• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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2 The Walk of Shame

Things were not right in the dream world that night.

Princess Luna traveled between dreams, observing what ponies were dreaming and intervening if they had nightmares.

There were always a few, but this night two in particular caught her attention. Twilight Sparkle's nightmare prominently featured a heavyset male Alicorn who's voice shifted quickly from friendly to threatening. It was not hard for her to resolve the nightmare.

“Twilight.” Luna said as she approached. The male alicorn didn't seem to acknowledge her existence as it continued it's rampage. It became quickly obvious that it would be difficult to speak over the brute and with a brief moment of concentration it faded away, leaving them alone in the empty library.

“This is an unusual nightmare. What could be bothering you to create such an image?”

Even asleep, Twilight remembered that keeping Green Apple secret for now was important. He used a whole new magic and was quick to anger. “There's a new unicorn in Ponyville right now. I guess his outburst upset me more than I expected.”

“What happened?”

“He was upset at Pinkie and took it out on all of us.” Twilight quickly answered.

“I'm certain you should speak with him. Let him know how he made you feel.” Luna calmly advised.

“Of course, thank you Princess Luna.” Twilight said as she looked around the now empty library.

“Is there something else you wish to say?” Luna asked. She could see that Twilight was holding something back, but she was under no obligation to tell her about it.

“Well …” Twilight hesitantly said, but Green Apple had told her that they couldn't talk about it as something bad would happen to every one if she did. “No … I think I can handle it. Thank you Princess.”

The nightmare resolved Luna went off to the next one. Much to her surprise it involved the same heavyset male Alicorn. This time it was Fluttershy who was having the Nightmare as she cowered at the bottom level of the Golden Oaks Library. The Alicorn was much more physically intimidating this time as he stood at the top of the stairs growling.

“It seems this new pony is rather unpopular this night.” Princess Luna said as the scenery changed to a calm midday forest. “Is there something you fear about him Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy looked to the dark Alicorn and breathed a sigh of relief before realizing that she couldn't tell her about the new visitor as she would probably tell Princess Celestia. “Oh, it's nothing. I just need to talk to him again. He was much nicer when we first met, I'm sure it was all a misunderstanding. Thank you for your help Princess Luna.” She couldn't quite believe herself, but she had to keep quiet for now. Especially to avoid making him mad again.

Luna knew Fluttershy was always willing to give others the benefit of the doubt, but it was suspicious that it was an Alicorn in her dream too. “Would you like to talk about it? Or this pony that has interrupted more dreams than just your own?”

Fluttershy turned away and hid behind her hair as she spoke. “Oh, no. That's fine. Thank you.”

“You're not the only pony to have this nightmare this night, so just know that you are not alone.” Luna said as she faded out.

On a whim Luna peaked in on Pinkie Pie's dream. It had just changed to a party as she began observing. She scrutinized the attendants of the party eventually finding the same male Alicorn. He wasn't threatening, though he was the only attendant not smiling. Pinkie continued to try to entertain him without any luck, eventually though the dream shifted to a new one. Luna noted the Alicorn and left before she was noticed.

In the relative distance, there was one final oddity. A noticeable void. As if there were supposed to be a dream, but it had been gouged out leaving nothing in it's place. She tried to enter, but there seemed to be a protective barrier around it.

Dawn rose over Canterlot as Princess Luna's magic faded. Exhausted, Luna trotted for the dining room where Princess Celestia was eating her breakfast. A plate floated to her as Celestia offered her some pancakes as she did every morning.

“Thank you, but not right now.” Luna said taking a piece of fruit. She started to walk away as she remembered the events of the night. “Actually, I think I will. I need to tell you about something anyway.”

“Well, sister, what do you have to tell me?” Celestia smiled as Luna started eating. They never really talked like this over breakfast, usually Luna was too tired and went right to bed.

Luna swallowed her bite and began to explain what she had found that night, and recounting the appearance of the male Alicorn. “It would seem that there's something interesting going on in Ponyville.”

“Yes. I'll have to send a letter to Twilight asking her about this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention, sister. Rest well.” As short as the conversation was, she appreciated the time with her sister.

Princess Luna walked off to her bed as Celestia collected quill and parchment.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Spike was laying in bed as the familiar sensation came over him. He adjusted himself just in time as he belched fire. From the flames a parchment materialized, addressed to Twilight Sparkle.

He carefully took the message and walked over to where Twilight was only just starting to stir. “Twilight,” He said calmly. “you've got a letter from Celestia.” He unrolled the parchment and began to speak.

