• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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33 History Repeats

James sat in his study across from Twilight who was still smiling happily at her proposal. This was not going to be easy, first he had to even comprehend the idea.

“So you want me to be a teacher at your friendship school?” James calmly asked, making sure to emphasize the flaw he found in her offer. She couldn't be thinking straight if this was a serious offer. Though if it were a joke then it was a pretty good one so far.

Twilight could tell there was something about this that he was struggling with. What it was she couldn't be sure so she decided to stick with positive reinforcement. “You have so much to offer that nopony else can. You help different creatures and worlds get along all the time.”

Even after all these years she still didn't understand just what it meant when he facilitated trades. James sighed as he explained. “Twilight, that's trade negotiation. Nobody leaves there as friends, just with a promise to pay for goods. The closest my negotiations have ever come to friendship involved literal head butting. The Krogan enjoy that and Klingons will too from time to time. That … was actually an interesting meeting.”

Twilight continued to smile. “And I wouldn't have known that if you hadn't told me. Your class could be inter-species friendships. Something that, frankly, we all will need to get better at as we go on friendship quests outside Equestria.” She had expected James to refuse and was ready with a list of examples to give him in her attempt to convince him. She was actually eager to use some of them.

James rubbed his eyes, it was way too early to be having this conversation. “I'm sorry Twilight, but I'm already aging nearly twice as fast as everyone else. I just can't help here. I can substitute on occasion where you may need me, though.”

Twilight was going to start at the top of her list. “But …”

James quickly interrupted her. “Seriously. I've already tried being a teacher. I can lecture, but I'm lousy at the rest of the job.”

This was a turn she didn't expect. “You were a teacher?” She asked, genuinely surprised.

“See how shocked you are. More proof that I'm not what you're looking for.” James said before elaborating on what she obviously wanted to know. “But yes, I taught Magical theory at the Sorcerer's Guild. Honestly, it was a pretty dead class. Nobody wants to understand how it works as long as it does work.”

“I'd love to take that class.” Twilight said excitedly. Understanding how magic worked fascinated her, though there weren't many Equestrian scholars who'd put effort into the subject. She had even thought about delving into the subject herself, but then she was sent to Ponyville and her whole life changed.

James shrugged. “I'll be sure to let you know if I ever start the class again. It's not likely though.”

Twilight was certain that she saw the problem now. James's class had gone so poorly he lost confidence in his teaching ability. So teaching at her school was just the thing to bring that back. “You know, if you taught at my school I'm sure you'd find lots of students interested in your field of study.”

James smiled at the obvious attempt. “Sorry, still not teaching. Again though, if you need a substitute occasionally I am pretty close.”

“Alright.” Twilight said glumly. “Would you at least come to the opening day, and Friends and Family day?”

James nodded and smiled. “Of course I will.”

It was obvious when he arrived that attending opening day was another attempt to sell him on teaching at the school. Twilight had done all but beg him by this point.

The doors opened and while the vast majority of students were ponies there were representatives of other creatures in attendance. As they ran off to start classes James noticed the EEA rule book that Twilight had left behind. His horn glowed as he hefted the book and flipped it open. He was going to have to spend some time reading this one.

The book, too, was a plant to try to get his interest.

James did take advantage of the crowd to talk to Thorax while he was there. His advice had helped, but Thorax had taken it a bit farther than James intended and was only now getting to a better equilibrium thanks to Ember.

Back at home James walked down an often overlooked path through the forest as he carried the massive rule book in a bag with a stack of papers and many, many pens. He was already finding errors and contradictions in the guidelines and preapproved lesson plans and needed to find out just how problematic their educational standards were.

Once Sara was born he had gone to great lengths to design standards and practices for the schools of New Guardia taking proven methods from other worlds and cultures and combining them into a system that would treat students as individuals and develop their own interests. While there were separations for age to better engage developing minds if they excelled in one subject they weren't held back for the others, and if they had trouble they could stay as long on the problem as they needed.

Amber for example was ahead of Sara in language and artistic studies while Sara excelled in more analytical courses. They were able to help each other with their homework despite their age difference.

James wasn't going to try to force the same standards he employed but he was going to point out the serious problems he found.

Camouflaged between two trees was a door, beyond it was an empty landscape where time was compressed. He could take as long as he needed and still be out before too long.

It was almost an hour before James came out of the forest back to the castle. While his corrections had reduced the size of the book by half and he had written in suggestions he became more and more convinced that changing the curriculum to one less likely to fail would result in a massive culture shift that he just couldn't be the one to start.

