• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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17 Sinker

“I just don't get it.” Twilight said as she talked with Spike in her library. “They've got so little in common, there's no reason for them to be this interested in each other. And he's married!”

Spike sighed as he got ready to have this conversation, and not for the first time. “He's married four times already, a fifth won't make a big difference. And his wives are the ones who set it up. They must think Rainbow Dash and him are good together.”

“It still doesn't make any sense!” Twilight insisted, as she paced around the table with several books open. Including more than a couple about charm magic and counters to it, several disturbing scenarios having crossed her mind.

“You're the only one who's not accepted it, Twilight.” Spike argued. “If she weren't happy, this would be a different situation. But she is.”

Twilight stopped pacing as she listened to Spike. “That's it Spike! If she knew where this was leading she wouldn't be happy about it. Hah. Just like Rainbow Dash to rush into something without considering what it means.” Her excitement growing as she spoke.

Spike slapped his forehead and groaned at the comment as Twilight ran out of the room. It didn't take her long to find Rainbow Dash napping above Ponyville. Twilight flew up to the cloud next to Rainbow Dash's and stood tall as she decided on her argument.

“I've got it.” Twilight said triumphant.

Rainbow Dash leaped from her perch in shock at the sudden interruption of her dreams. “What's going on? Is there an attack? Is it a map thing?” She said quickly as she tried to shake the sleep from her head.

“No, I know why you're not really dating James!” Twilight said, her voice still triumphant.

“Why is it so hard for you to accept that this is happening?” Rainbow Dash growled.

Twilight held her head high and ignored Rainbow Dash as she proudly announced her reasoning. “Because you would never give up the Wonder Bolts!”

The statement was so blatantly obvious all Rainbow Dash could do was stare blankly at Twilight. “Yeah, I wouldn't give them up. What makes you think James would, or even could, make me?” Rainbow Dash asked, still frustrated.

“Because you'd eventually move to New Guardia since he couldn't move here. I mean, he is the king of his world. And if you moved to New Guardia you wouldn't be able to fly with the Wonder Bolts.” Twilight reasoned, proud at her ability to clearly see the problem.

Rainbow Dash scowled as she listened to the argument. “That's just not true. First, he makes sure to not schedule things so I get to every practice and event. He even helps out where he can. Oh and he has a time machine.” She said as she advanced on Twilight. “Second, the Wonder Bolts won't kick me out just for having a boyfriend. Third, why would I leave unless there's no reason for me to stay. Like if a friend of mine were trying to talk me out of something that was actually making me happier.” She kept as straight a face as she could while she spoke, not looking to make the situation worse.

Twilight stood dumbfounded, she had never considered that this could actually be making her friend happy. Only how it couldn't be happening.

Rainbow Dash shook her head and smiled as approached Twilight. “I think I know what the real problem is.” They all knew Twilight would be the hold out and had ensured that Rainbow Dash understood the most likely reason. “You feel like you're losing a friend. Your worried that I'll leave and not come back, or that you'll hardly ever see me. But that's just not true. You're my friend and that means I'm sticking with you. But you need to realize that I'm James's friend too, and that means I'm not going to just leave him.”

Twilight looked at her friend with thinly veiled suspicion at the astute observation. She couldn't deny that there was some truth to it, but that only served to reassure that she was right in her newest suspicion. “I guess you're right.” The calm in her voice was obviously forced.

“Are you alright, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash knew that the answer was too correct as soon as she finished. James had told her something like this might happen once he noticed how suspicious Twilight was of them.

Twilight started to back off slowly. “I'll just go back to the castle now and … think about it.” She said.

“Dammit.” Rainbow Dash said as Twilight took to the air.

Twilight flew as quickly as she could, she knew if she could make it to James's door faster than the Changeling Dash she could warn James. A rainbow streak flashed by and nearly threw Twilight from the sky. This changeling was as fast at the real deal.

Twilight knew she had to hurry, and all calling for help would do is cause a panic and that didn't help anyone. She pumped her wings furiously, desperate to get any more speed out of them as she aimed for the castle. Hoping that the changeling didn't know her way to James's door. That was ridiculous though, the changeling had clearly been there for a while and knew the way by now. Twilight just had to teleport.

