• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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58 Maquis

“How are the preparations coming along? Is everything in place?” Colonel Kira asked as she walked down the corridor towards the reception hall. James and his guests would be arriving in just under an hour, and knowing James they'd be sooner than scheduled.

Things were already going wrong, but that was to be expected. News of James's coming had spread, turning the meeting into an impromptu trade conference. Hearing this Luwaxana Troi used her daughter and son in law as an excuse to get on the Enterprise and would now be an official ambassador from Betazed. And the first thing she did was commandeer the planning and start changing things to her tastes. And with as volatile as James could be Kira didn't want Luwaxana to be anywhere near him.

There were also last minute adjustments to the menu as Bashir informed her of several non-Terran foods that the ponies were apparently allergic too as a whole and a couple individually. When Kira asked why that wouldn't have been in James's dossier on the ponies Bashir just said that they most likely didn't know themselves. The medical information James provided him with so complete that he had found several exotic foods they should stay away from. He had already passed the information on to Quark to prevent another Turian incident.

At least someone's keeping up and making this easier.

Fortunately, as they got closer to the event things began to smooth out. They'd even managed to get Quark to go back to his bar so as to not harass the dignitaries. Though by this time, whether or not things were ready, all that she could really do was prepare to meet them.

Janeway and Piccard wore their long dress uniforms and stood with Kira at the docking bay. As expected James was going to set foot on the station five minutes early. They'd gotten his “knock”, as they called it, about five minutes ago, informing them that he was approaching and giving an official thank you for receiving him. No matter what else she could say about him Kira would have to admit he made sure people knew their work was appreciated.

This was an important event. While James had brought several species to DS9 before, it was never specifically to meet with the Federation. He would often use DS9 as a neutral grounds for diplomatic and trade talks. That may end once Bajor finally joins the Federation, but for now it certainly kept things interesting. And this was more interesting than most as he was bringing a key political figure, while he had brought important members of other governments before he had never brought someone quite this important.

“James's file says her proper title is the Princess of Friendship.” Piccard calmly said as they waited outside the airlock for the ship to dock. “Do you suppose all heads of state are associated with a concept?”

“I'm still puzzling over the fact that we're going to be meeting with unicorns and pegasi. Do you think that his daughters had something to do with this?” Janeway offered. Colonel Kira deliberately held herself from answering. She knew the answer but that could lead into more information that could ruin this meeting really fast.

“I wouldn't know. I've never met the girls myself.” Piccard said. Most of his interactions with James had been encounters between their ships. Though each meeting had gone well, and had even been quite beneficial at times there was never a time where the two weren't operating in some official capacity. This would be no different.

“Something about this just screams to me a little girl's fantasy come true.” Janeway said with a smile.

“Is this something you would have wanted when you were little?” Piccard asked as he suppressed a chuckle.

“Definitely. I loved stories of magic and fantasy. Though I imagine your childhood fantasies were different.” She commented.

“I may have had more of an affinity for knights, but the thought of riding Pegasus from ancient Greek myth was quite appealing. From there my aspirations only rose higher.” Piccard quietly reminisced on his childhood stories. Reminding himself how he imagined it would feel to soar through the air on horseback.

“I doubt any of these ladies would let you ride them.” Janeway said with a laugh. She couldn't help but imagine the grown man attempting to ride the pony around the space station and acting like a child. Some thoughts you just couldn't help but visualize for one's own amusement.

“Perish the thought. But it must be exhilarating to fly like the pegasi do. I'll have to make time to speak with them personally.” Piccard wondered to himself just what they were like. The report had mentioned generals about the attitude of the species, and a few tendencies of each of the guests but not many specifics. He was particularly intrigued about how most of them supposedly exemplified a particular trait. “I do have to wonder how we'll be meeting them. As I understand it they are a culture of nudists.”

Kira finally spoke up as this wouldn't lead to the mention that they were an under developed civilization. “The way James explained it to me is that they view clothes more as an adornment. Though one of them might bring a whole wardrobe.”

“Fascinating.” Piccard said with a smile. “Most cultures have clothing as a standard, while those who don't often view clothes as restrictive and undesirable. Rarely do you find this middle ground.”


James and his family were already gathered by the Einherriar's airlock as the ponies approached. They had spent the last three hours in preparation with their personal beauticians while the ponies easily prepared by themselves. Though even Rarity managed to feel a little under prepared as she looked at the royal family.

While Lucca had long hair she often kept it tightly tied back, now it's style was more akin to Applejack's ponytail. Her clothes were more like the formal robes commonly worn by Lady Seto then they were to James's own clothing, though she too wore a haori with the crest of New Guardia similar to the one James currently wore. Her glasses weren't her normal thick spectacles but a thin framed design that didn't fully cover her eyes. And this was the first time any of them had seen her actually wearing makeup.

Sara and Amber were dressed similarly, they both wore long gowns though different colors: Sara's a royal blue while Amber wore a deep violet. And while Sara's violet hair was tied into a tight braid that laid flat against her back Amber's golden hair was done up into long pigtails on either side of her head, each tied with a silver tie that held an emerald in the center of the tie to hide the knot. They both wore make up giving them a complexion similar to their mother's. Amber appeared positively giddy while Sara was noticeably more sedate.

James still wore the same clothes he always did though they were clearly freshly laundered and pressed. The only real difference with his haori was the gold trim. His hair laid flat and strait and the tie that kept it in a ponytail was nowhere to be seen though his hair was held together by something unseen around the middle of his back. They realized that he too was wearing make up as every blemish and mark of his face appeared to be gone and his beard was carefully trimmed. He had attended formal events in Equestria before, but even for those he never looked this put together, or uncomfortable.
“Wow James.” Applejack said with a whistle. “I never seen you so spiffed up.”

“This is an official diplomatic function,” James stiffly said. “so I have to look the part. Honestly I can't wait until it's over so I can get comfortable again.”

“Well I must say your beauticians do wonderful work.” Rarity said as she admired the family.

Tali shook her head as she looked at the them, the only change to her outfit was a new belt. “I'm just going to say hi before heading off to Engineering. Going to a banquet where I can't eat anything does not make for a good time. Besides, I want to run some diagnostics on their systems while we're here, and maybe see if they've got in that redesigned Runabout.”

“How do you know these things?” James asked shaking his head.

“Just because you're a recluse doesn't mean we all are.” Tali teased as she gave James a hug. “Besides, if you want the latest gossip, find a Quarian. We always know the best information.”

“From the future of another universe?” James asked, no small amount of surprise in his voice.

“You know I have friends in Starfleet.” Tali calmly said. “And they get me a lot more than technical manuals.”

James's ears perked as the airlock hissed. “Show time ladies.” He said as the doors slid open before leading them into the airlock.


Janeway stood quietly as the red cog door of the airlock rolled open revealing James and all of his guests. Piccard stepped forward and nodded politely to the group. “Welcome to Deep Space Nine. I am Admiral Jean-Luc Piccard of the United Federation of Planets.”

He watched as the winged purple unicorn wearing a light violet dress highlighted with jewels stepped forward and bowed slightly. “And I'm Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship. And these are my friends.” Twilight politely said before going around and introducing her friends, even mentioning James and his family with the caveat that he probably already knew them.

Piccard smiled and shook Sara and Amber's hands “Actually I've not had the pleasure.”

Janeway stepped forward next. “Welcome back James.” She said as she shook his hand. “If you'll come with us we've prepared a banquet in welcome.”

“Ah, that reminds me.” Piccard said as he turned to James. “You should be pleased to find out Luwaxana Troi is here as well.”

James grinned as he heard the news. “Well, today should certainly be interesting. I'm assuming she came as an official ambassador of Betazed.”

Piccard chuckled a bit as they walked. “Of course.”

The group walked along the corridors, each having a different reaction to what they were seeing. Starlight felt a little disappointed, the hallways were dark and much smaller than what she had gotten used to on the Einherriar. Had she known that the corridors would be this dark she would have rethought the burgundy pants and jacket of her suit.

Rarity wore an ivory gown with sapphires embroidered throughout it and matching slippers. “It's very dark, isn't it?” She commented before catching herself and sheepishly adding. “Sorry about that.”

“That's alright.” Kira commented. “I don't think the Cardassians had aesthetics in mind when they built the station. Unless their goal was oppression.”

Applejack walked along in her simple denim dress. “Oppression?” She asked, already remembering the Storm King's occupation of Canterlot.

“Yes, but peace with Cardassia has been achieved.” Piccard added. “One of the Federation's goals is to facilitate peace between cultures.”

Twilight couldn't help but be excited as she looked around. It may resemble a dark cave, despite being well lit, but this was an entirely new universe. And tomorrow she would be visiting a new planet. Another thing no pony had even done before. Her and her friends were the first of all ponykind to do this.


Pinkie Pie couldn't contain herself as she saw the room they had for the banquet. While Kira had thought it ruined by Luwaxana's redecorating Pinkie Pie had a slightly different opinion.

“I love it!” She hollered. “I love it!I love it!I love it!I love it!I love it!!” She ran into the room, her bright pink dress embellished with candy designs wildly flapping around her, and began examining everything as Twilight's eyes twitched. James had said this was an important diplomatic function, not a party. And Pinkie Pie wasn't one for subtlety and nuance.

“Oh my, what energy.” Came a pleased sounding woman's voice. “I'm glad that you like it. Whoever had decided on the décor last had it all so drab. It's so much more welcoming now.” Luwaxana said, dressed in a medium cut floor length shimmering topaz dress. “Mr. Homm. Get our friend some of the Ranjhatt berries. She would like something sweet.”

A bald pale man taller than James, dressed simply in gray bowed slightly before collecting a bag from a nearby case. Without a word he handed the bag over to Pinkie Pie and smiled as Pinkie happily dug in.

“Oh wow! These berries are amazing!” Pinkie said, as excited about this as she was about the banquet. “How did you know?”

Twilight's hoof was pressed hard against her forehead as she desperately wished something else was happening.

“Mrs. Troi is a Betazoid. She has the innate gift of telepathy.” Piccard explained with a smile, noting Twilight's embarrassment at Pinkie's actions.

“I see.” Starlight calmly said. “There are actually a few Betazoids living in New Guardia. I didn't realize they lived here too.”

Luwaxana couldn't help but feel everyone's emotions, and even hear their thoughts. For the most part the ponies were very happy, lively young women. And James and his family mostly seemed to be in good spirits. However there were two in the group that were not enjoying themselves. Her concern centered on one girl in particular as she could feel a subtle pain in her thoughts. She was going to have to do something about this.


The banquet was attended by the senior officers of both the Enterprise and DS9 as well as all visiting dignitaries. The ponies quickly proved James's statement as to their social nature as they freely talked with anyone willing to speak to them. Rainbow Dash entertaining several pilots with stories of her flights with the Wonderbolts, even demonstrating what stunts she could with the room available to her. Fortunately Rarity had made her a slim rainbow colored dress that held close to her, not flapping around as she did her scaled down acrobatics.

Kira was pleasantly surprised at just how well the evening was going, and even more so at how well James and Luwaxana got along. Had she known the two were acquainted she wouldn't have balked as much at her appearance. She also found, much to her surprise, that she was enjoying talking with the ponies, particularly Applejack. Her strong work ethic resonated well with the Bajoran Colonel.

It was while speaking with Twilight that Piccard came to realize a distressing fact about the ponies and James. That James had brought them here from a prewarp civilization, and as such was in direct violation of the Federation's Prime Directive. Possibly one of the most egregious violations he had seen.

Well James. Luwaxana thought in James's direction. I believe you're about to get quite the earful from Jean-Luc. Not that he could hear her message.

Piccard approached James and Janeway, who were talking as they enjoyed their drinks. No doubt she was trying to discuss a technological trade. “I'm sorry to interrupt Admiral, but I must speak with James in private. It a matter of utmost importance.” Piccard harshly whispered as he got close to them.

“Is there a problem?” Janeway cautiously asked.

“Actually there is. But at least one of us must remain here for the time being.” Piccard said.

James nodded, from his tone it was pretty obvious what Piccard had discovered. “This must be about my flagrant disregard for the Prime Directive, of which you should note New Guardia's is at my discretion.”

“For the sake of your guests, I believe we should do this elsewhere.” Piccard urged as he glared at James.

James nodded and stood up, after a quick goodbye to Janeway he followed Piccard into one of the adjoining rooms.

“I cannot believe you would do this!” Piccard growled as he paced. “Their civilization is barely beginning to get a look at it's own solar system, and you're just acting like they belong here! What on earth could you be thinking?”

“You could ask Luwaxana, then you'd be armed with a stronger argument.” James was being glib, not that he was enjoying needling Piccard but because he had been waiting for this confrontation.

“I'm asking you!” Piccard demanded as he glared daggers at the dignitary.

“Would you like every argument? Or just a few highlights?” James calmly asked.

“What argument can you pose to justify this?” Piccard asked, he couldn't see any way that this was a good idea.

