• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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3 Foolish Old Man

James walked calmly around Ponyville. Now that he didn't have to worry about hiding or apologizing he had time to take in the sights of daily life here.

Damn this place was whimsical.

A Grey Pegasus with a blond mane delivered letters to the various houses as others ran around. In some cases it was difficult to tell who was working and who was playing. He couldn't help but draw comparisons to the station. Though while each was just as active, Ponnyville was higher energy.

And, of course, ponies.

All things granted, there wasn't that much about this place that wasn't pleasant.

“Hi Green Apple!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

Speak of the Devil.

James sighed, he would be the first to admit that Pinkie Pie was one of the friendliest people (ponies?) he'd ever met, and she worked so hard just trying to make everyone happy. And not for that superficial reason that she wants everyone to like her. She did it because making others happy made her happy. But her hyperactive personality grated on him. James would have to be in a rare mood (or highly caffeinated) to be happy to spend time with the pony shaped cocaine overdose.

“Hello Pinkie Pie.” James calmly said as he walked her direction.

“Did you get an invitation?” She asked as she bounced around.

“An invitation to what?” James asked, raising his eyebrow.

“To Princess Celestia's garden party.” Pinkie said as if the information were completely obvious. “I mean, it's not like there was any event coming up. But there has to be something special going on if she's having a party.” She clarified.

“That's … concerning.” James said as he considered the possibilities.

“Maybe she want's to meet you!” Pinkie suggested as she stared at James smiling in barely controlled(?) excitement.

James's face fell at the thought. He hadn't prepared for a political meeting so soon. He still had to familiarize Twilight with New Guardia so she could better interpret it to Celestia. Not to mention he didn't have any kind of peace gift to offer. And what about something to wear? He was going to have something tailored, but there was the chance that there would be any meeting at all. He had to maintain his disguise for the time being. And what about the meeting he already had scheduled? He had been hoping that he could sneak away for a day to take care of that before anything happened.

He hadn't received an invitation.

James started to calm down as quickly as he began to panic. He hadn't been invited. As long as that didn't change he had nothing to worry about. “I don't think so Pinkie.” He said with a grin. “But I hope you have fun.”

“I could ask Celestia if you can come too.” Pinkie offered.

James's eyes widened as he quickly shot the idea down. “No! If I've not been specifically invited I'd prefer not to attend. But thank you for the offer.”

“You're welcome!” Pinkie said as she happily bounced off.

James took a steadying breath. There's no way the event is about him. Twilight had said that she had left out specific information about him. But that's different than keeping him a secret. He couldn't really expect her to keep him a secret, those two were actually pretty close. But the news of another unicorn in Ponyville wouldn't be cause for Celestia to try meeting him. Though the news of an Alicorn, and a male one too, would certainly be enough to pique interest. It was a gift that he had just taken for himself after all. Clearly he should have done more research before choosing that form.

James trotted along, lost in his thoughts as Twilight came galloping towards him. “James!” She said in a panicked whisper. “We need to get back the the library now!”

James's face fell as he quickly came to the conclusion that he had been invited to the party. He nodded as he looked around. Nobody was looking their direction. Without any warning he lifted Twilight into the air and rushed in the direction of the library, moving far faster than Twilight would have expected anyone to move as they ran.

The door to the library slammed closed as quickly as it opened and James carefully put down the dazed pony. “Is this about the party?” He asked in a panic.

Twilight swayed unsteadily as she got over the initial dizziness. “Urgh.” She moaned.

“Sorry about that. If this is about the party though, we need to hurry. The longer we spend here the less time we have to get ready for the event.” James said, hurried.

Twilight could only nod as she tried to regain her bearings.

Something had tipped her off that the new unicorn was more than just a traveler through Ponyville. Though James hadn't exactly kept a low profile. In any event James now had to bring Twilight up to the Station and get her familiarized with it and find a decent tailor to make him something appropriate for the event. James paced as he tried to think of something.

“Look.” Twilight said as she shook the cobwebs from her head. “It's not a big deal. Just don't reveal anything about yourself.”

James stared slack jawed at the suggestion. “Twilight. If this is her trying to get to know me then I can't hide anything. That would sour any future talks and we may have to cut ties with Equestria entirely. The closest to hiding anything I can do is this form, and that's just to not cause chaos by showing up. This may be just a garden party, but it is an important meeting. … And I'm not the only one who has to prepare.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked cautiously.