Rainbow Dash rushed through the halls, knocking over anything not nailed down in her wake. The door to New Guardia was easy enough to spot, even in a hurry she knew exactly where it was and once she saw the clock from down the hall she knew she was home free. For them it was late at night, about midnight, James should still be awake so she could get there and Twilight didn't confront him alone. Rainbow Dash slowed as she got close to the door.

A bright purple flash heralded Princess Twilight's arrival as she stood defiant before the door Rainbow Dash was heading too. She lowered her head and her horn glowed threateningly. “Where's Rainbow Dash!” She demanded.

Rainbow Dash backed up a few steps. “I am Rainbow Dash!” This was going farther than anticipated, even with Discord she just tried to make them drink some potion.

Twilight's glare didn't diminish and several sparks flew free from her horn.

Rainbow Dash had to say something or Twilight may really attack her. Her mind raced for something she knew that they both knew.

Twilight stepped closer, her face twisted into a snarl.

Then it came to her. “You got the whole town to help me learn the history of the Wonder Bolts by having them act it out while we flew overhead.” She quickly said.

Twilight's stance relaxed as she considered the comment. It was correct, but too many in Ponyville knew about it to be a secret. She needed something Rainbow Dash would never admit too. “Why do the Wonder Bolts call you 'Crash'?” Her horn still glowed with power, but it was not as threatening.

Rainbow Dash's face fell as she realized she'd have to answer. “Really? That wasn't good enough?”

Twilight took another step forward. “No, it wasn't.”

Rainbow mumbled something under her breath as answer.

“What was that?” Twilight demanded, not letting up an inch.

Rainbow Dash looked away and rubbed her foreleg as she spoke. “I said, it's because I crashed into a trash can on my first day as a Wonder Bolt.”

Twilight's horn stopped glowing all together as she stared blankly at her friend. “You're the real Rainbow Dash.” She said astonished.

“I told you!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Why do you keep coming up with these plots and excuses? Is it really so hard for you to think that I might actually start dating somepony?!”

Twilight gave an awkward smile. “Yeah, just a bit. But the hardest thing for me was that you really were right. I am worried that you'll leave us.” Twilight's smile faded as she talked and she hung her head. “I've never considered that there might be a time when we're not all together.”

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. “Just because I'm with James doesn't mean I'm going anywhere. And even if I did you do see just how close I am, right? I'd be closer in New Guardia than I am at Wonderbolt Headquarters.” She gestured to the door as she spoke. “So don't worry about it.”

Twilight's eyes lined with tears as she realized just how badly she's behaved the last few months. “I'm sorry.” She said, wrapping Rainbow Dash in a hug. “No matter what you decide, I'll support you one hundred percent.”

Rainbow Dash laughed a bit at the comment. “Maybe not that much, okay.”

That evening when James came to visit, Twilight had an apology ready for him too. With a grin he reached out and wrapped Twilight in a crushing hug followed promptly by a few quick healing spells.

“Sorry about all the trouble I've been for you.” Twilight said as the last healing spell finished. “I really should have been ready to accept that my friends might start dating someday.”

James laughed loudly at the statement as he shook his head. “No need to be sorry. I know well who I am and it's ridiculous to think of me being in any relationship. That and Dash quoting me verbatim about what the issue might be would've even made me suspicious that she was a changeling.”

Twilight started to laugh as she thought about it. “I knew it sounded off. … Well I guess you should be getting to your girlfriend.” It still sounded strange to her, but she could get used to it.

James shrugged as he sat. “It's not like we have plans or anything. I was just going to find a nice empty place just outside Ponyville where I can set up for a couple months.”

“You're moving to Ponyville for a couple months? What about New Guardia?” Twilight asked, now even more confused about how his world runs.

“It's my prerogative to lead from wherever I like. Besides, I can be back there in a moment's notice.” James explained as he walked towards the Foyer.

“What about your daughters?” Twilight asked, it seemed odd that he could just leave them.

“They're spending a month at a summer camp, and they'll be visiting me a couple times a week while I'm here.” As James thought about the situation he understood how it could seem odd. “It's not just about spending time with Rainbow Dash. I'm here researching Equestrian magic for the Sorcerers Guild. I need to get a better understanding of it as it has a lot of complexities and some strange traits.”

