• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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4 Night Delivery

The small cottage on the hill was no stranger to visitors, however this was a strange visitor. The male alicorn slowly walked up to the door and knocked, holding his head close to the door in the hopes of hearing an answer.

“Who's there?” Came a quiet voice from the other side.

“Just me Fluttershy.” James calmly said.

The door opened and James could see the shy mare looking up at him from near the bottom of the door. “Oh, hello.”

James gave her a patient smile as he nodded. “Hello there. I brought you something.”

The door opened wider as Fluttershy moved to make room for him. “Oh, thank you. Come on in.”

James trotted in and looked around the small but comfortable home. With a grin he stood by the door once it had closed. “I don't want to bother you too long.”

“Oh no, you're fine James.” Fluttershy said, she didn't mind company and he had brought something for her. He was also much nicer than he made himself out to be.

“Thank you again.” James's horn was surrounded by the same dark field and golden fringe as a small capsule rose from out of his bag. With a click a large cabinet stood in the center of the room from which came a wooden box. Intricately carved leaves and flowers adorned the outer walls of the box with Fluttershy's cutie mark on the lid next to a small leaver. The box was lightly stained along the carving to allow for both the feel of the natural wood and the quiet forest colors.

Fluttershy smiled as she looked at the box. “Oh, it's lovely. I know right where I'm going to put it.”

James smiled as he allowed the box to come to a rest between them. “I do need to let you know, this isn't a normal box. There's one just like it in New Guardia Castle, anything you put inside will transport to it's duplicate once you close the lid and use the lever. It's basically a mail box that let's you send whatever you like to us, since even Celestia's magic can't reach us in New Guardia.

Fluttershy smiled as she moved the box to it's location. “Oh, that's lovely. I'll be sure to write.”

James bowed slightly as Fluttershy turned back to him. “I know my daughters will love to hear from you.”

“Oh, I was going to write to you too. If that's alright.” She nervously said.

“Of course it is.” James spoke softly as he smiled at her.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

James flew upwards towards the castle in the distance, his wings still tucked beneath his haori. This was no impromptu meeting, despite his irregular approach. James had requested the private audience nearly a month back to both give the princesses a mailbox and discuss the irregularity of his magic. Even amongst the whimsical and multicolored magic on display James's was distinct.

Much to his surprise, Princess Celestia met him as he came to a land near the chariots. James bowed as she approached.

Celestia grinned as she looked on him. “You need not bow, King James.”

James chuckled as he rose back to look up at the alicorn. “And you need not use my title Princess Celestia.”

“Only if you extend me the same courtesy.” Celestia countered.

James casually trotted up to Celestia. “Alright Celestia. I do hate politics.”

Celestia turned to lead him into her throne room as they continued to speak. “Hate it or not, you have some skill in it.”

“Only from years of practice.” James said, his voice flat. “There's no need to stand on ceremony for my sake, though if you care to indulge I'm happy to oblige.” He added with more emotion.

Celestia looked down at James her ever present smile a little more sarcastic than pleasant. “Are we to make concessions all day? I thought there was something you wanted to discuss.” The meeting between them may have been scheduled, but she had other duties to attend to that day.

James laughed at himself as they walked through the door. “Sorry. You are right. I wanted to know if there was anything by way of insight you could offer on why my magic is the way it is.”

This wasn't a question she could readily answer, she had no idea either why James's magic took the colors it did, nor why any unicorn's magic was the color it was. But she did have something to fall back on as she repeated a lesson she had learned years ago, but one that was always worth remembering. “Magic is of the heart, James. What it does is what you ask of it.”

“Lovely sentiment, but I'm more concerned about your opinion of my magic. I have embedded within me a powerful magical amplifier known as a Demon's Blood talisman. Now as you've said magic does as I ask of it. Do you believe that my magic is as it is because of the talisman?”

Celestia puzzled for a moment as she considered the idea. “Are it's effects unexpected?” The idea that the amplifier was inside him was uncomfortable, and it's name was just as disturbing. But he had proven to be very different from anyone else she knew, this could possibly be expected in his world.

“Only in color. I don't have a baseline for how magic in your world normally acts however, so I cannot accurately gauge what the effects may be.” James explained.

“And you see me as the foremost expert in Equestrian magic.” Celestia reasoned.