James dropped his head, knowing the reveal was going to be a shock. “I need you to understand New Guardia so you can act in an official capacity. We're talking two different cultures here, more if you count all the separate cultures that came together in New Guardia. You will see it through your understanding of your culture, something I can't do. There are similarities, but I'm an outsider looking in. For example there are ponies in New Guardia, but they're animals. Less intelligent than Fluttershy's forest friends. Most of the people in New Guardia are omnivores. Our various species developed by killing and eating other animals along with fruits and vegetables. The ponies here are inherently peaceful, while we're inherently warlike. But we have similar values. Safety; family; friends; the list is longer than our differences. But you'll need to be able to see these things for yourself.”

Twilight stood in shock as she listened to James's explanation. She had no idea this would be so involved.

“I had hoped to slow drip this to you over the course of a couple weeks, but this garden party has drastically altered the timetable.”

James took a breath and looked back up to Twilight. “If you want out, that's perfectly fine, I understand. It's too much to ask, especially on such short notice.” James chuckled for a moment. “You haven't even picked out a dress, or asked Rarity for one.” James's eyes widened at his own statement.

“I'll help.” Twilight said. She had no confidence at all, but she decided that she would help out in any way she could. “I guess it's a crash course though.” She tried to joke.

James stood as a smile pulled at the edges of his mouth.

Twilight didn't know what to make of the expression on James's face. “Are you okay?”

“Rarity.” James said as if it were a revelation.

“What about her?”

“I don't need to find an off world tailor if there's a designer willing to help me get ready for the party.”

The statement made even less sense to Twilight. “Off world?”

James's smile bordered on devilish as he suggested the idea. “Do you think Rarity would be interested in studying other cultures fashions to incorporate into her designs?”

“What about the harmony of your world?” Twilight asked as she remembered the biggest problem of travel to other worlds.

“Harmony? My world thrives on the new. As long as those who stay are of a generally good persuasion our harmony is not in any danger. And we have no intention of flooding your world. We may trade a few goods, but beyond this initial visit any who come to your world will have to be approved on your side.”

“I … guess. If it will help.” Twilight eventually said, completely lost in the flood of changing information.

Things were going to work out. “I'll go get Rarity.” James said.

“Don't go so fast.” Twilight said as James turned for the door.

“What?” James stood facing Twilight as Rarity floated in the air above him, held aloft by his gold fringed darkness. Rarity shivered as James gently placed her on her feet.

“I'm sorry Rarity, he's really worried about the party right now because it means he has a lot more to do in much less time.” Twilight said to the trembling unicorn. She forced an awkward laugh as she realized the situation. “Well, you get to see fashions from other worlds now.”

“If you want to come.” James added.

Rarity took a deep breath and regained her composure before she turned to James. “Darling, you need to work on your invitation skills.” She chastised. “I'll come along, but only because I haven't a thing to wear and maybe I'll find inspiration in your world.” In truth she was rather excited to see a new world, though she would rather know something about it first.

James smiled as he spoke. “Alright, just so you know the process of coming to my world can be a bit distressing. You'll feel like your falling but don't worry you're not, it's just vertigo.” James's omnitool blinked to life as he began typing commands into it. “Everyone ready?” He asked with a smile.

Rarity and Twilight looked at each other, unsure about the decision before turning back to James and nodding.
Spike watched as the three of them violently melted out of the library.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

James's cluttered study had not been touched in days, but that was to be expected. What no one expected was for three ponies to materialize from virtually nowhere. Twilight had reflexively spread her wings and Rarity had dropped to a low crouch. James was the only one who appeared to not be troubled by the transportation.

Twilight stood on James's desk and looked around the room, unsure of what to make of the transportation. Carefully she raised her hoof you her face, checking to see if once again she had fingers. “I thought you said you weren't a pony.” She said as she examined Rarity.

“Not every world functions the same.” James calmly explained. “Just because you're here does not mean that you change into a new form. I changed my form to come to your world so I wouldn't cause too much of a stir.”

“Green Apple, where are we?” Rarity asked, still dazed from all of the bizarre travel she'd just been through.

“We're in my study. And feel free to call me James, that's my name after all.”

Rarity seemed to chew on the word as if it were some type of sour taffy. “James? Then why call yourself Green Apple?”