It wasn't the best explanation he could give, but it wasn't that far from the truth. The magic here was more directed chaos than the orderly magic of wizards as there seemed to be exceptions everywhere for even the most basic elements of their magic. And that curious bardic magic that permeated everything here was something he was confident he could manipulate but for now he just wanted to study it.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

James had set up capsule cottage he and Lucca had designed for when they used to regularly do research expeditions to stay in, it was large enough to have several guests in addition to a small laboratory in the back. Beyond that it was still rather small.

Each of the girls had come to visit him since he set it up as a bit of a housewarming despite his visit being a short one. Even Discord had stopped by for a conversation on chaos based magic.
James, however, decided it would be a mistake to introduce Discord to the Wabbajack. So the conversation was more some entertaining stories as James began to understand that Discord doesn't as much control his magic as direct it and just flows with the results. He also mentioned the ability to undo any chaos but he has to put effort into it. Effort he gladly put forth for Fluttershy's benefit.

Twilight was coming to visit James when just as she was about to open his door she heard Rainbow Dash sigh contentedly. “You're really good at this.” She heard coming from the room just past her.

James chuckled as he spoke. “You should thank Lucca, she insisted that I learn this.”

Twilight stopped abruptly as she tried to think just what could be going on. “I should go…” She whispered to herself.

“Come on in Twilight.” James called through the door. “I'd get the door myself, but I'm a bit busy at the moment.”

Rainbow Dash abruptly spoke up. “What, Twilight's here?! Let go of me!” Twilight could clearly hear panic in her voice.

James laughed as he replied. “Nope, we're not even half done. Come on in, she's just embarrassed about getting a wing rub.”

Twilight cautiously opened the door and looked inside. She saw that James was in his normal form as he sat to Rainbow Dash's right, holding her wing in both hands. Rainbow Dash's other wing was hiding her face, she groaned as she heard the door open.

James chuckled again as he looked to Rainbow Dash. “And Lucca thought I'd be the one who would be embarrassed by this.” His fingers working over the edges of her wings. Each time he found a tight spot in the muscle he would focus on it as Rainbow Dash shivered.

She was trying to hide it, but she really enjoyed the massage.

“Lucca had you learn wing massage?” Twilight asked as she sat down in a chair across from James and Rainbow Dash. “She doesn't have wings.”

“No, just massage in general. This is actually similar to a hand massage, just over a larger area.” He decided to elaborate as there was a bit more to it than that before continuing past specific details. “It's an advantage I have over the spa workers as I have fingers. And the fact that I'm using wing balm seems to help even more.”

Twilight smiled as she looked to her two friends. “That does look like it feels good.”

Rainbow Dash nodded before she put her wing down, she still blushed as she smiled at Twilight.

James stood and walked to Rainbow Dash's other side before starting on her left wing. “Yeah, she's spent so long making others think she's just tough that she's afraid to admit that she likes being pampered as much as Rarity.”

Rainbow Dash kicked James as she glared at him. “Oh yeah, all you do is try to act tough.” She countered as James smiled and Twilight giggled. “What?”

“Dash, I'm sitting here rubbing your wings with balm, blatantly catering to your comfort. Acting tough is not something you can accuse me of right now.” James shook his head as he spoke.

“It does seem like you're enjoying it.” Twilight added. “But I'll just have to settle for the spa massage.”

“Well, it's not like this is just for me.” Rainbow Dash said as she gave James a wicked smile. “If you want James can do this for you too.” She knew she could get him to do it as Lucca and Tali explicitly told her that was an option once he started doing these things for her. She was the boss.

Twilight suddenly felt awkward as she sat across from them realizing that this was no idle offer. It certainly didn't help that James's smile seemed to take a sinister look. “Oh, I couldn't. This is something special between you two.” She quickly said.

“Uhm. If this was just between anypony, it would be between James and Lucca.” Rainbow Dash said seriously.

“Well, if you're sure …” She cautiously said. Honestly she was still a bit uncomfortable with the proposition just on the fact that James would be the one doing it. But she couldn't deny that Rainbow Dash certainly seemed to be enjoying it now.

“Sure, just let me finish up here and I'll grab a new balm for you.” James casually said.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

Rainbow Dash had to temper her praise when Zephyr Breeze barged into his sister's home, declaring that he now lived there. Clearly something was wrong.