Twilight was wide awake at the mention of the message and jumped out of bed.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle, It has come to my attention that there may be something going on in Ponyville that has caused some disturbance with you and your friends. Princess Luna recounted to me several curious events that occurred in the dreamworld and we agreed that we should ask if there is any information you would care to share about it. Sincerely, Princess Celestia.” Spike's voice shook as he approached the end of the message. With a gulp he looked to Twilight. “What should we do Twilight?”

Twilight's mind raced, she had some recollection of a nightmare that Green Apple was the antagonist of, but she clearly remembered his message about how there is proper procedure to follow in his objective, and his warning that Celestia was not to be informed. However, she could not keep this from Celestia, especially since she had been asked directly. “Oh, I don't know. I don't know!” She said as she paced the room. “You saw how he got after Pinkie Pie interrupted us. Imagine how angry he'll get if I tell Celestia. If he were a jerk this would be easy, but even when he was angry he was clearly trying to be polite.”

“Maybe that's how he always is.” Spike suggested. “And being nice was an act.”

Twilight paced as she continued to fret. “We don't know him well enough to say that …” She stopped abruptly as an idea came to her. “We don't know him well enough.” She said with a smile. “Spike, take a letter.”

“Dear Princess Celestia, I understand your concern and would like to tell you more. However at the moment there is no situation. There is a new pony in town and he came to speak with us, however he got angry when Pinkie Pie interrupted what was meant to be a private conversation. We don't know enough about him to make any judgments at this moment. I will speak with him again and evaluate if there is a problem. Yours, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Spike finished the letter and quickly rolled it up. Holding it at arm's length he exhaled a small burst of green fire and the message burned to ash which promptly flew through the window to the castle on the mountain.

“You think that's enough of an explanation?” Spike asked as he watched the ash fly off.

“I hope so. I mean, he was nice to everypony until he got angry so I have to think that he didn't intend to be that mean.” Twilight explained. “I think he's not used to being around so many ponies and was out of his element.”

Spike smiled as he believed he understood what she meant. “Boy did he come to the wrong place then.” A sudden wave came over him as he realized Celestia's response was coming now. He adjusted his head as he belched more green flame. The scroll landing in his waiting arms.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle, I trust that you will do what you feel is right. Please keep me informed with any developments. Sincerely, Princess Celestia.”

Twilight smiled as Spike finished reading the letter. “See Spike. She trusts me to find out what's going on.”

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Fluttershy walked along the path through the nearby forest, Angel hopping close by. Calm walks with her friends always helped when she had a nightmare.

A small domed building appeared from the trees just off the path in the distance. She couldn't help but think it looked a bit like a beetle. She'd walked along this path many times and had never seen anything like it before. It seemed to her as if it had only sprung up the other day.

She didn't want to bother whoever may be inside, but the curiosity of the building drew her closer. It's design unlike anything she had ever seen before but with enough vague similarities that she was able to tell it was something like a cabin or cottage.

She could hear someone walking around inside as she approached the door. Curiousity got the best of her and nervously she raised her hoof and gently knocked on the door. The sound inside stopped abruptly for a second before it approached the door. Something hit the door and a second later she heard more activity.

“One second Fluttershy.” Came a voice from inside and what sounded like cloth being tossed around.

Fluttershy's eyes went wide as she recognized the voice from last night, her heart beat faster as she tried to think of some reason to get away quickly. However the door opened too soon, the chestnut stallion with long blond mane and goatee stood at the door. He wore an outfit similar to the one he had worn last night only it was black instead of blue, however he wore the same long open jacket. He smiled timidly at her as he looked her way.

“I know you didn't mean to, but thanks for stopping by.” He calmly said. “Please come in. Would you like some tea?” He backed away from the door to make room for her to enter.

“Oh, well …” Fluttershy stumbled over her words as she tried to think of a way to politely excuse herself.

“Please.” James implored. “I have to apologize for last night. I was out of line for getting that angry. None of you deserved to be treated that way.”

Fluttershy, unable to think of any means of getting away politely nodded and entered, Angel right behind her.

There was a small table attached to a nearby wall with two stools beneath it. Quietly Fluttershy took a seat at the table as James walked over to a small shelf with a black panel above it.

“S-com, tea; one pot; English breakfast; hot; two mugs; bowl of sugar; decanter of milk … Almond milk.” He said to the shelf.

Fluttershy couldn't help but feel awkward as he spoke to the wall, but didn't want to say anything as she had no idea if this stallion was entirely sane. A few seconds later, however, she saw him bring all of those things out of the shelf, the glass teapot was even steaming and the decanter covered in condensation.

James used his magic to place the teapot, sugar and milk in the center of the table and place a mug in front of Fluttershy. His mug came to rest across the table from her as he walked back to the shelf.