“It's almost like they're trying to punish the students and the teachers. How does Cheerilee manage? … How does Celestia manage? … And I'm talking to myself again. Seriously, don't go in there alone. It's not a good idea.” James said to himself as he paced in his study. “All I can do is hope that Twilight gets the idea for herself or shuts the school down.” James threw himself into his chair and stared at the wall as he got the notion of school out of his head.

It wasn't until days later when his Omnitool alerted him that he only had an hour to prepare that he remembered he had promised Twilight he'd attend Friends and Family day. He looked out the window as he sighed. It would still be early, but that's how things were. He changed his form and collected his gear before entering Twilight's castle.

The lake was calming as James stared out across it. No one had talked to him yet and he certainly wasn't complaining about that. Thought he probably should talk to someone, isolation can do funny things to a mind.

He was lost in thought as several attendees started screaming. Looking up he saw a group of students fleeing a giant creature. Somewhere he could hear someone shouting that the school was under attack. He watched the event unfold with curiosity as the creature smashed a tower and reverted back to a much smaller form. It all felt a little strange watching like this. Why was he only watching?

It wasn't until he heard Twilight talking that he remembered why he had come. His mind cleared as he ran over, he'd only been in isolation for about two weeks, and it's not like he wasn't working either. He shouldn't be this out of it.

“Those are students?!” Neighsay asked, incredulous. “But you said you were opening this school to protect Equestria!” He continued.

Something about this rubbed James the wrong way, but he quietly listened as the unicorn continued.

“To defend ponies from dangerous creatures that don't have our best interests at heart.” Neighsay continued.

Twilight was taking the high road as she calmly spoke. “My school is to teach us all to work together through friendship.”

The unicorn turned on her. “And how do you know these creatures won't take what they've learned here and use it against us?!” He demanded.

James was getting angry now. Nobody messes with his friends, but even more than that he had heard diatribe like this before. Long, long ago. He knew where that attitude led and he would not let that happen here.

“Friendship isn't just for ponies.” Twilight said, genuinely confused about Chancellor Neighsay's reaction.

“It should be.” He said, disgusted at the thought of others being like them at all.

“What?!” James shouted. He remembered the lines people would use, he knew the history. He never wanted to see it repeated in this or any other universe. His wings were held out at their full extension and his face was twisted into a snarl. He was ready to strike, but he held himself back. Attacking would only prove him right. There was procedure and he was going to follow it.

“Another alicorn?” Chancellor Neighsay asked astonished. He remembered once that there was an alicorn hero who helped Princess Twilight defeat Tirek but he was from another land. If this was him, he was as bad as the rest of the creatures.

James's voice was joined by protests from the other leaders as Neighsay's attitude soured relations between kingdoms. Without another word James took off into the air and flew for Canterlot. He was going to petition Celestia directly to take Neighsay.

He knew that unannounced he was unlikely to meet her that day, but he would wait patiently for as long as necessary. He patiently let one of Celestia's attendants know about his request and sat quietly near the chambers where she would take audience.

It took just over an hour for Celestia to come and greet James. She could see that her guard hadn't been wrong when he informed her that James was furious. Everything about his body language, even sitting patiently, told her he was ready for a fight. There were so many things about this that confused her, what had happened? Why come to her? Why was his hair twisting and flashing gold?

“James. What's the matter?” She calmly asked, though she couldn't keep her concern off her face.

James took a breath and turned to her. His face was even and impassive though his hair would still occasionally flash golden and even his eyes changed color. “Princess Celestia, I came to request relinquishing an Equestrian citizen to New Guardian custody.”

Celestia turned to her guard and dismissed him. Though he was clearly angry it was not directed at her it seemed. “That's a serious thing to ask. What has happened?” She asked once they were alone.

James once again took a steadying breath. His hair stopped moving and changing color along with his eyes. “It would seem that a distressing view is held by a high ranking member of your education board, and worse yet he seems set on severing your bonds with allies.” He explained.

“I can't agree to let you arrest somepony for their views.” Celestia calmly said.

“This isn't about incarceration, it's about education. … I've heard rhetoric like his before. I heard it in the world I was born into and abandoned. Rhetoric like his has incited wars and genocide. I only want to stop the problem at it's source before the horrors of my world can scar yours.”

Celestia understood much of what James said, but one word eluded her. “Genocide?” She carefully asked.