Once again he was using the same poor logic he always did for not having a job, this time though it was directed at forcing himself into Fluttershy's home. Frankly, it was infuriating. Almost as infuriating as when he placed his foreleg around Rainbow Dash as he cozied up to her.


“Stop ogling me and help settle this.” He said as he let his hoof drop onto her inner thigh while giving her a smile. It got worse when he started to move his hoof.

Horrified at just how comfortable he was getting, Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped in disgust. Even James would ask her before he gave her a massage. By gesture if nothing else.

Zephyr closed her mouth and smiled, convinced she was head over heals for him and just stunned speechless by his charm.

With a sigh she spoke up. She didn't like the thought of running out on a friend but Zephyr was Fluttershy's brother, she couldn't get involved. Besides, there was now no telling what he'd try next. “You know. I totally forgot that I had to do something … with my boyfriend. … Right now.” With that she left through the nearest window, flying out to James's cottage so she could vent about this.

“Poor Rainbows.” Zephyr said as he shook his head. “You don't need to lie to get my attention.”

James was sitting in his lab recording the results of his most recent test when he heard the knock on his door. His omnitool sprung to life so he could check the peephole camera where Rainbow Dash waited for him. With a shrug he used the command to open the door for her as he finished his notes.

She had gotten used to James not being around when the door opened as he was usually working on something. But right now she had hoped he'd be right there since she needed to start complaining right away.

“Sorry about that.” James said as he walked in from the back. “Just some notes. Besides, you don't have to knock before coming in.” As he looked he could easily see that Rainbow Dash was angry. “I guess you need to talk.” He calmly said. “I'll get some iced tea.”

Rainbow Dash sat for a moment before getting right back up and pacing again. This was just infuriating, years of rejecting him now she ignored his advances and he just seemed to be getting worse. On top of what he did to his parents and was now doing to his sister. She was furious!

James placed two glasses of cold green tea on the coffee table as he watched her pace. She didn't even notice with as wrapped up in her frustration as she was. While she paced, James went to a nearby cupboard and collected a can of lavender scented wing balm. Rainbow Dash normally would stay away from the flowery scents, but right now he knew the relaxing smell would help her. He tossed it on the coffee table, letting the loud clunk draw her from her thoughts.

“On the couch, relax, and tell me about what's going on. Alright?” He instructed as she looked to him.

She realized she must have been more agitated than she thought if he went straight for the wing balm. With a sigh she got up on the couch and lay on the armrest as she collected her thoughts. She smelled the lavender the moment the can opened and knew she had been very transparent about her anger if he went for his relaxing scents.

“This alright?” James asked as he looked to her.

“Go right ahead.” She grumbled. She was rather happy about the wing massage, but not what brought her to the cottage in the first place.

James sat next to her on the couch as she faced away from him. Carefully he got some of the balm out and began rubbing her shoulders where her wings connected to her back.

“It's not just me who has the problem here. Zephyr's ba-ack.” She said with a shudder as James found the first knot.

“And I'm guessing he's forced himself back into his parents home.” James calmly answered. This wasn't uncommon, in the time since he had first met Zephyr Breeze he'd heard about his constant coming and going from his parents home. Each time with some new idea that he had no intention of ever seeing through.

“At first. Of course he also made another pass at me, and got way-y-y too close while he talked about mane therapy school.” She said as she began to relax.

“Did he drop out?” He asked exasperated.

“Was there ever a doubt?” She said before biting her lip as he moved on to the next knot.

James knew right away what was happening now, hopefully his interference wouldn't negatively effect the outcome. He still wanted to think that family he had like Zephyr could change as well. Not that he'd ever see them again.

“Well, Fluttershy managed to convince her parents to kick him out s-o-o-o he'd have to start pulling his weight. It was good … until just a few minutes ago when he ba-a-arged into her home and started doing the same to her.” She shivered as James got to work on her right wing.

James shook his head, silently saying that at least didn't steal anything on his way out.

“I don't know if he'll wind up staying, I just had to leave. He's getting even more creepy, he dropped his hoof on my … leg and just smiled at me.” She sighed and shook her head. “I'm sorry I left Fluttershy, but I just could not stay there.” Rainbow Dash said as between the smell and massage she began to get comfortable. “I mean, even you ask when you're offering a massage. He just putts his hooves wherever he likes and expects everypony to be okay with it.”