“I could go into Starfleet's own spotty history with the Prime Directive, your personal failures with it, Data's … Or that our association with each other is a violation for the both of us.” James answered. “I'll have you know that I personally come from a prewarp society, Lucca from pre-space travel. I got warp technology from the Federation! Not early Federation either, thanks to my time travel technology. I was given a small vessel and all the necessary schematics around the time you had been assigned to visit Far Point Station. And thanks to Tenyo I am considered a distant connection to the Jurai Royal family where the Federation is considered an under developed civilization and I am violating their contact laws in associating with you as there is a reasonable way to avoid contact. Might I add that Lady Seto herself sanctioned my involvement in guiding them as their civilization develops.” His voice had went from controlled irritation to angry growling as he spoke

“What about their world? Do you have any idea what harm you could be doing to them with this?” He knew understood why the Prime Directive exists. “What about what happened when the Salarians did the same with the Krogan? You were always so fond of talking about that failure.”

James's face darkened at the statement and he stalked forward towards Piccard as he answered the accusations. “I know far better what could happen than you could even understand, Piccard! I killed one iteration of myself who had done just that.” James was nose to nose with the Starfleet officer now, eyes burning in fury. “I've seen firsthand what I am capable of doing when unrestrained and I did far worse than kill that iteration of myself. I did not leap blindly into this on a whim.”

“Then why are they here?” Piccard stood his ground, his unwavering eyes staring directly into James's. The fire in James's eyes and the confession of killing other iterations of himself was disturbing, but Piccard was not intimidated. He would not back down even an inch. “By what right do you decide you should so profoundly alter their culture?”

“My ethics council.” James calmly answered, turning and taking a couple steps to give them both some room. “On observation it was determined that they were a stabilizing force in their world. They're natural peacemakers, not so passive as to be pushovers and not so aggressive as to instigate wars. One day, centuries in the future when they do actually develop warp capability (or something similar) on their own, they will find themselves an instrumental part in keeping peace. Both here and in their home universe. Why not let them see what such a civilization could be.”

“You brought them here to show them the Federation as something to aspire to?” Piccard asked. James's argument hadn't swayed him, but it did take some of the bite out of the problem.

“As an example of what others have done.” James calmly said. “I'll be showing them the Federation in Jurai’s universe, and the Citadel too. There's no one set path to peace, and it's good to see how others have accomplished it. Although I can unequivocally say that when they discover a path to peace it will be uniquely theirs, and I imagine better than any path we have thus far found. My job is to advise them helping them avoid the devastating pitfalls that have occurred to others. Protecting them from outside threats as they grow.”

Piccard sighed. This, ultimately, was a matter of perspective. And not one the Federation could actually do anything about. There might be trade sanctions, but they were a token gesture. He would log an official complaint, but if it would result in anything he didn't know. “I will be expressing my distaste for your practices … but it is not my place to dictate your laws. It is also true that you have aided the Federation without hesitation excepting in matters when your own version of the Prime Directive has called you to hold back. Even then you made allowances for the Dominion war by upgrading the shielding of key locations. I highly disapprove of your actions, and as well intentioned as you may be you could fundamentally destroy these people.” Piccard shook his head as he rubbed his temples and thought. The Federation's history was littered with failures in upholding the Prime Directive. And he had violated it, or at least been forced to violate it, on several occasions.

“You've placed me in a difficult position here James.” Piccard said as he rubbed his forehead. “Even my limited interaction with these people has informed on your claim that they are natural peacemakers. Princess Twilight has told me that they've even made peace with creatures that were their predators. I don't doubt that one day they'll be a welcome addition to the many peoples that we now have a connection to thanks to your efforts. But is today really that day?”

James nodded as he listened and prepared his last statement on the subject. “I'm not opening the floodgates Piccard. It's just this group and the other heads of state later. Exposing them to the people they may encounter so that as the time nears they may prepare their populace for the inevitability of joining a galactic community. They won't have to encounter the hurdles so many other races have when finding out there is life more advanced than their own as they will have experience handling it.”

“So we are to be stories passed from ruler to ruler?” Piccard asked, skeptical (to say the least) of James's plan.

“No, the rulers are ageless. I believe she would have mentioned her mentor Celestia at some point. She has been ruling for over a millennium and shows no sign of old age. Physically or mentally. That young lady you were speaking to will outlive any Asari or Krogan.” James explained. “I brought her here to show her that Starfleet's purpose is seeking knowledge and peaceful coexistence. Things she values greatly, and when their civilization joins the rest, they will remember that purpose and possibly even join you in that search for the unknown.”

Piccard collected his thoughts as James spoke. “I can't deny your argument outright, if you're statements are correct there is some benefit to what you have to say. But neither can I ignore the grave implications of your actions. You've signed a treaty with the Federation promising to uphold the Prime Directive as to not influence the development of civilizations. A treaty you are in clear violation of.”

“If Data were here he could quickly recall that the treaty explicitly specifies that I not interfere with developing civilizations in your universe as I was already in contact with several beyond it when the treaty was signed. I have shouldered the sanctions the Federation has stacked on me in the interest of maintaining peace.” James said, though he did neglect to mention the market it had created that he exploited.

“Naturally I will have to verify this claim. And if you have lied to me I will be filing a formal protest with Starfleet.” Piccard stated. “And should you be telling me the truth … Then you can expect a formal apology.”

“When you find that I have told you the truth, I do not want a formal apology. Simply acknowledge that you were wrong. My people can survive under the sanctions, the Federation is far from my only business contact.” In reality those sanctions allowed him to maintain higher prices and had been a boon for New Guardia.

There were a few moments of uncomfortable silence between James and Piccard before both went back to the banquet where Rainbow Dash was beginning to tell Janeway about her flying as a Wonderbolt and threatening a Sonic Rainboom inside the banquet hall.


“So do we have our target yet?” Chanok asked as the liaison to his team walked onto the bridge.

“We have several good options. James brought his daughters, they would certainly be high priority …” The blond woman said before Chanok interrupted.

“Too high risk of a rescue operation. We can't handle a firefight.” Channok said, dismissing the suggestion entirely.

“There's the alien princess …” The liaison started again.

“If we have to, but she'd probably spark a rescue operation. What about her aides?” Channok was getting impatient, the new Cardassian government was building in strength every week. Despite their insistence that they would work with the Federation they were still Cardassians and not to be trusted.

“There are two good options for her aides.” The woman said. First she brought out a simple profile of Starlight. “We believe she is related to the princess somehow, so the Princess would likely urge James to make the transfer without complications.” She then brought out a simple profile of Applejack. “And she appears to be the one with the least ability to cause trouble. The Princess' relative seems to be able to use some kind of telekinesis as the Princess herself does. And the ones with wings could be difficult to control should they start flying. The pink one seems to travel armed with heavy munitions, so it's best to stay away from her, and the white one isn't as connected to James as the Princess' Relative. Though she would make for a good third option.”

Channok had choices to consider, but he didn't have to choose right away. The delegates were scheduled to stay for two weeks before moving on to who knows where. He began to pace as he considered his options. Honestly, it didn't matter who they got. Any of those three should be easily negotiable for their demands. “Alright, any of those three will do. At your earliest convenience bring any of them here. Don't hurt them! We need that as a bargaining chip, let him know that all the pain is entirely his fault.”

The blond woman nodded and left to give the orders. Channok had been on the bridge for the last three days, even sleeping in his chair as to not risk missing anything. He stared out the view screen towards Deep Space Nine, knowing that the Maquis’ ticket back to life was aboard. And he was going to lead them to glory.


“I have to admit, from an anthropological view this meeting has been quite fascinating.” Piccard said to Janeway as they walked through the promenade. “Even if the implications are disturbing I can't help but to have enjoyed myself.”

“I wish I had your job.” Janeway said with a smile. “Trading with James is easy enough, but negotiating for technology is another thing all together.”

“He told me something rather fascinating actually.” Piccard pulled a chair out for Janeway as they got to their table. “That our interaction is a two way road in violation of the Prime Directive. That he's given us advanced technologies, and that we allowed him to achieve warp.”

Janeway scoffed for a moment. “What technology has he given us? Starfleet's been needling him for decades. I'm certain if he had they wouldn't have assigned me to win him over. …” As she thought she realized that there was something she would have to have noted on in James's psych profile. But talking it over with Piccard could prove beneficial to his job. “You know if you just look at him you'd think New Guardia is just some chauvinist fantasy with the women everywhere, particularly around him. But after watching him like I have I think that it's just optics.”

She adjusted herself in her seat before continuing. “Think about it, I know you could argue nepotism but each wife is in an important position. Tali, an Admiral herself, heads his personal engineering crew and by all respects they're better than any Starfleet engineering team. Liara is head of his information division and has spies everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if she even had a few on Voyager and in Starfleet command with the information they have access to. Tenyo is a gifted engineer and is the unofficial liaison to Jurai. And Lucca is next in line for when he dies. Yes he surrounds himself with women, but I don't think it's for some twisted thrill.”

“Are you saying it was a mistake for Starfleet to have you talk to him?” Piccard asked as a waiter brought them each their drinks.

“Not at all. It's their reasoning that's wrong. They assigned me to butter him up.” Janeway took a second to take a drink of her coffee before launching into her explanation. “Every woman he's married to is strong, intelligent, and independent. I'm an Admiral who rose up through the ranks from a science officer and commanded a crew of Maquis and Federation back from the Delta Quadrant. Starfleet's psych profile clearly labels him a hedonist and they think he'll respond by finding me attractive. Today has clearly shown me that that’s not what he responds to. Those girls we just met have him wrapped around their little fingers, figuratively speaking of course. And not because of any attraction (at least none that I'm aware of) but because they genuinely care about him, they're invested. And in return he helps them however he can.”

Janeway put down her mug as she looked to Piccard. “I'm good at negotiations, I had to be so we could survive and get home, but I can't get him to budge even when all the data says he should bend over backwards to try to make me happy. Those girls ask for something and he's right on it. Regardless of any treaties he's signed.”

“Do you think it was their idea to come here?” Piccard asked.

“No, I don’t. It was clearly his idea. But it's something he's willing to violate our treaties for, so they must be important to him.” Janeway answered.

“Starfleet just confirmed that those treaties are not applicable here.” Piccard commented. “It's in a subsection modifying the treaty, he's only required to follow the Prime Directive in regards to our universe.”

“Why would Starfleet agree to that modification?” Janeway asked.

“That caveat was added over a hundred and fifty years ago. He's the only one still alive who negotiated it.” Piccard stated.

“Then why hasn't he challenged the sanctions.” Janeway asked as much to herself as to Piccard.

“He says it's good faith.” Piccard simply answered.

The two sat in silence drinking as thoughts swirled around their heads. It wasn't until much later that anything formed and Janeway spoke up. “I think we're doing this wrong.” She calmly said. “We're treating him like a dignitary, like we have to respect him. But what if we treated him like a friend. Give him the chance to earn our respect, then maybe we can get his too. Or vice versa.”

Piccard mulled over the idea for a minute. “That could work. The Klingons make you earn their respect and he certainly respects them in kind. And when he was making his point earlier I certainly felt like I was staring down an angry Klingon. But what about his guests?”

“I don't know, that's your assignment.” Janeway said with a grin.


“I'm glad that's over.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew along beside the rest of the rather large group.

“Me too.” James's voice was muffled as he scrubbed his face with a hot towel he had stopped by a replicator to pick up. As he pulled the towel away his face appeared as it normally did, save a couple extra blemishes. The towel, on the other hand, was ruined with his make up.

Lucca had already cleaned her face off and switched back to her regular glasses. While James was cleaning his face she had led him by pulling his tail which she still held. “Now we can get to actually enjoying our visit here.” She said as she looked around.

“Are there any fun games?” Pinkie Pie asked eagerly.

Lucca grinned at the question. “As many as there are kinds of people. And most of them will cheat you.”

“I want to get a look at their library.” Twilight eagerly said.

“That you can access in your room. It's similar to the grand archive.” James explained.

Twilight looked disappointed as she thought about that. “Does everypony just given up on libraries and books after they develop past a certain point?”

“No.” James said as he shook his head. “But on a space station like this one, where space is at a premuim, it's not practical to have a library. Libraries in general aren't going anywhere though.”

“Speaking of books; Sisko, seven o'clock.” Lucca said as she saw Jake Sisko's reflection in a panel nearby, hurrying their direction.

James nodded and turned to face the young writer. “Good to see you Jake.” He said as the group came to a stop. “How's your writing coming along?” He smiled as he saw the son of the former commander of the space station.

“It's coming along great. Especially if I get this interview.” Jake said with a wide smile.

“I have no complaints. But I hope you haven't given up on your stories. It's good to have some fiction to distract from the constant onslaught of reality.” James said as he looked around for a moment. “Are you girls okay with an interview?”

“Hah.” Rainbow Dash scoffed. “I'm ready for any interview.”

“Maybe this time you'll realize that he's writing everything down.” Applejack joked with a sly look Rainbow Dash's way.

“Like you didn't say things you regret.” Rainbow Dash countered as she blushed.

“How would you like to conduct this interview, dear?” Rarity asked as she approached the young man.

“A group interview, I'll just ask you all some questions and whoever wants to respond can.” Jake said.

