• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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45 Ponies in the Dark

Weeks passed without word, there had been stretches like this in the past where James hadn't visited, but there had never been the threat of him not coming back. As time went on his last words felt more like an epitaph to them.

And then there were those he didn't tell. Rainbow Dash had been deflecting questions from Scootaloo since the day after he left. But she was persistent and the hardest day came when she decided to get the answers for herself, only to find that the door to New Guardia simply led to an empty closet coated in years of dust.

“Twilight!” Scootaloo screamed in a panic as she ran into the library. “Why's the door broken? What happened?”

Twilight took a deep breath, she'd been through a lot herself in these weeks, between James's exit and Rockhoof's close call with becoming a statue she was emotionally exhausted. This was not going to be an easy explanation.

“It's not broken Scootaloo.” She said sympathetically. “James closed it. He's worried that he might hurt us if he keeps coming around so, for now at least, he's not.”

Scootaloo couldn't believe her, she knew him better. “He's not evil, it's a joke! He'd never hurt us!”

“I know Scootaloo.” She quietly said. “He's afraid he may hurt us while trying to help.”

“Well, when will he be back?” Scootaloo demanded. She wasn't going to let it go so easily. Her brother was missing and she at least needed to know how long. There was no way he would go to all the effort he had for her and Rainbow Dash just to leave now. Without even a word of goodbye!

“He said that he might never come back.” She didn't want to tell Scootaloo this, but it was only going to get worse if she felt like they were keeping her in the dark. Twilight could see the tears welling up in Scootaloo's eyes when Rockhoof stormed into the library.

“I'm sorry to interrupt Twilight, but yer friend's gone mental!” Rockhoof said as he approached. “Sorry lass.” He added to Scootaloo.

“It only sounds crazy!” Rainbow Dash said as she came in behind him.

“Aye, because it is crazy! I'm not whacking you with my shovel to send you to some fantasy land! It's not gonna happen because it canna happen!” He argued.

“Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked as she looked to her idol. Had James really told everyone but her? Why wouldn't he talk to her about this? Why didn't she get to know?

“Scootaloo?” Rainbow Dash was as astonished as Scootaloo to see her there. “Uh … What brings you here?”

“I'm trying to find out why nopony's letting me see James!” She said angrily. “It's been weeks and he hasn't even said hello. And now I find out his door is broken!”

“You mean to tell me this James bloke is real?” Rockhoof asked Scootaloo, barely believing it. “And he has a magical door to his land in this castle?”

“I told you that already!” Rainbow Dash said exasperated. “And since it's not working I just need you to get there. Yeah it's not going to be fun, but I need to know what's going on.” She said as she landed and held her head down, ready for the blow.

“Told ya. Mental!” Rockhoof countered, directing the last word at Rainbow Dash herself.

“Rainbow Dash, that is crazy. How do you think James would feel if you had somepony hurt you that badly just so you could talk to him? The reason he left is because he doesn't want to be why we get hurt.” Twilight said as calmly as she could.

“Alright ladies, I think I need to know just what's going on if I'm going to be listening to this.” Rockhoof said as he shook his head.

“That's quite alright Rockhoof.” Twilight calmly said. “You don't need to stay around for this.”

Rockhoof grinned as he cocked an eyebrow her direction. “Aren't you the one who appointed me the keeper of tales? I believe there's a mighty fine one waiting to be told here.”

Twilight thought for a moment, maybe it would be good for him to know about James. At least then if he never came back Rockhoof could make sure ponies would remember. “Well, even the three of us don't have the whole story but maybe you could hear Scootaloo's story while Rainbow Dash and I talk. We'll be in the throne room when you're done.” She said as she walked off, bringing Rainbow Dash with her.

“What's the deal Twilight? I almost had him agreeing. Or at least angry enough to do it anyway.” Rainbow Dash complained as they got into the throne room.

Twilight couldn't believe Rainbow Dash actually thought she could get him to do it. “Agreeing to knock you unconscious?”

“Well, if he didn't I could always make him. He's a fighter, so if I attack him he'll have defend himself.” She argued.

“Are you listening to yourself?” Twilight asked irritated. “You've gone from demanding to be seriously hurt, to threatening one of the pillars of Equestria! This is insane! I know you miss James, I do too. But we have to respect his wishes.” She tried to explain.