The mention of Zephyr's actions made James twitch almost as much as her pause when deciding to tell him where Zephyr's hoof went. It was obvious she wasn't telling the whole truth. “Hey, Rainbow Dash.” James was glad she couldn't see his face as even he knew he was scowling. “I know you can handle Zephyr easily enough, but maybe I could be around whenever he's near.” He knew he was just getting protective now, and he really had no place to be. But for his comfort he would prefer to ensure Zephyr didn't do anything like that again.

Rainbow Dash smiled as he pressed in on the center of her left wing. “I was actually thinking the same thing. Maybe if we convinced him we're a couple he'd finally leave me alone.”

James chuckled at the comment combined with the situation. Allowing himself to relax a bit knowing things should be getting better. “To be fair, we are acting like one.”

Rainbow Dash took a moment to think about it too before laughing. “We are, huh. I guess I just kind of got used to it. … Mind if I stay for a movie?” It's not that she didn't want to leave, she just would rather not be alone at the moment.

“Not at all. Pick whatever you like.” James said with a smile.

Rainbow Dash had just started the second movie as she heard a knock on James's door, she knew well that James could answer it from wherever he was but if it was someone who didn't know he wasn't a pony it would be better if she stalled them until James was ready as he would stay in his normal form inside the cottage. Carefully she opened the door and found Fluttershy waiting.

“Oh, hi Rainbow Dash, were you and James having an evening in?” She politely asked with a friendly smile.

“No, I just came here to unwind. Which I’m guessing you need as well.” Rainbow Dash said as Fluttershy entered. “Let me guess, Zephyr's staying at your place now?”

Fluttershy gave her a timid look as she answered. “Yes. But with the condition that he gets a job.”

“I wonder how long until he starts looking.” Rainbow Dash said skeptically.

“Oh I don't think he's planning on it, so I'm doing it for him.” Fluttershy said with as much confidence as she could muster. “So, uh … Are there any jobs you can think he could do? It can't be too hard or he won't do it.”

“Oh, well I could ask Spitfire if there's something that could fit him.” Rainbow Dash rubbed her chin as she thought.

“I've been asking everypony, and only for simple jobs that wouldn't be too important if he didn't do them, in case he sticks to something before trying another one. At least for a little while.” She hated that she had to make such limiting requests, but she needed something that could at least get her brother started on something he could do.

James smiled wickedly as he entered from the kitchen/dining room with a bowl of popcorn. “Oh I could stick him to lots of things. But that's not what we're talking about I bet.”

Fluttershy laughed as she watched James walk into the room. She was well used to his normal form, and was understanding his sense of humor better all the time. He liked appearing oblivious, and confusing others. But he was always nice about it and didn't do anything mean or hurtful, just strange. “No, we're talking about getting my brother a job. There wouldn't be anything you could do for him, is there?”

“Not really, the only thing that comes to mind that fits his skill set is psychological test subject. But that wouldn't really be an answer and some of the tests are pretty cruel in what they convince you that you're doing.” James explained as he considered what important information he could get from some of those such tests. And fought the impulse to imagine what he could put the pony through.

“I see. So that's a no.” Fluttershy said. She appreciated his straight forward answer, even if it meant learning more than she wanted to know.

“Hey Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash said as she walked for the door. “You should stay here while I get the okay from Spitfire to give your brother something to do. And James, you should give her a massage. She needs one today.” The moment she finished she flew out of the cottage, making her way towards the Wonder Bolt training grounds.

“Oh, you don't have too.” Fluttershy said. In reality she didn't mind the wing rub, in fact she rather enjoyed it.

“You're right, I don't. But if you'd like one I certainly will, I've even restocked the scents. I know you liked Bergamot.” James said. While it wasn't his intention he was getting a lot of useful information about pegasus wing musculature from how regularly Rainbow Dash wanted massages. And Fluttershy's occasional massage gave him enough contrasting information to easily conclude that magic was in someway involved in their flight.

Rainbow Dash approached the runway on the Wonder Bolts training grounds. She knew that there was always something that needed to be done she just needed the okay to bring Zephyr to do some work.

Spitfire was watching the reservists doing their routines as Rainbow Dash approached.

