• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 3,065 Views, 272 Comments

World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Epilogue: Long Awaited Peace

A week had gone by since Sunset went to Azeroth with Celestia and Twilight, stopped Sargeras from stabbing the planet with his massive flaming sword, and told both the Alliance and the Horde, by using the heroes as her messengers, to stop their pointless war, otherwise their world was going to end in a way that they would never be able to stop. Lyra and Trixie, in the beginning, felt that Sunset was insane for even attempting to make the two factions seek out peace with each other, as Trixie had only seen something like that happen when the world was threatened by something that one faction alone could not stop. Trixie knew, from her years of experience, that the younger leaders of a faction generally listened to their elders and would not listen to the adventurers and heroes that had saved the planet, so it was all too easy for her to think that the two factions would be at war with each other soon enough. Even Lyra, who had more faith in the factions that Trixie did, mostly because she hadn't spent years dealing with their insane hatred for each other, had doubts the Sunset's plan was even going to work and that the factions would start tearing each other apart.

They were both, however, surprised when they learned that both the Horde and the Alliance gathered in Dalaran, one of the neutral areas of the world that did not side with either side, and their leaders spoke for some time with each other, until they eventually came to an agreement that would put their conflict to an end. Sunset's presence, her ability to stop Sargeras, the powers that both Lyra and Trixie command, and a number of other factors that were associated with the Equestrians were more than enough to change the minds of the mighty leaders of both the Alliance and the Horde. Even Slyvanas Windrunner and Glen Greymane, who had hated each other with a burning passion since the days of the cataclysm, agreed to put their hatred aside and build Azeroth a shining new future that would allow everyone to prosper, stunning Lyra and Trixie in the process. Neither of them were sure that this was really happening until Celestia and Twilight assured them that they were seeing what had really happened the day the meeting took place... they just couldn't believe that those two would be able to do it without breaking something.

Even Jaina Proudmoore, upon hearing the news and what could potentially happen if the final war was able to take place, eventually returned to Dalaran and apologized for leaving everyone when the Legion was attacking Azeroth, even saying that she had acted terrible during that time... and Khadgar, following the example of both Lyra and Trixie, forgave her as she assumed her former position once more, only this time for the good of Azeroth.

Lyra and Trixie honestly couldn't believe that their mere presence on Azeroth had affected so many people while they were there, because while the two factions maintained their armies and what not it wasn't to do war with each other, rather it was to battle the forces that still threatened the planet and them as a collective whole. According to many of them there were four Old Gods on Azeroth, three of which Trixie had personally fought and defeated over the seven years that she spent helping the Alliance out, and there was a rumor of a fifth one hidden in another Titan facility, removed from everything so it wouldn't be found and freed. Trixie had asked Celestia if she could go back to Azeroth for a few hours and came back with Khadgar's thoughts on the last two Old Gods, the mysterious N'Zoth that had created the naga and the even more mysterious G'huun. Since Trixie now knew that Sunset could instantly erase the existence of something, since she was a God of Destruction, she had also asked Sunset if she could permanently destroy the Old Gods that were present on Azeroth, to improve the lives of the Alliance and the Horde even more. What surprised her was that, since they only knew the locations of C'Thun and Yogg-Saron, Sunset could only destroy those two, as N'Zoth and G'huun's locations were a complete mystery.

Of course that was when Trixie and Lyra learned that Applejack, of all ponies, was an apprentice Kaioshin and that she could also heal the planets like Twilight could, which both of them got to see in action when both Twilight and Applejack healed the wounds that were created when Sunset erased C'Thun's existence. Trixie, having fought the Old God before, was surprised by how terrified the ancient creature sounded when it started to disappear like that, as if it knew that this act would result in it's permanent death, and yet, in the end, the mighty C'Thun was gone, it's influence shattered, and any wounds that it made had been healed like they never even existed. The same held true for Yogg-Saron, as Sunset forced the massive creature to the surface of it's prison and erased it's very existence while the two Kaioshin healed the wounds that were created in the process, surprising the Titan Keepers that had been guarding the Old God since it's prison had been built. From there Sunset made a quick stop at Pandaria to erase the remains of Y'Shaarj, just to be absolutely sure that he would no longer infect Azeroth with his influence, before promising the leaders of the factions that she would return if and when they found one of the remaining two Old Gods.

