• Published 7th Oct 2016
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World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Val'sharah: Archdruid of Lore

Trixie and Esalia followed the path that took them out of Lorlathil, or more like Trixie followed her companion, who clearly knew the forest better than Trixie did, but at the same time Trixie kept her eyes open for anything and everything that might want to slow them down. Thanks to her vast experience over the last seven years, since she first landed on Azeroth, she knew that something could spring up and demand her attention, preventing her from doing what needed to be done. A new task could also pop up out of nowhere if she found something important on the body of one of their foes, like a journal or an unusual gemstone, though she made sure that nothing escaped her gaze.

Of course one of the things that she forgot about was the fact that her companion had never seen a person like her, with the fact that she was half dragon at this point.

"So how does one become a dragon like you?" Esalia asked, to which she glanced over at Trixie for a moment, watching the muscles in her companion's legs as they walked, before staring at her face once more, "One of my friends, a gnome called Dokisizz Sparksprocket, theorized how such a transformation could occur, but he could never figure out how to actually make the change work."

"I... I honestly don't remember the transformation," Trixie replied, though at the same time she still found it odd that she had adapted to her new body so quickly, but she guessed that was because of her experience adapting to her old body, "All I know is that I was wearing a necklace that contained the essence of a Blue Dragon inside it, and then when I was knocked into a large mana pool the energies around me interacted with the essence and fused it with my body. I actually haven't tried to change back into my dragon form... not since I first assumed it and crushed the elf that was my foe beneath one of my hands, or claws I guess."

"You are a lucky one." Esalia said, though that was before they turned a corner and spotted the large treant, which had a different color than all of the other treants that Trixie had seen, "Archdruid Elothir!"

"Welcome, travelers. The forest whispered of your arrival." the large treant, Elothir Trixie realized, replied, turning to face them for a moment, though he actually sounded pleased to meet them, unlike some of the other creatures that she had encountered over the years, "Few outsiders have entered my precious grove. Please show reverence during your visit."

"Of course Archdruid," Esalia and Trixie said, to which the two of them respectfully bowed to the powerful druid, though that was followed by them remembering why they had come here in the first place, to which Esalia spoke again, "Archdruid Elothir, Malfurion calls for your aid in tending to Cenarius!"

"Cenarius requires me?" the Archdruid asked, to which both Trixie and Esalia nodded their heads, though that was followed by a sigh escaping from the druid, "I shall depart as soon as I am able, but I mustn’t leave while my druids are in crisis. A vile harpy coven has emerged and seeks to claim my grove as their own. These vermin inflict a terrible petrifying disease which, given time, will destroy the infected. While I wish for all of my followers to be cured, it is crucial that my elder disciples survive to protect the grove in my absence. If you would assist us, find my disciples and rouse them from this treacherous state."

"Sounds simple enough." Trixie commented, though she suspected that there was more they would have to do before they could get the Archdruid to leave the area they were in, "What else needs to be done to ensure the safety of both your disciples and your grove?"

"The numberless years of my life have been dedicated to learning and perfecting the arts of healing and restoration." the Archdruid replied, his tone indicating that he was pleased with what he was able to accomplish over his life live, though that was before he turned his gaze towards the pair, "Nothing in this world pains me more than taking a life, travelers. It is with a heavy heart that I must commission the death of Magula, the leader of the harpies that threaten this grove. May her death save the lives of more noble beings."

"Again, that sounds simple enough," Trixie said, though at the same time she came to a realization that she had never noticed before, one that she thought she should have detected over the many years of traveling across the world and chasing a lie, "Huh... I never knew that I was so eager to do battle and take a life... Princess Twilight is going to be upset with me and Lyra once we return to our home world."

"You have got to explain your world to me while we work," Esalia commented, though at the same time she followed Trixie down the path they had been following and entered Elothir's grove, where they spotted a fair number of harpies flying around the area as if they owned the place.

As they walked down the path Trixie apologized in advance, because she wouldn't be able to do justice to Equus with her description, but that didn't deter her companion from knowing everything and anything that Trixie could offer her. With that decided Trixie went to work telling Esalia about her home world, while at the same time using her magic to blow up the harpies that were in their way. She followed the same story that she had told Khadgar all those years ago, starting with the fact that Equus' ancient history, everything that was before the founding of Equestria anyway, was either pure myth or was waiting to be proven by some brave scholars.

As she started blasting harpies out of the sky, because they were clearly planning on attacking the two of them, she felt the need to briefly summarize the various villains that had been defeated while Celestia and Luna had been on the throne. Basically all she did was give the villain's name, what they had done, and what their punishment had been before she moved on through the list. Never once did she explain how she had come to Azeroth, as she herself had no idea how it had happened, but her companion didn't seem to care... which made Trixie smile as they freed one of Elothir's elder disciples from their stone prison.

They then moved down into the area off to their left and continued their assault on the harpies that were trying to take over the grove, where Trixie used her magic to deal damage to everything that wanted them dead while Esalia mended any wounds that she suffered. As they walked through the area Esalia also decided to cull the numbers of the harpies even further, as she smashed some of the dozens of eggs that were laying around the area and burned some of the nests that they passed by. After they freed the second of Elothir's elder disciples they found a small cave with a different colored harpy resting in the middle of the area, which Trixie determined had to be Magula.

