• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

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66 Family Bonds

Rainbow Dash burst into James’s and Lucca’s bedroom with a crash, immediately waking them both up.

“What the hell?!” Lucca shouted as James tried to form words.

“It’s Scootaloo!” Rainbow Dash said urgently.

“What’s wrong with Scootaloo?” Lucca asked, shifting gears instantly to concern as she jumped out of bed and quickly threw on the nearest clothes. James similarly reaching for his robe at least.

Rainbow Dash ran to the dresser, she wasn't going to wait for James to put on his complicated and traditional outfit. This was an emergency! “Her parents are back!” She said as she threw James a change of clothes easier to wear than his normal outfit.

James slowed down as he heard the news. “Wait … isn’t that a good thing?”

“Really James? They’ve left her alone for years. We’re more her parents than they are.” Lucca argued.

“It’s not that.” Rainbow Dash said as she began to push James towards the door the moment his pants were on. “They’re planning on taking her away.”

“Why didn’t you start with that?!” Lucca broke into a run towards the door that would take them to Ponyville.

“Because I thought that the CMCs could solve this on their own, but Scoot’s house just sold! We’re running out of time!” Rainbow Dash said urgently as she kept up with the couple.

“We’re going to Mayor Mare!” Lucca told James as the three of them rushed out of Twilight’s castle, overturning more than a few of her things in their wake.

“What can we do there?” Rainbow Dash asked as they continued towards the Town Square.

“What we should have done the moment James’s restrictions were lifted.” Lucca answered as burst into Town hall

Each moment stretched on as they waited for Mayor Mare to come and speak with them. James rubbing Lucca’s shoulders as she fumed. Rainbow Dash paced and occasionally glanced to the door. This was an emergency, it shouldn't be taking so long!

“Oh my.” Mayor Mare said as she walked out of her office, getting their attention immediately. “Is something wrong?” She asked the obviously agitated trio.

“Yes!” Rainbow Dash said, flying over to the mayor. “Scootaloo’s parents are trying to take her away from Ponyville!”

“I’m afraid that’s their right.” Mayor Mare said calmly. She knew that Scootaloo's home had been put up for sale earlier and was afraid this would be happening, even expecting a confrontation with this exact group.

“I’d like to contest their guardianship.” Lucca stated with as even a tone as she could muster. “Her parents have been totally absent for most of her life now. The three of us are more parents to Scootaloo than her actual parents.”

“Wait.” Rainbow Dash said as she looked to Lucca. “The three of us?”

“Lucca.” James calmly said. “That’s New Guardian Abandonment Law. And even there our only grounds would be our position in society as her parents clearly left Holiday and Lofty with secondary guardianship. I don’t like this either, but I doubt we have a leg to stand on.”

“I’m okay with Holiday and Lofty taking guardianship, but Scootaloo can’t be taken from Ponyville. This is her home!” Lucca argued.

“There’s no argument about this. They’re her parents, it’s their right to take Scootaloo with them if they choose.” Mayor Mare explained. “I’ll not be part of forcefully splitting up a family.”

“By allowing this you already are!” Lucca growled.

“Lucca.” James said, still trying to be calm. “We can talk to her parents, maybe help them see that it’s better if they stayed here instead of taking her somewhere else.”

“They’ve already sold their house.” Lucca reminded him.

“I’ll buy them a new one, or even build it myself if they want.” James answered.

Rainbow Dash's mind still reeled as she stared in astonishment with Lucca's statement bouncing around in her head. Clearly they all cared for Scootaloo, and she knew for years that James thought of Scootaloo as a daughter even if he didn't see her all the time. But when did it become the three of them?

“I’m afraid that’s your only chance. If you want her to stay, you have to convince them to stay, or to let her stay.” Mayor Mare said. “I’m sorry this is so stressful, but there’s nothing legally to be done.”

“Alright.” Lucca said as she took a breath. “We’ll take this up with them.” Despite sounding a little calmer that was the furthest from what she felt at the moment.


It wasn’t hard to find the ponies they were looking for as they were the only two at Scootaloo’s home. The earth pony and pegasus stopped working and watched the trio obviously approaching them.

“Nice to meet’cha. I’m Snap Shutter, and this is my wife Mane Allgood.” He happily said as the group came to a stop near them.

