• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

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25 The Sentence

James was only stalling now. He knew what he had to do he just didn't want to. Assassination wasn't the right way to go given how involved the process of killing him would be. And he was confident that in a one on one fight he could take out his counterpart. Especially if he could demoralize him first. There were other options, but after the report he read he wasn't going to be taking them.

With a nod to himself he walked off to collect his gear. This was going to be a real fight so he needed armor and the Freeza Armor was still the best quality he could get for this kind of fight. He then collected a bag of Senzu and put it in his bag of holding. Along with his falcion and a pair of bracelets that made his skin more durable. Against himself that may not help much, but anything was better than nothing. The last thing he collected was his circlet, it held an important enchantment that warded off any magical attempts to look into change or control his mind. Every other enchantment he needed was already inside his body, waiting to be activated.

He took the next hours until dawn to meditate and focus. He needed to be ready for this and Piccolo's techniques were just the edge he wanted.

Dawn came and James slowly opened his eyes, his mind clear he walked to where the Doctor who brought Luna with him waited.

“So what are you going to do?” The Doctor solemnly asked. He could guess from James's look, but he had to ensure James said it aloud. If he did he might just reconsider.

“I'm going to kill him.” James said coldly. “Permanently.”

The Doctor didn't want to help, but James would find his way there one way or another. At least here the Doctor could try to talk some sense into him.

“I could get a Time Lord prison. He'd never be able to escape.” He said, latching onto the first thought that came to mind.

“You did.” James answered.

“Put him around a black hole so he spends eternity reflecting on what he's done.”

“Too cruel. And someone may free him someday. Please, I have thought about this.” James said as he waited for the TARDIS to move.

“Have you though? You're talking about suicide! Maybe not you personally, but this is still you. There are other ways.” The Doctor was getting emphatic.

“And I won't be taking them! This is the one thing I can actually do, the only thing I've ever been any good at. And when it's time it's the only thing I can do.” James was not going to be budged from his position. He felt numb, closed off from feeling. He was ready.

“I hope one day you can see past that to realize you're not a killing machine. That there's so much more to you that you refuse to see, even when it's right in front of you.” The Doctor said, disgusted.

“When will we be leaving?” James asked.

“We've been here the whole time. I just don't want you to do this, even if I can't stop you.” The Doctor snapped and the doors opened out to the outskirts of Truce. “I'll be here, between seconds. I'll see you when you're ready.”

James silently left the TARDIS and walked towards Leene's bell in the center of the old district. There were a few people up and about this early in the morning but they quickly ran off. His cold, murderous miasma generally kept the area clear. Nobody wanted to be near whatever could produce such an aura.

James's omnitool flashed to life. He typed a few short commands into it and a reverberation emanated from the device. A reverberation that echoed in New Guardia Castle. The Cloister Bell was tolling.


James's counterpart was immediately awake as the bell tolled throughout the castle.

“Pops!” Rainbow Dash called as she pounded on his door. “What's going on?”

Lucca sat up as she listened. “It's the Cloister Bell?” She asked as she looked to her husband.

James's counterpart sighed as he got up. “NG-Com, stop audio.” Immediately the sound stopped and James began to change. “Rainbow Dash. Go tell Amber Sara and Starlight to stay in the castle. Pops has someone to get rid of.”

James's counterpart turned to Lucca and nodded. “You Tali and Tenyo get to the main bridge. If he's got a ship here you need to find it. Especially if it's the Hinako.” James dressed quickly and left his room, moving towards the foyer where he met Twilight and Celestia. “Celestia, get to Saddlebrook and ensure everything is alright there. Twilight, get the girls and get to Saddlebrook yourselves. It's too late to start a full evacuation of Truce, but the Guards should already be on it. I just need to know you're all safe.”

With a nod Celestia and Twilight flew out the door and went to their tasks.

He knew the intruder would wait in Truce for him. This was deliberate to call him out. To make him come to Leene's bell. He would walk, it would take over half an hour but it would also give him time to evaluate his own plan. His counterpart had probably been running through scenarios for weeks now.