“Again, it was a nickname I had years ago and it seemed to fit in with your world. At least it fit in better than my normal name.” James explained. “Now, while I should probably assume my normal form it does no good in the long run right now.” He checked the time on his Omnitool before checking what universes the station was currently aligned with. He smiled as his omnitool blinked out and he looked to the girls. “It's still the middle of the night, would you care to see the stars? There's no view like the one you get from a space station.”

Twilight was actually really interested to see the stars of a different world. She had studied astronomy and loved watching the stars on a clear night. Rarity was still astonished at the change to a new world. “Of course.” Twilight said excitedly.

James smiled as he led them out into the courtyard between the castle and outer walls. A well tended lawn below them and nebulae stretching out before those who would look up.

This was a view James always missed, even when away for only a few days. And he could tell that his guests were awestruck by the sight too.

That or they're still in shock from everything going on.

He saw a smile slowly creep across Twilight's face and he knew that it was awe. In the distance James could hear a familiar song being sung. He remembered it as 'Our Journeys in the Stars.' Tali was singing from Fleet and Flotilla again.

James knew the song well, it was one of the few he actually liked. He didn't strictly dislike the movie, but in his opinion the Turian battles really saved it from mediocrity. He cleared his throat as he listened, and as Tali's voice faded out he began to sing the Turian's part.

Twilight and Rarity quickly turned their heads from the sky and looked to James who was facing away from them, singing towards the castle. They didn't understand the full meaning of the lyrics, less so the response that came in a language they could not even begin to understand. Nevertheless James continued to sing.

“Uhm.” Rarity cautiously ventured when the singing stopped. “That was nice.” The unfamiliar voice seemed to call out again as she spoke.

“Sorry about that.” James said to his guests before returning to calling out to the castle. “At least I'm not as bad as I used to be.” He called back to the voice before turning to address his guests once more. “Yeah, my wife was singing a song from her favorite musical. I had to join in.”

The stares from the two ponies intensified as James spoke.

“You're married?” Twilight eventually asked. The thought had never occurred to her that he might be married, though she couldn't say that it was entirely outlandish.

“It get's even more complicated than that.” James said as he turned to face the two mares. Of course he wasn't going to talk about it right now, there were more important things to discuss. Like anything else.

There was a chirp from James's pocket and a new voice spoke up. “Nice job, James.” The woman said. “Though you were still flat at a few points.”

“Didn't you hear Tali? She said the same thing.” James argued into the badge.

“Just thought I'd put in my two cents. And she's on her way to you right now.” The voice said.

“She'll be in for a shock then.” James laughed.

Shortly after James stopped speaking the door to the castle opened and a tall thin humanoid woman came from the door. What of her form that could be seen was quite human, except that her legs had two separate joints at the knee and her hand only had three digits. She rushed toward the group only to stop several feet from them. She said something that Twilight and Rarity could not understand though she sounded amused.

“Yes I am.” James simply said as he grinned at her.

“What did she say?” Rarity asked cautiously.

James stood still for a moment before he brought his hoof up to his face. “I'm sorry I forgot to get them some fish. I'm the only one they can understand right now.”

Nothing about that statement made sense to the ponies.

Despite not being able to understand her, the two ponies could tell that she was reprimanding him. Something glowed around her arm as she brought her hand to it and seemed to type something out.

“There we go.” She calmly said. “I've changed my suit's audio to use the translations instead of my native language. I'm guessing this is part of the first contact mission you were doing?”

“Yes, I didn't mean for this part to happen so soon but our timetable was pushed …”

Tali interrupted him as she looked at the two ponies. “Wait a second, are these who I think they are?”

James's tone was calm to the point of casual joking. “Depends on who you think they are.”

“Your daughters are going to lose their minds when they see.” Tali said with a laugh.

“Well, they're not going to see them right away.” James calmly said. “There's business to attend to, and Rarity needs some inspiration. I should also get her set up with a studio to work from.”

“What about Twilight Sparkle?” Tali asked, hand on her hip as she spoke. She knew she and Lucca would be making jokes about this for a while, but she needed to know how long until they could start so they could keep it a surprise for Sara and Amber.

“Well, she's got to do some studying.” James said. “Our timetable was changed so I've got until the summit to get her ready.”