Fluttershy quietly gave a sigh of relief, she wouldn't have to say anything at all if she didn't want to.


“That was … interesting.” Twilight said as they once again walked through the promenade. Still thinking about a few of the questions they had been asked.

“I'm sure it was just as interesting for him.” James assured her. “Titles like princess are generally inherited titles and not earned. Add to that that you and Celestia both run schools on top of your already busy schedules.”

“How'd I do?” Sara asked as they walked along. She had been nervous during the interview as she had never even been part of one before, but after it was over it was exhilarating.

“You did well, sweetheart.” James said as he smiled at her.

“That was fun!” Amber happily said. Like her older sister she had never been interviewed before and had really enjoyed the experience. Though she didn't pay attention the whole time and had probably missed a few questions.

The sights, smells, and sounds of the promenade mingled together to create a lively and rather chaotic atmosphere, though there was certainly the underlying presence of order and security to everything. They had the rest of the day to themselves after the banquet, official tour of Deep Space Nine, and Jake's interview.

“Ooh.” Pinkie Pie happily said as she turned towards a nearby source of electronic tones and laughing. “That sounds fun. What's going on over there?”

Lucca turned to see what she was looking at, finding her gaze directed towards a familiar establishment. “Oh, that's Quark's bar. I'm not sure how much fun you'd have there besides the holosuites. Which you have free access to on the Einherriar.”

“It sounds like they're having fun.” Pinkie said as if she were trying to convince Lucca.

“Yeah, the people in there are mostly having fun. Some are having a really bad day.” Lucca said.

“Can we go?” Pinkie asked eagerly, her eyes wide and pleading.

“James, go with her to make sure she doesn't get cheated.” Lucca instructed with a chuckle.

James shrugged as he turned to walk off with the pink pony who happily bounced alongside him. “Gives me a chance to catch up with Morn. I just hope he doesn't ask for that Andorian whiskey I owe him. I completely forgot to pick it up on the way here.”

It wasn't long after the two had left that someone came running up to the group.

“I'm glad I found you all. You have no idea how hard it is to pick out just a few thoughts from a crowd this excited.” Luwaxana said as she got close to them.

“Mrs. Troi.” Lucca politely said.

“Please.” Luwaxana brushed off. “As much as I love posturing, we're equals. Just call me Luwaxana. The same goes for you too, Miss Alicorn.”

Twilight grinned, this woman was as lively as Pinkie Pie and certainly came across as friendly. “And you can call me Twilight.” She said.

“Of course. I didn't come for you though.” Luwaxana said dismissively.

Twilight's face fell at the sudden and casual brushing off. While Luwaxana seemed friendly, she was abrasive to say the least.

Had Lucca known Luwaxana Troi would be attending when they were coming to DS9 she would have made sure James had warned them about her, or at least about how rude she could be. But in any event she was there now and they were quickly learning.

“No, I came to see the Little Princess here.” Luwaxana said as she looked Sara in the eye. “We are going to have a serious talk young lady.” She said, jokingly chastising her.

“And what do you want to talk to my daughter about?” Lucca calmly asked, though in her eyes could clearly be seen more than a touch of protective anger.

Luwaxana laughed as she felt Lucca's suspicion. “There's a spark in here still. A spark that needs to be fanned before it goes out.” Lucca's suspicion didn't subside at all. “And you're coming with me too.” Luwaxana added as she pointed at Rainbow Dash.

“Me?” Rainbow Dash asked, unsure just what was going on.

“Yes you. You've got just the fun loving spirit to really get a kick out of where we're going.” Luwaxana explained.

Sara turned to her mother, not knowing what was going on as Lucca thought about it. Lucca didn't know Luwaxana Troi as well as James did, though she did know her. Also, Sara was old enough to trust with her own decisions. And that, should anything happen, Sara was capable of handling herself. Her girls were growing up after all.

Lucca looked to Sara. “You can go if you want.”

“Oh, of course she want's to come.” Luwaxana said dismissively before taking Sara's hand and leading her away. Rainbow Dash hurried after them, more to accompany Sara than taking Luwaxana up on her invitation.

Sara was a bit uncomfortable with being taken away so abruptly, but if her mother trusted this woman maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

“Come now Little Princess. We're going to have fun.” Luwaxana happily said. “You do still remember how to have fun and smile right?”

“A bit.” Sara chuckled slightly as she spoke. It hadn't been long since she started seeing her asari therapist, but the biggest change came after Tenyo took her to see Washu. She'd never seen the chaotic and egocentric scientist show compassion like she had for her that day. And even though Sara was frightened that the procedure Washu suggested was going to change her personality or kill her somehow, the fiery redhead smiled gently at her and explained the procedure simply and how they were going to just correct a physiological problem.

Her worries abated as the procedure ended and she didn't feel any different. At first she thought nothing had happened, but as the day went on she noticed that she didn't feel any worse. Somehow everything had gone right for once.

In the weeks since she had gone looking for help she had learned a surprising amount about her own father. His struggles with the same condition she now faced, his anxieties and fears. It was strange learning that her father had these problems, even stranger knowing that he had been fighting this since he was her age. She began to understand his concern for her when she learned how he always dealt with his issues.

“See Little Princess, that's the spark I want to fan into a beautiful flame for life… before all you can do is smolder like your father.” Luwaxana said with a grin. “Though he is getting better lately. I knew after you were born you'd wake up something good in him.” Luwaxana said as she rubbed Sara's head.

“So where are we going?” Rainbow Dash asked as she flew along beside the two.

“The holodeck on Jean-Luc's ship. Oh, his computer has this wonderful program for a colony of free spirits. After that banquet a soak in a mud bath is just the thing we need.” Luwaxana happily answered.


James stood further down the bar looking towards the edge both to Pinkie and the bar's regular occupant, Morn. “Leave it to Pinkie Pie to actually enjoy talking to Morn that much.” James said as he shook his head.

“So she's one of the dignitaries you brought with you this time?” Quark asked, astonished at the hyperactive pink pony. And even more so that it was James who had brought her.

“I wouldn't quite call them delegates, though she is an official ambassador.” James commented as he leaned against the counter. “And you're going to love hearing this.”

“I'm listening.” Quark said. If James was making a statement like this it was either good for business or very, very bad. Of course he hoped for the former.

“Put her orders on my bill for tonight.” James said with a grin.

“Gladly!” Quark happily said as he went over to talk to the charming and cheerful young ambassador. He was stopped short by James's hand roughly gripping his shoulder.

“Don't overcharge her, since it's my money I'll be haggling over every item on the list I don't personally agree with. For sanity's sake, don't give her anything with caffeine. And so help me if you give her anything with alcohol you will lose every shred of business with New Guardia and it's supporters. Even those quote unquote smuggled goods.”

Quark laughed uncomfortably. “What do you mean smuggled goods? I don't smuggle anything, I can't smuggle anything, you're the only port. I have no choice but to go through the proper channels.” He was laying it on thick, how he couldn't hear his own attempt at deception James found genuinely curious.

“Think about it Quark. As you just said, I am the only port. Every atom going through to another universe literally has to pass through my station.” James's voice was getting more smug as he spoke, granted he probably shouldn't be revealing this, but he'd been wanting to see the look on Quark's face for years now. “But at least this way you get something traditional smugglers can't give you. Every shipment of goods is inspected and well handled, you know exactly what you're getting with me.”

Quarks face dropped, his eyebrow twitched and his ears burned and began to turn red. This was the look James wanted to see. “How … how … How dare you?!” He asked, furious to find out he had been spending far more for his “extra” crates of product than he had to.

“How dare I?” James said with a grin. “I can't be bothered to remember the rule exactly, but I believe it goes a bit like this.” James pressed his middle finger into his temple as he recalled the general idea of his statement. “The value of the product is what they believe it to be plus an surcharge. You placed higher value on the smuggled goods so you willingly paid more for them.”

“Something like that.” Quark grumbled. He had allowed this alien to get the better of him in a trade deal and he was genuinely angry about that, but now this alien was paraphrasing the Rules of Acquisition to him. But it wasn't all bad. “You made a mistake telling me about this. I can go to the Colonel and tell her about you smuggling goods aboard.”

James shook his head. “I trust Nerys more than you think. She and security have been aware of the arrangement this whole time. They get an accurate shipping manifest, including a copy of the statement indicating how much was being portrayed as smuggled. Why do you think you never got caught making the deal?”

“What about all the others you do this to? Won't they be happy to hear about this little scheme.” He had James over a barrel now. All he had to do was threaten to let the information go and he could demand a low enough cost on the goods that James may as well actually smuggle them to him.

“I didn't tell you without thinking about that. Now that you know you may as well pay the normal price on everything. I'll work out the minutia about those limits. But I'll also cut off a bar per crate so you can keep selling it at your normal price and get a nice little bonus too.” James said as he tapped out a short series of commands on his omnitool. “But you have to play ball with me. You're currently in violation of our contract so I'm well within my rights to cut you off completely without any compensation.”

“What about what I've paid for the crates until now?” He asked, irritated that he had been countered.

“Consider their cost a fee, paid each time you violated our contract. It's gone Quark, and my team of trade lawyers can ensure you lose your bar if you keep pushing.”

Quark was furious, but he couldn't bring himself to be as mad as he thought he should be. James had a deal that any ferengi would kill to be in his position for. He knew James hadn't done this alone, but it was there and it was impressive for a non ferengi.

“Well, I guess I should go see to our guest. Any other tabs you care to pick up today?” Quark asked curtly as he began to see a new side to the altered agreement. With the lower price he could charge slightly less and improve his own sales over his competition. This could work out for him, he just needed to rework his strategy a bit.

“I'll be sure to tell you about them if they come up.” James calmly said.

Their business done for now Quark walked over to Pinkie Pie who was now telling Morn about her family in great detail. “Sorry to interrupt.” Quark smoothly said. “But I couldn't help but overhear that this is your first time on DS9. How about a memento of your trip? I happen to have some very lovely jewels, native to this region and very rare.”

“Ooh! Maude would love those!” Pinkie excitedly proclaimed as Morn sat next to her nodding slowly.

“Of course Mod would.” Quark reassuringly said. He could tell right away that he could get a lot of money from her if he weren't shackled by James. But maybe he didn't have to put everything on James's tab, after all if she wanted to buy this Mod a gift who was he to deny her that.

“Even though they are rare I assure you that they're very reasonably priced.” Quark was good at faking generosity, he had bought these cheep off of a trader coming through from a nearby colony. He could always sell one or two off to a visitor for a good price, and that's if they weren't eager to buy. This sale was going to be good.

“Ooh, I don't know what to choose.” Pinkie Pie happily worried. “Maude would love a chance to study rocks from another world, especially rare ones.” She hoped she had enough to get one.

“That's alright, I could give you a … five percent discount if you buy the whole set. Then you wouldn't have to choose.” Quark smiled. This was almost too easy.

“Okey dokey!” She was so happy that this creature she just met was being so nice to her and even had the perfect gift for her sister. “How much?”

Quark grinned, it had all gone so smoothly, now if nobody interrupted before the sale was final the latinum was his. “For this? With your five percent discount … and a little more because I like you. Let's say fifteen slips of latinum.” He was going to make more than twenty times what he had paid for these. It was enough to make his day, especially after finding out he'd been robbed by James for years.

“Latinum? I've only got bits and credits.” Pinkie Pie was getting worried now. This would be an awesome gift for her sister, but now she didn't have any money for it. “Is there maybe something we could trade?” She gave him a wide grin.

Of course there would be a problem. If he wanted to sell these to her it was either going to have to be these “bits,” hopefully that was money, or New Guardian Credits and risk letting James know he had tried to get around haggling.

“Let's see these bits. Now I'm not making any promises, but maybe we can work something out.” Quark offered.

Pinkie Pie produced a bag from her mane and gave him the fifteen bits, hoping that they would suffice.

Quark was hopeful, gold was the preferred suspending material for latinum, maybe there were traces of it. Unfortunately as he scanned the coin he came to the understanding that it was just a lump of gold and completely worthless to him. He'd have to find a very enthusiastic collector for different cultures currencies and convince them it's legitimate to get anything from it.

“I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't take bits.” Quark said as he realized the only way he was going to make any profit from this was to deal with James.

Pinkie Pie groaned dejected. “But Maude would love these. I need to get them for her, is there something else we could trade?” Pinkie Pie was panicked as she tried to think about what she could possibly trade for the gems. She hadn't brought that much with her. “I could make you a nice cake! How about a hug from a new pony friend?” She said as she reached out and grabbed at Quark.

Quark backed off as Pinkie got close. “I'm afraid not. But I can extend you some cred …” He began to say before Morn took the sales pad from him and pressed his thumb to the screen without even looking at the price.

“Morn?” Quark asked, shocked. “You'll cover this for her? You don't even know her.”

Morn slowly nodded his head, he knew Quark was overcharging but he could handle the cost of a few gemstones. This girl had listened to him ramble about his family and had even asked him more about them. She laughed at all of his jokes even if she didn't understand the subject matter. Even among his friends this level of interest was unheard of, and he wanted to show her he appreciated it.