The forest felt empty as Pops walked through it. He knew that he was deliberately exuding a murderous miasma to chase away any pleasant feeling in the area in order to demotivate him. He knew the plan too well to let it effect him.

His biggest surprise came as he left the forest, he could see the center of Truce now and the small blue figure standing near Leene's Bell, but he expected that. What surprised him most were the pastel colored shapes coming at him, quickly gaining definition as they got closer.

“I told you girls to get to Saddlebrook.” James's counterpart evenly said.

“We ain't leavin' ya!” Applejack said as she stomped her hoof in front of him.

“We may not be able to do much, but we'll do what we can.” Rarity said with a smirk.

“I brought you these. If you need them.” Fluttershy said as she gave James's counterpart a bag filled with Senzu.

“I'm not letting you face this alone. We're at our best when we're together, supporting each other. And we'll support you too.” Twilight said as her Alicorn counterpart smiled down at her.

“You're too important to everypony, James. We're not leaving you.” Princess Twilight agreed.

“Yeah, Pops. You're not getting rid of us that easily.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew up behind him.

He sighed as he closed his eyes. “I don't have time to fix this now.” He mumbled before speaking up. “Girls, if you come with me you'll be seeing something terrible. I don't want you living with that.” He quietly regretted not using Cadence's magic on Twilight again to make her compliant. But he shook the thought from his head, Twilight and Celestia had been the only Equestrians he had used the magic on and that wouldn't have changed anything right now. His girls were just too spirited.

He thought to himself as he silently walked, there was one option he could use and it could even give him an advantage. He grinned as the idea gained traction in his mind, they would get their private confrontation and if this worked, the intruder would be too disoriented to defend himself while he came in and took a quick victory.

The man standing under Leene's bell was definitely him, but clearly he had managed to keep his weight off. Pops grumbled as he found himself almost as irritated about that as he was about the oncoming attempt on his life.

James looked across the square at himself, disgusted at what he saw. Not that he was fat, he'd long gotten used to that, but disgusted at what he had become with the power to forcefully change minds. It was exactly as he feared, anyone who opposed him had their mind changed without question. The reports said that things were running smoothly, but he knew how high the cost was. And then there were the dark secrets, the ones he wouldn't dare admit to himself. But he knew they were there, he knew what was happening.

“Let's not do this here.” Pops said. “There's too many who could be hurt. Truce is quite large and not yet evacuated.”

Rainbow Dash felt something horrible in the air, it sent a chill down her spine and turned her stomach. Something screamed in her mind that if Pops fought that creature waiting by the bell she wouldn’t see him again. For the first time she gave into her fears. “Don't do it Pops!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “He just has to leave and there's no more problem.”

“I'm sorry Rainbow Dash.” James said solemnly. “I know what's going on and I can't in good conscience let it continue.”

“And how would …” She began to shout before being cut off.

“He's right sweetheart.” Pops quietly said. “That's why they asked him. He won't give up until this is resolved. … He may look evil, but he's not so cruel as to involve everyone else.”

“Well we are involved!” Princess Twilight said, as her horn glowed threateningly.

“And we're not letting him take you from us!” Her unicorn counterpart agreed.

James sighed as he watched the declaration. He knew it was a combination of genuine affection and Cadence's magic that had led to this. His stomach turned as he thought about it. His counterpart had inserted himself in their lives so thoroughly that even if the spell could be broken it's unlikely that they would see him as anything different than what he was to them now.

Pops hung his head and chuckled as he spoke. “My sweet, foolish girls. There's nothing any of you can do in this fight. But don't worry, this is a contest of wills and I doubt his can compare to mine.” As he looked up his face twisted into a sinister grin.

Around the two combatants space twisted and molded itself to create a battle arena suited for their fight. A whole galaxy for them to destroy in their fight to kill each other. This was a pocket universe formed by their combined wills, an equal playing field. They began muttering at the same time, activating their implants and preparing their spells. Arsenals specifically meant to destroy the other.

“Dragon Slave!” Came the shout from his counterpart. Who had chosen to forgo several enhancements to get the first spell off. But James was not as weak as he had been before, he walked headfirst into the spell and came out the other side of the blast without anything to show for the encounter.

