• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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32 Facing the Storm

James Lucca and Tali watched the arriving ponies as the Festival of Friendship was hitting full swing. Twilight had invited James and his family shortly after conceiving the idea, and while he offered to help she insisted that she had the arrangements handled.

“Having fun girls?” James asked into his comm badge.

“Yes dad. It's a festival. That's kind of the whole point.” Sara answered sarcastically.

“Just because it's the point doesn't mean you are. But I am glad to know you are. Keep in touch.” James said as he put the badge away.

“I love festivals, but I just wish there was something I could eat. There's no dextro food anywhere.” Tali complained.

“Except what we brought.” James said with a shrug.

“Yes, but that's not the kind of food they have here. We have real food not junk food.” She moaned.

“Really, I thought the Bajorans did a good job creating “Jumja” sticks with only dextro ingredients.” James teased.

“Wait, you brought me junk food? Real junk food, not the replicated stuff?” Tali was getting more excited as she thought about it, until she remembered something. “But the Jumja sticks are too large for my suit.” She had gone from happy to dejected in moments.

James and Lucca chuckled as they walked along. “Tali,” Lucca said. “You have an optimized immune system now. No other Quarian will ever have as strong an immune system as yours without body mods like ours.”

“Come on, live a little.” James said as he magically brought out the stick and waved it in front of her face.

Tali's heart raced, it was true that after James took her and Liara to Jurai for their body modification procedure she no longer needed to wear her suit, and had even spent some time out of it. But it was still where she felt safest. Then again, mother hen James was fine letting Amber and Sara run around unsupervised in Equestria. Clearly this place was safe.

She took a steadying breath before she tried to take off her mask and stopped suddenly. “James.” She said with some frustration. “I cannot take off any of my suit in this form. You really should have thought about that before you started tempting me with tasty unhealthy junk food.”

“You know we can get you out of that suit if you want.” Lucca said with a grin. “Look around, nobody cares if you walk around naked.”

“Easy for you to say.” Tali jokingly chastised. “You take any opportunity to walk around naked you can get.”

“Feels good.” Lucca laughed as she walked along ahead.

“Let's get that face mask off for now.” James said as his horn glowed. A gold fringed black essence covered Tali's head as James carefully undid the connections that held the airtight seal in place.

Tali couldn't help but be excited as the mask came off, this was the first time she would actually breath the air on this alien world. See the sights without the dimming of her face mask. She blinked a few times as it came off and she smiled, she knew it was colorful but this was so much more vibrant than she expected. And without the constant heads up display from her suit she was free to look around unobstructed.

Her first breath of air here was no less amazing. All of the smells, the flowers, the foods, the ponies themselves smelled nice. Most likely many were perfumed, but it didn't matter because she could smell them for herself. With all of this going on it was a surprise that her air filters didn't get clogged more often.

In the back of her head her fear screamed that this place and the people were literally covered in germs, but she reminded herself that her immune system was strong enough to handle anything they could throw at it. She hoped. She hadn't really exposed herself to diseases because common sense advised her to stay away.

She smiled uncomfortably at James, but he clearly wasn't done. There was a quick unbuckling and the hood that connected to her face mask came off as well. It was a bit of a squeeze getting it off, but it wasn't difficult. Tali's black hair flowed around her, coming down to the top of her legs.

James smiled as he looked to her. “That should give you a bit more freedom.” He said with a quick kiss on her lips.

Tali blushed, which was highly noticeable given her complexion. “Okay, it is nice here.” She said. “But I distinctly remember the promise of a Jumja Stick.”

“Alright.” James said with a grin. “But I think my treat was better.”

Tali awkwardly gripped the Bajoran treat and licked it as she smiled at James. “Go on. I bet your girlfriends are waiting for you.” She teased.

James sighed and shook his head. “I'm never going to outlive that joke.”

“Come on. All you really have to do is ask Rainbow Dash and you could have a second family out here. But you'd have to convince Scootaloo to be your daughter.” Tali said, surprisingly sincerely.

“Okay Tali, I think your alien fetish is getting a bit out of hand.” James said with a sidelong glance.

“It's a cute idea.” She insisted.

James shook his head as he walked off. “Just stay in touch.” James turned back after only a moment and he came right back to Tali. “Here, it's got your stuff in it.” He said as he lifted his bag off his back and carefully placed it on hers.

It was easy for him to find the girls as all he had to do was follow Rainbow Dash. “Morning ladies.” He said as he approached, barely catching Rainbow Dash's jab at Applejack.

They quickly welcomed him as Twilight approached from the other side, her face buried in her parchment. James listened quietly as they talked, wondering to himself if Lucca was nearby.

Twilight began to panic about what might happen if the already successful festival was a failure until Pinkie Pie tackled her and as usual only exacerbated the issue.

Sara was having fun, not that it showed however as she was also conflicted. She loved this place so much when she was younger, but now it didn't feel all that special. Was it because her father had actually made friends with the ponies she looked up to? … No, that had thrilled her. Was she just growing out of it? … Couldn't be that either, she reasoned to herself. Somehow everything felt less than it should.

Even now she knew she should be thrilled, she wanted to come so badly because this was the Friendship festival … something she felt she had less of these days. A dull ache began to swell in her chest as she thought about it.

At times like this she looked to the scar on her left forearm (foreleg at the moment) she had no idea where it came from. But whenever she looked at it she could almost remember a dark figure, screaming, and pain. It never helped, but it was something different she could focus on. Something she could try to remember but never would. It was a distraction.

The musical fanfare brought her back to her senses as she watched the spontaneous song catch and carry like a wildfire. She knew there was some magic to it, but she had no idea what kind it would be. The Sorcerer's Guild wasn't part of the school system and she didn't want to add to her workload with extra curricular studies at the moment.

Sara shook her head, her scar had done it's job and she couldn't remember what was troubling her when she started staring at it. With a hint of a smile she watched as the ponies had their fun before she continued to wander the stalls.

James's attention was drawn to Songbird Serenade as she approached, for more than her entourage and the ponies making such a big deal over her appearance. James noticed her cutie mark and all of the different colored hearts. Something about the mark brought images of the souls he had seen in the Underground to mind. He still felt conflicted about how he had resolved the events there, though he wasn't going to complain about the results.

Something told him her mark wasn't about singing.

As he was contemplating just what it could mean thunder rolled over the festival. This clearly was not planned. He brought out his comm badge and broadcast to everyone he had brought there. “Amber, Sara, go find the CMCs and once you do teleport them home with you. Something isn't right here.”

Amber's voice was the first to come over the comm. “I'm with Apple Bloom right now.”

James smiled as he knew the rest wouldn't be far off. “Good, if Big Mac and Granny Smith are there too get them out with you.”

“I'll find Scootaloo.” Sara calmly said. James had been having more trouble reading her, she still acted much like she used to, even if her tone was different. Teenaged daughters were certainly not something he was prepared for.

Tali was the next to chime in. “I'll find Sweetie Belle.”

Lucca however didn't say anything until she was right behind James. “You know, if not for the fact of where we are I'd say you were overreacting to some bad weather.” Her tone more curious than concerned.

“Yeah.” James mumbled as an air ship came out of the black cloud.

They watched patiently as a small hedgehog like creature walked out with a loud speaker. “So it's a military invasion.” Lucca said as she listened to the creature's announcement.

“James. I've got Sweetie Belle and her parents. Also Cheerilee and several of her students are here.” Tali said over the comm as Tempest began to walk out.

“Get as many of the kids out as you can and come back for the adults if it's safe. You'll probably have to have them double up in the guest rooms.” James answered before turning to Lucca. “We both know that they can solve this. But I'm going to weigh in.”

James stood behind and to the left of Luna as Celestia addressed the menacing unicorn. “Tempest, is it.” She asked, attempting to use her position as a power play on it's own. “How may we help you?” Celestia clearly hoped to resolve the situation through intimidation.

Tempest smiled at the comment, this was exactly what she was expecting to hear from the ruler of Equestria. She could easily see three of the Alicorn princesses and felt herself fortunate as she looked down on them.

“Oh, I'm so glad you asked.” Confidence and Tempest's own measure of power in her voice. “How about we start with your complete and total surrender?”

Lucca walked up to James, if it came to a fight she wanted to be at the forefront with him.

Twilight crept around Cadence and cautiously looked up to Tempest. “Hi … Princess of friendship.” Twilight didn't know if she could help, but she could certainly try. “I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but I know we can talk things out.”

James and Lucca both turned to look at Twilight. Was she really that naive? This was a military action, unless Tempest was put into a position where she couldn't hope to advance or put on the run talking wasn't going to be an option.

“Oh goody.” Tempest quietly said. “All four princesses.” This was going to be even easier than she thought. “Here's the deal ladies, I need your magic.” She explained as if it were obvious. “Give it up nicely, please. Or we make it difficult …” Tempest walked down the ramp to face them directly. “… for everyone.”

“And why should we cower before you?” Luna asked. Her voice didn't have the authority of her sister's but she was no less resolute. “There's one of you. And hundreds of us!”

James smiled at the line and Lucca looked to him. “Seriously?” She whispered.

James didn't look back to her as she whispered out the corner of his mouth. “You know I love strong women. That's one of your best traits after all.”

Lucca shook her head as she smiled herself. On the edge of war and he still found time to flirt with her.

Tempest chuckled as she walked forward. “I was hoping you'd choose … Difficult.” She said as hulking figures approached from the airship behind her.

More airships approached as creatures dropped from them to begin the battle. Lucca wasted no time and was casting a few basic fire spells. While the politics of the situation prevented her from winning this easily with her strongest magic she was well enough allowed to defend herself and try to keep others safe. A burst of flame from her horn knocked one creature off course, sending his smoking body into a pillar. She'd not seen a real fight for a long time, and even restricted as she was she wasn't backing down now.

Ponies ran panicked in every direction as James began casting protection spells. Unless one of the four princesses asked him directly for help he would be facing sanctions that would hurt the people of New Guardia. He could still help his friends to some degree, however.

With a spinning leap Tempest kicked a glowing ball at the group of Alicorns. Cadence was actually the first to react as James was in the middle of a spell and Lucca was otherwise occupied. Her barrier went up to protect them, but the ball seemed to be drawn towards them as it began to force it's way through.

Out of the corner of her eye Cadence saw James casting some spell on Celestia. She couldn't let her focus drift but she knew this was a losing battle. “James.” She called. “Protect Twilight!” As she finished speaking the ball breached her barrier and broke against her. Black crystals grew out from the point of impact and began to petrify her.

James heard the call, and while it was still limiting what he could do it was sufficient to let him take a more offensive role.

As the petrification completed Celestia turned to her sister and began to give her instructions. Unfortunately she wasn't able to complete her statement as another magical ball smashed against her.

Luna had more than enough information to work on as she took to the sky only to be petrified as well. Twilight James and Lucca caught her and carefully placed her on the stage.

“Lucca …” James began to say.

Lucca cut him off as she torched another attacker. “I heard. I'll stay here and keep them off balance so it shouldn't be too hard to shake them off when you get back.”

James rushed in and gave her a kiss. Lucca's eyes went wide as she saw the ball going for Twilight. “James!” She was able to shout before the ball exploded. They both recognized the rainbow streak that passed by just before the ball broke and they knew Rainbow Dash had gotten her out.

James quickly recognized Derpy, understanding that she had tried to help too, and in fact had as for a few seconds they thought they had Twilight.

During those seconds Lucca nodded to James who felt for energies in the chaos of the battle. It didn't take him long to find Twilight and Rainbow Dash. As he ran to them he used his wings to smack away any creature getting close.

There's a fifth alicorn? Tempest thought to herself, confused. She'd never heard of a male alicorn before, and none of her recon had brought up the possibility of one either. This was an interesting development, but ultimately it was the four princesses she needed. He wasn't important.

James Met up with the ponies, running alongside them and blasting at any creature that got too close. He wasn't using more strength than he needed to send them flying, but he didn't really need to kill any of them either. They ran towards the southern exit of Canterlot until they found themselves on a bridge, creatures in front of them and the army behind.

James smiled as he readied an attack only to be caught off guard as Twilight struck first. Her magic was reflected by the creature's shield and she was only barely able to dodge in time. The magic struck the bridge beneath them and it immediately collapsed, sending the eight of them plummeting towards the water.

The falling rocks could be as dangerous as anything the creatures threw at them. James focused for a moment and as they fell everything seemed to slow down for him. Each rock was a target and he needed to remove them all. He almost seemed to vanish as he moved to each rock, kicking and blasting them with ki bursts. Before they were even ten feet below the bridge the largest stone was barely more than a loose collection of gravel.

The river was approaching them fast but he only had time to cast one feather fall spell, and that wouldn't be enough. What he could do, however was hurry down before them and create an updraft to slow their plummet into the water below.

Lucca was on the run. The creatures wouldn't get close enough for her to cast her spells now without some magic deflecting shields. Admittedly she realized that this was inevitable, but that was far from her only option. She'd had the Jurai body modifications same as her daughters and was easily strong enough to throw these things around.