“But he's being stupid! He doesn't have Cadence's magic so he already can't do what his double did. The worst he did was use that thing on me and Scoot to keep us safe in case we get hurt.” Rainbow Dash argued.

“Just because he can't do it one way doesn't mean there isn't another.” Twilight clearly remembering what she saw James doing when his magic was completely gone. “And are you forgetting Flurry Heart's Crystaling? He nearly died. Lucca said he was supposed to leave his transponder on, which means they can be turned off. What if yours is turned off? If he did knock you out and nothing happened that would mean you got seriously hurt for nothing.” Twilight explained, trying to keep her voice even.

“And Fluttershy has those Senzu things. You can just give me one and I'll be fine, that is literally what they're for.” Rainbow Dash argued.

“Excuse me ladies.” Rockhoof said as he carefully opened the doors. “The wee miss remembered something important and ran off in a hurry. So I guess I'll be waiting to hear her story.”

Rainbow Dash and Twilight looked at each other for a moment before speaking.

“You don't think she …” Twilight began to say before being interrupted.

“Scootaloo-oo-oo!” Rainbow Dash shouted in a panic as she shot out of the throne room, her wake tearing down tapestries and knocking over decorations.


Scootaloo had no trouble finding Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle and they talked as they walked into the clubhouse. “Okay ponies.” She eagerly said. “James's door isn't working and I need to know why.”

“Have you asked Twilight?” Apple Bloom asked with a shrug.

“She said James closed it because he didn't want to hurt us. I can't believe that, he's my brother and family doesn't do that to each other.” Scootaloo explained.

“But who else can we ask? We've already asked almost everypony who knows James and they didn't even know he was gone.” Sweetie Belle said.

Scootaloo smiled as she told them her idea. “I'm going to ask James myself.”

Apple Bloom didn't understand. “Alright, but … How?”

“There's still one way we haven't tried.” Scootaloo's smile didn't diminish as she was confident in her plan.


Rainbow Dash flew over Ponyville as she desperately looked for Scootaloo. Now that she was thinking about it, there were dangers around every corner in the town. Especially for a small pegasus who couldn't fly.

Her heart raced in desperation. She needed to find Scootaloo before she hurt herself. Scootaloo didn't know the transponders could be turned off and she really didn't want her getting hurt.

Each minute she didn't see Scootaloo was another minute she could be getting in danger. Rainbow Dash was just glad the Washouts had left town when they did, that would have been the easiest way to get seriously hurt.

The moment she remembered the Washouts she began to envision Scootaloo deliberately throwing herself into the Crushinator Jaws of Smashalot (patent pending.) It was all she could do to keep from hyperventilating.


Scootaloo groaned, this was really uncomfortable. “I remember this being much bigger.” She said as she tried to adjust around Apple Bloom.

“Yeah.” Apple Bloom grunted. “I guess it's a good thing Sweetie Belle decided to stay behind and operate the messenger box for us.”

“Are you two ready?” Sweetie Belle called.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom both called out a “Yeah” as they prepared themselves for the falling sensation.

“One … Two … Three!” Right on cue the falling sensation overtook them and they knew their plan had worked. Unceremoniously they popped out of the chest and stretched now that they had the room to do so.

Starlight streamed in through the window and even in the dark they could tell the room had changed little since they had first been there with only a few new additions in that time.

“Alright, now to find James so he can tell us what's really going on.” Scootaloo said moments before walking right into the door. She rubbed her head as she tried the knob again, but the door didn't open.

“Why's the door locked?” Apple Bloom asked quietly.

“I don't know, but this is starting to make me worried. James never locks this door, and his door to Twilight's Castle has always worked.” Scootaloo said as her worry became more evident in her voice. She just wanted to see her friend again, was he really trying to keep her away?

“I'm sure there's an explanation for all of this.” Apple Bloom said reassuringly. She used the door to steady herself as she bit onto the small protrusion from the knob and turned it. The door opened easily after that.

As the door opened a small device alerted it's current owner that there was a problem.


Rainbow Dash was shivering as she found none of the CMCs at the clubhouse where Applejack had said she had last seen them going to. Every time she thought about what Scootaloo could be doing it only got worse in her mind. Scootaloo had been gone for nearly an hour now and if the Transponder was off she could be in serious danger. But maybe her absence meant that their transponders weren't off.

Rainbow Dash rushed back to the farm and pounded on the door. “Applejack! Applejack! They're not at the clubhouse!”