“And you must be … Rainbow Dash, Lucca and James. Scootaloo’s told us all about you.” Mane said with a wide smile, holding her wing out to greet them.

James nodded, knowing that he wasn't going to get to finish any sentence he started.

Rainbow Dash, however, didn't realize this. “I think we should …” She said before Lucca cut in.

“Is there some reason you're taking Scootaloo away?” Lucca demanded, a cold fury clearly behind her eyes. The intensity of her question making the two ponies take a step back.

“Well we just took jobs that would let us live together as a family again.” Snap said, uncomfortably on the defensive.

“Thank you.” Lucca curtly responded. She didn't doubt that they cared about being a family with their daughter, but she couldn't believe they cared that much about Scootaloo personally. “But you're ripping her out of her home. You've both been gone for years and then you come in like a storm only to tear everything around your daughter down. Even as her parents what gives you the right to do that?!”

Rainbow Dash backed off and stood by James as Lucca stared down the ponies. She'd not expected quite this reaction, Lucca was just getting more and more intense and Snap and Mane were coming back at her too. She couldn't help but respect them as they all stood their ground out of concern for Scootaloo.

“She's our daughter. You two understand, right? You want your children near you in these times, don't you?” Snap answered, he was used to dealing with angry creatures and had to look at this in a similar light. These were angry parents that had bonded with their daughter, not unlike creatures that would adopt lost young.

“Yes. Even Scootaloo.” Lucca growled.

“Lucca.” James said with a forced calm despite his own anger at the situation. “No matter how much we care about her, these are actually her parents. And let's face it, I have been much worse when it comes to our own daughters. They've nearly lost me four times in their lives already because I'm a bad father. I never even noticed Sara's problem until she looked to Scootaloo for help.”

Lucca closed her eyes and took a breath. “It’s just … she’s as much a part of our family too.” She said as she opened her eyes again and giving a more resigned look to the couple. Not the malicious monsters she wanted them to be, but concerned parents like herself. She knew where they were coming from, her work would often keep her locked in her lab. Kid had commented on that more than a few times.

“Yer a real Ursa Major when it comes to keepin’ family safe.” Snap said with a nod, relieved that one member of the group seemed to understand. “We understand, and we're actually happy that there's creatures that love her as much as we do.”

“Then why not stay with her here in Ponyville?” Lucca asked in a decidedly calmer tone.

“Because we still have to do our work, and it'll help not just ponies but all creatures.” Mane Allgood answered. “We've missed enough of her life and want her to be a part of our lives from now on.”

“But it's not the right thing to do for your daughter.” Lucca emphasized, her voice once again growing angry, though not just at the ponies.

“Not right to be with her family?!” Snap responded just as angrily. Not knowing that Lucca wasn't focusing solely on them.

“No, not right to be taken by …” Lucca growled before James interrupted her with a silence spell.

“Lucca.” He quietly said as she turned to glare at him. “We both know what we would do in their position, we wouldn't let anyone come between us and our daughters. You can't be angry with them for that.”

Lucca turned and silently shouted at him, shoving and smacking his shoulder as James turned to Scootaloo's parents and nodded. “Please understand, three days is a ridiculous time frame to expect anyone established in a community to pack up and leave. This is hurting Scootaloo in ways you clearly don't understand.”

With significant effort James managed to turn Lucca around and drag her away from Scootaloo's parents. Rainbow Dash needed to say something before chasing off after her friends. “She's not the only one you're hurting by doing this.”


“What the hell was that for?!” Lucca demanded as the spell finally wore off, smacking James's shoulder once more.

“How do you think Scootaloo would react to what you just did?” James growled. “She loves her parents and they love her too, even if they aren't good parents. I'm hardly a good father myself, but I'd fight as hard as I could to keep Sara and Amber. Trying to steal Scootaloo from them isn't right, and it isn't our only option.”

“They clearly don't understand what a child needs, let alone what Scootaloo needs.” Lucca argued. “Do they even knew her favorite food? What things she can't stand? What about what she's afraid of? What her talents are? Who her heroes are? What about what her cutie mark even means? I promise you I can answer all of that faster than they can even consider the questions!”

