• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 3,064 Views, 272 Comments

World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Temple: Ritual

Lyra let out a moan as she walked through the halls of the Black Temple, feeling the pain in her muscles from her stunt earlier, where she slew an eredar, ripped out its heart, and tossed the demon's body into the Twisting Nether. She knew that the demon had to be long dead by now, which meant that she wouldn't have to worry about it coming back to find her in the future and that she could relax just a tiny bit. Killing one demon meant nothing in the grand scheme of things, considering that there were likely hundreds, if not thousands, of demons left in the Burning Legion. Removing one high ranking demon meant nothing, not when the Legion's foul master could easily replace Terraxas with another demon, one that might be even worse than the one she had killed.

Even now, after her return to the Temple, she was still carrying the beating heart of the lesser Demon Lord in her left hand, something that the other members of the Illidari told her to hold onto until they spoke with Lord Illidan. Lyra had to wonder if Lord Illidan would be pleased that she had ended the life of a lesser Demon Lord, or if he would be his indifferent self again when he was told the news.

Her companions were quiet since they left the demonic camp, choosing to keep to themselves and not say anything about the fact that they had gotten rid of a Demon Lord. Lyra guessed that the Illidari would only be impressed if someone took out one of the three major Demon Lords, though Illidan warned them against such an action, as none of them were properly prepared for such a fight. Personally Lyra didn't even want to fight one of the major Demon Lords, because they seemed to be some of the toughest demons that they could possibly fight... and she knew that many of them would die if they attacked one of them. She also knew next to nothing about the three Demon Lords that Lord Illidan told them about, though it seemed like the Lord of the Outlands knew something about Archimonde the Defiler, Kil'Jaeden the Deceiver, and Sargeras, who was the Master of the Burning Legion.

Lyra, once again, worried about their chances at defeating the Burning Legion, but when she remembered that she had knocked out one of the lesser Demon Lords she knew that they would only fail if they gave up, to which she steeled herself and followed her companions... where they walked up the stairs that brought them to where Lord Illidan was waiting for their return.

"I see that you have returned," Lord Illidan commented, to which he turned and looked at the group that was approaching him, though Lyra noticed that a smile had appeared on the elf's face, "and it appears that you have completed the task I sent you on. So tell me, what happened at the forge?"

"We surrounded the demons and engaged them in battle," Kayn replied, though at the same time he and the others bowed their heads to their master, "though the Pit Lord was not there when we arrived. Instead we discovered that an eredar mage, one claiming to be a Lord in the Burning Legion under Kil'Jaeden, was now in charge of the forge and attacked us... though initiate Lyra decided to use a risky plan and cut out the demon's heart while dropping him into the Twisting Nether at the same time. We won't be worrying about that lesser Demon Lord returning in the future."

"Is that so?" Illidan commented, to which he turned his head in Lyra's direction, though this time she didn't flinch as her master looked at him, "Well then, I think its time that we formally invite Lyra into the ranks of the Illidari, so that she might become more like all of us and cause further damage to the Burning Legion. Fortunately the ritual area has been prepared for such an event, so I will allow you all to take an hour break before we see just how skilled our newest initiate is at stopping demons."

"It will be as you command," Kor'vas said, to which the group watched as Lord Illidan nodded his head and walked down the stairs that they had come up, surprising Lyra for a moment, because she had never seen the Lord of the Illidari leave his meditation area.

"I didn't know we had a ritual for joining the Illidari," Lyra spoke up, though she had waited until she was sure that their master was gone before speaking up, "Does anyone want to fill me in on what to expect, or is not knowing about the ritual part of the ritual itself?"

"Oh, not knowing about the ritual isn't a part of the ritual," Varedis said, to which he and the others stood straight up once more, before they all turned to Lyra, "the ritual is basically where an initiate takes the essence of a demon into their body and takes command of the powers that are granted to them, though it takes practice before such a thing is possible. Part of the ritual is where we take small daggers and stab our eyes with them, which is where the fel energy will enter our bodies and grant us the powers of our enemies."

"Does... doesn't that completely destroy your eyes and your sight?" Lyra asked, because she found it hard to believe that the Illidari would ritually blind themselves, while at the same time wondering how the trio of demon hunters around her were able to see with no sight and had some bindings around their eyes.

"Yes and no," Kayn replied, to which he tapped his own bindings for a moment, "we lose our normal sight and our eyes, but in the process we gain a new sight that allows us to see everything around us, as if our eyes hadn't been damaged... and, if we focus our energy on our new sight, we could see the presence of demons, especially those that are designed to hide in plain sight."