“S-com, one plate of strawberry oat crackers.” James said, again talking to the shelf.

Fluttershy leaned over in an attempt to see the inside of the shelf, but from this angle she couldn't see anything. Seconds later James was approaching with the plate of strawberry flavored crackers.

James sat on the stool opposite Fluttershy and levitated the glass teapot over, pouring some of it's contents into her mug.

“Go ahead and use however much sugar and milk as you like for your tea, or if you'd like something else I can get that for you.” James said smiling as a measure of tea poured from the pot along with a stream of sugar rising from the bowl and streaming into his mug.

Fluttershy watched, frightened as James's face suddenly went stoic.

“That was stupid of me.” He said as he stood from the stool and walked to a kitchenette area. A drawer opened and two spoons rose from it as he brought them to the table. “Sorry,” James said with a laugh. “it's early enough that my mind isn't quite working yet. Some strong tea or coffee will clear it right up though.” As he sat back down he smiled again.

Angel leaped onto the table and took a cracker from the plate and began chewing on it. Fluttershy continued to stare as James reached out with a hoof and gently stroked the rabbit's head.

“Sorry if it isn't to your liking.” James said as he looked at Fluttershy. “I don't know your tastes very well.”

The statement shocked Fluttershy back to the moment as she realized she hadn't tasted the tea yet. Quietly she used the spoon and scooped some sugar into her mug before pouring a measure of milk. The tea wasn't a blend she was familiar with and not one she would normally decide to have, but it wasn't bad. James, however smiled as he drank, taking a bite of cracker after a sip. Clearly this was one of his favorites. The two sat for minutes in silence, drinking their tea and eating crackers.

James eventually broke the silence. “As I was saying, it was wrong of me to be so mad last night. I didn't want to get angry either, it just sometimes happens. And after you all went to so much effort for my sake, I'm planning on apologizing to everyone today. But you especially deserve an apology. Just let me know if there's anything I can do for you.” James said, his smile once again disappearing.

“The apology is enough.” Fluttershy quietly said before trying one of the crackers. “But I wouldn't mind getting the recipe for these crackers.”

“Of course.” James said, smiling again. He got up and walked to the shelf again. “S-com. Printout of the Strawberry cracker recipe, edited for volume instead of weight.”

Fluttershy watched as once again James came back with something from the unusual shelf. “Do…” Fluttershy quietly said. “Do you mind if I ask what that shelf is. You've brought everything from it, is it magic?”

James looked confused for a moment before he smiled again. “That's called a replicator. It's from my home and it can make anything is has the plans for. I was speaking to it's computer to let it know what I wanted.”

Fluttershy didn't fully understand what he was saying, but it was clearly something common for him. “So it’s both magical and a computer.” She surmised.

James's mouth pursed as he thought about it. “That's not an inaccurate description. What it does is certainly comparable to magic.”

Fluttershy got up and trotted over to the shelf. “Thank you S-com.” She quietly said. There were two beeps before the computer replied with a preprogrammed response James had installed years before when his daughters would talk to everything.

“That's not necessary, but you're very welcome.” Came the automated female response.

“Well, I guess you have a lot to do today.” Fluttershy quietly said as she opened the door.

“I hope you enjoy your day.” James said as she walked out. Once alone, James pulled the clothes he wore the other day from the washing machine and packed them into the drawer he had got this outfit from. After clearing the table and recycling all of the unused material back into the matter storage buffer he walked to the door of the cottage. With the press of a button a fifteen second timer started. Quickly he walked out of the cottage before it suddenly compressed back into it's capsule.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Apple Jack and Big Mac were busy that morning, it was time to start harvesting the apples their family was famous for. Neither noticing the alicorn that approached them.

“Hello.” James said as he sat down near Applejack.

“Glastos! What the hay you doing here?” Applejack asked as she kicked a tree, the apples falling neatly into the nearby cart.

“I came to apologize to both you and your brother. I was out of line and none of you deserved how I treated you. Especially after all the work you put into welcoming me.” James explained.

“We ain't the ponies ya need to be sayin' sorry to.” She explained as she moved on to the next tree.

“I owe both of you an apology as much as everyone else. Regardless of what you say.” James said.

“That's nice and all, but we're also a bit busy at the moment.” Applejack said as patiently as she could.

“Tell me what I can do then. I don't like resting on my haunches when there's work in front of me to do.” James said standing.

“Ya ever buck apples before?” Applejack asked, now eying the heavyset alicorn. She doubted he had ever done any hard work, but was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

“Nope, but I can haul carts easily enough.” James said with a grin.