The erasure of two Old Gods had left Lyra and Trixie stunned, once more shocked over the power that one of their own commanded, and yet it made life better for Azeroth, so they decided to stop questioning Sunset and let her do what she wanted as they waited to see if Khadgar and the others needed any help from them.

Once it became clear that the Alliance and the Horde didn't need their assistance, not when they had two armies of capable warriors and heroes at their beck and call, Lyra and Trixie settled down into their old lives while making sure to practice their new skills. That, in turn, only caused Rainbow to seek them out and challenge them to a battle, where Celestia took them to a planet with no population, becoming Sunset's personal battle arena until she decided to destroy it, and let the three of them fight it out. Rainbow was surprised when Trixie went into her full dragon form during the fight and Lyra transformed into her True Havoc form, though when Lyra did it she did so in a fashion that Illidan would have approved of, she jumped into the air, let the clouds cover her, and then slammed back down onto the ground while swinging her warglaives and shouting, in her best empowered voice 'You are not Prepared!', which had shocked rainbow enough for the duo to knock her to the ground. Of course Rainbow surprised them by revealing that she was holding back, as she had an ability that multiplied her own powers quite nicely, and they tore the mountain range around them to pieces, not that such a thing shocked those that were watching the fight.

In the end Rainbow had won, mostly because she had more experience in keeping her empowered form up for long periods of time, but at the same time she insisted on helping the duo practice their powers so they could do the same thing that she could.

Shortly after that Trixie, upon thinking about everything that had happened so far, decided to take up Twilight's offer on creating a class at the school for those that were more attuned to the Arcane, rather than any specific element, and she was pleased when she had at least twenty students appear on the first day, as it was more than she was expecting. Sure, most of them were ponies from all across Equestria and it's neighboring nations that had gone through the awakening process, but she also spied a griffon among their number, meaning others were taking notice as well. Since she was a dragon, and spent the majority of her time in her hybrid form, Twilight asked if she felt the Call of the Dragon Lord, like Spike and the other dragons did, though much to her surprise the answer was a swift 'no'. Trixie, having heard the tale from Spike shortly after revealing her new nature, had done some studies of her own and came to the conclusion that, as her species of dragon wasn't from Equus, she wouldn't hear the Call no matter what happened. Still, she did travel to the Dragon Lands to actually meet with Dragon Lord Ember, though upon her return she had a short and interesting story to tell Twilight.

The dragons, upon seeing Trixie's dragon form, had tried to crown her as their new Dragon Lord right then and there, going the way that Spike had done when he first saw the form as well, but she turned it down and said that she'd gladly play the role of an ambassador between the two nations... and that there might be a few additional dragons, much like the one that was already attending Twilight's new school, coming to join their friend.

Lyra, on the other hand, decided to stay away for the moment, as part of her power wasn't easy to teach and she still needed time to fully understand her powers, though that didn't stop her from telling Bon Bon all about her adventure and what had happened to her after she landed in the Outlands. Bon Bon was an amazing listener, as she was interested in everything Lyra had to tell her, and even expressed an interest in learning some of the powers that Lyra had seen the other heroes use while they were fighting, revealing that she still had no idea what her affinity, as Rainbow and the others called it, was... though Lyra was sure that Bon Bon would figure out what power she had in the future, as everyone had something they were good at. It felt like she was telling a filly about their Cutie Mark all over again, that it would reveal itself when they were ready, and when she told Bon Bon that she ended up laughing, as she hadn't thought about it that way... but at the same time Lyra was happy to see that her friend was happy once more.

