• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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46 Verdict

The next day in the council chamber Phillionel was ready to make a statement. He stood and quietly everyone gave him their attention. He may have been a large, passionate and imposing man, but he was also polite, humble and genuinely friendly. This combination of traits had earned him a great deal of respect in the already formidable group.

“Thank you all.” Phillionel said with a polite nod to the group. “This is going to be a difficult matter to resolve and what I am about to suggest will complicate things further. But we cannot ignore the voices of those James has effected. Where is the justice in not allowing them to at least tell us why he should or should not continue to associate with them? This is a matter with consequences that effect the very world we are judging him for.”

“Several people of that world came in secret to my daughter last night, trying to understand what was going on. One even called James her brother. This is far more personal than our normal procedure and must be treated as such. After all, are we not all here because of our own similar connection to James?”

Bruenor looked around the room as Phillionel finished speaking, remembering how James had halted a deity's attempt to claim Cattibrie's soul and even provided the money and materials for a priest to bring her back to life. She moved to New Guardia along with Drizz't and he followed. He would not be party to pulling a girl away from one she called her brother. “Aye!” He said as he slammed his fist onto the table. “I agree, we need to hear what the people think.” Drizz't smiled and nodded as Bruenor spoke.

Washu could read everyone in the room knew how things were going to go before she spoke. “More data would help for a more accurate conclusion.”

Seto smiled as she looked around. “I believe we have our majority. Very well, once we finish with the provided reports we'll call for witnesses.”


Amelia stood outside the chambers with the three ponies, smiling warmly at them. “There's nothing to worry about.” She calmly said. “They may be an intimidating group, but they're all good people. All you have to do is go in and tell them why you want James to keep coming around. They may ask you questions, but just answer honestly and there won't be any problem.”

“No problems here.” Applejack said proudly.

The door opened and Drizz't stepped out and smiled at the ponies. He had only slight experience with them before, and even then it was limited by what he was doing. If at all possible after the ruling he felt he might actually like to travel to their world and learn more about them himself. Because of his fascination with unicorns if nothing else. He knew that there was no connection between Meileiki and the unicorns of other worlds, but he was interested all the same.

“Miss Applejack.” He said looking to the group. It didn't take him long to figure out which one she was from the mark on her flank. In fact it was easy to tell which name went with which pony that way, though Scootaloo was process of elimination. “We're ready to hear from you.”

“Wait.” Scootaloo said as she looked to Drizz't. “We don't go in together?” Now she was worried. She had been expecting Rainbow Dash to be there with her at least.

Drizz't shook his head. “It's just to make sure no one talks over each other.”

Scootaloo began to look back and forth nervously when she felt Rainbow Dash's hoof on her head. “Don't worry Scoot. These are James's friends. You know you can trust them.”

Drizz't and Applejack disappeared into the chamber as the rest waited outside in the corridor.

“Lady Applejack.” Phillionel politely said. “Please tell us why you believe James should remain in contact with your world.”

She recounted how James had helped them in the past, and how he had let her say goodbye to her parents one final time. Culminating with her statement that she couldn't just leave a friend like that behind even if he was worried he'd hurt them.

Once Applejack finished her statement Drizz't nodded and stood, escorting her into a different room where she would wait for the others. The council chamber was quiet as each member made their notes, ultimately it was Drizz't who got up again and brought in Scootaloo. She was clearly intimidated by the process and it was better to bring her in now than to stress her by going last.

“Before we begin: How are you feeling Scootaloo?” Lady Seto asked as a pleasant smile spread across her face. “Is there anything we can do to make this more comfortable for you?”

Scootaloo looked around the room and fought hard to remember Rainbow Dash's words. These were all James's friends. There was nothing to be worried about. She closed her eyes for a moment and thought about how she wanted to be brave like her hero. She could handle this.

“No thank you.” She said with a slight tremor. “I'll be alright.” She began telling her story, starting with how she had first met James, how nice he was to everyone she knew. She told about the joke James and Rainbow Dash played (getting a chuckle from Seto and Washu) and how he was more concerned with her relationship with Rainbow Dash than his own. How later she asked if he could be her brother, that he would make time for her when she would visit him. How he cared enough about her to stand in her way when she was set on doing something dangerous. And how he still cared enough to let her try even though he was worried about her.