James grinned at the astute observation. “Quite true. You are Twilight Sparkle's mentor after all.”

Celestia considered the notion for a while before coming to her decision. “I understand your curiosity, but perhaps it would be best if you studied it on your own. There are a great number of books in Canterlot's libraries that you can study when you have the time. You know yourself best and should know how to proceed.”

James bowed politely as he smiled up at the White alicorn. “I understand, and appreciate your permission to use the resources in the library. Now, another matter. I have something for you and your sister. It's not much, just a means of communication should you desire it.”

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

Three small ponies ran across the midday field towards the barn house of Sweet Apple Acres. Apple Bloom had just told her friends about the mysterious visitor that came to Ponyville a month back, and about what he had left for them.

“So all it does is make things disappear and reappear?” Scootaloo asked as they got into the house.

“No, Applejack said it's like a mailbox, but it only goes one place.” Apple Bloom said as she led them to the back room where it was kept. “She'll sometimes put a jug of cider or something in it, and we got a couple of our cool new tools from it.”

Sweetie Belle thought for a moment at the description recalling a new addition to Rarity's bedroom. “Oh, I think my sister has one just like it. She said a friend gave it to her and that I can't touch it. But she gets fabric and weird clothes out of it.”

Scootaloo looked between the two. “Nothing like that's come up at my home.” She said dejected.

“That's okay, we can use Applejack's. He said that it's kinda for the whole Apple family.” Apple Bloom said happily.

“So what are we doing with it?” Scootaloo asked as she saw the wooden chest in the back of the room.

It was a simple design with Applejack's and Big Macintosh's cutie marks etched into it. It was stained a dark red with white trim. Clearly it was meant to be reminiscent of a barn.

Apple Bloom smiled as she opened it up. “We're going to find out where it goes!” She announced. “We're going to get explorer cutie marks!”

“Wait, didn't we already try this with the Everfree forest?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I don't think so, besides this will be totally different. The only thing is, I think somepony has to pull this lever when the lid's closed.” Apple Bloom said as she looked at it. “At least I think that's what Applejack does when she wants to send something.”

Scootaloo was visibly nervous at the explanation. “But that means that one of us has to stay here while the other two get their cutie marks.”

Apple bloom smiled as she told them her plan. “Not really. Granny Smith always forgets to use the lever so if we just hide in a box inside it I'm sure Applejack or Big Mac will send us over there eventually.”

“That could take forever.” Moaned Scootaloo as she tried to imagine how long the wait could be.

“Not really.” Apple Bloom beamed. “I overheard Applejack saying that he was asking for another jug of cider at the usual price. And Granny was complainin that she needed a new broom. Once Applejack's done with the chores she'll be getting a jug and letter ready. We just need to be hiding when she's done and we get to go with them.”

“Uhm. How will we get back?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Well there's always about five hours between the mail and a return with money or a thank you letter. That's more than enough time to get our cutie marks.” Apple Bloom was only guessing that it was a regular arrangement. “I've spent the last week watching and learning about the box.” She added confidently.

“I'm still positive we've already tried this.” Sweetie Belle said.

An hour slowly ticked by as the three small ponies sat silently, waiting for their chance to find out where the mail box went. The “box” was little more than some cardboard covering the cramped ponies, but they could manage.

Applejack entered the small back room holding a jug of Cider in her teeth, quietly humming to herself. Carefully she opened the chest and saw the box sitting inside. “Dang it granny. He don't need you feeding him, he's done that well enough on his own … but he sure does appreciate our cooking.” Applejack chuckled as she closed the lid and turned the lever. “Ah, a few more treats won't hurt him any.” She said as she trotted out.

The three girls never heard Applejack's parting words, as the moment the lever turned they felt like they were falling fast down a deep hole. As suddenly as the sensation began it ended. The girls shivered in fear for a moment, but were even more afraid of what Applejack might say if she knew that they were there.

The soft chirping of crickets could be heard beyond the confines of the chest they arrived in. It was minutes before any dared speak.

“Should we see if that was it?” Scootaloo quietly asked.

The other two responded only by nodding. Each still afraid that Applejack could still be waiting for them just on the other side of the lid.

Slowly the lid cracked open as six eyes peered out. They could barely see anything in the darkness of the room they were now in. But even with as little as they were able to see they knew their plan had worked.

