• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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40 Friendship Lesson

This feeling of defeat carried into Twilight's class the next day as she could barely concentrate enough to teach her lesson.

After class as Twilight faced the board, cleaning off her lesson, Ocellus approached her wondering just what could have happened to make The Headmare so depressed. “Headmare Twilight?” She quietly asked.

Twilight had been lost in thought trying to think about how things could have gone wrong, caught off guard by Ocellus' question she jumped. It took her only a moment to recover and look to her student. “What can I help you with, Ocellus?” She said with a painted on smile.

Ocellus felt awkward about what she was about to say, but she had to. If for no other reason than to live up to her lessons at the school. “Actually I was wondering if there was anything I could help you with. You seemed pretty sad about something.”

Twilight smiled, her student was doing so well, and it felt nice to hear someone asking if she needed help. But this was certainly more than she could handle. “Thank you very much Ocellus, but I'm afraid this problem is a bit much for anyone to help with.”

Ocellus didn't like hearing that, she wanted to help but if Twilight wouldn't let her what could she do.

As she thought, an idea came to her. With a smile she looked to her teacher. “I'll be right back.”

Twilight didn't understand just what could be going on and Ocellus had another class to get to. She watched the changeling run off before getting ready for her next class.

Ocellus didn't have to go far before she ran into Rarity coming her direction with Silverstream right behind her.

“Professor Rarity!” Ocellus exclaimed happily. “You have to come with me it's …” She started to say before being cut off.

“Twilight, I know. Silverstream already told me. The rest of your friends are getting everypony else. We'll handle it, so don't worry.” Rarity said as she ran past.

Ocellus stood by Silverstream and looked on as Rarity ran to Twilight's classroom. “Can't we help?” She quietly asked, she had been hoping to be useful since she had noticed that there was a problem. As the two stood there they were joined by their friends while their other teachers ran past.

“This doesn't make any sense. Why can't we help?” Gallus said as he hoovered above the group.

“Yeah, it's not like we don't have anything to add.” Smolder added as she crossed her arms.

“Well, they're Headmare Twilight's friends, we're her students. It's probably different.” Silverstream reasoned as she smiled. “I bet she's just feeling a little down and they'll perk her right back up.” As she spoke Fluttershy walked out of the classroom.
“See. I bet it's already resolved.” She smiled at the approaching pony, awaiting the good news.

“I'm sorry.” Fluttershy quietly said as she approached them. “Could you tell everycreature that classes are canceled for the day? There's a small problem that needs our attention.” Her message delivered she walked back to the classroom.

“Or it's really bad.” Sandbar said astonished.

“I'll go see what I can find out.” Ocellus said as she turned into a housefly and flew towards the classroom.

“I guess we'll deliver the message.” Smolder said. She didn't like not being able to do something, but Ocellus was the best one to get the information.

The door closed behind Fluttershy with only enough time for Ocellus to sneak in.

“What do you mean James's mad again?” Applejack asked as Fluttershy rejoined the group. In the last few years she's known James she's only seen him mad at any of them once, and that was at Pinkie Pie for interrupting a private conversation. He then spent the whole day apologizing to everyone once he'd cooled down.

“And he's not said sorry yet?” Rainbow Dash asked, she knew James best out of everyone but even she was confused by this. He never stayed mad long and was quick to apologize when he was mad.

Twilight shook her head at the question. Rainbow Dash hadn't heard his tone or just how he had said her name and title. “I don't think there will be an apology this time.” She said, defeated.

“It can't be that bad Twilight.” Rarity said. “If it were the table would have called somepony to help solve it, even if it was you.”

“Unless it happened so quickly the table couldn't get somepony there fast enough to help.” She said as she let her head hit the desk.

“Any insight Rainbow Dash? You dated him.” Applejack said cocking an eyebrow at her.

“We weren't dating! It was only supposed to look like we were.” She angrily insisted, that joke was years ago. Even if it still looked like they were dating. “But I do know that he's as quick to apologize as he is to get angry. Unless he feels he's right to get angry, then he can hold a grudge for years.”

Twilight groaned at the statement.

“I don't think that helped.” Pinkie Pie loudly whispered.

“Look, let's just go to New Guardia in their morning and talk about this. I'm sure James calm down once he understands what's wrong.” Rainbow Dash suggested.