Magula was less than pleased to see that her home was being invaded, even if she had been the one to invade Elothir's grove in the first place, and she attacked them with fury in her eyes. Trixie used every skill in her arsenal, once again gained from her vast experience over the years, and dodged the attacks that she was able to dodge, while relying on Esalia to heal her wounds. At the same time Trixie called upon her magic and unleashed the power that she now commanded, to which she and the harpy dueled for a few moments... though that was before she accidentally loosed a powerful blow into Magula's chest, blasting her into the back wall of the cave.

"F... Fools!" Magula coughed out, to which she glared at Trixie and Esalia, who were stunned by the fact that Trixie's attack had done the harpy in, "This forest will soon die… and you with it! Wretched! Soon… you will... follow me in... death!"

With that said Magula collapsed in front of them, though when Trixie felt for a pulse she discovered that she had killed the harpy with one violent attack that she had no control over, once again reinforcing the fact that she needed to reign her power in before she really destroyed something.

As they freed the last of Elothir's elder disciples, without being harassed by the harpies, Esalia asked about the power that had coursed through Trixie's body while they were fighting the harpy, to which Trixie said that she was experiences random bursts of magical energy whenever she was fighting her opponents. She explained what had happened in Azuna, back when she had first gained her new abilities, and described what had happened to the naga she had been fighting, which had resulted in what had happened to Magula earlier. Trixie was sure that she was now the most powerful mage in all of Azeroth, next to Aegwynn anyway, and it reminded her of her goals back when she started traveling Equestria, where she wanted to be 'great and powerful'... and yet now all she wanted was her old level of power, because it would take some time to master what was happening to her.

With their tasks complete they retraced their steps and exited the area that the remaining harpies called home, to which they walked through the grove and returned to where Elothir was waiting for them.

"Archdruid Elothir!" Esalia called out, to which the powerful druid turned in their direction for a few seconds, though Trixie was sure that she could see a smile somewhere on the Archdruid's face, "We have completed the tasks that you have asked us to complete."

"Now that my grove is safe, I can turn my attention to the threat you speak of." Elothir said, to which he turned towards the path that Trixie and Esalia had used to reach his grove, where he started moving and beckoned for them to follow him, "To hear of Cenarius’ plight is disturbing indeed. Come, we shall travel together and return to Malfurion's side."

Trixie and Esalia nodded and followed the Archdruid out of the area that he watched over, to which they silently followed the powerful druid back to Lorlathil. It didn't take them long to reach their destination, though as they entered the area surrounding the small village Trixie spotted Azuregos and his group, along with a large bear that had to be Archdruid Koda Steelclaw. She was glad to see that he and the druids he had been traveling with had succeeded in their mission, though as she looked around for Lyra she spotted her fellow Equestrian enter the village with Bloodclaw walking beside her... though there was no sign of Archdruid Thaon anywhere, and Lyra seemed annoyed about something.

That was when it hit her, something had happened to Archdruid Thaon and they were here to deliver the news to Malfurion, though Lyra's expression told her that the news wasn't good.

The now enlarged group walked down towards the grove that Cenarius was resting in, where the two Archdruids separated from the group and walked over to Malfurion, along with Bloodclaw for some reason. A few moments passed before Bloodclaw returned to the others, apparently having told the Archdruids and Malfurion the news, which meant that Archdruid Thaon had likely been killed while they were trying to enlist his help. A couple of minutes passed before Malfurion separated himself from his friends, to which he walked over to the group, who eagerly awaited his news and what they were going to do with one missing Archdruid.

"Heroes, I am glad to see that all of you have returned safely." Malfurion said, looking at each of them in turn for a few seconds, before gesturing to the Archdruids with his head, "I have counseled with the other Archdruids and concluded that Cenarius’ condition is merely a symptom of a much greater problem. Lyra and Bloodclaw's experiences in Moonclaw Vale make that clear. We need help. There is one who can bring understanding to these events. With Thaon gone, we must ask that you aid us in reaching out to the lady of Dreams."

Trixie immediately knew that Malfurion was referring to Ysera, the green dragon that had been one of the powerful Dragon Aspects that had helped her and her guild take down Deathwing, though at the same time she had to wonder what the dragon would say when she noticed that Trixie was half dragon. The four druids that she and her friends had been helping, however, eagerly agreed to help Malfurion summon Ysera to their location, to which everyone moved around until they were in the proper area that Malfurion needed them in. Once they were all in position Malfurion called upon their powers and the air was filled with energy for a few seconds... though that was before a large green dragon appeared before them, which meant that Malfurion's actions had been a summoning spell of some kind.

Lyra, on the other hand, was amazed by Ysera's beauty, something that she had never bothered to pay attention to since her arrival in the Outlands, but she felt that it was appropriate to do so now... for a few seconds anyway.

"Lady Ysera," Malfurion said, to which he and the two remaining Archdruids bowed their heads in respect, which everyone else mimicked a few moments later, "thank you for answering our call. We face a dire threa..."

"No need to explain, Malfurion. I have seen what is coming." Ysera said, her voice soft and kind, which was something that Lyra wasn't expecting to hear from such a creature, "The Emerald Dream is being overtaken by the Nightmare. The Legion and the satyr Xavius are to blame. Shaladrassil, the World Tree, has fallen to the Nightmare’s corruption and spreads its curse across our precious land. The Nightmare Lord must be vanquished, or Val’sharah is lost. Even so, we dare not underestimate him…"

Lyra had the terrible feeling that she and the others were about to walk into some sort of trap or something, because she wasn't liking what she was hearing about this 'Nightmare Lord'... and yet she already knew that, at some point in the future, she and the others would likely have to fight Xavius for the fate of Azeroth.

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