Unable to contain their excitement the three shouted in unison before abruptly stopping and hushing each other. They still had no idea where they were. Sweetie Belle concentrated for a moment and her horn glowed faintly, giving them a bit more light to see by as they climbed out of the chest. They could only make out a few details of any other box in the room until a glint caught Sweetie Belle's eye.

She ran over to a box on the other side of the room and looked at it for a moment. “Hey, this is Rarity's box!” She whispered as loud as she dared. “I recognize the jewels they used for her cutie mark.”

Scootaloo rushed over to another one and examined it. “And this one must be Rainbow Dash's.” She said as she saw the design. There was one that was larger than the others, beneath the only window in the room and it had two marks on it. The mark of the sun was harder to see, yet in the dark of the night the mark of the moon shown prominently.

“Who's this one for?” Apple Bloom asked as she approached.

“I think it's Princess Luna's.” Scootaloo said quietly.

As Sweetie Belle approached, the sun became visible to them all in her light. “Wow. They've got a mailbox for the princesses too.” She marveled.

By this time Apple Bloom had looked up and seen outside the window. “It's night?” She asked as she looked out.

“What? It is?” The other two asked as they looked out and saw the spiraling nexus of stars beyond the confines of the domed ceiling of the space station.

“We weren't in there that long, were we?” Scootaloo asked.

“Maybe it's something about this place.” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“Well, let's go exploring!” Apple Bloom said eagerly.

With a whispered “Yeah.” The others followed.

The castle was dark and wherever there wasn't carpeting their hooves clopped uncomfortably loud. Minutes passed as they walked through the halls until they found the foyer with it's large doors.

In the distance James would have been able to ignore the noises, however when the sound came right past his door he couldn't bring himself to try to sleep through it. He groggily turned his head to the clock nearby and focused. His eyes were still blurry but he could see that he had gone to bed not that long ago.

He sat up as he swung his feet over the side of the bed.

Lucca rolled over to face him as she mumbled. “What's going on?”

“Seems we have company.” James said through a yawn. He stretched his arms out and popped his shoulders as he stood.

“Don't hurt them too bad.” Lucca said as she tried to fall back asleep.

“I don't think I'll have to, if they were dangerous they'd try to be quiet.” After he spoke James heard Lucca's soft breathing telling him she was already back asleep. “Lucky you.” He mumbled as he put on his robe and walked barefoot out into the hall.

Slowly James began to really wake up as he crept through the halls. Occasionally he would hear what sounded like a small group of people in hard soled shoes walking somewhere in the castle. He didn't want to risk being noticed before he knew exactly what was going on.

He slowed his breathing as he closed his eyes and felt for any energy he couldn't immediately place. He could feel Lucca sleeping in their bed and Tali across the hall. His daughters were sleeping in their room next to his. His two full time servants slept in their rooms down the next hallway. There were no night guards, James felt he was enough for the castle and the day guards were more for show anyway. There was a faint energy near the foyer, as he concentrated on it he realized that it was actually three relatively weak people. He had no idea who they could be by their energy, but he was going to find out. He wasn't as angry about them being in his home at night as he was about them waking him up. He knew that people would occasionally get in, but there were quick deploying force fields to keep any intruder out of anyplace he felt was off limits. He paused at a nearby door and touched his finger to the knob and smiled at the field of light that appeared letting him know that the fields had in fact gone up.

The three small ponies froze briefly at the sound of crackling in the distance.

“Is … Is somepony there?” Sweetie Belle nervously asked as she turned around.

“No. Couldn't be.” Scootaloo said, her voice wavering in fear as she laughed nervously.

“Just our imaginations.” Apple Bloom said, completely unsure of herself.

James squinted into the dark as he looked around the corner. While he couldn't tell who, he could easily identify what had managed to sneak into his home this night. Quietly he whispered a spell and cast it on the first pony. As soon as he had finished he began on the second and then the third. While the silence spells were important they also tended to be short lived, he had to confront them quickly so they couldn't wake anyone else up. His feet lifted off the ground and he floated over to the group as one of them turned and looked his way.

Scootaloo tried to shout, but the sound was trapped. Before she recognized she hadn't shouted her warning she was already running, her hoof beats getting the attention of the others who tried to shout as they ran after her. They noticed quickly that they couldn't make any noise either. Sweetie Belle had yet to notice that the light on her horn had gone out.

