• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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23 Investigation

The TARDIS quietly appeared in the forest outside Truce. While it's chameleon circuit was still broken he was able to phase it out between seconds to hide his presence. Once they left the relative safety of the TARDIS they were effectively on their own.

While they had seen pictures and read general biographies on all of the other species present on the space station even the other ponies didn't help the out of touch feeling they had amongst the collection of creatures moving about.

They didn't stay together long as each had their targets to go after. Amethyst started with those she felt were the most likely to have information: The CMCs. Scootaloo at least would often talk about spending time around Rainbow Dash and James.

They weren't hard to find, the three fillies were always running around somewhere. However she didn't expect what she saw when she found them. They were definitely older than she remembered, nearly grown mares in their own right. Tenyo had said they would be traveling through time to get here, but seeing that age shift was something else.

Scootaloo was taller than the other two, but her wings had hardly grown. It unfortunately looked as though the pegasus was permanently grounded. Apple Bloom looked so much like her sister at her age. And Sweetie Belle seemed to be going through a punk phase as her mane was cut short and dyed several colors. It must have driven Rarity crazy to see her sister like that. But the three ran along laughing just as they did when Amethyst knew them.

“Hi girls!” Amethyst called as she tried to keep up. “Do you have a minute?”

The CMCs stopped and turned to face her. “Amethyst Star?” Sweetie Belle asked as she looked her way.

Amethyst was surprised to see several stud earrings in Sweetie Belle's ear as she got close.

“I didn't think you'd be here.” Apple Bloom said, more curious than confused.

“Why's that?” Amethyst asked nervously.

“With the heated discussions between the Volus and Ferengi lately you've not left Saddlebrook for weeks.” Scootaloo explained before she added slyly. “… Did you sneak away just to get a break?”

Amethyst was immediately thankful for the lessons Tenyo had given her. While neither species lived in New Guardia they were common enough trading partners that there was a chance she would have to have knowledge of them. Amethyst laughed awkwardly as she looked to the three. “Yeah, just taking a break to let things cool down. So, is there anything interesting going on? Or not interesting, just something not about trade deals.”

Sweetie Belle raised her foreleg as an omnitool blinked to life and she examined the translucent screen. “Looks like we're pretty open today. But as far as new things around Truce, there's not too much to say.”

“Well, it doesn't have to be about Truce.” Amethyst said as she waved her hoof. “What about with you three? Or your sisters; even with James. I know that's just gossip, but I also know you three are close to him.” She figured it was the right move to talk to these girls, say the right thing and they're a gold mine.

“Well, Pops is the same as ever …” Scootaloo started.


Sweetie Drop set up in a hotel room in Truce's new District. Her luggage filled with equipment engineered by Liara's connections to the Shadow Broker and modified specifically to spy in classified areas of New Guardia Castle. Tenyo had made a note of these weaknesses. If these had been closed by the time the operation had started she wouldn't likely get any warning before being arrested. The reason it was such a small team was to minimize chances for discovery.

Though with Daring Do flying around like that the efforts could be for naught. She thought as she took a quick look at the display of the scope. She shook her head as she got a glass of water and settled in for a long day of watching the going's on at the castle.

As she finished setting up she saw the biggest complication for her walking around in the streets just in front of her hotel room. She found herself talking and laughing with Lyra. She was stuck here now, she couldn’t let it be known that there were two of her walking around, had Tenyo allowed her to collect her equipment she would have a disguise to blend into the background but not as she was right now.


Daring Do flew right over the castle walls and into the garden. This looked completely different than what Tenyo had shown her in the pictures. Clearly the castle had been redesigned. The garden was shaped differently, leading out through a portal in wall to a large patio where vines clung to the walls and others hung from the railing. It looked rather wild, but it was clearly intended to.

Obviously the interior pictures she had studied were now useless. She needed to get in anyway, it just meant that she would be building a new map while she was there. There were several doors along the walls of the garden, the wrong one could easily lead her right into her target's unsuspecting notice.

If she was caught now that was the end for the whole operation, if not her. Tenyo had made it clear that the princesses had surrendered their magic to James and in his control the magic had grown and warped giving him the ability to force others to think in the way he wanted them to.