Twilight found the ability to speak again in this alien world. “Isn't that only two days?” She quietly asked.

James smiled as he turned back to them. “Nope, here we have much more time.”

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

Rarity was glad to be in the studio James had provided. In the last few hours since dawn she had been through nearly every designer store open, the experience was both exhilarating and terrifying. She saw ideas that she had never considered, old styles made new through the perspective of a different species, and a multitude of new fabrics. But she was the only one of her kind here, none of the clothes she had bought for inspiration could fit properly. She was working from nearly scratch with everything.

The studio was no small shop either. It's size and scope more than anything she had considered, and it had walls of fabrics even the stores did not carry. James was kind enough to return for her mannequins and sewing machine, just so she had something familiar to work with. Her mind wandered as she placed the clothes next to the mannequins for alteration.

Was this how James felt when he had first come to Ponnyville? By his own admission he was no pony, and there were a lot of different kinds of people here. Is this why he was so stressed out when he snapped that first night? Because he felt isolated even among a group?

She pushed those thoughts from her mind. She had work to do and there was so much for her to choose from.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

James had stayed in his pony form to walk around with Twilight and hopefully make her comfortable. He was there to act mostly as a guide, explaining things as Twilight needed. Though he did also have to remind one person or another that just because Twilight and he were ponies did not mean they are not intelligent.

Twilight couldn't help but draw parallels between this city and Ponyville, it was actually rather strange to see
just how similar these two worlds appeared to be. Twilight smiled as she looked around, there was so much to learn and the people were almost as friendly here as the ponies of Ponyville. If James said it was okay she'd have to come back sometime and do her own study of the people living here.

Strangest for Twilight was a short humanoid skeleton. It terrified her at first, however once it started telling bad puns she couldn't help but calm down a bit and even laugh at some of the terrible jokes. He offered them a food he called a 'dog. Twilight couldn't help but remember James saying that his people killed and ate animals as she looked at the food.

To her great surprise the skeleton reassured her before she could refuse, telling her it was made from a plant called a water sausage.

Twilight was really out of her element here. James however seemed an almost completely different person, he would talk to anyone who approached him, make jokes and laugh. She actually hoped he’d stay this way when they went back to Ponyville, it was a good change to see.

They stayed at an inn in the city (James called it Truce) and away from the castle. James said it was because he was officially still working on the first contact mission. Rarity chose to stay in her studio nearly the whole time she was there, only coming out to eat occasionally and get more material and clothes to work on as she hit her stride with the new inspiration. James would always give her any money she wanted for her trips into town.

Even Twilight was allowed a shopping budget. James told her about how as a space station it's primary income came from tourism and taxes on trade. That's why it became a hub for trade and first contact was such a serious matter for them. While they could isolate and survive, they thrived with the contact of other worlds acheiving their own harmony through chaos.

The guided tour took nearly a week, and James reassured her that they had only scratched the surface. The last two days were spent entirely in the sorcerers guild. Tomes commingled with computers and spells of all varieties were ready for those who passed the tests. Twilight wasn't allowed to take the tests however. James told her that it was because he couldn't risk harming the balance of their world because of her curiosity. All he offered her was a book on magic theory that offered a drastically different outlook on magic than Twilight had known her whole life. Implying that anyone with sufficient study and effort could learn at least a basic spell.

It felt all too soon for both Twilight and Rarity when James told them that it was time for them to return. Rarity was allowed to keep all of her clothes that she had bought and worked on and a selection of materials she had never seen before. Twilight kept the book and a few souvenirs she got for her friends.

Twilight and Rarity never saw it, but James smiled warmly at them as he spent time around them. There was far more to these girls than he had anticipated.

“So how are we getting back in time for the party?” Rarity called back to James.
James laughed as he walked up to them. “I've got this machine known as an Epoch. It's only got three seats, though.”

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

The three of them violently melted back into the library of Ponyville, Twilight and Rarity once again tried to catch themselves as the transport finished.

“That was fun, but I'm glad to be home.” Twilight said as she took a few steps to feel steady once more.

“You can say that again, darling.” Rarity agreed. “James dear, you've got to work on that travel system. It's just ghastly.”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked as he walked over to the group. “You were only gone for an hour or so.”

“Well, it was a productive hour.” Rarity said with a smile.

