• Published 3rd May 2019
  • 2,537 Views, 94 Comments

The Line Between Fire and Light - Stolenalicorn

A father goes to great lengths to find his daughter’s heroes and finds something he wasn't looking for ... friends.

  • ...

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53 The Sleeping King

After school was out for that day the girls hurried to New Guardia to see if there was any change with James. It would still be night for a few more hours so they were careful as they went through both the castle and Truce.

“So you're saying that you tried to take some of James's magic, or at least some magic from his talisman, fell into it, talked to some girl calling herself L-sama and when you came to you had magic and that's when your eyes turned gold?” Starlight summarized as Twilight finished telling them just what had happened when she tried to get magic from James.

“She also said something about a popularity contest!” Pinkie Pie reminded them, unhelpfully.

“Yeah, I don't understand either.” Twilight said as they walked. “I mean, who is this L-sama? Clearly she has something to do with James's magic since mine had the same look after she gave me some.”

“James did say that the talisman was the most likely reason his magic looked the way it did.” Starlight said.

It was that statement that made the pieces fall into place for Twilight. The look of the magic, the Demon's Blood talisman made for him by the Lord of Nightmares, and his statement on the Lord of Nightmare's power. “She is only her power.” Twilight said as she realized the key to understanding James's talisman.

“What do you mean Twilight?” Applejack asked as they left the forest.

“James once told me that the Lord of Nightmares made his Demon's Blood Talisman.” Twilight started to explain.

“That's dark.” Starlight said, reminded of her dark rebellious period. She couldn't help but chuckle at the memories.

“Yes, but he also explained that the Lord of Nightmares is only her power, she doesn't have a physical body. And just as important, he called her “she.”” Twilight said, recapping key pieces of her notes from that day long ago.

“How could she make something if she is only her power?” Rarity asked, lost as to how she could exist as nothing but power.

“I think that means she crystallized some of her power and gave it to James. And when I touched it with what little of mine there was she got curious and brought me in. She said she was just a part of her pretending to be her.” Twilight said as she considered it.

“That made no sense.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew along beside the group.

“So she took part of herself and gave it to James?” Applejack was confused now. “Wouldn't that be a bad idea, just on the point of then there's less of her?”

“James did say that it was a little more accurate to imagine her as a waterfall while we were just a glass of water. I think she might just have enough power that she wouldn't notice something so small.” Starlight said, recalling part of that impromptu lecture that James had given. “Like you losing a hair.”

“So that wasn't just some girl.” Applejack reasoned.

“L-sama must be a piece of the Lord of Nightmares.” Starlight said. “But your cutie mark is still there, and your hair isn't white.”

“Because I didn't use my magic, I only used the magic she lent me.” Twilight said. “Maybe your cutie mark going away was just the result of expending all your magic to contain her power, while the tree just removed the vestiges of her presence and restored your cutie mark leaving the rest of your magic to recover on it's own.” This was nothing more than wild speculation now, but it was the only thing they had.

“Or maybe since you asked for her help she not only gave you some magic, but she also changed your eyes because she was giving you an amplifier like James's!” Pinkie Pie excitedly said. “And that means your magic is not only back but, like, super strong now!” She accentuated her point playing a cord on a guitar with Twilight's cutie mark as the body attached to an amplifier that had not been there previously.

“I hope not. Alicorn magic is strong enough and I'm not sure how much I like the idea of having some connection to any Lord of Nightmares.” Twilight said as they left the forest and entered Truce's old district.

“But you have been throwing stuff around all day.” Rarity said as they walked towards the clinic where they had received their examination for James's Equestrian database.

“I just need to get used to using my magic again, it's been a few days.” Twilight calmly said.

“Twilight, I've gone through this twice now. There isn't really a period of adjustment, once your magic is back you should be pretty much at one hundred percent.” Starlight said.

“Yes, dear. Even I'm back to my former self.” Rarity insisted.

“But my magic looks the same as ever.” Twilight said. “Once our magic came back mine stopped looking like James's.”

“Your magic doesn't pass through a talisman where it picks up some of her essence.” Starlight reasoned.

“Once James's awake I'm sure he'll have an answer.” Applejack said, confidently.

“If he wakes up.” Rainbow Dash added, depressed. Leaving him in Tartarus still ate at her, she was having trouble believing in herself as a friend ever since then. Even going so far as to question her place amongst her friends.

“I'm sure now that he's home he'll be up and back to his old self in no time.” Fluttershy said as she smiled at her friend.

“None of us wanted to leave him there Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said. “But there was no way we could take him with us, he's just too heavy for us to push, let alone carry on our backs.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “I know, but I just feel terrible that we had to do it in the first place.”

“Speaking of terrible feelings.” Starlight said as they got near the clinic. “Maybe we should go and ask the other Pinkie Pie. When Princess Luna and I were asking about James while he was missing Lucca got pretty irritated with us because we could have started a panic.”

“If we do that we may as well ask Lucca herself.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew towards the clinic. She'd delayed enough, she needed to know if her friend was alright. She needed to apologize to him.

“That may still be a good idea.” Starlight cautiously said.

Rainbow Dash wasn't stopping however as she flew through the doors without pause, the rest of the girls having to rush in after her. Rainbow Dash was nearly to the receptionist when a chipper male voice called out.

“Do not concern yourself with their inquiries.” Said the voice. As the ponies looked to where it had come from a large blue sphere of light assembled itself in the waiting room of the clinic. “I was dispatched by Doctor T'soni to attend to them. Ladies, if you'll follow me.” It said before floating out the door.

“Uhm,” Rainbow Dash said as she watched it leave. “What was that about?” She asked.
The receptionist had no idea where to start, but he knew what he should do and just had to trust that was enough. “I'm sorry miss. I would help you but if Dr. T'soni sent a messenger, you'd best just follow.” Every politically conscious person in New Guardia knew that Liara T'soni was the head of intelligence, he did not want to get on her bad side by interrupting.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and followed the glowing orb outside where it waited for them.

“Greetings Equestrians.” Glyph said in his chipper tone. “I am Glyph, assistant to Doctor Liara T'soni. She instructed me to assist you in the event that you were to approach a medical facility. If you would accompany me to her office I can accommodate your inquires.”

“Hi Glyph!” Pinkie Pie said as enthusiastic as ever.

“Greetings Pinkie Pie. Please accompany me to the transport system.” Glyph hovered off without further delay.

With a shrug the girls followed the glowing orb off to the transport station. However where they were brought was not Liara's office.

“Please forgive my deception.” Glyph said, his chipper tone making it feel quite insincere. “Doctor T'soni believed that you would attempt to visit James, given his condition, but he was not taken to any medical facility readily accessed by the public.”