No one should have power like that. And even in the hands of a generally good man the temptation was too great and he had used the power to his own selfish means. He had been smart about seizing power too. He had used his proximity to the sister Princesses to manipulate and then control Celestia, and with her under his sway he had little difficulty enacting his policies and practices.

While there was no denying that some things under his rule were better, the ponies of Equestria had vanished into his slowly growing empire. No longer with an identity of their own they lived as Guardians and always would now.

From what Princess Luna had told them it was clear he was trying to get every Princess under his control. She didn't trust Princess Twilight any more than she trusted James. She had been instrumental in his takeover, using her status as the Princess of Friendship to keep everyone in the dark as to James's intentions. Though beyond the subtle extension of his empire, she couldn't even guess his plans.

Daring Do took a deep breath as she opened the first door. There were posters of her hanging on the walls and a comfortable bed in the corner. Whoever this was was clearly a fan. She briefly considered signing a poster just before she left this version of New Guardia. She shook her head, she couldn't jeopardize everything right at the end like that. She knew she had to have a counterpart here and could possibly leave her a request, but she couldn't do it herself.

In addition to the posters there was a well worn reading chair with a small table next to it that held a tablet. She remembered Tenyo talking about these devices, and if she could get her hooves on one for even a minute she should use it to make a connection to their database.

She smiled as she calmly walked over to it. A small translucent screen appeared from the bracelet Tenyo had given her and with a few short commands a little flashing light informed her that the necessary data was being downloaded. Now that that had started, she could sneak out and begin exploring the rest of the castle.


Even though she had been expecting it, Sweetie Drop was still surprised to see Princess Celestia without her horn or cutie mark. She was being escorted by several guards composed of both Ponies and other species. She quietly made note of that and watched her path through Truce.

Sweetie Drop could easily see that she was as well regarded here as she was in Equestria, but thanks to Princess Luna she knew that this was not like the Princess she knew.

She felt so wrong watching the Princess like this, but it was her job now. She would have to apologize to her Celestia when she got home.

As she followed Celestia she kept listening to the castle, just so she had it covered at all times. There was nothing of interest going on, she could hear people moving around inside, and caught snippets of conversations. There was little of consequence to be heard. Mostly idle gossip including well known secrets and daily routines. She wrote down everything just in case there was something to be gained and she didn't understand. Perhaps a code of sorts.

She saw Amethyst walking down the street, her and Celestia would likely intersect soon. She could send a message to her, but if Celestia wanted to talk she could provide valuable information. Sweetie Drop had to consider the prospect of stopping monitoring the Castle in favor of monitoring the princess, deciding ultimately that if Amethyst talked to her she would be taking notes herself.

Before encountering Amethyst, Celestia was distracted by Princess Twilight who had happily come up to talk to her. This was too much of an opportunity to pass up and she took her audio off of the castle to listen to their conversation.

While not interesting the conversation did provide some information. That Princess Twilight and Celestia lived in the castle with James and his family. Along with Rainbow Dash who the two giggled about how dependent on him she intentionally was.

She knew that this Twilight came from a time line similar to hers from how she talked about her friends. As an outsider this Twilight had a perspective similar to Celestia's as she made observations about her closest friends.

Sweetie Drop was just starting to fade out when she heard mention of Princess Luna. She immediately focused and prepared to write everything down. In a hushed voice Celestia said that they would talk about this in private later as they didn't want to start a panic.


Amethyst had just finished dictating her notes as she walked along the street, it was getting crowded as the day went along and she was having more trouble telling exactly where she was. As problematic as it could be she was quite happy to to see Pinkie Pie hopping around as normal.

“Pinkie Pie!” She called, waving her hoof to the perky pink pony.

Pinkie stopped and turned to face Amethyst and smiled wide. “Amethyst!” She happily shouted as she ran over. “How'd things go? Tell me, tell me, tell me!”

Amethyst laughed slightly as Pinkie questioned her. “I'm just here to take a break, talks have been heating up so I figured some time to cool would help smooth things over when we get back. Also, I needed to get away for a while.” She noted that Pinkie Pie wore a light blue iris behind her ear but didn't mention it. It could be important or it could be nothing, for now she didn't know.


Days passed as they continued to investigate, Amethyst was getting good at steering a conversation to the information she wanted while Daring Do had a complete map of the remodeled castle that she used to navigate. Even going so far as to identify the occupant of each room. Sweetie Drop had pages of notes on their daily routine, and continued to update with alterations.