Applejack opened the door at the pounding. “What's got you so worried? It's not like anything's going to happen to them. They're just trying to figure out ways to get there. At worst they'll just be going around town asking about him.”

“There's only one way Scootaloo or I can get there right now, and that's if James hasn't turned off the transponders.” Rainbow Dash said frantically.

“Transwhatsits?” Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash sighed, obviously Twilight would remember but clearly not everyone else. “Transponders. They're injections James gave Scootaloo and me before he left that take us right to his hospital if we get seriously hurt. James has one as well but it was turned off during Flurry Heart's Crystaling, that's why it didn't work. With his door down the only way for us to get there is to get seriously hurt. And what if he turned the transponders off.”

Applejack's expression changed immediately. “Darn it! Why didn't you say so sooner, Rainbow Dash? We need to hurry and find those fillies!” She burst from the farmhouse and ran down the road. “I'll get everypony I can to help look!” She called as she continued to run.


This time Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were being quiet as they went through the castle. They knew where James would be right now, but they didn't want to wake anyone else up.

“Aww. You're just so adorable!” Came a woman's voice from behind them.

The fillies jumped forward with a yelp as they hadn't expected anyone to be awake at this time and turned to try to see who it was who had startled them. They couldn't see well in the darkness, but the crouching woman had that covered as a small point of light floated above her finger. She wore a loose fitting yellow flannel shirt and pants and had a matching pair of slippers. Her lightly tanned skin greatly contrasted her cropped raven black hair and the light reflected clearly in her sapphire eyes. She had a kind face and smiled genuinely and happily at the two ponies as she crouched down to see them better.

“Wh, wh, who are you?” Scootaloo nervously asked as she got over the initial scare.

“Oh.” She said as she curled her finger under her lip. “You can talk.”

“Of course we can talk.” Apple Bloom said more confidently. “Are you new? I haven't seen you before.”

“Sorry.” The woman politely said. “I'm not used to talking ponies, especially cute little ones like yourselves.” She stood as she talked, preparing to properly introduce herself. “My name is Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun.” She bowed politely to the ponies and smiled again as she looked to them.

Scootaloo followed suit along with Apple Bloom and soon Amelia was leading them back down the hallway they had just come, all the way back to the messenger room.

“So how did you two get here?” She asked as she brought out a key and relocked the door.

“We came here through the messenger box. James's door isn't working and I need to know why.” Scootaloo answered without thinking. They had turned around again and were walking towards the guest rooms, it was easier to see down this hallway and Amelia didn't continue using her light spell.

Amelia stopped and patiently smiled at her. “I see. So you're from the world he worried about.”

“What do you mean he worried about our world?” Apple Bloom asked. “Is this about him being afraid he'll hurt us? Because he's only ever been nice and helped us.”

Amelia nodded at the small pony. “I'm sorry to say that even helping can make things harder for you. It's a careful balance to find just how much help he can give before he starts hurting you by mistake.” She began to walk again as she spoke, leading them away from their ultimate goal.

“But why hasn't he come to visit?!” Scootaloo asked as her voice began to get louder. She had no idea what was going on, and right now she didn't care. She just wanted to see her friend again.

Amelia stopped once more and crouched in front of the confused and angry pegasus. “I'm sorry, but he can't see any of you until the review is done. Maybe even after if it doesn't go well. If it's found that he's damaged the development of your world, or caused a major unexpected problem. He'll be forbidden from ever returning or contacting you. He's doing this because he cares about all of you.”

“No!” Scootaloo said angrily as tears rolled down her face. “I know he cares about me, he's my brother! That's why I know he wouldn't let something like that happen! He's coming back!”

Amelia began to whimper as she smiled wide eyed at Scootaloo. “Y-y-yeah-h-h-h!” She excitedly shouted, immediately causing the door beside her to burst open.

“Amelia!” A man with dark blue skin mottled with dark gray stone growled. His stiff lavender/silver hair was a mess, and he only wore a pair of white cotton pants. Clearly she had just woken him up. “It's the middle of the night! What are you doing?”

Amelia's face immediately changed as she realized she had been far too loud.

“Sorry about that.” She whispered. “Scootaloo here was just telling me how important James was to her.”

He cocked his eye at Amelia as he heard her. “Excuse me?” He asked, clearly confused.

“Scootaloo, Apple Bloom. This is Mister Zelgadis, he's my husband.” Amelia cheerfully said.

