• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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20 Romero

James was in his normal form as he leaned against wall in the throne room of Twilight's castle. Fluttershy looking furious as she explained what happened the night before while Rainbow Dash tried to point out it's highlights.

“I mean, how could you not appreciate that?” Rainbow Dash asked happily.

“Because I don't think being scared is very fun!” Fluttershy huffed.

James considered why he was asked here as they went around talking about their point of view. Clearly they felt he had a hand in encouraging her with their long prank. But he, along with Tenyo, went to a lot of effort to try to make her think about her pranks more than a half second idea. By example if nothing else.

As Twilight sat on her throne the unmistakable sound of a whoopee cushion rang out as Rainbow Dash laughed.

James sighed as he looked to Rainbow Dash. “Didn't I we talk about this? Even once? There's three aspects to a great prank; premise, skill, and effort. Good has two, alright has one.”

“Yeah, and a whoopee cushion is like a joke shortcut.” Applejack said.

“Honestly Rainbow Dash. If you are not willing to put forth the effort again to pull a prank that everypony can enjoy, you may as well not pull one at all.” Rarity chastised.

This was a challenge, and one that Rainbow Dash would not back down from. “Fine, if you ponies want effort, that's just what you'll get.” She said before flying out of the throne room.

Concern was the mood of the room once she had gone as Twilight expressed. “I'm not sure she understood what we meant.”

“I'm positive she didn't.” James mumbled.

“Pardon me, what was that?” Rarity asked as James turned to leave.

“Oh, just saying that this won't be like Honeycut trying to outdo Trapper.” James said.

“And who're they?” Twilight asked.

“I'll have to show you some good examples of them sometime, as well as their mutual accomplice Hawkeye.” James opened the door and turned back to them. “I hope you don't think I inspired this. I really did encourage her to consider everyone involved in a joke.” With that James walked out and left for New Guardia, considering the potential of getting Pinkie Pie in on a prank with the two of them in gorilla costumes.


It was easy enough for Rainbow Dash to get into New Guardia. She still had everything she needed for total access to the Castle and after months of working with him she knew the general schedule inside and out. She nailed the timing as she watched James and Lucca enter their room. They both worked late on some project or another and would have their music playing. As she waited for the cakes for Rarity's prank she had time to get James.

The music had been playing for almost half an hour when Rainbow Dash entered the room. She knew it was safe as James had already begun snoring. She flew over the floor to not make any noise as she got out the tools for her plan. Not that stealth was entirely necessary with Jim's snoring.

Even without her glasses Lucca could tell that something was wrong that morning. James's hair had been dyed rainbow colors along it's entire length. With a moan she poked James's shoulder. “I guess she's pranking everyone now.” Lucca said as she reached for her glasses, glad to find they hadn't been tampered with.

James opened his eyes, unfortunately he was nearly blind for the first minute as he tried to clear his vision by blinking. “Yeah, you too.” He mumbled when he was finally able to see Lucca's hair.

Lucca stood and went to the closet door where the mirror hung and saw that her hair had been dyed as well, her's however matched Twilight's hair. “That or something much more horrible happened and we're wearing their actual hair.” Lucca joked.

James chuckled as he tossed on his robe and opened the door. Rainbow Dash waited just outside in the hallway, smiling up at him. “Gotcha.” She happily said.

“What?” He asked, feigning obliviousness.

“Uhm, haven't you seen your hair yet?” Rainbow Dash asked, chastising herself as she remembered his preference to get coffee first thing in the morning.

“Nope.” He said with a grin.

“Well, I've got a mirror right here.” Rainbow Dash said as she produced a small hand mirror for James to use, holding it up with her wing.

James already knew about his hair and had decided to not react and give her the satisfaction. Though he would certainly admit there was no small amount of skill in dying Lucca's and his hair without waking either of them. What had really surprised him was that she had gotten his beard stubble too.

“Gotcha.” She happily repeated.

“I have no idea what you're talking about.” James calmly said as he handed her back the mirror.

Rainbow Dash was bewildered. “There's no way you couldn't have noticed.” She said as she lifted off the ground to look in his eyes.

“Noticed what?” James was not going to relax his position.

“That your hair matches mine.” Rainbow Dash insisted.

“Do you really miss me that much?” He asked with a coy smile as he gently placed his hand on the back of her head.

She knew James was being intentionally infuriating. It was bad enough that he questioned her ability to pull a great prank on her own, but now he was ignoring it when she did. And to top it off he was implying that she missed their fake relationship. She really liked him and would admit they were very close, but she did not think about him like that!

She growled and grumbled as she started to fly off.

“Hey Rainbow Dash!” James called as she got close to the corner.

“What?” She snarled as she turned to face him.