“So he's got his own hospital?” Twilight asked, confused by the notion.

“Not correct, the facility is not exclusive to him. It is a secret facility, however, as any less than common injury, or the frequency of his injuries, could cause great concern among the populace.”

“And James really hates it when people worry about him.” Tali said as she walked into the room.

“Oh, is James doing any better?” Fluttershy asked.

“I'm afraid he's still asleep. Which is odd, the doctors have been running tests for hours now and haven't found anything that could be responsible.” Tali explained.

“Which I explained was unnecessary as any common poison in his system approaching a dangerous level would have tripped his transponder bringing him here immediately.” Tenyo said as she looked over the data displayed on her console.

“You're a doctor?” Starlight had no idea what Tenyo did, this was quite a surprise.

“No, I'm an engineer but I know weapon design, including chemical and biological. I'm trying to find any as of yet unknown chemical compounds that could do this to James. It's slow work.” Tenyo explained as another molecular chain superimposed itself over a small image of James before the image flashed red. Tenyo didn't look away as she input the next string of data.

“Maybe the cause is magical.” Starlight offered as she looked at the ongoing simulation by Tenyo.

“Personally I don't like that option.” Tenyo calmly said. “For one that means we have no way to accurately diagnose the problem, and any possible solution could be esoteric and aloof. … Did he eat anything that may have done this?”

“I think that maybe the sandwich Cozy Glow made for him did this, 'cause we all ate the dried fruit and nothing happened to us.” Applejack said.

“You wouldn't happen to know what was on it, would you? Any nonstandard ingredients?” Tenyo asked, still watching the display and typing.

“Nothing out of the ordinary as far as we know, I think she made us all the same thing 'cept his didn't have hay.” Applejack said, trying to recall everything about it. His did seem odd for some reason, but she couldn't remember why.

“It was probably mixed into something then, so I'll look at odorless and tasteless substances that can be dissolved. Thank you girls.” While Tenyo spoke a new display appeared just to the side as she input new equations.

“Come on.” Tali said. “James is through here if you want to see him.” She led the girls through a nearby door and down a short hallway into a very clean looking room. Displays similar to Tenyo's were in the corner along with several devices the ponies couldn't even try to identify. James lay in bed, still in his alicorn form. He was hooked to an IV that led up to a floating device that presumably held whatever fluids they were pumping into him. Lucca laid in a reclining chair beside the bed, her hand on his wing as Sara and Amber both slept in a twin size bed against the far wall. A notepad with several sketches on the floor beside the bed.

“Why's he still an alicorn when he's home?” Starlight whispered as she looked to James.

“Because I'm better with machines than I am with magic.” Lucca said, her eyes still closed. “Someone from the guild will be by later today to change him back to normal.” She added as she stood up and stretched her back.

“Is there anything we can do to help?” Rainbow Dash asked, flying up to Lucca.

“Not at the moment.” Lucca said. “I'm having the doctors run tests just to eliminate possible known sources first. I believe Tenyo is already trying to find unknown sources. We just have to keep trying until we find something.”

“I know Tenyo doesn't like the idea, but what if the source is magical?” Applejack said.

“It's not a bad idea.” Lucca said. “But there's one thing stopping us from thinking it was; as Celestia's letter said, magic was failing in Equestria. Trying magic to put him to sleep would be a bad gamble at best. I hate to say it, but “sleep forever” may have been a euphemism. He was already starting to get worse when he got here.”

“I see.” Twilight said, looking back to James. “Well, we'll still help out in any way we can.”

“Thank you for the offer. But while James's in a coma there's not much that anyone can do.” Tali said as Rainbow Dash turned her attention from James to the bed in the corner.

“How're the girls?” Rainbow Dash asked as she rested her wing on Sara's shoulder.


The sun shown brightly in Twilight's school that morning as everyone got together before classes for their meeting. Much to their surprise instead of Rainbow Dash that day Spitfire came walking in.

“Sorry to surprise you like this Princess.” Spitfire said as she approached the group. “Got a letter from Rainbow Dash asking if a few Bolts could cover for her at the school for a while. Something about a family emergency. Didn't say who though. We'd like to help if there's anything we can do.”

The girls looked around for a moment, they all knew what the emergency was and where she had gone.

“It's a pleasure to see you again Spitfire. We were just about to have our morning meeting.” Twilight said, smiling to the substitute.


Twilight and Starlight stood before the students in the front hall, they needed to make this announcement before first classes.

Twilight looked to her students, all of them so happy to be there after Cozy Glows failed coup. Standing amongst them were, of course, the six students who had actually saved the day, Celestia, and Neighsay. There would be a lot of things she'd have to explain, but for the time being a general announcement would be all that was necessary.

“I'm glad to see you all, we are still experiencing disruptions from Cozy Glows … interruption. And there are a few temporary changes. Unfortunately Professor James's inter-species friendship seminars are on hiatus for the foreseeable future, and for now Professor Rainbow Dash's classes will be taught by her Wonder Bolt friends.” Twilight said in the most comfortable voice she could muster. It was not convincing.

There were the expected murmurs and even a quiet gasp, but her greatest concern didn't come from the students as she looked to her own mentor and the stallion beside her. She wanted to give them some easy answers, say that everything was alright. But she couldn't say that. She had no idea if things would be alright.


Once again that evening the girls visited James. As expected they found Rainbow Dash in the chair next to his bed. She was reading to him from the newest Daring Doo book. James was once again in his normal form, looking somehow even more deeply asleep than the day before.

“He's already asleep.” Starlight said with a grin as Rainbow Dash paused to turn the page.

Rainbow Dash looked up to them and nodded. “Yeah, but from what Washu tells me he can still hear us, and what he hears could happen somewhere in his dreams. So I thought he may as well have awesome dreams.”

Starlight couldn’t help but smile as she listened to Rainbow Dash explain her reasoning.

“Have they figured anything out?” Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “No, Lucca's still going through everything methodically, Tenyo is still searching for strange combinations of things that could do this. And Tali's taking care of Amber and Sara when they're not here.”

“What about Liara?” Twilight asked.

“She visited, brought a coffee joking that it might just wake him up.” Rainbow Dash smiled for a moment remembering the visit. “… She had to pour it out when she left.” She added disheartened.

“Have you been sitting with him all day?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Lucca said it makes her feel better knowing that somepony is here with him. She may take a lot of time off to spend here, but there is a lot of work to be done just to keep this place running.”

Over the next week and a half Rainbow Dash stayed at James's side while he slept, he got visitors every day. Mostly from Equestria as they were one of the three universes that knew of his current condition. Students from Twilight's school, the CMCs, the princesses, Derpy, and especially the girls visited him. There were plenty of gifts for James being left, but there were more than a few for Rainbow Dash too as she had become his constant companion during this time.