Her horn proved a valuable weapon as the creatures tried to get closer, and even that eventually lost it's usefulness as they changed tactics. They weren't getting closer, but they weren't retreating either. It wasn't until the cage slammed down around her that she realized what they were planning. She kicked the bars as hard as she could given her current form. They groaned but did not budge. Lucca huffed, she could get out if she kept at it, but for the moment it was probably better to let them think they had her helpless.

There were a lot of frightened children suddenly trying to make sense of what just happened as they looked around New Guardia castle. Tali had no idea what to do, she had made sure to get out with as much of the class as she could but she'd never taken care of more than just Sara or Amber before. She really felt unprepared for this. Lucca could help, but it was already obvious that she wasn't there with her.

“Excuse me, everypony.” Came the voice of a young girl.

Tali looked to find it was Sweetie Belle speaking.

“Everypony please calm down.” She said as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo walked up and flanked her, Sara and Amber close behind.

“Where are we?” Diamond Tiara asked as she began to hyperventilate.

“What's happening?” Silver Spoon added, no less worried.

“I'm sure everything is alright. We're just in James's castle right now, he's the pony who helped Twilight fight Tirek and I'm sure he's helping her again now.” Apple Bloom said.

“Yeah, everything's going to be all right with Rainbow Dash and James with them.” Scootaloo said confidently.

The CMCs confidence did have a calming effect on the children present and Tali took that moment to walk forward. She had to get fifteen children into ten guest rooms and be alright with it. Fortunately utilizing space was something all Quarians learned as they grew up on the flotilla.

“Alright children.” She said as happily as she could. “We're going to be here for a while so let's make the best of it. First, who's okay sharing a room together?” Much to her relief several children not only paired off but seemed happy at the idea. “Alright, I'll show you to your rooms later.”

“Excuse me.” A Pip asked. “Could you please tell us what's going on?”

Tali tried to smile as she came up with an answer that wouldn't traumatize the children. “Some people seem to have come to Equestria looking to fight. We got as many of you out of the way as we could so you don't get hurt.”

“Is everypony going to be okay?” Another child asked, worry creeping at the edge of the question.

“I'm certain they will be.” At least that she was sure of, James and Lucca were still there and that meant they were helping. She knew she could help them, but right now someone had to be here with the children. “Could you girls keep an eye on them for a minute, I'll be back with Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle's parents.”

The river wasn't too hard to get out of once they were far enough from Canterlot. James watched the girls get their bearings as he used his magic to lift off his shirt and haori before wringing them out. He looked back up to Canterlot and found that he actually envied Lucca slightly. The mischief she was likely getting up to to keep the invading force off balance would certainly be fun. Though he certainly wasn't going to complain about spending time with this group.

“You saw the size of those goons! You seriously want to go back?!” Spike asked, exasperated.

“Yes!” Rainbow Dash insisted. “I've seen what James can do, we've all heard the stories of what he's done. With all of us together they don't stand a chance!”

“I'm sorry Rainbow Dash.” James said, his voice downcast. “But I have to think about my people too. If I do too much my people will suffer punishment from other worlds. Cadence asked me to protect Twilight, and I can do that. What I can't do is solve this problem for you.”

“What do you mean?!” Rainbow Dash angrily demanded.

“He's right Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said, remembering what Celestia had told her earlier that day. “We each use our powers to help in our own way, and James never tries to solve problems for us.”

“You all sang a song about it just a little while ago. You've got this.” James said with a smile.
Rarity shook her head as she walked up next to James and nudged him with her hoof. “Almost right, darling. We've got this together.

Twilight's spirits lifted at the reminder that her friends were there for her no matter what. With a smile she walked forward. “Celestia asked Luna to go south past the badlands to find the queen of the Hippos. Luna can't go so it's up to us!” She said confidently.

“Hippos?” Rainbow Dash asked as she flew over to Twilight. “Seriously?”

Pinkie Pie hopped next to Rainbow Dash and smiled. “I've heard they're surprisingly graceful for their size. But they're always hungry.”

“Hungry?” Spike asked, getting worried.

“Hippos?” Applejack added, still not fully believing it.

James smacked his forehead at the string of comments.

“But past the badlands means leaving Equestria.” Fluttershy nervously said.

“Nopony has to come if they don't want to.” Twilight said. She knew that her friends would come with her, but she did want to leave them the option of staying.

“Please.” Rainbow Dash said as she landed next to Twilight. “The last time you two went off together like this you fought a giant centaur in a totally awesome battle. I'm not missing out this time.”

“We've got your back.” Applejack said with a grin.

“Indeedy!” Pinkie Pie announced.

“I'm ready to save Equestria.” Rarity said confident in their joined effort.

“Yay.” Fluttershy quietly cheered.

“James.” Rainbow Dash said as she looked his way. “You ready to step out of the shadows this time?”

James chuckled as he walked over to them. “Please, I was coming whether you liked it or not.”

“We're all behind you Twilight!” Spike happily said.

“Let's go find this Queen!” Pinkie said as she bounced off to the west.

“Uhh. South.” Spike said as he pointed the right direction.

“She was closer than me. I got no clue which way's which.” James laughed as they walked off in the correct direction.

Even Pinkie Pie's cheer began to fade as they continued to walk, hours stretched on and no matter how long they walked it never seemed to get any later. Eventually James realized that was because Celestia had been petrified. It was still such a bizarre concept to him that one being was responsible for the day night cycle in a natural environment. As natural as Equestria could be considered to be given just how much the ponies made and controlled everything.

James hated deserts, and with an unmoving sun doubly so.

“James,” Rarity panted. “don't you always have some shelter with you where we can take a rest? Maybe get a drink.”

James nodded, the heat was terrible and they all were miserable. “Sure, just a second.” James's horn glowed as he tried to fish for his capsules, but there was nothing. As he looked back to try to understand it hit him all at once. “Tali has all of my stuff.” He mumbled. “Give me a minute.”

The ponies stopped as James began drawing some strange design in the sand, not knowing at all what he was planning. Fortunately there was no wind to blow away the alchemical circle and the moment it was done he charged it. In a flash there was a large crystal bowl in a pit of sand. James lifted the bowl out and focused on the Demon's Blood Talisman and quietly whispered a spell before beginning another spell.

Gallons of water cascaded down from the air above the bowl overfilling it even to James's surprise. With a nod he looked to the girls. “Unfortunately water is the best I can do. I don't have the resources to actually make a real shelter.” He said as the ponies and Spike plunged their faces into the bowl and drank.

James cast the water spell one more time above himself and was fully drenched before he joined the girls and had a couple swallows of the warm water. As they took a moment to rest James lifted his soaked Haori off of himself and draped it over Twilight, even covering her head, then doing the same with his shirt and Rainbow Dash, his undershirt and Fluttershy. He then took Applejack's hat and held it over Spike as he used the water spell to soak them both before replacing her hat. “I'll wet them again when you switch off. That'll help keep you cool. Those of us not wearing something wet will just have to settle for getting soaked directly.”

They continued on at a sustainable pace switching every half hour and stopping only occasionally for another drink. Even as terrible as the unmoving sun was, with the proper understanding and use of magic they would be alright.

Unfortunately small comforts cannot help in the face of a seemingly endless landscape and morale fell as they felt more and more that they were lost. James began mumbling to himself over and over how much he hated the desert. Pinkie talked to herself to keep moving, and even began to laugh as she found a skull and asked for directions.

Spike dropped to his knees and shouted. “There's nothing here but sand … and rocks … and this cactus … and this road!” Spike stopped as he looked down at the spotty beginnings of a road. “This road?!

Twilight looked to Spike as he stared at the road, perplexed and grateful. “A road?” She said, her drive returning. “Where there's a road there's a …” The word caught in her throat as they crested the dune and saw the city built in the general shape of an old wooden sailing ship. Even out here there was whimsy.

Everyone quickly began to return to normal as they realized that they had been making progress after all.

“That place makes me think a bit too much of Kirkwall.” James mumbled to himself as they walked toward the gates.

“What's Kirkwall?” Rarity asked as she placed James's still damp shirt on his back.

“Somewhere you'll never have to worry about.” James answered. “It has a terrible history and let's leave it at that.”

James was finishing getting his clothes situated as they entered the city and already James knew what kind of trade city it was. Life was just another commodity here and everything was for sale for the right price. This was only reinforced when a vendor asked if Twilight would sell her horn.

As they walked James did his best to keep an eye on everyone. Places like this were not above kidnapping and slavery in his experience. While he wanted to stop Twilight from helping a turtle creature he quickly decided that observing his reaction could give him important information.

James's belief that they were only concerned with themselves and profit was reinforced as the turtle chased Twilight away after she finished placing the barrels in the wagon. The girls were too innocent to be left alone here, this was a world he was used to and could navigate effectively, if crudely. In the distance someone took notice.

“Alright girls,” James said as they walked along. “this is the kind of place I'm used to. Nobody wander too far off and be careful who you talk to, if anyone.”

James and Twilight groaned as their faces dropped when they heard Pinkie Pie shouting and deliberately drawing attention to herself. She went from person to person making offers for information and did not slow down.

“Pinkie,” Twilight quietly said. “You don't need to announce to every…”

“Relax, Twilight.” Pinkie interrupted. “I've totally got this.”

As she spoke a crowd gathered around her and began making offers. First to purchase Spike then pieces of the Ponies before just saying they'd take the ponies themselves.

James nudged Rainbow Dash with his head, more to sell the bit he was about to give than as any attempt at comfort. He needed their audience to think that he was dangerous and defending his interests. Rainbow Dash was confused by the gesture but assumed it was to let her know he was coming in close.

“The girls are with me!” He loudly growled. He made sure to smile lewdly as he spoke, glad that the girls couldn't see his face from their position. He used his tail and body to form as close to a ring around them as he could.

“Y'all should listen to the good doctor.” A suave voice said from behind the mob. A tall humanoid cat with a long coat carefully picked his way to the front of the crowd. “He's just trying to keep y'all safe. 'Cause y'all in some serious danger. Now you didn't touch any of them did you?” He asked the closest person, jabbing them in the chest with his finger.

James had no idea who this person was, and though he didn't trust him he was giving them a cover to keep the rest at bay. “Not my fault if they get it.” James casually said with a shrug. It was a big change from his plan, but not an unwelcome one.

“They're infected with Pastellis Coloritis.” The cat mumbled to another person nearby.

“Now you listen …” Applejack said before James's tail lightly smacked her face. She turned an angry glare to him and all he did in return was wink.

“Don't worry, don't worry.” The cat said, not skipping a beat. “As long as you're not covered in purple splotches,” As he spoke he dipped his tail into some refuse on the street and flicked it at a nearby observer. “you'll be fine.”

Without pause enough to give them time to think he jumped at the person he flicked the substance onto. “Uh-oh.” Was all he had to say to get the panic started.

“What do I do?!” The fish-like creature asked in a panic, turning to James.

“I only treat equine patients. I'm afraid you're out of luck.” James said with a grin.

“And don't touch anyone.” The Cat added. “Because parts will fall off.”

James was suddenly glad his body was obstructing the view of most of the ponies as the fish creature grabbed his crotch and ran away, followed quickly by the rest of the group.

Rainbow Dash flew up and over to the cat as he took a moment to evaluate the group. They could be just what he needed.

“You are awesome!” Rainbow Dash announced as she pushed the cat's shoulder.

“Clearly I'm not as intimidating as I'm used to being.” James said as he grinned and nodded to the cat.

“Well, you can't give them too much time to think. You've gotta be quick on your feet.” The cat said, returning James's nod.

“And you're quite charming too.” Rarity added with a giggle. Spike huffed at Rarity's compliment to the stranger.

“Why thank you. Capper's the name, and charming's my game.” He said with a bow. “Your friend there's a good wing pony I must say.”

James shrugged. “I've been in a few situations like this before, I can roll with it.”

“Looked to me like you were more ready to throw a few people around.” Capper said with a smile.

“I was looking to scare them off, we had different ideas how to do that and yours just happened to be the better one.” James acknowledged.

Capper nodded as he walked off. “So … to the hippos then?”

Pinkie hopped off behind Capper before Twilight stopped her. Twilight whispered something before Pinkie happily spoke. “We could certainly use a friend out here.”

After a short prelude all but James and Twilight were wrapped up in a song as Capper led them to his home. James noted that even outside the bounds of the country of Equestria the bardic magic seemed just as potent.

As their heads came through the trapdoor into Capper's home Rarity began listing off styles in an attempt to describe the décor.

“I believe the word you're looking for is eclectic.” James said as he came up from beneath them.

“Not as precise, but that works too.” Rarity admitted.

“Apologies for the state of my litter box. I wasn't expecting guests.” Capper said offhanded as everyone walked into the apartment.

“Ooh. So many fun breakables.” Pinkie Pie marveled.

James stopped suddenly as he turned to face her. “Is that what happened to my chandelier? Did you break it while having fun?” He asked seriously. “I'm not mad, no one liked to clean it so it's just as well that it's gone.”

“No.” Pinkie quickly said. In reality she and her mirror pool copy had been swinging from it with Amber and an elf woman they met named Merril when it fell from it's mount and crashed to the floor.