“Shit!” James cursed under his breath as he took up chase. He wasn't in the mood to play around so rather than chase them down, he simply got close enough to see them well and raised them off the ground by concentrating his Ki around them.

The three small ponies had closed their eyes and their heads were thrown back in a silent scream as they futilely tried to run on air. Scootaloo had the best idea once she realized that they were off the ground and flapped her wings as hard as she could. She made no progress.

James walked them down to the banquet kitchen, the closest area where he could talk to them without waking everyone else up. He looked down at the group and realized that he knew them and groaned as he walked before reminding himself that he was glad it wasn't Pinkie Pie. His noises were poorly timed however, as the kitchen came into view and all three started silently crying.

A wet drop on the floor that he stepped on alerted him that something was wrong. James held the three up and looked at them as they cried. “Oh jeez, I'm sorry.” He quietly said. “Are you hurt?” James crouched as he carefully looked over the ponies.

Apple Bloom had heard that voice before, but she was far too frightened now at the sight of the giant monster who had brought her to his kitchen. She silently cried out for Applejack or Big Mac, screaming that she was sorry she went exploring.

It didn't take long for him to realize that they were just frightened. He fell back on his experience with his daughters when they were frightened, even though it hadn't happened like this in years, and brought the three of them into a big hug.

“Don't worry girls, you're safe here. Nobody's going to hurt you.” He gently said as he began to rock back and forth.

Apple Bloom couldn't help but feel terrified at the giant monster holding her tightly in it's grasp, but slowly the voice of Applejack's friend started to reach her and she began to calm down. She was still crying, but she wasn't as scared anymore.

James continued to speak gently as he held them. “I know I'm scary, but I just want you to calm down for a bit.” James kept his tone calm and even. As they eventually stopped crying he let them go, and offered a warm smile.

They wiped the tears from their faces as they looked back to the large, strange creature smiling down at them.

“So, you're not going to eat us?” Sweetie Belle asked as her silence spell finally broke. She gasped as she heard herself.

James chuckled slightly. “No. I wouldn't eat any of you.”

“Then why did you bring us to a kitchen?” Scootaloo asked, threatening to break into tears again.

“People are still trying to sleep. I had to take you somewhere where we could talk without waking everyone up.” James calmly explained. He knew he couldn't sound upset or be anything but friendly to these girls or they would just get frightened and start crying again.

Apple Bloom's silence spell was the first to break, but she had been so stunned with that familiar voice coming from this thing in front of her she hadn't made a single sound beyond an occasional sniffle. “Green Apple?” She timidly asked.

“Hello.” James calmly said as he smiled at her.

Apple Bloom slowly stood up and walked over to the large creature with the familiar voice and gently touched James's arm with her hoof. “Is it really you?”

“Not only is it really me, it's the real me. I thought someone had broken into my home so I came to confront them. It was a surprise to see three small ponies walking towards my front door.” James said in his most fatherly voice.

“Wait? Green Apple? You're that pony Apple Bloom told us about?” Sweetie Belle asked, quite confused.

“Yes. This is what I really look like.” James said with a smile.

“Really?” Scootaloo asked wide eyed.

“Yes.” James calmly repeated.

“You're not a pony?” Apple Bloom asked, still not believing it.

“I am not a pony.” James confirmed as he carefully placed his hand on Apple Bloom's head.

“So what are you?” Scootaloo asked.

“I am technically what's known as a sayian.” James calmly said. He wasn't going to answer a barrage of questions, but one or two to calm them down was enough.

“What do you mean technically?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“That's enough about me for now.” James said, firm but calm. “I've not even told Twilight all about it. So just be okay with the answers I've given you so far, alright?”

The three couldn't help but feel down as they wouldn't be hearing any more about him. This was a big discovery, especially if Twilight didn't even know.

“So I'm guessing you came here to try get some kind of cutie mark?” James asked as he stood from his crouch.

“We wanted to see if we could get explorer cutie marks.” Apple Bloom admitted as she lowered her head.

James sighed as he thought about the situation. “I see. Well it's not like I don't do things all the time as reckless as you just did.” He paused as he thought about the situation. “It's not my place to punish you, but neither will I reward you. So I'm going to walk away for a few minutes, you three stay right here while I get ready to take you home.”