“I already explained why.” Twilight moaned. “That just made him more angry.” She had been dwelling on this for a while and the longer she spent on it the more confused it became to her. She let her hooves drop to her side, surrendering to the inevitable conclusion.

“Don't worry. We'll stay here and help you figure it out.” Fluttershy gently offered. She knew as much as anyone how difficult it could be to figure out anything with James.

Ocellus stayed and listened for another minute, but all it was was trying to cheer up Twilight. The window was open just enough that she could fit out of it and she flew off to find her friends.


The six friends walked around Ponyville eating the cupcakes Sandbar brought for them as they tired to figure out what it was they could do.

“No wonder Headmare Twilight was so out of it today.” Smolder said as she took a bite of her cupcake. “I bet it must hurt to run a friendship school and have such a serious problem with one of your friends.”

Silverstream gasped as an idea came to her. It was going to help and be really fun! “I know, we should go to this New Guardia place and find out why he's mad at her. That way we can find out what the problem is and see a cool new place!”

“Yona like Silver Stream’s plan!” Yona announced as she swallowed her cupcake. “Yona want to see new land and help Headmare!”

“Just one problem.” Gallus said as they walked. “No one's even heard of this New Guardia place or knows where to start looking. I've never even heard of Old Guardia.” He did like the idea of seeing new places, but not wandering aimlessly.

“How do you know about New Guardia?” Came a child's voice from behind them.

The six turned around to find three fillies standing behind them. They recognized the three as the Cutie Mark Crusaiders, tutors for Twilight's school.

Sandbar looked down at them. “Well, we overheard our professors talking about it. It seems someone named James is mad at …”

“James is mad?” Scootaloo interrupted. She'd known James to be irritated, but not mad before.

Apple Bloom remembered when Applejack and Big Mac had recounted how mad James was the night before he had come to apologize. That had been years ago, what made him angry now?

“We just want to talk to him and see if there's any way we can help. Is there a train to this place, or would we have to walk there?” Sandbar asked calmly.

“We should probably go too. If James is mad I want to know why.” Scootaloo offered. “Come on everycreature, I know right were it is. It is a little strange getting there though.” She explained as she flipped her scooter around and began to roll off.

“I think you mean terrifying.” Sweetie Belle said as she followed. She never cared for the strange falling sensation, especially with solid ground beneath her hooves.

They opened the front door to Twilight's castle and walked in, it was clearly empty at the moment.

“I guess Headmare Twilight's still at the school.” Ocellus said as they walked in.

“Spike must have a lot of will power to not just eat the walls whenever he wants a snack.” Smolder said as her mouth watered.

It didn't take them long to arrive at the door with the clock that led to New Guardia. “Just so you know, it's going to feel like you're falling when you walk through this door.” Scootaloo said.

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “That's why I prefer to jump through. That way it doesn't feel so bad.”

“How does this help us get to this New Guardia place?” Gallus asked as he looked at the door.

“It's just on the other side of the door.” Apple Bloom said. “James keeps a door between his and Twilight's castle. He may not seem like it, but he's a really good wizard.”


James stretched out as he put up his feet and stared blankly at the dancing shadows the fire cast on the wall. If he felt he could walk around much longer he would go to his holosuite and play Minecraft and relax, but as it was the last couple days had been a busy week and a half and he was happy to just get some quiet time. Especially after his frustrating time in Equestria earlier. He got his message to Luna Starlight and Derpy alright, but Twilight had been particularly irritating. He realized as his eyes started to close that he hadn't even finished the invite list, but he could handle that tomorrow.

“Hi James.” Scootaloo said as she used the arm rest of his chair to stand up. She was actually happy to be here, she hadn't seen him for a while now so she wanted to hear about where he had been. And they still had to get through the next chapter of The Hobbit.

“Heya kiddo.” James said with a smile. Looks like rest would be coming later, but he would enjoy talking with her.

“Hi.” Apple Bloom said as she came up on the other side of the chair, smiling wide.

James chuckled as he looked to her, it was nice to see them here. After his day he could use the cheer. “Apple Bloom.” He said with a nod. “That means that Sweetie Belle must be …” James took a moment to focus so he could feel her energy, as he did he felt many more than just the three he was expecting.