His counterpart split into several copies as each began another spell. In a flash James stood before one and hurled it into the next, forcing them into one body before he moved onto the next. It wasn't until there was one left that he noticed the distraction tactic for what it was.

The ground fractured as Pops prepared to engage him. His golden hair flowed around him as his Ki pulverized the stone near him. In a flash Pops stood before James and delivered a powerful punch, throwing him into the nearest mountain miles away.

Damn. He hits almost as hard as Piccolo. But that's as Super sayian two. Did I really let myself go that much? James thought as he climbed out of the rubble. The moment his head was out it got a solid kick from Pops, ripping him from the remainder of the mountain.

Before he even stopped rolling Pops was pummeling him into the ground again. Without a moment to collect himself this was going to be tricky. He allowed his body to go limp and move wherever he was forced by the beating as he focused.

Pops’ fist hit stone as his target vanished. He immediately pulled back and began to search for him visually as he tried to find his energy.

James stood on the alien planet as he looked in the direction he had come. With a quick breath he put his hands against the ground and braced himself against the air with his Ki. His muscles corded and his hair turned golden as his energy flowed around and through him, he began to shout as slowly the planet started to move.

Pops felt the energy just in time to look up and see the speck rapidly turn into a flaming star only to continue growing. “That fucker just threw a planet at me, didn't he?” He mumbled as the projectile made contact.

James watched the planets collide from his vantage, positive the battle was only just beginning. Soon on the next rocky planet he felt Pops’ energy appear. It was on the verge of death, but that wouldn't stop him.

Pops reached into his bag, grateful that Fluttershy had decided against going to Saddlebrook. His pouch was filled with Senzu and there was more than enough to outlast his opponent. Assuming that he was cocky in his apparent strength and didn't bring any spare Senzu.

His vitality immediately returned to him as he swallowed the bean only to vanish just as quickly as James scored a direct hit between his legs.

“If it's worth fighting for, it's worth fighting dirty for.” James reminded himself aloud while he heard Pops scream as he flew into the distance. Following Pops’ example from earlier he didn't allow any time to stop before coming in for the next attack.

“Weakness: Identified!” James shouted as he came to kick Pops’ crotch again. He didn't want to admit it, but he was getting a lot of satisfaction from the fight so far. As they hit ground James reached down and ripped the pouch from his counterpart's hip and pulled a Senzu bean from it. Without any ceremony he shoved the bean into Pops’ mouth.

Relief came immediately, unfortunately it was short lived as a third strike to his crotch came. Another bean was shoved down his throat and he braced for another strike to his crotch. James was ready for the block and opted to punch him in the face instead.

Frustration overwhelmed Pops as he was being healed just to be battered again. His head began to swim as pain pushed him further from his senses. As if there were switch that flipped, suddenly all was calm. The attacks still hurt, but it didn't matter. He didn't want to die here, but he would be okay if he did. As long as this guy went first!

The planet fractured at the sudden shift in power when Pops finally went all out. He grabbed the arm of his assailant and swung him around before hurling him towards the next closest planet.

James was glad for his iron grip on the stolen bag of Senzu as he tossed a bean in his mouth and the remainder into his own bag. As much as it hurt, he was making progress. Pops stood at the edge of the crater, beckoning him closer. James knew that wasn't confidence, he just didn't feel like moving at the moment. His will to win wasn't shaken, but his ego had taken a beating. Unfortunately trying to demotivate him had backfired. James kept his eyes glued on his counterpart as he began to power up.

Pops seized the opportunity as James powered up to Super Sayian two, he closed his hand and a blade of pure darkness erupted from his closed fist.

James dodged the moment the blade came into view, he recognized the form and golden fringe as it took shape. But how had his counterpart managed to cast the Ragna Blade without any incantation? That didn't matter now, his life was seriously in danger if Pops was able to do that.

James leaped backwards to the edge of the crater, while his opponent had some magical prowess that he did not he had speed and strength. He just had to allow the Ragna Blade to eat away at his vitality.

The Ragna Blade vanished as Pops turned to face James. Where was his most likely escape route? In an instant he no longer stood in the crater and instead was swinging a new Ragna Blade down at James's back.