“So we've still got three days to the party.” Twilight said as she thought about what that meant. “That means that Epoch of yours really is a time machine.”

James smiled again as he joked. “Exactly! Only to be used irresponsibility to ensure you get to parties on time.”

“That's lovely, but I've got to get all of this back to my studio. I've still got work to do. How does that little bottle work again?” Rarity asked as she magically lifted the capsule out of her bag.

“Push the button and toss it somewhere so it has at least five feet of clearance on any given side.”

“And I've got to give out these souvenirs.” Twilight said as she held up a small bag and a broach.

“Rarity, wait.” Twilight implored as she ran forward. “I got you this broach. I don't know if it goes with anything you've got, but I thought it would look good on you.”

“Darling, it's marvelous.” Rarity said as she allowed Twilight to lower it over her head. “Be sure to stop by my studio before the party to pick up your ensembles.”

“Have fun.” James called to the departing unicorn.

“Here Spike,” Twilight said once Rarity had left. “don't eat them all at once.” As she spoke the bag magically levitated over to the eager dragon.

“You don't want to know what I had to do to get Cobalt to part with those. Those are some of his favorites.” James said, trying to sound ominous.

“Come on James … Or should I say Green Apple?” Twilight asked grinning at James.

“Green Apple in public, don't want to draw too much attention to myself.” James said, returning the grin.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

Rarity had been shut in for the last two days working even harder than she had been in New Guardia, James was the last to come for his outfit to the party.

Rarity was waiting by the door when James knocked. “It's about time you got here.” She said, pulling him into the studio with surprising strength. “Stay still, for this to look it's best you have to be sewn into it. Don't worry I'll get you out after the party.”

Rarity hurried around James with needle and thread, working as quickly as she could to get James ready. Eventually she backed away, smiling as she looked at the purple brown and green outfit. She turned a mirror so James could see himself.

His mouth hung open as he looked at the outfit. They were slightly loose, but held to him well. He couldn't shake the feeling that they looked familiar.

“Go on, stand on your back legs.” Rarity insisted.

As James did as instructed he realized that they bore a striking resemblance to the King of Jurai's robes. “Where did you get this design?” James asked, the shock in his voice obvious.

Rarity quickly took a picture while James stared at her blankly. “Your sister in law gave me the design.” She simply answered.

James racked his brain as he tried to think what she meant by sister in law, the only one he had living on the station had no idea he was here. As he looked at the robes it came to him. “Green hair?”

Rarity gave a sympathetic smile as she recalled. “Sadly yes. But she knew a lot about fashion and even managed to make her hair look nice with how she dressed. She also wanted a picture.”

“Of course.” James mumbled. God dammit Airie. How did you even know about this? “She's not my sister in law, but she'll kill me if I tell you our actual relation. So let's get a picture with all of us after the party.” James smiled weakly as he thought about that suggestion. He had to think that the party would not end well, likely with him having to leave the moment Celestia learned who he was.

But he had to at least try.

He hadn't looked forward to this at all, but now that he had spent time here he realized that he wanted to stay in contact with those he had met here. He joked to himself that this was why it was so insidious, they lured you in with friendship and made you lose the will to fight. He knew that wasn't true, he would fight as hard for anyone here as he would for any of his friends. There was something special here, something innocent that was worth defending.

Rarity finished her outfit as James spaced out, eventually nudging him as she got ready to leave.

“Come on darling the chariot's outside. Let's just go together, I'm sure your wife won't mind.” Rarity said as she pushed James to the door.

As they flew, James couldn't help but notice that he felt the wind on his wings. Rarity had sewn the robes to keep his wings on the outside. He turned to Rarity and mouthed, 'My wings.'

Rarity leaned his way and whispered in his ear. “Don't hide it, James. If you want her to trust you, you have to be upfront, right? The girls and I talked about it and we believe in you. No nickname either, we'll be calling you by your real name.”

James's stomach sank as he heard the vote of confidence, he felt more assured than ever that this was going to turn out badly.

The chariot landed and James exited, thanking the Pegasus who had flown them. He offered his elbow to Rarity who hesitated for a moment before accepting and the two walked in together.

As James entered, he realized that he wasn't that much shorter than Celestia compared to the others, however that fact did nothing to lessen his intimidation as he approached.

Celestia greeted Rarity at the door as she walked in. “I see you've been busy Rarity. This is unlike anything I've seen from you before, it's very nice.”

