• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

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28 The Dating Game

Rainbow Dash told James all about Scootaloo's report shortly after she had gotten back to Ponyville. And after telling him about how Scootaloo felt unsupported she asked him to come and cheer her on in school. It was that request that brought him there with Lucca and Tali that day.

The six stood outside the school as Miss Cheerilee had kicked them out when the fanfare had finally died down.

“Isn't Scootaloo just amazing.” Windy Whistles happily said as they stood around.

“How do you know the little filly?” Bow Hothoof asked as he turned to Lucca.

“Oh, James met her a few years ago.” Lucca calmly said.

James chuckled as he remembered. “Yeah, she and her friends were walking through my home in the middle of the night. Unfortunately I scared them all pretty badly, but I think they've gotten over that.”

“Of course they didn't start getting close until after James and Rainbow Dash started acting like they were dating.” Tali said as if she were talking about the weather.

The silence immediately following her statement was only broken a few moments later by Rainbow Dash groaning as her parents turned to her.

“You're dating?!” They both asked emphatically.

Rainbow Dash needed to cut this off fast. “No, James and I weren't actually dating. It was a prank we were pulling on our friends.”

Bow, however, heard none of that as he rushed over to James and grabbed his hoof before shaking it vigorously. “Bow Hothoof, real pleasure to meet you. I look forward to really getting to know you.”

Windy was the next to rush him while ignoring what her daughter was trying to tell them. “Me too. My name's Windy Whistles, but you can call me mom.”

“You didn't even tell them after the joke?” Tali asked as she walked up to Rainbow Dash.

“No, I didn't.” She groaned as she watched them bombard James with questions affection and praise.

“I thought they'd be like Airi. I didn't realize it would be this bad.” Lucca added as she realized the extent of the situation.

“You two must be friends of theirs.” Bow said as he walked up to Tali and Lucca.

“Actually, we're married to him.” Lucca calmly said, confident that would resolve the situation quickly, if a little messily.

“You two are married to him?” Bow asked confused.

Tali looked to the bewildered pony and nodded. “Yes we are. Happily too.”

“Wow!” Windy said happily. “You must be such a charmer.” She added, elbowing James before giving him a wink.

Both Rainbow Dash's and James's faces dropped at the statement, confounded as to how she would be so excited at the revelation given her belief that her daughter would be joining.

“That's … not inaccurate.” Lucca hesitantly said, just as confused at the turn of events as her husband.

“I'd say more heroic than charming. Though he is a shameless flirt, that helps.” Tali absently commented. Remembering her own rocky start, her confession scaring him away briefly as he wasn't looking to even think about having a relationship beyond Lucca. Regardless he stayed close and helped her however he could. Once she talked to Tenyo word made it's way to Lady Seto and from there she handled setting everything up and smoothing things over.

Before School let out and the CMCs saved James from Rainbow Dash's parents' inquiries they'd already painted a clear picture in their own minds as to how they met and how the relationship worked. No matter how anyone tried to contradict them.

As they walked down the road talking with the CMCs Rainbow Dash turned to James and said loudly enough to make sure her parents heard. “I know you've got to work in a few hours, you three go on and I'll talk to you later.”

James knew she was giving him an escape and he was ready to take it. “Yeah, I do have a lot to do. Talk to you later.”

Scootaloo quickly spoke up as she hurried to catch up to James. “Hey, we should play Hyrule Warriors again soon!”

Rainbow Dash breathed a sigh of relief that was how she asked it and not suggesting that they all hang out, like she usually does.

James smiled to the excitable pony. “Come by whenever you like.” As he finished he Tali and Lucca turned for Twilight's castle and briskly walked away.

“So what does he do for work?” Bow asked his daughter.

Rainbow Dash awkwardly laughed as she tried to think of a cover. However Scootaloo was quicker with an answer. “He's a king! And he talks with aliens all the time, making trades and running his country.”

Bow and Windy both laughed as they walked along.

“Wow Scootaloo, you are just so creative.” Windy said with a smile.

“But that's really what he does.” Apple Bloom said.

“Rainbow Dash,” Sweetie Belle said as she turned to face her. “didn't you ever tell your parents about James?”

Rainbow Dash blushed and turned away.

“No, actually. We just met him today. And I have to say, our Rainbow Dash sure picked a winner.” Bow proudly said.

“Did you tell them it was a joke?” Apple Bloom asked Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash just nodded. “They're still stuck on believing James and I are dating.”