Days passed slowly and Rainbow Dash found herself looking through the Grand Archives for new stories. While Lucca had given her a tablet computer to use, at times it seemed to hurt her eyes more than a real book so she often made use of the replicator and had made a small library for herself to choose from. She joked to herself that she was turning into Twilight.

“Well, we've ruled out every non magical possibility now.” Lucca said as she and Tali walked in one day. “So now we start looking at strong magical possibilities. Though most of those we can just try the most cliché solutions to rule out.”

“So what's the first one?” Rainbow Dash asked with some relief that even if it wasn't finished yet there was some progress.

“We start with the storybooks.” Tali said with a shrug. “True Love's kiss. Easiest to try, and if it works not a bad way to wake up. … We aren't telling Airi about this.”

“Why not?” Rainbow Dash asked. “It's not like she loves him.”

Tali's body language showed that she was clearly uncomfortable as she answered. “Well, it's normally a handsome young prince that kisses a princess and not true love. With the roles a little skewed like this she would leap at the chance to call her self a fair young maiden if she could wake him with a kiss. And knowing her, she'd keep trying until he woke up.”

“And I don't want that woman making out with my husband. Even though he would sleep through the whole thing.” Lucca said, clearly getting irritated at the idea.

Rainbow Dash had actually seen Airi since James had returned and she had made that exact suggestion, though she did suggest that they all take turns. Lucca was quick to kick Airi out of the room and had banned her from the building. Tenyo had only avoided the situation by being out with her boyfriend to relax at the time. While Rainbow Dash thought it was a joke, this was definitely the wrong time for a joke like that.

“I think you mean, our husband.” Tali corrected.

“You're free to say “my” when talking about him too Tali. I just don't want that cougar sinking her claws into him.” Lucca growled before looking to Tali. “Are you ready?” She asked.

“You first.” Tali said, holding her hand out as if to show the way.

Lucca nodded and walked towards James. She stopped by the bedside and took a breath, whispering as she leaned in. “Please wake up.” Her lips gently pressed against his and stayed there for several tense seconds. Eventually she pulled away and looked to James with a grin. “If you're just faking to get another one, James, then you're out of luck. The next time I kiss you you'd better be awake.” Her mood had visibly improved as she looked down on him, however his expression didn't change and he slept peacefully on.

“Alright Tali, you're up.” Lucca said as she shook her head.

Tali was tense as she cautiously removed her face mask. This had gone so much better in her head, but an audience made it surprisingly difficult. Alcohol. That would make this easier.

Rainbow Dash had never actually seen Tali's face before. She had known her a long time and her environmental suit was all she knew about how the Quarian looked. Scootaloo had seen her in her pony form without her mask and hood but that wasn't her real face. She looked even more pale than Scootaloo had described, and there was just enough hair visible to let Rainbow Dash know it was as black as described, making her look a ghostly shade of off-white.

As Tali broke off the kiss she waited, holding her breath. But there was no change, James continued to sleep. “It was worth a try.” Tali said as she replaced her face mask.

“Certainly didn't hurt.” Lucca added. “Let's go looking through the archives while the guild looks through their collection. Thanks again for staying with him Rainbow Dash. I know it's not very interesting to sit with someone who's sleeping all the time.”

“It's the least I can do.” Rainbow Dash said as she looked to the two. “Besides, visitors come in all the time so it's not like there's nopony to talk to.”

“All the same, thanks.” Lucca said as she and Tali walked out of the room.

Rainbow Dash walked back to the chair and began reading again. However she found it difficult to concentrate, with each sentence she stopped for a moment and looked to James. Nothing was working yet, and while they had only just started trying remedies to magical causes it felt like this could take a long time.

Rainbow Dash finished the next paragraph before placing her bookmark and putting her book on a small movable table. She paced the room to get a little exercise, she would spend some time running around when her friends came to visit and one of them relieved her so she could get out for a while. But for now she was going to stay in the room. She stretched her wings and flew around a few times, trying to keep herself distracted.

She landed by James' bed having gotten bored and began to look at her book again. “Anything new happening in your dream James?” She asked, as much to herself as to James. “Lucky you, dreams are never really boring. At least to whoever is having the dream.” She stood by the bed and looked at James's face. “I guess you're dreaming something nice, two of your wives just kissed you so you're probably happy.”

Rainbow Dash walked to the bed against the far wall and sat on it. “I should probably let you enjoy that for a while.” Rainbow Dash sat silently, kicking her hooves back and forth as she looked around the room. Many of the gifts for James were easy to identify who they were from. Pinkie Pie had left a lot of balloons for him. Applejack had been bringing fresh food for Rainbow Dash and some zap apple jam for when James woke up. Rarity had given James a silk robe and replaced his blanket with a carefully embroidered one that now lay across him.

Twilight and Spike brought books, not that James could read them at the moment. Starlight had brought a large stuffed animal signed by all of the students in the school. A vase of crystal flowers sat by the bed from Cadence and Shining Armor. Fluttershy had brought him some black tea and a large stuffed bear. Luna had placed lavender around the room, saying that it would at least make sure his sleep was restful. And Celestia had brought a carefully wrapped gift for him and hadn’t given any hint as to it’s contents. There were gifts from other universes but she couldn't as readily tell from whom they had come.

Rainbow Dash got down from the bed, the longer she waited the more restless she seemed to become. She walked around the room, not thinking about anything in particular when she once again found herself looking down at James. “Okay, I know already this won't work. But if there's even the slightest chance it will … Look, just … if you tell anypony I did this, I'll deny it.”

With a steadying breath she looked at him again. He looked peaceful sleeping there, and even though his beard hadn’t been trimmed it was little more than stubble. She couldn’t help but remember their months together pretending to be a couple. She vividly recalled their dates during the prank, and how she had even forgotten that it was an act at times. Or … was it just an act? Her mind went back to when they were locked in Washu's time chamber just trying to survive. Slowly, she brought her head down and gently kissed him.

Her heart pounded as she held her lips to his. This wasn’t the first time they had been like this. The last time he was saving her life by breathing for her. She reminded herself of that, and that she was now doing the same thing: trying to save his life. But why did this feel different? She hoped it would work but she couldn't truly bring herself to believe it would.

Her chest ached as she continued, wondering to herself just how long she had been there. That didn’t matter. She was helping a friend and that meant doing everything she possibly could to revive him. How she felt about it didn't matter. Even if she …

What if he woke up now? Would he …

Slowly she brought her head up and opened her eyes, she couldn’t bring herself to breathe yet and just looked to his various monitors and then again at his face. She took a shaky breath and swallowed, nodding to herself. As she suspected, there had been no reaction. James was still deep asleep. “Yeah, I mean if Lucca and Tali couldn't, there's no way I could.” Rainbow Dash awkwardly laughed. Before returning to her book she noticed a few loose hairs on his face, she carefully brushed them back, smiled and went back to the chair before finding her spot in the book as she began reading again. She glanced his direction once more as she could swear that just heard something.