She had talked far longer than she intended to but she had to let them know how much he meant to her, and how much it would hurt if she couldn't see him again. And in the back of her mind she talked to try to relieve the feeling that she was the reason this was happening. Whenever she began to slow down she rubbed her neck where James has given her the transponder.

Phillionel was crying manly tears as he listened to her talk, proud of her for standing up for something she so fully believed in.

Lady Seto smiled as she approached Scootaloo and knelt in front of her. “I'm glad that you could share this with us Scootaloo. That was a brave thing you did for your friend, and no matter what happens I'm sure he'll be proud of you for it.”

Scootaloo looked up to the woman kneeling in front of her and smiling. “Thank you.” She quietly said before Lady Seto led her from the room to wait with Applejack.

Bruenor shook his head as they began to make their notes about what they had just heard. “Durned fool ape's as stupid as meself. Even has his own kids, he doesn't need to be picking up strays.” He mumbled as he wrote.

While everyone was used to Breunor mumbling when working only Drizz't heard him. And smiled as the gruff dwarf had even found a soft spot for the pegasus child.

Even more surprising was when Bruenor was the one to stand and get the last pony. A surprisingly friendly gesture from him, even though his face and tone didn't match his offer.

“Alright girl. We're ready for ya.” Bruenor said.

Rainbow Dash looked to the Dwarf, wondering why it wasn't Drizz't getting her like he had Applejack and Scootaloo. Ultimately it didn't matter, she just wanted to make her statement and see all her friends again. She calmly walked in behind Bruenor assured that she was ready.

Rainbow Dash looked around the room. She didn't know many of these people, but she knew that this was her chance to help. “Thanks for hearing us out.” Rainbow Dash started. “I know James can be excessive, and impulsive. But he's a good guy, and I know he cares about us … all of us. And we care about him. None of us will let him become this monster he's afraid of. He has friends who care about him, and I for one will do anything to keep that connection between our worlds. He's my friend, he doesn't belong on the outside looking in.”

There was an uncomfortable silence in the room as they realized that none of these girls knew that James was suicidal, and that one day he may just disappear without any explanation and never return. They weren't going to be the ones to break that news, especially with Scootaloo in the next room. No matter what Rainbow Dash insisted, James would always be on the outside. He felt that's where he belonged.

The Doctor cleared his throat. “Is there anything else you'd like to add, Rainbow Dash?”

She was used to feeling passionate about something, and while she had no problem talking things up defending was something completely different. Though as she considered it she felt that's what she needed to do. Rather than argue about why James should stay she should talk him up to them. “James is actually kind of awesome, even though he doesn't seem to realize it. He's got a lot of problems but he's trying to get better. He'll help out with anything, for anypony. He's not going to become this cloven hoofed king he seems to think he will at any minute. He recognizes when he makes a mistake and tries his best to fix it, or at least apologize for it.”

As Rainbow Dash talked she got into a rhythm and talked about the times James had come to their aid at a moment's notice. Ending with the statement that her and her friends probably wouldn't even be alive now if not for him.

The Doctor nodded and stood. “Please, you're friends are waiting in the other room. We'll get you back to Truce shortly.”

“What about James?” She asked, she had imagined things going differently in her head. Something along the lines of them coming to the decision right there, having been moved by her speech. Or even they wouldn't have needed to hear her's and would have decided with Scootaloo's. Was this a bad sign or a good sign? She just didn't know.

She followed the Doctor into the room where she saw her friends waiting. The Doctor excused himself and the three were alone.

“You think they'll see things our way?” Applejack said.

“I'm sure of it, I guess these things just take time.” Rainbow Dash said, though she was far from sure. “I bet it was Scootaloo who really wowed them.” She added with a wide smile before a New Guardian ensign led them back to the teleportation hub that brought them to Truce.


Washu looked to the gathered group as she considered everything they had heard that day. “It seems we've been given a whole new angle to take into consideration.”

