrily staring him down.

“This is the end Grogar!” Rainbow Dash shouted as an emerald light erupted from her wings.

“This is our love!” Rarity called as the emerald light wove itself around her.

“This is our strength!” Applejack called as each step she took caused a small burst of emerald light.

“This is our joy!” Pinkie happily added, the same emerald light leaving a trail behind her as she bounced.

“This is our hope!” Fluttershy said with a smile, her own emerald light forming a ball of fire around her.

“This is our magic!” Starlight’s emerald light rose from her horn to form a great cloud.

“This is our friendship!” Twilight added as she began to advance on the creature that threatened her home, her family, and her friends. Her magical light that held the hilt turning emerald.

“This is our determination!” Spike called, emerald flame spilling out from his mouth with each word. The blade of emerald light Twilight still held with her magic solidified into a great metal drill pointed right at Grogar.

“This is our!” Came a call from the eight friends, echoing the hearts of every creature there that opposed the monstrous beast. “Giga!” The drill began to spin as Twilight took another step forward. “Drill!” Sparks flew from the drill as Twilight got ready to strike. “Breaker!

As the will of Equestria and their allies joined together the drill grew, dispelling all of the fears, pain, and anger that Grogar grew strong on. Banishing the darkness that had covered them and revealing the now rising sun. No lesser demon could withstand the brilliance and power of their combined hopes and dreams and dissolved to powder before being harmlessly blown away.

His army gone, Grogar planted his hooves and blasted the infernal weapon with his magic. He was the strongest creature in Equestria! His magic couldn’t be beaten! He was going to take back what should have been his to begin with!

Even as his magic pushed back on the drill Twilight determinedly put one hoof in front of the other, pressing onward inch by inch. As she fought forward her slow advance was joined as Starlight walked beside her. The two of them pushed on as Fluttershy landed and put everything she had into their struggle. They continued to gain ground as Pinkie Pie bounced up and pushed them on. Rarity's magic joined them with Spike pushing beside her, and their walk turned into a jog. Applejack and Rainbow Dash both hit the drill at full speed turning their jog into a full on charge.

Grogar growled in defiance as he fought for his victory, but even he couldn't resist the power turned against him. He stood his ground expecting that he would still be victorious until the very moment that his magic and bell shattered under the force and left him staring at the oncoming drill with naught chance of escape. As it flew forward Grogar himself was no more.


“It would seem that you were right all along Mr. Discord.” Xellos said with genuine awe as he watched the end of the battle. “The more pressure these girls are put under, the brighter they shine. Rare gems indeed.” Xellos casually broke the seal on Discord's magic and allowed the unreal space to fade away. He would just have to try some other way to complete his task.

But first, some congratulations were in certainly due, these girls deserved at least the respect he gave Lina.


Twilight and her friends couldn't help but smile as they were received back at her castle to thunderous cheers and congratulations. They were even able to briefly forget that Ponyville lay mostly in ruins just beyond the door.

While they each wanted to find James and see how he was doing, they were quite used to him disappearing when it was time to celebrate. Besides, there were still the injured to attend to, they'd catch up with him later.

Spitfire slowly walked towards the group, her left foreleg in a sling and a bandage across her torso, it was easy enough to see that she was missing her left wing.

“Spitfire!” Rainbow Dash called as she rushed over, worried for her senior Wonderbolt. “What happened?”

Spitfire shook her head before speaking. “One of the demons got me with some magical blast as I was strafing them.” She suddenly grinned and chuckled as she recalled the encounter. “But I learned that they don't have a taste for lightning!”

“Oh my gosh!” Twilight said as she looked on the injured pegasus. “We've got some magical beans that …”

Spitfire shook her head. “We ran out of those halfway through this thing. Like it or not, I'll live. Of course we had to hold onto one for your boyfriend Crash. If he ever wakes up, we'll be sure to get it to him.”

The group gasped as Rainbow Dash spoke up. “What happened to James?” Had Xellos really been that powerful?

“He's really beat up and he's been out cold for a while now. They only just got him to stop bleeding.”

“Where is he?” Twilight asked. She needed to see him, needed to know that he wasn't going to die because of her.

“This way Princess.” Spitfire answered as she turned away and limped off.

The hallways were filled with people of all kinds tending to and recovering from injuries, outside the rooms were the less serious, while inside any room they looked was a frantic rush as white mages stabilized patients as quickly as they could while the doctors worked on treating them so they could move onto the next.

Spitfire led them past a room hastily labeled “recovery” in two languages, where Zecora was busy administering potions and poultices, and onto the library. “Sorry Princess, Amelia insisted on a private room. We didn't ask questions at the time.”

The doors opened and they saw James laying horribly still on the floor with Amelia held tightly in the giant arms of her father while Zelgadis looked solemnly down at him.