He pushed the autumn away as he turned to look to the group gathered at the door to his den, Sweetie Belle standing in front of them. “Interesting choice for a field trip.” He said evenly. “Let's take this to the conference room. I don’t need to zone out while we talk.”

It was a short walk to the conference room downstairs, though he felt as though he'd made this trip a dozen times today with all of the meetings he had to catch up on. He mentally thanked his supplemental staff that the room had already been cleaned from his last meeting. “Alright, what can I get everyone? I've got a good selection of drinks available and pretty much any snack you could want.”

A call for apple juice came from the three expected guests joined by Ocellus, Sandbar, and Silverstream. He held his hand on a panel near the replicator built into the wall as he filled orders, getting himself a large energy drink in a frosted mug to hide it's identity.

Once everyone was situated he listened as they explained their situation, why they came and their concern for Twilight. James nodded as he heard each tell their part, reminding himself that their concern was well placed. Though not strictly necessary.

“It's nice to know you care so much about your Headmistress that you'd come out here just to help. There's no reason to worry though. Yes, I'm mad at her and I will be for a while. But that doesn't mean I'm going to just call off our friendship. If she continues to intentionally make me mad that could be another story, but for now things are all right.” James explained. He was curious as to why Scootaloo at least hadn't asked him about his hair, but if they've talked with Twilight there's a good chance they already knew.

“Okay.” Apple Bloom said as she rubbed her chin. “But why are you mad?”

“I made a terrible mistake recently and nearly … lost some good friends, as it was one was seriously hurt and two others lost their magic and cutie marks because of me …”

“They lost their cutie marks?!” Sweetie Belle shouted suddenly. She had no idea something like that could happen, perhaps this was a problem the CMCs would have to handle some day. They had to know who it was. “Who? How?”

James shook his head. “Don't worry about it, we've already resolved that situation. Their cutie marks are back and their magic should be recovering. The problem is that Twilight refuses to accept my role in the problem. I won't just let her deny that I was the reason it happened.” James began to growl as he spoke. “It was my fault! I have to be responsible for my decisions!”

“Wait.” Gallus said. His face was twisted up in confusion, nothing about his anger made any sense to him now. “Why would you be mad about not being blamed?”

“Because it was my fault.” James said sternly. He already felt like he's been talking circles all day.

“So you're mad that she's denying that you're responsible for what happened when you are.” Apple Bloom summarized.

“And it's not that you want to be blamed, it's that you don't want to have your mistakes completely ignored.” Scootaloo offered.

“That would invalidate those who I've hurt. Even if they're okay now denying that it was my actions that caused them pain denies their importance. Both to me and in general. She's been saying that my friends aren't important.” James said as he made a fist on his leg.

“I don't think Headmare Twilight sees it that way.” Ocellus said as she thought about it.

“It's not a difficult concept.” James said. The logic of it seemed pretty straight forward to him at least.

“Yona couldn't follow.” Yona said as she thought about it again.

James leaned back in his chair. I'm glad I got these chairs. “I'm not going to do a demonstration, but I bet this thought experiment will do the job.” He said as he began to work out the idea.

“Alright, let's say that I were to do something like throw a rock. No idea why but let's assume that I was an idiot and did. Now I didn't want to hit anyone, but the rock flies and hits Silverstream breaking her wing.”

Silverstream gasped at the statement and played along, James was unable to keep himself from grinning at the hippogryph. The rest of the group laughed as she acted out her injured wing. Harder once she turned into a sea pony and emphasized the lack of bones in the fin, that was still somehow broken.

“We get her help and she's recovering, she'll be fine.” James continued as he stopped chuckling. “Now that we're talking I understandably apologize, but let's say Sandbar insists that I didn't do anything. That's clearly wrong, while I didn't intend to hurt her it's pretty obvious that I did. I threw the rock it hit her, she's in pain. Now how would you feel about hearing that?”

It didn't take long for the room to agree that it would be strange to just deny the obvious like that. Even if they didn't blame him denying he did it made no sense. Though he was clearly over thinking things.

“And that's why I'm mad at Twilight right now.” James concluded as he looked to his omnitool. “Oh man, it's way after midnight.”

“Midnight?” Smolder said with a grin. “It's not even evening yet.”

James smiled at the dragon. “Maybe not in Equestria, but here it certainly is. Want to go star gazing for a little while? I believe the Citadel should be in view tonight.”