Lady Seto nodded slowly. “I think we need to speak with more Equestrians to get the full picture.”

Bruenor grumbled. “These damn meetings always take so bloody long. It's almost as boring as being king. At least here I can use that thing the ape has to get in a good fight without the mess. … I think I may just do that. Come on elf, let's get some exercise and a drink.”

“We'll use my ship's communication system and I'll arrange the meetings.” Lady Seto finished, ignoring Bruenor's comments.

“adjourned until two days after yesterday.” Sans said as he got up. “i'll go see if the ladies want anything to eat.” He said as he walked towards the back wall.


Once back in Truce Rainbow Dash excused herself, saying that she needed to go for a walk. In reality she sat atop the building with the clearest view of New Guardia Castle. Even now James was most likely inside, probably working, with no idea that three of his friends had come to his defense.

A warm breeze tossed her mane and tail and she took a deep breath. “You're coming back! You hear me? You're coming back!” She shouted as loudly as she could, drawing several stares from the people below. She paid no attention to them and took a calming breath.

“You have to.” She added in a whisper as she wiped a tear from her eye.


Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo had been missing for nearly two weeks. Though missing wasn't exactly true, Twilight knew where they were but nobody could reach them. And trying to explain Scootaloo's absence to Holiday and Lofty was difficult. Almost as difficult as telling them that they couldn't go and join the three.

Rockhoof was now in Canterlot talking to Princesses Celestia and Luna as he was building an epic around James's story. Hearing Twilight's side of the story inspired him to hear more and he promised that if James never came back nobody would forget him.

Twilight just didn't know what to expect and found herself spending more and more time staring out her window over Ponyville, trying to figure out just what could be happening. She regularly got questions about him both in town and around the school. Even Neighsay was starting to ask about him, and sounding genuinely concerned that something bad may have happened.

“Forgive my interruption Twilight.” Came a woman's voice from behind Twilight, making her jump.

Twilight turned quickly to find a tall green haired woman with a white and purple dress standing behind her. However something about the woman seemed off, as if she were a flat image despite her presence.

“I am Seto Kamiki Jurai. And as you are most likely aware James is currently under review for his influence on your world. As such it would be inappropriate for me to personally meet with you.” Lady Seto was speaking calmly and formally. Depending on how things went she may have to have a less formal meeting with the Princesses of this world. “However, recently something has come to light and we have to get more information. Would you be willing to give a statement on what you believe James to be to your world? Obviously we'll give you time to prepare.”

Twilight was quick to speak up, not knowing if the woman would vanish or walk away. “Of course I will, but you'll have to hear from more than me. James has impacted the lives of almost everypony here.”

Lady Seto politely nodded and smiled. “Yes. Both Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash have made that very clear. While I understand their intentions were well meant, it has complicated matters significantly.”

“I see. I'll help in any way that I can and collect more ponies to give statements.” Twilight glumly said. If Scootaloo had made things worse what could they do to make it better?

“Thank you. I look forward to speaking with you again.” Lady Seto bowed politely before her image vanished.

Shortly after Lady Seto vanished Twilight ran from the room to find Starlight. She had a chance, and she was going to get everyone to help. “Starlight, go get Rockhoof, the students, and Princesses Celestia and Luna. I'll get everypony else.” She quickly said as she found Starlight reading in the Library.

“Uhm, sure. But what's going on?” Starlight asked the frantic looking princess.

“This is a friendship emergency. And we've got one chance to fix it!” She said as she ran from the castle.


For the next two days Twilight's castle was buzzing with activity. It was becoming more common, it seemed, for the four princesses to meet there. Ponies from all around offered to attend and stand in James's defense, Sunburst even accompanied Cadence and Shining Armor to testify.

“I appreciate you gathering everyone Princess Twilight. This will certainly make these proceedings easier.” Lady Seto said as her image appeared amongst the gathered ponies. “I am Lady Seto Kamiki Jurai.” She smiled as looked to the group. “Please make yourselves comfortable. I believe this may take a while.”