“No, no, no, no!” Like a shot, Rainbow Dash rushed over to his side and carefully inspected him. His clothes were in tatters and he was covered in bandages with dark stains, dried blood covered his hands and the far right side of his face. He was half bald as his hair was singed almost completely off that side of his head.

“James!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she began to shake him.

“It's no use. He …” Zelgadis said before being cut off.

“Heyya, Rainbow.” James quietly said as he gently brought a hand to her face.

Rainbow Dash smiled and rubbed her cheek against his palm. Several tears running down her face, at that moment they were alone for all she cared.

Zelgadis' jaw dropped as Amelia turned to look at the man whom she had thought to have died during healing, now sounding as if he had just been asleep. “But … but you stopped breathing while Amelia was healing you.”

Starlight laughed as she walked up. “Didn't James ever tell you about his implants?” Hearing Starlight's voice Rainbow Dash immediately stopped nuzzling James's hand and blushed deeply. Zelgadis' only answer was to shake his head.

“What I'm wondering about is why your transponder didn't take you home.” Twilight said as she looked down at him.

James grinned as he looked to the group. “Broken, bruised, battered, bloodied, and beaten …”

“And alliterative!” Pinkie Pie unhelpfully added.

James chuckled as best he could given his injuries. “I love you girls.” He eventually said, making more than a couple blush. “All that, but nothing life threatening. I'll heal up fine on my own.”

Spitfire limped forward, gently holding a medicine cup in her mouth. “Since you're up …”

James looked to the injured pegasus and shook his head. “Like I said, I'll be fine. You clearly need it more.”

With a shrug Spitfire took the cup in her remaining wing and downed the bean quickly. She flinched moments before her new wing ripped it's way out of the bandages. “Now if only there were enough for everypony.” Spitfire said as she flexed the new appendage.

“I'll ask Liara so send as many of ours as we can.” James quietly said.

“Let's get you comfortable, dear.” Rarity said with a smile as several pillows floated from the various chairs and the couch.

All of the ponies took a step back as suddenly James was hefted into the air by the powerful arms of Prince Phillionel. Despite being nearly the same size, James looked oddly small as the brutish looking prince carried him like a child. “Perhaps the couch will serve that purpose better than the floor.”

All but Zelgadis and Amelia looked on in surprise at the spectacle as Phil walked towards the couch. Phil lay James on the couch, resting his head on a remaining pillow.

“You're not getting away this time.” Starlight said as she gently touched his shoulder, making him wince slightly.

“Let's get you cleaned up, dear.” Rarity added as she carefully wiped the dried blood from his face. “I am sorry to see your lovely hair so mangled. And how in Equestria did it get bleached?”

Amelia stared doe eyed and smiling at the scene before her as Zelgadis dragged her out of the library followed by Phil.

“Is there anything we can get for you?” Fluttershy offered.

“Nah.” James said with a mischievous smile. “I'm surrounded by cute girls, what more could I want?” Once again several of the girls blushed, Rarity even tittered before catching herself. His smile faded from mischievous to happy as he enjoyed their affection.

It was half an hour later when Lucca walked into the library looking for her husband. She found the ponies still fawning over him as he casually flirted with each. “Indulging I see.” She said with a smile.

James looked her way and chuckled. “Lucca, this is exactly what it looks like.”

Lucca walked to the couch and bent over to kiss him for a moment. “I'll see you at home later.” She pat Rainbow Dash's back as she passed. “Keep him however long you like girls.” She playfully said as she walked to the door.

“That's the plan.” Starlight called back with a smile.

Lucca waved before leaving, even now there was a lot of work she had to get to if James was in no condition to do any.

“Curious.” Xellos said as he appeared in the library, immediately drawing everyone's attention, Twilight and Fluttershy gasped as they saw him. “I would have imagined that all of you would be the ones receiving the pampering, not giving it.”

Every horn glowed with a magical aura as Rainbow Dash quickly pulled the Replica Sword of Light.

“No need to be concerned.” Xellos calmly said as he patted the air in front of him. “I'm only here to talk.”

“What do you have to say about any of this, Xellos?” Twilight said with no small amount of venom in her voice.

“Perhaps we should take this to your throne room where there is adequate seating for us. I could imagine this conversation taking a while.” Xellos offered as he opened the door behind him.

Several of the ponies looked to James. “Well, what do you say? You're the expert.” Twilight asked.

“I'm not up for another fight, so let's talk.” James said as he slowly forced himself to sit upright. Rainbow Dash and Starlight both tried to help him only for Xellos to get in their way.

“Please, allow me.” He said as he took James's arm and pulled him up.


There was plenty of seating still in Twilight's throne room as it hadn't been cleared out since their meeting less than a full day ago. Xellos placed James in a seat near Applejack's throne and took a seat on the opposite side for himself.