James found the place fascinating with it's random assortment of treasures great and small. Junk turned into nice lighting and décor, fine paintings, curious devices and pottery. He found Twilight looking through the books as he once again checked to make sure everyone was accounted for. While Capper had helped them out James wasn't going to completely trust him.

“Looking for a bit more information on where we're supposed to go?” James asked as he approached.

“Yes. All I know is what I overheard Princess Celestia tell Luna. She probably knew more than me so I have to find out where exactly we're going. And I think I may have been mistaken on who we're looking for. Look here.” Twilight said as she held up a book for James to look at.

“Celestia was hit while she was talking so what if it wasn't the Queen of the Hippos? What if she meant the Queen of the Hippogryphs.”

“That is an important distinction.” James agreed as Twilight looked through the book. James read over her shoulder as they scoured it for important information. James half listened to the others talking as he and Twilight worked at figuring out where they were to be going.

“Ah ha. See the Hippogryphs are strong and proud creatures with a formidable navy. Celestia wanted to bring a joined army to fight the Storm King! And they're on Mount Eris to the south. It just fits. That's where we're going! … Guys!” Twilight said as she took her new found map to the nearby table and began to explain her finding to the rest of the group.

“Oh, the Hippo-gryphs.” Capper said as he tried to think of something to distract them. “The trouble with that is that no one knows where they are.” He just needed to keep them here for a little longer. Soon he'd be out of debt and free to do as he pleased.

Twilight looked at Capper with more than a little suspicion. “Says here that they're on the top of Mount Eris!” She said, tapping her hoof on the map.

Pinkie Pie was excited as usual. “You mean the mountain right outside the window?” She asked pointing directly to it.

Capper was caught, but that wouldn't matter if he could distract them with nonsense for just a little longer. “Objects in the window may be less mountainous than they appear.” He quickly said.

Twilight was having none of it, she quietly folded the map and turned around. “Let's go everypony.”

Capper rushed to block the door, racking his mind for any excuse to keep them here. He was so close to freedom! “You can't … You can't make it by yourselves. You need an air ship.” Capper gently placed his hand on the back of Twilight's neck as his tone suddenly became less panicked. “And lucky for you, I can get you a ride.”

Twilight shoved Capper out of the way as her horn glowed to open the door, mimicking James's exit from the library years ago. “I think we can get there on our own.” She was done with Capper's charm and stalling tactics. The door burst open and a bald humanoid mole creature in top hat and overcoat stood waiting.

“Heeere's Virco.” He happily said as the door opened.

Twilight backed into the building as Virco walked in and pointed to Capper. “These ponies better shoot rainbow lasers out their eyes if they're going to settle your dept.”

“Not out our eyes, but I can treat you to a prismatic spray if you don't let us walk out of here peacefully.” James calmly threatened.

Virco laughed as he looked to James. “You wont sell for as much, but I think I can work with you. Let's load them up!”

Rarity was disgusted. “You … You were going to sell us?!” She said, as close to snarling as she could come.

“I knew it!” Twilight declared as the truth came out. “We've gotta get outta here.” She said as she took a step forward, trusting that James's threat wasn't an idle one. Unfortunately a familiar voice laughed and stopped the group cold.

“Silly little ponies.” Tempest said as she walked into the door frame and tilted her head with a sinister smile.

James kept himself from laughing as he looked at Tempest. Yeah, I definitely cannot be intimidating in this form. He thought as he made sure to not smile.

“Trusting strangers?” Tempest asked, condescendingly. “Big mistake. Big.”

Virco laughed as he approached the newcomer. “My goodness.” He happily said. He closed the last of the distance between them quickly and grabbed her face. “Well look at you, with your scary broken horn and scowling eyes.” He said as he manhandled her face. “What tricks do you know my little pony wony.”

Tempest had enough of the mole when she first saw him, now he was genuinely making her angry with his condescending attitude. The remains of her horn sparked as she got ready to show him just what she could do.

James watched the burst of electricity as Tempest took care of the nuisance and turned her attention back to her targets.

“Go! Go!” Twilight shouted as she shot from the window herself with James following shortly afterwords.

This hunt was turning into one pain after another. First the bridge, and now this. Twice the princess had been in her grasp and she wasn't going to escape again. Nothing was going to keep her from being whole again! “Get her, now.” She ordered. The remnant of her horn sparked again as she grew angry at the situation.

Most of the ponies held onto the blade of the windmill as Twilight James and Rainbow Dash flew towards them.

The sound of smashing glass was all the warning they had before the blade stopped. A Brute was trying to force it back to bring the ponies closer.

“Hold on girls.” James instructed as he got ready to push against the brute holding the bottom. Rainbow Dash grabbed onto the blade tightly as Twilight helped James push. The sound of wood splintering was all they heard before the windmill came free and bounced down the alley. Twilight, desperate to not be separated from her friends gripped the blade tightly as James flew alongside them.

Applejack threatened to be sick as after a couple bounces their grip failed and they were thrown onto a wooden walkway, there was no time to take a breather though as their newest threat was the windmill destroying the walkway behind them.

Had Rainbow Dash taken even a moment to think about it she would have realized just how useful her Wonder Bolt training was to her at this moment as she was able to recover from the spin almost immediately and kept close to the rest of the girls almost on reflex.

Boards, loose from age use and weather could not withstand the punishment of the windmill and supports quickly began to snap as the boards themselves wobbled and slid. With such footing it was nothing short of amazing that the ponies made the jump into the building. Even in this relative safety they would not rest, they needed to put distance between themselves and Tempest. They kept running, Pinkie Pie smiling as they did, and leaped from the next window onto a balcony that would shortly lead them once again to solid ground and the docks for the air ships.

With no other plan Twilight shouted the first idea that came to mind. “We have to get there, to the docks!” The path up was winding but short and soon they came to the edge. Rainbow Dash grabbed the rope in her mouth and held it tight for the others to walk across. Pinkie's leap however foretold disaster. There was no way James was going to let it end like this and flew over, catching her in midair to carry her to the ship. Rainbow Dash allowed the rope to slack as she rushed forward and caught Spike to carry him along as well. Twilight came along behind and soon joined the rest on the ship.

“Best. Escape. Plan. Ever!” Pinkie shouted as James dropped her on deck.

The declaration was simply too ridiculous for Twilight to understand. She just stared slack jawed as she looked to her always excited friend.

Applejack used some rope she found to lasso them and haul them to the hidden space between crates they were using for cover. With a quick shush they listened to the crew talking.

“Did you hear something?” Came a masculine voice. The only response was a couple soft caws. “Meh. Probably just the rats. If we find 'em, we'll eat 'em.” He said with some pleasure at the thought of getting a meal other than porridge.


The real hard part for Lucca about getting out was doing so quietly. It seemed a lot of ponies were in cages however and not all had given up on escape so she had some cover if she managed to time her kicks with the kicks of others. The sound of the bars shattering, however, was completely different than the sound of them being struck so Lucca had to run away the moment she was free.

While she was out she found two others who she felt could be useful in causing a little havoc. Big Mac hadn't taken a moment to rest and had made real progress on his bars when Lucca found him and finished the job, and between the two it was a simple matter to free Spitfire.

While Lucca's tactics were more hostile than the two ponies were ready for they were quick to adjust and adapt to the hit and run style Lucca was advocating. It wasn't long before there was never a group of less than four crossing any given bridge as any less would often find themselves thrown from it. Buildings were almost ignored after many were found to be booby trapped and they tightened patrols in the hopes of catching the three.

“So you and James really aren't ponies?” Spitfire asked as the three sat around eating lunch in the Tasty Treat. The proprietors were still locked up, but it was out of the way and had one of the best stocked kitchens they had found so it had become their defacto base.

Lucca shook her head as her mouth was still full, swallowing before elaborating. “Our daughters really wanted to come and James is a pushover. But we couldn't come as ourselves as that could cause a lot of different problems.”

“You know, I think I see it. He did always talk kind of funny. You know, you really had us thinking that James was going to merry her, but I guess since he was already married …” Spitfire said before taking another bite from her food.

Big Mac just listened and shook his head.

“Being married isn't the issue. I may have married James first, but he's got three more wives. Mostly it's a political thing though. Tali's where it crosses into a gray area.” Lucca began to explain.

Spitfire gave Lucca an astonished stare as she chewed.

“Don’t get me wrong, James goes to a lot of effort to make sure we're happy, he's literally aging faster than us to be both a good husband and a good father.” Lucca added before shaking her head. “It's rather frustrating actually, his own well being is far down on his list of priorities.”

“Wait, how does him growing old faster make you all happy?” Spitfire asked once she swallowed.

“It doesn't. He just winds up reliving the same day more than once from time to time.” Lucca answered. “Sometimes he'll go off and save some other world, or learn a new skill and he'll try to make sure he doesn't miss any time with his family.”

“So is it just that he's not a pony?” Spitfire calmly asked. “You know, seeing them together, I bet Rainbow Dash would happily take the plunge anyway.”

Lucca laughed. “I don't know, she wouldn't be James's first friend to make me question that. One of his oldest friends, I mean even before I met him …” Lucca paused and sighed as she remembered the antics the two would get up to. “Those two would do and say the most ridiculous things. To be honest, I was kind of jealous of that at times.” Lucca swallowed a lump in her throat from the old memory.

Spitfire stood and took her plate back as she reflected on the conversation. “While we're talking about your husband. You mind if I put James on rotation for cooking duty with the Bolts? He's good and Rainbow Dash can barely cook.”

“Doesn't bother me.” Lucca said with a shrug. “But you'll have to ask him.”

“Why?” Spitfire said as she shrugged herself. “I got your permission.”

“Should we get back out?” Big Mac asked as they were clearly done eating.

“Sure.” Lucca said. “Let's cause some trouble.”

“You know, on my last recon flight I found Starlight Glimmer. More hooves more trouble.” Spitfire said with a wicked smile.


Rainbow Dash and Applejack peered around the edge of the box that concealed their alcove, there had to be a better way than hiding and hoping they were going the right direction.

“What do you say Twilight. Should we just ask them to take us?” Applejack offered.

“Last time we trusted someone he tried to sell us!” Twilight whispered.

The occasional odd noise could be easily overlooked, but now they were hearing actual words. There were stowaways on this ship and they had to be dealt with. He listened for the response to find out exactly where they were before he easily hefted the box. “Hey guys.” He said with a grin. “Come check this out.”

Three more humanoid parrots approached the group. “Looks like stowaways.” Mullet said, his voice sinister.

“What are we supposed to do with them?” Lix Spittle asked as she scratched her chin with a fork.

Squabble cawed as he stuck his head between crates and eyed the group. Clearly he was not the brains of the outfit.

“I think we tie 'em up.” Mullet suggested.

“Nah.” Lix suggested as she put away her fork. “We clip their wings.”

“Nah.” Mullet countered. “We scar 'em.” He paused as Rarity let out a yelp and cowered. “Emotionally.”

James couldn't help himself at that last comment. He'd been dying to make a joke for a while. “Too late.” He said with a grin. “They already know me.”

Twilight's jaw dropped as she turned to James. Their lives were in danger and he was making jokes? This wasn't some kind of game! There were real consequences and making jokes wasn't going to help. Twilight couldn't even begin to think about what was going to happen to them until she heard the last thing she expected. The birds were laughing, as was Pinkie Pie but that was normal. Had James's joke really just saved them?

Mullet turned away from them for a moment. “What says the book, Captain Celeano?” He couldn't sound ominous as he was still trying not to laugh but it was still enough to send a chill down Twilight's spine.

Captain Celeano walked forward, her peg leg made a solid knock with each step against the wooden deck. She held the book open to the appropriate page, and had even taken a quick moment to check if there was some clause that would let her keep the stowaways aboard for any reason. If nothing else as an insult to the Storm King. But there were no exceptions, and no alternatives.

“Storm King's rule book says … Throw them overboard.” She said ominously.

None of the birds were happy about this, at best it was another day of work but with that laugh they knew at least they would be killing the pony that had broken up their monotony with a joke. Boyle was stone faced as he pulled the line that extended the gangplank. Ready for the inevitable. He knew the captain hated this too, but he wasn't going to question her.

The birds bent down to collect the ponies. Rainbow Dash grinned, eager for a fight. Applejack and Twilight were both resigned to the conflict, while Rarity Spike and Fluttershy cowered at the prospect. Pinkie Pie stood astonished that after a genuine laugh like that they were still going to punish them.

James smiled as his horn glowed, it had been a long time since he had commandeered a ship and the prospect of taking this one was looking more likely. Though he'd have to find a way to get the parrot crew to cooperate, he'd never taken an airship before and he doubted the girls had any nautical experience.

As he was considering his options an air horn bellowed and Captain Celeano stood up and shouted. “Alright! That's lunch!” The other parrots didn't stop what they were doing, instead when they grabbed the ponies (Boyle and Mullet having to drag James along) they went below deck and placed them around the table and everyone was served with great efficiency. James hadn't eaten all day and even if the porridge was tasteless it was something and he inhaled it as quickly as it came.