Zelgadis looked between her and the ponies briefly before shaking his head. “Okay, you should probably come back to bed.” As he spoke he bent down and started to guide Amelia back up.

Scootaloo had to know what was going on, and if he had some answers she wanted to know them. “Mister Zelgadis? Why can't I go see James?” She hesitantly asked.

Zelgadis' face fell and he looked at the pegasus shocked. “Wait … you can talk? … Maybe I need to go back to bed too.”

“Why does that surprise everypony?” Apple Bloom asked, just a little irritated.

“Zelgadis.” Amelia said eagerly. “They came because they care about James, and want to know why they can't visit him.”

Zelgadis looked between the ponies and Amelia as they all fixed him with wide, innocent eyes. With a sigh he dropped his head and opened the door. “Come on in and I'll try to explain.”


Rainbow Dash shot around Ponyville again, calling out to Scootaloo as she did. Sweetie Belle was walking towards Rarity's home when Rainbow Dash saw her. She dove quickly, slamming into the ground in front of her.

“Sweetie Belle. Boy am I glad to see you. Do you know where Scootaloo is?” Rainbow Dash asked quickly.

“Yeah, she and Apple Bloom went to New Guardia.” She said, confused by Rainbow Dash's urgency.

Rainbow Dash's face fell. “Who did it? How bad was it? Oh-h-h I hope she's alright now.” She began to chew on the edge of her hoof. “Oh, no time. Thanks Sweetie Belle. I need to talk to Rockhoof, maybe now he'll do it.”

Without even giving Sweetie Belle a chance to talk she shot off into the air and flew back to Twilight's castle. She sped through the halls back to the throne room, bursting through the doors.

“Okay Rockhoof! Now you have to help me. Scootaloo's already there and I need to be there with her.” She demanded the moment she saw the shovel pony. This wasn't just about seeing James anymore, this was about being there for Scootaloo. Nothing was going to get in her way now.

“Girl, I'm nah gonna whack you with my shovel!” He said angrily as he turned to face her.

“Alright then.” She said threateningly as she struck her hoof against the ground. “If this is my only option.” She shot towards Rockhoof with her hoof extended, aimed to strike his chest.

Twilight reacted quickly and teleported herself between the pillar and her friend. “Rainbow Dash! What are you doing?!”

Rainbow Dash hurried and changed her course, crashing into the ground and rolling until she hit a wall, the crash hurt but clearly not enough. “Scootaloo's in New Guardia and he's standing between me and her now. I'm sorry, but I have to do this.” She was determined, Twilight had to understand!

“Lass, I'd not hit ya even if ya did attack me. Yer hurt and lashing out because yer friend's gone. I understand. But you can't go picking fights thinking it'll bring'em back, or bring you to 'im or whatever.” Rockhoof said. “We've all lost friends before, I still miss my old village.”

Twilight looked to Rainbow Dash as she slowly stood up, stretching an obviously sore shoulder.

“How do you know Scootaloo's in New Guardia?” Twilight calmly asked.

“Sweetie Belle told me. She said that Scootaloo and A… Apple Bloom …” Rainbow Dash came to a realization as she thought about what Sweetie Belle had told her.

“How would Apple Bloom have gotten there?” Twilight asked, genuinely curious herself.

“She couldn't have … Unless they know another way!” Rainbow Dash perked up immediately as she shot back out of the throne room looking for Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle was nearly at Rarity's when Rainbow Dash landed in front of her again. “Sweetie Belle, how did they get to New Guardia?” She asked, keeping her voice as calm as she could.

“They used the messenger box, like we did the first time we went there.” She explained. “Since James's door isn't working that's the only way there now. Of course it means that somepony stays behind.”

Rainbow Dash smiled and even pranced a bit. “Oh, thank you thank you thank you! I owe you one for this Sweetie Belle!” Rainbow Dash said as she shot off, looking for Applejack.

Applejack was starting to get concerned since she couldn't find Apple Bloom Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle anywhere she had looked. But where would they have gone, they knew New Guardia was another world, not just some far off place in Equestria. She had nearly finished searching the orchard when Rainbow Dash came flying up.

“Applejack. I need your help. I need you to get me to New Guardia.” She quickly said.

“I thought we'd finished this.” Applejack said with a sigh. “I'm not going to hurt you just so you can get there.”