“So why do y'all want to talk now? Weren't you just tryin' to kill us?” Applejack asked once they sat in their respective seating.

“First, let me congratulate you, you've accomplished far more than I had anticipated. As for trying to kill you, it was my job to place Ms. Twilight under extreme pressure. Admittedly, yes, she could have died but as you'll note, with your help, she didn't.” Xellos explained with the demeanor of one who was telling an amusing anecdote. “It's nothing personal.” He casually added.

“Seems pretty personal to me.” Starlight muttered.

“Ms. Starlight, I could kill you all in moments, but here I am talking to you. Please understand, it's not my intention to harm any of you, though that was always a possibility. In fact, I've found a great amount of respect for all of you.” He said sincerely.

“Then why threaten us?!” Twilight shouted, her golden eyes twitching in frustration.

“He wasn't.” James answered in Xellos' place. “For him that was a simple statement of fact.”

“Precisely Mr. James.” Xellos said with a grin.

“If you don't care about any of us; Why are you even here?” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“I'm afraid that's a secret.” Xellos said in his ever so frustrating upbeat tone.

“He's here because of Twilight's eyes.” James blurted out, catching Xellos off guard.

“Oh my.” Xellos said, sounding a bit caught and casually scratching at his cheek. “May I ask how you came to that conclusion?”

“You just told me.” James said, turning to face the mazoku. “You needed to put Twilight under pressure. The only significant thing separating her from the four other alicorn are her golden eyes. A little gift from the Lord of Nightmares.” Xellos visibly flinched as James mentioned the name. “Likely he's concerned that it constitutes a copy of the Claire Bible, and would then be his job to destroy it.”

Xellos rubbed the back of his head and let out an awkward chuckle. “You are remarkably well informed, Mr. James.”

“The magic L-Sama gave me?” Twilight asked. “If you know how to get it out of my eyes I'd let you. Just leave us alone after.”

“If Mr. Rezzo proved anything, it's that the only method for that is your destruction.” Xellos explained. “But I understand that most living things tend to lean away from that option.”

“There's also the chance that he'll just leave you alone once he finishes.” James added. “Just like he's left me mostly alone with my talisman.”

Xellos nodded. “Yes, even if it goes counter to my orders, I cannot defy her whims. However I do not know yet what those whims are.”

“Well it seems pretty clear to me that she wants to help us.” Rainbow Dash said. “I mean, why else would she put that stuff in Twilight’s eyes?”

“That “stuff” as you put it is a piece of her, herself. And it’s still quite an assumption that Ms. Twilight didn’t simply take the power for herself. I wasn’t present at the moment of transfer, so I have no way of knowing what happened.” Xellos calmly said.

“But I imagine you're in a hurry as this world is particularly good at dispersing miasma.” James concluded.

“True, this world is a far from ideal for one such as I. And I would like to conclude my investigation as quickly as possible and leave this insufferable world.” Xellos said.

“Well, how’s things lookin' from your investigation so far?” Applejack asked hopefully.

“Incomplete.” Xellos calmly said. “But as a Mazoku I tend to favor destruction.” Every aspect of Xellos’ calm demeanor served to chill those listening.

Twilight was floored. “But why? L-Sama answered when I asked for help. She changed my eyes to give me some of her power! I didn’t steal it!”

Xellos began to scowl as Twilight spoke. “Ms. Twilight.” He calmly said, though there was a sharp edge of fury to his voice. “Please understand that every time you use that disrespectful name and not her proper title you bring yourself closer to destruction. No mazoku would tolerate your familiar tone.”

“That’s enough!” Twilight said with astonishing authority. Xellos’ face contorted from anger to surprise and even a measure of fear before leaping from his chair and kneeling on the ground.

Everyone's attention had turned to Twilight, or rather what had been Twilight. Her golden eyes were far more prominent as the sclera had turned pitch black. Her short hair flowed behind her as it, along with her entire body, began to take a golden hew. Hovering just above her horn was a small, perfect ball of darkness only interrupted by an occasional bolt of golden lightning that arched across it's surface. Her face hadn't changed, but the calm, if angered, expression looked completely foreign on her.

James recognized immediately what he was witnessing, he’d seen it once before.

Knowing that she hunted the Claire Bible, he had followed Lina Inverse intending to master the Giga Slave for himself. He had followed her to the City of Ghosts and even went down into the vile temple with the rest of them. He had watched the destruction of Hellmaster Phibrizzo.

Twilight was no longer there, they were now in the presence of the Lord of Nightmares herself.

“Xellos, servant of Greater Beast Zellmas Metallium.” The Lord of Nightmares said, her authority alone commanding the silence of everyone present. “The Mazoku are aware of the reason I sought the destruction of the four worlds.”

“It is not my place to speculate on such things.” Xellos said.