The sudden shift in energy had James throwing himself forward as the blade sank into stone beneath where he was. On the edge of the cut James saw the reality that they had just left appear for a moment. The Ragna Blade was damaging their arena too. He had to end it before the madman started to consider the only stronger spell he could use.

Once again the only warning the James had was the sudden shift in energy before his counterpart struck. This was getting worse.

James grit his teeth and focused on everything he had, he felt a warm vibration in his chest as clearly Pops’ Hinako began to respond to James's call. Another shift of energy, but James couldn't dodge as he concentrated.

The killing blow didn't come. The Ragna Blade still existed, but a wing of pure light held the attack at bay. James didn't have time to marvel at the colliding universal powers quickly negating each other. The planet crumbled at the new power shift as James struck out at his counterpart's chest, smashing through bone and flesh to emerge on the other side.

He had to act fast now, Pops’ soul wouldn't take long to respond to the new development and begin a new series of attacks. James closed his eyes and spoke, not bothering remove the corpse from his arm as he took the necessary stance. “Sword of the cold dark void. Free yourself from heaven's bonds and gather in my hand. Become one with my power, one with my body and we shall walk the path of destruction together. Power that can smash even the souls of the gods. Ragna Blade!”

The familiar blade of gold fringed darkness sprung from his hands and he struck at the ethereal being as it began to register the threat only too late. As the killing stroke ended so did the arena. James stood there, his hand still through his counterpart's chest as he heard the horrified screams of the ponies who had only just heard Pops’ premature declaration of victory. Followed shortly by retching as they began to register just how he had died.

“You … You Bastard!” Rainbow Dash managed to scream between retches. Princess Twilight used her wings to hide the sight of those she could as she launched an attack at James.

James didn't budge at the magical blast. Nothing she could throw at him could hurt him when he was ready for battle. With a quick whisper her horn went dark and the curses of the group silenced. James looked them over for a moment. There was nothing but rage and agony on their faces, and he couldn't blame them. Even without Cadence's magic most of them had cared deeply for him. James recalled what Twilight had told him about when she had shifted between time lines.

“He was consumed by his fire and had to be extinguished before more damage was done. You girls don't know what he was becoming, but we both have seen it, we both have had to do this before.” James calmly said as the corpse slid from his arm to the ground with a wet, sickening thud. “And this was more merciful than what we did to him.”

James hefted the corpse over his shoulder and began to walk towards the TARDIS before stopping and turning back. The ponies hadn't advanced, he was too much of a monster to them. “If you must know, find your way to containment block omega, there's only one prisoner. He cannot die and he cannot be removed from his prison. Either the physical or mental prison. His punishment is simple, continue the remainder of his existence with a conscience, reliving all of the horrors he's committed.”

James thought for another moment as he stood there watching the crying girls. He wanted to comfort them but he held himself back, they needed him to just be a monster right now. They needed to believe that Pops hadn't brought this on himself until they could accept it. Even though it hurt he had to be cold. “NG-Com. Recognize: Green; Omega one seven zero one. Access Profiles: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie. Grant Unrestricted Alpha Clearance. Save. Exit command mode.” He clearly said into his omnitool.

Now if they follow through with his advice they'll be able to access the sections necessary. Once he was out of sight he teleported to the TARDIS dropped his counterpart's body off in the bushes before cleaning his arm and rinsing off his armor.

There was more he still had to do. Much as he did before he accessed the registered profile for Princess Luna, granting her Omega clearance and adjusting her registered profile to Regent. She would need it when he left New Guardia in her care until his daughters were ready to take over. He limited access for Lucca, Tali, Tenyo, and Liara as they were victims of his counterpart and couldn't be trusted to take over, though they could still advise.

He did not want to do this last part, it hurt just to imagine it. But this was just as important as the deed that led to this. “NG-Com. Teleport me to Amber and Sara.” He had an idea how this was going to go. And each moment felt like a new pain as he thought about it.

His daughters were in the castle, which didn't surprise him, they had likely been told to stay there until his counterpart returned. What he didn't expect was the tiny childlike Starlight Glimmer who ran up and hugged him.