“I don't want to say I told them so bu-u-u-t …” Starlight said as she, Applejack and the CMCs sat and talked with Rainbow Dash. “I mean it makes sense, we don't even have everything in Equestria that Tenyo was looking at.”

“Yeah, their first thought was to start with the storybook answer and see if kissing him would work.” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Ooh.” Apple Bloom cooed. “That would be so romantic.”

“When are they going to try?” Sweetie Belle chimed in.

“I wonder if that will actually work.” Scootaloo added, not as excited but definitely curious.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “They already tried it, Lucca and Tali both. It didn't work.”

“'Sides, those are just stories.” Applejack explained. “They'll probably have it solved soon though with the Sorcerers Guild nearby.”

“Maybe.” Starlight said as she looked to James. “But the problem came from Equestria. Maybe Equestria is the place they should look first for a possible solution.”

“What about Zecora?” Apple Bloom happily suggested. “She knows all sorts of magical cures, maybe she has a potion that could wake him up.”

The group sat quietly for a moment as they considered the idea. “That's a good idea, Apple Bloom. And there's nothing to lose for tryin'.” Applejack praised.

“We'll stay here with James while you go get her.” Sweetie Belle eagerly offered, Scootaloo vigorously nodding beside her.

“That's an awesome idea!” Rainbow Dash said. Zecora knew a lot about magical potions salves and other remedies, maybe she knew something that no one else did.

“Don't you fillies go anywhere while we're gone. Y'all keep an eye on him.” Applejack said as she stood up and with a quick goodbye the three ponies ran off. It was already evening in Equestria and they had to be sure Zecora had the time to examine James and figure out a remedy.


Evening was fully on them as the three ran through the darkest part of the forest. Starlight, being the only one of them to have not made the journey before, struggled to keep up with the two athletic ponies.

The tree that served as Zacora’s home gradually came into view in the distance, Rainbow Dash was glad to see a light on as she came to a stop and knocked on the door hurriedly.

“The need indeed must be great.” Zecora said as she went to get the door. “To knock on my door this late.”

“It is Zecora.” Applejack said. Starlight only nodded as she panted, it had been difficult to keep up with the pace of the two through the rough terrain of the woods. “Our friend James's been put into a magical sleep. Do you know anyway to wake him up?”

Zecora put her hoof under her chin as she thought. While this was an uncommon ailment, it was far from unheard of. However there were some complications. “The problem is not so straight you see. There are several kinds of magic it could be. Though there may be little time I fear, it would be best if you could bring him here.”

Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide. “It's nearly been two weeks already! If we need to hurry you should come with us.”

Zecora's eyes went wide at the revelation. “I hope our window has not yet passed. I'll gather my things we must move fast!”

“You three go on ahead.” Starlight said as she caught her breath. “I'll meet you there.” She never liked spending too much time in the woods and trying to hurry through them was somehow even more miserable for her.

“Okay, just tell Twilight what's goin' on when you get to the castle.” Applejack said as Zecora came out of her hut with a fully packed bag. It was a long run back to Twilight's castle, and despite her confusion Zecora didn't ask questions as they made their way through New Guardia Castle towards the teleportation hub and James's hospital room.


The CMCs backed away and watched as Zecora walked over to James to inspect him closely. “A magic disguise he must have worn, for I thought James was an alicorn.” She said as she tried to place just what he could be.

Rainbow Dash nodded as she walked over. “That's not inaccurate.” She hesitantly said. “He has a spell that changes his form to an alicorn. But it's not like changeling magic.”

“Oh questions I have a few. But not for now, there's work to do.” Zecora said as she began examining James. She walked around the bed, and with some effort moved his arm to place her ear to the side of his chest and listen to his breathing. After seeming satisfied with that she jumped up on the bed and opened his eyes, looking carefully at them before seeing how long it took them to close. She sat on his chest as she pulled out his tongue looking it up and down top and bottom. Finally she stood and carefully took a vine of a plant none there had seen before from her bag and placed it on his forehead where it turned from green to violet.

“Is that bad?” Apple Bloom cautiously asked.

Zecora shook her head. “My suspicions have been clarified. Time, it seems, is on our side. Though it's still good we must make haste, there is little time to waste.”

“What can we do?” Rainbow Dash quickly asked.

“For his sleep the remedy is this. What he needs is True Love's Kiss.” Zecora said with a grin.

“Sorry to tell you.” Rainbow Dash said. “But Lucca and Tali were both in here earlier and that didn't work.”

Zecora chuckled before she clarified. “This kiss comes from neither spouse nor friend, it is a potion that I must blend.”

The CMCs were shocked as they heard this. “You mean that the kiss in the stories were all just some potion?” Sweetie Belle asked, not wanting to believe it. Apple Bloom appeared as devastated as Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo simply looking interested.

“If that is true I cannot say, but the potion is what we need today.” Zecora answered with a smile before looking around the group. “But the usefulness of the potion will quickly fly. In order to do this he must be nearby.”


Washu only let James go into their care on the condition that she observe, collecting data on James as they progressed. Firsthand information from other universes wasn't common and Washu's thirst for new knowledge was nearly insatiable. While Mordin Solus would be satisfied with the data she collected.

The group that gathered in Zecora's hut was quite large as they had been joined by Twilight, Starlight, Spike, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. Zecora had to surrender her own bed to James, despite him being too tall to fit, in order for there to be enough room to accommodate everyone.

Zecora looked around the group, though it was crowded she was glad that they were here. “We are at the beginning yet. There are the ingredients we must get. First a blossom of poison joke, then some root from a golden oak.”

Twilight's golden eye's lit up. “My chandelier is made from the roots of the Golden Oak Library. I've got plenty!” Without another word she ran from the hut towards her castle.

“And I'll get the poison joke.” Pinkie Pie said as she bounced out after Twilight.

Zecora nodded and read the next ingredient they needed. “Fluttersy, if you please. We need some honey from the angry Flash Bees.”

“Ooh, I can say hi to Mage Meadowbrook while I'm there.” Fluttershy said before she left the hut to collect the honey.

Zecora nodded as she turned back to the book where she continued to read. “Petals from a crystal rose. That would be Rarity, I suppose.”

Rarity thought for a moment as she considered where to get the petals. “I think James has a Crystal rose from Cadence and Shining Armor, but maybe I should get a fresh one. … Well better safe than sorry, I'm off to the Crystal Empire.” With a smile and a nod she left the hut.