James could have smiled if he weren't so angry. “Figures I'd have to be the one to introduce this word to Equestria. It's the systematic and deliberate destruction of an entire people. Often for simply being different.”

Celestia gasped. This was his history, something he knew all too well to have a word for it. “I … I see. I still cannot allow you to take him for his views alone.”

James nodded. “What about for his attempt to undermine the peace of Equestria by alienating it's allies?” He calmly asked.

“I'm afraid I'll have to see proof of that to agree. But if I do get that evidence, I will allow it.” Celestia conceded, sincerely hoping that such evidence never came.

James, gave her a weak and exhausted smile as he began to relax. “Thank you Celestia. I honestly hope it does not become necessary. My concern comes solely from his position in shaping the minds of the children of Equestria.”

“You should get some rest.” Celestia said as she looked to the drained man.

James shook his head. “It's just emotional exhaustion, I'm just stressed out. I'll recover before too long. Thank you.” With his condition in place James left the castle and flew towards Ponyville. He had preparations to make.

Celestia looked to where James had been seated and the few steps he had taken. The marble was pulverized everywhere he had touched. There was still much about him she did not know.

There would be no training this time, the members of the guard he would bring could not perform their role with their shape changed. They were defectors from a group he hated, but they had skills he has needed in the past and unfortunately would need again. They would be on call until the issue was resolved. At James's request the guards had kept their old skills practiced and would be ready at a moment's notice.

The very next day the proof she had so feared came storming into her throne room demanding an audience. Celestia listened to the angry threats from leaders of the other kingdoms as they demanded the return of their people. War seemed almost inevitable, exactly as James had told her just the other day. Had one pony really caused this?

She leaned over to Twilight. “Hurry Twilight, find your students or I fear our world might be at war.” She paused for only a moment before adding. “Perhaps start your search in New Guardia. James had brought me warnings of just this earlier.”

Twilight nodded before flying off, a chill ran down her spine as she thought about the situation. James doesn't even know my students, why would he be hiding them? Did he use his resources to know that war was coming? Was this inevitable? Twilight needed to get these answers. Is this why he refused to teach at my school? Because he knew it would fail so horribly? Should I even be considering opening the school again?

Twilight wanted to reassure herself that reopening the school was a good idea, that using her revised rules would make things work. But James’s warning of war combined with Celestia’s concern that it was about to happen shook that notion to it’s core. She needed to see James and find out what he knew before she could have any further faith in her decision.

She rushed through her castle to James's and found James with several heavily armed guards running drills of some sort that she didn't know. This was it, he was preparing for a fight. What had happened that even did this. Twilight began to panic and hyperventilate as the gravity of the situation began to sink in. It was inevitable, even her friend knew it was coming. The echo chamber of her mind exacerbating the issue.

Twilight's heavy breathing caught James's attention and he dismissed the Templar before approaching her. “What's going on Twilight?” He asked, what anger he had melting away to concern as he watched her panic.

“War.” She gasped. She had really done it this time, she had messed up so badly that even one of her closest friends was ready to go to war with Equestria. “The other Kingdoms are preparing for war because we can't find their students. Even you have soldiers ready!” Twilight said as she tried to calm her breathing. “I just wanted to make a school for friendship, how could it have started a war?!”

She was getting worse as everything was falling apart once more without even a chance to make things right. She wanted to scream, she almost tried to. Every time she tried to spread friendship she messed up in some horrific way that only made matters worse. How could she be the princess of friendship if she just spread hatred? How could she think that reopening the school was a good idea?

James couldn't help but feel as though he was directly responsible for this as he knelt in front of the devastated girl. Silently he placed his arms around her and drew her into a hug. “It's alright,” He said gently, he needed to reassure her. He knew that she was far too quick to blame herself for these problems. “you didn't do this. You're working to make things better.” James couldn't ignore this, while he still wouldn't teach at the school he decided that he should do everything in his power to ensure that it was a success. He owed her that at least.

Twilight's breathing began to calm as James held her, though she did feel a little better at the reassurance she was still panicked. “But if we can't find their students the other kingdoms are going to fight each other.”

James spoke quietly as he backed up enough to look Twilight in the eye. “That means there's a solution. We just need to find their students.”

This nearly made her panic more, if James didn't know that meant he wasn't the one sheltering them. “You don't know where they are?” She carefully asked.

“No.” James said, shaking his head. Apparently his warning had come off as prophetic so he was suspected as part of the cause.