"We also gain the ability to absorb the abilities of certain demons," Varedis added, though Lyra detected that his tone spoke volumes of him wanting to gain power, no matter the cost to his own body and his mind, "it just takes some time to figure out which ones have abilities we can use and which ones are useless in the grand scheme of things."

"And don't forget about the special tattoos that help us seal the demons inside our bodies," Kor'vas spoke up, placing a hand on her own tattoos, which told Lyra that there was so much more she had to learn about the Illidari before she knew everything about them, "and the fact that each demon hunter has horns that grow out of their heads. With all of these powers and abilities at our command we intend on striking down the Burning Legion... no matter how long it takes to reach that goal."

Lyra nodded as she followed her companions down the stairs and walked into an area where they could rest, though at the same time one of them took the heart she had been carrying from her and promised that it would properly be taken care of, just to be sure that the lesser Demon Lord she had killed was permanently dealt with.

When the hour had passed Lyra found herself being escorted though a different hallway of the Black Temple, one that she assumed was hidden and would lead them to the ritual area that had been prepared for her. She still found it a little odd that Lord Illidan had prepared this ahead of time, which meant that he had been planning on properly inducting her into the Illidari. As such one of the requirements was that she hand her warglaives to someone before she entered the ritual area, though when she walked into the room she noticed that there was a small pool of sinister green energy resting in the direct center of everything. She also noticed that there were spaces where her companions could stand, which was when they gathered around Lord Illidan, who happened to be standing behind the pool.

She also noticed that there was a stand that contained two daggers, which had small blades that would prevent the tip from striking her brain and killing her instantly, though she could tell that the blades were dripping with fel energy.

"We do not have any words to say when someone takes on the powers of our enemies," Lord Illidan said, to which he beckoned to the pool, where Lyra gently removed her footwear and stepped into the foul water, where Kayn handed her the two daggers that were resting near him, "but know that many demons will fear you from this day forward... and so will their masters, once they realize the danger you now pose to their plans."

Lyra nodded and looked down at the daggers she was now holding, wondering if she should even go through with the act of stabbing her own eyes and allowing the fel energy to enter her body, but after a few seconds she steeled herself. She knew that the Burning Legion would one day find her home world, when they gave up on the world of Azeroth, and that her home would be unprepared for the assault that would be coming their way. She knew that Princess Twilight would frown at her, but she knew that neither Princess Celestia or Princess Luna had the power to stand against the demons, despite the fact that they raised the sun and the moon all the time.

A few seconds later Lyra rose the daggers into the air and, before her strength and nerve gave out, she lowered them into her eyes, to which she had to bite back a scream as she basically destroyed her eyeballs and allowed the burning fel energy to pour into her body. She could feel the vile energy tearing its way through her body, trying to corrupt her from the inside out, but at the same time she remembered her determination and focused on beating the energy that was coursing through her body. A few moments passed before she felt something happen to her body, which was the burning sensation as the tattoos started to appear on her skin, in whatever pattern they were creating, but unfortunately the pain didn't stop there... as the tattoos were followed up a pair of horns tearing their way out of her head, as well as some cramping in her feet and some pain in her backside for some reason.

When the pain subsided Lyra found that she couldn't see anything, though that was quickly followed by the signatures of four people appearing around her, where she could have sworn that she could see just fine... despite the fact that she knew that her eyes had been destroyed.

"Well I'll be," Kayn commented, to which Lyra looked up at him and the others, wondering why they seemed so surprised, if his tone was to be believed, "your eyes... they weren't consumed by the fel energy. In fact it looks like the energy is rolling out of your eyes, like a mist of some kind that dissipates after a few seconds... I have never seen anything like it in all the years I have spent in the Black Temple."

"Her true nature is speaking for itself," Lord Illidan stated, though as he spoke he reached towards Lyra and held a hand out, to which she accepted it and allowed her master to bring her back to her feet, "and it seems that she didn't stop at acquiring some horns and a set of tattoos."

Lyra opened her mouth to ask what he meant, though that was before he discovered that her legs now ended in hooves, though they looked more like the ones that she had seen the demons possess instead of her pony hooves. Thinking about her old form made something behind her move, to which she turned around and noticed that her tail had been returned to her, making her look like a cross between a pony, an elf, and a demon, though she was sure she could make this work for her.

"Come then, Lyra Heartstrings," Lord Illidan said, to which he handed her warglaives back to her, which she returned to her holder on her back, "its time we completed your training... because soon we shall begin our assault on the demons of Mardum and claim the key to stopping the Burning Legion. And then, once they have been dealt with, we can see to finding the other member of your race that followed you to this side of the universe."

Lyra nodded, because now she knew that she had the power to make a difference, though she still needed some training before she was ready... and she had to admit that she was eager to finally show the demons that their way of life was wrong, even if she had to cut a path through them to get her point across.

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