True to her assumption each pony had a story to tell or a point to make. This was telling of many things, not all in James's favor.

“ … I know what's in James's past. And I know he's trying to be better. But if you take him away he'll just consider Equestria another one of his failures. And honestly, I think he's dealt with enough of those.” Starlight said as she concluded her statement.

“Thank you.” Lady Seto politely said as Starlight left. She had been saying that so often that the words were beginning to lose meaning. She should have had someone else doing this part for her. Maybe Yosho's oldest daughter, she wasn't doing much right now.

Finally Rockhoof stood before the powerful monarch. Twilight had wanted him to go last as he was one of the best story tellers there and she hoped his enthralling style would be both powerful and memorable. “I'm sad to say I dinna know James as well as the other ponies you just spoke with. But I've learned a lot about him in the last few weeks as I've heard the stories of him while traveling Equestria. They're not all grand adventures, but each story shows more of the man he is. If you will, I'd like to share a story of the man who stands beside us in the shadows to let us know that we are never alone. …”


They reconvened the next day after taking time to think on every account they had heard.

“It's obvious he's gotten too deeply involved in this worlds development.” Washu said as she examined her own notes.
“Even taking a back seat and refusing to share technology he's known as a hero and is closely associated with leaders of several countries.”

Prince Phil nodded solemnly as he closed his eyes in contemplation. “Now we have to ask; Would we be doing more harm than good to remove him? They can still stand on their own. And as you've said, he hasn't advanced their technology, magical understanding, or altered their political landscape.”

“they view him like, for lack of a better term, the doctor.” Sans added, opening his eyes slightly. “and maybe that's what they need now.”

“I guess it would be a little hypocritical of me to vote that he's done too much with how I've influenced Earth over the centuries.” The Doctor said with a chuckle. “But maybe he can be a bit better than me. The biggest consistency is that he helps them. I save the universe, I protect Earth. He helps them protect themselves, and keep who they are while they do it.”

“He is the one who called this council out of fear that he was turning into a monster.” Prince Phil pointed out. “I think that if he keeps that objective view of his actions and trusts those close to him, he'll do just fine.”

“Alright.” Washu said as she looked to the group. “It sounds like there's a consensus.”

“One last point.” Prince Phil said. “The Equestrians will clearly look to him as a guide in the future. Someone to show them that there is more beyond their doorstep. He needs to take that role, not only should he stay in contact, he must stay in contact.”

“Do we all agree?” Washu called.

“Aye! … Aye.” Bruenor said. “He should keep talking to the magical bright ponies. He does good by them.” He was deliberately trying to sound half interested.

“Then let's have our vote for the record.” Washu said as several screens appeared in front of the council members. The vote took only moments, there were only two votes against him.

“I am very glad that's settled.” Lady Seto said with a smile. “Should we tell James? I'm looking forward to trying the menu at this party.”

“The little one already wanted to. Why not let her do it for us.” Bruenor said as he stretched.

Drizz't smiled down at his friend, he knew Bruenor had found a soft spot for the flightless pegasus and was trying to hide it. “I think that's a good idea.”

“Good, 'cause yer comin' with me elf.” Bruenor said as he walked out of the room. “Probably be needin' that ranger thing you do.” Now that the matter was settled they returned to Truce, talking as they went about finding where the ponies had taken residence during their time here.

“I still can'na believe the ape kept goin' back once his daughters met them. What was he thinking?” Bruenor grumbled. The smell of salt water hung in the air as they walked along, having decided to search the tourist destinations first. “Boy's gone too soft, I tell you. Making friends with the strangest creatures. Too damn nice.”

“A daughter can change her father's view if he's willing to see things her way for even a moment.” Drizz't said with a smile.

“And with two it must have been hopeless. Three now, if you count the stray.” Bruenor kicked a rock on the road as they made their way to the inns and hotels.

“I was recalling another time, when a little human child convinced her dwarf father to trust a drow.” Drizz't said as he looked to the sky. His eyes would always sting in the bright light, and he loved it, it was a reminder of how far he had come from his dark origins.