This all happened so fast Twilight's head was spinning as she tried to comprehend every turn of events within the last three minutes. They had gone from safe and hiding to captured with an undetermined fate to hopeful with a laugh to doomed and were now sitting down to lunch … She couldn't even begin to guess what the next few minutes would bring.

Rainbow Dash was clearly as confused as Twilight as she spoke up. “Whoa whoa whoa. You were about to toss us overboard and you stop for a lunch break?” The situation just seemed too improbable to comprehend at the moment.

Twilight glared at Rainbow Dash from her seat at the table. Now was not the time to remind them about what they were just about to do.

“Storm King only allows one break a day for meals, then it's back to hauling goods.” Boyle explained before he took another bite of his food. He didn't care who he shared his break with as long as he got it. The schedule was torture.

“So you're delivery guys?” Spike asked as he looked around the table. He would admit that now it seemed obvious given their uniforms and the cargo up top.

“And gals.” Captain Celeano said, her voice as down as her mood. “These uniforms aren't exactly doing us any favors.” The uniform was just another symbol of her failure and she hated it. She hated the Storm King. She hated the rules. She wished she could just feel alive again.

“You're lovely and you know it.” James blurted out as if it were obvious.

Twilight now turned her glare to James with no idea how things would go now. He had managed to make them laugh earlier, was he now hoping to flirt their way out of this? Could that even possibly work? What about Lucca and Tali? What was anyone thinking?!

Captain Celeano looked over to the chestnut colored pony. “Funny and charming. I see why you girls keep him around.” At least there was a bit of light to be found this day, though in less than half an hour he would be going overboard with the rest. That brought her mood right back down.

Now was Twilight's chance, while the captain was in a good mood. Or at least a better mood. “Then can you deliver us to Mount Eris?” She asked hopefully.

Celeano wanted to divert for them, but she couldn't. “Sorry, we do what the Storm King says, or we suffer his wrath.”

Really? James seems to improve their mood at every turn but they still can't at least just let us off peacefully. Twilight thought. “Right … Still going overboard.”

“Eh.” Lix squawked. “It's nothing personal. I'm glad we met you honestly. Pudding?”

“There's pudding?!” Rarity asked hopefully, only to be surprised with another serving of the porridge that they had just been eating.

There was something here, just beneath the surface fighting to get out and Rainbow Dash had to know what it was. “You weren't always delivery birds, were you? What about before the Storm King?”

Captain Celeano looked to the poster of the Storm king that buried her proud past. “Ye-e-e-eah. We used to be much more adventurous.” She said, something about this group was stirring up feelings she had nearly forgotten. Feelings she desperately wanted back. She reached over and moved the poster and felt her heart beat just a little faster. The Jolly Rodger hung proudly for all to see.

“Ooh. I met that guy in the desert.” Pinkie Pie said, completely missing the point.

James looked at the Jolly Rodger and felt a bit of the tug himself as he remembered his younger days of being single, wild, and at times even a pirate himself. It had come to an abrupt stop and he was much more satisfied with his life now … but there was still that occasional tug, that burning for action, the promise of treasure. Both the spray of the ocean and at times the calm of deep space. He had his fun when he was younger though, what was left to him of those times were his memories … and a few prizes. He smiled and enjoyed his memories quietly.

Boyle scratched just below his chin as he thought for a moment. “We prefer the term, Swashbuckling Treasure Hunters.” He clarified.

“So … Pirates.” Rainbow Dash counter clarified.

James stayed silent, he didn't want to destroy Rainbow Dash's fantasy with the reality of piracy at the moment. Though in this world it could just as easily be something that innocent.

This revelation got Rainbow Dash excited, this was a pirate ship, filled with pirates. How could they so meekly go along with the Storm King's demands? If no one else was going to get them out of this rut she had to. “You birds have a choice to make.” She said as she dropped her hoof on the table. “You can let some cloven hoofed Storm King tell you how to live your lives or,” As she talked she got the attention of everyone at the table. Not all for the better. Rainbow Dash flew over to the poster of the Storm king and ripped it down, now she just needed to tear down what it had meant. “you can be awesome again!”

James could easily tell what was coming and decided to just go along for the ride as he felt that burning deep within. The desire for the wild days of his youth.

Twilight was worried, clearly the birds were starting to side with them but a song could derail the whole thing. “Rainbow Dash. I don't think this is the time for a …” She was, however, too late as Rainbow Dash began to sing. “ … song.” Twilight was determined to find the best way to get to Mount Eris and would not be drawn into the song.

Even Captain Celeano began to sing as the magic washed over her and amplified the longing for the freedom she once felt. There was so much that she had given up, and for what? A safe “job?” She was in a cage, her crew was in a cage. They had once done something, once been something. And that had nearly died.

Her crew looked to her with genuine joy in their eyes and her heart began to race as pride and excitement welled up within her. The only hesitation she felt was as the Storm King's hold over her melted away. She could feel hope and freedom calling to her, it was up to her to free them of these chains that bound them so tightly to misery.

Even if he hadn't given into the magic James would have felt the change that had taken place. The joy Celeano's crew felt to have their captain back was palpable and spread through the ship as they once again took up their old clothes and positions.

James found a saber resting among the old loot the pirates had claimed and even though he would have preferred his own sword it was too far out of his reach. The saber, however fit at his side nicely and he could almost feel himself back staring out across the vast expanses of the ocean and of space, not knowing what lay ahead beyond the promise of another adventure waiting for him.

On deck his haori flapped in the wind and somehow his hair and tail had been tightly braided. As the front of the ship opened up and revealed the multicolored plumage beneath, James felt the call to adventure again and had to remind himself that it would come again some day.

No one but Twilight could help but smile as Rainbow Dash soared into the air, determined to perform the Sonic Rainboom to solidify the success as Pinkie Pie cheered her on and Twilight panicked about how it would create a beacon right to them.

The spectacle over things settled down slightly and James watched as Rainbow Dash and Celeano practiced. Celeano was proficient, but it was had to tell how Rainbow Dash performed given that sword fighting itself was impractical for her form. While the high emotions had subsided they were still in good spirits. Even that was short lived, though, as another ship was coming upon them fast. The alert bell rang as Squabble squawked and pointed out the Storm King's vessel approaching.

The pirates had just had their identities restored, they weren't going to let those who brought it back come to any harm. Celeano called out orders to her crew as the rest were quickly ushered into the hold.

It was now that Rainbow Dash finally took a moment to think about her actions. “You think she saw my Sonic Rainboom?” She nervously asked.

Twilight was borderline furious. Rainbow Dash had just jeopardized everything and she was acting coy about it. “Are you kidding me?!” Twilight growled.

“Come on.” James whispered as he got between the two. “We've got to be quiet.” He leaned his head down to whisper to Twilight. “Nothing's happened that can't be salvaged and honestly, we all needed the morale boost. Let it go and focus on what comes next.” He advised.

Twilight didn't want to listen to him, she was angry, but from his stories she knew he would often operate on whim like this and knew how to handle a tight situation. She took a breath and began to look around for what options they had at the moment.

As she did a grappling hook blasted the side of the boat and threw them against the wall of the hold. Even suspecting such high value stowaways this was an extreme measure for holding a ship at bay that is supposedly an ally. James looked back to Twilight. “Maybe think a little faster.” He said as his gaze returned to the massive metal projectile.

They could hear Tempest and the Pirates talking as Twilight racked her brain for ideas. Escape being the only option to come to mind. She didn't trust the pirates, so the quicker they safely got away the better.

“We have to get off this ship before they tell Tempest we're here.” Twilight whispered urgently. Everything was going wrong so far, and it was only looking to get worse.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “We helped them get their mojo back. They're not going to give us up.” She whispered back, confident in her assessment of the situation.

“You're both right.” James whispered, hoping to calm Twilight and get Rainbow Dash's help. “But Tempest used a harpoon to anchor the ship in place. She's not going to take the Pirate's word that we're not here, she's going to search the ship and we need to be off it when she does. If we aren't it's bad news for us and the pirates.”

“Good point.” Rainbow Dash acknowledged as she began to think of an escape they could all use.

Twilight hadn't been idle as James talked, and she already had an ingenious plan ready. “I've got this.” She whispered, ready to take action.

Twilight used her magic and brought over the necessary supplies, giving the Storm King's banner to Rainbow Dash. “Hold this.” She simply said as he focused on the lever.

Rainbow Dash had no idea what could have gotten into Twilight. “What are you doing?” She harshly whispered.

Above deck Celeano and Tempest tried to stare each other down. Tempest had a brutal reputation as the Storm King's enforcer, but Celeano was not willing to give up what she had found this day. She gripped her sword tighter, ready to fight if it became necessary.

“Three!” Tempest said, ready to issue the command to attack. Instead of the command though, what they heard was a muffled clunk and several screams.

“Whatever plan you've got Twilight,” James called as they fell, fighting off vertigo. “maybe get started on it.”

“Oh for Celestia's sake!” Rarity shouted completely caught off guard by their sudden plummet.

As terrifying as it was Pinkie Pie was having a blast, while Fluttershy saw just how high up they were and used her wings to cover here eyes.

The ponies fell as Twilight caught herself and began hastily constructing her improvised hot air balloon. Rushing about using her magic to gather the materials and stuff all of her friends into the crate. She eventually got into the crate herself and grabbed Spike, squeezing him to force a blast of flame to heat the air inside the balloon.

Their wooden basket smashed the top of a tree before the balloon began to rise and start to gently drift.

James lay cross-eyed at the bottom of the basket. “I'm gonna be sick.” He moaned as the vertigo slowly began to lose it's hold on him.

Applejack gave a quick sigh of relief. “Quick thinking Twilight.” She praised as she looked out over the edge with her friend.

The adrenalin was only now hitting Twilight as she happily hooted her success and excitement.

Pinkie joined the two at the edge. “That was fun. Can we do it again?”

“Please no.” James moaned from the floor.

Rainbow Dash jumped out of the basket and began to fly as she started pushing the balloon in the right direction. “Next stop Mount Eris!” She happily said.

“We're home free!” Twilight added as their goal was now closer than ever.


Trixie's smoke bombs proved as useful here as they had in the Changelings hive as Starlight and her took turns using them to lead groups down blind alleys where Lucca and Big Mac waited in ambush. Or as they had been more commonly used to cover a quick escape.

Lucca couldn't organize a more effective resistance, but there were enough pockets of unrest to keep the occupying force guessing as to where the next strike would be coming from.

Starlight managed to fit into whatever role she was needed as, which Lucca found incredibly useful. She easily took directions but when she had a better idea she readily voiced it. When separated she could improvise and take control of a situation, and she wasn't as hesitant about Lucca's less pleasant plans.

“So Tali and your daughters were getting foals out.” Starlight said as she finally knew why she hadn't been seeing the children she expected to see.

“Yeah, but we could only get a handful. Just another reason the princess needs to hurry.” Lucca said as she and Starlight went over the next plan of attack.

“I know you said that political pressure is keeping you from helping more than you are, but can you really not do more than this?” Starlight asked. “James's talked about how you're probably even better than he is and we could use some of that help right now.”

Lucca shook her head. “No, there are some restrictions other cultures put on us to allow us to keep trading with them. And these restrictions were developed after they did kind of what we're doing and learned about the consequences. That doesn't keep us from bending these rules constantly though.”

“Honestly … that bites.” Starlight said.

Lucca laughed. “Yeah, it really does. Fortunately it's a case by case scenario though. If there were the chance this army would win, for example, we could come in on a “humanitarian” basis. After all, it looks like they're thinking of enslaving the people. And nobody asks questions if we stop slavery.”

Starlight grinned. “So you think there's no chance they'll win?” She calmly asked.

“Of course. Look at the damage the five of us are doing.” Lucca laughed.

Even with the occupation Starlight felt good here, as if nothing beyond the walls mattered at the moment. As the laughter slowed down Starlight smiled. “Why don't we hang out a bit once this is over? I only know the places James likes to go in Truce after all.”

“Sure, sounds good.” Lucca agreed. At first she thought it strange that James was getting along so well with the Ponies, but once she had gotten to know them herself she saw more than what the show offered. She could see why James was afraid of messing things up for them.

“Okay. I've got more smoke bombs ready.” Trixie said as she walked into the room. “And I've even managed to outdo my great and powerful self this time and they've got twice the smoke as before. We can keep those goons in the dark for quite a while now.”

“Or.” Starlight said with a grin. “Since they're getting used to us using smoke to provide us with cover we can use it to lure them ahead of us.”

“And get them from behind.” Lucca finished with a wicked grin.

“Exactly.” Starlight said with a nod.


They had been trudging up the mountain for what could well have been hours, and Rainbow Dash's motivation was genuinely lacking as she insisted it was just past each bend. To silence Rarity's complaining James had insisted on carrying her up.

James eventually trudged up the last bend and caught sight of the entrance. They were an impressive sight, the bowed heads of two hippogryphs carved from the mountain itself looked as if it would hold a gate, but it was also James's first clue that it was long abandoned. The entrance was overgrown with vines and moss, beyond didn't look promising either. And that was to mention nothing of the silence. If the Hippogryphs Twilight read about had lived here it was long ago.