“Oh, no. Not that. Sweetie Belle told me that we can use the Messenger Boxes to get there. That's how Scootaloo and Apple Bloom got there.” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Apple Bloom's there too?!” Applejack said horrified. She knew she would be safe there, but the fact that she had gone like that and on her own was deeply worrying. “Then there'd better be enough room in that box for both of us because I'm going too!”

“One of us needs to stay behind to use the box, otherwise neither of us are going.” Rainbow Dash said. “And I'm going after Scootaloo.”

“There's more than one way to peel an apple.” Applejack said as she ran off.

“Where are you going?!” Rainbow Dash called. She sighed as Applejack didn't respond and just kept running.


Applejack had gone to get Big Mac and now Rainbow Dash stood with them around the messenger box in the attic of the Apple's home. The Box hadn't gotten as much use since the door became available, but now it was their only connection. To both James and, more importantly, their sisters.

“So they just got in and Sweetie Belle used it like normal, huh?” Applejack asked as she looked at the box.

“One way to find out.” Rainbow Dash said as she climbed in the box. It was a tight squeeze, she had to twist her neck at a strange angle and Applejack had to tuck her wings into it for her. She could barely breathe like this but she wouldn't need to stay in for long. “Ready.” She said holding onto as much of her breath as she could.

“How will we know when you're out? I don't want to show up and get crammed in the other side with you.” Applejack said.

“I'll send back a feather.” She was starting to get dizzy. “Just do it!”

Big Mac nodded and closed the lid. With a quick turn of the handle it was done.

Rainbow Dash knew immediately it had worked and quickly stood up, gasping for air. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom must have come separately, that's the only way it made sense to her to come in through the box. It was simply too small in there. Once she was feeling normal again she pulled out a single feather and dropped it into the box, closed the lid and turned the handle.

She'd seen this room several times over the years, but never really looked around inside it. As she knew that each box in here had a duplicate somewhere in Equestria it was easy enough to identify the owner of each as they all had their cutie marks on them. There were a few she expected, but she didn't realize that Shining Armor and Princess Cadence had their own too. The real surprise for her was a small box for Spitfire. Only big enough for letters and small packages, but it was interesting just to find out they were even talking.

Over a minute passed as she waited, this late at night Applejack needed someone who knew their way around James's castle as well as she did. So she wasn't going anywhere, no matter how much she wanted to.

The lid to Applejack's box popped open and she gasped deeply, clearly she had as much trouble breathing in there as Rainbow Dash had. “Okay, now where do you think they'd be?” Applejack asked as she walked over to the door and tried the knob. “… It's locked?”

“I guess there's some reason for it.” Rainbow Dash said, though she couldn't think of one.


Zelgadis rubbed his head as he listened to them talking, ultimately this was no stranger than Rezzo's doll collection and there were tangible benefits James had developed with the association with the ponies. But it did feel a little surreal talking to them.

As he contemplated the scenario a buzzing caught their attention.

“Uhm, what's that?” Apple Bloom asked as Zelgadis checked the small device on the nightstand.

“It's just an alarm letting us know the room you came from has been opened again by someone who shouldn't be there.” Zelgadis stood up and draped a robe over himself as he walked to the door. “You three can stay here, I could use a walk anyway.”

Zelgadis yawned as he walked down the hallway, a ball of light in his upturned hand. He had to admit that even with it's eccentricities New Guardia was a peaceful place. Seyruun was more interesting, but there was something to be said about the artificial world James had created.

It didn't take him long to find their new guests as they quietly called out for the ponies he had already met. They must have turned a corner and seen his light as their pace clearly picked up.

“Girls?” One of them asked. “Is that you?”

“Must be.” The other one answered. “James doesn't have night guards.”

Good to know James's so confident in our safety. Zelgadis thought only a little sarcastically. He waited where he stood to give himself time to mentally prepare for two more ponies as they got closer. Much to his relief as they walked around the corner they were much taller and clearly older than the two he had already met.

“Thank goodness they really were just children.” He breathed out.

The two new visitors jumped as they saw him. “Who're you?” The orange one asked.

“Are you visiting James?.” The blue one added.

“My name is unimportant for now, I suspect you're looking for the children. Amelia's with them.” Zelgadis said, not wanting to spend too much time around the ponies.

Rainbow Dash inspected him closer once she heard the name Amelia. “Wait. Are you Zelgadis Graywords?”

Zelgadis was taken aback. How did this pegasus know who he was?

“You are!” She excitedly whispered.