“You do not need to speculate, you know it by your very nature!” The threatening face Twilight’s form now wore was disturbing, though only Xellos could appreciate it’s full importance. “I sought the destruction of those worlds because I was lonely! I was less when they sprang from me unbidden and I wanted them back.” Her voice softened as she continued to speak. “But then, in the mind of a woman seeking to save the one she loved most I first felt what it was like to be around others. But it was fleeting as Hellmaster Phibrizzo demanded my attention.”

“Later a fragment of myself was summoned into an empty vessel doomed to fade by my power and that’s when I managed to converse with another creature.” The Lord of Nightmares said as she turned to face James before turning back to Xellos. “In this fleeting time I found my curiosity to explore and learn. There was much to know about what had sprung from me, and what I was cut off from by my nature. I granted this man a part of myself to take with him where I would experience his thoughts when he called on my power.”

The Lord of Nightmares used Twilight’s foreleg to gesture to James. “But he too is lonely, and I found myself much as I was before. It’s when he called on my destruction last that I first experienced a friend, in Starlight and in Luna, he was not so lonely anymore. He sought destruction, but now with purpose to preserve life. I tried to join them and experience more but they feared and rejected me.”

The Lord of Nightmares then held Twilight’s hoof to her chest. “Then I heard a call for help. In the chaotic infinite I began to experience what she knew. I learned to pretend, we played a game, she didn’t fear me. I granted her a piece of my power to learn about her’s. To learn about the power of friendship.”

The Lord of Nightmares spread Twilight’s wings and flew over to Xellos who involuntarily trembled as she approached. “Had I known what this was like I would have created the Mazoku with the capability for it.” Twilight's hoof adjusted Xellos’ chin so he had to look the Lord of Nightmares in the eye. “And should they allow it, I would like this piece of me to remain.”

“Forgive my question, but what do you mean by “Should they allow it”?” Xellos carefully asked, a primal fear keeping his words quiet.

The Lord of Nightmares turned to the girls. “I have learned much joined with Twilight as I am, enough to know that it is up to me to ask for their friendship.”

“I’m all for new friends, but what happens to Twilight if you stay?” Applejack asked.

“Nothing. I continue to live through her experiences and memories. Most of which are of all of you.” The Lord of Nightmares smiled as she looked around the table.

“So we get a new friend with super powerful magic and she’s some all powerful demon lord? Uhm, yes!” Rainbow Dash said enthusiastically.

“And she's super glowy too.” Pinkie Pie added with a giggle.

“I guess sharing a body will make things rather difficult for her in some cases, but if Twilight has no problem with it than I would happily welcome you.” Rarity smiled as she spoke, more comfortable now at her proclamation of wanting friends.

“I agree with everypony.” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“You should have said something sooner.” Starlight awkwardly chuckled as she remembered the horrifying feeling of casting the Giga Slave, and too intimidated in the presence of the one who's destructive power she had channeled to speak calmly.

The Lord of Nightmares once again used Twilight’s body to fly as she approached Spike. “And what about you Spike? You would probably be the most aware of my presence. I do share all of Twilight’s memories after all.”

Spike looked to the altered apparition of what had effectively been his mother, now controlled by someone else. “As long as I get Twilight back … You’re just fine with me.” He eventually said with a weak smile.

“And you shall have her. I can only do this now because of the strength you all have given her, and in turn me.” The Lord of Nightmares wrapped Spike in a hug and as they held each other the golden aura faded along with the black globe and gradually Twilight returned to normal.

Twilight blinked as she realized that she wasn’t sitting in her throne anymore and Spike was hugging her. “Uhm … Spike? Not that I don’t like the hug; but what just happened?”

“It would seem their memory isn’t shared equally both ways.” Xellos said as he stood up. “It would seem that my assignment is over and I can finally return somewhere more tolerable. I’m sure this world suits you well, but it is a terrible place for me to stay for any length of time.”

“Wait wait wait.” Rainbow Dash said to James as Xellos turned to walk away. “You're just letting him go?!”

James's response was to place his hand on the table and begin an illusion spell. Galaxies appeared as little more than a place to stand as several massive mecha faced down one that even dwarfed them. The image shifted to focus on one that appeared to change between a humanoid form to a black drill before slamming into the opposing giant mecha.

“That's Xellos.” James stated bluntly. “Fighting alongside Team Dai Gurren and myself to save many worlds and even universes as the Anti-Spiral would seek to halt all life. This was not the first time he's stood up and been a hero.” As James finished speaking the illusion faded.

“It's a strange position for a mazoku to find himself in, but sometimes necessary. The anti spiral sought to halt life which is antithetical to the desires of the Mazoku. We may seek destruction, but we do so on our terms.” Xellos explained.

James turned to face Xellos and glared daggers at him. “But if I ever find you here again, or threatening my friends …” James allowed the threat to hang in the air as it was.