“Dashy's always been a bit shy about dating.” Windy said as she nudged her daughter.

“No mom, I'm not shy. I just haven't found anypony I actually wanted to date.” She explained exasperated. She wasn't going to go through another incident with her parents right now, but this was frustrating. She just had to ask James for help convincing them that they weren't dating. Of course they needed a moment to regroup to do that.

The morning sun streamed relentlessly in the windows as James got back from taking Amber to school. Sara had decided a month earlier that she didn't want her dad taking her anymore and opted to walk herself. New Guardia was safe enough and she was old enough that she could certainly be allowed to. So reluctantly James had agreed.

It was as he was walking to his study that he heard something faint from the den when he passed by. Carefully he opened the door and could clearly hear familiar snoring. It didn't belong to anyone in his family or he would have heard it much sooner. Definitely not Tali or Lucca as they barely snored. He floated above the ground so as to not make any noise while he checked on who it was.

Curled in his reading chair was Rainbow Dash, why she was here he had no idea. He picked up her Daring Doo book and carefully placed it on the table next to his current book as he wondered just how long she had been there. With a shrug he collected the afghan from the back of the nearby couch and draped it over her before continuing to his study where he was reviewing the topics for the next summit he had to attend.

He was glad that he wasn't the host of the summit this time. He was never fond of fulfilling the demands of picky delegates who would often make unreasonable demands and act so damned self important. As he sat down a translucent screen appeared in front of him and he read through the points while making notes on subjects he needed to talk on. Sipping his coffee as he tried to stay awake for the highly uninteresting topics.

It was hours before James decided to take a break to get more coffee if nothing else. He first checked on Rainbow Dash, even though she was small enough to fit curled up in the chair it probably wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep. Her snoring had stopped but she still looked to be sleeping. That notion was corrected though as he began to walk out of the room and heard her talk to him.

“James. I just wanted to say sorry about my parents. They tend to over do things, like thinking every guy I'm friends with is my boyfriend.” She calmly said as she sat up in the chair, her hair a mess and the afghan still draped across her.

James smiled at her as he spoke. “Trust me, I understand. Though if you don't mind me asking, is there anything between you and Quibble? I don't want to assume and make an a… idiot of myself.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “No, we're just friends … Wait, how do you know about Quibble?” She got confused the more she thought about it.

James chuckled at her confusion. “Are you telling me you didn't notice the one Indiana Jones Cosplayer amongst a sea of Daring Doo?”

This surprised Rainbow Dash even more. “You were at the convention? Why didn't you say hi? And honestly, we could have used your help after the real Caballeron showed up.”

James nodded. “Amber and Sara wanted to go. You and Quibble were having fun so I thought I'd not interrupt. And it seems you did just fine without me.”

Rainbow Dash clenched her jaw as she groaned, as usual he was just looking in. It was frustrating, but not something she wasn't used to by now. “So what are we going to do about my parents?” She genuinely had no idea about how to solve the issue, she would have thought (like Lucca had) that telling her parents he was already married (to multiple women) would have ended it right there. But her parents had not only been supportive (as usual) but acted like it was totally normal.

“I'm not sure there's much we can do.” James said as he sat on the couch. “They'll support you in whatever choice you make, you know that all too well. But you having a relationship seems to be something they really want for you.”

The whole thing made her loopy. “But I don't want a relationship right now. They can't just ignore me when I say I'm not dating somepony and expect that …” Rainbow Dash stopped as she thought about what she said. “What if they knew you weren't a pony?”

James cocked his eyebrow as he heard the question. “Do you really think your parents would care that I'm not a pony? I may not have talked to them long, but I get the impression that what I am doesn't matter to them.”

“I'm not saying they'd care about what you are, but they might just be more willing to believe me when I say that we're not dating if they know you're not a pony. I mean, they never thought I was dating Spike and he's not a pony.” She clarified. She had no idea if this would work but it was worth a shot.

“We can try if you like. But I don't think it'll make a difference.” James said. “ … Were your parents the reason you stayed here all night?”

Rainbow Dash blushed as she heard the question. “No, I just needed to get away for a bit. I didn't mean to fall asleep here.”

James shrugged. “That's fine. You're welcome here anytime and for as long as you like. I was just curious, that's all.”

James's understanding and welcoming gesture was comforting, but it also made her think about the situation. “James … Do we really act like a couple?” She didn't want to think so, but they did seem closer than her and her other friends.