“Aye, and now look at the old fool. Sitting in council meetings and fighting off illusions when there's real adventure to be had.” Bruenor snorted as he kicked the rock again.

“This is an easier life than one on the road, but not without it's charms.” Drizz't chuckled.

“Elf, I've been reading some stories about a lost weapon of a dwarven hero and have a good idea about where it may just be now.” Bruenor said as he gave Drizz't a sidelong glance.

Drizz't knew the invitation for what it was, and he would readily admit that it was a welcome one. The closest to adventure he had come in several years was wandering the landscape of this park in which they all lived. There were wondrous sights but it was hardly adventure, and the knowledge that this was all artificial did take from it a small measure. “I think it should be more than just the two of us.” He said with a smile.

“Of course me girl and Rumblebelly'll be there too. Wouldn't be the same without them.” Bruenor declared without hesitation. “Actually, we should probably get me girl. The stray seemed a bit skittish.” He added with another kick to the rock on the road.


The three ponies had been overjoyed to find Pinkie Pie walking around Truce as she went about her day after their first night in New Guardia. Even more so when she suggested they stay with her until they could return home.

Scootaloo hadn't realized just how long this could be when she decided to stay. She had begun feeling homesick after the first three days and it grew more intense as time stretched on, though Rainbow Dash did help make it more tolerable. She would often sit and think about what was going on without her back in Ponyville. What her friends were doing. If they couldn't keep doing their work as CMCs without her, or worse, if they could.

Adjusting to the schedule in New Guardia had proved more exhausting than they had anticipated without the aid of the Enertron to effectively reset their internal clocks. They found themselves sleeping most of the day unless they forced themselves to stay awake and leaving the house/bakery. Though sleeping so much didn't seem to phase Rainbow Dash as much as the others.

Scootaloo wanted to go exploring the city, but had been warned against certain areas that James would frequent. Unfortunately those were also the places she liked best. She reminded herself that this could all go wrong if he saw here before the council agreed to let him return. If they let him return … She didn't care what they said, at the least she was going to get to say goodbye this time.

The four jumped as the door was battered unexpectedly. “Pegasus!” Came a shout through the door.

Rainbow Dash cautiously looked between the door and the rest of the group when they heard a woman's voice chastise him. “Da, you're going to scare them poundin' and hollerin' like that!”

“I'm only knocking!” The first voice complained.

Pinkie Pie hopped up to the door and opened it. “Hi, what can I do for you?” She happily asked.

Catti-bre looked down at the smiling pony more than a little confused. They only slightly resembled any pony she was familiar with and just hearing them speak was rather strange. She had seen the advisory that had gone through years ago, but seeing them in person was a completely different experience. “A-aye.” She stammered. “Sorry about me Da, he's not exactly the gentlest person.”

Bruenor threw his hands up and grumbled as he stormed off. Catti-bre shook her head before talking. They were intelligent so despite any strangeness from the initial meeting she could just talk to them normally. “But don't let his bluster intimidate ya. He was always gentle raisin' me and you'll not be finding a more loyal friend.” At her comment Pinkie Pie and Applejack both looked to Rainbow Dash and giggled before turning back to the woman standing at the door. “I'm Cattibre, you've already met me husband Drizz't. And me Da there.”

Drizz't nodded as he looked over the group. “We're actually looking for Scootaloo.” He said, his violet eyes going straight to her. She timidly walked forward as the others watched.

“What for?” Rainbow Dash asked. She had heard that there were more meetings and wanted to know just what was going on now. Were they any closer to freeing James to come back?

“Seemed to me she wanted to see the ape again. Why not let her tell him our decision for us. Just save everyone a bit of time.” Bruenor said, decidedly not looking into the building.

Cattibre knelt down and whispered to Scootaloo. “Actually he just spent the last three hours lookin' for you. It was his idea that you tell James, after how you talked about him.”

Scootaloo's heart raced and she smiled wide. “You mean …?” She could barely keep still in her excitement as she realized what must have happened.

Drizz't smiled and nodded.

Scootaloo ran over and hugged Bruenor.