Zecora continued to read, each step seemed to complicate the recipe more. “A phoenix feather plucked in flight must steep in the brew throughout the night.”

Spike nodded. “I'm sure I can get a feather from Peewee. The whole “in flight” thing might be a bit tricky though. I'll see what I can do.” He flew off through the door.

“The brew is made in freshest rain. Right from the cloud we must obtain.” Zecora instructed Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “That'll be easy. One raincloud coming up.” Starlight and Applejack were the only ponies left in the hut as Rainbow Dash rushed out to get the cloud.

“A filter of wool from fresh sheered sheep will help cure him from this sleep.” Zecora nodded as she read out the final item they needed to collect.

“I'm on it.” Applejack nodded and ran from the hut, there were several sheep on her farm that needed a sheer anyway, hopefully Big Mac hadn't gotten to it already.

“Alright. What can I do Zecora?” Starlight asked, stepping forward.

“What I will need you cannot find. We collect the ingredients and then we grind.” Zecora answered as she brought out a mortar and pestle.

“Ooh!” Apple Bloom aid excitedly. “What can we do?” She turned to the other crusaders. “I just love making potions.”

“We know.” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said flatly.

Zecora chuckled at the exchange, she knew just what to do with the three. “In a student's role you will serve. Your job is to observe.”

“Aww.” Apple Bloom moaned. “Can't we help?”

“This potion is a tricky mix. We must get it right, if James we're to fix.” Zecora calmly said. She did like how eager Apple Bloom was too learn, but she needed to know a lot more before she could help with anything like this.

“Actually, I'm finding this fascinating.” Washu said to Apple Bloom as she looked over the book Zecora had been reading. The symbols were a little tricky to decipher at first but as she listened to Zecora read she was able to figure it out and was reading the instructions for the whole thing. “There's no real mysticism in my universe, everything can be eventually explained. Even if the explanation is me or my sisters deliberately altering things. Potions, talismans and the like are just novelties.”

Zecora rose an eyebrow at Washu as she walked her way. “Your jabs, for now, I shall endure. For these girls' friend I intend to cure.”

Washu looked at her for a moment before laughing. “No, I meant that in my universe they're worthless. I'm interested to learn about how they work here. This is knowledge completely outside my sphere of influence. Something that, until I met James, I believed completely impossible. I really want to see how this all comes together and what some of these ingredients are.”


Twilight flew around her chandelier with a saw she had borrowed, each root had a crystal with a precious memory to her. How could she cut any of them off. But her friend was also in trouble, how could she not cut one of the roots off to help him.

There was the party Pinkie Pie threw for her on her first day in Ponyville. There was no way she could sacrifice that. Another had the sleepover she had with Applejack and Rarity. Even though it started out terrible, in the end they had a lot of fun. Then there was the first gala she attended, or rather the night at the doughnut shop with Celestia after the gala was a bust. She flew to the other side and saw the first time James had brought his daughters to Equestria.

Twilight was starting to panic, all of these were too important to lose!


Fluttershy walked into the home/clinic as Mage Meadowbrook doled out cures for a line of ponies, even with as late as it was she was constantly busy. “Oh, Fluttershy.” Meadowbrook said in her bayou tones. “It's right nice to see you this evenin'.”

Fluttershy smiled as she walked up to the counter. “It's lovely to see you too. I wish I had more time to talk, but I was wondering if I could get some honey from the Flash Bees.”

This was an unusual request, and not many things would require the unusual honey. “I wish I could help you. I truly do. But the tree that dropped the flowers they needed died and the bees moved on. If I knew of another tree that dropped those flowers I just know the bees would have a hive nearby.”

“Oh no.” Fluttershy gently said. “Zecora needs that honey to make a potion for my friend.”

“Would that happen to be the True Love's Kiss potion?” Meadowbrook asked.

“Yes. But without that honey I don't know if she can complete it.” Fluttershy fretted.

“I'm afraid not, but it's good that y'all showed up. There's tricky things about that potion not listed in any book. They never say that it has to be brewed in the light of the moon, or that you have to change how you stir it throughout the night.” Meadowbrook walked away from the counter collected a notepad and began to write. “And you'll know when it's been brewed right if …”


“I'm glad to hear that Zecora can do something about James. We were so worried when Twilight told us that he may not wake up.” Cadence said as she and Rarity walked towards the royal gardens. “Of course you're welcome to whatever you need.”

“Thank you princess. I won't need much, just a crystal rose.” Rarity said.

“Mistmane's very proud of the royal gardens and the roses are especially beautiful.” Cadence said as the doors opened to reveal the sprawling grounds on which the gardens were located.

“Beautiful?” Rarity said astonished. “Darling, this is gorgeous!” Rarity marveled at it, even in the evening sun the plants shimmered and showered the ground in a cascade of dancing lights. Rarity was breathless at the sight, for several moments the reason she had come completely fled her mind. The bouquet had been lovely, but this was something else entirely and she was enthralled.

But she had a reason to be here and she had to get to it. Even if it meant destroying one of these amazingly perfect crystalline plants.


“Peewee! Pee-eewee-ee!” Spike called as he walked through the forest. It wasn't too long after that he heard the screeching call of the phoenix overhead. The bird seemed to erupt from the edge of the sun as it flew towards the one that had helped it hatch and took care of it so long ago. Peewee landed close to Spike and nuzzled him in greeting, Spike gladly hugging in kind.

“Great to see you too, but I've got a favor to ask you. I need one of your feathers.” Spike said as he let the young phoenix go.
Peewee held out his wing and looked at Spike.

“Thanks, but Zecora said I had to get it while you were flying.” Spike said, pushing the wing away.

Peewee cocked his head to the side and held his wing out again.

“No, Peewee. I have to get it in the air. You know, flying.” Spike spread his wings and flapped them a couple times as Peewee watched.

Peewee turned his head to the side again and hopped back. He flapped his wings several times until a feather drifted down. Peewee looked at it for a moment then looked to Spike.

Spike sighed. “Almost there buddy. But we're still on the ground.”


The wool filter and raincloud were ready long before anyone else showed up with any of the other ingredients. Washu was carefully analyzing the cloud Rainbow Dash had brought for any indication as to why it was acting the way that it was.

Twilight eventually came back with the sawed off root, while she had a weak smile she looked pretty sad.

“What's wrong Twilight?”Applejack asked as Twilight placed the root on the table while Starlight and Zecora focused on the instructions, preparing for the job ahead of them.

“It's just that each root of the Golden Oak Library had a memory with it. I had to cut down that memory for this root.” Twilight lamented.

“That's okay. We'll find a new place for it.” Applejack said as she placed her foreleg around Twilight's shoulders.