“Daddy!” Starlight cried happily. “Is the bad man gone?”

James knelt down and hugged the small unicorn. “Yes sweetheart. The bad man is gone now. I promise, he didn't want to hurt you. But he was hurting a lot of people. … Do you think you could go and play for a while? Daddy has to talk to your sisters alone right now.”

“I want to stay with you daddy.” She said, her sad tone hurting him more than his counterpart ever had.

“Please Starlight. Daddy has to talk to your sisters alone.” James said as his voice cracked.

“Okay Daddy.” She huffed.

Before she walked off James grabbed her and held her tight. “Please, never forget that your daddy loves you and always will. No matter what happens, promise me you'll remember that.” She deserved something as she would never see the man she called daddy again.

Starlight giggled as she hugged James back. “I promise Daddy. I'll be back soon.” She said as she ran off.

“That some new transformation dad?” Sara asked, her voice was flat, but James knew she was suspicious. She took after him in so many ways.

“It looks cool.” Amber said happily. James smiled as he heard them speak. Even in their late teens they were so much the girls he knew back at home.

It hurt him to have to tell them what had happened. “No, this isn't a new transformation.” He calmly said. God, this hurts so much! Why do I have to tell them that their dad is dead?

Sara's eyes opened wider as she thought about it. “Dad? What's happened?”

Perceptive as always.

“Come on, dad looks great. He finally managed to lose weight.” Amber insisted. James didn't know if this was innocence, denial or if she was just as perceptive and lying to herself.

“Please, let's go to the study to talk. I think we should sit down.” James said as he walked through the castle. Fortunately, despite the redesign, his study had stayed in it's proper place. Once the three of them were sitting James started talking again. “God … When did my little girls get so big.” He mumbled as they sat across from him.

“Dad, please, just tell us what's wrong.” Sara insisted.

James rested his forehead in his hands as he tried to muster the courage to tell his daughters that their father was gone for good. Once again he looked to them, their faces clearly showed their concern as they waited for the news.

“I'm afraid that there's no easy way to say this girls. And I sure as hell don't want to.” James slowly said.

Sara's face fell as she began to understand. “No. No, this …” She stammered before she began to shout. “NO!” She jumped up from her chair and grabbed James by his armor. James was surprised and proud of her strength as she easily lifted him out of the chair. She got nose to nose with the man that looked like her father, talked like her father, acted like her father, and now even sat in her father's chair.

“Sara!” Amber shouted. “What's going on?! Let go of dad!”

“Dad's gone!” Sara shouted in James's face. “Why didn't you save him?!” She demanded.

“What do you mean dad's gone?” Amber asked even as she began to unconsciously sob. “He's right there. You're screaming at him.”

James took a deep breath. This was already going about as well as he expected. “No Amber. Sara's right. But you're not wrong either. I am your father, but I'm from another universe.”
Sara was in hysterics as she finally released James. “What happened? Why? Why can't he come back?!”

Amber's face went pale as she could no longer deny what was going on. Tears streaked her whitening face and James couldn't help but wipe them away with his thumb. “Who?” She asked in a whisper.

“Was it the Doctor?!” Sara shouted. “I'll kill him myself!”

SARA!” James shouted as loudly as he could. His voice shook the stone walls as it carried. Sara went white as she dropped back into her chair, looking on terrified at the likeness of her father.

“Do not blame the Doctor. Your father brought this on himself.” James explained. Despite his stoney glare his chest burned in agony as he just wanted to comfort them.

“Dad …” Amber didn't want to finish the sentence. She knew that her dad had been suicidal before, but never thought that it would happen.

“No Amber.” Sara said calmly as she fixed James with a cold stare. “He didn't say that dad did this to himself, he said dad brought this on himself.” Her stare hurt James almost as much as her tone. “He's saying that he killed dad.”

Amber's bloodshot eyes bored into James as she looked to him, desperate for him to tell her that Sara was wrong. Pleading for her father to walk in the door like nothing had happened. Even hoping that he would say it was all a joke. Anything to make this whole conversation not true.