The CMCs heartily agreed, encouraging the others to come out and see for themselves. Scootaloo rushed up to James as he went to the doors. “You should tell them about when you and Tali helped save the Citadel.”

James chuckled as he looked down at the excited filly. “Which time?”

It was over two hours later when they finally returned to Twilight's castle.

“Guardia stars are best stars!” Yona declared as they walked through the halls of the castle.

“I never knew there were so many stars.” Silverstream said as she did a flip. “And Nebulae are amazing!” She added as she remembered the different things they saw. “They're like colorful clouds with gems sparkling inside them!”

“Yeah.” Gallus said shaking his head. “It's almost a shame that's the closest we're ever going to get to them.” He wanted to be as excited as Silverstream was, but he couldn't muster the energy and enthusiasm to do so.

“James's actually pretty nice.” Ocellus said as they walked towards the foyer. “I can see why Headmare Twilight would be upset if she thought she lost him as a friend.”

Scootaloo heartily agreed. “I mean he's not awesome like Rainbow Dash is, but he's pretty awesome in his own way.”

“What's going on here?” Twilight asked. She wasn't angry or even upset, just confused about her students walking through her castle and she didn't even know about it. She gone to investigate when she heard voices, particularly Yona's.

“What's everycreature doing here?” Fluttershy asked as she looked around. She and the rest of the group were sitting around the library trying to figure out what they could do about James when they heard their students in the hall along with Twilight.

“When they found out that James was mad at Twilight they had to do something.” Apple Bloom said, much to the embarrassment of the students.

Applejack couldn't help but think that the CMCs somehow had a hand in letting them know. “And how did they know James was mad at Twilight?”

Ocellus hung her head as she stepped forward. “I listened to what you were talking about. It's just that I'd never seen Headmare Twilight this upset and I wanted to help however I could.”

Sandbar took a step towards his friend. “We all did.”

“That's so nice of you all.” Twilight said. She was touched that her students cared that much and genuinely wanted to help however they could. “But I'm afraid this problem is a little more than you can handle, I'm not even sure we can handle it.” Her voice fell again as she thought about every idea pitched and how it could all go wrong.

“James still want to be friends with Headmare Twilight!” Yona announced.

“Yeah, he's just mad because your saying he's not responsible for what he did. And he feels like you're discounting his friends when you keep insisting that.” Gallus calmly explained.

“Uhm, how do you know that?” Rainbow Dash asked as she approached the group.

“Because we asked him.” Sweetie Belle said.

“You took them to New Guardia?!” Twilight nearly shouted. Her mind raced, no one had ever intentionally gone to New Guardia without his invitation, or at least permission. And her students were practically strangers to him. This was a disaster! If he was mad before he was going to be furious now. She began to pace as she imagined just how much worse everything was going to be now.

“Well, just his castle. Apparently it was pretty late there so we didn't see anything other than that and the stars.” Gallus said as he shrugged.

“Yona want to go back and see more!” Yona announced, stomping happily.

Twilight stood slack jawed at the realization that things had gone well. And that James clearly hadn't minded them visiting him, even this late at night.

“Must have been Scootaloo who woke him up.” Rainbow Dash laughed. “Anypony else and he probably would've been angry.”


The next morning New Guardia castle awoke to the smell of breakfast being cooked.

“I guess Alecia woke up early this morning.” James mumbled as he rolled over and got out of bed. Lucca hadn't started to stir yet as James smiled and hurried to get the first shower.

“Dad! Dad!” Amber shouted as she ran to her parents bedroom. “Twilight's here!”

James moaned as he thought about it. It had only been one day, certainly not enough time for her to understand the problem. Most likely this was an overt attempt to put him in a good mood to look past what she had done for the last few days. “Thank you Amber. I'll be right out.”

“She made pancakes!” Amber happily called as she pressed her face to the door.

James couldn't help but laugh at just how excited she was. Sara most likely was trying to act cool and talk to Twilight normally, ever since she turned thirteen she'd been trying to appear older than she was. “I'm hurrying. Go on and get some breakfast, you've both got to get to school.”

Minutes later James walked into the dining room where Amber was finishing a plate of pancakes. “Sara already left.” Amber said as she gulped down her last bite. “Okay Dad. I'll see you after school! Love you.”