“What memory was it?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Twilight's horn glowed violet with golden flecks and a small gem slowly lifted out of her saddlebag. Twilight intended to float it over to the CMCs but instead it flew across the hut and smacked the wall behind them. The CMCs shouting and ducking just in time as the gem hurtled towards them.

“I am so sorry girls!” Twilight said apologetically as she ran up to them, checking to see that they were okay.

“Still having trouble with your magic?” Rainbow Dash asked. As she picked up the gem.

Twilight sighed, things like this had been happening ever since the magic returned to Equestria. “It doesn't matter how much I practice, I just can't get used to my magic now.” She turned to Rainbow Dash and held out her hoof to take the gemstone. Carefully Rainbow Dash gave it to her and looked to Scootaloo as Twilight held the gem out for them to see.

“It's the first time James brought Sara and Amber to Equestria, they were so happy they could barely stand.” Twilight explained, smiling warmly at the memory.

“I think it's 'cause they didn't know how to walk like us.” Applejack chuckled, remembering the day herself.

“What's going on with James here?” Scootaloo asked.

“He was laughing so hard he couldn't stand either.” Twilight said with a chuckle. “He was really happy. I think this memory may be even more important to him than it is to me. Which is why I brought it.”

Washu smiled as she looked into the gem. Not out of any curiosity, but it was nice seeing Amber and Sara smile like that. A smile of her own tugged at the corners of her mouth.

Rarity came walking in next. “I've got the best crystal rose available.”

“Uhm, Rarity.” Rainbow Dash said. “You didn't need the best, just a crystal rose.”

“I know dear, but I couldn't just let it slide at passable, this is for our friend so it must be outstanding.” Rarity happily said. “Though it would have taken me less time if the gardens weren't so lovely. I could barely stand to harm anything so positively radiant. Mistmane has done wonders for the place.”

The next thing to catch their attention was what sounded like someone blowing raspberries and mumbling at the same time, everyone turned to find Pinkie Pie standing in the doorway with a swollen tongue and her mane filled with the vividly blue poison joke flowers. Clearly she was trying to tell them about what happened.

Nobody understood her.

“I'm guessing she's allergic to the flowers.” Washu said, astonished at the severe reaction.

“Nope.” Applejack said. “That's just what happens to her when she gets poison joke.”

“Yes, everypony reacts differently, but for some it's not so bad. Fluttershy's singing voice was still beautiful even as a baritone.” Rarity said.

Pinkie tried to say something more, but only managed the same raspberries and mumbling. She held her hooves out wide and brought them close to the point that they were almost touching. Possibly she was talking about Applejack's reaction. Shortly after she began waving her forelegs wildly and throwing herself against a wall. This must have been about Rainbow Dash.

“Don't worry Pinkie, we'll get you the antidote as soon as we can.” Twilight said. Pinkie nodded vigorously, her swollen tongue shaking wildly.


The sun was barely peaking over the horizon anymore as Peewee eventually took to the air, finally giving Spike the chance he needed. He took off after the bird, trying to keep up, unfortunately even after Smolder's help he wasn't quite up to chasing a phoenix.

“Peewee! Wait up! I need to get that feather!” Spike called, wishing he had had just a bit more practice.

Peewee looked back for a second and didn't slow down.

It was hard to tell what he was doing from here, but it appeared to Spike that he was simply looking back, as if waiting for him to catch up. Before long Peewee banked hard right until he was flying towards Spike. As he got closer Spike could see that there was something in his beak.

Spike turned to avoid the oncoming bird, however no matter how he dodged Peewee moved to stay right on him. It looked like the crash was inevitable and Spike began to fly down. “I'm sorry Peewee, I'm just trying to help a friend who needs a potion.” Spike said as he flew away from his former pet.

Peewee didn't make a sound as he continued the chase, angling himself downward before swooping up in front of the fleeing dragon.

Spike stopped abruptly, it all made sense now that he could see that in his beak Peewee held a long red and orange feather. “Oh, you plucked the feather yourself and want to give it to me.” Spike reasoned.

Peewee nodded and moved his head forward a bit, inviting Spike to take the offered feather.


Fluttershy knew she had to hurry, if Rarity took the time to pick a perfect rose she might just be able to find a Flash Bee hive in the Everfree forest before they start. This was where Zecora had gotten sick helping her get the crisscross moss. If the tree was here a hive should be nearby.

The longer she flew around the swamp the more concerned she got that the bees may not have come to this swamp. The sun began to set and she knew she couldn't wait any longer, they needed the instructions right now more than they needed the honey. Fluttershy turned quickly and made for the hut, promising herself that she'd get back out once she gave Zecora the instructions.


Starlight had just began to grate the Oak root when Fluttershy burst through the door. “Have you started preparing the ingredients yet?” She asked without even a hello.

“Yeah, I just started.” Starlight said, stopping grating abruptly.

“I understand we're in a hurry, but what has happened to make you worry?” Zecora asked as she approached.

Fluttershy began to calm a bit as she saw that they were only working on the root right now. “Oh, sorry. It's just that Mage Meadowbrook knows the potion and there are steps missing from the book that she knows. Here, she wrote them down for me.” Fluttershy reached into her bag and came back with the note paper held in her teeth, letting it go once Zecora had her hoof beneath it.

Zecora quietly mumbled to herself as she read. “I see, I see. I'm glad you brought this list to me.”

“What do we need to do?” Starlight asked as she walked over to look at the list.

“Once ready, outside we go. It must be made under moonlight's glow. And if this is indeed right, it must be stirred throughout the night.” Zecora looked around at the group. Glad that they would be outside where there was more room. She was practically tripping over everyone here.

“I'm so glad I got here in time.” Fluttershy happily said before turning to the door and shivering at the night. “I just need to find the Flash Bees.” She added with false confidence.

“Wait, you didn't get the Flash Bee honey?” Rainbow Dash asked, astonished that she could mess up the very thing she went out for.

“The bees moved on once they couldn't get the pollen they needed. But I know were another tree is. I'll have that honey tonight.” Fluttershy explained as she turned back for the door.

“How will you find them?” Twilight asked. “It's dark out now.”

“I'll be alright Twilight.” Fluttershy said, faking confidence despite her shaking legs. “They're Flash Bees, they'll be easier to find at night since they glow when they fly around.” Her declaration made, she left the hut determined to find those bees.


Fluttershy had to fly high above the canopy, scanning downward for any flashes of light. She was constantly having to push her worries from her mind. What if she couldn't see the light from up here? What if she somehow fell from this far up? What if there weren't any Flash Bees in the Everfree forest? What if Spike ran into her?

As Fluttershy realized the last thought was an immediate concern she turned out of the way as Spike came to a stop.

“Sorry about that Fluttershy. I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going.” Spike quickly apologized.