“Okay …” Applejack said blankly. “Who's that?”

“James never told you about the Slayers?” Rainbow Dash asked astonished. “Well, Zelgadis here is the most awesome of them. He may not be as good with a sword as Gourry, but he's an awesome mage on top of his sword skill. He's also very sensitive about his looks. Though I don't see why, you look awesome.” She gushed on, even talking about how he became a Chimera (after explaining to Applejack what chimeras were in his world a few times) and recounting his relation to and hatred of Rezzo the Red Priest.

While Zelgadis was flattered by her compliments he was very confused about everything right now. Fortunately it didn't take them too long to get back to the room where Scootaloo was talking about herself to Amelia who listened transfixed.

“Go on in.” Zelgadis said as he gestured to the ponies who followed him. This was possibly the weirdest night of his life.

“Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked as she watched her walk in.

“Scootaloo!” Rainbow Dash said happily as she ran over and hugged her. “Don't worry me like that! I thought you got yourself hurt just to get here with the transponder.”

“As if you weren't asking almost everypony you knew to do just that.” Applejack said under her breath, shaking her head.

“Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo said urgently. “They're telling me that James isn't allowed to see us until this council thing is over. If they'll ever let him see us again.”

“That's because he's worried that he might act irrationally and ignore the council. He wants to protect people and places he cares about, even from himself if necessary.” Zelgadis explained.

“He's! Not! Evil!” Scootaloo insisted.

“Have you ever asked him that?” Zelgadis asked seriously, irritation filling his voice. “While he'll definitely say yes he is if he's in a good mood, when he's introspective he'll tell you what really he feels. And he genuinely doesn't know if he's evil. No matter what mood he's in he never seriously claims himself to be a good person. At best he's trying to be good.”

“Well, tryin's a lot better than nothin'.” Applejack said as she walked over to her sister. “And the worst I've ever seen of him is his temper. And he's quick to apologize when it flares up.”

“Then you haven't seen his temper.” Zelgadis said. “I don't think even Lina would be crazy enough to be anywhere near James when he's angry.” If they didn't realize how easily James could become a threat he was going to tell them no matter how hard it was for them to hear.

“Years ago while James was visiting Seyruun and Amelia was watching Sara, she was only two at the time, when they were kidnapped and held for ransom. James offered to negotiate the surrender of the kidnappers, obviously they laughed at him …”

Amelia jumped up and slapped him as hard as she could. “Don't you finish that Zelgadis. These are his friends!” She said before coming in to whisper to him. “And those two are just children! They don't need to hear anything like that!”

Obviously the slap didn't hurt him, though it did hurt Amelia, but he changed tactic at her glare anyway. Maybe just knowing how sincerely Amelia didn't want them to hear would get the message across.

“It didn't end well.” He simply said. “Which is why the council exists. James can be just as cruel and evil as the worst Mazoku to protect what he cares about. And he's too powerful to be stopped without extreme measures.”

“But he's not the same person he was then either.” Amelia said happily. “With those he cares about close, he gets better all the time.” She looked to the group and smiled. “In the morning I'll talk to Daddy and see about letting you tell the council why he should keep visiting your world. I'm sure when they hear about how much you care about him they'll have to side with you. Just hold the truth in your heart and know that justice will prevail!”

“Amelia. We can't have them stay in the castle with James here. He's not allowed to see them until this is resolved.” Zelgadis reiterated.

“Well we can't send them back, the portal to their world is closed.” Amelia countered.

“There's the way they came here.” Zelgadis reasoned. “Clearly those chests connect to their world so they can use them to go home.”

“And I'm not going!” Scootaloo said angrily.

“Me neither.” Apple Bloom added.

“Oh no, Apple Bloom. You're going home, you've got school tomorrow.” Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash nodded as she looked down to the little pegasus. “You too Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo's face twisted in anger. “I'm not going!” She shouted. “Amelia just said she's going to talk to her dad, and I'm going to tell them why James needs to keep coming to Equestria.” There was a real fire in her eyes as she began stare down Rainbow Dash.

“Will you be quiet!” Zelgadis growled threateningly.

The ponies all froze and slowly looked at him as he glared their way.

Zelgadis cleared his throat and talked in a calmer tone. “If James wakes up than none of you can stay, making it pointless for Amelia to advocate to Prince Phil on your behalf. As it is you clearly cannot stay in the castle so I suggest, if you're not going home, that you make your way to Truce for now and find an inn to stay at.”