“Absolutely.” James answered easily to Rainbow Dash's horror. “But that's more to do with how comfortable we've gotten around each other. Good friends can make people ask questions like that.” James chuckled as he thought about it. “Actually Lucca and Tali used to ask those questions about me and another friend. His wife already knew how weird we were so she stopped asking long ago. Still doesn't mean we don't get odd stares from them sometimes.”

“So, this is normal for you?” Rainbow Dash asked as she tried to imagine just what James did that would make Lucca and Tali question him.

James shrugged before he stood and walked towards the chair. “Everyone is different. And our dynamic is unique to us. Yes it does mean that others will occasionally think we really are a couple, but that doesn't mean it's the truth.” He calmly explained as he leaned against the armrest.

“But if we don't get my parents to stop, they'll drive us both crazy.” Rainbow Dash thought aloud. “You only just met them and they're already acting like we're going to get married.”

James stood upright and stretched. “We can worry about that later. I was about to go get more coffee. You can come with if you want, I'd rather do anything other than work on that summit right now.”

Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up. “Do they still have that Spiced Cider?” She asked eagerly.

“Let's go see.” James said with a grin.


Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles returned to Ponyville early that day, before Rainbow Dash had returned from New Guardia. Before yesterday it had been a long time since they visited Ponyville and felt it would be nice to say hi to Rainbow Dash's friends, starting with the princess of course.

“Bow, Windy! It's great to see you.” Twilight happily said as she opened the door to the castle.

“And we are just thrilled to be here.” Windy said, easily beating Twilight's enthusiasm.

“We were also here the other day for Scootaloo's report on our Rainbow Dash.” Bow added with a smile. “Oh, you should have seen it. She did a wonderful job.”

“And it was just so informative.” Windy boasted as they walked.

“Yeah, she even taught us a few things about our own daughter.” Bow laughed.

“Really? Like what?” Twilight asked, she knew that Rainbow Dash kept her parents out of the loop as far as her Wonderbolt career was concerned, but it would be useful to know what she was safe to talk about with them.

“Oh, just the fact that she's a Wonderbolt!” Bow answered enthusiastically his wings spreading wide in his excitement.

“And that's not even the best news!” Windy added, her smile threatening to take in her whole face. “Though Scootaloo didn't have it in her report we learned that our Dashy has a new boyfriend!”

“That's …” Twilight began to say, stopping short when the words finally registered. “Wait, What?! Rainbow Dash has a boyfriend? For real this time?”

Windy couldn't smile any wider as she nodded.

Bow's voice took a measure of pride as he spoke. “Yeah, Rainbow Dash has always been popular with the colts. She's had a few boyfriends over the years, but it's never really worked out. They were all great ponies but when something doesn't work out there's nothing you can do.”

“But this one's different. He's such a charming stallion, and handsome too.” Windy offered.

Twilight felt a little awkward as she didn't know just what to believe about this. “When did you meet him?”

“Oh, it was during Scootaloo's report, he'd shown up for it too. It's great knowing she has so many supportive friends.” Bow explained.

Twilight immediately knew who they were talking about. She wasn't upset at Rainbow Dash, she'd never put herself or her parents through this. But James might just for his love of confusion, while Tenyo and Airi definitely would. She was going to nip this in the bud, it had been an emotional roller coaster for her and she didn't even want to think what Rainbow Dash's parents would go through. Especially if Airi got James to fake his own death this time.

“Oh, they're not dating. Actually he's already married.” Twilight said with a grin.

“We know. Lucca and Tali were there with him. I must say, he has got to be special if he can make all of those girls happy.” Windy cheerfully said.

Just how supportive are her parents? Twilight thought as she awkwardly forced a smile. It seemed possible now that they were misreading the situation, James and Rainbow Dash did have a curious dynamic. But it was also possible that they were led to think that the two were a couple. She had to talk to Rainbow Dash before talking anymore about this.

Tactfully she changed the topic of conversation, eventually wishing Bow and Windy well as they went to talk to some of their friends in town.

Her concern about the situation only grew when Rainbow Dash flew past the library. Twilight knew that she had gone to New Guardia yesterday, but suddenly couldn't remember if she had seen her since.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called out as she passed.

Rainbow Dash stopped abruptly as she heard her name and turned to find Twilight walking up behind her. “Hey. What's up?” She asked casually.

“I just saw your parents.” Twilight said. “Is James trying to make them think you two are dating?”

Rainbow Dash groaned as she landed, putting her hoof to her forehead. “No. It's just my parents doing what they always do.” She sighed, knowing she had to give a full explanation.