“You're taking us home?” Apple Bloom asked, shocked. Her mind raced with everything that Applejack could do to her as punishment.

James threw them a wicked half smile as he chuckled. “Didn't you just want that a minute ago? When you thought I was going to eat you?”

“Well, yeah.” Scootaloo admitted. “But that's before we knew you were nice.”

James went from a chuckle to open laughter. “Trust me, I'm not nice. I try to be a good guy, but I'm not a nice guy. … Would you three like a bit to eat before we get you home? It's probably past dinner time for you.”

The three looked to each other briefly before agreeing. James nodded and opened the nearby fridge, pulling out a large dark red tomato with streaks of red violet a bundle of butter lettuce and a block of Mozerella. He collected a nearby loaf of honey wheat bread and made three lettuce tomato sandwiches and placed them on the table nearby.

“Don't think you have to eat it all. Just have as much as you'd like while I get ready. Or you can have more if that's not enough, there's certainly plenty.” James said as he walked off.

The three of them talked as they each ate their sandwiches.

“You think we can get him to let us stay for a while?” Scootaloo asked. “I mean, he said he wasn't nice but then immediately offered us something to eat.”

“I think I'm done exploring here for today.” Sweetie Belle said. “That was too scary for me.”

“Yeah, I don't think we'll get our cutie marks looking around here.” Apple Bloom reasoned. “But maybe we can come back sometime now that we know Green Apple is here.”

James didn't dislike the enertron, it made him feel awake and ready. But he was always hungry after and he felt robbed of sleep. After it's cycle, James checked the time again. Only half past five, his daughters would be getting up for school in an hour. He wondered if he'd be back in time to take them to school today.

As he thought he realized that he wouldn't be able to get to his pony clothes without waking Lucca again. He grumbled a bit before he decided there was no point in getting dressed up for the trip when as a pony nobody cared if he wore anything anyway.

He tossed his pajamas next to the enertron moments before he cast the polymorph spell. With a sigh he walked back to the kitchen. As he approached the tomato floated off the cutting board and hovered in front of his mouth as he took a bite. He'd just eat another energy bar as they walked to pretend he wasn't still hungry.

“Ready girls?” He asked as he finished off the tomato.

He got a chorus of “Not yet.” as the girls took their time eating their sandwiches.

“These are really good sandwiches, by the way.” Scootaloo said smiling.

“Thanks. These are my favorite tomatoes.” He'd been growing them for years and had even tried crossing them with other kinds but they were never as good to him as the normal navajo purple.

“I bet these would sell great at the market.” Apple Blossom said with a smile.

“Could be, but they're not native and I wouldn't want to cause problems with ponies spreading the seeds where they shouldn't be. Sometimes a good thing can create big problems.” James mused.

“How could ponies growing tomatoes cause problems?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Well for example. I know how they grow here, but what if in Ponyville they grew unusually well and started chocking out other plants that used to grow. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I've seen it happen more than once. People get careless with a plant thinking that it can't do any harm or that it will even help. Sometimes because it's pretty or useful at that time, and the local plants that are used to growing a specific way suddenly can't get enough nutrients because this plant is better at getting what they need.”

“Oh, like a weed.” Apple Bloom said.

James smiled as he knew she understood at least the basic part of it. “Exactly, even helpful plants can become weeds if they start causing problems.” I wasn't expecting to teach a lesson today.

As the three small ponies finished their sandwiches they stood to leave when Sweetie Belle gasped.

James was quick to respond and examine the area she was in, looking for anything that could be a problem. “Is something wrong?” He eventually asked.

“You don't have a cutie mark!” She said, shocked.

As the others looked at him they each gasped as well.

“Yes, I do not have a cutie mark. Neither can I get one, nor do I want one.” James explained.

“But everypony wants their cutie mark.” Scootaloo said. The prospect of a pony not wanting one was unthinkable.

“Yeah, that's why we made the cutie mark crusaders, we're trying to get our cutie marks.” Apple Bloom said.

“Well I'm not a pony, remember?” James said with a smile.

“Oh … right.” Scootaloo said sheepishly. It probably made sense that way, but she still thought it was weird to not want one.

“We get teased for not having cutie marks all the time. But maybe the other ponies wouldn't make fun of us if they saw a full grown pony without a cutie mark.” Apple Bloom explained.