One misstep nearly had Daring Do caught when she investigated a bedroom that she heard a curious muffled sound coming from. This was also her preferred exit as at this time the section of garden wall it connected to didn't have guards watching it. She was able to catch herself and not gasp as she saw far more than she needed or intended to. There was a great deal of important information to record here that she was certain was relevant to the investigation. Fortunately as she was used to chronicling her adventures she didn't need to see much to write down clear details of what was happening. In her notes she also quickly wrote down a few questions she would need to ask once she got back to Equestria.

With her preferred exit … occupied. She began to look around for another way to safely get out while the guards still patrolled the walls outside.

She closed her eyes and blocked out the muffled noise of the room she just left and began to focus on the important information. She heard shouting coming up from the floor. Amber and Sara were downstairs doing their exercises, they'd be busy for the next hour at least. The child Starlight was probably playing with her friends at the moment as she always did after school. There was a smell of ozone lingering that came from the end of the hall she just came down. The smell hadn't been there when she initially walked by so clearly Lucca was working on something. Tali had left the castle hours ago and had not yet returned. She could be a complication if she arrived in the next few minutes. The servants were busy cleaning up the kitchen to prepare for dinner, and it was a minimum two person job. They'd start cooking in about half an hour if they were fast. The rest of the castle was empty at the moment.

If the guard patrols were the same this day as they had been the last two days she was about five minutes from missing her window to leave through the garden. If she hugged the wall and flew low she could still get away.

She flew low to the ground as she made her way to the next exit to the garden and carefully got outside. She was just looking up to make sure her exit was clear when she noticed a purple shape coming her way. She rushed to the arch of the garden and concealed herself among the vines. She didn't need to be completely hidden, just out of sight enough to not attract attention.

Princess Twilight came to land just next to a bench and looked over the garden with a smile. It may have been mostly fruits and vegetables, but the color was pleasant and the smell was relaxing.

Daring Do watched as the Princess brought out a book and began to read. Unfortunately with her untimely arrival, Daring Do's window was closed and she now had to think of another way out. This section was going to be under watch for the next hour, and possibly even heavily scrutinized with the Princess' presence.

Had she taken the opportunity to steal a guard uniform when it was presented days earlier she would have had a disguise she could use to sneak away. But caution had made her leave it behind so thinking about it now was pointless.
The Princess was distracted, but she would likely notice a door opening so near where she sat and if she looked away from her book while Daring Do was in the open she was caught that way. She just needed to stay put and wait. At least I wont get hungry. She thought as she carefully ate a strawberry from the plant that had grown into a crack in the wall.

Hours later and Twilight still hadn't moved, but neither had she looked up from her book. In just a couple minutes Daring Do could try sneaking away if she didn't make any noise as she walked through the vines.

If she weren't spying she could have easily bluffed her way out of this, but as it stood she had to get away without anyone noticing. She slowly began to walk, taking nearly a minute per step and narrating the story to herself as she went to keep her focus. She may have to change some names and omit a few situations, but this would make an interesting book once she got back to Equestria.

But how would her fans react to her in an espionage scenario, especially one where her job ended at returning the evidence. She could always request to assist in the apprehension if that's where the evidence led to. That would no doubt bring some adventure to the story, what she had learned of this version of James was that he wouldn't just go quietly.

This will be interesting.


Sweetie Drop shook her head. There was a lot of information to gather and even more that she hadn't seen, yet there was still the basic problem that nothing couldn't be explained by a general shifting of opinion. Even the ground shaking events in the castle may not be anything more than what would happen in that situation if James had never gotten Cadence's magic.

She wanted to believe Princess Luna, she did believe her, but she couldn't prove anything with what they had. There was nothing that amounted to a confession, no open or private demonstration of the magic. No one opposed him enough to merit a change to their opinion outside a Town Hall style public meeting.

With no significant conflict and no one breaking any major laws he had no need to use the magic and they would get no evidence. If there was someone he didn't trust that was likely to oppose him she could give them a little push and get the results. But Princess Luna was the most likely candidate and there was no way she would consider throwing her to the wolves.