“Alright. Me an Mac'll keep bucking, you get the carts to the barn and back. We'll stop for lunch an you can get on with making sorry with everypony else.” Apple Jack reasoned. Whether or not he was familiar with hard work he was willing to work, that certainly counted for something.

“Sounds reasonable.” James said as he brought back the last empty cart, moving it below a full tree.

Applejack did a double take as she saw that the cart had been emptied. “How the heck did you get that to the barn an back so fast?” She asked, eying James suspiciously.

“I've got years of training behind me.” James answered with a smile. “It looks like Big Macintosh's got a few carts to take back. So if you'll excuse me.” James said calmly walking off.

“What about …” Applejack started to say before she saw that every cart and bushel in her vicinity was empty.

Big Mac stood next to a tree, raised a single leg and with a powerful kick knocked every apple from it's branches. His cart filled quickly.

“Hello.” James said as he approached.

Big Mac just nodded his direction.

“I'm here to say sorry for last night. None of you deserved what I did to you.” James explained.

“Yup.” Big Macintosh calmly answered.

“Well, Applejack has me hauling carts to and from the barn till lunch. That's not penitence, I offered to help. That okay with you?” James asked as he sat near the strong silent pony.

Big Mac eyed him for a moment, while he clearly had a volatile temper there was no reason to not let him try to apologize through actions or words. “Yup.” He said with a nod.


James sat at the table with Big Macintosh, Applejack, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith as a massive picnic was placed before them.

Applejack smiled as she took a piece of apple pie. “Ya know, Green Apple, we probably got all of today's harvesting done thanks to yer help. Don't know how you haul them so fast, but you're welcome to help anytime.”

“Yup.” Big Macintosh said as he took his own piece of pie.

“I wasn't that much help. All I did was run carts.” James said calmly, taking a slice himself.

“I wouldn't've said that if it weren't true now.” Applejack chastised.

“I don't doubt that. I just think I don't deserve that much credit. I only did the easy part.” James replied before he took a bite of pie. It wasn't nearly as sweet as he was expecting, much to his pleasure. He had assumed dessert this early in the day was odd, but he had to consider that ponies lived on fruit and vegetables. This probably wasn't that odd for them. “This is very good.” He said smiling wide.

“What a nice young colt you are.” Granny Smith said, smiling back at James.

“Don't go calling me young now, miss.” James said coyly. “I've had more than my share of years.”

Granny Smith giggled and waved a hoof in James's direction.

The casual conversation continued for a while they ate in the sunlight until James stood up.

“As much as I appreciate your hospitality, I've got some mares to apologize to.” James said as he cleared his place.

“You little heart breaker.” Granny Smith said.

James bowed as he smiled. “Guilty as charged.” He chuckled slightly as he stood back up.

“There's more if you like.” Applejack was quick to say.

“Unfortunately, it's a bit obvious that I accept that invitation far too often.” James said as he patted his stomach with his hoof.

“Yup.” Big Macintosh said with a smile.

James couldn't help but laugh at the jab as he walked away from the ponies.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –

The door to the boutique opened with a small chime as James entered. “Hello, Rarity?” James called as he began to look around.

“Right here, Green Apple.” Rarity called back from somewhere James could not see.

“I came to apologize for last night. None of you deserved to be spoken to that way. It's okay if you don't accept my apology, I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry.” James said as he tried to find the elusive unicorn.

“That's all well and good, darling. But isn't there somepony in particular you should apologize to?” She asked.

James could now hear the soft working of a sewing machine somewhere. “I'm apologizing to everyone. None of you deserved it so none of you go without me personally saying sorry.”

“Lovely thought.” Rarity said dispassionately.

“I'll leave you to your work then. I've got no eye for fashion so I wouldn't dare comment on your designs.” As James spoke the sewing machine abruptly stopped.

“That much is true. But if you have something to say, I'm all ears.” Rarity insisted, her voice between irritation and curiosity.

“Well besides being quite well made, everything in here seems to be designed with a focus on accentuating the one wearing it. You've made clothes designed to be worn and proudly shown off. Not an art exhibit to be seen briefly and forgotten once out of sight.”

Rarity looked out from her workspace, curtained by clothes. “Hmm. And you said you had no eye for fashion.” She said, a slight smile on her face.

“And you agreed.” James said as he continued to look for her.

“Well when you dress like that, dear, it's pretty obvious that you don't.” Rarity said as she left the impromptu alcove and stood behind James.

“I dress for comfort and occasionally politics. There’s not typically call for high fashion.” James said as he turned to face the unicorn behind him.

“Were you being serious?” She asked, her face even.

“Lying would defeat the purpose of apologizing.” James calmly answered as he flashed her a half smile.