“I know my parents love me and support me, but there's this thing whenever I have friends who happen to be colts. They immediately assume I'm dating any guy I'm friends with. Ask them and they'll tell you my first boyfriend was before I even got my cutie mark.”

“And talking to them doesn't help either. They seem to think the one thing I'm shy about is dating. I'm happy being single, why can't they see that?” Rainbow Dash took a deep breath as she finished talking and looked to Twilight. She actually felt a lot better saying it out loud, even if it wasn't to her parents.

Twilight genuinely didn't know what to say. Obviously honesty wasn't working, and getting angry at her parents wouldn't help anyone. “Has James told them you aren't dating?” She asked, grasping at one possibility.

“James, Tali and Lucca.” Rainbow Dash huffed. “If you can believe it, they're okay with James being married. How insane is that?”

Twilight took a second to think. It had been shocking the first time she had heard about it, even as James explained the situation. It didn't make any sense to her, but as she met and got to know Lucca, Tali, Tenyo and Liara she understood how things worked. Now the thought didn't actually sound that strange to her. Which was even stranger. Something about her association with these people had opened her up to a good side of concepts that seemed repugnant before. Was this a two way road? She quietly wondered. Are there things from Equestria that James's adapted too that were strange or off putting before?

Twilight refocused on the issue at hand, those were thoughts for another time. “I guess they're more concerned with what makes you happy than what would seem normal.” She said.

“Ugh.” Rainbow Dash grunted. “James said almost exactly that when I talked to him about it.”

“About that.” Twilight said. She had been suspicious about it when Rainbow Dash had come back, and now was as good a time as any to ask. “Were you at James's all night?”

Rainbow Dash blushed. “I didn't mean to be, I just fell asleep while reading. Then we talked and went out for breakfast.”

Twilight took a moment to think about the statement. “Okay, Rainbow Dash. I'm not saying you are, but I can see why your parents would think you two are dating when you say things like that.”

“They don't even know about that! It was Tali who told them about the prank and now they won't let it go.” Rainbow Dash complained. “Though I guess it's good they're here, James and I were going to let them know he's not a pony so they might be a little more willing to believe we're not dating.”

Twilight gave her friend a skeptical look. “They were fine with him being married, do you really think what he is matters? They think he makes you happy and that's all that matters to them.”

Rainbow Dash groaned again. “I just got mad at them about embarrassing me, I really don't want to get mad at them about this too. I just hope this will convince them.”

It wasn't until evening that Rainbow Dash returned to Twilight's castle with her parents. “Okay. Mom, Dad, getting to James's place can be a little weird and it's still morning there.” Rainbow Dash said as they walked towards the door to New Guardia. “Everything else is going to be surprising enough.” She added under her breath.

James had been expecting the visit, but he was still out taking Amber to school. Even in a hurry, he didn't want to rush this since he had no idea how long it would be until Amber insisted that she walk to school on her own too. It was then no big surprise when Bow and Windy were at the castle when James got back.

“Sorry about that.” James said as he walked into the den where they were waiting. “I was just taking Amber to school. Can I get you anything?” He asked with a smile.

“Oh, we're fine.” Windy said politely. “We're just waiting for somepony.”

“Actually, mom …” Rainbow Dash said with a hint of a smile. “This is James. He only looks like a pony when he comes to Equestria.”

Windy and Bow gasped at the revelation.

“That is amazing!” Windy happily said. “I thought only the changelings could do something like that.”

“I knew there was something impressive that you were still hiding.” Bow added.

“No! Mom, dad! We're showing you this because you need to believe that we're not dating. It was a prank we pulled years ago because it was so unbelievable!” Rainbow Dash insisted.

“So who's Amber?” Bow asked, completely ignoring his daughter.

“She's my youngest daughter, Sara's her sister. I used to walk both of them to school, but Sara's decided that she doesn't want her dad showing up at school with her.” James said with a halfhearted smile as he walked over to the couch and took a seat.

“Ah, I remember that. It's great knowing your daughter is growing up strong and independent.” Bow nodded.

James slowly nodded as he lamented. “Yeah, but it does feel like she's starting to move away.”

“James!” Rainbow Dash said exasperated. “You're not helping!”

“Sorry.” James said with an apologetic look. “It's just that I'm proud of my daughters. Something your father and I have in common.”

Rainbow Dash's face twisted into a disapproving frown. “That's nice and you two can talk about us later, but we're dealing with this right now!”