She only half listened as James discussed trade talks with Liara. She didn't have to wonder just how bored it made James, he was quite vocal about it. That and his frustration with Aria T'loak, the Asari running Omega, as he felt she was price gouging him. She mouthed several parts of the conversation as they were becoming predictable. She stopped suddenly as James said the phrase “Queen Bitch of Omega.”

He didn't trust her.

If she were under his sway things would be a lot better for him but she was cautious, James didn't go to Omega because if she suddenly acted suspicious without some reason to change her mind at best she would be overthrown and he'd have to start it all over again with whoever the new head happened to be.

Sweetie Drop looked up Aria's profile. There was a long list of crimes including piracy, murder, and racketeering. She would work quite well. The problem was how to set her up. The only person more powerful than her was the Shadow Broker. And whoever they were had her under constant observation.

She needed the Doctor.

After nightfall she went back to the location they had first arrived and she carefully followed the proper sequence of light flashes to signal to the Doctor that she needed to speak with him. Silently the TARDIS faded into the location it had last been in and the door opened easily.

“Doctor, I need your help.” She said as she walked in.

The Doctor approached her, wondering why she was alone. “Is anyone in trouble?” He quickly asked.

“No. But I am looking to start some trouble.” She said with a wicked grin.

Before New Guardia she had never even left Equestria before, now she was jumping between worlds on a whim. It felt more than a little insane.

She would be lying if she said the place wasn't intimidating, but she had made sure to get some supplies from Tenyo. A Jurai uniform with a protective VI to act as a shield. Carefully made elven horse shoes that let her run as fast as the wind (their words). A Dwarven strength potion she drank before leaving the TARDIS. An account with a small fortune available. And last, an assurance that this was not the Aria that worked with the James they were investigating.

She had to be tough here, nowhere in Equestria did things ever get this seedy or bad. Even Nightmare Moon was a treat compared to some of the better people in Omega. And she was about to meet with one of the worst.

The large quadrupedal creature standing guard looked down at her as she approached from the side of the line. She couldn't read it's expression for more than it's alien face. She'd read about the Elcor and knew that they were experts at reading emotion and only from their translator could they express emotion to non-Elcor.

“With genuine amusement: Ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha …” His monotone laughter continued for a couple minutes as she patiently waited.

“I'm here to see Aria T'loak.” Sweetie Drop said to him as he stopped laughing.

“Entertained: No.”

“Official New Guardian business, Elcor. Let me pass.”

“Entertained with growing irritation: No.”

“I don't actually have to stop for you. I'm just being polite.” She said keeping her face as even as possible. While her claim was entirely true, her false bravado clearly didn't win over the Elcor.

“With renewed mirth: No.”

“Very well.” She said as she got ready to run past and into the club.

As she raised her hoof a Turian approached the Elcor and whispered something to him.

“With confusion and resigned frustration: Go on ahead. Aria is waiting for you.” The Elcor said as he moved out of her way.

Sweetie Drop smiled and nodded to the Turian. “Thank you.” She pointedly ignored the Elcor as she walked by and continued into the club.

“Oh, don't thank me. This isn't a favor or anything.” He said shaking his head.

Nothing here was to her tastes, but that was to be expected with how different this place was. She followed the Turian to a sectioned off part of the club with a large comfortable looking leather couch. On it sat a smug looking Asari who's smile only grew when she saw the pony walking confidently up the stairs. “Well I'll be damned.” Aria said with a hint of laughter. “James has sent some interesting characters my way before. Quarians; Vulcans; Klingons; Elves; Dwarfs; Geth; Ferengi, but that was just to torture it. Even myself once, somehow. But never has he sent a pony to talk to me. I guess you're from some new universe and he thinks maybe something cute will be able to get me to agree to a worse deal.”

“Thank you.” Sweetie Drop said with a painted on smile. “I always thought I was cute. But no, James himself didn't send me. I just need somepon … someone to stir up a little trouble in an alternate New Guardia.”

Aria looked at her for a moment with genuine confusion before talking again. “Did you almost say “somepony?”” She asked seriously, almost disgusted with how cute this thing was. Before Sweetie Drop could answer Aria continued. “Oh well, either way I'm not sending anyone to make a mess that James could trace back to me. I saw what he could do in a fight back in the reaper war and business only works for me if the galaxy stays in generally one piece. No deal. I don't like to admit it, but he scares the shit out of me.”