“Alright darling, apology accepted. Now let's see if we can do something about all of this.” Rarity said matching James's half smile.

“I guess I should have seen this coming.” James said, mostly to himself.

Rarity's horn glowed as she brought a pair of scissors forward. “Alright, now we're not doing a thing to that glorious mane. But maybe we could cut that beard shorter. Or how about the scruffy look, that one's in lately.”

“You know, that might not be so bad.” James shrugged. “I've been getting some comments on the beard so I was thinking I'd cut it anyway. I just don't look any good clean shaven.” James said as he ran his hoof along his chin. “Though I wouldn't be opposed to making my ha … mane a dark brown.”

Rarity looked at James for a minute. “You know, that might actually work.” She grinned as she envisioned the look. “Kind of a dark, dashing look.”

James smiled at the compliment. “It's hard to be dashing at my size.” He joked.

“Shush, we're working magic here.” Rarity said.

“Miracle if you can make me look any good.” James mumbled.

“I said shush.” Rarity repeated. “I need to concentrate.”

James felt his mane and tail suddenly get wet and move around as if possessed of their own mind.

“Now normally I wouldn't say this, but for your style you're totally overdressed. Leave the jacket though, I'm loving it's length and it gives you this 'I don't care' look. That works with the long mane and will be great when we've got that beard of yours under control. But the shirt beneath and the trousers are too much work to really sell that look. It's all about simplicity for you, now if you've got a party to go to that's a different matter all together. See me and I can get you the right thing to wear, especially if you've got a date.”

Magic suddenly lifted James's haori off of him while Rarity pulled at his shirt. James wasn't quite ready to take off any clothes. Especially in front of someone he barely knew.

“Come on, get those clothes off and I'll get you in something suitable.” Rarity insisted.

“Sorry, I'm just not comfortable with my body.” James said as he struggled to keep his clothes on.

“Darling I could tell by how many layers you're wearing. Trust me, all we have to do is get you wearing something flattering and you'll have nothing to feel self conscious about.” Rarity insisted as she pulled at James's clothes.

“That's not layers, I'm just fat.” James insisted.

“Undershirt shirt and a jacket, that's a few layers. And we should do something to let those wings out from under the jacket.” Rarity continued.

“Absolutely not.” James said. “I'm trying to keep a low profile and announcing I'm an alicorn will apparently do just the opposite.”

“Well, alright. But we are getting these shirts off. You just need to simplify your wardrobe.” As she pulled eventually the ties gave way and the shirt flew open and off sending Rarity tumbling backwards. James's undershirt had not been tied and just hung loose and open as he stood in the studio, feeling quite exposed.

James's shirt flew up as Rarity stood from the floor. “There we go. Don't worry, I'll fix the ties in no time. Now let's get the rest off and see what we can do with you.”

James stood still, his eyes wide as he watched Rarity approach.

“Your trembling like Fluttershy, what ever is the matter?” Rarity asked.

“I really hate how I look.” James quietly said.

“Don't worry, when we're done you'll look amazing.” She said with a smile.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –

James flew high in the air, he'd spent longer with Rarity than he intended to, and while he had to admit going around without a shirt was more comfortable he still felt really self conscious. His haori flapped wildly behind him as he flew. Fortunately it wasn't hard for him to convince Rarity to let him keep his Hakama on while she designed a new outfit for him.

Rainbow Dash lounged on a cloud overhead, she didn't see James coming from below as he quickly closed the distance. His wings folded up behind him and beneath his haori as he floated beside the cloud.

“Excuse me. Rainbow Dash?” James asked quietly.

One of Rainbow Dash's eyes opened slightly. “Green Apple?” She asked. He looked remarkably different with the recent trim of his beard and dyed hair.

“Yeah. It's me. Rarity decided to give me a makeover.” He calmly answered.

“I haven't told anypony.” Rainbow Dash said as she rolled over.

“I actually came to apologize. I shouldn't have acted the way I did, especially after all of you did so much to welcome me.” James said sincerely.

“I'll let 'em know.” She said, not looking at James.

“I'm apologizing to everyone myself. It's the least I can do.” James said. “I understand if you don't want to forgive me. I can't do more than ask.” James turned and began to float away as Rainbow Dash refused to look at him.

Rainbow Dash was still mad at him for blowing up at her friends like that, but if he was really going out of his way to apologize to everyone she couldn't just stay mad at him. Besides, there was still something she needed to settle.

James had not gone more than a dozen feet when Rainbow Dash called to him. “You think you're hot stuff, huh!” She shouted.

“No. I swear, Rarity wouldn't let me leave wearing a shirt.” James was quick to answer, completely missing her point.