“I quite understand Mr. James.” Xellos said with a nod. “Believe me when I say that I have no intention of interacting with this world again.”

“And …” James began to say before he was interrupted.

“Of course.” Xellos bowed towards the gathered group before speaking again. “I am sorry for the trouble I caused. But I did have my orders.” Xellos said in his unfailingly calm tone before once again dissolving into nothing.

“Is it just me or was that apology really terrible?” Applejack asked the room after a few seconds.

“He's as sorry as he possibly can be.” James said. “Which isn't much.”

“Seriously.” Twilight said. “What happened? One moment I was sitting in my throne the next I was hugging Spike and everypony was looking at me strange.”


Celestia had been staring out her balcony towards Ponyville since raising the sun for the festival. While the thick clouds that hung over the town had thankfully dispersed she couldn't help but wonder what was happening. And more concerning to her, what was happening to her beloved heir.


Celestia turned to find a mail carrier pegasus with a letter for her cautiously approaching. She smiled at the pony and took it with her magic. “Thank you.” She said in her caring manner. The Pegasus bowed, turned, and left.

Celestia examined the letter. It looked standard enough, though she couldn't tell who it was from. Where a pony would normally put their cutie mark, or use some other way to write their name, this had only a black cone and no further information such as a return address.

With no other leading information she opened the letter and began to read.

Her blood ran cold as she read and soon rushed from the balcony to find her sister. They had to address this immediately.


Twilight had started a new tour of the town, surveying the damage done in the battle. It was terrible. More than half the town was utterly destroyed. Only two of her friend's homes still stood and that's only because Fluttershy lived outside town and Rainbow Dash lived above it. Sweet Apple Acres and all of it's produce was gone. Even though she was still at the castle, Applejack was already arranging for all of the fallen trees to be taken and used for lumber to help rebuild.

Rarity took the loss of her home and store hard, but even now was helping others by making blankets from what cloth had been salvaged from the ruins.

Pinkie Pie was laughing and keeping everyone's spirits up despite her own losses, saying that making others smile was the best thing she could do for herself right now.

And Twilight did smile, she needed to keep her own spirits up as everyone was looking to her as their example, and soon they would as their leader.

There was no doubt that this destruction was absolutely horrible, but she couldn't help but look around and see how every creature was working together, cleaning and salvaging what they could. Even still, she wasn't looking forward to when the residents of Ponyville came home only to find that they may not have a home to return to.

James was already starting to coordinate temporary housing for any ponies left without a home for the time being. Though she already knew his family would be more than happy to house Scootaloo and her aunts.

No matter how many positives she tried to find in this, it was just buried under so much pain, misery and loss. It was her choice to ask L-Sama for help, and that choice directly led to Xellos and the army of lesser demons.

Once she found a quiet place with nobody around she dropped the act and sulked. It was her fault this happened. She needed to weigh her actions better if she was going to take over for Celestia and Luna. This could never happen again.

Quietly, nervously, she whispered to herself. “L-Sama?”

No response.

She shook her head, while it was the best explanation for what happened to her earlier it still sounded insane that the Lord of Nightmares had possessed her and even now was one with her. She had no idea what any of it could potentially mean later on, or why it had been her body that had been taken over. James had a piece of her inside of him as well and he'd never been possessed as far as she knew.

She began to walk again as she muttered to herself. “I wonder what she meant by living through my experiences and memories.”

“Talking to yourself is never a good sign.” Discord said slyly, making Twilight scream and jump.

“Hey!” Another Discord humphed before turning around and vanishing.

“Ugh, don't mind him. He's always like that.” Discord said as he shook his head.

“What do you want Discord?” Twilight asked as she calmed her breathing.

Discord rubbed the back of his head uncomfortably for a moment. “I … I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for giving me the chance to do the right thing beside you. And for giving me the opportunity to be your friend.”

Twilight giggled slightly at Discord's discomfort. “No, thank you for helping everypony. This wasn't your fight, you didn't bring back Grogar, but you stayed with us.”

“I am pretty great, aren't I?” Discord gloated as he polished his claws on his chest. “But don't get any ideas. I'm still Fluttershy's bestie! … Oh! That reminds me,” Discord said as his horns were replaced by rabbit ears and he pulled out a pocket watch from his fur. “it's almost time for our tea.” He shoved the watch back into his chest and began to fly off.

“I'm not sure she'll be up to tea. We have a lot of work to do just to get Ponyville ready to start repairs.” Twilight said as she looked up at him.

“Hmm. While destroyed is an interesting variation to the standard, I know Fluttershy likes things a certain way. Very well!” He said as he pounded his balled claw into his paw.

“Uhm, Discord? What are …” She didn't get to finish her sentence when Discord let out a shrill whistle, summoning dozens of Discords wearing orange and yellow safety jackets and bright yellow construction helmets.