The girls marveled at the sight and Rarity jumped from James's back in her excitement. It was clear that their exuberance in finding the city had distracted them from it's emptiness. However beyond the gates they couldn't ignore the obvious. Their joy turned to sorrow as the city was even worse than the gates. Crumbling homes and streets littered with rubble dominated the scenery. This place had once been beautiful, that much could be seen amongst the ruins.

James's chest rose and fell with deep breaths as he tried to stay in the present, tried to stay with the girls. However he couldn't escape his own mind and he wasn't standing on Mount Eris anymore, he looked over the dead wastes of a now empty planet. He didn't dare close his eyes as he knew exactly what he would see and all he wanted to do was get away. But be couldn't, he was frozen in place scanning the scene looking for someone, anyone, still alive.

It's was Applejack who brought him back as she called out to the emptiness. As suddenly as he had been on the lifeless planet he was now again in the ruined city of the Hippogryphs. His breathing slowed down as he watched the girls ahead of him begin to search and all he could do was follow them quietly. He wouldn't dare lose sight of them. Not for their sake, but for his own. He needed the reminder, he needed to stay there.

While chaotic, Pinkie Pie's search was marginally effective as she popped from place to place and checked under even the smallest rock. “This place is em-pty.” She said as casually as she would give any other news.

Twilight couldn't accept this. Celestia had told Luna that the hippogryphs could help. The map said they would be here. This didn't make any sense. She racked her mind as she tried to think how things could have turned out this way. “They have to be here.” She said to herself, desperately.

They continued to walk through the city trying to think about why this was as it was. The further in they got the more obvious it was that the Storm King had destroyed the Hippogryphs the same way he intended to destroy Equestria.

“Something bad happened here.” Spike said as they approached a broken statue. “Something that turned this whole place into a ghost town.”

“A g-g-g-ghost town?” Fluttershy stuttered.

James shook his head. “Don't worry.” His voice was flat, almost dead itself, as he spoke. “If there were any ghosts I could see them. This place is just empty.”

The girls turned to look at James. Could he really see ghosts? Were ghosts even a real thing? What was with his tone?

These questions were suddenly pushed from their minds as a haunting noise came from deeper in the city. It was tough to distinguish at first, but it soon became obvious it was singing.

It didn't take Twilight long to find the source of the singing and she quickly led them towards the ruined castle. They didn't want to make much noise getting through, just in case someone was there so even when James got momentarily wedged beneath the rubble they remained quiet as they pulled him through.

Deeper in the castle there was a beautiful fountain and pool with a large lotus in the center. They could see a luminescent figure within the lotus moving around. Clearly it was her who was singing. As they approached Pinkie stepped on a loose part of a stair, knocking a stone free to tumble and knock it's way to the bottom.

The figure gasped quickly and they heard her ask “What was that?” Before she jumped into the water.

Pinkie bounced down the stairs as she tried to catch up. “Hey, wait up.” She said before she leaped into the water after her. “Cannon ball!”

“Pinkie!” Twilight shouted as everyone rushed after the wild pony, not knowing just how deep the water was. They waded towards the lotus, hoping to see something below the water, unfortunately it was too dark in the cave to see anything beyond an inch underwater.

Pinkie resurfaced, spitting water as she did before shrugging. “She's gone.” She said with only passing curiosity. Pinkie put her muzzle below the surface and started blowing bubbles to amuse herself.

A loud metallic clang resonated in the room as Twilight moaned. What was going to go horribly wrong now?

The water quickly began to drain from right beneath the lotus with a current too fast for the girls to fight began to pull them to the vortex. Things were going from bad to worse as they screamed while being pulled into the unknown.

“Hold your breath!” James shouted before the first of them were pulled underwater. Unfortunately he knew they weren't listening, and it was possible that it wouldn't do them any good anyway. He had no way of knowing how long the drain was, or if they'd even be able to surface at the end of it. He chastised himself, not for the first time, that he had given Tali his bag. While his emergency kit didn't have enough re-breathers for everyone it would have been better than the none he currently had with him.

The trip was a short one as they were spat into a flooded cavern. The worst case scenario to not have an air supply. James's implant activated and his lungs filled with fresh air from an extra dimensional plane.

This wouldn't be the preferred solution for this problem, but it was better than anything he could come up with right now. He couldn't take the time to explain to each pony what he had to do, but if they saw it they might just catch on. James spread his wings and used them to swim over to Rainbow Dash, and after getting her attention he poked at his chest before breathing out several bubbles.

Rainbow Dash couldn't figure out what James was trying to say as her lungs burned for air. She watched James tap his chest and blow bubbles several times before she remembered that he had an implant that let him breathe underwater. But how did that help them? She didn't have time to think about that as she struggled to hold her breath. With no pockets of air in sight she realized that this could be it. Unable to hold it in any longer she painfully let out what little air she held onto.

So this was it. This was when they failed to save Equestria. Her eyes closed, ready to accept her fate.

Thoughts of doom were blasted from her mind but the panic remained as James's lips met hers. What was he doing?! He wasn't in any danger here! Did he think she wanted to be kissed as she died?! Her lips were forced apart moments before air was forced into her. With a new breath she knew just what he had been trying to tell her. He was breathing for her. That's how he breathes underwater, his lungs are always filled with air!

She exhaled again as she needed to be ready for the next breath so she could actually hold it. This time it was her who came in pressing her lips to his. This was embarrassing but if it meant living not only was she going to do it, she would make sure her friends did too. She took another breath from James and pushed herself away. James brought his hoof up and touched it to the top of his head, a sign she remembered from scuba training during the cruise he had brought them all on. She mimicked the sign before pointing to her friends.

Twilight was unable to comprehend why the two were kissing while they were drowning. After their joke ended they had insisted there was no relationship, but at death's door she saw only the opposite. She watched as they exchanged some kind of message and separated. This was just getting more confusing and she just wished she hadn't led them to this point. They were all dying because of her.

James swam up to Applejack, her eyes were closed and he gently shook her, he needed to at least try to explain what was going to happen. Carefully she opened her eyes and looked at James as he mimed to her to exhale then pointed to himself and blew more bubbles before pointing to her mouth. She clearly didn't understand but much like with Rainbow Dash he didn't have the luxury of time. He quickly gave her a bear hug and forced the air from her lungs before pressing his mouth to hers as she inadvertently gasped for air. Whether or not she realized what happened she now had a lung full of air and the others needed attention. James nodded to her before swimming over to Spike to do the same.

Rainbow Dash realized that their best chances lay with being close to James so there would be less time between breaths as she brought Fluttershy and Rarity closer. James's face was pressed against Twilight's as he breathed for her while Applejack got Pinkie Pie. For this to work they would have to take turns getting air from James and going to look for any air pockets or, better yet, an exit.

James was a glorified scuba tank as he continued to move between the group, breathing for them until a creature that looked like a mermaid equivalent swam closer with large magical bubbles and began placing them on everyone's heads.

“Wow.” Pinkie Pie said as she was able to breath freely again. “I didn't know anypony could hold that much air in them.”

Rainbow Dash's cheeks were still red as she smiled now that she didn't have to take turns breathing. “Nah, he's got an implant that lets him breathe underwater. I probably should have remembered that sooner.”

“Well,” Rarity said as she mimed fanning herself. “I'll certainly take a kiss or two over drowning.”

While the others were talking, Twilight turned to regard the seapony who had just saved them.

“That wasn't kissing!” Rainbow Dash was quick to say. “He was just saving our lives by breathing for us.”

Applejack rubbed her sides as they were still sore, not that she didn't appreciate being saved. “Either way if there is a next time, maybe you could be a bit more gentle.” She said giving James a half smile.

“Or let me drown.” Spike added flatly.

“Thank you very much.” Twilight said to the seapony, ignoring the ongoing commentary of the others. “We're looking for the hippogryphs …”

As Twilight spoke James swam off much lower into a particularly dark section of the cavern where he took off his hakama and quietly chanted a new polymorph spell. His body twisted and reshaped, taking on a form more suited for the water. His upper half was now indistinguishable from his normal form save several slits on the sides of his chest and just after his Sayian tail his legs had transformed into a fish's tail with two small fin protrusions on the sides. He didn't use this form often, but it was the best for getting around underwater. And the merfolk on the station appreciated his adaptation to them for official visits.

The biggest drawback to this form at this time that James found was that he had to wear clothes that he didn't bring with him. I'll just have to improvise. He thought as he forced his fish tail through one leg in the hakama and tied the remaining one around his waist. As he changed he heard panicked calls for him from the girls he had just left. “Sorry!” He called back, glad that the bubble let him talk in a way that wasn't distorted to the point of being unintelligible. “Just had to change into something more appropriate.”

“You're changing clothes? Right now?!” Rainbow Dash asked astonished.

“Not really. Though I'm sure you'd appreciate my choice to wear something.” James answered as he swam up. His swimming wasn't exactly graceful, but it was much easier than it had been as an alicorn.

“Ooh, this is so cool!” The sea pony said as she looked around the group. “I am totally taking you all to meet my mom.” As she finished she grabbed Twilight's hoof and pulled her along behind her.

The nearly pitch black tunnels would be impossible to navigate without their guide as they twisted and turned seemingly at random. James realized now that had it not been for the seapony he would have likely had to destroy a large section of the Hippogryph castle just to save them.

They were starting to feel as though they were traveling in circles again when their guide spoke up. “We are almost there.” She said excitedly as she swam ahead towards the next opening.

The city was amazing. Built onto the mountain itself it hung down almost as a large glowing stalactite. The palace was clearly the lowest and most ornately lit section and they were swimming right for it.

The throne room was no less impressive as it was a large well cared for coral bed. James marveled at the sight, even on the station the coral hadn't grown this well or beautifully. There was so much beneath the sea he loved. He chuckled to himself as he recalled how only hours earlier, possibly a day or more, it was impossible to tell with Celestia petrified, he had been complaining about trudging through a desert.

“Mother!” The seapony excitedly said. “Look what I found.” She was almost singing in her excitement.

Her mother was clearly exasperated with her daughters enthusiasm and she moaned. “Is it another shell? Because I am telling you, if it's another shell I'll …” Her words caught in her throat and she gasped as she looked to the group her daughter had brought. “Princess Skystar! What have you done?” She demanded. There had been no visitors here for years, not since the Storm King invaded and forced them below the waves.

“You know surface dwellers are forbidden here!” She continued. “Guards!” She couldn't be too careful, this was about the safety of her people. That was more important than her daughter's flights of fancy.

Skystar couldn't let this happen, she had just met them and they were so interesting. “No no no no no. Mom, please!” She pleaded. “It is so not like that. The Storm King is trying to destroy their home too!” She had to convince her mother that this group were their friends and not enemies to be punished.

“We need to find the Hippogryphs.” Twilight said. They'd faced one death trap after another and gotten out of it, she was not going to fail so close to their goal. “Do you know what happened to them?”

Did this girl really not know who she was addressing? “Well of course I know. I'm the queen, I know everything.” She said as she rose from her throne.

“Oh.” Skystar happily said as she swam around. “It's such a good story!”

Here she goes again. The Queen thought as she looked to her daughter. “Don't you dare tell them!” She demanded.

Skystar wasn't listening as she lit up a picture showing the mountain and several hippogryphs. “Once upon a time, like, a while ago. The Hippogryphs did live on Mount Eris.” She explained.

The queen rubbed her forehead with her fin as she grumbled. “Did I not just say don't tell them. But hey, … I'm just the queen. Don't mind me.”

James chuckled as he remembered paraphrasing that line on more than one occasion himself.

“Fine.” Skystar sassed. “I can't tell you.”

James was reliving several memories of his own daughter's right now. These were the kind of flashbacks he enjoyed.

“But if I could tell you …” Skystar started up almost immediately and James bit his lip hard to keep from laughing. This was just like something Amber would do. He quietly wondered how she and Sara were doing since they couldn't change out of their form without him. Neither could Tali …

He was able to hear about the history of the Hippogryphs and that they are in reality the sea ponies, while giving an understanding look to the Queen. Though he doubted she saw it as she was more frustrated than anything else.

Queen Novo sighed as her daughter finished her explanation. “Well, I guess the pearl's out of the oyster now. I am Queen Novo.” She said as she held her fin to her chest.

Applejack had one serious question that needed answering. “Hold on now.” She said swimming as close as she could before the guards stopped her. “Let me get this straight. When the storm King came you just abandoned your kingdom and fled?”

Skystar swam up to Applejack. “We didn't flee, we swam. You know, in order to flee.”

James shrugged. “The heart of a kingdom is not the buildings, Applejack. It's the people. Abandoning a place to save the people is a good call when you can't fight.”

“Your friend is right. As Queen it is my duty to keep my subjects safe and that's just what I did.” Queen Novo solemnly said.

Changelings are the only creatures that Twilight knew of that can freely change from one creature to another, how had the Hippogryphs managed to change and live under the water. “But … how?”