Sweetie Drop shook her head. “It will trace back to Aria T'loak, but not you. You said it yourself, James once sent you to negotiate with yourself. You know there's more of you, and this one's out to get Omega. If she does get her hands on another Omega doubling her power and profits would be the least of what she could do.”

This pony was good.

“And my payment would be her Omega?” Aria asked, deciding to not believe this newcomer if her answers were too good to be true.

Sweetie Drop shook her head. “No, I've got credits to pay with. She get's the heat and her James takes her down for you. No mess, you get paid, and you don't have to worry about another one of you breathing down you neck.”

This pony was really good.

“I like you.” Aria said with a smile. “Okay, you've got a deal. How do you think to do this?” Saying she would help was one thing, actually helping was another. But this alien amused her for now so why not let her talk.

“James has got a list of exports banned to certain universes, you just get a ship ready to smuggle those items “back” and send it to the right coordinates. James finds out arrests the stooge and she gets the blame.” Sweetie Drop explained.

“Where am I supposed to get said items?” Aria asked as she found the hole in her argument.

“I have a connection to the Shadow Broker and they've managed to get me several banned items. You only need to worry about who's going to take the fall.”

“Oh, I already know who.” Aria said with a sinister grin. “You just have that information ready for me.” This Blue Suns thug had been steeling from her and this sounded like a good way to deal with the problem. And if James came after her she had video proving that she didn't want to stand against him. Even relenting she could argue it in her favor. So little to lose and a decent bit of cred to gain.

“An agent of the Shadow Broker will be in touch.” Sweetie Drop said as she got up to walk off.

“Oh, and Miss Pony.” Aria said with as pleasant a voice as she could muster. “If this backfires, I can think of several things I would love to have made from that pretty hide of yours.”

Sweetie Drop turned to look back at her. “Aria, you record everything going on here. If this looks like it's going to backfire you have all the evidence you need to have me delivered right to you.”

Aria grinned as the pony walked away. “She's got a quad, I'll give her that.”

Sweetie Drop had to take a couple showers to wash the feeling of that place off her. Everything about her meeting with Aria made her feel unclean in some fashion. But it was done now. She was going to get her conflict to determine if James was using Cadence's magic to forcefully change minds to what he wanted.

She fought off the idea that James would just charge into her Omega and change her mind right there in her club. Tenyo had assured her that if James used the magic he would do so in private. If he kept it a secret he could keep it handy as a weapon for when it might be needed. He had many secrets.


Amethyst had gotten a lot of anecdotal evidence about curiously changing opinions, but there was nothing that could be called proof. No one had seen him use magic on anyone that changed their mind, no one had heard of him secretly meeting with anyone and their opinion suddenly changing. The only possible thing that could hint at the magic could just be passed off as changes between universes.

She didn't want to go back with nothing to show for her efforts beyond stories with nothing to prove, but if that's where it led them that's where they had to go. Truth was far more important than taking actions on suspicion. That's why they were here in the first place.


Things were quiet the next week, quiet enough that Sweetie Drop began to think that Aria had taken the credits and not followed through on her end. That was until chatter in the Castle picked up significantly.

Sweetie Drop collected her pen and paper and immediately began writing as Aria's name was tossed around several times. She grinned, one way or another she was going to get to the bottom of things.

Daring Do was back in the castle for more recon. She had taken extensive notes, accessed their records, and taken lots of pictures. There was plenty of evidence to go back with, but the only issue was that there was nothing concrete it was circumstantial at best. But she'd discovered the truth with less before.

She heard Rainbow Dash talking as she left James's study. “Don't stress about it too much Pops.” She said as she backed away. “We already knew Aria could be trusted to do exactly what she shouldn't.”

“Yeah, you're right.” James grumbled. “It was just a matter of time.”

“Come on Pops.” Rainbow Dash said from the doorway. “She's not worth your stress.”

James's tone changed as he responded to Rainbow Dash. “You're right, Sweetheart. I just need to have a calm talk with her and I'm sure we can reach some agreement.”

“You sure she's worth that much?” Rainbow Dash asked. “She's just a thief and a murderer.”

James chuckled briefly. “She's not, but her resources are. I'll work something out.”

“I know you will Pops, you always do.” Rainbow Dash turned and walked down the hall towards the foyer.