He wore a wide grin and had a mischievous look in his eye. “Gotcha.” He quickly said.

He had used her prank to make a joke on her. Rainbow Dash tried to look angry but she couldn't help but laugh as she knew that he was just having fun like she was. “Okay, okay. I'll see you later.”

His next visitor was more of a surprise as Scootaloo came walking through the castle only minutes after Rainbow Dash left.

“Wow James. Nice hair. I bet Rainbow Dash would love it.” She said with a smile.

James ran his hand through his hair as he spoke. “I should hope so. She's the one who did this while I was asleep. So what brings you out this way kiddo?”

Scootaloo smiled as she got ready to ask. “Well, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are selling Filly Guide cookies, but your castle isn't exactly in Ponyville. I just wanted to ask if you'd like to buy some tomorrow?”

Using the equivalence system that James and his brother had worked out and remembering the situation clearly he knew right away what he would be getting. A smile spread across his face as he thought about it. “Of course I'd like some. I'll be sure to be in Ponyville tomorrow.”

Lucca came walking out of their bedroom as he spoke to Scootaloo, having scanned her hair she knew she would have to get it bleached then dyed back to normal. She didn't like having long hair, but it was necessary for the political aspect of her life and she disliked the wig even more. She stopped abruptly as she saw her husband talking to the small pony. “Oh, hi Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo didn't know her that well but she still smiled at the woman. “Hi Mrs. Glastos.” She happily said.

Lucca gave her a blank look. “You know, before James and I were married the kids about your age called me big sis.” She said as she smiled at Scootaloo. “You can call me that too if you want.”

The suggestion was a bit uncomfortable for Scootaloo and it showed clearly on her face.

“Or just Lucca if you'd feel better about that.” Lucca offered after seeing her expression. She forced her smile to stay in place as she looked to her guest.

“Okay. Thanks Lucca. Each box is one bit, we'll see you tomorrow!” Scootaloo called as she ran off.

“Box of what?” Lucca asked James as Scootaloo disappeared around the corner.

“Girl Scout cookies.” James said with a grin.

“Get me tagalongs.” Lucca said as she walked back into their bedroom.

“I don't know if they have different kinds of cookies or just one, if they don't ask me what I'll assume it's only the one kind. And don't get hung up about the whole “Big Sis” thing. If you start obsessing I might have to start calling you Airi.” James said as he walked back back into the bedroom as well.

“Do that and I'll smack you like her.” Lucca threatened. “I'll be needing Hinako so I can get my hair back to normal. You going back to blond or will you try something else? I kind of liked that really dark brown that Rarity gave you.” As she spoke she walked into their bathroom.

“Honestly, I'm impressed enough that she did this without either of us noticing that I'll keep it until our next official function.” James called as he heard the shower start. “Or till my roots start showing.”

“You're sayian, remember, that's not happening until your hair gets cut and grows back.” Lucca called back.

“…Right. I wonder if the dye effects how my hair looks as a super sayian.” James quietly wondered to himself. As he got ready to shower later he burst out laughing when he noticed that his tail had been dyed as well.


James smiled as he set up his capsule cottage. He only brought the small one as he didn't intend to stay long, he just needed a door for the CMCs to knock on.

He couldn't help but wonder if there was some reason Rainbow Dash had chosen to use her hair color for him and not just a solid random color. Then again she completely changed Lucca's hair too, so it could be that it was just for immediate recognition and nothing more.

The CMCs looked to the domed cottage and Scootaloo immediately remembered that she forgot to tell Pinkie that James would be coming to Ponyville. “Uhm, I don't remember that building. Let's not bother them right now.” She nervously said.

Rainbow Dash knew the design of the cottage immediatly, James was here. This was another perfect chance to prank him too. “Nah Scootaloo, it's just James. I bet he'd love some cookies.” Rainbow Dash could barely contain her laughter as she thought about it and snorted a couple times.

“Isn't he on some kind of diet?” Sweetie Belle suggested, just as uncomfortable about dragging him into the prank as another victim.

Applejack looked uncomfortably over to Rarity who shrugged. “That just means he'll buy more cookies.” Rarity said smiling. He had pranked them earlier so a little revenge wasn't uncalled for. She nodded to the Crusaders and they slowly approached his cottage. They gently knocked on the door, almost going unheard.

Rainbow Dash wasn't going to let a little timid filly get in the way of her awesome prank. “Come on girls. It's just James. Knock like you mean it.” Rainbow Dash smiled as she thought about it.

They looked back to Applejack and Rarity who both nodded before knocking again.

Rainbow Dash fell out of the air as she saw James still had the rainbow hair she gave him the hours earlier.