“You didn't use the show from your world to know what was coming? So how did you know about the war?” She asked genuinely concerned.

“Chancellor Neighsay has views that have started wars in my own world. I knew this was coming because it's my history.” James explained. “Unfortunately the one who needs your school most is the one who shut it down.”

Twilight had finally calmed down as she was reassured that she wasn't the one responsible for the looming war. “Can I get your help looking for the students?” She asked, wiping a tear from her face.

James rubbed her shoulder. “Of course.” James said with a smile. “Feeling any better?”

“A bit, but I'm still terrified about what's coming.” Twilight admitted with an uncomfortable smile.

“It won't if we find those students fast enough.” James said with a smirk.

James wasn't exactly needed for finding and saving the students, but he came along all the same. Even accompanying them back to the school where they were met by both the other leaders and Celestia.

James couldn't help but grin as he watched Twilight destroy the seal. Though it was short lived as a portal opened nearby and Neighsay hopped out.

Celestia couldn't ignore what his actions had already done. The threat of war itself was enough proof of what James had warned her of. She had an agreement, but she would give him the opportunity to prove he could change for the better.

“This is for the greater good!” Neighsay argued as he paced in front of the gathering. “School was disorganized, the teachers unqualified, and those dangerous and unpredictable students put ponies lives in danger.”

Celestia closed her eyes and quietly sighed, had he only not mentioned the students in the way he had she could have let this drop peacefully. Neighsay wasn't going to give them anything but more trouble. “Very well James. Your request is approved.” She said, downcast as to how everything had become.

James nodded and sent the alert. The Templar would be here in moments to take Neighsay away.

Unfortunately Celestia also had the other leaders to deal with.

“I'll show you unpredictable.” Ember huffed as she and the other leaders stormed towards the insulting unicorn.

“Please, everyone. I'm sure Princess Twilight has a good reason for this.” Celestia said as she held them back.

“It is true my school of friendship is unaccredited.” Twilight said smiling.

“Then it is not a school!” Neighsay growled

“It's not an EEA School.” Twilight corrected. “It's a friendship school, with it's own rules. I should know I wrote the book.” As she finished she hefted a ridiculously tall tome over to the Chancellor. None but James noticed as shortly after the portal Neighsay came through faded away.

“These students reminded me that every friendship is special. So the way we teach it has to be just as unique.” Twilight gained confidence as she spoke. “My school is going to do things differently.”

“Allowing all these creatures to attend your school! Changing the rules! … For them! It simply wont work.” Chancellor Neighsay was almost ready to break into a diatribe.

James wasn't going to let this continue. “That's enough!” He said firmly. On his command the doors of the school flung open and revealed four New Guardian security officers. Two appeared to be deep in concentration while two others approached the surprised and enraged Unicorn.

Twilight immediately recognized these not only as New Guardian Security, but these were the very guards James had been training. He had been planning on taking Neighsay the entire time!

“What are you creatures? Let go of me!” Neighsay demanded. He tried to magically push them away, but no matter how hard he concentrated nothing happened. “What have you creatures done to me?” He demanded as one of the guards placed a modified harness over him.

“It's an anti-magic field. None of us can use any magic while it's in effect.” James coldly explained. “Chancellor Neighsay, you are being taken to New Guardia where you will learn what happens in other worlds when those in power say the things you do with your reckless abandon. This is not a criminal arrest, though it is detainment.” James walked up to the now snarling unicorn.

“I knew you couldn't be trusted.” Neighsay growled.

"Perhaps." James whispered.

His anger hurt Celestia. She had hoped that James was only paranoid when he warned her about Neighsay, but unfortunately each time he opened his mouth he proved James right.

“How could you allow this Princess Celestia?!” Neighsay pleaded as he looked to the monarch.

“How could I not when you nearly cause a war between all of our kingdoms?” Celestia asked, a little more defensively than she intended but it wasn't uncalled for. She closed her eyes for a second as she composed herself. “The things you say were once said about Unicorns, Pegesi, and Earth Ponies. Our own history has proven you wrong.”

“And now it's time you learn what actions your statements have led to in other worlds.” James calmly said before looking to the security officers. “Please take him to holding. I'll speak to him later.”

“You can not do this!” Neighsay shouted as he violently melted away.

James turned to the other leaders gathered. “I'm am sorry about that display. I'll not interrupt any more.”

