• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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31 Flavor

Light was just starting to peek in the windows as Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo walked into New Guardia castle.

“Don't you think it's a bit too early Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked as they walked through the halls.

“Nah, it's fine. He's the one who said bright and early, just get in there and wake him up.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

“Wait, me?” Scootaloo asked, quietly now that they were near James's room.

“Yeah you. Go on, it's just James. I'll go get Amber and Sara.” Rainbow Dash reiterated as she quietly opened James's bedroom door and pushed her in, closing it behind her.

Scootaloo hadn't intentionally woken James up before. But she reminded herself that no matter how he might say he's mean and angry he was actually really nice. But she was still going to be waking him up, something he clearly told them he didn't want them doing. And Lucca was sleeping next to him, waking him up meant waking her up too. “I'm sorry.” She nervously said as she carefully tried to shake James's shoulder.

While it was still dark in the bedroom, there was enough light coming in from behind the curtains that James was able to see the color of the pony in front of him as he slightly cracked his eyes open. He figured that an early morning joke wasn't unwarranted.

With a grunt he rolled her direction, swinging his arm up and wide. It came down around the small pegasus and he easily hauled her onto the bed were he held her while pretending to continue sleeping.

Getting loose was going to be a problem here, but at least getting comfortable wasn't. “Uh, James. Are you awake?” Scootaloo asked.

In response, James faked a light snore.

“Come on. Rainbow Dash is waiting.” She urged, trying to shake James's shoulder from her new closer vantage.

James mumbled slightly.

Scootaloo sighed as it seemed she was stuck here for a while. Not that she minded the hug, but they did have plans. She was just going to have to wait for Rainbow Dash to wonder what was taking her so long.

“Looks like it's all but official.” Lucca smiled as she looked at the scene.

Scootaloo yelped in surprise as she heard Lucca talking. “What's all but official Lucca?” She asked, not understanding what she could be talking about.

Lucca chuckled. “Don't worry, Amber and Sara have been in that exact position more than a few times.” She answered with a smile. “This also means I get the first shower.”

James grunted as Lucca hurried to the connected bathroom. He let go of Scootaloo and sat up in bed as he finally decided to be awake. “Hey. You should wait with Rainbow Dash while I get ready enough to at least walk into Truce for my morning coffee. Lucca's going to be a while.” He ruffled her hair briefly as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

Scootaloo sat on the bed while James stood up and grabbed his robe from the bedpost. “Sorry to wake you up. I guess we were too early.” She said uncomfortably.

James yawned as he began to stretch. “Nah, you're fine. You two should come with, we'll get breakfast while we're there. Spinach eggs sound good right now for some reason.”

As Scootaloo opened the door to leave she saw Rainbow Dash waiting with Amber. “Heyya Scoot. I've got Amber, I don't think Sara will be coming along though.”

From the darkness of the room behind Scootaloo James called out. “Yeah, she's falling into some of her uncle's habits. But if sleep is more important that's her choice.”

James walked up behind Scootaloo, clearly he wasn't ready for the day, but he was certainly ready enough to make a quick trip to Truce. “Alright, let's head into town.” He yawned.

“What about Sara and Lucca?” Scootaloo asked turning to face him.

“We'll bring them back something good.” James said with a grin. “Their choice to not join us for breakfast.”

The walk to Truce was scenic and uneventful, while the most interesting part about their breakfast was everyone taking bites of James's while he laughed and ordered more. Later, with Lucca Tali and eventually Sara in tow they enjoyed the sights and amusements New Guardia had to offer that kept it interesting as a tourist destination. Capping the day with several crowded levels of Hyrule Warriors after a visit to the Enertron and a meal for Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash.

As Scootaloo talked with Amber, Rainbow Dash approached James. “I know you've got more games than what we've seen so far, and Hyrule Warriors is great for us to play with Scootaloo. But there's one Tali showed me the other day that looked pretty awesome.” She said with a grin. “Can you play it in those holosuites too?”

“The answer is already yes, but what game are you thinking. Tali plays a few good ones.” James commented.

“Yeah, I don't really remember the name. But there were zombies and you fight with a giant club. And she had this awesome looking armor.” Rainbow Dash explained. “I mean, she was playing with a controller, but obviously I can't …”

“Sounds like Dark Souls.” Jim said with a grin. “And if you really want to give that game a try we can. I'll come along as a guide to tell you about what's going on since the game tells you almost nothing. And I can even help you out occasionally.”

“Sounds awesome! When can we play?” Rainbow Dash happily asked.

“When you've got some time. Isn't your next training session with the Wonderbolts coming up?” James calmly asked.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

A cloaked figure walked through the halls of New Guardia. The last thing she wanted was to be seen but she needed help. Everything else she had tried turned out to be a bust.