James stared at his two daughters, wanting just as much as Amber for none of this to have happened. The most he could bring himself to do was to nod as he began to cry.

Sara paced for a moment as her anger turned to sorrow, eventually collapsing to the floor. Bawling as she had when she was just a small child. Amber smashed the desk as she brought her fist down on it while she cried along with her sister.

James had no idea what he should do, but he knew what he wanted to do. He picked Sara up from the floor and held her tight in one arm as he wrapped the other around Amber. “It's going to be alright girls. I promise.” He said as gently as he could through his own tears. “It's going to be hard, but you're my girls and you can get through anything, especially when you're together.”

“How can we do this without you?” Sara cried as she clung to James's shoulder. She didn't care that this was the man who killed her father, this was her father.

James gave her a gentle squeeze. “You're so much stronger than you believe yourselves to be.” He quietly said. “And never forget, in all the infinite universes, your dad will always love you.”

“But we want you here.” Amber cried. “You can't leave us!”

James held them as they cried, telling them just how much he loved them. None of them knew how long it had been when they finally stopped, and none of them cared. As they let James go he reached down into the wreckage that was his desk and pulled out a pendant he had long held onto.

“Can't we go with you dad?” Sara asked.

James shook his head. The thought had crossed his mind, and he even thought that it may not be a bad idea. But he knew it was, and for more reasons than how it may effect his Sara and Amber.

“You've got your own journeys to go on now.” He quietly said. “I'd just get in your way.” As he spoke he held out the pendent to Sara. “Show the universe the good you can do, and be greater than I could ever hope to be. Who knows, maybe one day we'll even meet again. We'll all have some amazing stories to tell by then I bet.”

Amber and Sara both teared up as they looked to their father. “I guess Mom's going to be running the show now.” Sara said.

James shook his head. “No. She's been influenced by some powerful magic that made her complacent to what was going on. So has most anyone I was close to.” There was no scenario in his mind where he could imagine himself using that magic on them, one thing he had to believe his counterpart shared. “I'm so happy to see that you weren't effected by it. But until one of you are ready to take over Princess Luna will be acting as Regent.”

“And I'll be here to help them prepare.” Came a familiar voice from the doorway.

The three of them looked to find Lady Seto watching them from the hallway. “When, and how, did you get here?” Sara asked as she looked to the visitor.

“The Doctor told me everything, and I am truly sorry for your loss. I remember fondly the great times your father and I had.” She said with a genuine smile.

James couldn't help but give a half smile himself. “And what times were those? Because as I remember it what you tended to find great were often humiliating, painful, or severely uncomfortable for me.”

“Exactly.” Lady Seto said nodding. “But better was when we would talk as equals, or when we would make plans for others together.”

James felt a little lighter at the comment. He often thought that he was another resource for the woman, or entertainment, but that statement told him that she actually cared about him. “Well, with Lady Seto looking out for you I know you'll be happy. Just don't be afraid to tell her no.” James said as he looked to his daughters again.

“What about Starlight? She's not going to understand. You should at least take her with you.” Sara said.

“I can't. It's not fair to her to get passed around from one father to the next. She deserves her own life.” James said as he smiled weakly.

“Dad, she'll never mentally age past seven. She's just too broken. She's always going to need her daddy.” Sara started to cry again as she said it. “We're always going to need our daddy.” Once again Sara clung to James and cried on his shoulder, he gently patted her back as she did.

“I was never always going to be around. And none of us are ever ready when the time comes. But it was always going to happen. And please, help her be happy. After what happened to her, she deserves better than me.” James said as he continued to cradle his oldest daughter.

“I broke dad's desk.” Amber quietly said as she looked down at the splintered pile of wood on the floor.

James smiled at her concern and chuckled. “You have no idea how many times I've done just that. Don't worry, just get a quart of colored water and pour it on that discolored stone. After a minute the little alchemical circle I've got under the desk will be ready and you just need to activate it. It'll be as good as new in no time.”

Lady Seto and Amber both stared blankly at James before he continued. “There's a bunch of little hidden things and cool tricks I've got all around the station. And they're all yours to discover now.” He said with a weak grin.