Once the way was clear Daring Do sneaked towards the door. She needed to hear everything if this was the proof they needed.

James was talking to something on his desk, an intercom she assumed, but from her angle specifics were a little hard to get. “Think you could get me an extraction crew for Afterlife.”

“Who's the target?” A woman's voice asked. Definitely an intercom.

James grinned as he spoke. “Aria T'loak. We got a confession from her Blue Suns runner. They're not stupid enough to try setting her up. Though I'd imagine they'd not be stupid enough to rat her out either. Must be a screw up or a rookie.”

“Alright.” The woman said as James stopped talking. “I've got three Asari, half a dozen Krogan, and as many Batarans. They'll get her out. I'll have a special room prepared for her.”

“Thanks.” James said with a wicked smile. “And call Lucca, she's been interested in this one for a while now.”

“Sure. And it's Rec-Hab four. She should be nice and comfortable there.” The voice calmly answered.

“She'll be nice and comfortable wherever I decide she is. One last thing. Can you keep the Batarans off. They're still a culture of slavers and I don't want them anywhere near the station, let alone my family.”

“Of course.”

Daring Do knew red flags when she heard them, something horrible was going to happen. If she was going to watch this happen she had to know that this Aria was the murderer that Rainbow Dash thought her to be. She had to get to Amethyst, she knew the files inside and out. She quickly flew off, but her exit would take time. All of her most reliable exits weren't an option at the moment. If the windows were larger or if they even opened a little more she could just fly out one of those and be on her way.

It was then that she realized that she had a way out with her. While this section of the castle was off limits, the front section was open to the public during the day. She already knew she could slip in and out of crowds of ponies, and while she would be noticed amongst the other races she could probably pass off as a tourist to the castle.

She had her large shawl, hat, and glasses with her in her bag. They helped her sneak around outside the castle and most guards didn't know her A.K. Yearling persona. She slipped into an out of the way nook and quickly threw on her disguise.

Even here she was at risk, she needed to get to the foyer as quickly and quietly as possible. But with her wings covered she had to walk. She would be too conspicuous if she went any faster than that.

The walk was tense, each step she took off the carpet was uncomfortably loud even when it only barely reached her own ears.

What came next was sure disaster.

“A.K.!” Rainbow Dash excitedly said as she pranced in place.

“Oh, hi Rainbow Dash.” Daring Do said, trying to keep her calm. If she was caught now, even by Rainbow Dash, this could spell the end for her. Or worse…

“I thought you were exploring Prothean Ruins looking for …” Rainbow Dash started to say before Daring Do hushed her.

“I think the Shadow Broker is watching me.” She whispered, hoping that some ominous name dropping would keep her quiet. Obviously it would make her more interested, but if it kept her silent for one more week she could slip away without incident.

Rainbow Dash smiled as she pushed her hoof away. “The Shadow Broker watches everyone. Pops knows them personally, that's how he got the lead on those ruins for you.”

Daring Do couldn't fully discount the possibility in this universe, but she had to do something. “Well, I don't like to be followed. Especially by ponies who are clearly spying on me.” She improvised.

Rainbow Dash was getting more excited as she listened. “Sounds like you're on the right track.”

“Look, Rainbow Dash. If James really does know the Shadow Broker just keep this quiet. I don't need to be under even more scrutiny.” She said, hoping that would help keep her quiet.

“You can trust me.” Rainbow Dash said. “Ooh, this is so awesome!”

Daring Do smiled as she looked to the counterpart of her friend. “Just be ready to read my next book then.” She said with a grin.

“Absolutely!” Rainbow Dash said happily.

“And remember, I was never here.” Her heart raced as she walked calmly away, that was close. Of course she wasn't likely to be able to use that bluff again. It was only a week until the Doctor got them out, though she may have to retreat to the TARDIS early to make sure they're not caught.

Nah. She thought as she walked out of the castle. She's been in and out for nearly a month now and this was the first real incident. Once beyond the walls of the castle she walked back to Truce where Sweetie Drop was. She needed to tell her about what she just heard. They needed to either stop it or observe it.

This was bad. Sweetie Drop needed to know where Rec-Hab four was. Where any Rec-Hab was. What they were. This was important, and if she couldn't even find the place she had just sacrificed someone for no reason. Even as bad as she was, there was no reason to throw her under the bus without something good to come from it.