It was far from the first door she tried, but eventually she found James working in his study, on what she wouldn't even try to guess. “Hello.” She said timidly. “James?”

James looked up, unaccustomed to the tone that accompanied that particular voice. “Rarity?” He looked her over and knew something was wrong. There was no way she would ever try to hide herself otherwise.

“Yes.” She said, her tone improving a bit though she was clearly uncomfortable about something.

“I have to say, you look cute in a cloak.” James said with a nod. He had to try cheering her up any way he could.

“Oh.” Rarity's voice picked up even more at the unexpected compliment. “Thank you. But you see I've had a bit of a problem with my mane and I was wondering if there was anything in New Guardia that could help.”

“Alright.” James said putting down his work. It wasn't something he needed done anytime soon anyway. “I'm no beautician, but I do employ quite a few for my political engagements.”

“Wonderful.” Rarity said with a sigh of relief. She had to trust that he had something going for him with his long well maintained hair.

“Let's just see what's going on. Make sure this is a problem for them.” James offered.

“Okay …” Rarity hesitantly said as her horn began to light up and the hood of her cloak came down. “Now Zacora said it would grow back in time, but I have a photo shoot for Vanity Mare tomorrow and need my mane back by then.”

James looked over the patchy mess and couldn't help but remember when Amber and Sara had decided to give each other haircuts. With a nod and half smile he put his hand on her head and looked at the problem closer.

“Well, you may have the same color hair as Lucca, but I'm afraid it's too patchy to suggest filling it out with extensions. And her old wig wouldn't work either, it would just be obvious on you. Not that I could offer it anyway.” James quietly mused.

“Isn't there any way to help me?” Rarity asked devastated.

“Sorry, but not by tomorrow. At least not in a way without permanent horrific side effects.” James said calmly.

“I don't care! If it will work, let's do it!” She was frantic as her horn glowed again and began to shake James.

“No.” James calmly answered. “You're already too close to the edge. The first method means leaving you alone in a locked room for a year. The room displaces time so that one year on the inside is one day on the outside. Alone you would go insane!”

“That's fine! I can live with that!” Rarity insisted, her tone growing more desperate.

“Rarity, the kind of isolation you would be subject to has driven others insane in days, you're looking at a year!” James tried to keep his tone even as he explained. “Now I could come in with you and help keep you sane but that still means a year locked up with only me. Even Rainbow Dash was only locked up for a month with me.”

“But you said it could help!” Rarity insisted. “I must be ready before tomorrow.” She was desperate and pleading.

“If you used it there's a good chance when you came out you wouldn't even be able to remember about tomorrow. Let alone cope with meeting everyone or anyone again. Isolation does horrible things to the mind … and I just realized all I have to do is not tell you where it is so you don't use it. And don't bother looking around the castle, it's not in here. Too much risk with Amber and Sara.”

Rarity fixed him with an angry glare. “Why did you even tell me there was a solution if you're just going to keep me from it?”

James nodded. “To point out that there are worse things than a bad hairstyle, every solution has a drastic side effect. Another solution I know would result in you permanently losing your hair. Any wig would take time to make. Seriously, the only practical solution for you is time, like Zacora said.”

“Time. Yes, you have a time machine! You can go back and keep me from using that remover potion on my mane.” Rarity said happily.

“And once I've done that you won't come and ask me to do that so it never happens and you use it on your hair and ask me to keep you from doing it, bringing us back here if we're lucky. There's a reason I said time travel was to only be used irresponsibly.” James explained. “It's unfortunate, but bad things happen.”

Rarity became downcast at the news that nothing could be done about her problem other than wait patiently. She had tried every other option, and now she truly was doomed. She walked back to Ponyville and sent the letter to Photo Finish canceling the shoot for tomorrow.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

Pinkie Pie slipped into James's bedroom silently. She'd been in here more than a few times while James and Lucca slept, the first couple times she woke them up and learned quickly why nobody wakes James before dawn. But this was an emergency!

It was pretty clear that there was a spell over James quieting his snoring as she actually had to be careful about sneaking in. But that meant she could just whisper and not risk waking Lucca as well. Maybe she was too good at this by now.

She gently put her hooves on James's shoulder and lightly shook him. Though that took considerable effort with his weight so a light shake was all she could hope to do. “James, I need to ask you something. It's really important.” She slowly whispered.

James groaned and one eye briefly opened part way before he mumbled closed his eyes and began snoring again. If he even heard anything she said he barely acknowledged it.

Pinkie once again shook him as she whispered again. “Please, it won't take long. It's about Rainbow Dash.”