James grinned as he watched his daughter leave. “Love you too, sweetheart.” He called as she ran past. Once she was out he kept staring at the door and sighed. He really missed spending that time with his daughters, but he also knew that not giving them space could make them too dependent or even worse drive them away completely.

“I thought you always took them to school.” Twilight said confused as she watched James sit down.

James quietly shook his head. “Sara's old enough that the last person she wants to show up with her at school is her dad, and Amber wants to be like her big sister. They're both old enough to get to school on their own now anyway.” James sighed again as he thought about it. Perhaps this was another reason why he was always happy to see Scootaloo. “I hope you didn't come by to talk about my parenting now.” His voice took a displeased tone, but not angry as it had been the last time she spoke to him.

Twilight couldn't help but recoil slightly at his comment. “I actually came to apologize. I thought I'd make everyone some breakfast too, but …” Twilight awkwardly said, letting the sentence go unfinished.

“They're growing sayians, I doubt both Pinkie Pies could keep up with an appetite like that. At least they aren't full sayians.” James said calmly.

“Tali's is the only one that survived, and that's because her food is dangerous for them to eat.” Twilight said as she nodded over to a plate of pancakes. “Don't worry, I made sure to only use dextro ingredients.”

“I'm sure she'll appreciate it.” James nodded. This was clearly an overt attempt to put him in a good mood to overlook her recent behavior but he wasn't going to let her actions sway him. He needed to hear that she understood the problem first.

Twilight didn't look James in the eyes as she walked over to him. “I'm sorry, I didn't think about how you already felt about what happened. I just didn't want you to feel guilty about it, I never realized that you felt that I was saying you didn't care about your friends. I know you do.”

James waited in silence as he thought about what she said. Clearly her students had talked to her about the situation. He had to make up his mind if it was alright that she wasn't able to come to the conclusion on her own before long.

“I don't blame you for what happened, and I never will. But I can see your point, it was your choice that brought them there and they got hurt.” Twilight continued.

At least she understood that he was the reason they went there. “Thanks, Twilight.” He calmly said as he decided that if nothing else this was a good enough start.

“Nooooww.” Twilight said with a grin. “Some of my students have expressed an interest in seeing Truce. Do you think that could be arranged?”

James nodded as he thought about it. “It would be an overnight trip, clearly. You need to make sure their parents or guardians are okay with it. Maybe something just before a weekend. And let's give it a couple weeks, I need to put out an advisory so everyone can expect to see new species up here. Just a safety thing for your students. Don't need anyone thinking someone smuggled an animal gryphon or hippogryph up here.”

Twilight smiled at James's concession, though she had no idea about any advisory. Did he do one when they first started to visit? What was the advisory like? She decided she should ask later, for now she'd put him through enough without the barrage of questions.

Twilight began to walk to the door as James called out to her. “You're welcome to stay. Though I know it's at least getting close to evening right now.”

“I should let my students know that you're not mad at me anymore. And thank them for their help.” Twilight said as she opened the door.

James walked over to the replicator, leaning against the wall next to it as he turned to face Twilight. “If you're coming to the event you should probably talk to Rarity so she has time to do her work. We both know she wouldn't let you go wearing something old.”


A special letter arrived that day in addition to the normal stacks of fan mail. This one had come from Applejack and she had made sure that anything from her friends came to her first.

The letter was odd in two ways, first there was a second envelope inside of it. Second was the ending of the letter. The letter read like a normal enough letter from an old friend, until it came to the end. “I know this is odd Rara, but James needed to get through to you before some event he's hosting soon. I don't know what it could be about though. He's been pretty tight lipped about it.”

Rara shivered as she remembered the terrifying creature. She knew that he was nice enough, but he still gave her the creeps. “Greetings Miss Coloratura. I apologize for the unusual method of reaching you, however the mail you likely receive on a daily basis would possibly bury mine until after the event has passed. In recognition of your accomplishment in the cave that houses the Tree of Harmony it has been decided that you should be awarded a color by the New Guardian Sorcerer's Guild. I understand that you do not know of the association and as such this is likely of little importance to you. In summary the Sorcerers Guild is where many come to learn, practice, and experiment with magic. And colors are awarded to important members; for feats of tremendous skill; and for important services rendered to the guild. In your use of the Song of Healing you surpassed what was believed to be it's limits. The color chosen for you is fuchsia. There are official robes that go with the title and a short ceremony where they are presented to you. I, however, also remember your fear of me and do not wish to place you under undue stress. If you choose to forgo the ceremony I will simply ship the robes to you and we can consider the matter closed. I hope to hear your decision soon. Thank you once again for all you have done. James.