Rainbow Dash laughed a moment as she held her wide stance on the cloud. She shook her head as she looked back up to James. “No, I mean you think you're fast. Yesterday you wore a lot of blue and tricked Twilight and Pinkie into thinking you were me.”

“Well, I'm faster than you think I am.” James said, tossing a half grin Rainbow Dash's way.

This guy was cocky. Rainbow Dash liked that confidence and wanted to put his skills to the test. “Get back here! We race to that cloud over there and back on three. Ready?” Rainbow Dash said, still sounding angry.

James knew that he could beat her. He'd modified himself extensively over the centuries of his life to improve his strength endurance and speed and trained heavily against powerful warriors to hone those very skills. Not to mention all the magic he had at his disposal that would further improve his speed. And all Rainbow Dash had was her grit and determination. There was some question though if he didn't use his magic, he had let himself go after the last exercise regimen failed.

James floated by Rainbow Dash as she counted. The moment she said go they both rushed off. James staying right on her tail as she flew.

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened as she saw James's nose less than an inch from her tail. She looked forward and pushed herself harder. The cloud was fast approaching and James was actually getting closer.

Her muscles burned as she forced more out of them. Trying desperately to put more distance between them. A brush of her tail told her that James had not relented and was closing the distance. The cloud was coming up and she knew if she turned sharp enough she could gain distance as James attempted to keep on her.

The cloud fast approached, Rainbow Dash braced for her turn. A twitch of her wing sent her slinging around the cloud at a ninety degree angle. She heard what she could swear was an explosion as she made the turn. She hurried forward to try to gain as much of a lead as she could when she realized that James was in front of her by as wide of a gap as she had hoped to have on him.

James slowed down as his sudden stop combined with Rainbow Dash's speed had accidentally created a phenomenon similar to a sonic boom and obliterated the cloud they were using as their half point marker. He continued at near sonic speeds as Rainbow Dash once again pushed herself as hard as she could to catch up to James.

As she got closer she smacked his tail, letting him know she was gaining on him. Her wings were in sweet agony as she pushed harder, she knew she could get more out of them she'd done it before. She concentrated on her goal, completely losing sight of James in her narrow focus. She would win, she had to win, this was about more than the race it was about beating the guy who had snapped at her friends. This was personal.

James watched as she passed him. He knew if she pushed harder she would probably do another sonic rainboom, but James didn't want that. And he didn't really want to win either. James smiled as Rainbow Dash smashed through the goal cloud.

James could hear Rainbow Dash's holler of victory as she slowed down. The thrill of such a close victory clouding her perceptions as she came around to James, panting hard from the adrenalin coursing through her. Her smile threatened to take in her ears as she saw James near where the cloud was.

“I underestimated you.” James said smiling wide at the sweat drenched pony.

“You're right you did!” She exclaimed happily. “You're actually kinda awesome yourself.” She cautiously admitted after a short pause. “I'll have to learn how you made that turn sharper than I did.”

James nodded as Rainbow Dash continued her mental victory dance. “Thanks. I'll let you rest now. I've still got two ponies left to tell I'm sorry.”

“Yeah, get on that. Or you'll have me to deal with.” She said as she held a hoof up.

James nodded as he lightly tapped her foreleg with his. With that gesture James allowed himself to free fall back towards the ground. He immediately regretted it as vertigo set in.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –

It was past lunch when Twilight saw Fluttershy in town. “Fluttershy!” She called out as she ran towards the timid mare.

“Hi Twilight.” Fluttershy answered as she smiled at her friend.

“I was wondering if you've seen Green Apple. I need to see if he's anything like he came across last night, Celestia's already asking about him.” Twilight explained as she walked next to Fluttershy.

“Oh, that's not good. I saw him this morning, we had some tea and he told me he was going to apologize to everypony. He was just stressed and needed a bit of space is all. He was in a small cabin just inside the woods if you want me to take you there. I know he'd be happy to see you.” Fluttershy turned in the direction of the forest as she made the offer.

Twilight thought that if she couldn't find Green Apple while he was out, she could meet him at his home and talk to him there. She had to ascertain just what the protocols he spoke of were and report it to Celestia to make sure everything was alright. “Sure Fluttershy, I'd like to see it.”

The two talked while they walked through the woods until they came to the clearing that James had been in that morning. Fluttershy's mouth hung open as she looked into the void that should have had the beetle cottage.

“He was here this morning.” Fluttershy said. “I know it was here.”

Twilight nodded as she looked, certain that Fluttershy wasn't lying to her. She walked the area and could see that there was a large section where the grass was still mostly flat. “There was something here, it's just moved.”