“Crash, what brings you out here?” She asked as she turned to meet the newest of the group.

“Well Ma'am, I was wondering if I could bring somepony to do some simple work around here tomorrow. My friend and I are trying to get her brother to actually do something.”

Spitfire nodded, she'd seen many in her time at the point of just throwing them at anything just to see if it would stick. “Yeah, there's a few things he can do. Just keep an eye on him and make sure he does it.”

Rainbow Dash nodded, she was glad to help out and already knew how to keep Zephyr in line. “Yes Ma'am!”

Spitfire smiled, as Rainbow Dash spread her wings to fly off she caught a whiff of something she didn't expect. “Crash? Do I smell Lavender?”

Rainbow Dash pretended to not hear as she blushed and flew off. The next morning she met with James early, she hoped for more than her own sake that Zephyr found something he could do.

It wasn't until mid morning that word of the fiasco with Rarity's boutique got around and Rainbow Dash went to get James to come with them to Wondrbolt headquarters. Clearly things were going the way she was expecting. Unfortunately.

She mentally went over everything she could think of for him to do at Wonder Bolt's Headquarters. It was all so easy there's no way he could possibly screw it up. Something here had to work, and as much as she didn't like the guy she really hoped he could find something that he could stick to and finally grow up.

James and Rainbow Dash tailed Fluttershy and Zephyr as they left Twilight's castle, Rainbow Dash hoping to hear how it had gone and James was distracted briefly as Quarter Hearts trotted by with his cart of rupees.

“Well I guarantee there won't be any fooling around on your next job.” Fluttershy confidently said.

“Next job?” Zephyr was taken aback, just how much work was he expected to do that day?

Rainbow Dash came in low and fast, stirring up a gust as she passed. “That's right Zeph. You're coming with me.” She said, confident that something had to go right eventually.

Now things are looking up. Zephyr thought as he saw Rainbow Dash. “You don't have to come up with an excuse to hang out with me Rainbows. Let's just go for a fly …” A deep voice cut him off before he could finish his thought.

“You might want to rethink finishing that sentence Zephyr Breeze.” James said as he walked up behind them. Rainbow Dash smiled as she saw Zephyr's expression change dramatically. Finally there was something to keep him off of her.

Zephyr recognized that voice, he knew he had heard it before but he couldn't remember where. He turned to see a chestnut colored Unicorn wearing a long jacket approaching. He was taller, larger, and certainly much stronger than Zephyr. Something about this unicorn told him that he knew him, but that wasn't important right now.

“Wait, are you really Rainbow's boyfriend?” He asked, dumbfounded.

James gave a half smile as he looked Fluttershy's brother in the eye.

“Yes he is!” Rainbow Dash said as she approached. “And you're coming with us to Wonderbolt Head Quarters. Where I am going to give you a job so simple and straight forward that not even you can weasel your way out of it.” Rainbow Dash began to walk away before turning and rushing back. “And the second you try I'm going to zap you with a storm cloud!” She added quickly. “Got it?!”

Zephyr enjoyed how close she was, and he put a foreleg around her bringing her in closer. “Oh, I got it …” Once again he was not allowed to finish his thought as James interrupted him.

“Good!” James said sternly. The moment he spoke Zephyr loosened his grip on Rainbow Dash and she got away quickly. “Now mind your manners.” James added as he began to lift off the ground, spreading his wings as he did so.

Now Zephyr remembered him. “But Rainbows, he's not even a pony.” He desperately tried to argue.

“Yeah, so?” Rainbow Dash simply asked as she began to fly away. “Now come on, we've got to go.”

As they arrived at Wonder Bolts HQ Spitfire approached the group. “Guess you're the pony Rainbow Dash brought in to work. Don't sweat it, it's all easy work you'll be done in no time.” She said to Zephyr before turning to James. “I was hoping to see you James; the pony on cooking duty today can't. Could you could cover for them?”

James looked to Rainbow Dash and calmly asked. “You gonna have that storm cloud?”

Rainbow Dash nodded confidently, she had everything under control. James was just window dressing now that Zephyr believed they were really dating.

With that James shrugged and nodded as he turned back to Spitfire. “Sure, I can do that.” He said before flying down to the kitchen.