There was more than a little discomfort that began to fade away as they realized just how far Princess Celestia was willing to go to maintain good relations with them. She had just allowed a foreign power to take custody of one of her subjects to maintain their peace. A decision that clearly weighed heavily on her.

Ember began to smile as she nodded to Celestia. “I guess there's no harm in letting Smolder stay.” She said offhanded.

Prince Rutherford wouldn't be outdone by a dragon. “If dragons stay, then yaks stay.” He said as he gave a quick hug to Yona.

It was never a question to Thorax that Ocellus could stay as long as she was welcome. He rubbed her head and smiled. “I know you'll make the changelings proud Ocellus.”

“You belong here.” General Seaspray said to Silverstream. After a quick hug he rubbed his chin. “Now could you show me these “stair” things you mentioned?”

Silverstream was all too excited to do just that as she dragged him off.

Gallus was just waiting excitedly for Grandpa Gruff to say he could stay. However as he looked around he found the old gryphon flying off.

“You belong at home!” Gruff said. “You think I care if you've made friends?” Gruff hung in the air, determined not to be dissuaded.

“Please Grandpa Gruff?” Gallus asked, gripping his hands tightly together and giving Gruff the most emphatic sad eyes he could do while he whimpered.

Gruff was caught off guard by it and couldn't bring himself to tell Gallus he had to leave. But he wasn't going to be nice about it. “Alright. Alright!” He shouted. “Stop doing that.”

James watched as the students happily ran back into the school, and couldn't keep from smiling as he watched Twilight and Starlight's exchange. With a nod he silently walked off before violently melting away himself.

James approached the holding cell with Neighsay, not that the unicorn knew who it was as James had changed back into his normal form.

“I demand to be released at once!” Neighsay shouted at James as he stopped in front of the cell.

James nodded. “You will be. Though you won't be going back to Equestria anytime soon. Given your situation you will be granted a residence in Truce's free housing district. You will attend history classes for a minimum four hours a day until the curriculum is complete.” James walked into the cell and sat down on the stool while Neighsay sat on the bed. “I'm not going to sugar coat this. What you'll be learning is horrific and you will see atrocities. But the worst part is that you'll hear yourself echoed in the voices of those responsible for the atrocities.”

“All because I opposed an unqualified school?” Neighsay asked.

James shook his head. “No, you're free to oppose the school. It's not an academic school even, though I do believe you should attend it. You don't even have to like the other people there. But you must know the damage you can cause with your rhetoric. You need to see what it does.”

“So once I prove to have a sufficient understanding of your history I can leave?” Neighsay asked. There was literally no downside for him as he considered the notion. He got a break and got to study the history of a hostile race to take back and use to better defend Equestria from it's enemies. And it was all being given to him willingly.

James nodded.

This will be easy. Neighsay thought. All he needed to do was learn a little history, a small task for a scholar like himself.

“Very well then. I'm ready for these classes.” Neighsay confidently said.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

Twilight sat in her office happily planning out her next set of lessons as there was a knock at her door. “Come on in.” She called.

The door slowly opened and Chancellor Neighsay cautiously walked in. “Princess Twilight?” He carefully asked.

He seemed so different than he had been a few weeks ago. He didn't hold his head as high and he didn't walk as fast. “Chancellor Neighsay? What happened?” Twilight knew James had taken him to New Guardia to learn his history, but could just that do this to someone?

Neighsay looked around for a moment before looking back to the Princess. “Nothing. But I was wondering … Could I possibly attend your school?”

Twilight smiled despite her pity for the terrified seeming unicorn. “Of course you can, it's open to everycreature.”

“Thank you, Princess.” Neighsay said before turning to leave.

“Chancellor Neighsay.” Twilight called as she got up from her desk and walked over to him.

“Yes, princess?” He calmly asked.

“What happened while you were in New Guardia?” Twilight carefully asked.

“I learned history. I … I heard my words from the mouths of monsters. And I saw the camps, those horrible camps … The real ones too, not his illusions.” He said as he remembered the lessons and even a visit to James's home world where he saw the undeniable proof of the history. “I am not like them. I am better … I need to be better. Princess, I need your school.”

Twilight nodded. “And we'll be happy to have you.”

“Thank you Princess. Now I do have some apologies to get to. I made quite a mess before I was taken away.” Neighsay said as he once again began to walk out.

Author's Note:

Rhetoric can be a dangerous tool, and not one to be wielded by those who don’t care what it can do.
Maybe I got a bit too preachy here.

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