This got Skystar even more excited, somehow. “Oh, can we show them? These are like the first guests we've had in, like, forever!” Skystar was practically singing in her excitement. “Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can we? … … …”

Queen Novo sighed, it's not like there was going to be any harm in showing them now that they already knew everything else. “We-e-ell, I suppose I should make sure it still works.” She and her daughter swam past the jellyfish chandelier and a large central structure descended from it. Attached at the bottom was an absolutely gigantic pearl.

Skystar and her mother laughed as she took hold of the pearl. Novo smiled while she held it out and a magical luminescence wafted towards the group. Noticing it James immediately swam backwards to get out of the path of the spell. As he did he broke the spear of the guard behind him on his back. And brought the unfortunate seapony back with him. He did not want to deal with the magic without studying it first.

Rarity marveled at her appearance as she examined her new fins while Rainbow Dash was eager to test out just how fast she could be by racing the only pony there as competitive as she was. Applejack was all too happy to take her up on the race. As could be expected Pinkie Pie was excited about the whole thing while Fluttershy was too nervous to move. Unfortunately for Spike he had been polymorphed into a puffer fish and had no clue as to how he could adapt.

James watched them and smiled, he had seen them fascinated like this before when on the cruise as they explored even a small section of a brand new world. Parts that even those that lived there had never seen.

Twilight was awed, this kind of power really could help save Equestria, and it was right there. “This. Is. Amazing!” She gasped. “With this we could transform everypony at home into something powerful enough to face the Storm King's army!” She said as she swam over to Queen Novo and grabbed at the pearl.

Novo pulled it from her reach as she got close. There were risks this girl hadn't even thought of, all she saw was power and that was dangerous. “Or it could end up in his greedy claws!” She clarified as she towered over Twilight and pushed her back.

“But.” Twilight mumbled as her hopes of saving Equestria were battered yet again.
Queen Novo knew what she risked coming here, and she knew that this girl was only trying to help her people as she once had. “I'm sorry. I truly am.” She said softly. “But my responsibility is to protect my subjects.” As she spoke she moved the pearl back to where it had been safely kept for years. “The Pearl is not going anywhere.” Her voice left no room to argue.

“But we've come all this way.” Twilight pleaded on the verge of tears. Why was everything against them? They just wanted to save their home! “We can't just hide down here. Trapped forever.”

“While it is paranoid her reasoning is sound, Twilight.” James quietly said. “Though I disagree that her only responsibility is to her subjects, she is keeping them safe and cannot be faulted for that.”

Queen Novo glared at James as he spoke. “And what would you say my responsibility is?” She asked with a sharp edge to her voice. This creature carried himself with great importance and he needed to be put in his place. He was not only a stranger in her home, he was now judging her choice to protect her subjects.

James stared the Queen of the Seaponies in the eye and with steely resolution made his statement. “As King of New Guardia I try to live by a maxim taught to me by a good friend, Prince Phillionel Di Seyruun. “In times like this we do not bicker and quibble about who's responsibility it is. It's everyone's responsibility.” And as such I cannot turn down a kingdom with a genuine need of aide. I say this now with absolute sincerity, even as you deny a tool that could prove pivotal to the survival of Equestria … You will never stand alone in your struggles if you just ask.” James calmly said with an even face.

Queen Novo looked to James with the same icy demeanor she had shown Twilight earlier. “You cannot shame me into action.” She turned a softer eye to Twilight and spoke more gently. “But I do appreciate your predicament. I was in it myself at one point.” As she talked a small octopus swam up to her and burbled. “Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for my seaweed wrap.” Queen Novo swam out of the room happily as she reminded the octopus that she always got a massage too.

“So that's it?” Applejack said as she swam forward. “We came all this way for nothing?!”

Skystar clapped her fins as an idea came to her. “Oh. My gosh. Best idea. You can stay with us! Forever!” She waved her fins to emphasize her excitement, not realizing that this was probably the worst case scenario for the group in front of her.

Twilight was desperate as she looked to everyone with her and the thought crossed Twilight's mind that perhaps they could ask James to evacuate Equestria to New Guardia. While it would be the end of Equestria, the people would live on peacefully. She shook her head, she couldn't going to give up now. There had to be some way to get that pearl.

“There are so many things we can do!” Skystar was going for the hard sell with this but it was all so exciting to her. She didn't have any friends of her own. Other than Shelly and Sheldon, that is.

While she went on about all the crafts that could be done with shells Twilight looked back to the jellyfish chandelier. In there was their ticket home and to saving Equestria. They'd all come so far for this she wasn't going to give up just because some cowardly queen would rather hide underwater than help.

Briefly she thought that James's harsher attitude might be rubbing off on her, but if that meant she could do what she had to to save Equestria she was alright with that. The biggest problem was she didn't want her friends involved in this. If things turned sour (And what hadn't these last couple days?) they needed to be able to walk away without punishment.

She knew what she was going to do. It went against everything she had ever believed, but sometimes the role of a leader means doing terrible things for the right cause.

Pinkie Pie was actually sad as Skystar swam away at their refusal to live underwater with her. “I know we have to go, but you guys saw how disappointed Princess Skystar was. Could we stay for just a li-i-itle longer?” Pinkie asked, hoping to make her day a bit better if nothing else.

That's when it struck Twilight. A distraction and a way to keep her friends out of this.

“Pinkie, we just don't have time …” Applejack began to say before being interrupted by Twilight.

“Oh no.” She said as she looked to Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie's right.” She was using the voice she always used to try to convince others to do something while she has an ulterior motive. James had heard it a few times, she was surprisingly successful at manipulating others despite how transparent she was.

Even Rainbow Dash was wary of the tone as she looked to her friend. “Say what now?”

There was a good reason to stay for a bit, Twilight would just use that to explain her shift in attitude and not lie to them. “Well, we still need to think of a way to get back. A few minutes won't make a huge difference. And if anypony can cram a lifetime of fun into a blink of an eye, it's Pinkie Pie.”

Flattery and the promise of fun was all Pinkie Pie needed and she was completely sold. Her smile spoke volumes about just how happy she was.

“So go ahead and show Skystar the best time ever!” Twilight finished, confident that the plan was foolproof.

The others swam up behind Twilight as she talked to Pinkie.

“I won't let you down.” Pinkie said with a salute.

Twilight knew her friends were behind her and flipped backwards over them before she began to push them out of the throne room. “I'm counting on it.”

James stopped just as Twilight stopped pushing and waited a moment as the others got out of earshot. He knew the tone and could see her plan coming a mile away. “Twilight. Please don't do anything stupid while we're gone.” He calmly said. It was her choice to be alone in here, what she did was on her, he would talk to her about it later, but what remained was to find out just what he would be saying. He turned back and left the structure to watch what Pinkie Pie was going to do.

James's words did give Twilight pause as she reevaluated her plan. She had to do this, it was Equestria's only hope. She steeled herself for the action. She knew where the pearl was she just needed to get it. First she tried to swim in front of the chandelier as Queen Novo had.


Maybe she didn't do it right, so she tried again.

Still nothing.

She could hear singing, it was building up so she still had a moment. She tried using magic to activate it.

Again, nothing.

She tried swimming while using magic.

No change.

The song had gone quiet, it was still there but if the tune had told her anything about it that quiet meant there would be a burst of activity just as it ended. She didn't have time anymore. There was probably some painful security to deal with, but she could endure it. She swam to the bottom of the chamber as the music swelled again and with a burst of speed she shot towards the center of the jellyfish.

Immediately in reaction to her intrusion the tentacles wrapped her up and began stinging and shocking her. Magic was useless, the moment she tried to cast something the tentacles absorbed her power and shocked her again.

An alarm blared and she knew she was caught, but if she could reach the pearl she could use it's magic to get out and escape. Her friends would be with the princess so the queen would know they weren't involved. It was foolproof.

Of course, a foolproof plan demands a bigger fool. Even if it's the one who made the plan.

Queen Novo growled and snatched the pear from the would be thief, much to Twilight's frustration. “All of this so you could sneak in and take the pearl?” She grabbed her daughter and dragged her to her side. “This is why we don't bring strangers into our home!”

Queen Novo held the pearl out and scowled at them. “You don't deserve to be one of us.”

The luminescence once again radiated towards the group. Reactionary to her hostile tone James was ready for the spell and a red barrier blinked to life in front of him. While the others returned to their normal forms a fraction of the spell backfired on the queen, returning her to her Hippogryph form. James used the confusion to get the girls out of the reach of the guards and their angry, confused queen.

They were too deep to safely rush to the surface even when it was in sight, once again James was acting as a glorified scuba tank, breathing for the girls as he controlled their assent. Eventually they breached and began to swim to the shore. James stayed a ways out as he decided to make the quicker polymorph back to his normal form, but that would still take a minute. A minute where all he could do is watch as the girls fought.

Applejack was irate as she chastised Twilight. “What were you thinking?!” She demanded. “I mean, stealing their pearl!” She could barely believe that Twilight had even considered the idea.

Twilight had resigned herself to being hated for this. Just as James had resigned himself to his own judgment when he killed his counterpart. It was just one of the things that had to be done, even if it was wrong. “It was the only way to save Equestria!” She said, her tone cold but cracking.

“Except it wasn't.” Pinkie Pie insisted. “Queeny was going to say yes! We did what you told us and that's what helped her realize we were ponies worth saving.” Everything had gone so well, how could Twilight have given up on her own plan before even seeing the result. She was pretty obvious about having them go and show the princess a good time. Unless …

Pinkie Pie gasped at the realization that Twilight had just used them. “You just wanted us to distract her!”

She had used James's rationale to get her this far, may as well go for it. “This isn't Equestria! Things don't work the same way out here! James said as much himself when we got to the city where we were almost sold! The world doesn't work that way. We can't just dance around with conartists, make rainbooms in the sky and expect everything to work out! Sometimes we'll have to do terrible things to get the job done!”

“That's why I'm here!” James shouted from the ocean. His legs hadn't split yet but his gills had closed up. “So none of you have to become what I am!” He glared at her as the rest looked between the two.

Pinkie turned back to Twilight as she was going to make her point. “We stuck together. We were gonna get the help we needed. The only thing that stopped us, was you.” She pointed her hoof at Twilight to accentuate her point and glared angrily, an unfamiliar expression on the happy go lucky pony.

“Well I'm doing the best I can!” Twilight shouted. “It's all on me. I'm the one Tempest wants. I'm the last princess.” She was the center of this all, it was up to her. She was the only one even taking this seriously!

“You're the only one who doesn't trust her friends!” Pinkie shouted as Twilight walked away form her.

The barb stuck deep. After everything she had been doing, she was the one who was being blamed for this. After sticking with their nonsense this whole time, saving them when things turned sour, making sure they actually even got this far! And they were placing the blame on her?!

Twilight turned and glared at the unfamiliar pony staring back at her. She stormed forward, her horn glowing threateningly. “Well maybe I'd be better off without friends like you!” She shouted.

Pinkie recoiled at the statement. This is what Twilight became when she was angry, and it hurt to know. She would forgive her eventually, but not now. Not with the cut so fresh. Everyone stared at her astonished, anger and confusion filling every one of them as they tried to understand why she could be saying those things.

James's stare alone was unchanged, cold, though she couldn't tell if he was angry or disappointed. “Seems you've already become me.” He said just as ambiguously.

Pinkie pie fought back tears as she trudged away.

Twilight had regretted her words the moment she had said them, and she could only guess how much it had hurt her friends to hear them. “Pinkie, I …”

Pinkie Pie cut her off, her voice wavering and cracking as she spoke. “I just can't talk to you right now.” She said, not looking back. The rest of the girls silently walked past her, barely even looking back as they did.

James was stuck where he was as the spell finished. “Seems to me like you need another lesson, princess.” James said before turning away, he wasn't going to leave even after the spell finished. Cadence had made a direct request for help protecting her. Even if the rest of the trip was made in uncomfortable silence he intended to see it through.

Twilight slowly walked off, Spike eventually following her as he was torn between his friends and the pony that was effectively his mother.

James sighed as the spell continued to work. His response to Novo's spell was effecting how quickly this one was working, at this pace he could be stuck there for another ten minutes. Nothing to do now but watch the ocean waves and think.

James finally climbed out of the ocean and adjusted his hakama, it fit so poorly in this form, his shirts did too, but it wasn't until he was out of the water that he actually noticed. He stood on the beach and sighed. He wanted to go with the rest of them, but he was tasked with watching Twilight and if she really was becoming more like him she couldn't be trusted alone right now.

He began to follow her's and Spike's tracks when he heard shouting. He rushed forward to find Spike coming his way. “Help! Twilight's been taken!”

James stopped in his tracks. “Belgium!” He shouted reflexively, more at his own failure than anything else. “Okay, let's get the girls.” He said after a moment, but Spike was already running their direction.

He was hot on the dragon's tail as they rounded the corner to find the rest of the girls moping around on the beach. It's not like they had anywhere they could go, this far from home they were effectively stuck.

“She's been taken!” Spike shouted as he ran towards them.

Rainbow Dash was by him immediately. “What?” She asked in a panic

Spike had to explain, he pointed to where they had been, more because he wasn't able to think of a more accurate way to point out what had happened. “Twilight's been taken. Tempest! She grabbed her and took her on her ship!”