P.S. The head of the Sorcerers Guild is the one who chooses the color, and normally it's done with a sense of humor. I opted to break with tradition on that and didn't make any jokes with the color. And there is no obligation to wear the robes or the color if you don't choose. As proof I would refer you to Lina Inverse the Pink. However she's rather violent and dislikes her color so it wouldn't be advised.”

Rara looked over the letter from James once more, she was conflicted as to what it meant. She was proud of what she had done in the cave, and using magic like that was quite an accomplishment for anyone. But she had no interest in this Sorcerer's Guild.

It was, however, just an award and one that seemed to mean a lot to the people of the Sorcerer's Guild. James was also right; Rara did not want to attend the event, and it was due to her fear of him and that there were likely others just like him. She regretted writing the letter admitting as much, but he thankfully understood and even offered to forgo the formalities for her sake. Once she wrote her reply to James she wrote a follow up to her friend.


The Cave was illuminated only by the tree of harmony, clearly it's magic was holding something back. James calmly walked in and found the shadows where they had been days before, they appeared to have grown in such a short time. There must be something here that the shadows reacted to and he couldn't just leave them there where they could cause harm.

He raised his arms to his chest and began chanting the amplification spell shortly before he chanted a containment spell. Unfortunately as they left the ground they dissolved into a yellow powder. Perhaps the Tree of Harmony had done more than contain the magic.

Well … I guess that's not going to work.


Starlight didn't know why her hair was still completely white, but it had been more than three days since her magic had been completely consumed. Sunburst had convinced her to wait longer since she refused to rest that first day, echoing James's concerns that if she didn't completely rest she could somehow damage her ability to use magic.

Sunburst held out a book for her to take from him and smiled, hoping that her magic had returned as they expected. She took it slow, but with the glow of her horn Sunburst couldn't contain himself and he leaped for joy.

At that sign Starlight didn't hold back either, lifting Sunburst into the air with her magic as she hooted in success. Twilight was quick to arrive at the commotion to see her friend juggling Sunburst.

“This is great Starlight!” She said happily as Sunburst was gently lowered to the ground.

“I know, it feels great to do magic again!” Starlight said as she began levitating other objects. “It feels like I'm back at one hundred percent.”

“Any idea if your mane will ever recover?” Sunburst asked, still smiling about her returned magic.

Starlight used her magic to get a look at her hair as she thought about the situation. “I think so. I mean, James's hair had color and he'd cast that spell enough to know just how long it would take to recover my magic. I could always ask Rarity to dye it back to normal until the color comes back on it's own though.”

Sunburst was happy everything was getting back to normal, there was a slight pang as he realized that also meant he'd be going back to the Crystal Empire soon.

“Hey Sunburst.” Starlight said as she walked over to him and smiled. “I never could have done this without you.” She pulled him into a hug as she finished speaking and held him there for what felt like a solid minute.

Sunburst nodded as he quietly spoke to her. “I'm your friend, I couldn't let you face this alone.” He stalled as he decided to add on to the statement. “And so are Twilight and James.”


A gentle wind blew over the balcony overlooking the the forest separating the castle and Truce where James was talking with Asgore, Asriel and Toriel. Toriel fussed over Asriel's clothes as Asgore watched and chuckled. Toriel shot him a cold glare and he silenced immediately. Shaking her head she next approached James and adjusted his circlet and haori. “I swear you're as bad as Asgore.” She muttered as she smoothed out several wrinkles.

“If it also means being as good as him I can deal with the negatives.” James said before Toriel fixed him with a similar glare. He shut up instantly, even his face mirrored Asgore's. Toriel looked between them and shook her head, genuinely bewildered at just how alike the two were.

“Mom, I think that Twilight and her students will be here soon if you wanted to meet them.” Asriel said as way of distracting his mother from them.

Toriel glared at both James and Asgore for a moment before she walked off to meet the guests. Perhaps meeting with another teacher would get her mind off those two.

“She's calling me by my first name again.” Asgore said with a smile once Toriel was out of sight.

James and Asriel chuckled as they nodded in agreement.