As Rarity and Celestia made small talk, James could see that the only ponies there were Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Princess Luna. He saw this for the trap it was. If he didn't give the total truth, Celestia would simply get more information from the attending ponies. It was a tactic he had employed himself to catch his target in a lie, one could keep a secret better than a group. And Applejack was a liability on those lines.

“And you must be the new pony. I'm sorry to say I've not heard much of you.” Celestia said, smiling warmly at James. “But you've certainly made a good impression with everypony here.” He certainly was an alicorn as Luna had described from the dreams of the girls a few nights before. This was quite an interesting development. Where had he come from? How did she not know of another alicorn?

James bowed politely as his mind raced through the maze of answers. He'd been to many of these parties with opponents both older and more cunning than Celestia. Of that he was certain. Lady Seto had made sure to put him through his paces on many occasions to prepare him for running his world.

“I'm sorry to have you at such a disadvantage, Princess.” James calmly answered. “I would be happy to rectify that problem this evening if you like.”

“Yes,” Celestia said with her ever present smile. “We must speak at length later.”

James had played this game before and knew that stalling was his best option. If Celestia was as polite as she spoke, James only had to keep occupied to make it to the end without confrontation. Princess Luna was a wild card, however. The two working in tandem could lead James in the direction they want.

Why was he trying to avoid this? It's what he ultimately came for.

James decided he would play the game for a short while. And when Celestia inevitably cornered him, he would answer honestly. And not just what he had told everyone. Luna was the first to approach him, almost as quickly as James broke away from Rarity.

The wild card indeed.

“Would you care to speak in private for a minute?” She asked, her face impassive.

“Of course, it's a lovely night out.” James said as he nodded her way. Luna's cocked her eye at him for a moment as they walked away from the group.

They walked along the well maintained hedge as the conversations of the rest of the guests grew quieter. “Do you know much of the dream realm?” Luna asked, calmly.

“I am aware that it is the realm that you patrol and aid ponies having nightmares.” James said matching Luna's calm though he kept his tone more friendly.

“That is true. I am responsible for helping ponies sleep well.” Luna confirmed.

“I can see from the ponies in Ponyville that you do that job quite admirably. And I thank you greatly for your services.” James said, keeping his voice on an even tempo.

“You have bags under your eyes.” Luna said bluntly. “You have not been sleeping well it seems.” She knew he was hiding something. He was almost too comfortable here and alone with her. Her reputation as having been Nightmare Moon was often enough to make others nervous. There was one more thing, it was subtle but she could sense it. He had been magically cut off from the dream realm. How or why she couldn't know, but this was the same feeling she got from the void in her realm.

“True, in addition to preferring the night and as such not getting to sleep until quite late. I have two young daughters. Sleep is a respite I've not truly enjoyed for some years.” James laughed as he answered.

Luna nodded curtly before leading them back to the party. “I would recommend you try to remedy that. Exhausted ponies tend to cause accidents.” She wasn't going to force the information from him, that would be a terrible thing to do, but she knew he was hiding something and that's what she intended to tell Celestia.

The two walked back to the party as James replied. “I appreciate your concern, Princess. And the lavender, the entrence hall smelled wonderful”

Luna looked down at James suspiciously before she walked off to Princess Celestia. “Enjoy your party sister. I have my duties to attend to.” Princess Luna said, decidedly loud enough to be heard.

Celestia broke off her conversation with Twilight shortly after Luna left. Clearly this was rehearsed to throw James off, they likely used his practiced greeting to determine that they needed to confront him sooner than he would likely guess.

Luna had given her what she needed to know by departing. That he was responsible for the void in the dream realm and that he was deliberately hiding something. While she intended to be friendly she needed to know of any potential threat to Equestria, and if that was shy he was cutting himself off.

Celestia stood over James, her well practiced smile decidedly disarming. James met her gaze, and neither held any malice or contempt. Either she was really good at hiding her intent, or she genuinely wanted to know more about James as a friend or ally.

“I'm sorry,” Celestia said her pleasant smile wearing James down. “I didn't get your name at the door. I'm so used to formal parties that I forget even the basics sometimes.” There was no better way to get information than being a friend, and that's just what she intended to do.