“Do you think his whole house is magic like his S-com?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight thought back to the conversation they had on their way here when Fluttershy described the inside of the cottage. “That was the magic shelf you told me about, right?” She asked, recalling that Fluttershy told her how Green Apple seemed to pull food and drink out of nowhere.

Fluttershy pulled the paper from her mane as she recalled her interaction with the replicator. “Yes. I even got the recipe for the strawberry oat crackers we had with the tea.”

Twilight looked back to Ponyville as she thought about who could be next.

Fluttershy looked at Twilight as she thought. “Applejack would probably be next as she's closest to here.” She offered.

Twilight considered how close they were to Sweet Apple Acres before ultimately agreeing. With a sigh she began trotting towards the farm with Fluttershy in tow.

It wasn't long before they were at the orchard. Big Mac stood overlooking the area that had been done that day.

“Oh, hi Big Mac.” Twilight said as she approached.

“Heya.” He responded calmly, not looking her direction.

Fluttershy quietly approached the large pony. “Have you seen Green Apple?” She quietly asked.

“Yup.” He answered simply.

Afraid of the answer Twilight asked the next question. “Is he here?”


Twilight waited a moment, hoping for more information. “Do you know where he went?”

“To apologize to all of you.” He said as he continued to stare into the distance.

Fluttershy shrank away as she quietly spoke. “Well, I guess we'll be leaving then.”

Big Macintosh nodded as he responded. “Good day.”

As the two walked back towards the entrance of the farm they heard two other voices talking.

“How would I know where he is? I told you he just showed up and helped out for a while.” Applejack said as she walked along towards her house.

“I'm not expecting you to know where he is.” Rarity implored, right on Applejack's heels. “I just need help looking for him.”

Applejack stopped suddenly as she thought about it. “Alright, I'll help you look. Who d'you think he'd've talked to next?”

Rarity thought for a moment as she considered the options. “Well, I know we've both seen him, perhaps Twilight since she was the one he wanted to talk to last night. Though he should talk to Pinkie Pie since it was her he got so upset with.”

Applejack shook her head at the thought. “Yeah, the one he needs to apologize to the most is the least likely he'll talk to. What about Fluttershy?”

Twilight finally got close enough to call out to the two. “Girls! I think the only ones he's not talked to are Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie and myself.”

“Oh, hey there Twilight.” Applejack said as she got close.

“Well, this narrows it down at least. Let's check with Rainbow …” As Rarity spoke a blast sounded in the distance, demanding all of their attention. They turned to see what caused the explosion, but from their distance they couldn't see anything. It wasn't until a cloud was blasted away that they got any idea of what happened.

“Do you think he spoke with Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy quietly asked.

“Let's hope that wasn't a fight.” Twilight said as she started flying towards where she last saw the cloud. Fluttershy tried to keep up as Twilight hurried along.

“I'm pretty sure he was sincere in his desire to make up.” Applejack said as she ran after the two flying ponies, Rarity trying to keep up.

Rainbow Dash slowly lowered herself to the ground as the remainder of the group caught up. “That was a good race.” She said, still smiling wide.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –

James slowly walked up to Sugar Cube Corner. He had stopped to try to see Twilight first, but there was no answer when he knocked, not even from Spike. He decided that he could come back later that day if he had time after apologizing to Pinkie Pie. Though the trend of the day left that in question. Slowly he opened the door.

Pinkie Pie was at the counter, though she certainly wasn't standing. Her head was flat on the counter, her mane appeared deflated and any sign of joy in her eyes had gone long ago. She didn't even acknowledge James as he entered. Her eyes nearly closed again as she stared blankly ahead.

James now realized that he should have come here first. His hesitance to deal with a hyper active perky girl had caused him to ruin her entire day. He looked to the defeated pony as he thought of what to say.

“Well.” He said, forcing confidence in his voice. “Who would have thought that Pinkie Pie, Ponyvilles perpetually perky premier party planning pony, could be brought so low by an interloping inconsiderate irate imbecile …” James continued to look at the deflated pony that barely acknowledged his presence. “Who is sorry for just that.” His voice dropped the confidence and he looked her in the eye as he spoke. He was sorry and he hoped his voice conveyed that. “You didn't deserve what I did. None of you did. And there's no reason for what I did either. You worked hard to welcome me, you even toned back your party because you thought about how I may feel about too large and loud a gathering.”

James approached Pinkie and carefully placed his hoof on her shoulder. “I am deeply, and sincerely sorry for how I treated you.”