“Follow him for now Zeph. I just have to ask Spitfire something, I'll come get you after.” Rainbow Dash said, looking to her commander.

Zephyr grumbled the entire time as he followed James. James rather enjoyed his frustration and whining that it just wasn't fair, the work or their dating.

Once Zephyr and James had left Rainbow Dash smiled. “Aren't you the pony on cooking duty today?”

Spitfire shrugged. “Yeah.”

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

Music played in the background as James worked on another experiment with fragments of different clouds. Each fragment seemed to act as a new iteration of the cloud if came from, which was not terribly surprising. What he was trying to understand was how the weather effects scaled in proportion to the fragment.

As he was examining water from a small rain cloud he heard knocking at his door. He took a couple final notes and brought out his omnitool to check his camera.

Scootaloo stood in front of his door alone, looking around uncomfortably. His omnitool blinked out as he stood up to answer the filly waiting for him. He didn't bother change his form as she already knew he wasn't a pony.

The door opened and he peered around the edge. “Come on in Scootaloo.”

She had no idea what to expect as she walked into the cottage, as things weren't always what they seemed to be around this guy. The door closed behind her as she walked inside.

“What can I do for you today?” James asked with a smile.

She wasn't sure how to ask him, it was a strange subject to begin with and she didn't want to upset him since he was so close to Rainbow Dash now. Which was part of the problem.

“Well…” She uncomfortably said. “It's been a while since I've spent time with Rainbow Dash …”

James's eyes went wide at the statement and he quickly interrupted the young girl. “Wait, you aren't staying away from her because I'm here are you?” This was certainly something he didn't count on, they acted like sisters and he had hoped that his presence wouldn't disrupt that. He was now very disappointed in himself that it had caused this problem, no matter how small it may seem compared to everything else.

Scootaloo nodded. She had intentionally avoided being around both of them because she felt it would be selfish of her to not let them be alone.

James's face fell as he crouched to look the small pony in the eyes. “Why would you do that? I know she's important to you. And you're important to her too.”

Scootaloo looked down as she answered. “You're her special somepony. I can't get in the way of that.” Even saying this much made her feel guilty about even coming.

James gently brought her face up so she could look him in the eyes as he spoke. “You're special to her too. I'm sorry that I was getting in the way of that. You don't need to do anything different because I'm here. And if you want time alone with Rainbow Dash while I'm around, just let me know and I'll leave.”

“But what about you?” She asked. This was actually making her feel worse, not only did she feel guilty about asking to spend more time with Rainbow Dash, but now she was making him feel guilty about spending time with her.

James shrugged as he looked her in the eyes. “What about me?” He said dismissively. “You're her family, even if not by birth. Besides, it doesn't have to be either you or me with her. We can both be with her at the same time.”

“Really?” Scootaloo asked as she began to smile. “You don't mind if I come along with you two sometimes?”

James returned her smile as he laughed a bit. “Mind? I'd enjoy it. You're great to have around. And Rainbow Dash certainly enjoys your company too.”

This news was more than welcome as she realized there was not only room for her, but that she would be welcomed. Scootaloo jumped around hooting happily and laughing as James watched smiling.

A quick beep and a flash of light from his omnitool caught his attention. As he looked to the readout and grumbled to himself. Several containment seals had just failed in his lab, contaminating the results of his tests meaning that everything he had done today had been pointless. The seals were easy enough to replace, but the testing material was another issue.

“What's wrong?” Scootaloo asked as she heard him. This was a sudden change from just a moment ago.

James's omnitool blinked out as he looked to her. “It's nothing important.” He said with a smile.

“It sounded like you were upset about something.” She insisted.

James shook his head as he thought about it. “Not upset, just disappointed. The work I had planned for today just got ruined.”

“Oh, I'm sorry.” Scootaloo quickly apologized. She didn't know if it had something to do with her presence, maybe she had distracted him during some important part of his work. Then again, she didn't know exactly what he was doing either.

“Nothing to be sorry for, you didn't do it. Problems like this happen all the time.” James said as he thought. He would have to wait for more rain to collect more of the cloud samples that he needed, and he had no idea when that would next be. As he considered what to do next he remembered one of the reasons he was even studying the weather at all.

“Hey Scootaloo.” James said with a grin. “Feel like going to Cloudsdale with me?”

“Uh, sure. But why?”