“Oh, that's just great.” Windy said. “I bet they just love having Rainbow Dash around.”

“Amber definitely does, Sara … it's harder to tell.” James said, looking down at the ground.

Rainbow Dash wanted to refocus this back to the reason they were there, but James's statement held her attention. “What do you mean it's harder to tell?” She asked, walking over to James. “They're your daughters, you see them all the time.”

Rainbow Dash remembered the party they had for when Amber and Sara first came to visit and just how excited the two were. Scootaloo told her how Sara screamed happily when they first met. She was so open about how she felt, how was she hard to read now?

“That's just it.” James said. “They're growing up and part of that is trying to figure out who you are. Sara's ambivalent on things that she used to be sure of and that's been hard for her. Especially since there's real people attached to those feelings. And I apparently embarrass her so she doesn't tell me as much as she used to.”

“Oh dear.” Windy said as she walked over and draped her wing across James's shoulders. “I'm sorry to hear that. But I just know you're doing a wonderful job with your girls. I'm sure things will get better soon.”

“Thanks.” James said with a nod. “Sorry to get off topic like that.”

“That's alright.” Bow said smiling at James. “We understand how you feel.”

“Wait, you do?” Rainbow Dash asked, astonished.

“Yeah, that unending pride and joy mixed with the worry that your daughter might just leave you behind. Or you do something to drive them away.” Bow explained. “That's always been a worry of ours.”

Rainbow Dash looked to them, bewildered about the direction this had gone. Also more than a little worried that this was how she had made them feel. She never wanted to make them feel like she had left them behind. And her outburst at them the other day must have been even worse for them than it seemed.

“Oh, I know!” Windy piped up happily. “You can tell us all about Amber and Sara and next time you're available you can come out to Cloudsdale and we'll talk about Rainbow Dash!”

James nodded as he grinned. “Sounds like a plan. If you'll excuse me for a minute I should probably get us something to drink. Is cider alright?”

“Of course!” Bow enthusiastically said.

“Rainbow Dash, he is just the sweetest.” Windy said as she hurried and stood by her daughter.

“Alright, I'll be back in a minute then.” James said as he stood and made for the door.

How could James just derail the whole plan like that? Wasn't he going to help stop this? She had to go with him, she needed to find out what he was getting at. “I'll come along too … Just to help out of course.” She said in a hurry as she rushed over to James.

Bow and Windy were happy that their daughter was with someone she wanted to be around even to help with mundane things.

“James! Just what the hell are you doing?! This was supposed to convince my parents that we're not dating! It's like you're trying to do just the opposite!” Rainbow Dash hissed as they walked towards James's personal kitchen.

James's tone was serious as he spoke, and he looked to her as the door closed behind them. “Let me ask you a question.” He said evenly. “Not at this moment, but in general … Are you happy?”

Rainbow Dash gave him a confused look as she tried to link the question to what they were talking about. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“I mean: With your life, career, family and friends; Are you happy?” James asked, his voice just as even as before.

It wasn't a hard question for her to answer, just one that didn't make any sense right now. “Well, yeah. But that doesn't explain anything.”

James didn't miss a beat as he began talking again. “If you're happy right now, does it matter who they think you're dating? As you've made plenty clear they assume any guy you're friends with is your boyfriend, so if not me then someone else another day and this same old song and dance begins again. Making you miserable and lashing out at your parents. Just roll with it and you'll not have to worry for the next guy who your parents meet. Also, it gives you a nice cover if you need to chase someone off without lightning. This doesn't effect us, we'll still be the same friends as ever. And it will make them happy knowing you're happy.”

Rainbow Dash was slack jawed at the observation. She hadn't expected such a well thought out position from the same guy who would do the strangest things on a whim.

“And when someone comes by who you do want to date I'll bow out and be happy for you alongside your parents.” He added.

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but think he was right, this had happened far too often and she hated the way it made her feel. He was willing to play the role of her boyfriend to make her parents happy and take the stress off of her. And since they weren't actually in a relationship she had nothing to worry about. Slowly she started to smile. “What if they start asking about foals?” She asked as she looked his way.

“We abduct Scootaloo and claim her as our own.” He laughed heartily as he finished the sentence, glad for the change in her mood.

Even Rainbow Dash couldn't keep a straight face at the comment and smacked her hoof to her face as she began to laugh with James.

Author's Note:

Something a little lighter. A little more fun. And all too real for some.

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