Pinkie Pie looked wide eyed at the alien creature sitting next to her at the bar. “Thank you!” She happily shouted before giving him a big hug. “Oh Maude is going to love these! Did you know she studies rocks?” She asked Morn before cutting off any chance of him answering. “Of course you don't, I haven't told you about her yet.” Pinkie Pie then launched back into talking about her family as Quark placed the box of gems down in front of her.

Quark knew Morn was a likable guy, but just giving her that much money on a whim was strange. But he wasn't going to ask questions, that money was lining his account so it was just fine with him.


“Oh don't you just adore this mud bath.” Luwaxana Troi said as she allowed the heat to soak in and ease what little tension she held on to. It didn't begin to compare to the real thing, but it was good enough when necessary. She took a sip from her drink, an herbal tea sweetened by the cup it was served in which in turn gave the cup flavor for when you inevitably ate it.

“This is nice.” Sara calmly said, and she meant it too. But she still didn't understand why Luwaxana insisted on bringing her here.

Rainbow Dash sighed comfortably as she forgot about it all being an illusion. This place was cool so far, and the carefree attitude Luwaxana had about it helped her relax. “Come on Sara,” She calmly said. “let's just chilla-a-ax”

“See, she gets it.” Luwaxana said with a smile. “Now, Little Princess, why don't you tell me what's wrong. You've been thinking about it for a while now.”

Sara gave a half smile and was silently glad she didn't know many telepaths.

“Oh I don't know about that, it can be quite relieving if they're someone you trust.” Luwaxana said as she looked to Sara. “Come now, out with it. Something has been bothering you all day. It's not healthy to hold onto something like that.”

“Well, it's not just today …” Sara started to say before being cut off.

“You're not still feeling down are you?” Rainbow Dash was quick to ask as she threw Sara a concerned look. She had nearly dozed off when Sara's statement caught her attention.

“It's not like I don't feel happy anymore, I've actually been feeling much better lately.” Sara started to explain.

“But there's still a part of you saying that you aren't happy. Some part that wants to be sad.” Luwaxana said as she nodded. Not pulling the thought from Sara's mind, but making an educated guess as a mother. “That's perfectly normal. Everyone has a part like that. Without it how would you know when you were supposed to be sad?” Luwaxana gave Sara a quick side hug before continuing. “The real trick is knowing when to listen to that voice, and when to ignore it.”

“Ms. T'shar says that it's a scar, that it's not going anywhere and I have to learn to accept it as part of myself. Like the scar on my arm.” Sara explained.

“Ms. Tar sounds like she's never had children.” Luwaxana said as she half listened to what Sara said. “Saying it's a scar implies that it's an imperfection, and not part of the beautiful tapestry that is you. That voice is part of you, and while it did have a bit too much say now it's under control and you can keep it around for when you need it.” As she spoke she realized that Sara mentioned having a scar on her arm. “… Scar? What scar?”

“This one.” Sara said as she held out her left arm, the tip of a long thin scar showing from underneath the mud.

“Little one, how did you get this?” Luwaxana asked as she took Sara’s arm and wiped away the mud to examine it. Luwaxana had to push her initial thoughts about it from her mind, and hope that Sara didn't confirm her worst fear.

“I've always had it, I don't know where it's from. … Mom and dad won't tell me.”

Rainbow Dash didn't know the specifics, but because of Zelgadis she knew that when Sara was young she had been abducted and then something horrible happened. She assumed that her scar had come from that incident and it had just never faded.

“Oh dear.” Luwaxana said sympathetically before hugging the young girl. “I'm going to have to have a word with your parents about this … Ooh, the entertainment is about to begin.”

Sara and Luwaxana watched the dancer as she moved around the mud bath while Rainbow Dash drifted off to sleep.


The group had broken apart to look around a while ago and Twilight looked out over the promenade from the second level. This was amazing, in the last few hours she had seen twenty different species of aliens, and not all of them were even humanoid like she had been expecting. There were even a pair of dolphins swimming through the air! She didn't even know how but it was awesome. There was just so much to see and do while they were here. Would two weeks even be enough?

As she looked out over the promenade Twilight saw James and Pinkie Pie walking under the bridge she was on. “Hi Pinkie!” Twilight happily said as she waved.

Pinkie stopped and looked up before standing on her hind legs and waving her hooves in the air. “Hi-i-i Twilight!” James just smiled and waved.

Twilight looked around and with no one near she spread her wings and flew down to the lower deck and joined them. James shook his head before placing his hand on her back. “I guess you're enjoying yourself.”

“Yeah.” Twilight said, the excitement in her voice clear. “It's so different than anything I've ever known.” She then turned to Pinkie. “How was Quark's?”

“Oh, it was just amazing!” Pinkie said with as much enthusiasm as she normally has for anything. “I met this super nice guy named Morn, and can you believe he's got seventeen siblings! He even bought these gems for me to give to Maude!”

“Morn's a friendly guy.” James said. “I can never get a word in edgewise with him, but he's good. By the way Twilight, have you seen Rainbow Dash? I'd like to talk to her if I can.”

“Oh, she went off with Luwaxana and Sara. Apparently she wanted to talk to them about something.” Twilight explained.

James chuckled. “She always wants to talk about something.”


The following morning found the ponies walking around the restaurants with James as they looked for something to eat.

“Some of these places look awful familiar.” Applejack commented as she looked around what was available.

“Yeah. I've invited a few of these species to New Guardia, naturally they brought their foods with them.” James explained.

“Really? So what's here that's not in Truce?” Twilight asked.

“Well, off the top of my head, there's Klingon food here. There's not much demand and getting fresh gagh there isn't practical.” James answered casually.

“I'll always try new foods!” Pinkie happily said.

“I'm not so sure. Klingon's diets are heavy in meat, there's no real vegetarian option. Even most meat eaters need strong stomachs to eat Klingon food.”

“Oh …” Pinkie said, deflating slightly.

“So is gagh some kind of ingredient they use in most of their cooking?” Twilight asked.

James twisted his mouth up for a moment as he thought. “If you want I can show you. There's a Klingon restaurant up here, I'll just grab a little … it's also a good chance to show you how most Klingons behave. They've become fairly common here since the war against the Dominion.”

“I want to know what gagh is.” Pinkie happily said, over-pronouncing the name as she spoke.

With a shrug from the other girls they went off. They'd all seen James's illusions of Klingons before, but hearing them talk and sing brought a whole new dimension to them. At the counter stood a fat Klingon singing happily as he doled out food.

James walked up and growled/coughed an order to the proprietor. They were mostly able to understand what they were saying through some universal translator aboard the space station. The Klingon pulled out a plate and piled something dark and squirming onto a plate.

James smiled and ran his hand through the pile of stuff, but soon his smile faded and he growled again that the stuff was half dead. Only hearing that did the girls understand that what had looked like dark noodles were actually worms.

The Klingon scowled at James for a moment before laughing heartily. “Forgive me my friend.” He said with a broad smile. “I did not realize you know quality gagh. Here, from my personal supply, and some bloodwine to go with it.” He then collected a clean plate and piled new, much more active, worms on it and then placed a pewter mug, filled with something that smelled heavily of iron, on the counter next to it.

Jim nodded and took the plate and mug. “Alright, let's go find something for you girls.”

“Are those … worms?” Fluttershy hesitantly asked.

“Yeah, Klingon Bloodworms but there are lot's of varieties and not all gagh is served living.” James calmly said before helping the girls get some food more palatable for them and some easier for himself. Much to Fluttershy's horror and disgust for the others, James quickly cleaned up the plate of gagh and downed the bloodwine before moving of to other foods.

As they ate Lucca eventually joined them with their daughters. As she came in to kiss him she stopped short, her face twisting in disgust as she backed up. “Oh my god! You ate gagh! I can smell it on your breath.” Gagging slightly as she spoke.

“The girls wanted to know what it was.” James said defensively.

“Then show them, don't eat it!” She recoiled as James reached out to her. “Just stay away from we with that disgusting appetite of yours!” She backed further away from her husband as she talked.

“Sorry …” James started to say before Lucca interrupted.

“Nope. I can't be here with that filthy mouth.” Rainbow Dash looked away as Lucca continued. “And unless Tali's okay with you and your nasty appetite, you're sleeping on the couch for the next week!” Lucca took Sara's and Amber's hands to lead them away. “Come on, I don't want you picking up your fathers disgusting habits!”

James cleared his throat. “I figured that was coming. Though I'd hardly call it a habit.”

Rainbow Dash kept silent as Lucca stormed away with her daughters. While it was easy enough to keep quiet, she couldn't deny that the thought of kissing James in front of Lucca at that moment did cross her mind. But her whims had gotten her in enough trouble lately. She reminded herself that she had been trying to help James. So why did she feel so guilty right now? Why was she even thinking about kissing him again? She needed to do something fun to take her mind off of everything.

“Are you okay?” Starlight asked as James turned back to his breakfast and sighed.

James nodded. “Yeah. Again, I figured that was coming. While eating gagh isn't that bad, it never sits right and have to remember why I don't eat it.”

“Then please don't do that again.” Fluttershy quietly asked.

“Of course.” James agreed with a nod.


Lucca's outburst didn't go unnoticed by someone who was more interested in what was going on than in eating his food.

Garrik readily recognized the forms of James's guests, while not the individuals. With a smile he picked up his meal and walked towards the table. “James. I didn't realize you'd be here.” He easily lied. “And with such interesting guests.

James went around the table introducing each of the ponies before introducing Garrik.

“Yes.” Garrik said with a grin. “I'm a tailor here. It's good I ran into you as I imagine that none of you would find use for my services.”

“Ooh, I'd love to see your studio.” Rarity said happily.

“Studio? No, I'm sorry. I'm no designer, but if you'd like I could direct you to some of the more fashionable areas of the station.” Garrik said with a calm interest. “But I guess I could create a few things with inspiration.”

“I just want to ask, will you be having lunch with Doctor Bashir tomorrow? We're going to Bajor today and I wanted to give him the chance to meet them in person if it's not an inconvenience to you.” James asked.

“I'm sorry, I'm afraid you'll have to go to sickbay for that.” Garrik said with a smile. “I understand the chief is going to be whitewater rafting tomorrow so him quite busy patching him up.”

“We've got a little time before our trip today maybe we can stop by before.” James suggested.

“Oh, I'm afraid not.” Garrik said, sounding genuine. “The good doctor had an emergency this morning I'm afraid.”

“Oh, I hope it was nothing serious.” Fluttershy worried as she sank into her seat.

“I'm afraid it was. An engineer was repairing a shield generator and unfortunately tripped an old defense system from the occupation.” Garrik sighed sadly as he spoke. “His arm got trapped as he worked and a disruptor replicated in the hall and fired. Had the shield had been working he may have been safe. Unfortunately all he had going for him was that he was facing the side. So if he's lucky he'll only be missing an arm.”

Several of the ponies gasped as they heard his story, Fluttershy's lip quivered as she quietly whimpered.

“And even now his family is waiting for him at the docking ring, knowing nothing of the incident. They were going to visit their family on Bajor this evening.” Garrik continued.

Now Fluttershy wasn't the only one crying as he finished his story, James just shook his head. “Don't get invested. He's lying.”

“What?” Twilight asked as she wiped her eyes.

“He lies at least as often as he tells the truth. Now I'm willing to bet that there was an emergency and an engineer got hurt, but I doubt it was as severe as he described.” James explained.

Garrik casually shrugged. “It was a better story than an engineer got plasma burns on his arm and needed to get it taken care of. They were serious though.”

“You said all that because it was a better story?” Applejack asked, frustrated that she had been so easily taken in.

James took a drink of his coffee before explaining, the strong taste overpowering the aftertaste of the gagh. “His life is built around lying, and does so as freely as you tell the truth.”

“Really.” Garrik said interested. “Perhaps I could have lunch with you tomorrow and we could have a fascinating and revealing discussion.”

“What's the point? How could I trust anything you say?” Applejack asked, genuinely confused about his reasoning.

“Because I tell just enough truth that you can't afford to dismiss everything I say.” Garrik said with a smirk.


Twilight could barely keep still as she waited by the runabout for the trip to Bajor. She was about to walk on another planet … another inhabited planet! Yet another first for ponies!

“It's good to see you again Princess.” Piccard said as he approached the group. “And of course your friends as well.”

“We've never been to another world before.” Twilight eagerly said. “I mean, I have, but that was an alternate to my world, so it doesn't really count. And then there's New Guardia, but that's a space station.”

“I understand the Bajorans have prepared quite a reception for you.” Piccard said. “They're on the verge of joining the Federation themselves. We honestly expect them to become a member planet within the next couple years. You may be interested to learn that they are an artistic and philosophic people.”

“James said that there are a few Bajorans living in New Guardia but I've not any of them.” Starlight said.

“Actually, Amber's art teacher is Bajoran. He's mentioned how impressed he is with her aptitude and talent.” James added with a measure of pride in his voice.

Piccard took a moment and regarded James. He didn't care for children personally, but this was about building a better relationship with New Guardia. “Perhaps an art exhibit would be in order sometime.”