“Alright ponies.” He said as he walked up and down the company of himself. “Ponyville is in shambles and we need it back to exactly as it was … Where's Discord?”

The crowd murmured to himself for a moment before Discord spoke up again. “Where is Discord?”

“I think that maybe you offended him.” A Discord said.

“Fine.” Discord groaned as he snapped his claw, summoning a Discord as he took a bath.

“Ugh. Can't somepony get a bath without being dragged into one of your messes?” The bathing Discord said as he plucked a towel from the bath and wrapped it around his head, stepping out of the tub as he did. Twilight immediately turned away embarrassed.

“Must we go through this every time?” Discord asked.

“No. No. It's for Fluttershy. Say no more.” Discord said as his towel vanished and he plucked a blue hardhat from thin air and dropped it on his head. “All right everypony. Let's get to work!” He said cheerily.

“I just don't know what to do with him.” Discord said, shaking his head and vanishing in a flash of light.

The sounds of confusion filled the air just beyond the alley as Twilight walked out expecting to see an army of Discords repairing the town. Much to her surprise though, there were none. The town was exactly as it had been the day before, everything was perfectly in place.


Twilight was set on the moment she stepped into her castle late that evening as Starlight came running up to her. “Twilight! Thank goodness you're here.” She said, relieved.

“What's going on Starlight?” Twilight asked as she walked next to unicorn who was now going back to the throne room.

“Princesses Celestia and Luna have been waiting here for you all day! They're talking to everypony else about something, and judging by their demeanor it's important.”

Twilight began to fret as she knew that the Summer Sun Festival in Canterlot was her responsibility, but she had explained to them the situation. They had to understand.

Twilight couldn't help but be worried as saw she the solemn faces of the princesses, and her friends confused expressions. What's going on?

“You wanted to talk to me?” Twilight cautiously asked.

“Yes Twilight, we do.” Celestia said as she nodded slowly. “I believe it should just be the three of us.”

Twilight's friends stood and walked towards the door.

“It'll be okay Sugar Cube.” Applejack quietly said as she walked past.

Pinkie Pie hugged her tightly before walking out without a word.

“I'm sure this whole thing will be settled soon dear.” Rarity offered as she passed.

“We'll be here if you need anything.” Fluttershy said as she hugged Twilight.

“We'll be right outside for you.” Rainbow Dash said, the doors closing behind her as she left.

The comments of her friends had her in full panic mode, Twilight had never been this terrified of meeting with Celestia before. But she was already here and couldn't run away like she desperately wanted to do right now. She nervously walked forward and sat in her throne while Celestia and Luna took thrones near her. “What did you want to talk about?” She awkwardly asked, the terror creeping into her voice.

“It's about Luna's and my retirement.” Celestia calmly said.

This did nothing to put Twilight at ease, there was so much going on around this event and the stress of her getting ready to take over. She was confident now in her ability to rule, though she knew she still had a lot to learn.

“The nature of your golden eyes as a living piece of the Lord Of Nightmares has been brought to the attention of Luna and myself.” Celestia calmly noted. “And your friend's confirmation that she did indeed possess your body when confronting Xellos has made us … reconsider retiring.”

Twilight felt a sharp agony in her heart as she heard the words. “You don't trust me anymore?” She asked, heartbroken.

“We still trust you Twilight.” Luna clarified. “Unfortunately, you are not the only one inhabiting your body anymore. And there is James's own description of her: The Lord of Nightmares is capricious, demented, and evil. You must understand that we cannot ignore that.”

“But she was just lonely!” Twilight pleaded. “All she's done since she gave me her power is help us! She's lonely and want's to learn about friendship!” She was immediately distraught, she'd been working so hard for this, and now it was being ripped away from her. Worse, Celestia didn't trust her anymore.

“And how do you know this?” Celestia asked, as she carefully examined her student.

“She told everypony when she was confronting Xellos.” Twilight desperately explained.

“Twilight.” Luna sadly cut in. “I've channeled The Lord of Nightmares. Lonely and longing for friendship were two feelings I did not get from the experience. Only the desire for destruction.”

“But … She told us …” Twilight weakly said as she cast her eyes down. It felt as though her heart had been ripped from her and lay just beyond her reach to return it.

“I know, Twilight.” Celestia said as she bowed her head. She didn't like the news she had to give any more than Twilight liked hearing it. “Your friends were quite clear and adamant on this themselves. But we have conflicting stories on her nature. And James is the one who knows her best. We can't afford to retire before we know what will be happening when we do.”

Twilight couldn't hold back her tears anymore as she began to sniffle and desperately wiped at her eyes. A necessary decision to save her friends and try to save Equestria had now cost her everything she had been working towards for the last several months. It just wasn't fair!