“She's starting to like you again.” James said as he adjusted his circlet back to a comfortable position.

“You know you really don't have to do this.” Asriel said as he turned James's way. He was as aware as any about James's distaste for most formal events, awards ceremonies being one of his least preferred.

“I should really acknowledge those who've helped me out of a bad situation. Even if I was the reason for that situation. That and it's as good a reason as any for a party.” James explained calmly.

“A party you're just going to sit through.” Asriel said giving him a sidelong glance.

“I'll enjoy the party however I like.” James smirked. He enjoyed some good natured ribbing and a few smart ass comments, especially when he had to do some official thing that he disliked.

“But not the ceremony.” Asgore said as he adjusted James's circlet back to where Toriel had it. He kept a straight face for a moment until all three broke out laughing.

“Sounds like fun in here.” Starlight said as she walked in. All she wore was her medal that Celestia had given her for saving Equestria and the changelings. But everyone in the room was expecting as much from the ponies.

“Just enjoying the few moments before the ceremony.” James said with a snicker.

“Yeah, I really wasn't expecting this.” Starlight said as she looked around. “You hate these kinds of things.”

James nodded. “Yes I do, but what you've done can't be ignored.” James sighed briefly as he decided to confess about the awards. “To be honest, there's no real awards that aren't military and I'm not creating a new award. This is just a personal token of my thanks. The only real official ceremony comes after the recognition.” He had been hinting about the second award for the last week, but never revealing anything about it. He had no idea how they were going to take the news but it was already decided anyway.

“Yeah, I'm going to hold off on that one. Last time you announced something like that it was a joke about you getting married to Rainbow Dash.” Starlight said.

Asriel and Asgore gave each other mischievous smiles. James didn't miss the look as he heard Starlight speak. “She just said it was a joke.” He moaned.

“I think we should meet this Rainbow Dash.” Asgore chuckled.

“We'll be back in a little while.” Asriel called back as he ran out of the room with his father.

“Oh this won't end well.” James said as only he and Starlight were left.

“Well, it gives me a chance to talk to you.” She calmly said. “So, how are you feeling?”

“More nervous than when I give the annual address.” James said as he once again moved his circlet to a more comfortable position.

“That's not what I meant.” She said as she walked up and stood next to him on her hind legs looking out over the forest with him.

“I figured as much. …” James didn't really want to talk about it, but he also knew he was going to get this question a lot and answering it once would cut down on how often he would have to hear it. “I'm doing alright right now. The more I think about it the worse I feel, but for now … not bad.”

“Well, you know that if no one else you can talk to me or Trixie about it. We both understand what it's like to have done things we deeply regret.”

“I think Asriel is the only one with the perspective I have on this. … But it's nice to know you'll be there.” James said with a grin before adding. “Not talking to Trixie though, the last thing I need is to be constantly reminded of it.”

Starlight laughed as she thought about it. “Alright, I suppose that's true.”

James gently nudged her and smiled down at her. “At least you know someone who’s far more evil than you could ever be.”

Despite his smile Starlight could see the pain in his eyes. “I should get back to the others, and you've got a ceremony to start soon.” she said with her own smile.


The group stood out in the courtyard before the few gathered reporters and special guests as drones flew around recording the event. Beside James's family was Celestia, Twilight, Cadence and Shining Armor holding Flurry Heart.

“Watch his tail.” Tenyo whispered to Twilight. “It’s really going to twitch today.”

“Why?” Twilight whispered back.

“Two things he’s not comfortable with. Public speaking and expressing his emotions.” Tenyo answered.

James stood to the side and addressed the spectators. “It's not often that I'm in a situation as dire as the one I found myself in recently. And it's in these times that I find I am fortunate enough to have those who care about me … even when I don't. There are no awards for what you've done for me, no words to express my gratitude. But I can offer you a personal gift in appreciation, and as that I give you these. Specially crafted Drillkeys, the symbol of determination. And the symbol of your refusal to abandon a friend who needed your help. Princess Luna of Equestria, Starlight Glimmer, Derpy Hooves, and Asriel Dreemurr. I give these with not only my thanks, but the thanks of my family both by blood and by association. The latter I find growing more than ever expected.”