The door opened as Sweetie Drop poured through her notes, she had no idea if she'd heard Rec-Hab before and needed to find out quickly.

“Something's happened at the castle.” Daring Do said as she watched Sweetie Drop tear through her notes.

“I know.” She said quickly as she tossed another notebook to the side. “Check those notes over there. I need to find out if I've ever heard of the Rec-Habs before.”

“What about Aria?” Daring Do asked as Sweetie Drop tore open yet another book.

“She's served her purpose. Now we just need to make sure her capture isn't wasted. If anypony is going to get James to use Cadence's magic it's her.” She said.

“I'm not sure she deserves that.” Daring Do said as she flipped through a note book.

“Trust me, if you'd seen her criminal record you wouldn't say that. And each charge has proof to back it up.” Sweetie Drop explained. “It's all in the database if you need to see for yourself. She even threatened to kill me when I spoke with her.”

The word database struck a cord with Daring Do and she activated the bracelet she'd been given and opened the search function. “Investigation files; Keyword search; Rec-Hab.”

Sweetie Drop looked at the adventurer as the list came up on the translucent screen. “How do you have that information?”

“I found a tablet computer in the castle and thanks to Tenyo we now have access to their database. Look here. Reconditioning Habitat (Rec-Hab) designs, function, accessibility, accommodations. It's a gilded cage.” As Daring Do looked over the file she had just opened a chill went down her spine.

“Yeah, a gilded cage of horrors. Just having this thing should be considered a crime given it's purpose.” Sweetie Drop said.

“We're not telling Amethyst. She's not going to be able to talk to anypony that's been in one after this.” Daring Do said as she closed the design file and opened the operation log. “Look.” She added before reading the initial notes.

“The first use of the Rec-Hab was to determine if the effects of the magic were indefinite or finite. Subject, Twilight Sparkle, Princess. Notes; Ensure she's comfortable and can receive visitors if she requests. She's done nothing to merit incarceration, treat this as if it were quarantine. If after a week she shows no sign of reversion to her former viewpoint she's to be immediately released.”

“Subject, Spike. Notes; consumes Gemstones beside a vegetarian diet. Diamonds are available freely as they are the most common gem after quartz. Breathes fire, sometimes unintentionally. Fire suppression systems must be deactivated and remove flammable material from the Hab. Can receive and send messages magically with his flame. Monitor all flame activity and obtain an image of any messages he receives or sends. Again, has not done anything to merit incarceration so he is to be held under the same limitations as Princess Twilight.”

“He tested this on the Princess?!” Sweetie Drop asked horrified.

“Apparently.” Daring Do said as she closed the file.

Sweetie Drop was aghast, the proof they needed had been in their grasp for weeks. She just sacrificed someone needlessly. But this is why I chose someone with her history, she can only improve from this. Can't she? Sweetie Drop asked herself. She took a breath and remembered that part of it's listed functionality was criminal reform.

Daring Do gave Sweetie Drop a questioning look as she closed the document. “I've got the location and I've seen enough of her criminal record. She’s more important to the investigation as a victim, and maybe she won’t kill so many people afterwords.” Sweetie Drop said as she shook her head. “I'm going to get as much evidence as I can. We've got a job to do here and once it's over … I hope one day to forget about it.”

Daring Do looked out in the streets at the many people, creatures, and ponies going about their day. “Do you think they're as twisted as this world is?” She asked sadly.

Sweetie Drop shook her head again. “We came here looking for the worst and we found it. There's always things royalty doesn't want the general public to know. Always something they need hidden away. You can't look at it and not be effected by it.”

Daring Do remembered the Rainbow Dash she met about an hour ago. She had been effected, but she felt to be so much the same pony she knew back in Equestria. She wanted to take her away from this, but she also knew from their initial reports that she was like James's daughter. Rainbow Dash wouldn't leave his side to protect herself, especially from something she was already used to.

Once James left the castle with Lucca They knew it was time to go. Sweetie Drop collected her observation gear and followed Daring Do towards the teleportation station. She held her wristband up to the pad and it flashed an Alpha symbol before turning green. With barely a word beyond naming the location, they left.

They watched as down the hall two beat-up looking Krogan and three Asari escorted a chained and gagged Aria T'loak towards her Reconditioning Habitat. Her rage was clear in her eyes even from a great distance, and the gag did little more than muffle her cursing. The leader of Omega had fallen hard, and whoever stood up would now only be James's puppet.