“Ooh.” Pinkie excitedly pranced for a moment. “She can do her first exhibit in Ponyville! And I'll make tons of cupcakes and we can invite everypony!”

“If the Admiral here believes it to be appropriate to attend.” James coldly said.

This was an opportunity that he and Janeway had talked about. Piccard took a moment to consider the ramifications of what he could do and what it would mean. “If invited, I would be happy to attend.” After all, the damage was already done.

“And you could take a tour of The School of Friendship.” Twilight happily said as their pilot approached.

“I would welcome the opportunity. Now I believe it's time for us to go to Bajor.” Piccard politely said. “If you would care to accompany me.” With a gesture he ushered everyone into the craft and soon they found themselves flying off into space.

“Speaking of your daughters,” Applejack commented as they found their seats. “I thought's they'd be coming with us.”

James shook his head. “Lucca decided my breakfast didn't agree with any of them.”

Twilight and Pinkie looked out the front window eagerly as they left the space station. Twilight was awestruck at the sight. Admittedly she could logically tell herself that this was no different than seeing the stars in New Guardia, but now it was obvious that only a little metal and glass separated them from the vacuum of space.

Then there was a new sight that made both her and Pinkie Pie gasp and brought the rest of the ponies to see. Off in the distance was a small blue marble. Tiny from this distance, but it would soon get much larger. Twilight had seen planets before through her telescope, and had seen tiny dots that she could assume were planets while in New Guardia. But those were mysterious distant masses, this was a living planet. A planet with it's own people, ecosystem and animals. Vibrant, beautiful, and unique.

She quietly wondered if her own planet looked like this, so delicate and precious. As the ponies looked on, many had their awe mixed with a deep sense of homesickness, as if only now they were coming to understand just how far away from home they were. Each of them felt on some level an appreciation to be here at this moment.

They were suddenly jarred as the runabout entered Bajor's atmosphere and the artificial gravity fought with the natural gravity. Soon enough the turbulence ended and they were able to stop staggering around the cabin and watched as clouds obscured the view.

As the mist faded they were able to see the ground below. Much like in New Guardia the cloud line was very high as not even Rainbow Dash could make out groups of people on the ground so far below.

Rainbow Dash turned as she noticed James take a steadying breath. It was no secret that he disliked taking part in politics, and once again he was very uncomfortable and caked in makeup. She thought about offering him some support, but what would that be? Ultimately she just turned back, she was having enough trouble being around him right now.

They took their positions as the ship landed with Piccard taking the front position and Twilight and James bringing up the rear. Piccard led the side-by-side line forward to where they would meet the First Minister of Bajor.

As they approached their hosts The line broke away in both directions revealing Twilight and James standing next to each other in front of the First Minister and Kai. The Bajorans reached out and gripped the left ears of guests between their right thumb and index finger.

“Welcome to Bajor.” The Kai said with a smile. “We look forward to getting to know you better.”

“Welcome back James.” The First Minister said shortly after. “I'm pleased you could return.”

“I'm glad you received me.” James said, his voice sounded naturally calm though his tail still twitched.

“Thank you for having us. We're always interested in making more friends.” Twilight honestly, if a little stiffly, said.

With a word of welcome to everyone else attending the leaders of Bajor led them into the conference building where the second political engagement was set to be.

The event was far from brief and it wasn't until the next morning that the group returned to DS9.

On the flight back James cornered Rainbow Dash away from everyone else. “Look.” He whispered. “We need to talk. Could you come by my quarters tonight at about eight?”

Rainbow Dash hesitantly looked up at him and nodded. This was exactly what she had hoped to avoid, but she couldn't just walk away from a friend. Maybe doing something fun would help her relax a bit before the inevitable confrontation.


O'Brien had been looking forward to this since the program arrived, and thanks to Tali he was able to actually get some free time to use the it. Though Starfleet would likely have his head if they found out he had agreed to let her crawl around the station in his place just to go whitewater rafting. But he really needed the break.

“Got suite three all ready for you chief.” Quark idly said as he cleaned a glass during the lull in business.

O'Brien froze as he approached his Holosuite. He double checked the number: 3. This was his. Unfortunately there was already someone waiting by the door, and he could tell by her oar, helmet and life preserver that she intended to use the program herself.

“Hey'ya.” Rainbow Dash casually said as she watched the chief approach.

“Hi …” He did not want to do this right now. “Did you need something?”

“Oh, I'm alright. Garrik just said that you'd be whitewater rafting and I thought I might join you.” She said, her smile not going anywhere.

O'Brien sighed. His carefully planned holosuite time just went from a much needed break to more work. It's not like he could just tell the delegate “no”. He'd just got a program of New Guardia's more difficult runs and had cued up the Truce Canyon run to ride from the glacial melt down the back end towards the coast.

“Have you ever been whitewater rafting before?” He asked, hoping he could talk her out of it.

Rainbow Dash scoffed and waved the concern away. “Yeah. It's awesome!”

“This isn't an easy run.” O'Brien added. “You could get hurt.”

“Duh.” Rainbow Dash said as she rolled her eyes. “Now hurry up, the waterfall at the end is the best part.” She promptly turned around and walked into the holosuite.

With a sigh O'Brien followed, sure that he'd have to spend the whole time babysitting the delegate.


“I told you to go right.” Rainbow Dash said as she watched Doctor Bashir repair O'Brien's rotator cuff for the umpteenth time.

“You mean steer right into the rocks.” O’Brien countered frustrated.

“Yes!” Rainbow Dash emphatically said. “The rapids throw you around a bit more but you get through much faster and avoid having to navigate the hairpin turn that got you.”

O'Brien growled for a moment as Bashir held his arm still. “They would have thrown me from raft and knocked me senseless!”

“I still got through first.” Rainbow Dash gloated. “Just wait until we tackle the Narrows.” She added with a grin.

“Not until his arm heals in a few days.” Bashir said as he continued to work.

O'Brien groaned as he suddenly remembered his plans for later that day. “The darts game. … I'm sorry Julian. I needed to get out on the water again.”

“It's okay. It just means that you forfeit.” Bashir said with a grin.

“I can take his place.” Rainbow Dash eagerly said.

“What about you?” O'Brien asked, unbelieving. “You were thrown around like a rag doll!” He added as he looked to her.

“No offense Miles, but she's much younger than you. She's just got a few scrapes and bruises.” Bashir said with practiced calm.

Rainbow Dash only smiled as O'Brien scoffed. “I'm not old.” He said.

“I didn't say that.” Bashir turned to Rainbow Dash and began treating her. “The game's at Quarks at six. I'm curious to see how you play.”


She'd been putting this off long enough, and was even half an hour late. The door to James's quarters slid open and Rainbow Dash walked in. She could already see the pillow and blanket folded up at one end of the couch. Clearly Lucca was serious about banishing him to the couch, at least for a few days.

She wondered if he had gone looking for her, he was the one who asked her to meet him there and she was late. The room didn't really look any different from hers and rather than look around she went right for the couch and sat.

It was only a minute or two after she sat that James walked through the door carrying two bottles and a bouquet. Rainbow Dash blushed briefly as she saw James and looked away. James smiled as he saw her and placed his load on the table. “Sorry I took so long. I had to run for some supplies.”

“Drinks and flowers?” Rainbow Dash asked, still not looking at him.

“Yeah, Lucca was serious. She hates slimy things as much as I hate spiders, they just creep her out. So, yeah, my eating gagh was a bad idea.” James explained as he walked over to the in room replicator. “But, If I apologize well enough that week gets cut into only a few days.”

“Okay.” Rainbow Dash hesitantly said. “I was … a little worried those were for me.”

“No, sorry. I mean if you'd like some …” James began to say before Rainbow Dash cut him off.

“No! … No. I just … no thanks.”

James grinned and continued. “I could have finished this sooner, but I got held up in meeting. … Pot of Red Leaf Tea two cups. … Quark made out like a bandit this time. I think he's still mad about my little stunt the other day.” He took the tray from the replicator and brought it over, placing it on the coffee table and pouring tea into the two available cups.

He sat on the couch near Rainbow Dash leaving enough room for someone to sit between them. Rainbow Dash took her cup and took a drink, avoiding looking at James.

James took a breath and sat quietly for a moment. “I'm sorry.” He eventually said.

“What?” Rainbow Dash asked stunned as she turned to him. Why was he apologizing to her?

“I'm sorry. I'm guessing Hearts and Hooves day was a step too far. I understand that even as just friends having fun, calling it a date was probably too much. And I understand why you didn't want to take me up on the offer.” James said earnestly.

“That's not it.” Rainbow Dash said, her voice falling.

He sighed as he heard that he had been wrong. “Then I'm afraid that you'll have to tell me what I did. I don't want to upset you again, and I didn't realize how used we all were to having you around. We've missed you. Of course if you want me to stay away, I will.”

Rainbow Dash felt even worse now, she'd managed to make her friend feel guilty for her mistake. “It's not anything you did.” She quietly said as she put down her tea. “And I don't want you to stay away.”

James dared move closer at her statement. “I'm glad it's nothing I did, but you've been distant and the few times I have seen you you've been down or avoiding me.” He put his tea down next to hers and carefully put his arm around her before he spoke up again. “You can tell me anything. You know that, right?”

Rainbow Dash rested her head against him. How could she tell him that she'd kissed him while he was comatose right after his wife had left her alone with him? While she was supposed to be responsible for him. “Yeah.” She quietly said.

“Hey.” He said, gentle but firm. “I mean that. Anything.”

Something about the sincerity in his voice made her look up at him. He was smiling down at her and began to hug her. She couldn't help but smile as she blushed again.

“It's alright if you don't want to say anything. As long as you know that you can.” He said as he let her go.

“Thanks.” She honestly said.

“Well,” He said as he took another drink of his tea. “since I'm in the doghouse anyway, let's go do something fun after I apologize to Lucca. Just the two of us. Quark has a couple programs where we can spend as much time as we like fighting monsters.” He made a mental note to buy copies of Worf's calisthenics programs from Quark.

Rainbow Dash really liked the sound of that and her excitement showed in her eyes. “That sounds awesome!”

“Great. I'll let you know the moment I'm free and we'll go kick some butt.” James said as he rubbed her foreleg.


A bajoran man sat in promenade and checked his data pad the morning after Quark's message got through to him. He'd paid Quark to just let him know when the rainbow haired delegate came by and let him know what she was doing. As long as he paid enough Quark wouldn't ask questions.

He had come to analyze which delegate they should take for their plans and had revised his opinions when he saw how much King James tried to be around her. He would more than likely do anything he could to keep her safe making her the most promising target.

Of course, he also had to keep tabs on the other three. The Princess's (possibly sister?) was currently with the princess while the white delegate was wandering through the shops looking at clothing.

The orange delegate was getting ready to visit the hydroponics bay to see how plants had to be raised in space. He had a few days to decide still, but the rainbow haired girl was looking promising.


James stood with his family and the ponies looking out a window of the promenade that Kira had directed them too as being the best place to see the wormhole. While James had wanted to introduce them to the Federation, what he wanted most to show them was the beauty that existed only beyond the borders of their home. He was already considering showing them the alien beauty of the crystalline falls on a planet just beyond the wormhole.

He just wanted to isolate the experiences like this so they could have as long as they needed to to take in what they were seeing. Maybe once they had their fill of looking at it from here he would consider taking the Einherriar through.

As they waited he realized there was another beauty they had yet to see, one he found surprisingly unique despite having never seen it himself before.

There was a trade ship coming through in just a couple minutes now. James got all of their attention and had them start watching.

From the emptiness of space burst an intense cascade of colors and hues, predominantly blues and purples. While there had been the occasional word or comment now was only silence. James felt Rainbow Dash lean against him slightly as she stared at the swirling lights of the hole in space.

James glanced to Sara and saw her staring wide eyed and smiling slightly, he was glad she could enjoy this. Fortunately she was so much better than he was, and she was strong enough to ask for help when she needed it.

The wormhole was open for just over two minutes before in collapsed in on itself and vanished in a burst of light.

As much as he wanted the moment to last for as long as they wanted, it was a finite experience and was over for now.

“Oh, sorry.” Rainbow Dash said as she stopped leaning on him. James only smiled at her and placed his hand on her back. He was glad she seemed to be comfortable around him again.

“You know, even the flotilla didn't encounter many wormholes, and the ones we did were never stable.” Tali said as she turned away from the window.

“That was beautiful.” Fluttershy said quietly. “Don't you agree Rarity? … Rarity?”


The beauty of the wormhole had sparked something in Rarity. Something she hadn't felt since she was a filly. The kind of inspiration that she now had the skill and vision to fully realize. But it was so unfair to be so far from her equipment. The very tools she needed to create her vision.

She knew this feeling, it was fleeting and would fade completely if she didn't start right away. That's when she remembered that the tools were here. She needed to hurry before this was over. Nobody had looked away from the wormhole when she ran off.

She had visited it once while she was here, she knew she could find the tailor shop again.

“Garrik!” Rarity said in a panic as she burst into the shop. “I need to use you tools!”