The rest of the group were by Rainbow Dash as she turned around. “We've got to get her back!” She declared, she didn't have a plan, but that wasn't important right now.

“How?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“We'll never catch up.” Fluttershy commented.

As she spoke a figure stood atop the rock behind the group.

“Without James doin' it for us, we've got no way of beating those monsters.” Applejack said.

“Lucca's been keeping them off balance, all we should have to do is push them over.” James commented.

“Well, it's a good thing I happen to know of a group of heroes that can handle that easily.” Came a familiar voice.

They turned and found Capper standing bold as brass smiling as he would always do. Rarity was not happy to see him. “Well, look what the cat dragged in. Himself!” She jabbed.

Capper had heard far worse and likely would again so her insult fell flat for him. “These heroes have faced the Storm King's army and escaped.” He said, not skipping a beat. “I've seen them topple the streets of the roughest towns, break out of the tightest situations, and inspire others to join their cause.”

Nearly all of the girls were transfixed as he spoke, imagining just who these heroes could be.

“Now don't get too excited, he's talkin about us.” Applejack said, breaking the optimistic mood to the groans of the rest of the girls.

James smiled as he looked down at the girls. “He's not wrong though.” He casually commented.

Capper needed to pile more on to sell them on themselves. “They even escaped certain doom at the hooves of commander Tempest.” He boasted.

Rainbow Dash grinned. “Yeah, that was pretty great.”

“Are you kidding me?” Another familiar voice said.

They looked up at the short cliff to their right and saw the pirates standing over them. Captain Celeano smiling wide as she looked down at the group. The pirates leaped down from the ledge landing next to the ponies. Celeano raising her fist as she announced, “That was awesome!”

“Figured you could use a claw.” Boyle said as his prosthetic closed and opened.

“We're on board to help you fight the Storm King.” Celeano happily promised. “Just not on board our … actual ship.” She awkwardly added.

“That crazy unicorn sunk it. But you got back our arrr.” Mullet said, pointing to Rainbow Dash. “And we're ready to kick some booty.”

As they marveled at their accomplishments the ocean began to roll and bubble behind them, drawing their attention as something shot out of it. To the surprise of all a Hippogryph came to land nearby. The first Hippogryph seen in over a decade.

“Hello-o-o-o.” Skystar sang. “Me again.” She chuckled as she talked. “I'm gonna get so grounded. But I talked things over with Shelly and Sheldon and they pointed out that you were just trying to help out your friends.” She explained without taking a breath. She took to the air for a moment to get to the beach. “So I want to help too.” She took a couple steps to Pinkie Pie and smiled, remembering how even as their friend was making a mess of things the rest had been so nice to her, they couldn't really be bad. “'Cause you know … one small thing.” She leaned close to whisper to Pinkie Pie. “Can make a really big difference.”

Spike was glad for the help, but it did seem like the task was much bigger than what they could handle. “So that's it? We didn't make friends with anypony else?” He asked dryly.

“Come on.” James said. “We've got everyone we need to do this. In fact some of us might have to sit this one out just to make it fair for them.” He joked.

The pirates and Capper stared at James for a moment, they knew that voice but it certainly didn't belong to that creature. Then again they had just watched a sea pony transform into a Hippogryph so a change like that certainly wasn't off the table.

Capper was the first to shake off his surprise. “Alright y'all. I think our course is clear.” He said as he began to plan. “Y'all ready to do this thing?” He asked to the cheers of everyone.

James's omnitool blinked to life as he walked forward and grinned. “Who's up for a shortcut to Ponyville to supply and plan?” James asked looking to the group.

“Wait a second.” Applejack said as she approached. “Couldn't you have used that thing to get us here in the first place?” She was irritated that he could easily get them back, she'd be even more angry to learn he could have brought them there.

“No I couldn't.” James honestly answered. “Because no one had any idea where we were going.” His voice was strangely upbeat as he spoke. “Everyone gather round and be ready for a trip.” He said as he prepared remote access for his transporter.

“Wait, what's goin' on?” Capper asked as they dissolved off of the beach only to appear by Sugar Cube Corner.

“Just a shortcut.” James calmly said as his omnitool blinked out. “Here we've got everything we need to come up with and execute a plan.” He added after a moment.

“Could we use that little shortcut to get us past the guards?” Capper asked as a different plan began to form.

“No, without knowing their patrols it could just drop us right into their clutches.” James answered as he tried to adjust his shirt to a comfortable position.

Capper's other idea was dashed but he was already back to working on the first, and this one didn't need any strange gadgets.


Lucca Starlight Trixie and Big Mac all watched as Tempest's ship returned to Canterlot.

“That's not good, is it?” Starlight asked as she watched it come to a stop.

“Nope.” Big Mac answered.

“Well what do we do now?” Trixie asked, defeated. She didn't want to lose, but if Twilight and her friends couldn't pull it off, who could.

Lucca looked at the ship, unconvinced that things weren't going according to plan. Even if it did involve having Twilight captured. Caution was certainly called for, but now was not the time for panic. “I don't know. We don't have any information
yet, after all this wouldn't be the first time James's commandeered an enemy ship. Until Spitfire gives us news, our plan is unchanged.”

Starlight and Trixie both hesitantly looked to Lucca as she turned back to where she was setting the next ambush. A light they recognized as her omnitool blinked on and a second light flashed.

“Lucca …” Trixie nervously said, unsure of what that could mean. “Your thingy is flashing.”

Lucca stopped and looked to her omnitool, she had a message from James. It seemed they wouldn't have to wait for Spitfire to give them an update after all.

“Hello beautiful.” The start itself brought a smile to her face. “We're on our way now. It would help us if you could stretch the guard thin so we can sneak some allies in. Have fun.”

Lucca closed the message and her omnitool blinked out as she turned to the rest of the group. “New plan. Starlight, Trixie you pull as many guards as you can away from the front gates while Big Mac and I start breaking cages. We need the guards scattered and disorganized.”

Starlight nodded and turned away. “Gotcha, we'll have them on the run in no time.”

They ran their separate directions as they went about their part of the plan.

The four guards at the front gate were bored, though that was a bit of a relief compared to what was going on in the city. Reports of escaped ponies attacking guards were common. Even they saw some of what was happening as occasionally a battered and soaked guard would trudge up the path having been knocked over a ledge or bridge. While they fought more than the other places they had taken, this was still one of the easier occupations.

“Oh boy-oys.” A female voice sang from behind them. They quickly turned and saw a lavender unicorn wickedly smiling at them. “Care to dance?” She asked before a plume of smoke appeared at her feet. Two bursts of magic shot from the smoke and smashed stone at the feet of the guards.

They looked to each other before two of them ran into the cloud, a brief scuffle was heard as the smoke finally began to clear, unfortunately they were fighting themselves. Just then the same singsong voice picked up. “Oh, you'll have to try harder than that if you want to impress me.” Starlight said as now two plumes of smoke appeared. Hooves could be heard running from both clouds and the two guards that had been fighting each other took off, one in each direction.

Deeper in the city, Lucca and Big Mac were doing as they said and were breaking open cages and snapping harnesses. They needed as many ponies keeping the guards busy running around as possible.

A bolt of electricity shot from the castle and Lucca knew that this was clearly the back up plan. Somewhere things had gone awry and they were now on a rescue mission. Lucca brought out her omnitool and with a couple quick modifications to the control scheme she got the omniblade to pop out when she flexed her (currently) foreleg in the right way. She needed to free these ponies faster and the blade would make quick work of any material.

Spitfire could see the commotion from her vantage in the clouds and knew that something big was happening. If she hurried she could collect a few storm clouds and add to the chaos.

The sun flew wildly around the sky. Things were much worse than they had thought if this maniac had control of that kind of power.

James was once again an alicorn as he was lashed to the cart hauling the parrot cake with the girls. The girls looked defeated but he held a scowl firmly in place as they approached the city gates. The two guards were cautious as the two other guards had yet to return from chasing that unicorn and stopped Capper in his tracks.

“Oh yeah, I've got a delivery here for a mister, The Storm King.” He casually said. “I was given explicit instructions to bring this here cake to this here castle’s throne room.” He paused as he waited for the guards to either make way or plant their feet.

They planted their feet and held their spears out at the stranger, there had been chaos for days and they weren't going to just trust someone bearing cake.

“Alright then.” Capper calmly said, undaunted by the weapons pointed at his face. “Could one of y'all be a pal and go tell your boss that he's not getting his “congratulations on subduing defenseless pastel ponies” cake? 'Cause I don't want to be the one responsible for the big guy missing his special dessert.” Capper chuckled as he turned and started to walk away. “You know what I'm saying?” He added with a shrug.

The guards weren't ready to trust this cat on his words, but he did have a point. If the Storm King had ordered a cake, keeping it from him would be an even bigger mistake. They looked to each other before standing to the side to allow the cake to pass.

“Thank you kindly fellas.” Capper said as he walked past, patting one of the guards as he did. “I'll be sure to put in a good word for the both of y'all.”

As the cake came trundling past, one of the guards looked down and saw that one of the ponies seemed far too excited to be enslaved, judging by her Cheshire cat smile. That changed abruptly, however as another pony whispered at her.

He reminded himself that keeping something from the Storm King was a far more dangerous prospect than allowing in a suspicious gift. He was in a catch twenty two so he went with what would get him in the least trouble and ignored the problem.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly as they walked through the city, unfortunately a hungry imp saw the giant cake, and thought to help himself.

A call for guards was the only warning they had that the plan had gone wrong. Quite suddenly they were the center of attention.

“Uh-oh.” Capper said, knowing they were busted. “Plan B?” He nervously asked.

“The jig is up!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she kicked the cart, telling the parrots it was time to spring out. The cake exploded as the parrots leaped out with a cry from Captain Celeano. James's horn glowed and their restraints immediately sprang open and dropped to the ground. The battle was beginning and he was going to have some fun.

James rushed the nearest guard and leaped at him, using his much greater weight to bowl the creature over. James's horn glowed as he took the creature's shield and began using that to bash his way through the coming swarm.

Applejack was using her skills from many prize winning rodeos to lasso and subdue the creatures while Rarity and Capper worked as a team to accomplish a similar feat.

“Surprise!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she handed a creature a small gift box and ran off.

Perplexed at the gesture the creature considered the gift before it popped open revealing that it contained Pinkie Pie herself. “Double surprise!” She shouted as she began pelting the creature with cupcakes before turning her attention and growing psychotic laughter to everything else in the area as she hurled a continuous stream of cupcakes at everything not an ally.

Fluttershy had no interest in fighting but was drawn in as a spear that had been aimed at her came down right in front of her. She cowered for a moment before looking up at the creature. “You seem tense.” She nervously said. “Do you want to talk about it?” She smiled warmly as she made the offer.

Celeano and Rainbow Dash worked in tandem, bringing down the creatures with a combination of sword slashes trips and kicks.

“Head for the castle, we'll hold them off!” Celeano called as she held another creature at bay.

“Come on!” Rainbow Dash said to the rest of the group before leading the charge up the stairs. Before joining them James took a second and cast a spell on Celeano. She glowed green briefly as everything seemed to slow down compared to her. She was able to dodge and parry with ease as she watched James nod with the same sluggish movement as if he were underwater before he ran to the rest of the group.

They only had to stop for a second to call to Fluttershy who was sitting next to one of the creatures. He was bawling openly as she patted his leg. “It's okay, let it all out.” She said comfortingly.

“Fluttershy!” the group called as one.

“Oh, I'm sorry. Our time is up. Buhbye” She said as she hurried off to join the group.

He was genuinely moved by her willingness to talk to him, and he hoped to see her again soon as he continued to cry.

James didn't look back as Skystar handled the creatures following them, continuing to run shield first towards the castle. Unfortunately, he isn't always aware of where his feet are and he tripped and began to slide down the stairs on top of the shield. “I'll be back in a minute!” He called, no point wasting the opportunity that presented itself and he guided the makeshift sled towards any creature climbing the stairs.

The remainder of the group stopped cold when they saw the guards advancing on them. Capper looked down at Spike with a grin. “Hey, ain't you a fire breathing dragon?” He asked slyly.

James could her the maniacal laughter as he climbed back up the stairs, cresting the top he found the girls behind Capper as green flame spread out in front of him. It didn't take two guesses to figure out what was happening and James laughed as well as he approached.

As they walked towards the castle a bolt of electricity shot up to the sky and a cyclone formed around the structure, effectively cutting it off from the rest of the city. “Move them hooves ponies!” Capper called as the wind picked up. Even James was being lifted by the force of the summoned wind. They took shelter where they could as their first priority was getting to safety so they could evaluate the new situation.

“You'd have to be flying faster than a speeding Pegasus to break through that wind.” Rainbow Dash shouted over the howl of the wind, nobody was going to question the estimation as she would be the one to know.

Pinkie Pie had a solution to the problem, however. “Excellent idea, Rainbow Dash.” She said as she put on a helmet. They followed her as she got the parrots and led them all to her giant cannon, which had not been moved since it's construction.