“Oh, that's alright Spike. Do you have the phoenix feather?” Fluttershy asked eagerly.

“Right here. One phoenix feather plucked mid-flight by Peewee himself.” He said as he presented the feather to Fluttershy. “Uh, that doesn't matter that I'm not the one who got it, right? Only that it was taken midair?”

“Oh, it's even better that Peewee gave it to you. Mage Meadowbrook told me that the more care taken in getting the ingredients the better the potion will work.” Fluttershy said, clapping her hooves together.

“Do you think that's what the crystal rose is for?” Spike asked as he held his claw inquisitively under his chin. “Gathering that care and concern like the Crystal Heart does for light and love in the empire.”

Fluttershy nodded. “It could, but right now I have to find the Flash Bees and you have to get that feather back to Zecora.”

“Oh.” Spike said suddenly. “You're right. Once I get this back I'll come help you. Two sets of eyes see more than one.”

“Thank you Spike, but I'm sure I'll find them easily enough.” Fluttershy insisted. Care and concern, she reminded herself.


Spike touched down outside Zecora's home as Rainbow Dash was getting the cloud into place above the cauldron. “I've got the feather!” He called as he approached.

“That's wonderful Spike!” Twilight happily said.

“Just in time too.” Rainbow Dash added. She kicked the cloud, causing it to drain it's contents over the finely ground ingredients held loosely in their woolen cocoon. From the parcel came an amber liquid that hissed as it hit the bottom of the empty cauldron.

“Now Spike. Do not delay. Add the feather right away!” Zecora called as the steam began to mix with the cloud, adding it's contents to the rain.

Spike hurried and did as instructed, watching the mix turn from amber to a dark orange.

“I just hope Fluttershy finds those bees in time.” Twilight said as she watched the potion.

“All to do now it stir and blend, you can visit your sleeping friend.” Zecora calmly said as she continued to mix the concoction.


Flashes of light darted across the water, Fluttershy had finally found the Flash Bees. A quick glance up showed that the moon had passed it's zenith, the night was just over half way through. With a deep breath she gently glided closer to the water. Following any of the bees would do, she just needed to find where they were going and she could get the honey.

As she tried to follow the bees she noticed that they seemed to be more active during the night than they were during the day. While she knew a little about the bees and animals in general this was something she hadn't observed before.

The Flash Bees going about doing their work during the night was a beautiful sight. Watching their paths cross, the way they hovered briefly over a flower and illuminated it. Their light inside the flower making it appear to glow. Even as aggressive as the bees could be Fluttershy was happy to see the beauty in this display. Maybe another night she could bring Zecora out and show her.

Fluttershy was so enraptured by the sight that she nearly flew right into the tree that the Flash Bees had made their hive.

This wasn't a hive that hung from the tree as it was by Meadowbrook's home. The tree must have been hollow inside and the bees built combs directly on the interior walls. Without an opening large enough for her hoof she couldn't get the honey from this tree.

But what if there were no other hives in the area?

No, she needed the honey from this hive!

She quickly donned the mask she borrowed from Meadowbrook and began feeling around the tree. If their hive was in here the parts where they lived would be warm, if not hot, to the touch. From there she would know what parts of the tree to look at for weaknesses in it's bark. She just had to pull away a little section to get at the comb inside, then she would just put it back and they could continue in peace.

As she paced the tree two things became clear to her. First was the thick smell of honey here, clearly the bees didn't have any creature yet able to get inside and claim the hoard. And second was the apparent size of the hive, for the ground around the tree to be so warm the hive had to take up most of the tree if not it's entire interior.

She flew up and around the tree, if the bees could build something like this there had to be some way to get rid of all the extra heat. Near the top there were two branches, one set higher then the other and the lower was angled to the side. Fluttershy got closer to the higher branch and found that this is where the honey smell was strongest carried on a hot current of air. But one wouldn't be enough, there had to be other small openings where cool air could come in or the hive wouldn't have been able to grow to this size.

Time was slowly ticking away as Fluttershy inspected the tree once more, she had been able to see half a dozen small holes that roughly formed a circle large enough not only for her to get a hoof in, but to reach in and take a piece of the hive if she were to break open that part of the tree.

The choice wasn't too difficult, all bees produce more honey than the hive needs, even in hard times. She just needed to get in and take a little piece.

She carefully tapped at the tree near the ventilation holes. This is where the wood was thinnest and was her best chance at getting to the comb. Each tap brought out another couple dozen bees, but they calmed down when they saw the mask, the familiar markings comforting them.

She heard the wood crack a little as she tapped and once that began she reached out with both hooves and pulled the section away. The inside of the hive was truly impressive, Flash bees covering nearly every available inch of space. Fluttershy found the piece she was going to take and nodded.

She quietly began to buzz a soft tune, swaying her head from side to side as she did. Flash Bees cleared away from the opening and uncovered several sections of comb for her. Carefully She reached in with both hooves and grabbed the section of hive, thoroughly coating her forelegs in honey as she did so. With a little wiggle and a pull it came free along with a nearby second smaller section. She laid both sections on one of her forelegs and collected the broken piece of tree, gently placing it back so the bee's hive wouldn't have such a glaring weakness. The bees would likely patch the seams with wax soon and not be bothered by it for long.

Fluttershy looked up as she got ready to go back, the moon was still in the air, she had gotten the honey and with plenty of time to get back to Zecora to finish the potion. Gripping the comb securely in both hooves she flew off back in the direction of Zecora's hut, proud of herself for finding the flash bees.


The rain and potion had evened out to a brown color that was not quite tea as Starlight stirred the potion while Zecora got a break. Potion making hadn't really been Starlight's forte, but her tasks were easy enough. Soon Zecora would be back with some new step before taking over stirring for an hour or so. Washu was observing James's state, occasionally looking to the potion as she tried to learn more about it. She had entertained herself studying the nature of the crystal rose stem for a while, but clearly she had gotten everything from it that she was getting.

Just as Starlight started getting tired from the monotony of stirring Zecora stepped out. “Starlight you should take a rest, this potion is quite a test.”

“I'd offer to help, but between the barely controlled fire, all the chemical impurities in the pot and me having no idea how that cloud is even doing that. There are so many factors I can't control it would drive me crazy.” Washu said as she continued to examine the bubbling concoction.

“Well, you did say you wanted to learn about this stuff.” Starlight said as she walked away from the cauldron while Zecora began stirring in a two and one pattern.

“It's fascinating, especially in a world where these seemingly random things actually do something.” Washu said.

“I got it.” Fluttershy happily said as she came to land by the cauldron.

“Wow. I thought you only needed a bit of honey.” Washu said as she saw the large honey comb the pegasus held.