Lyra wasn't sure what the future held for her and Trixie, whether they got to stay in Ponyville and live out their rest of their lives knowing that they had succeeded in not only stopping Sargeras and his Burning Legion, but also in helping stop the war between the Alliance and the Horde at long last, or if they would be called to a new planet and assist them in bringing an end to another threat. There was no way for them to know what the future held, which was why they were both enjoying their lives to the best of their ability at the moment, though Trixie was doing it by teaching the next generation and Lyra just wanted a little time to relax. They were both sure that if Azeroth needed them, which was a possibility neither of them were going to ignore, they would be called back, though time would tell if such a thing was even required of them. The only thing that worried Lyra was when she saw Sunset looking annoyed over something, though it was always directed at someone else, someone that wasn't Discord, who stayed in Twilight's castle or Fluttershy's cottage, or the other villains that had gone through the mirror... but she decided that Sunset would tell her and Trixie, as well as the others, what was bugging her when she wanted to, to which she went back to enjoying her life until she was needed to do battle with something once more.

After the defeat of Kil'jaeden, and the destruction of the portal network in Antorus, the Broken Shore saw no increase in the amount of demons that had been gathered all over it, rather it saw a massive decrease in the amount of demons that had been polluting the area. The heroes of Azeroth, all too happy at defeating the Burning Legion and their foul master, gathered together and cleared the demons out of the area, cutting them down wherever they were located, until all of them were taken care of, allowing the heroes to go home and spend some time with their loved ones. Many of them knew the location of the strange weapon that had fallen from the sky, the scythe that Trixie had determined that would kill whoever went for it thanks to the fel lava that was around it, but they ignored the weapon and left the Broken Shore behind at long last. Even their allies, both the Wardens and the elementals that had come to assist them, went back to their own domains and ignored the now lifeless lands of the Broken Shore, as there was nothing left for them to worry about, as the demons had corrupted the local wildlife and they killed the corrupted creatures... though now there was nothing left to worry about.

As such there was no one around to witness the air near the Tomb of Sargeras shudder and crack as a portal opened in that area, but instead of it being a demon's portal, with the support structures that came with them, it was a stable portal that stayed open for a few moments, allowing a single person to step out before it the portal slammed shut.

Those who had seen Lyra and Trixie would have assumed that this person was on their side, or at the very least from their planet, as when the person walked the energies of traveling from one point to another faded and revealed that the person had the same legs as the two pony girls. Instead of the person's body being all one color, like Lyra and Trixie's skin, this person's lower body was azureish black color, the upper chest was black colored, and both of the person's arms were crimson red colored. Based on the shape of the body anyone would assume the person was male, and they would be right, especially when the man had a light gray colored beard and the same colored short hair on his head, though where Lyra and Trixie had one horn, before they ascended to three, this man had two curved horns growing out of the sides of his head, which coiled back towards each other a little bit before pointing at the sky. He was wearing a pair of gray leggings that covered half of his legs and nothing over his muscular chest, though at the same time he was wearing a golden gauntlet with ebony inlay over his left hand.

To anyone that was watching him, as he looked around the area that he was in, the gauntlet had six slots that could be filled with glowing stones, five at the knuckles for each finger and the sixth on the back of his hand, though while five of those slots were already filled with powerful stones, forged from the souls of powerful creatures he had torn them from, he was missing one stone... the one that would rest on the knuckle of his middle finger.

"I grow tired of constantly tearing portals open and risking myself each time I do so," the man said, his voice echoing around the area a little bit, with a sinister tone to it, before he growled as he finished looking around the area, where he zeroed in on the green pool of lava that rested nearby, "Ah, I sense an object of power nearby."

The man raised his hand, his right to be exact, and his magic wrapped around it, where he commanded his magic around whatever was inside the pool of lava and grasped it, to which he extracted whatever object of power he had been feeling and smiled when he found a wicked looking scythe in front of him.

"Ah, I feel some dimensional power resting around this weapon," the man commented, to which he locked the weapon in place with his right hand before lifting his left hand towards the scythe, where the sinister blue energy of the scythe started to twist in response, "Come, join the powerful stones I have created, and guide me to the master of the person that this weapon belonged to."

The energy around the scythe jumped from the weapon and pooled into a single spot in front of him, to which a powerful blue stone came into existence in front of him, where the man let a sinister grin appear on his face as the stone fit into the missing slot and he could feel a new power awaken inside him. With the scythe reduced to just an ordinary weapon once more, one that he decided to take with him, he activated the blue stone and a hole in space opened in front of him, allowing him to travel to an underground area that had a massive construct laying on the ground, seemingly dead if he was correct. Instead of doing anything to the corpse in front of him, like he had originally planned, he activated the stone again and a new portal replaced the old one, where he instantly traveled back to a planet he had already visited before the new one and a wicked grin appeared on his face as he activated the stone again, returning to the chamber that he had been in earlier.