James's eyes opened more and he grunted before stretching his arm out to the clock on the nightstand next to Pinkie. It was four twenty four am. With a groan James carefully got out of bed and motioned for Pinkie to follow him. Outside the door, James took a few steps down the hall and sat with his back against the wall. “Okay Pinkie, what's going on?” He whispered.

Pinkie had to be gentle here. She knew he didn't like waking up in the middle of the night, but she had to ask him some questions as soon as possible. “I need to know, have you ever seen Rainbow Dash eat one of my pies?”

James's face slowly changed from tired to annoyed as he registered the question, and while he still whispered his voice carried no less emotion than his face. “Pinkamina Dianne Pie. Did you seriously wake me up at four in the morning to ask me about pie?” James grumbled as he brought his hand up to his forehead.

James's face went back to exhausted as he rubbed his forehead. “I'm sorry that it's bothering you and that I got upset.” His voice was apologetic as he spoke. She was clearly bothered by this and being chastised wasn't going to help.

“I know how much care and effort you put into your work no matter what it is. But right now I can't even remember yesterday. There's no way I can search my mind to see if Rainbow Dash has eaten your pie without three more hours of sleep and a strong coffee. I can't help you with that right now. I can sit and listen if you need to vent, however.”

Pinkie hung her head as she listened to James. “No, that was it really.” She quietly said.

James nodded and sat quiet for a moment. “Alright.” He mumbled. “Sorry I couldn't be any help, but I'll get back to you if I remember anything about the pie in the morning. You may need to ask me again though.” As Pinkie walked away James stood up and went back to bed, not to think about the question again.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

“Any luck getting James's help?” Starlight asked as Twilight returned.

“No, he's at some conference on Juria. It could be a whole month before he gets back.” Twilight answered. She was disappointed she wasn't going to get to share this research adventure with him, but she knew all too well the duties that came with positions like theirs. “It was actually pretty weird finding the castle completely empty.”

“So how do you know he's at some conference?” Starlight asked. It just didn't make sense to know so much unless they left a note or something.

Twilight laughed awkwardly as she remembered how she jumped at Liara's voice coming from the ball of light that approached her. “Liara keeps an eye on things even when they're all gone.” She said.


Twilight was pouring through her books looking for a solution. If only she had James's resources to add to her own this probably wouldn't be a problem. Heck, he might even have an answer already, he sure seemed to be prepared for every other problem that they faced. Unfortunately she couldn't access more than basic information at the Sorcerer's Guild since it was considered that any more information might effect their world's natural progression. As if she hadn't done that enough already.

She took a breath as she opened the next book, remembering what James had told her when the fan ponies were at her door. That he's seen how things go when he's not around and apparently it's alright. That meant the solution had to be here within her reach.

Starlight was concerned for Twilight as she entered the library. But she also had an idea …


Liara had told James that Twilight had come by looking for him and since the conference ended a couple days early he had some free time. Sara was with her friends on the station and Amber had run along ahead of him to Ponyville so James found himself walking alone through the halls of Twilight's castle. At least for a few moments.

Twilight and Starlight approached him smiling as they came around the corner. They both had seen Amber running around as they came back from the train station where they had seen Sunburst off and knew James would be near by.

James grinned. “Under normal circumstances two women approaching me smiling like that would mean I'm in trouble. But since it's you two … I'm probably in big trouble.” He joked as he saw them.

Starlight laughed as Twilight rolled her eyes at James. “You know, we had quite the adventure while you were at your conference.” Starlight said.

“Good, I look forward to hearing all about it. It'll be nice to be the one listening to the story for a change.” He said as they each gave him a quick hug.

“There was a lot that happened … Darn it. Sunburst just went home.” Starlight said.

“Well, he was with us the whole time.” Twilight added.

“Oh, I'll go get the girls. Then we can all tell him.” Starlight beamed.

“Twilight.” James groaned as he finished hearing the stories. “If not for the fact that I know you've read every book in this library I'd have to ask if you ever read that book on magical theory that I gave you.” He rubbed his temples as he spoke, creasing and tightening his forehead. “There's an entire chapter about why undoing a banishment spell is a bad idea.”

Twilight laughed awkwardly. “Well … that book, unfortunately, was destroyed when Tirek blew up the Golden Oaks Library.” She said as she tried to smile at him.

“Oh. I'm sorry. You should have told me, I'd have gotten you a new one years ago.” James quickly said. While the book wouldn't have helped her come up with a plan it had a section devoted to caution with the use and destruction of sealing/banishment spells.

A chapter he's had to reference several times himself.

Author's Note:

A whole bunch of nuthin'.
Mostly a bunch of little ideas I had but didn't really expand on. This is also to show that he's there even when time passes.

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