“A dollop or two will do the trick, let's save the rest for the sick.” Zecora said with a smile.

“So other than a few subtle changes to how it's stirred, we're good until morning.” Starlight happily observed. “Honestly I was a little worried that this might be harder than it seemed.

“Yes, the hard part now has come and past. Soon now we can rest at last.” Zecora agreed.

The morning eventually came, and before first light touched the cauldron Zecora added the honey while Starlight stirred.

While still a dark brown it now released a vibrant pink steam. As Zecora sniffed it she smelled a pleasant earthy, dusty smell. “The potion turned out well, and it has such a pleasing smell.”

Each pony approached the cauldron and inhaled deeply.

“Ooh, is smells just like a library!” Twilight happily exclaimed.

“Nah Twilight, it smells like an apple orchard.” Applejack insisted.

“Nu-uh.” Pinkie Pie said, having gotten the poison joke antidote last night during one of Zecora's rest periods. “It smells like cupcakes, and balloons, and ice cream!”

Starlight laughed. “It smells just like what we most enjoy. I'm smelling tea, clean sheets, and books.”

“Oh, it smells like a wonderful perfume to me.” Rarity said.

“Like a forest after a nice rain.” Fluttershy said.

Washu took a whiff out of curiosity, smelling o-zone home cooked meals and newspaper. It reminded her of Tenchi.

Rainbow Dash certainly recognized what she smelled, her eyes shot open immediately in shock. This didn't go unnoticed and Scootaloo looked up to her. “Did it not smell good to you?” She asked. “I mean, to me it just smells like you.”

Rainbow Dash smiled at the foal who admired her so. “It smelled good. Like clouds, and … speed.” She lied.

“Uhm. What's speed smell like?” Starlight asked.

“I don't know how to describe it. That's just what I think of when I smell that smell.” She quickly said.

“Oh.” Apple Bloom said as she considered it. “Well I guess since it smells like my friends I could say it smells like friendship.”

“Doesn't this have a short life?” Rainbow Dash quickly asked. “Somepony get it to James before all our work goes to waste.”

Zecora nodded and collected a ladle. Carefully she poured it into a clay mug and walked over to James. Starlight opened his mouth as Zecora gently poured it down his throat.

“Something is certainly happening.” Washu said as she began reading the medical display.

The ponies all held their breath as they waited eagerly to see some change. Suddenly, and loudly, James began to snore again. After the first one ended James's eyes opened and he began to stretch and moan where he lay.

“Don't move too fast James.” Twilight said. “You've been in bed for two weeks.”

“I've whu?” James moaned, not really understanding what she had said.

“Take it slow now.” Applejack simplified.

Each joint James moved snapped as it did so, as if to accentuate the point of his lack of motion for as long as it had been.

Scootaloo laughed as James sat up and she jumped to hug him, promptly knocking him back onto the bed where he moaned again despite his smile.

“Heyya kiddo.” James weakly said.


After a warm farewell, and several apologies from James for occupying her bed, they left Zacora's hut for Twilight's castle.

“So how'd it go? Is the magic back?” James asked as Washu helped him walk through the forest. She had taken on her adult form and had James's arm over her shoulder.

“Yes. Actually it was our students that figured it out and saved the day.” Twilight said.

“And it wasn't even Tirek.” Applejack said as the forest began to thin out.

“Yeah, Cozy Glow was the one stealing the magic.” Starlight added. “She fooled all of us.”

James's face twisted up as he contemplated the situation. “What on earth did she hope to accomplish by doing that?”

“She thought that if all of us were trapped in Tartarus she could take over the school. Somehow believing that if she ran the school she'd control all of the friendship and then Equestria.” Twilight explained.

“That was a bad plan.” James mumbled. “Bet Starlight was a big thorn in her side.”

“Yeah, I was. Unfortunately she got me too. There was this sphere of compressed magic she threw me into that trapped me until Ocellus and her friends saved the day.” Starlight explained.

“You were overpowered by a child?” James asked looking at Starlight quizzically.

“She knocked you out for nearly two weeks.” Starlight responded with a sly grin.

“Fair enough.” James said with a nod.

“There's a few things we want to ask you about though.” Applejack said. “If you're feelin' up to answerin'.”

James attempted to shrug but couldn't. “Go ahead.”

“Well to get out of Tartarus Twilight borrowed some magic from that Talisman of yours, now her eyes are all gold and her magic is plum screwy.” Applejack explained as Twilight blushed, embarrassed that she had to take his magic like that.

James thought a moment before turning to Washu. “Not that I don't appreciate your arm around me, but maybe we can stop for a moment.”

Washu chuckled a bit at the flirtatious remark and brought out her computer, generating several levitating cushions for the group to sit on. James sat hard on his cushion and slumped forward. He'd been awake for a while now but he was still exhausted and felt as though he was going to fall asleep again at any moment.

He blinked several times as he looked at the group. “Could you come closer Twilight? I need to get a good look in your eyes.”

Nervously Twilight walked forward and looked James in the eye. The color change was obvious, but she wasn't quite close enough. “Just stay still okay.” James calmly instructed as he brought his hand up under her muzzle and leaned in very close.

Twilight's heart raced, she trusted him, but what could he need to be this close to her face for? And leaning her chin up? As she tried to keep her mind clear she remembered all the times he held her and Tenyo or Lucca joking said that they would get married. She didn't think it would happen, but the panic set in all the same.

James huffed. “I'm not gonna kiss you, you can calm down. I just need to see your iris better. If it's a true change of color I shouldn't be able to see your natural color no matter how close I get.” While spot on his statement was a little embarrassing for Twilight.

James silently looked into her eyes for what felt like an hour. “Okay, keep looking forward. Ignore me, just don't move your eyes. I mean, you can blink first. Just let me know when you're ready.”

Twilight closed her eyes tight for a moment, preparing herself for the examination. She opened them again and took a breath. “Okay.”

James leaned in close again, looking at her eyes from an angle before moving back out. “Okay, keep looking ahead, but don't worry about keeping them open until I say so.” James turned to Washu and mumbled something to her. In a moment James was holding a penlight. “Okay, hold them open again.” James's examination continued for minutes, looking at each eye carefully.

“Okay.” He eventually said. “I'm going to have to do a more thorough examination when I'm doing better, but what I can say is that it's not a true change in color. I can see a bit of the natural color, but it looks like it's been replaced with the gold. Near as I can guess, you've had an interesting encounter with the Lord of Nightmares.”

“The L-l-l-lord of N-nightmares?” Scootaloo nervously asked.

“Mm-hm.” James grunted as he looked her way. “It's nothing to worry about Scootaloo.”

Author's Note:

:rainbowderp: Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.
And turn off that REO Speedwagon!

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