“Bah! Get off me you fool girl. You were going to see him soon anyway.” Bruenor complained, his beard hiding his smile to all but those who knew him best.

“Well, we're going too.” Rainbow Dash said smiling.

“Bring the whole herd for all I care.” Bruenor grumbled as he eyed Scootaloo. “Come along or we're leaving you behind.” His statement made he turned and began to walk off.

The group was one to see as they walked through Truce towards the castle. The surly dwarf flanked by happy, brightly colored ponies followed by a drow and human walking hand in hand. It was strange to see, even to those who were used to many of the oddities of New Guardia.

At the entrance to the castle Bruenor stopped them. He turned and looked directly at Scootaloo as he spoke. “Alright girl I brought ya this far, now go in and tell that ape just what you want to say.”

“Okay.” Scootaloo happily said. “Come on Rainbow Dash!”

Bruenor held his arm up as Rainbow Dash got ready to fly in. “Just you girl. She can see him after you've had yer talk.”

Rainbow Dash gave Bruenor a quizzical look before turning to Scootaloo. “Go on Scoot. I'll see you soon.”

Scootaloo ran into the castle with no more prompting and began looking for James.

“So, why are we sitting out here while she tells James everything's okay?” Applejack asked. Frankly it didn't make sense to her to just have Scootaloo tell him as they were all his friends.

Bruenor kept his stoic visage as he looked on while Drizz't spoke. “There was a way she spoke of James that we both recognized. Catti-bre has the same way of talking about Bruenor. Do you mind if I ask; is her father still alive?”

“I'm pretty sure he is. But I've never met the pony. She lives with her aunts in Ponyville.” Rainbow Dash answered.

“Girl may call James her brother, but he's clearly more'n that to her. Same way you're more'n her sister. She looks up to you both.” Bruenor explained, still not looking at any of them.

Drizz't was about to say something when a shrill scream came from the castle.

“Sounds like she found him.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

“Or Amber found her.” Applejack laughed.

The three ponies walked into the castle before realizing that the rest of the group had stayed outside. “Aren't you coming in?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Bruenor waved his hand. “Bah, I've had more'n enough of this sentimental garbage for today. I've got to find Rumblebelly so we can start on our next journey. Bettin' this easy life's been a bit too agreeable with him. Got to get him on the road again.”


Excitement welled up in Scootaloo when she saw James. Normally this wouldn't be anything special, but she had been so worried that she would never see him again that now she couldn't help but scream in joy.

James had been examining a proposal for a new underwater development project for freshwater merfolk when she screamed, making him jump and spit out a quick stream of garbled nonsense. He quickly turned as Scootaloo jumped and hugged him, smiling as he held onto her. “I've missed you too, kiddo.” He calmly said, despite his wide smile. He couldn't help but laugh as Scootaloo continued her happy assault. “But what are you even doing here? How did you get here?”

“I get to tell you that you can keep coming to Equestria!” She happily said as she let James go.

“As for how we got here …” Applejack said as she walked in.

“It was Scootaloo's brilliant idea.” Rainbow Dash said. “We just climbed into the messenger boxes like the first time she came here.”

Scootaloo blushed. “Really it was Apple Bloom's idea, I just remembered it.”

“Actually, not to run off too soon but I really should be getting back. I'll bet Big Mac's just plum tuckered. And we've got Zap Apple season coming along soon. I tell ya, I wish I'd known I'd be spending a few weeks here, I'd have gotten some help for them on the farm.”

James nodded and smiled as he stood up. Clearly a lot had happened without him knowing anything of it. “I think I can ditch work today. Let's go say hi to everyone.” They walked down through the halls towards the door with the placard showing the Tree of Harmony. Before opening the door James's omnitool blinked to life and he typed out a quick series of commands. Turning the knob and pushing the door he could easily hear the light squeak from the door hinge on Twilight's side of the portal.


It was after dark, but the castle was still active. Cadence and Shining Armor were staying for another day while Sunburst was interested in staying until knowing the verdict. Twilight had no complaints partially because she had been feeling a little lonely. She had no idea why, perhaps the doorway let her feel that she had another friend close by at all times. Now that it was gone the castle felt emptier. Almost as if part of her family was missing now.