“Easily forgivable. I …” James paused as he looked around, every eye was on him, even if he had decided to keep the truth hidden, there was no way to do so after that moment. “I am an old fool.” James said, letting all pretense drop.
Celestia's smile disappeared as the other ponies stared blankly at James. This was not at all what they were expecting to happen. Where was he going with this?

“I am an old fool with equally foolish hopes. I am everything I said, and everything I've told, but there's more.” There was a reason he was here, and he had made it a point to not tell them. But keeping it a secret was not fair to them. “I grew up long ago with no heroes, nobody I looked up to. My life felt empty because of it, people would talk about those whom they looked up to and I could only wonder what they meant. And the joy on their faces when they would meet their heroes made me angry. Eventually I became bitter, and finally I accepted it. It wasn't until my daughters told me about their heroes that I felt that emptiness again. I'm an old man who just wanted to give his daughters something that he never had. I'm sorry. I'll leave you in peace. Thank you for your hospitality and putting up with my terrible behavior.”

James hung his head as he tried to regain his composure when he felt a gentle pet on his back.

“I was just asking for your name.” Princess Celestia calmly said, her smile back and comforting.

James couldn't help but laugh, even as he fought back tears. “James.” He eventually said.

“All that and you could've just brought them with you!” Applejack said, her tone berating even though she smiled.

“I still have to follow procedure.” James said.

“To heck with procedure!” Applejack argued. “It's just frustrated things from the beginning.”

“I can't bring anyone here without Princess Celestia's consent. Even my presence here is subject to her approval.” James said, looking up at the white Alicorn.

“If they're anything like their father, we'd be happy to have them visit.” Celestia said as she magically brought a tissue to James.

James once again began to laugh. “Oh they are. In all the worst ways.” As James finally began to calm down he got a better look at the group. “See I am terrible. I made Fluttershy cry.” James said as he walked towards the Pegasus wiping her eyes. Using his magic he dabbed the tears from her cheek with the tissue Celestia had given him.

“This party sure has been a downer.” Rainbow Dash said floating lazily about.

James smiled as he looked her way. “I might be able to help, assuming the princess hasn't got something planned already.”

“The floor's yours James.” Celestia said calmly.

With a nod James stood on his hind legs and a magical aura unlike that from his horn surrounded him. As he walked music began to play though no one there could place from where it came. Illusory fog spread out along the ground as lights shot up.

“Wow, this guy can bring the mood down and back fast.” Rainbow Dash said as the music swelled and the beat increased. She bobbed and weaved through the lights as they shot up from the ground and drew designs on the fog in time with the music.

“So the party wasn't to find out about him?” Twilight carefully asked Celestia.

“No, it was. While we do trust you, we still wanted to know about this new pony ourselves. Those nightmares couldn't just be ignored. I'm glad to see that you made the right decision about him.” Celestia answered. She was always proud of her student turned friend.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

“Dad, these clothes are uncomfortable.” Sara complained, pulling at the sleeves.

“Yeah, why do we have to wear these?” Amber asked as she tried to adjust her pants while she walked.

“Trust me, when we get where we're going you'll thank me.” James said as he ushered his daughters into the entrance hall. “Okay, now put these on.” James said as he handed blindfolds to each of his daughters.

“Come on Dad. Just tell us what the surprise is already.” Sara insisted.

“Then how will it be a surprise?” James asked.

“Fine I'm putting it on.” Sara huffed.

“You sure you don't want to come along Tali?” James asked as he looked over her direction.

“I'm fine. Besides, I don't think they'd have anything I could eat.” Tali said, pointing out the obvious.

“Good point. Is there anything I can get for you?” James asked, he would always forget that Dextro dna was even more uncommon outside Tali's home universe.

“Something nice if you see it.” Tali didn't expect anything, but she knew James would find something for her, even if he had to go out of his way to get it.

“You ready Lucca?” James asked turning to his other wife. “…Don't you want to change?”

“I'll change when I'm ready.” Lucca said waving her hand, she was familiar with where they were going, even if she hadn't been there herself and knew exactly what she was going to do.

“Okay girls. I'm going to cast a polymorph spell, that means your body will change and then those clothes will fit better. After you've changed stand still and we'll go.”

James went through the motions of the polymorph spell changing Lucca into a pale tan unicorn with a long straight purple mane. James continued recasting the spell until all four of them were ponies. He smiled at Lucca briefly, and had to hold back a laugh as she stripped out of her clothes though obviously keeping her glasses. She shrugged at James before nodding. “When in Rome.”