As James nodded Lucca, Tali, Sara walked forward and joined James with the pendants. Lucca placing Luna's over her horn and eventually her head. Tali had an easier time with Starlight's as her horn was not so long as to necessitate the adjusted angle. James gave Derpy a quick hug as he placed the pendant around her neck. Sara kept an even face as she nodded to Asriel as he knelt so she could place the pendant around his neck.

Once the pendents were given out James once again assumed his place by the group. “As one last matter of ceremony. This could not have been accomplished without a great feat of magic, the vestiges of which can still be seen. And for the accomplishment and your service to the New Guardian Sorcerers Guild I now present Princess Luna and Starlight Glimmer with their colors. Princess Luna the Silver. And Starlight Glimmer the Lavender.” As James spoke two elves approached with their robes in silver bound oak boxes. Presenting their colors as they were announced. Once presented the robes were replaced and boxes closed, left for them to take.

“I turn the remainder of the time over to you, should you wish to say anything.” Once James stepped to the side his tail finally stopped twitching.

Princess Luna had only a few short words of appreciation and Starlight was similarly quick. Asriel and Derpy both opted not to speak and the ceremony was brought to a close. “Once again I thank you for everything you've done.” James said as the drones began to blink out. Relief flooded James as they vanished and he visibly began to relax, his tail going completely limp. “Alright enough seriousness, now let's get to the part we really want: the party.” James said as he walked away.

Princess Celestia and Starlight laughed at James's sudden change of tone and joined him as he walked towards Truce.

“So tell me what the spell you and the Princess did to get an award from this magic guild was.” Trixie asked walking up to Starlight as they entered the forest.

Starlight still had no idea why James had invited Trixie to New Guardia, but she was happy that her friends had been welcomed. As she considered the question, she shivered at recalling the Giga Slave. She tried to think of the best way to tell her without telling her. “Well, he was in danger so the Princess and I helped him cast a spell that … saved us all really.”

“Does it have something to do with the Princess' hair?” Trixie went on without really paying attention.

Starlight chuckled as she thought about how Trixie was more interested in gossip than she was about important information. They continued their idle talk as they made their way towards Truce, Maude joining them after a short while to escape both Pinkie Pies.

Once they left the forest it was easy to see that the whole city was decked out for a festival even more grand than their new year celebration. Live performances in the streets, games, events, even rides could be found as part of the celebration. And there were Equestrian influences everywhere to be seen.

Thorax approached James as he walked towards the city. “So I finally get to see your true shape.” He said smugly. He'd known since he first met James that the alicorn form he assumed was a disguise but hadn't pushed the subject.

James chuckled. “Yeah. Here there's no point going around as something else.”

“So why do you in Equestria?” Now that he was able to talk to James as he really was he was going to try to show him that he didn't need to hide.

“Because I can just disappear that way, even as an alicorn. In my position Equestria is the only place I can go without anyone making demands of me. There's pomp and circumstance wherever I go in other worlds, I just get tired of it.”

Thorax nodded. “I think Ember would say: Just tell them to back off.”

“If I said anything that damaged trade between worlds my people suffer.” James explained. He knew that Thorax was still a new ruler and James's situation was different compared to most rulers in general anyway.

“Alright. But why do you change your shape?” Thorax asked. This was the heart of the matter here, and he felt James needed to answer. For himself if nothing else.

“First to hide. Now that's how they know me. And again, it let's me vanish in a crowd. If I walked around in this form even if nobody paid attention to me I'd still stick out.” James calmly said.

“Why do you want to hide so much?” Thorax knew disguises well, even if James wasn't hiding his shape right now he was still hiding something.

“Because I'm more comfortable unnoticed. I can actually be myself if I'm hidden.” James knew Thorax was digging, and where he was trying to get, but that was a much deeper rabbit hole.

“So you can't be yourself when you are yourself?” Thorax figured a twisted question could get a strait answer.

“Exactly. I need to be who they need me to be, and that means not being me. So when I'm not me I can be me.” James said as he looked off into the distance. The answer was as strait an answer as he could give to this.

“If you'd said that to anyone but a changeling I'm pretty sure you would have confused them. But I think I see your point.” Thorax focused for a moment and continued to walk along beside James as a sayian with long orange hair wearing an outfit that matched what James's normally looked like.

James knew right away that this was an attempt to show him that his change was unnecessary but James just smiled and nodded to Thorax.

Author's Note:

We all have lessons to learn throughout our lives.

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