Sara once again let James go and stood away from him. “I love you dad.” She almost whispered.

“I love you too sweetheart. And you too Amber. Remember, be good while I'm gone. But if you can't, at least be better than me.” James gave both his daughters a tight hug as he left. He couldn't bring himself to look back, no matter how much he wanted to do just that.

Back at the TARDIS he collected his counterpart's corpse and walked inside. “Doctor!” He called. “I'm ready to go back to my universe now. And if you've got a body bag I can use that would be appreciated. Carrying myself around like this is a little existentially disturbing.”

The Doctor was glad when James left with his corpse. He didn't have a body bag, but there was a particularly ugly carpet he didn't care for that James had rolled himself in for transport.

James's first stop was medical, he had more work to do before he was ready to call this over, including removing each implant, enhancement, and augmentation. It was grizzly and messy work that lasted well past nightfall as he carefully extracted everything he had ever put into his body.

His jokes to himself continued to grow darker as he sought to fight off his own feelings. He couldn't succumb to himself now. If he got this done tonight he wouldn't have to prolong this over days.

Eventually he was able to wash his hands for the last time and seal the storage crate to put away in case he ever needed quick replacements for his own implants.

There was still one avenue his counterpart could use to come back, but that would wait for the next day when he would accompany Luna back to explain her new role and help her adjust. But for now, he just wanted to sleep.

He hated that spell. Moments after casting it his eyes closed as he entered a dreamless sleep.


It was two days before Luna was ready to return to Saddlebrook, she had been shocked at James's decision to leave her in charge, but he went into explaining why every alternative he could think of wouldn't work. Ending by telling her that she was the only one he could trust to handle this properly.

He accompanied her on a walk through Saddlebrook where she showed him around the new home of the ponies. He nodded as he looked around the homes, each as whimsical and unique as the ponies themselves. While he certainly was happy that they were doing well on the station it was a reminder about what his counterpart had done.

He explained the omnitool interface that was unique to the registered leader of New Guardia and showed her quickly how she could create and change her own clearance authorization. As they approached the castle he could see Celestia looking out over the city. He would rather not face her, even if the news hadn’t yet reached her.

Luna smiled as she bid James farewell, strangely happy to know that he had come through for her while she didn't trust him. And while his appointing her as Regent was a little overwhelming it showed how much he trusted her. She decided she was ready for the responsibility, she just had no idea how she was going to tell her sister.


Life at New Guardia Castle had come to a stop. With James dead, everything felt empty. Lucca was a great comfort, but she couldn't properly deal with the loss herself. Though she barely noticed the loss of access compared to the loss of her husband. Her experiments and projects began to fall to the way side as she spent more time obsessing over her family.

Tali was spending more days drunk than sober until Starlight came to her seeking comfort herself. A small light of joy returning to them both. Celestia and Princess Twilight went about seeing to the citizens. Rainbow Dash hadn't been seen in days. And Tenyo had moved in with her brother now that relations had started with their universe again.

Liara adapted quickly to the change and began doing the same work for Luna that she had for James. For the Shadow Broker this was just more information to deal with.


In the hollow center of a small rock spinning around the central pillar of the space station, deliberately hidden from the sensors and left out of every report, James appeared. This was the one place that only he could enter. He had taken measures to ensure that, and each time a new method presented itself he had included that too. They would have to be renewed every five years but that was to ensure that when he finally did die, eventually someone would find this place and hopefully execute his final project.

It didn't take James long to find the steamer trunk that held the clues and a conspicuous egg crafted from Dreamstone. He had tried his best to copy Melchior's design and hoped it would work when the time came, but for this universe that time would not be coming. He gripped the egg tightly and shattered it. With a quick spell he burned the clues, and with several taps of his omnitool the entire mess was broken down into atoms and recycled into the matter storage buffer used for replicators.

Without any way to get the clues, the objects containing fragments of his soul and traces of his power spread across several universes would never come together and recreate him. Without the egg there was no chance for a frozen moment in time. Now, his job was done.

Now Pops was permanently dead.

Author's Note:

Actions have consequences and the price must be paid. Fire inevitably consumes it’s fuel.

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