Celestia stood and walked over to her beloved student and friend. “It will be alright Twilight. We just need to take some time to understand our new situation. Perhaps, like Discord, she can be reformed, or already has been thanks to your efforts. And once we know who we are dealing with we can make a final decision about leaving Equestria in your hooves.” She placed her hoof on Twilight's shoulder and smiled.

“We both still care about you.” Luna said, standing and walking to Twilight's side as well. “And even if we do not retire, or leave the throne to you, you still have an important role in Equestria. More important than you realize. Just look around Ponyville: You brought all of these creatures together, despite their differences. You have even stepped beyond our world to make a wonderful difference to others. No matter what, hold on to your accomplishments and you'll realize they are more important than what could have been.”

Twilight wiped another tear from her eyes and nodded. Knowing that didn't help the pain of her loss however.

“We are truly sorry Twilight, but your time may yet come.” Celestia said with a heavy heart.

Twilight nodded and stood up, she didn't know how to handle this but she knew she wanted to be alone.

Celestia took the opportunity to hug her, hoping to provide any comfort she could.


James and Rainbow Dash walked down the hallway towards the door to his castle. “I wish there was something I could do to help.” He said, uncomfortably rubbing the bald side of his head. “It's kind of my fault, after all.”

His cuts were only now beginning to heal over and would likely leave a few new scars until his doctors repaired them. But Rarity had dyed his hair back to it's normal color and styled it to hide what was missing, and given him a new comfortable outfit to wear as his last set of clothes were basically rags now. All things considered, he looked close to normal again.

Rainbow Dash groaned as shook her head. “Stop blaming yourself for everything bad that happens to us. This wasn't anypony's fault. It's just something that happened.”

“I guess. But I can't help it.” He admitted.

“So are we still on for breakfast tomorrow?” Rainbow Dash asked, hoping to change the subject to something even just a little better.

James stopped, they were still a ways away from his door. “Yeah … Can we talk a moment?”

“Uhm, sure.” She hesitantly said as she stopped and turned to face him.

There was no way to subtly bring this up, and she would definitely dance around the subject if he didn't insist or left any room for her to. He faced Rainbow Dash and knelt so he was eye level with her. “Lucca told me what you did while I was poisoned.”

She immediately shrunk back, having been terrified about this exact confrontation. Not that she hadn't been all but inviting it since she had been healed from her encounter with Xellos. She quietly chastised herself for acting so … lovey … towards him these last few days.

She looked to him, hoping to get something on how he felt by his expression, but there was nothing. He looked completely neutral.

“Oh, it was nothing.” She awkwardly laughed. “Anypony would have done the same, I just got there first.” She hoped her answer would end the questioning there. But after all these years, she knew better.

“I'm talking about the kiss.” He calmly said.

Her heart raced the moment he finished the statement. Why did he have to be so blunt? Why did Lucca have to tell him?! “Well … they did say they'd start with the storybooks for cures.” She offered in a panic.

“They also said “true love's kiss” and not “the kiss of a fair young maiden”.” James countered.

She was caught … again. She'd gone through this with Lucca, she didn't want to relive this with him too.

James saw her mounting panic and smiled. “It's alright, I don't mind. I just want to know if there's something you want to tell me.”

Rainbow Dash looked away, biting her lip a moment. “What if I don't know yet?”

“Whatever you decide, go with your heart. A long life is too important to not listen to your heart. And know that whatever you choose, I'll support you.” James said as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Thanks.” She said with a slight grin as she looked him in the eye.

“But if you're okay with it, turn about is fair play.” He added with a wicked smile.

“What?!” She asked as her eyes went wide and she took a step back, her wings shot out as she realized just what he was suggesting.

“It's your choice, just say yes or no.” He told her as his smile went from wicked to genuine and he gently placed his forehead against hers. From this distance he could smell the celebratory cider she'd been enjoying since yesterday on her breath, but he was more focused on her magenta eyes.

She was on the spot now and desperately didn't want to screw this up. But what didn't she want to screw up?

Was she seriously considering this?

“Yes.” She quietly answered, as much to herself as to James.

Her heart thundered as she felt his lips press against hers. Tentatively, at first, she returned the kiss. Her head swam as she realized that it was finally happening. In only moments the kiss got more passionate and she didn't hesitate to reciprocate. This was completely different than when she had kissed him, and nothing like when he had been breathing for her. She had to admit, to herself if no one else, that she wanted this. Somewhere deep inside she was happy.

After what could have been seconds or days for all she cared, they finally separated.

James gave her a quick peck on her lips before backing off himself, smiling as he looked her in the eye once more. “Are you alright?” He cautiously asked, gently rubbing her foreleg as he did.

She only nodded.

“Do you regret it?”

She shook her head.

“Did that give you any answers?”

Rainbow Dash was still and silent as she tried to think about it. She had wanted this, and for a long time too. But relationships weren't something you just jump into. Especially when you've been avoiding them for so long. This was the one thing that Twilighting could actually be the right response to. If he had only known how much she had been thinking about this! She was so very confused now, but so happy that it happened.