Daring Do rushed into the habitat behind the Krogan. She had to see what was going to happen herself. She was going to memorize everything so her report would be complete.

Aria couldn't keep herself from laughing at the chestnut alicorn standing before her. Even in her position she began to smile at what she felt was the ridiculousness of her situation. James stared coldly at her. As he explained that she had sufficiently violated their agreement to finally apprehend her.

She tried to shout again as she fought her restraints. James smiled as he told her it didn't matter whether she really was responsible or not. She was going to be reconditioned and reinstalled into Omega once she was sufficiently compliant.

He began to tell her about her sentence, explaining that his current form was necessary to access the power he needed to recondition her. Once his explanation was complete Aria sat on a nearby chair from both exhaustion and horror. She looked down as she realized that she had finally lost, and she was facing so much worse than death.

The room lit up with a pale blue luminescence.


Amethyst was actually finding it fascinating talking to all of the different creatures here, everyone had such a unique history and they had been welcomed warmly. While it certainly had it's faults this place wouldn't be a big step down from Ponyville. And even that gap was narrowing with the help of the ponies.

She was having tea with Twilight and Fluttershy out on the deck of a cafe as they talked gossip from around the city. She had become quite well versed in the current goings on so she was able to sufficiently hide that she had only been there for a month. She heard heartwarming tales of James as Twilight's mentor and a family friend of Fluttershy.

How he had taken Twilight under his wing and taught her magical theory. She laughed as she confessed that he had been only a year ahead of her in Equestrian magic and the theory lessons were to stall when she would catch up. But they had helped her find new avenues to explore that even James had never thought of. Always a prodigy.

Fluttershy told her how James would bring her mother such lovely flowers for her garden and would quietly listen as her father talked about his work at the cloud factory. He always seemed cold to Zephyr, but when he did something right James would be among the first to congratulate him.

She felt clearly now that the James Princess Luna spoke of was just her stress and paranoia. Sure there were some uncomfortable facts she had to learn to accept, but she was just worried for her big sister. It was understandable given Celestia had lost her horn her magic and her cutie mark. But James had also saved her life when they had attempted to give her her magic back. Nothing about it couldn't be explained.

She halfheartedly wished that she could keep in contact with these ponies. But she both knew that was impossible, and that she could always talk to their counterparts in her universe and get different stories.

James was back in his sayian form as he and Lucca left the now unconscious Aria. This was only her first day of reconditioning, she'd “improve” more before they took her back to Omega. Lucca chuckled as James spoke. “I think I actually like dealing with her now that I can finally trust her.”

Lucca kissed his cheek as she walked beside him and shook her head while smiling. Daring Do didn't have time to wait for them to get back to the castle as only James could open the door. Something he explained to Aria earlier once her restraints were off and she tried to escape.

James and Lucca turned the corner and cleared the doorway. Daring Do flapped her wings and built as much speed as she could as fast as she could. The doors had started to close when she shot forward. She felt them brush the tips of her wings as she got passed, and grabbed her pith helmet as it flew off her head. The delay cost her though, the pain wasn't much but she had to hold her breath as the pricking pain of several tail hairs getting caught in the closing door made her wince.

She looked back and grimaced at the door before ripping the few hairs from it and flying back to where Sweetie Drop started breaking down her equipment.

Back at the hotel room Sweetie Drop finally spoke up. “You'll feel the cleanest if you start with a sonic shower, move to a hot water shower, then take a bath. That's what I had to do after talking to Aria.”

“See you in a few hours then.” Daring Do said as she walked towards the bathroom.
In the shower she felt the vibrations breaking down every last speck of dirt on her. It wasn't a comforting shower, but it did help her feel clean. The only secrets I ever want to find out are ancient ones. At least then I don't have this stuff eating away at my soul. The rain style shower wrapped her in comfortable heat as she focused on Caballeron's last plans. Greed and world ending catastrophes were enough for her, dealing with the destruction of individuals was just too much to handle.

Author's Note:

One cannot act on suspicion alone. You must gather evidence and proof and follow it regardless of where it leads. You cannot ignore facts that weaken your case.
When looking at the worst is helps to be able to detach.

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