“You alright Twiley?” Shining Armor asked as he walked into the library.

Twilight hadn't realized she had been staring at the same page for hours. “Three of my friends are missing, another one may never come back, and our statements may not have even helped. Shining Armor, I have no idea what I can do.” She sighed as she thought about everything that had gone on for the last month and how she was completely powerless to do anything about it.

Shining Armor put his foreleg around his sister's shoulders. “All we can do right now is wait and trust that James's friends see things our way.”

“Or we can not be patient and bring him back ourselves!” Rainbow Dash said triumphantly as she threw open the doors to the Library.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight happily said as she ran over to hug her friend. “You brought him back? Is the inquiry over?”

There was a deep chuckling as James walked in, Scootaloo sitting on his shoulders as she held onto his head with her hooves. “Yes Twilight it's over. All that's left is for me to hear their final decision on the situation.”

“We did help!” Twilight happily declared. “Oh, we should have a party celebrating it.”

James chuckled once more at her excitement. “I usually do. And this wouldn't be much of a celebration without all of you.”

“It's going to be bigger than you realize.” Twilight said with a wide smile. “Everypony's going to be so happy to hear this!”


Days later Twilight was pacing in the library, every time an idea came to her she dismissed it. She was completely lost in thought when Starlight walked in carrying a stack of papers from the school.

“I was just going over … Something wrong Twilight?” She asked, placing the papers on a table.

“No … well, yes. But not really, but it is … I don't know Starlight.” Twilight said as she continued to pace.

“Well, you can talk to me about it. You did make me guidance councilor after all.” Starlight said with a grin.

“Yes but it's not a councilor I need, it's a friend.” Twilight said as she walked up to Starlight. “Now that James is back I want him to know how much we appreciate him. My first thought was a mirror like yours and mine, but guys don't really do that for some reason. A scrapbook came to mind, but I don't know if that says enough. James's got almost every book in Equestria now in his Grand Archive. I'm just lost.”

This was a difficult problem but not one they couldn't solve. Twilight actually had a few good ideas in there, but she was right that none seemed to quite fit. They each needed just something a bit more. It was then that the idea came to her. “Why not a new book?” Starlight said.

“He get's new books pretty fast, and I'd have to make sure the book had the right message.” Twilight said.

“I'm thinking a book that hasn't been written and will never be sold. Something like your friendship journal. We each shared a memory of him with that council of his to tell them why he was important to us, why not just write those stories down? We can add pictures too so it's part scrap book as well. He sees pictures of himself surrounded by friends, and he can read for himself how important he is to us.” Starlight felt she had struck gold with this idea.

Twilight was inclined to agree as her eyes opened wide and her wings spread. “Starlight! You're a genius!” Twilight raved.

Starlight chuckled bit as she looked away. “I certainly can be.”

The hardest part wasn't even finding everyone James had impacted again, it was getting everyone's stories into one book. Twilight wanted each entry to be written by the one who was telling it and not transcribed so it felt more personal. After that it was easy getting Applejack's help assembling the scrapbook around it.


Lady Seto walked through James's gardens as she prepared to talk business with him. This was nothing official, just some advice to her student. And she had also come to give James the rest of their judgment. She had hoped Bruenor would have delivered the whole message, but she could forgive it as he had decided that it was more important to let the child who looked up to James so see him first.

It wasn't long before James joined her in the garden, she had announced herself so he would be ready.

“Nice to see you again, Lady Seto.” James politely said.

“I always enjoy coming here, James. This place is so unique and growing more so all the time.” Seto said with a warm smile. “I'm glad that unsavory business is handled though. The council meetings are not a good reason to visit.”

“Please, you don't need a reason to visit. You're welcome any time, and not just because you're family.” James laughed as he spoke, he did enjoy her visits even though it was always accompanied with a touch of dread that she may have lined up another marriage for him to increase both of their standing in her's and other universes.