“You think too highly of other kids. Especially the stuck up ones.” James said, remembering his own bullied past. “They'd be overjoyed at the chance to make fun of an adult without a cutie mark. It would just make them feel superior. Come on now, you're just stalling.” James insisted.

“One last thing?” Apple Bloom asked.

James's face became impassive as he firmly spoke. “One.”

Apple Bloom nervously ground her hoof into the floor as she asked. “You're not going to tell on us are you?”

“Of course I am.” James calmly answered.

“Please don't tell Applejack!” Apple Bloom pleaded.

“Or Rarity!” Sweetie Belle added.

“Or Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo insisted.

“Yes, yes, and no.” James said, pointing to each in turn. “Scootaloo, I'm telling your aunts.” The three looked devastated as they got the news. “Told you I wasn't nice.” James said with a wicked grin. “NG-com, transport four to MLP, Sweet Apple Acres.”

As James finished speaking the girls screamed as they felt like they were falling down a long hole once again, only to stop just as suddenly at it started.

The sun had long passed it's zenith and it was clearly getting closed to evening. James had to admit he enjoyed visiting the farm. It was nice and quiet where the earthy scents mixed nicely with the sweet smell of apples. He would probably make this his first stop every time he came to Ponyville and not just because it was somewhere he could just show up without anybody noticing.

“Okay, we can get ourselves home from here.” Scootaloo said quickly. “Come on Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom.”

Before they had chance to run James had lifted them up with his magic. The burning sensation was still there, but it wasn't unpleasant just a little uncomfortable. James walked up the path towards the Apple's home, knocking on the door once he got there.

Big Mac opened the top of the door and looked at James. “Heyya.” He politely said.

“Nice to see you again Big Macintosh. Unfortunately I found three fillies running around my home this morning. No idea how they got there.” James calmly said.

“Is that so?” Big Mac said. His voice, while even, did not hide his feelings at all.

James nodded as he answered. “Afraid so. I'll leave Apple Bloom here, but I don't quite know where Scootaloo lives. Can you give me directions?”

Big Macintosh looked at the three girls as he thought. “Hold up.” He turned back into the house as he called out. “A.J.!”

Applejack came trotting into the room calling back. “No need to holler I'm right here.” She said as she approached the door. “James?” She asked as she saw the chestnut alicorn. “Uh, what are you doing with Apple Bloom?” As Applejack got to the door Big Mac walked away.

“She was running around my home, woke me up too.” James explained.

“Oh she was, was she?” Applejack said, her voice bordering on threatening.

James floated Apple Bloom over the door and into the house as he spoke. “Don't be too hard on her though. I already gave her a bad scare. She saw me in my pajamas.” James laughed slightly as he talked. “Seriously though, I scared her pretty bad by accident. So don't get on her too much.”

“Don't worry. I've got it handled. You want I should get them to their homes too?” Applejack offered.

“Nope.” Big Mac said as he came back to the door. He had a long coat held in his teeth that he tossed to James as he approached.

“Wait, you're lending him your duster?” Applejack asked.

Big Mac nodded as he spoke. “Eyyup.”

Applejack tried to think but couldn't come up with any reason. “Why?”

“His wings and flank.” Big Macintosh explained.

“Yeah,” James laughed a bit as he spoke. “I guess I do stand out a bit, huh.”

Big Macintosh opened up the bottom half of the door as he spoke. “Eyyup. Now let's get these two back where they belong.”

The Duster lifted off James briefly as he used his magic to put it on. It fit poorly, but Big Mac was smaller and in better shape, so it was to be expected. “Well, it's off to Rarity's first to drop off Sweetie Belle.” He explained.


He'd be lying to say that talking to all of them wasn't enjoyable as he took the girls home. Scootaloo had the most questions about where James lived and how the box got her to his home. And after a brief explanation to Rarity and then to Scootaloo's aunts he accompanied Big Mac back to the farm, talking about any topic that came to mind. Big Mac quietly listened most of the time.

Author's Note:

Now I wasn’t the dumbest child but a friend of mine and I at least once got a box and lots of stamps thinking we could mail ourselves. Granted this evolved into a fun game of pretend but the fact that the first time was us wasting a book of stamps thinking we could actually mail ourselves can’t exactly be overlooked.

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