Applejack didn't take her eyes off Zelgadis as she put her foreleg around Apple Bloom. “Come on Sugar Cube, let's get you back home. I'll tell them all about why we want James to stay.”

Apple Bloom looked up at Zelgadis for a moment before she hung her head and nodded, walking slowly for the door. Rainbow Dash used her wing to guide Scootaloo towards the door as they quietly walked into the hallway.

“That was mean Zelgadis.” Amelia chastised as she followed them out.

“I'm the only one thinking about what's going on.” Zelgadis mumbled as he laid back down on the bed.

Applejack hugged her little sister as Amelia opened the door to the messenger room for them. “It'll be okay Apple Bloom, Rainbow Dash and I will stay and tell them everything they need to know.”

Apple Bloom nodded and quietly sat as Applejack lifted her into the chest and closed the lid on her. With a twist of the handle she knew Apple Bloom was home.

“Okay Scoot, your turn.” Rainbow Dash said as she went to pick her up.

“I said I'm not going.” Scootaloo growled. “It's not fair that this happened, not right after James really made us his family. I'm not going to leave when there's something I can do.”

“It's okay Scootaloo.” Rainbow Dash was trying to sound comforting. “I'll be sure to let them know how you feel.”

“Please, Rainbow Dash. I have to do this.” Scootaloo looked to her with pleading eyes and sat where she was.

Rainbow Dash looked to Scootaloo and felt the same urge herself. She knew she had to defend James, and she knew Scootaloo did too. She turned away for a moment and nodded before turning back. “Alright Scoot. But we can't talk to James. We can mess this up for him as easily as we can help him so we need to be careful.”

“Okay.” Scootaloo happily said as she stood up.

“Alright, let me see your wing quick Scoot.” Rainbow Dash said.

Scootaloo held out her wing to Rainbow Dash, not sure what she was thinking about. Rainbow Dash brought her head down and gently tugged out a feather, placing it in the box before doing the same with her own wing and feather. The larger blue feather drifting down and partially covering the orange feather. Rainbow Dash then closed the lid and turned the handle.

“What was that for?” Scootaloo asked.

“Big Mac'll know.” Applejack said.

“Thanks Amelia.” Rainbow Dash said as she walked up to her. “We'll get out of your hair now.”

Amelia keeled down and hugged each of them with a wide smile on her face. “With the flame of love in your hearts I know you'll succeed.” Amelia then walked them to the castle doors and waved them off before returning to her room.

“Wow.” Applejack said, awkwardly remembering the night so far. “She sure is … passionate.”

“From what James told me about her, she was actually pretty reserved tonight.” Rainbow Dash said. “Maybe she was tired, normally she'll launch into a speech as readily as Pinkie or Twilight will start singing.”

The three ponies laughed as they walked into the forest surrounding the castle.

“So where are we going to stay?” Scootaloo asked.

“That's a good question.” Applejack said as she thought about their situation. “I didn't bring my credit chit with me, and it's a bit late here to find a money changer and I don't know if anypony takes bits.”

“I've got my chit, but there's no way there's enough to get us a room for the night.” Rainbow Dash said as she pulled the small electronic device from her mane and inspected it.

“What about Pinkie Pie?” Scootaloo asked.

“I'm betting she's asleep right now. She did have to get used to the time here after all.” Applejack reasoned.

“So we're stuck here without a place to stay and nothing to do.” Scootaloo said glumly as they went further into the forest.

“What do you mean “nothing to do?” This is New Guardia, there's almost always a celebration going on somewhere. We just need to find one.” Rainbow Dash said as she began to fly alongside them.

Apple Bloom and Big Mac waited patiently by the messenger box for Scootaloo until Big Mac finally checked the box and found the feathers.

Author's Note:

Back from Hiatus with the chapter continuing.
So a bit of bad news, I lost thousands of pages of back story when my main computer decided that it had to discover fire for itself. (This story started long before MLP.) I still know the story Zelgadis is talking about and most of James' history. But I've lost many details that will never come again. I'll try to keep posting but at a bit less of a breakneck pace that I was posting at earlier.
I'm also considering posting some of the notes I've wrote. (Abandoned story lines, scenes removed for whatever reason, etc.) Is that something anybody would be interested in?
Well, Thanks for your patience and I hope there are some parts you enjoy. Have a good day everybody.

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