“There is one thing I do need to tell you before we really enjoy ourselves.” Lady Seto calmly said, sending a chill down James's spine. “There is one condition placed on your continued interaction with that universe. As you seem to have achieved a mythic status amongst the populace and it's leaders you must stay in contact and guide them as they advance. Helping them become the best they can be.”

James looked at her puzzled before speaking up. “But I'm hardly important. Every time there's something important going on I make sure that my involvement is at most cosmetic. Or limited by what help they ask me for.”

“I think you should ask those girls yourself how important you are before saying that.” Lady Seto said with a grin. “That being said, your restrictions on that universe are at your discretion. Princess Twilight at least should probably accompany you to other universes as well. Mostly for the purposes of education, but that's just a suggestion.”

“I know several girls who will certainly enjoy that.” James laughed.

“I feel like visiting that new bakery I saw last time I was in Truce. It was run by a rather energetic young lady.” Seto calmly said. “Would you care to accompany me?”


The book was done, and now all that remained was to deliver it. However they couldn't quite find James in the castle despite both Lucca's and Tali's assurance that he hadn't gone anywhere. Truce was the next logical place to check.

“Ugh, we've got something awesome to give him he's not even around.” Rainbow Dash complained as they walked out of the last place he would normally visit.

“We could ask Pinkie Pie.” Applejack suggested.

Pinkie Pie rushed up and whispered to Applejack. “You do realize I've been with you the whole time, right?”

Applejack shook her head. “No, I meant the Pinkie Pie who lives here. She's James's file clerk and if he's working on something she might just know.”

“Great idea Applejack!” Pinkie announced. “Off to my house!”

“You know, the more I think about it the more I realize that Truce is quite large.” Rarity said as they walked around the old district.

“It really is.” Twilight agreed as they followed Applejack. “Lucca once told me that the old district we're in now was modeled after the town one her friends came from. And as more creatures came to live up here they expanded into the city they've become. There's the business district with it's office buildings and the general shops. There's Downtown where you've got the high end shops and where most of the entertainment can be found. There's the housing district where people who can't afford to buy their home yet can live. And there's the new district which is just a newer development of the old district.”

“Lucca and I often go downtown. There's always something fun to see or do.” Starlight added.

“And that's just Truce. There's several villages and settlements around here too. Boh'Garath is a Mithra settlement. There's Sanus: the Lamia colony. Newer Home where most of the monsters live. The Dalish and harpies are nomadic so there's no set place for their home. There's even settlements underwater where merfolk live.” Twilight was getting excited as she explained just how many different people there were up there. Their peaceful coexistence a testament as to why Twilight wanted James teaching at her school, if he could get so many different species all working together he could help anyone make friends. “And that's not even half the creatures living up here!”

It wasn't long until they found where they were looking for. Pinkie's home stood out from the rest of the structures in the area as she had redesigned it to her needs. As such there was a bakery built into the front. It was well known in the area and quite well received, enough so that she had to hire help when she was open just to handle the numbers of customers she would get. Today was no different and the place was packed. And Mirror Pinkie knew every one of them.

People of all kinds did their best to maneuver in the building as the ponies tried to make their way through. It was Rainbow Dash who led them towards the back of the store where there was an exit to the actual house. “Pinkie Pie? Are you here?” She called as they entered.

“Yes I am Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie called back from behind her before giggling. Much to the amused frustration of the group.

It was a deep voice they weren't expecting that responded as James came around the corner. “Nice to see you girls.” James said with a smile. “Anything interesting bringing you out here, or is it just the desserts for you too?”

“Actually we're looking for you.” Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

“We got everypony together to write their favorite memories of you for this book. Just so you know how much you mean to us all.” Twilight said bringing the book forward.

James smiled as he took the book and began flipping through it.

“What a lovely gesture.” Came a woman's voice from behind James. Lady Seto walked around the corner and joined them. “It's a pleasure to see all of you again.” She politely said.

Author's Note:

In times of trouble you may find you have more friends than you know.
Also this story could have gone another way. I even wrote some of it. If anyone wants to see it sometime just let me know.
... I think I just made Bruenor Battlehammer a brony. :rainbowhuh:

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