With no answer forth coming, he knew that he needed to be supportive. No matter what happened now, it was her choice. He moved his hand to the back of her neck and rubbed for a moment as he smiled warmly at her. “I've given you my answer, the ball's in your court now. Still coming by for breakfast?”

She paused before smiling and nodding.

Neither of them knew that they had had an audience.

Author's Note:

And here we are at the end.
I hope you liked it, or at least some part of it. Goodness knows there's enough.
I am planning on a sequel and even a story centering around Pops but need to hammer out some details.
I would like ideas on who watched the kiss as that would effect some aspect of the story. I've got several ideas myself the problem is that I can't choose so I'm open to suggestions.
Thank you everyone who came along for this.
A couple little things during the story. With Discord's fight I kind had this running through my head.

And I always listened to this while writing and rereading the Gurren Lagann section. (Big thanks to Power of Six for your input on this part.) The moment Rainbow Dash begins to stand is when it begins, and (probably since I'm a slow reader) it flows and ends nicely.

Any way, thanks again everybody.

Comments ( 20 )

Yeah, this story needed(needs) an editor.
I didn't know there were people who would just help with that when I started posting.


and if that was shy he was cutting himself off.

Error combined with reference to earlier when he used a spell that on Luna's side of the dream realm seemed to excise the portion. This was the first time something like this had happened and with Twilight's and Fluttershy's dreams earlier she tried to find him specifically without luck so she reasoned that he was cutting his dreams off somehow. I've toyed with rewriting the early chapters.

Personally I feel Pinkie should be the one to apologize. He made it clear he wanted a private discussion and instead of respecting that she just interrupts it and yet the others insist he apologize to her. I just feel his so called horrible actions are justified and instead of making up for it Pinkie should. At least that is how I feel. Also they were aware of his suspicious behavior? I mean I guess I can buy them knowing he was hiding from them, well Pinkie and asking for a private conversation, but that isn't too weird to me. On one hand I get your explanation but at the same time I still feel they all, including him, treated his outburst as worse than it really was.

Yeah, I didn't do that chapter as well as I possibly could now.
I just hesitate to start rewriting on the chance that I redo the whole thing. "Locking it in" As it may be was part of why I posted it. The feedback I've gotten from this has helped my writing in general.

Yes but good manners are something that is always a good thing. And popping in the middle of a private conversation is always rude. Even if it is public unless necessary you shouldn't listen to conversations you aren't part of because one it's not polite and two you might hear something you don't like.

Interesting. I only ever watched the Stargate movie.
The symbol I used is actually a modified Core Drill from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Holy Shit you need to Watch the Series(plural).
Right. Fucking. Now.

This is a Threat
not really but still go watch it, it's fucking awesome and better than current trek even through it's a quarter century old

Better than current Trek?
That's a massive claim. And one I have to disagree with with what I've watched so far (though it's really apples and oranges.) But it is good, and fun to see MacGyver again.

The Franchise(those being SG1, Atlantis and Universe and the bridge movies) as a Whole*
Stargate SG1 had a few issues in it's 1st Season

And just what have i stumbled across here…

Just something I wrote for the heck of it. And it kept growing as time went on. There are some parts I particularly like, and some that could have been done much better. I'm not going to trumpet it as being great, but some people seem to have found parts they particularly seem to like.
I hope you enjoy it if you choose to read it. My writing does get better as the story goes.

Heresy. Heresy of the highest order.

You go and bingewatch the entirety of SG:1 and Atlantis. Universe is meh, but still watch it.

I have been watching. I just prefer Star Trek.
And Jewel State as the medical officer was certainly a good choice.

Also, mood. I mean, i myself am in the process of writing a story i plan to make very long, going from over 10k years before Twilight even exists all the way to… well spoilers.

Understandabl- wait.

Which series?

Which Stargate? I've been skipping between them. Getting recommendations. I did like the time loop episode.
Or if you mean Star Trek ... Well, OS, TNG, Piccard, SNW, and Lower Decks.

Yea i meant Star Trek.

Also, yea i love the time loop episodes.
With that said… do you like Marvel shows? I mean the good ones, not the crap we've been fed recently(with the exception of Loki, hopefully they dont ruin its second season like they did Secret Invasion). I mean the Agent Carter, Agents of Shield, etc. series.

Have you watched Voyager and ST:Enterprise?

The only Star Trek series I haven't seen are the original animated series and Prodigy.
Voyager is good, but the Maquis immediately integrating into the crew cut off what could have made for good story conflict, and better showing how they could be brought back to Star Fleet.
As for Enterprise, I was only ever so so on it. It's good, and has some stories and good moments but I think it's one of the weaker entries in the series.

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