“I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that …” He began to say before Rarity rushed over to him and shoved a pile of jewels into his arms.

“Plea-ea-ease!” Rarity pleaded.

Garrik looked at the pile of gems currently spilling out of his grasp. Even selling these cheep he could easily buy the equipment she was now asking to use.

“You're welcome to anything you need to use.” He said with a shrug.

Before he had finished speaking Rarity had run around the shop collecting fabrics and started planning. She didn't recognize most of the tools available, fortunately she had a basic sewing kit in her luggage. Unfortunately that was in her room and she couldn't leave now.

There was no time, she had to get to work. “Garrik, darling, which of these is the sewing machine?”


“There you are Rarity!” Rainbow Dash said, exasperated as she flew into Garrik's tailor shop. “We've been looking for you everywhere! You missed the wormhole, it was awesome.”

“No, dear, I saw it. That's why I'm here, I was struck by inspiration and had to make this dress. Thank you for showing up, there are no pony forms for me to use. I hadn't expected to be hit by such a glorious idea while here.” Only after saying all this did Rarity even look up from her work and without even stalling her momentum she forced the dress onto Rainbow Dash and started working again.

“Rarity!” Rainbow Dash objected before Rarity shushed her.

“Please Rainbow Dash, I have to do this!” Rarity said with a burning intensity in her eyes that Rainbow Dash had never seen before. Quietly she stood where she was and waited while Rarity worked.


It was the next day when Rarity finally left Garrik's shop, taking with her three delicately shimmering outfits. As much as she loved the clothes she had made none of them were for her. But she would be so happy when she gave them to their recipients.

She eventually found Twilight talking with Piccard again, she held several books and was profusely thanking him while he smiled and waved away the thanks.

Rarity politely waited off to the side for them to finish, though it didn't get that far as Piccard invited her over to talk with them. “Sorry to interrupt, I'm just so excited.” Rarity quietly said.

Twilight couldn't help but notice how disheveled Rarity looked as she joined them. Her normally quaffed mane was held up in a hasty and sloppy bun, her eyes were bloodshot. Twilight easily recognized the telltale signs of furiously working through the night. “Rarity, I'm sure it can wait. You should go get some sleep.”

“Twilight, I'm simply too excited to possibly sleep. I needed to get you this dress right away.” Rarity insisted.

“You finished the dress in one night?” Twilight asked, astonished.

Rarity laughed briefly as she started to speak. “Of course not. I finished two dresses and one suit.”

Twilight's face dropped as she heard how much work she had managed to do. “How did you do that much so quickly?”

“Dedication!” Rarity said forcefully before clearing her throat. “And Garrik's tools were so much faster than what I've got back at home in Ponyville. It was incredible! I only just saw the wormhole briefly but was struck with the most powerful inspiration I'd ever felt.”

“I'm sorry to cut this short Admiral.” Twilight quietly said. “My friend needs some help.”

“That's quite alright Princess.” Piccard politely said. “I'm afraid I have duties I must attend to as well. I hope you enjoy the books, I've found them quite entertaining myself.”

“Well, Rarity, let's see this dress you made.” Twilight said with a smile.

Rarity pranced in place for a minute as she brought out the shimmering blue dress. As the light hit the angles on the dress it shifted from blue to violet and even a few shades of red. Twilight was awestruck by the sight, she had managed to evoke the colors of the wormhole having only seen it for a moment.

“Rarity.” Twilight said breathlessly. “This is beautiful.”

Rarity smiled as she heard the words. “Thank you dear.”

“You said you made two dresses and a suit.” Twilight said. “Who all were they for?”

“Oh, I made this dress for you of course.” Rarity said as she lifted the dress she had just shown Twilight. “I wanted to make the suit for Garrik as a thank you for letting me use his shop but he prefers earth-tones. So I adjusted the design and made one for James. But I couldn't leave Lucca out, she needed a dress to compliment his suit. And of course I had to design a matching belt for Tali … I wish she would wear something other than that environmental suit, but I guess I can understand why she does. At least it has a lovely design embroidered in it.”


As much as Applejack was enjoying learning about new worlds over the last few days, there were a lot of times where she was on her own. It wasn't until Rainbow Dash introduced her to some monster fighting game that she found something to kill time on those occasions that she found herself alone.

She felt she'd spent as much time talking to botanists as she had her friends. Getting frustrated when they didn't believe her, or worse when they passed it off as her not understanding something. Just because she didn't go to their schools didn't mean she didn't know what she was talking about! And they completely ignored anything with the mention of magic, a fundamental aspect of her world.

There were a lot of interesting things about being here, but this wasn't as fun as she had expected it to be. Everyone up here was so detached from the planets they had come from they viewed it all as clinical. She'd found the only one's she was able to talk to that weren't already her friends were Janeway and Kira.

Janeway knew a lot about growing tulips, something she had learned from her friend Tuvok. Kira knew a few things about farming, though she was no farmer. Everyone else was just … distant. Had she thought about it she would have brought her guitar to play when there was no one to talk to.

She had stopped paying attention to where she was walking and soon realized that she seemed to be alone in this corridor. Thankfully James had shown her how to use the computer to find her way. Not that she cared to find her way back right now. Being alone suited her just fine at the moment.


He watched the orange pony walk along distracted. Even if one the others were more likely to get the reaction from King James that they wanted, he wasn't going to get a more perfect opportunity to get one of them alone.

As she started walking off again he slipped a hypospray from his sleeve as he sneaked towards her. Applejack only felt a slight sting on her flank before her eyes closed and she collapsed to the floor.

That was the beginning of his timer, she was likely to stay under for a while, but someone would notice a delegate missing before too long. Carefully he sneaked back to his quarters, hiding if he even thought anybody came near.

His quarters itself was standard, provided by Starfleet as he was a contractor for the official proceedings. Fortunately nobody had asked questions about any of the luggage he brought with him and he had a trunk that was the perfect size to hide his hostage.

Once she was inside he needed to hurry to get to the docking ring where his shuttle was housed. It would take at least an hour for his shuttle to be prepped for him to leave, but nobody would question it. He couldn't risk using a transporter, they were too easily tracked.

Paranoia, more than anything else, had him run a scan on the delegate. He had heard something about them being under New Guardian protection, but he never saw any security. She had to have a signaling device on her somewhere.

It was no surprise when he found a week tracking signal coming from her bracelet. He tossed it into the replicator and recycled it as he walked out of his room, dragging the trunk behind him.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw the princess's relative walking towards him.

“Do you need any help?” She asked with a smile.

He couldn't answer as he stared at her, his mouth hanging open.

She chuckled as her horn glowed and the trunk lifted off the ground. “I'm not doing anything at the moment. I'll just follow you.”

“Th-thanks.” He stuttered as he realized that she had no idea that she was effectively helping kidnap one of her group.


Kira sat at her desk with her face buried in her hands. She'd just gotten the demand to speak with King James for a ransom on Applejack. This was about as bad as it could get. And it could only get worse as the only way to make it worse was to get James involved.

She only had an hour to get him. Not enough time to get the Admirals working on something. But she had to bring them in too. She knew something like this was going to happen. Not this exactly, but something had to make everything go wrong.

Kira tapped the communicator on her uniform. “Please get the admirals in here, and in half an hour inform King James.” She felt sick.


James's haori flapped behind him as he rushed through the promenade towards the nearest turbo-lift. “I need all available information on what's happened!” He demanded the moment ops came into sight. Anger contorted his face as he walked towards the commander's office.

“We still need to work on a plan to get her back.” Janeway said as James stormed in. She knew all too well that he was ready to rush in now and that would prove disastrous. The man who had built his empire on trade and negotiations had no patience for them when dealing with kidnappers.

“I've got a plan. Get her back.” James snarled.

“I'm sorry about this. I have no idea how they managed to get her past security. There were no transports but several shuttles and ships have left in the time frame we believe she was taken.” Kira said, hoping James wouldn't make things worse. “We're already recalling as many of them as we can.”

“It's not your fault.” James said as he looked to her. “I told you earlier. They're under my protection. This is my responsibility.”

“We're going to try to triangulate their signal when they make their demands.” Piccard said. “Just remain calm and we'll have her back safely.”

“What part about “This is my responsibility.” didn't you understand, Piccard?” James said as he turned on the admiral. “Starfleet doesn't need to get involved. I already know quite well that you don't want to be involved.”

“Somebody's in danger! We're not going to sit back in an emergency.” Janeway argued, beating Piccard by only a moment.

“You won't be any help!” James growled.

“Who's in danger.” Came a concerned voice from behind James.

James's face fell as he recognized the voice as Twilight's. “What are you doing here?” He calmly asked as he turned to see the purple alicorn wearing a shimmering dress that changed colors and shades as the light hit it.

“You came rushing through the promenade looking angry. I needed to know what was wrong.” Twilight answered as she took a partial step forward.

“Applejack's been abducted and is being held for ransom.” Kira said, not wanting to hide anything that could make things worse.

“And I'm going to get her back, safe and sound.” James insisted.

Twilight nodded. “Of course you will, but not alone. I'm going to help.”

James shook his head and knelt down, placing his hand on her shoulder. “Trust me, please.”

“I do.” Twilight said, placing her hoof on his chest. “But it's what I trust you to do. … Don't go alone.”

Soon a voice came on through the comm built into Kira's desk. “Ma'am, incoming transmission.”

“Track the transmission and send it through.” Janeway ordered.

A screen lit up as the door closed and the group found themselves looking at a Vulcan, smiling at the gathering. “Hello King James.” He smugly said. Whoever this was, he was no normal Vulcan. “And of course hello to the Admirals too.”

“I am ready to discuss your surrender.” James calmly said even though anger was etched on his face.

“Surrender?” He laughed. “You realize I'm the one with the hostage, right?”

“That was your first mistake.” James growled.

“Calm down James.” Piccard urged. “They have her, the best thing we can do right now is hear them out.” Already things were going about as badly as they could.

“You should listen to the Admiral. As long as you do as I say, nothing will happen to the young lady. She's quite comfortable right now. And will remain so as long as we do this quickly.” Chanok was smug, he knew he had them over a barrel.

There was no way James was going to meet his demands. Were it not for the fact he'd have to use a ship to get to them in any reasonable amount of time he wouldn't even listen to the guy. “I'll hear what you have to say, but I make no promises.”

All but James listened intently, ready to hear them out in the hopes that their demands would be relatively inconsequential. Or something they could plan around.

“I don't need your promises, just a couple weapons and a single shuttle. Something you can easily spare.” Chanok said as his smile widened.

“Just because I can doesn't mean I will. I'll not supply weapons traders with my technology.” James insisted. Twilight had to trust that James knew what he was doing, but already this was turning terrifying. Her friend was missing and this guy was the only one who could bring her back. There had to be some middle ground. She just needed time to think about it.

“Oh, we're no traders. We're the Maquis.” Chanok said, the smile that spread across his face was genuinely sinister.

“They were destroyed by the Dominion.” James countered.

“The one thing we can actually thank you for.” Chanok said, irritated that there was anything to thank him for. “Your exploits saved a handful of Maquis. We've regrouped and haven't forgotten about the Federation abandoning us.”

“I have no interest in your politics. But I will get her back, and you would be smart to not harm her.” James said.

Twilight had no idea what to do. If she knew where Applejack was she could teleport there and get her back, or get her friends together and help her. And then there was James, this wasn't the barely contained anger she had once seen directed towards Lightning Dust. This was controlled, focused, and terrifying. He was ready to do something horrible and she may not be able to stop it, at least not alone.

“I'll send you my list of demands, and as long as you comply she won't be harmed.” Chanok calmly said.

James wasn't idle as Chanok spoke, he already had a plan for getting Applejack back, and all he needed was a runabout and a pilot. “There are no shuttles on the Einherriar, too much risk someone like you might get their hands on one. I'll have to send it back and that will take time.”

“We'll keep her comfortable while we wait.” Chanok said. “I'll contact you in a few hours with the trade location.”

“You'd better.” James said. He knew that this would have to be fast and hard. Nobody messes with his family or friends and gets away with it.

The comm link closed and James immediately opened a channel to his ship. “Lt. Commander Amani, this is James. Do you copy?”

“I hear you sir.” Came a woman's voice over the channel.

“Good. You need to take the Einherriar a tetrameter or so away from DS9 then activate the cloak. I've got some work to do.”

“Understood sir. Happy hunting.” She said as the channel closed.

Kira tapped the comm on her desk and spoke. “Do we have a location for that transmission?” She asked quickly.

“No Ma'am. Somehow they're piggybacking off our own internal com systems.”

“They have to be close to do that. Practically on top of us.” Janeway said as she walked out. She needed to get to ops and ask them about supposed sensor ghosts.

Piccard used his badge to ask that Riker do the same as he followed Janeway.

Kira opted to leave so James could talk to Twilight alone for a moment. She could see that the princess needed to speak to him.

Twilight didn't need anything else, she knew now beyond any doubt that if she didn't get involved this would have a tragic ending. “What's the plan?” Twilight asked as James turned to the door.

“You stay here, I'll get her back.” James simply said. His voice was cold and his eyes looked dead. He had distanced himself from the situation, focused only on his goal and how to achieve it.