"Ah, exactly what I wished for, the power to instantly move from one place to another," the man said, his joy apparent as he stared at the large corpse that was in front of him, where he focused his mind and placed his left hand on the side of the construct, "and now for the real prize, a soul fragment of an incredibly powerful and dangerous being."

With that said he felt the soul fragment that he had come for and tugged on it, drawing the power from the husk that was in front of him and adding it to his already considerable power, strengthening him even more than he had been before he came to this world. With the power of the godly beings of Nirn empowering him once more, and he had added the Divines to that list as well, he was powerful enough to destroy a planet if he so desired, which he did to test his new power, but with this small percentage of the creature's soul, even if it was one percent, his power was boosted to a brand new level once more. Despite his power up he knew that he was still beneath Sunset's level, the level of a God of Destruction, and he knew several more planets he could visit and drain the power from in order to boost his powers even further than he was currently at. Once the soul fragment was taken from the construct, and stored inside the pocket dimension that came with the orange stone he had forged earlier, he focused his mind and the purple stone glowed for a moment as the entire around him started to glow with a sinister purple glow as it began to fall apart.

From there he used the blue stone to return to the surface, giving himself a front row seat to the collapse of the massive structure his prize had been stored inside, before he chuckled as he closed the portal and opened a new one to an entirely brand new world.

"Sunset Shimmer, soon I will have the power to destroy you and all you hold dear," Tirek said, to which he grinned as he turned towards the portal he had created behind him, as he no longer needed to be on this planet anymore, "and then I shall reign as the strongest being in all of existence, while Equus is destroyed because of your arrogance."

Soon he would have his revenge against the pony girl that had wronged him twice in the past, and had thought him bested and no longer a threat to her, and it was going to be a glorious day when he reached the end point of his plans and finally killed his foe... and then no one else would be able to stand against him with her death, leaving him to do whatever he desired whenever he wanted.

Comments ( 11 )

The dragons, upon seeing Trixie's dragon form, had tried to crown her as their new Dragon Lord right then and there, going the way that Spike had done when he first saw the form as well, but she turned it down and said that she'd gladly play the role of an ambassador between the two nations... and that there might be a few additional dragons, much like the one that was already attending Twilight's new school, coming to join their friend.

Oh god. Now Trixie has the population of an entire nation as a fanbase!

though at the same time he was wearing a golden gauntlet with ebony inlay over his left hand.

To anyone that was watching him, as he looked around the area that he was in, the gauntlet had six slots that could be filled with glowing stones, five at the knuckles for each finger and the sixth on the back of his hand, though while five of those slots were already filled with powerful stones, forged from the souls of powerful creatures he had torn them from, he was missing one stone... the one that would rest on the knuckle of his middle finger.

YOU GAVE BUCKING TIREK AN INFINITY GUANTLET?! Illidan was right, we were not prepared!

welp, Equus really needs some more powerhouses to stop Tirek now

Ah, fuck, Tirek has the Infinity Gauntlet.

We already have a fair few. No idea just how much more powerful Gilda, Derpy, the Dazzlings, Chrysalis, and eventually Sombra will be by the final story. And Sombra is experiencing the Bleach storyline, so he's gonna have anime powers.

You call adding the Infinity Gauntlet a field leveling item?! Well this just made everything that much harder and now we know who else is in Universe 13.

is it startd yet (Sombra that is)

Nope. The Sombra fic will replace this one in his update schedule. So we have to wait 3 days.

Technically it is A Infinity Guantlet. There is nothing to say that there is only one Guantlet in a Universe. And anyways, the stones in this one are made from the souls of incredibly powerful beings, not six singularities that existed since the beginning of creation.

Is there a link to the Universe 13 series for current and upcoming stories?

That was a good read. Honestly, I was playing through the Legion Campaign with my new Druid while reading a few chapters a day.

well thats another one of your stories finished, just have to get around to actually continuing on with your sly cooper story and im all caught up on your universe 13 arc

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