“Everypony, into the cannon! We're getting through that wind.” Pinkie called as she adjusted it's angle.

“Are you crazy?” Rarity shouted.

“Two things!” James shouted back. “First; This is Pinkie Pie: Yes she is. Second; She knows cannons. It's a good plan.”

“Ready!” Pinkie called as she climbed to the top.

James lifted Applejack and Rarity to the breach of the cannon and helped them inside before he began to slowly float back to the ground.

“I said everypony!” Pinkie shouted, her echoed voice amplified by the cannon.

“I'm not a pony and there's no room.” James shouted back. “Besides, you don't need me, you never did. But she needs you! I'll help clean up out here. You girls go have fun.” James shouted as he walked over to the parrots. “Fire on my mark.” He instructed.

“Are you sure about this?” The parrot with the missing hand asked.

“Mark!” James shouted. There was no time to ask questions, and as the plunger was depressed the cannon blasted it's screaming payload towards the castle. James smiled as he was confident that everything was going to turn out for the best.

It didn't take long for the wind to die down and even though clouds still hung around the castle was in fact approachable. They began to disperse as James Capper and the parrots approached, just in time to see the Storm King shatter against the ground.

“I'll clean that up.” James calmly said as he began collecting the pieces in his Haori. He didn't know what if any power the Storm King's soul had, but any there was he was going to use it.

It was pretty obvious where James was when the cyclone touched down, unfortunately Lucca had to wait until it died down to come and investigate, Big Mac following close behind. There were creatures she had never seen gathered below Celestia's balcony and as interesting as they were it was one figure picking up stones she was interested in.

“What'cha got there handsome?” She asked as she approached, swaying while she walked.

James smiled as he pointedly ignored the question, still facing away from his wife.

After a moment of silence Capper spoke up. “Sorry miss. Normally I would happily answer that one, but I thought y'all may be talking to someone else.” He was a smooth one, even if he hadn't said much she could tell from how he talked that he would happily charm any woman.

“Well she said handsome, so obviously it couldn't be me.” James idly remarked as he finished collecting the pieces of the Storm King. “One of the pirates maybe?” He said with a smirk.

Lucca shook her head and laughed. “You idiot.”

James feigned excitement as he spoke. “Idiot.” He repeated. “I guess you are talking to me.” He happily said. “All I've got is some garbage, interesting garbage, but still garbage.” James tied his haori into a sack and placed it on his back as he walked over and kissed Lucca. “Did you have fun?” He asked.

Lucca chuckled as she looked around. “Yeah, though I wonder who had more fun.”

As they spoke magic streamed through the ground from the castle, repairing buildings and dissolving cages. James and Lucca looked up to the balcony for a moment before they both remembered something.

“Let's give Tali a call, I bet everyone's eager to come back.” Lucca suggested as she brought out her comm badge.

There was a special spot reserved for everyone who helped save Equestria at the concert that night, and Rainbow Dash wouldn't allow James to sneak away. What she couldn't stop, however, was James casting an invisibility spell on himself once she looked away. He couldn't keep himself from smiling at her frustration as she realized he had vanished before he quietly slipped away.

“That's one thing that never changes around here.” Tempest quietly said as Twilight flew over to her. Her tone clearly showing her regret at her actions. “Parties.” She sighed.

“Well, I hope you'll stay.” Twilight happily said. “More friends are definitely merrier.” She could forgive this unicorn everything, she showed that she could change and Twilight wanted to help her find herself again.

“But, uhm,” Tempest didn't really want to think she would be accepted after everything she had done, and definitely not with her broken horn. “my horn.”

Twilight couldn't let her think less of herself. “Well, you know.”

Tempest turned to face the princess to hear what she had to say.

“Your horn is pretty powerful. Just like the pony it belongs to.” Twilight finished.

Tempest couldn't help but enjoy the compliment. There was still something she had to do however. “You know how I said I'd show everypony in Equestria what I could do.” She said as she walked away from the princess. The remnant of her horn sparked as she blasted a colorful ball of magic into the air that exploded as it proceeded to create more explosions in other colors nearby, the spectacle was comparable to a brilliant firework display.

She timidly smiled as she watched her display, proud of what she could do. Twilight happily returned the smile. This world was a great place, both right here at home, and even far from it.

Pinkie Pie popped up from the audience as she looked to the two. The fireworks really added a feel to the concert that they hadn't realized it was lacking. “Nice touch Tempest.” She complimented.

“Actually that's not my real name.” She admitted as she walked forward. She had always found her name a bit embarrassing, but there was no harm in letting her new friends know it.

“Ooh, what is it?” Pinkie Pie asked as she hurried over and danced in anticipation.

Tempest couldn't bring herself to say it louder than a whisper. “It's Fizzlepop Berrytwist.”

Pinkie Pie was more excited than ever at hearing her real name as she gasped excitedly. She rushed in and draped her foreleg over Tempest's shoulders. “Okay, that is the most awesome name ever!” Her voice built to a scream as her own excitement grew.

“That's Pinkie Pie for you.” James commented, still invisible.

“Okay James, where are you?! I'm going to kick your butt when I find you.” Rainbow Dash growled as she flew around looking for the source of his voice.

“That's not incentive.” James laughed as he moved around the group, unseen by everyone.

“What's with that guy?” Tempest asked, still smiling.

“Oh, he hangs around a lot. I'm sure you'll talk to him sometime tonight.” Twilight said dismissively, despite her grin.

“As soon as I shake Rainbow Dash.” James laughed as he continued to move around so she couldn't pin his location.

“Good luck!” Rainbow Dash said as she began to smile.

Lucca however had a more amusing idea. She had her own pair of glasses ready with True Seeing, and after swapping them all she had to do was stick out her hoof and tripped James to brake his spell.

“Gotcha!” Rainbow Dash declared as she lunged for him.

“Please. Rainbow Dash. I've got this one.” Rarity said, halting Rainbow Dash in midair.

Rainbow Dash gave Rarity a curious look. What could she be planning and how could she punish James? Make him wear something silly? He'd enjoy that and laugh for days. And she wasn't exactly tough so she clearly wouldn't hit him.

Rarity calmly walked over and offered James a hoof to help him stand and even brushed him off a bit before she spoke. “Now James, dear. The next time you want to kiss us you should just ask.”

James immediately stopped smiling and his face went ashen as Lucca turned a furious glare on him. “It's not what it sounds like.” He started to say.

Applejack chuckled. “Well, at least he was more gentle the second time.” She added, standing beside Rarity.

“Second … time!” Lucca's horn sparked as she growled. She knew there was more to this than they were telling, but that much demanded answers.

James had to clarify in as short a time as possible, fortunately there was a quick answer. “Rescue breathing!” He quickly spat out.

Lucca believed him, but this was more fun right now. “Yeah, right! Just like you were only talking shop with Tali!” She snarled.

James couldn't tell exactly what was going on but since her horn stopped sparking he felt he was in the clear for now. “Girls, it's been nice knowing you. I'll probably be dead tomorrow.” He said evenly.

Lucca gave him a wicked smile. “Oh no, you're not getting off that easily.” There was enough material in this to keep her entertained for days.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

James sat in his forge looking over the material he had recently collected. It was in an interesting state that would make working with it a unique challenge. The crystal pieces of the Storm King were still very much alive, yet the moment the petrification ended they would be dead. Even if he could join the pieces together in a way that could save him, James wasn't going to do that.

There was another problem. The Storm King wasn't exactly powerful. There was some power James could use to create a weapon but it would be a rather pathetic one. Then there was the material, it was crystal and he could work with that, but when he was done would the petrification curse fade and leave him with a disgusting half finished weapon with chunks of meat embedded in it?

He had a crucible he could use to burn away all but the soul and infuse it into a weapon, but then he'd need to work around the soul instead of force it into a shape he wanted. He brushed the pieces off his desk into a crate where they would stay until he could make up his mind. Even if he did start right away it would take at least a month to properly prepare and enchant the weapon. He could afford to think about this some more later. He was expecting company and he hadn't even gotten a proper shower yet.


“Hello?” Tempest called as she stepped into New Guardia through the door in Twilight's castle. This was a lot to take in, and that wasn't even starting on James's proposition. “King James? Are you here?”

She was early for the meeting, but she was also planning on leaving right after. There were a lot of provinces the Storm King held that were now free from him.

“Good thing I was working all night.” She heard James say. “But could you keep it down a bit, there's still people here trying to sleep.” James stepped around the corner as he spoke and Tempest took a couple steps back.

There were a lot of differences between James and the Storm King, but there were a lot of similarities too. Their upright walk, the long hair, the tail. James didn't have horns but that was no guarantee. She stopped as she reminded herself that he was a friend. And the princesses all knew what he was, so he must have trusted them with that information.

“By the way, just call me James, none of that “king” nonsense. I only use my title for intimidation and political junk. Well, there are other times, but that's not important. Now I know both your real name and the name you had working for the Storm King. What would you like me to call you?”

“Whatever you would like.” She said. Even as she reminded herself that James was her friend he still made her feel a little uneasy.

James could tell she was uncomfortable, this reenforced to him why he kept to the Alicorn form whenever he visited. “… Well, if you're alright with it I'll call you Fizzle. If I try saying you're whole name all the time I'll get tongue tied.”

“That's fine.” She was starting to act subservient unconsciously. Old habits are hard to break.

James knelt down and looked her in the eye. “Hey, it's okay to tell me “no” alright. You were pretty tough with the princesses, no reason to go all soft on me.”

Tempest chuckled for a moment, he really was trying to make her comfortable. “Well … how about Tempest then?” She said as she began to relax.

“Alright, let's take a walk. The medical building is in Truce and I want coffee before we start.” James said as he led her towards the front doors.

“Medical? I thought I was here to see what you could do about my horn.” Tempest asked, a step behind him.

“Yeah.” James calmly said as he pushed open the large double doors. Dawn was just barely beginning to lighten the sky as they walked towards the forest. “I need some medical information about you before I can start running tests. If it is possible to grow your horn back, we need to make sure the procedures would be safe to attempt. You're just fine as you are, we don't want to change that for the worse.”

He really was almost nothing like the Storm King. He made no demands of any kind of her, he wasn't making a promise he couldn't keep and even more he intended to actually help her. Though he was just as casual about things. But that was preferable to being stuck up.

“Twilight said you do a lot of research. What are you studying?” Tempest asked, hoping to make conversation.

“A lot of things really,” James calmly answered. “right now I'm collecting data on Equestria, it's people and it's magic. It really is a fascinating place. Despite it's massive gender disparity it seems to be growing.” James paused a moment as he remembered another important thing he needed to ask her. “That is another thing about you doing this, your information will be added to the database and will be readily available. Are you alright with that?”

Tempest wasn't ready to give up on getting her horn back yet and it was just information. “Yeah, that's fine.”

“I'm not that interesting, honestly. Care to tell me a bit about yourself?” James asked. The forest was calm and quiet that morning.


Consciousness came slowly as he tried to remember what had happened. The scenery gradually came into focus as he took in his surroundings. Or had it always been in focus and he just barely started paying attention to it.

He was stiff, he felt like he couldn't move. Clearly he was standing, he could tell from the distance his head was from the floor. As he thought about it he realized that he couldn't see his body as he looked down. Now that he was thinking he couldn't feel his body either. It had to be there, it felt like he had one, but he just couldn't feel it himself.

Why would he question if he even had a body? He couldn't be just a head, there's no way he'd be alive if he were.

He tried to breathe and take a moment to calm down, however that brought with it the realization that not only wasn't he breathing, he couldn't breathe. He began to panic and looked around as he needed to think of something else at the moment. He was in a museum of some kind. Apparently he was in a section devoted to weaponry as there were weapons of all kinds here. Each had a plaque, across from him was a broadsword labeled “Terror. Forged from the bones and Soulstone of Diablo. Warning: May possess it's wielder. Do not touch.” Next to that a set of gauntlets. “Destruction: Forged from the bones and Soulstone of Baal. Warning, May possess it's wielder. Do not touch.” He was about to look at the third, a set of daggers labeled “Lies” when a glint below him caught his attention.

There was another plaque. “Foal's Folly. Forged from Steel; Pink Gold; Woven Silver; and White Gold. Infused with the soul of the Storm King. Warning: Will attempt to manipulate you. Do not trust.”

As the Storm King read the plaque he remembered it clearly. The ball. He was going to use it to petrify those insufferably cute and friendly ponies and reclaim his staff. But Tempest got in the way, she leaped at him and got them both petrified. They must have died there and something came along and did this to him.

What was it going to be like to be a weapon? What was going to happen to him now? The Storm King took a moment to relax. Something about this place felt calming. At least he was an awesome weapon, he didn't have to be stuck with those cutesie ponies any longer. His mind began to drift back to unconsciousness as he thought about his new existence. He never saw that he was a spear, with the head of a happily smiling pink gold girl unicorn with silver tassel hair and whose white gold horn completed the weapon.

Author's Note:

Hey, Lucca actually does something! Maybe it would be fun to write more on her part, I’ll have to look into that.
There's a subtle horror about what James did to the Storm King if you ask me.

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