“I'm coming too!” Twilight said firmly. She didn't know if this would work but she had to try. Her golden eyes flashed for a moment as James froze in place from her spell.

James tried to move his legs, unfortunately a grunt of metal told him in no uncertain terms that if he tried any harder he would begin to tear the space station apart. “Please let me go Twilight.” He calmly said.

“Not until you promise me you won't leave without us.” Twilight insisted. He needed someone there to keep him from his darkest impulses.

James was silent for several seconds as he thought about it. First was how normally he can break spells like this with little difficulty, yet for some reason hers held. Perhaps as a result of her augmentation from the Lord of Nightmares. Second was just how he could do this without flat out lying to her. Third was his frustration at how long it would take, but he had managed to get them several hours with his ploy about sending the Einherriar to collect their ransom.

“Alright.” James conceded. “I'll wait for you.” He lied, but this wasn't like anything the ponies had dealt with before, Applejack's life was in danger and if he caved the Maquis would return with weaponry that could genuinely threaten the Federation.


Janeway, Piccard, and Kira watched as James rushed out followed closely by Twilight. Even as he was clearly in a hurry and angry he paused to hold the door of the turbo-lift for her.

“He's not going to give the weapons over.” Janeway calmly said.

“Obviously.” Kira commented. “But what will he do?”

Janeway took a moment to think. “He's going to attack them.” She decided. “With or without backup.”

“That's a terrible idea.” Piccard said. “If he does that they're far more likely to kill her.”

“Unfortunately I think he believes he can save her.” Janeway commented. “He's reactionary, impatient, and retaliatory.”

“He doesn't even know where they are.” Kira argued.

“His sensors may be able to detect a cloaked vessel. No one in Starfleet has ever been able to study his systems in depth.” Piccard said as he unconsciously pulled his tunic down. “He made sure to keep the Einherriar in sensor range despite having it cloaked. They must be preparing to provide reconnaissance.”

“… I'm going to join him.” Janeway eventually said.

“Admiral?” Piccard asked.

“This is one of those opportunities to show him that I respect him.” Janeway said.

“In a way that could get you court marshaled.” Kira commented.

“I need to take the risk.” Janeway said.

Piccard nodded. “I'm retiring anyway. What's a few months sooner. Colonel, you stay here and coordinate with Captain Riker and Starfleet.”


James walked towards the docking bay. After meditating he was finally able to sense Applejack's energy from here. Now he just needed to find a pilot, and find one fast enough that Twilight couldn't catch up, even if it meant doubling back and commandeering someone from station operations. As this stunt proved, the Maquis were now unstable and had likely lost their moral leadership when the Dominion had effectively wiped them out.

He stopped short as he walked into the hangar. Janeway and Piccard stood in his way, but they had hastily changed into civilian clothes. He honestly didn't know what to make of this, not that he had the time to consider it. “I wasn't going to involve Starfleet in any way. The safety of these girls is my responsibility and I'm going to get her now.” James said, not wanting any argument.

“We're not here as Starfleet officers.” Janeway said.

“Someone's in danger, we have a moral duty to help in her rescue.” Piccard added.

“I appreciate the offer, but I can handle this on my own.” James said as he went to push past the two officers.

“But you don't have to.” Came Rarity's voice as the ponies approached from the corridor just behind James. He closed his eyes and sighed as he heard her voice.

“You're not getting all the glory from saving her.” Rainbow Dash said with a cocky grin.

“She's our friend too. We're not going to just wait around while you do all the work yourself.” Starlight added.

“You don't have to take on everything yourself.” Twilight said, sympathetic as for so long she always tried to shoulder the burdens of everyone herself. “I'd have thought you'd know that just from how often you refused to let me go alone.” She had expected him to try and leave on his own as to not let them face any risk. It's what she would have done.

“Looks like you're going to need a runabout and a pilot anyway.” Janeway said with a grin.

“Those were very different situations.” James argued to Twilight. “And there was the forgone conclusion that you didn't actually need my help.”

Piccard growled a short string of guttural words as he looked at James evenly.

“Swearing at me in Klingon isn't going to change my mind, Piccard!” James sighed as he reevaluated his plan. “But arguing is just wasting time right now, lets just get going. Everyone inside. I'm going to ride on top of the runabout.”

“What your suggesting is insane!” Piccard said.

“It's an intimidation tactic!” James countered. “Not many people are interested in upsetting the madman approaching them on the outside of a spaceship.” That was at least partially true, he had done this before but for very different reasons.

“We can't extend the environmental shielding beyond the hull of the craft.” Janeway insisted.

“I don't need them!” James snapped as he turned to Janeway. “I'm in range of the Einherriar and my transponder let's them erect a small environmental shield around me. But just me.”

Piccard and Janeway hesitated at the insane story, but they couldn't earn his respect by doubting him all the time. The plan wasn't going so well at the moment.

“What's the plan when we get there?” Starlight asked as she approached James.

“Broad strokes. Get me to their ship, I get her back.” James answered with as much detail as he cared to give at the moment.

“Like we'll let you have all the fun.” Rainbow Dash said as she tried to push James with her hoof. He didn't even acknowledge her touch. Stepping back, she genuinely wondered just what he could be thinking and hoped it wouldn't be as horrific as the look in his eyes implied.

“How were you going to get her back?” Starlight asked, concerned by the fact that he wasn't telling her any more than what he had.

“Don't worry about it.” James evenly said.

Starlight remembered what Twilight had told her when she found them all. James was acting cold, and he was clearly angry. She had seen him, or rather the memory of him, like this before. This didn't bode well. “Telling me to not worry about it makes me worry about it.”

James turned and knelt down to look Starlight in the eye. “I'm going to get her back. Safe, sound, and unless they are really stupid, unharmed.”

“Isn't there some way we can help you?” Starlight asked, paling as she realized what he was going to do.

“I'm afraid not.” James said, shaking his head.

“Darling, you have to realize now that we're not going to let you get into trouble on your own.” Rarity said as she shook her head, not realizing the implications of what he was saying.

“Besides, everything's more fun with your friends along!” Pinkie Pie insisted as she bounced into the runabout as oblivious as ever.

“Nothing about this is going to be fun.” James coldly said.

“All the more reason for us to come with you.” Rainbow Dash said as she got face to face with James. She looked into his eyes, they showed more than anger. She could see his age in them, but more disturbing than that she could see his intent. She fought to not turn away, she never wanted to see that look in his eyes again. She just hoped he saw her too.

James silently stood before jumping up onto the roof of the runabout, crouching as he waited for the others to board. Reaching into his bag he collected his diplomatic badge, keyed into Starfleet frequencies, and attached it to his haori. “I'm ready when everyone is aboard.”

“I must admit, James has a flair for the dramatic.” Rarity sighed taking her seat in the runabout.

“I think you mean insane.” Janeway countered as she took the copilot's seat.

“This is a show of force.” Piccard said. “If it is in fact a cloaked ship he's leading us to, his goal is for them to see him coming and unaffected by the lack of air or our speed. He intends to show them he's stronger than they are.” As he talked he took his seat at the helm and began their preflight.

Starlight heard the quiet conversation between the two and had to give them her perspective. She couldn't keep them in the dark. “That's not it either.” She quietly said. “He doesn't want us to see what he's going to do.”

“What do you mean?” Janeway asked. How could she know what he was planning? Starfleet had a detailed psychological profile on him and they couldn't accurately predict his actions half the time.

“What's he going to do?” Piccard asked, latching on to the more important issue.


“Sir, there's a runabout approaching our ship.” Came a report from the operations center of the Klingon bridge.

“Have they detected us?” Chanok asked, not looking away from the view screen which currently displayed a view of Applejack sleeping on one of the Klingon bunks where she had been placed when brought aboard.

“Our sensors say no … but by the look on his face he sees us plain as day.” He answered.

“The look on his face?” Chanok asked as he turned to his ops man.

“Bringing it up on the main viewer.” He said as he input the command.

Chanok turned again to the main screen and looked at the approaching vessel. More accurately he looked at the man standing on top of it, glaring at him. As he looked it felt as though he weren't looking at a monitor, but was instead staring down the barrel of a phaser rifle. He looked directly at him unblinking, unmoving.

“Runabout's slowing. Sending out a hail on standard Klingon and Romulan frequencies. They're only guessing, they can't see us.” The man at ops said, relieved.

“Let's listen.” Chanok said, his eyes still locked with the displayed image of James's. He couldn't actually be standing on top of a ship like that. Not in the vacuum of space.

“ …tion Maquis vessel. James knows where you are located and is mounting a rescue operation. Decloak and surrender and you will be under Federation protection.” Janeway said before James's voice cut in.

“Too late.” James said. “I already gave them the chance to surrender, they chose to ignore it.”

Chanok's eyes widened as he heard James's voice while watching his image in time perfectly. If it weren't impossible he would be certain James was actually on the hull of the ship stopped directly in front of them.

Without warning James leaped off the runabout, launching himself towards what looked to him to be empty space.


“There's a plasma build up around James.” Janeway said as she read the sensor. “What on earth is this?”

“Ki.” Twilight answered as she looked out the window and recognized the fiery glow around him and the way his hair moved. She had seen this before, he was angry. He was sensing something too, that must be how he knew where to go. Twilight sat as she did when meditating with him, she quickly slipped into the focused meditative state that James had regularly instructed her on reaching.

“Twilight dear, what are you doing?” Rarity asked.

Twilight didn't respond, she needed to find out where they needed to go. Where he was going. He was easy to find, his energy was growing by the moment. But where was he going? The noises around Twilight began to silence as she focused, she could feel her pulse slow, even feeling seemed sluggish.

There was a group of people ahead of them. They didn't know what was happening. James's energy spiked and Twilight's eyes snapped open in time to see a hole tear in the hull of the ship that only appeared as James contacted it's shield briefly before punching through. He was inside, but it might not be too late.

“He really was able to find the ship.” Janeway said, astonished that there actually was something there. Though their ability to see the ship didn't last long as it's cloaking and environmental shields gave the hole a quick patch.

“We have to get over there.” Twilight said urgently.

“We can't get a transporter lock with their cloak in place.” Piccard said as he looked out to where the bird of prey apparently sat. “And it looks like he really doesn't need our help.”

“We need to stop him!” Twilight clarified. She was near panic now. Worse than loosing control, he was perfectly controlled now and was about to do something he could never fix. He needed them! She walked towards Piccard and Janeway, she might need their help too. Her horn glowed violet with golden sparks and in a flash of magic the runabout was empty.


There was panic aboard the Bird of Prey as the red alert klaxons blared. James's face was disturbingly calm as he held Chanok aloft by his throat, his feet kicking uselessly beneath him. He desperately tried to find some leverage to get him up enough to get even a single breath of air. He wished, and not for the first time, that he had learned the nerve pinch.

The man at ops held an old phaser pointed towards the two, but he couldn't get a shot at James as he kept Chanok positioned between them. Without any warning there was a flash of light and the bridge was filled.

Without thinking the ponies leaped into action, Twilight rushed beneath Chanok, straining as she held the Vulcan up on her back. He gasped loudly as he was finally able to draw breath and his face returned to it's normal color. A large brownish green bruise was already forming on his throat from James's hand.

Rainbow Dash flew up and pulled at James's arm with the futile hope that she could get him to let Chanok go. “Let him go!”

James was suddenly aware of the situation as the ponies gathered around him, determined to make him stop.

“James, you're better than this! You have to stop!” Starlight pleaded.

“You have no idea what the Maquis have done! What they're planning on doing with my weapons.” James said coldly. “They are not worth the effort.”

“But you are!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she pulled even more desperately at James's arm wishing that she had enough strength to force his arm to at least move. “Just put him down and this can be over.”

Janeway trained her phaser on the door to the bridge. If anyone came through they would be stunned right away.

Piccard, meanwhile, turned his phaser on the man at ops. “It looks as though your commander isn't able to make any decisions right now. I suggest you surrender and bring your hostage here, and if she's hurt in any way we won't even try to stop him.”

The man input a short sequence of commands, he'd seen the look on James's face too many times. He'd even had that look as he fought to survive against the assault the Dominion put them under. Too many friends had died and he knew that if he didn't end this now even more would. Victims of a failed uprising. While there were members left, the Maquis really had died long ago.

The noise ended and the lights returned to normal as he opened a comm channel to the rest of the ship. “Please escort our guest safely to the bridge. It's over.” He said.

“You heard him James.” Twilight grunted as she held the man up. “It's over.”

“It will be over when she's away from them. Not before. I am not making that mistake again.” James coldly answered.

Eventually the door opened Applejack was groggily led in by a bajoran woman. The moment she saw her friends she was briefly alert, only now realizing that she wasn't on DS9 anymore. She stumbled as she tried to walk over to her friends, Rarity running over to help her keep her balance.

“Chanok!” The bajoran called as she saw James holding him in the air. “Let go of him!” She growled. James nodded and with a quick shove Chanok flew into the commander's chair, breaking it in half. Chanok coughed violently as he was finally able to get a full breath of air.