“I've got to pick up a couple things from there and take a tour of the weather factory. But maybe there's something fun we can do there too. I need to at least try to say sorry for keeping you away from Rainbow Dash.” James explained as he made a list of cloud samples he wanted in his omnitool.

“Okay. When do we leave?” She said excitedly.

James chuckled, she reminded him of Amber with how excitable she was. Sara could be as enthusiastic but it took more to get her worked up. “Go ask your aunts while I get changed. I can't very well go looking like this.”


James looked out in the current direction of Cloudsdale as he and Scootaloo left Ponyville.

“So how are we getting there?” Scootaloo asked as she zipped around on her Scooter. “I … can't really fly so unless you can think of something I'm a little stuck.”

James looked down and cocked his eyebrow at her. “How would you like to? I can carry you up, or use Raywing and we both fly up in a bubble.”

“I've never heard of Raywing before.” She said as she stopped her scooter in front of him.

“It's a spell from another world. It just makes a bubble of wind around us that carries us wherever I direct it to go. Want to give it a try?”

Scootaloo smiled and nodded her head quickly.

James smiled back as he stood on his hind legs and began to cast the spell. It took only a second for the sounds of the world outside to muffle as the barrier went up around them. They couldn't feel any support beneath them as they lifted off the ground. Scootaloo laughed as they steadily rose into the air.

“Want to go faster?” James asked at her apparent enjoyment.

“Yes! This is awesome!” Scootaloo couldn't believe that she was in the air like this. She would have loved it even more if it weren't a spell, but this was still an amazing feeling. And faster was always the better option.

James nodded and adjusted himself as they shot off into the distance. The limitations of the spell had them slower than James or any pegasus would have flown on their own, but Scootaloo's joyful hooting as they effortlessly banked and rolled more than made up for the lack of speed.

They continued close to the ground until they were almost under Cloudsdale when they shot straight up. Scootaloo happily screaming as they went.
The day passed quickly as the two went around the city visiting parks, sight seeing, and visiting the local stores.

The only thing that slowed them down was stopping for lunch at the nearest restaurant. James got several plates of different foods, sharing anything Scootaloo asked about. Followed by a large dessert the two of them dove into.

The rest of the day passed in much the same way as the start. Until Scootaloo saw the Weather Factory and remembered why they were even there. Her stomach sank as she looked at the sign and saw that tours ended half an hour before they showed up. James had brought her here with him and he only wanted to do a couple things. And he couldn't do that now.

“I'm sorry.” She said as James caught up. “I kept us busy doing the things I wanted so long that we can't do anything you wanted to do.”

“What do you mean?” James said as he sat next to her. “I wanted to do all that stuff too. True I didn't get any work done, but I had already figured that was going to happen today once I got that alert. Besides I think what we did today was much more important.” James smiled at the small pegasus as he placed his foreleg around her.

Scootaloo looked to James and gave him a sly smile. “I knew you were nice.”

James winked at her as he spoke. “Don't tell anyone. I've got a reputation to maintain.” After a quick laugh he looked out towards the evening sun. “So, do you want to Raywing back to Ponyville?”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo shouted as she zipped around James.

At the edge of a cloud James cast the spell and looked to Scootaloo. “I hope you're ready, because this is about to get scary.”

Scootaloo nodded excitedly as they slowly moved off the edge of the cloud and began to fall towards the ground. Scootaloo screamed as they fell and Raywing sped them along, as they got closer to the ground the bubble adjusted course and they swooped over the landscape lifting up as they came to a forest and flying high as they dodged around clouds on their way back.

The bubble came to a land near James's cottage, vanishing as it touched ground.

“So James.” Scootaloo said as James opened his door for them. “Rainbow Dash is like my sister, and if you're her special somepony would that make you like my brother?”

James shrugged as he thought about it. “I can be if you'd like.”

Author's Note:

With acceptance comes peace.

If you go frame by frame on the scene where Zephyr drops his hoof in Rainbow Dash’s “lap” it’s about two frames before she reacts horrified. Granted being that familiar with someone who just isn’t into you is bad enough, but when you take anatomy into account Zephyr may have felt up more than her leg. Yeah, “Get the hell out of there” was a good choice.

Scootaloo misses her "sister," and there only one thing in her way.

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