“Here we go girls.” James said as they violently melted out of the room.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

Pinkie Pie had been working all week getting this party perfect. James was coming back with his family and the thought made her ecstatic. Though there were a lot of things that made her ecstatic, like candy; balloons; her sister Maude; Rainbow Dash; pranks; streamers; everypony; etc.; abbreviations …

Pinkie eventually snapped back to what she was doing. They were going to be here any minute and the last of the decorations wasn't just right. She carefully moved it, making sure that it stayed right where it needed to be.

“Perfect.” She squeaked as she backed off.

“So what do you think his fillies are like?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I know he said we're their heroes, and who could blame them for it. But that doesn't really tell us anything, does it?”

“I'm sure they're just as friendly as he is.” Twilight assured.

“Then maybe we shouldn't be having this party, you remember how he was at both he's been to. He's a real downer.” Rainbow Dash seriously said. He wasn't a bad guy, but he really needed to work on his attitude, that or not be the center of attention.

“But he did make up for it at the second one with that music and light show.” Fluttershy quietly added.

“Yeah, and while he was a real patooty at his party he went the extra mile to apologize that morning. Let's give them a chance now.” Applejack reasoned.

“He really is a nice guy once you get to know him.” Rarity said. “Just ask anypony who's spent time with him. Even Princess Luna's coming around on him.” She had noticed the tactics that Luna had used by separating James from them and had overheard mutterings of their conversation. Luna clearly didn't trust him at the party.

Once again Pinkie Pie’s mane and tail quivered in that peculiar way that they had only ever done before when James had first arrived. “Quiet!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “They'll be here any second!”

As predicted, shortly after Pinkie Pie's announcement James violently melted in, along with three other ponies that the group had never seen before though they assumed the adult unicorn was his wife, beside each of them was a much smaller pony. By James was a caramel colored pegasus with a golden mane that matched James's when he first arrived. Beside James's wife was a unicorn with the same chestnut coloration as James but with her mother's violet mane. James smiled and nodded, cuing the party. As they shouted surprise James and Lucca used their magic to lift off their daughters' blindfolds.

Shrill screams of joy rang out from the two tiny ponies as they saw their heroes. Every step they tried to make left them falling to the floor, though that didn't keep them down for more than a moment. Even as they uselessly flailed trying to stand only to fall immediately they still managed to get closer to their heroes.

They screamed even louder as they looked at each other and realized that they were ponies, shouting back and forth to each other what the other was.

James lay uselessly on his side, coughing between laughing fits.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

Lucca rested her head on James's shoulder as they watched Applejack talk to Amber and Sara.

“Ya'll cant go around Ponyville yet.” Applejack said as she paced back and forth in front of the girls. “Part of why being that you can't really walk like a pony yet and not stick out like a sore hoof.” She had gone over this with James, he explained that he had to take time to get used to walking in this form so his daughters would need time to practice as well. Sweet Apple Acres seemed the best choice as there was plenty of room and it was somewhere they had really wanted to see.

Sara and Amber couldn't sit still as they listened to Applejack talk to them. Each one fidgeting in one way or another. Amber's wings twitching while Sara kept looking around.

“She's really enjoying herself.” Lucca said as she watched the scene before them.

Much to her surprise, the response came from behind them both as Big Mac sat watching along with them. “Yup.”

“Time to get to work huh?” James asked as he stood up.


“What, I thought you'd be here with me.” Lucca said, a little sad. She had liked the thought of spending this time as a family.

“Someone's gotta help out while Applejack watches the girls.” James calmly said.


“I can help too.” Lucca offered. If they had a babysitter why not spend the time with her husband.

James laughed as he started to walk away. “You know what the girls are like. I think Applejack might need you more if they start figuring out how to walk, or worse yet if Amber starts flying.”

“If Amber starts flying, I'm calling you.” Lucca said with a laugh.

“Or Rainbow Dash, she should be able to handle her.” Jim said with a smile.

Author's Note:

This concludes what I could have just posted as the first chapter. This is still the beginning of the story, bringing him into the world. He may have come for his daughters, but there’s something that compels him to stay in touch.
Thank you for reading this, I hope you have a good day.

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