“They'll learn.” James said with a hint of sadness.

“What if she gets hurt?” Lucca added as she started to cry. Not knowing why her husband seemed to be okay with this. Okay with their family being broken up.

“She has the transponder. If she's hurt badly she's coming right to us and she'll be alright.” James countered.

“Are you really okay with this Rainbow Dash?” Lucca asked as she wiped a tear from her eyes.

“What? Of course not.” Rainbow Dash said, she wanted to do something but had no ideas. "But I don't know if there even is anything we can do."

James sighed as they walked. “But, they are her parents. How would we be any better if we just tore her away from them. I hate to say it but I don't think we can't do anything.”

Rainbow Dash landed and hung her head as she walked alongside them.

Short of kidnapping, Lucca no longer had any ideas. She was at a loss about what to do as it looked like she may just lose more family. How could James and Rainbow Dash both just accept this? “So we just let her go?” Lucca asked, her voice wavering.

James nodded. “Yes.” He said before smiling. “Then we track her down and set up a doorway back to Ponyville.”

Rainbow Dash began to laugh as she thought about it. Of course! If they could make doors between worlds! Making one between cities should be easy. “Aww yeah!” She shouted as she pumped her hoof before happily hooting.

Lucca began to smile herself as she thought about it. “I'd still rather she not leave Ponyville though. It's too much to make her leave everyone she knows and loves in only three days.”

“If we can think of a better argument we'll talk to them again.” James said as he brought out his omnitool and began typing.

“Who are you messaging?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Tali.” James answered. “Just apologizing for disappearing with Lucca and asking her if she and the girls could come by. First to say goodbye, then to welcome her back once we finish the doorway.”

“Everypony should be there.” Rainbow Dash insisted.

“Of course.” James laughed. “She leaves tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash nodded.

Now with a plan in mind the panic and stress wore off and James and Lucca finally began feeling their fatigue. James was the first to yawn as they walked.

“Right, I kinda woke you both up.” Rainbow Dash said as she rubbed the back of her head. “Tell you what, you two can crash at my place. After all, I’m at your place so much I have my own bedroom.” She said with a laugh.


Rainbow Dash looked at her guests as they slept in her front room, the noises of town life providing a quiet background. James was snoring on the floor next to the couch that Lucca slept on. Lucca adjusted the blanket she was using as a chill wind blew through the open window.

“I wonder what she meant by the three of us?” Rainbow Dash whispered to herself as she flew towards the kitchen, ready for something to eat. For the most part she had free choice of whatever she wanted, but today would have been her day with Scootaloo. Alicia had packed her extra, along with several of Scootaloo’s favorite snacks.

She moaned as she felt a pang of disappointment in knowing that those days were over now. Scootaloo would be living with her parents, she wouldn’t need anyone else to stay with her at nights. No more late night trips for them to New Guardia to sneak in a game or two. No more backyard camp outs. Would her parents even let her come on the sister camping trips? Or attend the Sister Hooves Social?

She did understand how Lucca felt. Scootaloo was her family and was being ripped away from her. This hurt more than she could imagine, but she had to let it happen. Even if they didn't have a plan to negate the change she'd have to let Scootaloo go if her parents insisted. She felt truly powerless right now and hated it.

She turned back and looked to her friends again. James had mentioned before that he missed taking Amber and Sara to school, he’d even walked Scootaloo to school a couple times when he would be the one watching her. Then there was Lucca, who may have had this the hardest of the two. When she was much younger she’d lost all of the orphans she’d been raising, she'd lost her kids. And now she was afraid she was losing another.

They all really were a family, weren’t they? Not a normal one by any means, but none of them really cared about normal. They cared about each other.


Rainbow Dash was shocked awake that morning when there was a knocking at her door. James and Lucca had left hours earlier when Tali got to Ponyville with their daughters.

“Coming!” She called through a yawn.

“You sleep too long, Rainbow Dash.” Lofty said with a grin.

“Lofty?” Rainbow Dash asked, astonished. “I thought you'd gone home.”

“We did. But once Scootaloo told us what was going on we had to come back to make things right.” Lofty explained.

“Really?” Rainbow Dash excitedly asked. “How?!”