Fluttershy cautiously walked over to the Vulcan and brought out a small green bean, holding it to the injured man. “Here, you'll feel a lot better if you eat this. If - if you can of course.” Chanok refused to open his mouth, there was no way he would willingly accept help from them. The Bajoran woman moved to his side and glared daggers at the pegasus, making her recoil.

“I'm taking command of this vessel and placing all Maquis under arrest.” Janeway said as she walked to what was left of the command chair. “Tractor the runabout and bring us over to Deep Space Nine.” She said to the man at ops as she sat on the now stool and examined the readout nearby. “Trust me, it's better than letting him run amok.” She nodded briefly to James who even now sat on the floor as Rainbow Dash admonished him.

“Can someone explain just what the hay's goin' on?” Applejack asked. “I was just walkin' then the next thing I know everything's goin' crazy and I'm in some room I've never seen before.”


“You're lucky you're half Vulcan.” Bashir said as he treated the heavily restrained former Maquis leader. “If not for that metabolism adapted to so thin an atmosphere you would have suffocated.” Chanok couldn't respond, even if he had wanted to.

“I can't believe he did that, it's horrible.” Ezri said as she looked over Chanok's official Starfleet dossier.

“With his method or execution?” Bashir asked as he collected another tool to repair several sub-dermal tears in his arteries.

“Both. He didn't even consider negotiation, and he choked him. If nothing else it really paints him in a bad light.” Ezri emphatically clarified.

Bashir finished his work quickly before he led Ezri to his office. “I can't speak about why he didn't consider negotiation, but everything he did was an intimidation tactic. Riding on the outside of a runabout, tearing his way through their ship, literally I might add, targeting their leader and choking him just enough to let him live and give them a chance to save him. It's barbaric, but it's effective.” Bashir explained.

Ezri was astonished at what she heard. “I can't believe you're justifying it! And he meant to kill Chanok, it's because of Princess Twilight that he's alive!”

“I'm not condoning it, just pointing out that it was effective. Personally I would have suggested he sabotage whatever ransom they demanded.” Bashir said. “But you also have King James's Starfleet psych profile, we know that he's highly aggressive.”

“His psych profile is analysis and speculation! All I know is that he's unpredictable.” Ezri said. How was he even able to argue this?

“Really?” Bashir asked with a smirk. “What about his timing. He's always early, seems predictable. His response to threats against those he's protecting? Predictably violent. If he tells you something seriously, you can be reasonably sure that he means it. These are all predictable behaviors.”

“We know his response to hostage situations now, and the rest are well documented behaviors. Just because he acts consistently in established routines doesn't mean he can be predicted with new stimulus, particularly high stress stimulus. That’s when routines and standard behaviors breakdown.” Ezri countered. “Do not talk to me about his habits. He's gone out of his way to meet every Dax host, and none of us could ever predict his behavior.”

“Maybe you should give him an evaluation.” Bashir suggested.

Ezri took a moment to center herself. Something held over from Jadzia that proved quite useful in these instances. “No good. Even if Starfleet would allow it, his profile makes it clear he refuses to speak to any councilor in an official capacity.” She calmly said. “I've had to piece together what I know of him from conversations he had with Curzon and Jadzia. I'm a Dax and he'll barely talk to me.”


Starlight had taken some time to once again evaluate her relationship with James. She knew he wanted to be better, he'd confessed as much to her before. He tried to distance himself from who he was but never let go of the guilt. And then there were these times. Times when those he cared about were threatened he just threw away all of it to save them, no matter the cost. Keeping that in mind she could see why he was afraid he would become Pops. And she couldn't let her friend do that to himself.

These were things she was going to have to keep an eye on. But they could stop him, that was a relief if nothing else. He could have easily tightened his grip and killed the Vulcan no matter what they had done. But he couldn't bring himself to kill in front of them. That was the only way this made sense to her.

She needed to relax, fortunately the other day she had found a cafe she was interested in. Apparently they served tea from all over Federation space and she was interested in trying something new.

“What can I get for you today?” A bajoran man asked as Starlight sat at a nearby table.

“Just some tea. Nothing from Earth though, I want to be surprised.” Starlight said, taking a moment clear her head.

Janeway was just finishing her report to Starfleet on last night's incident and her lack of progress with getting technology from James when she heard the pony asking for tea. She signed the report before standing and approaching the pony who was just now getting her tea. “Mind if I join you, Miss Glimmer?”

Starlight looked to the admiral and back for a moment before nodding. “Go right ahead.” She said with a smile. Starlight had liked speaking with her while she was here and welcomed conversation. She didn't want to dwell too much on what had happened the previous day.

“Thank you.” Janeway said as she took a seat at the table. “About earlier, I'm afraid you may find failings like King James's among our people too. … I've unfortunately been guilty of it myself. But I was fortunate enough to have friends willing to stand up to me, and remind me that I was better than my anger. Just like you stood up to him.”

Starlight shook her head. “I wasn't standing up to him, I was standing up for him. If I had let him do that he was going to hate himself even more than he already does.”

“It's interesting to find out just what he and I have in common. It seems all we ever do is talk circles around each other. Yes there's the pleasantries and polite conversation, but I really know nothing about him personally.” Janeway said with a smile before taking a deep breath. “Do you mind if I ask, how did he meet all of you?”

“Well,” Starlight said as she thought back. “He actually came around before me, but Twilight and her friends were keeping a detailed journal at the time. He shows up pretty close to the end, and it isn't very flattering.” Starlight paused as she considered the question. “The first thing he said to me was “How are you feeling?”.”


Piccard followed Tali through the docking ring towards the Einherriar, she had just got some technology she was looking forward to tinkering with. It was nothing special, but she might be able to do something with it. James was waiting just inside the docking bay on Einherriar's side of the airlock.

“Welcome aboard Admiral.” James said as Piccard and Tali stepped into the corridor before turning his attention to Tali. “Would you like me to carry some of that?”

“It's no use, I've already offered.” Piccard said with a chuckle.

“I'm alright.” Tali insisted playfully. “You go show the Admiral around the ship.”

“I thought you knew your way.” James teasingly said with a grin.

“A lot better than you.” Tali jabbed.

James nodded towards Piccard. “I guess we should go before I really start to annoy my wife.” He said with a chuckle.

“Of course.” Piccard said matching James's grin before following him away from Tali. “Obviously Starfleet noticed your design was identical to that of a Galaxy Class Star Ship, what I didn't realize is that you had copied the interior as well.” Piccard observed as they walked.

“Actually I didn't copy anything. I simply got this ship from a Federation shipyard in about fifty years.” James commented as they walked. “Obviously the Federation removed any sensitive technology and data before I acquired it. But after a trip to Jurai we had it refurbished and even a little enhanced. From there it turned into Tali's pet project. She's put more hours of engineering work into this ship than command, several of our newest advances came from her tinkering.” James couldn't help but gloat.

“You're telling me that this is an actual Federation vessel.” Piccard was interested at not only the implications but that clearly this ship worked as a proof of concept for integrating some of the technology they were working on acquiring from James. “No wonder I was starting to feel at home. Clearly you've changed the ships designation, what was it before?”

“It was the USS Neptune.” James calmly answered.

“The Neptune … that's still in service under Captain Yates.” Piccard commented.

“I believe so.” James answered.

Piccard thought for a moment as they walked. “I believe I may just be the first Starfleet officer aboard a New Guardian vessel.” Piccard said as he looked around. “It's almost disappointing to find out it's just one of our decommissioned vessels.”

James looked to the Admiral and shook his head. “You're far from the first, Admiral. I've had quite a lot of Starfleet officers aboard my ships. Captain Kirk particularly enjoyed the holodeck, he liked the rock climbing simulations. Ambassador Spock was fond of taking his tea in Ten Forward as he browsed our literature. And there's been several times where we were called by a distress beacon and accommodated a whole crew while providing assistance. Unfortunately at those times they were restricted and not allowed to remember what they had seen.” James stopped at a turbo-lift “Unfortunately you'll be restricted too, but you'll keep your memories.”

“It's a shame you'll be leaving in a couple days.” Piccard said as they began the tour.


“This is so awesome!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she rushed along the hull of the Einherriar.

James was leading them to the front of the ship where they would get the best view of what he had brought them to see. Thanks to Jurai's technology they were able to walk on the ship without spacesuits, freeing their movement and making talking much easier. Fortunate as the walk took over an hour.

“I have to wonder just what else you can show us while we're out here.” Twilight said almost as excited as Pinkie.

“You're not going to run off this time, are you Rarity?” Rainbow Dash asked, giving her a sidelong glance.

“I'll try not to, but I cannot promise that I won't find sudden inspiration again.”

“Girls, there are more marvels in even one universe than anyone could ever see.” James said with a smile. “This is a truly special one too. And I've never seen it from this perspective before.”

“So what is it.” Starlight asked. James's only response was to smile and continue in silence.

They crested the highest part of the hull so that they were standing on top of the bridge. In the distance floated a small blue ball in the pinpoint blackness with only a small gray marble as it's company. It briefly recalled Bajor but the ponies felt a deep and profound sense of familiarity as they looked on their home slowly spinning in space.

James couldn't help but be envious, he'd heard from many the sense of home they got when looking on the planet of their birth from space. A sensation he had never experienced, and never would.


It had been weeks since Janeway returned to Earth from Deep Space Nine along with Piccard. Their experience with James had been enlightening, though she couldn't believe any real headway had been made. But her's and Piccard's invitation to tour non critical sections of his ship was a step forward in their relations. Something Starfleet had never been able to do. James was back again as the Vulcans were purchasing several star-charts from his database, each concerning other universes. They believed that astral bodies shouldn't be terribly different between universes and they wanted to test their theories.

Obviously they would try to get more from James, it was only logical that he had the information they desired they should be able to convince him to see that there was no harm in a few minor technical modifications. As well as wanting to examine the Equestrian gems that the Bajorans were so fond of.

James was not going to be in a good mood when she talked to him.

Starfleet had provided a meeting room for them. It was standard with relatively comfortable chairs no real decoration and a very professional feel. Janeway wasn't there, instead she had found a nearby park that overlooked the bay. She sat at one of the picnic tables reading Starfleet's list of wants from James and what they were able and willing to trade. Though if he really did have access to infinite universes there was no reason for him to trade with them, he could find a universe with everything he needed that would happily just give it to him. There had to be some reason he kept coming back to them.

There was a nice smell downwind of her, someone had a fresh coffee. She thought about leaving for just a minute to go to a nearby cafe for a cup when she saw James walking her way. She stood and held her hand out before realizing his hands were full. James gave her a half smile and placed a large mug on the table in front of her before taking her hand and shaking.

“Pleasure to see you again King James.” She politely said before taking a seat. James shook his head before taking a seat nearby and looking out over the bay.

“You know … I can't drink my coffee black unless it's first thing in the morning. I could never get a taste for it.” He calmly said as he took a drink from his mug. “Think we can just take a break right now?”

Janeway looked to the mug James placed in front of her, the coffee was still hot. “You brought me coffee?” She asked with a grin.

“Yeah. Again I just want a break right now.” James said before taking a swig from his mug. “This isn't replicated either. I got this from my favorite coffee shop in Truce, there's something that the brew-master does to the beans that just makes it so much better.”

“Why thank you.” Janeway said before taking a sip. It was still quite hot, but it was good. Not too bitter, just a hint of natural sweetness, and it was really smooth.

James nodded as he took another swig from his mug looking out over the bay. After a moment he put his mug down. “Before I forget. There's a reason I refuse to use your transporters for anything living. They're basically oversized replicators. Thomas Riker is proof that it's core concept is flawed in that direction.”

“I'm not so sure, but transporter theory wasn't my field.” Janeway calmly said.

“Unfortunately it is, by killing the person it's replicating on the other side for the argument of continuity of consciousness. Physics and machines don't care about what material is used to build something.” As James spoke he reached into his haori pulled out a Starfleet data pad and slid it her way.

“What's this?” Janeway asked as she carefully picked it up.

“I thought the segway made it obvious, it's my teleporter system. Completely different concept, more accurate, safe, much more energy efficient, can bypass shields as long as you can get a lock, and no risk of fusions like Tuvix. There's more benefits, but Tali’s covered those as well as the drawbacks in the file.” James explained with a grin.

This was monumental. Out of the blue James had just given them some of his technology. Starfleet would be working hard to implement these designs once they got out of testing. Of course there was something else she was curious about. And right now, that was more important “Now how do you know about Tuvix?” She asked, placing the data-pad on the table as she smiled. It wasn't going anywhere and James's statement needed an explanation.

“Tali knows a few Starfleet engineers.” James said before taking another drink and sighing.

Janeway chuckled. “Never could keep a secret on that ship. Or about it I guess.”

James chuckled along with her before he started sharing a couple stories about his own issues with gossip, usually with Tali being the gossip.

Author's Note:

Oh, right. Because there’s still plenty of danger.
And now that I’ve set up the scenario where they can interact I think I’ll write that conversation between Garrik and Applejack. … If I can.
I could also try to write the interview, but I don't know what questions to ask for it.

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