Pinkie Pie's eyes slowly rose to meet James's as she thought about what he said. In what felt to be a flash Pinkie Pie was up and happily shouting again. James's eyes widened and his mouth pulled straight in sudden realization of what was about to happen. Even from a distance of just a few inches Pinkie tackle hugged James and sent them both flying through the front door of the bakery as she repeatedly proclaimed how happy she was to have a new friend.

“Help me!” James shouted as the pink ball of energy assaulted him.

“Nah, I think you deserve this.” Applejack said as she looked on the scene. She couldn't keep the smile from her face as she saw just how uncomfortable he was.

“Applejack!” Pinkie shouted. “He came and said he was sorry! And he said it with two awesome alliterations!”

As she scream spoke, the remaining ponies of her group approached to watch the ridiculous scene.

“Right now I'm really regretting having a conscience.” James moaned as Pinkie Pie continued asking him a ton of questions.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –

The moon hung low in the early night as James trudged to the library. Only one visit left for his apologies, He smiled briefly as he reminded himself that this would not be anything like the psychological endurance marathon that Pinkie Pie had been.

He grinned as he saw light coming from the windows, it was not yet too late. He heard them speaking inside, though muffled through the door he couldn't tell what they were saying. Slowly he raised his hoof and knocked.

The talking stopped briefly before he head someone approaching the door.

Twilight opened the door enough to poke her head out as she looked at James. “Heh, just a second.” She awkwardly said.

James nodded at the nervous mare. “Take as much time as you need.”

The door closed suddenly as Twilight retreated into the building. He heard her speaking much faster for a few short seconds before a puff of ash flew out of the window. Once again the door opened as Twilight stood to the side to allow James to enter.

James walked in slowly as he nodded to Twilight. “I take it you just finished your letter to Celestia?”

Twilight froze as James asked his question.

James chuckled slightly. “Don't worry, I'm not angry. That's why I came to you, I'm trusting you. Even if you told her everything that’s just because you believe that to be the right decision.”

“But you told us that we couldn't even tell Celestia.” Twilight stammered.

“I told them that they couldn't. Though there is still a great deal we should cover before Celestia gets here.” James said with a smile.

“Alright.” Twilight said, not understanding anything going on.

“There is still one urgent matter I have to address, and Spike should be here too.” James calmly said.

Spike had been listening in over the rail when he heard James talk about him. He started to sneak away when two competing magical fields surrounded him and lifted him over the rail, setting him down between the two Alicorn.

“He, he. Hi. Did you need me for something?” He laughed as he tried to hide that he was listening to them.

James continued smiling as he spoke to them. “Yes, Spike. I needed to tell both you and Twilight that I'm sorry. I made an absolute a … I was a very poor guest and …”

“Don't worry about it. You're forgiven.” Twilight interrupted as she warmly smiled at James. “You spent all day apologizing to everypony, and that's why I've not told Celestia about the specifics of you yet. You're trying to make friends.”

James laughed briefly. “That's not really what I'm doing, but it does make things much better. And let's face it, I really screwed things up if I were trying to make friends.”

“Everypony messes up sometimes, but we forgive and move on.” Twilight consoled.

“Well, I'm glad things seem to be alright. Now if I remember right, last night we were to the point of you asking me questions.” James said as he readied himself for a long series of questions.

Twilight thought for a minute, remembering what Fluttershy had talked about this morning. “What's this S-com thing Fluttershy saw this morning?”

The ash flew through an open window near Celestia, condensing back into the scroll it had been moments before.

A magical field surrounded the scroll as the seal broke and the scroll unrolled.

“Dear Princess Celestia, As expected there was no situation. The new pony has actually been going around apologizing all day today. I feel that he'll be more than welcome in Ponyville. In conclusion, there's nothing to be concerned about and that explosion earlier was just Rainbow Dash racing somepony. Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle.”


Celestia couldn't help but notice the hurried scrawling near the end of the message. She trusted Twilight, but there were still many unanswered questions she needed to know, particularly about the new pony.

And what explosion?

She examined her schedule for the next week, unfortunately she found no openings she could move around. She began tapping her hoof as she reexamined it, hoping that there was something she was missing. She sighed as it looked like the only availability she could create would have to cut into her rare periods of personal time.

A quill levitated over to the scroll and dipped in a nearby bottle of ink. Four days should be enough time to prepare a small garden party for only a select few ponies and the new guest. With a few scratches she scheduled the event and set a reminder for herself to get invitations ready first thing in the morning. This week turned out to be a lot more work than she anticipated.

Author's Note:

He's not gone unnoticed.
He also has to make up for what happened when all they wanted to do was make him feel welcome.
Pinkie Pie cares a lot about everything she does and to think she upset someone when she just wanted to make them happy is understandably upsetting.
Of course, now he can get back to his original purpose ... hopefully.

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