“We’ve got something working, and we need your help.” Lofty said with a smile.

“I should get James and his family!” Rainbow Dash said as she got ready to shoot out of her house.

“No need. Holiday’s talking to them right now. We’ve got a lot of prep to do. We're getting all of Ponyville together to change Snap's and Mane's mind.” Lofty asked.

“You think it'll work?” Rainbow Dash asked excitedly.

“If you can help James keep Lucca under control we should be just fine.” Lofty said with a snarky grin. “Now come on, you're Scootaloo's big sister, you have to be there.”

Rainbow Dash didn't know if this would work, but hoped it would as it meant she got to keep being Scootaloo's big sister.

Joined by their daughters and Tali, James and Lucca waited patiently in the crowd as the CMCs were awarded with a key to Ponyville for the work they've done. As they watched the salute from the Wonderbolts, James almost wished he had brought a small guard contingent to perform a formal salute to the trio as well.

They stayed quiet as a colt spoke about the group, and how the CMCs are important to the children of the town.

“Well, I'll be a three tailed bandicoot.” Snap said, clearly impressed. “I had no idea how important Scoot's club was.”

“Oh it's wa-a-a-ay more than just a club.” Rainbow Dash said proudly. “The CMCs have made a difference for everypony here.”

“And not just ponies. They help every creature.” Terramar said as he and Gabby stepped forward.

Now it was Sara's turn. She turned to Scootaloo's parents as she spoke. “And not just in Equestria either. They've made a difference in worlds beyond their own all while located here, with each other.”

“Whether it's encouraging others to discover their special talent.” Holiday said to her brother.

“Or inspiring them to do what's in their heart.” Lofty added.

“Or even helping just one person, when nobody else notices there's even a problem.” Lucca said as she and James put their hands on Sara's shoulders.

Holiday smiled and continued. “These three offer something that nopony else can.” As she spoke a train whistle blew in the distance.

Mane gestured for Scootaloo to join them. Much to the surprise and horror of the gathered crowd. Lucca hardened her expression as she quietly waited. There was a plan in place for this, but she still didn't like failing.

“No way! After all that you’re still going to make her leave?” Rainbow Dash was flabbergasted.

“We just want what’s best for Scootaloo. And, until now, we thought we knew what that was.” Mane said as she and Snap approached their daughter.

“Turns out yer just like us Scoot.” Snap said with a sigh. “You have an important job that only you can do.” He took a moment and thought about everything everyone had done here today. He remembered Lucca's fury at the thought of his daughter leaving, now brought into focus as he saw the family together. Helped to get to where they are now by his own daughter.

He understood, and as he looked to his wife he know that she did as well. They couldn't take Scootaloo away. In many respects she had already grown up, and had done so without them. They realized now that while exploring Equestria to see the rarest creatures they had missed seeing the one thing they wanted to see most in the world, and there were no second chances.

All they could do now was let her live the life she's built for herself.

“You've grown so much since we last saw you. And we couldn't be more proud of the pony you've become.” Mane said with a smile and a hint of sadness to her voice.

“You're clearly responsible to make your own decisions Scoot. If you want to stay … We understand.” Snap said moments before Scootaloo rushed over and hugged them both.

“Our work is our life's purpose. We could never quit …” Snap said.

“Not really an excuse.” Lucca muttered under her breath, drawing a glance from James.

“… and neither can you.” Snap finished.

“Maybe you should've thought of that before you sold the house.” Lofty said with a smirk.

Snap and Mane shifted uncomfortably before awkwardly looking to Lucca. She had been right, and with Holiday and Lofty living in another town they had to come up with something quickly. These two clearly felt responsible for her and had daughters of their own. The thought of asking them or even Rainbow Dash to take care of her until a permanent solution could be arranged crossed both of their minds.

“Lofty.” Holiday said with a chuckle. “Don't tease my brother.”

“Oh, alright. We're the ones who bought the house.” Lofty admitted with a grin before turning to Scootaloo. “If you want, you can keep your old room.”


Snap and Mane finished loading the last of their luggage onto the train and gave their daughter one last hug before boarding. They both had tears in their eyes, a mixture of pride and pain as they watched Ponyville slowly begin to move away.