“Great to see you.” He smiled as he spoke to the fillies. “Once I told Lucca about the cookies she insisted that I get at least twice what I was planning on so I guess I'm buying ten boxes.”

“James, what happened to your mane?” Rarity asked as she examined it.

James smiled at her and nodded. “I'm pretty sure you know, or at least have a good guess.” He said as he gave them ten coins. Once he had his boxes he thanked them and let them go on their way.

Once alone in the cottage, James lay in the bed and set his alarm for just after sunset. Lucca would just have to go without her tagalongs till morning.

James left his cottage and put it away as he waited for the coming “zombie” hoard. It was fun knowing what was coming.

He weaved through the hoard as he watched Rainbow Dash hauling the cart of cookies towards the road. It didn't take long for him to catch up to the fleeing ponies.

“James!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “You're alright! You haven't eaten any of the cookies?”

“No. I was just resting before going home and I saw all of this.” He said as he easily ran alongside the group.

“Come with us!” Rainbow Dash insisted, not slowing her pace.

“We need to find somewhere to hide!” Sweetie Bell shouted.


James helped them barricade the barn as they hid from the other ponies.

“James, get the CMCs and the cookies out of here!” Rainbow Dash said as she panicked. It wasn't just their safety she was worried about, it was getting the joke cookies away from the ponies until this passed. She needed to get everyone to safety before she could think about fixing the problem she created.

James shook his head as he approached her. “If this is some sort of infection, we'd all be quarantined for at least three days. It's better if we figure it out while we're here before making that call.” James reasoned.

“Why are we running from the ponies of Ponyville?” Scootaloo asked.

“What happened to all our friends?” Sweetie Belle added.

“I think it's something in the cookies.” Rainbow Dash quietly admitted as she collected a box from the wagon.

“Ah.” James said smiling and nodding. “That makes sense.”

The rest of the group looked his way shocked.

James barely reacted as he looked around. “What? … Clearly none of you have ever had Thin Mints.”

Applejack shook her head. “That's ridiculous.” She scoffed. “Filly Guide cookies haven't changed in years. It's not like there's some new ingredient that's turning the whole town into cookie craving zombies.”

“I'm telling you: It's Thin Mints, they'll do it every time.” James said.

Everyone in the barn decided it was probably for the best to ignore James for now.

James watched as Rainbow Dash was about to confess when the barricades began to fail. James leaped in and helped place more as they desperately tried to keep everyone out. As they were distracted James grabbed a box from the cart and ate a few cookies, smearing more on his face. He turned away from them as Rainbow Dash confessed the whole thing.

James let out an evil laugh as he stumbled forward, twitching as he moved and staring glassy eyed at the cookies behind Rainbow Dash. He took several raspy breaths as he approached with the rest of the hoard.

He patiently stood around as they taught Rainbow Dash her lesson, as he listened he decided he may as well start twitching again. He had a short lesson to teach too, maybe not a good lesson but a lesson. He kept the crazed smile and glassy eyes while he waited.

“Wow Pinkie, when did you tell James? I forgot to tell anypony I asked him to come visit.” Scootaloo said as she looked to her.

“Yeah, I was certain we'd wind up pranking him too.” Applejack said.

“I never told him. I didn't know he'd be here.” Pinkie said with a giggle.

James laughed again as he twitched and stepped forward. Everyone watching stopped cold and gasped as he slowly moved closer to the pile of cookies. A circle formed around him as they stepped away, not sure what was happening. Rainbow Dash smiled, realizing exactly what James was doing.

He tilted his head to the side and took in a wheezing breath. “Turn about's fair play.” He calmly said as he wiped the colored smudge from his face. “It doesn't hurt that Applejack spoiled the joke right at the climax. Once I heard her I grabbed a box, I'll get you that bit in a second, and decided to join in.”

Applejack looked incredulously at James. “Didn't seem spoiled to me.”

James cocked an eyebrow at her. “I believe the quote is. “It looks like your prank up and backfired.” That told me absolutely everything about what was going on. Seriously, if there's a lesson it needs to wait until after the joke is done.” James shook his head as he collected a bit from his bag and floated it to Scootaloo.

“And what was this about Thin Mints?” Rarity asked as they all started to walk out of the barn. “It seemed like this all made sense to you with those. You can't seriously expect us to believe that, right?”

James shook his head. “Close but not exactly. Though I will have to go pick up a couple boxes now that I've been thinking about them. Any of you want some?”

Author's Note:

I love how straight they played the whole zombie trope.
Of course spending that long doing someone else’s prank she’d want to make up for the lost jokes she didn’t pull in that time.
Yeah, I'm just rehashing the episode (shocking, I know), but this would be a fun one to just live through, especially knowing what was going on.
Damn, now I want some Thin Mints.

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