“Well Mane, I guess that’s it.” Snap said as the town finally vanished in the distance.

“I’m glad we got to see her again. I just wish she could have come with us.” Mane added.

“But she’s important to everypony there, and she has her job like we have ours.” Snap said.

“I wish I would have known our job would cost us this much.” Mane quietly said as she wiped away a tear.

“It’s okay dear. Our daughter’s happy and surrounded by ponies that love her. Even if we can’t be there for her she knows we love her too.” Snap said as he placed a foreleg around his wife.

“Sorry to interrupt.” A strangely familiar deep voice said.

They both looked to the strange creature that stood beside their seat. They recognized him immediately as James, and much to their surprise he was alone.

“Not at all.” Snap said. “But I would have thought you'd still be in Ponyville. It’s going to be another month before this train goes back.”

James took the seat opposite them, glad that more often than not the ponies only took up the seat they were on with their legs not sticking into the aisle between the seats as his knees stuck out quite far on the short bench. “That’s part of why I’m here. Trust me, I understand that once a month is nowhere near enough time to see your daughter. So I brought you two this.” He said as he pulled a silver and emerald shield shaped badge from his bag. “I have connections so any time you want to visit her use this to let me know and I can arrange for you to come back. Just press the drill and talk and I’ll set something up. Also good for emergencies, just in case something happens.”

“Really?” Mane asked as her mood visibly improved.

“Yeah, it may take a few hours to arrange the trip but I will bend over backwards to get it done.” James said with a grin.

“Thank you.” Snap said, just as astonished as his wife.

“Scootaloo’s family as far as I’m concerned, that makes you two family as well.” James said as he stood up to walk away.

Snap and Mane smiled to each other before they looked back to thank James once more, only to find that the car they were in was now empty.


That night Rainbow Dash walked around her home, still excited that Scootaloo was staying. In her mind it couldn't have gone any different, but it was close and that had her worried for a while.

Not knowing what else to do she grabbed a small container of snacks from her kitchen. She smiled as she regarded them before putting several aside for Scootaloo. While she was staying this was still likely the end of their sleepovers. She took the cinnamon apple crisps out to her living room and placed them on the coffee table next to her Daring Doo book she was rereading.

It was getting to another tense part in the book when there was a knock at her door. She swallowed the sweet spiced treat as she looked up. This time of night seemed awful late for guests, but all the same she answered. It could have been Lofty with Scootaloo for all she knew.

“James?” She asked as she opened the door to the large man.

“Hey.” He casually said. “I'm not interrupting anything, am I?”

“Oh, no. Come in.” Rainbow Dash said as she stepped aside and gestured to her couch.

With a nod he walked over to the couch and sat, Rainbow Dash climbing up and sitting next to him. “Sorry …” James began to say before she cut him off.

“Nuh-uh,” She said with a grin. “you know you're welcome here any time. You can stop knocking too, just walk in.” Almost unconsciously James reached over and began to rub her neck. She smiled as she got comfortable next to him.

“I just wanted to say thank you for today. All of it. Lucca wanted to come too, but she's thanking Holiday and Lofty right now.” He said, as he gently massaged.

“Mmm. Keep that up and you can consider me thanked.” She almost purred, glad that none of her other friends were here to see her acting like this.

“Well, Lucca and I kinda blew up earlier too, and I need to say sorry for dragging you into it. We just want to keep our family close.” He calmly explained. Rainbow Dash was about to say something when he continued. “Obviously that includes you too.” He stopped rubbing her neck long enough to give her a quick hug before he started again.

Rainbow Dash blushed slightly, remembering how it was Lucca who included her as if she were part of the marriage when talking to Mayor Mare. Something about that made her feel lighter as she thought about it. There were so many questions she had. For him, Lucca, and even for herself. Questions that she really wanted answers for but she didn't even know where to start.

James's hand moved down to her back onto that sweet spot just between her wings that he had found that always seemed to just melt her. Maybe another time. She thought, right now things were just great.

Author's Note:

Did anyone not expect to see a chapter devoted to this episode with how I've got James and Lucca tied up with Scootaloo?
Many would probably expect James to turn into the one willing to do anything to keep her in Ponyville, but you never get between a woman and her family. Especially those she loves as her own children.

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