• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 3,065 Views, 272 Comments

World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Order Hall: A Falling Star

Lyra was a tad bit annoyed by the fact that she and Maiev couldn't finish their battle with each other, though at the same time she knew that Khadgar must have discovered something important for him to stop them like that. She could tell that Trixie was pleased that she and Maiev hadn't killed each other, though at the same time Lyra eventually decided to take a deep breath and calm her mind. She knew that her anger wasn't going to help her in the near future, though as she relaxed she could feel the darkness and the fel powers receding, as she hadn't felt them before now and realized that her anger had been keeping her blind to what was happening to her. Lyra also swayed for a moment, finding that the exposure to both corrupting types of magic had weakened her for a moment, though she focused her mind as Trixie and Azuregos flew up to Krasus' Landing.

When they landed Lyra still found time to chuckle at the people who were surprised by the fact that Trixie was a dragon, something that she was sure she would find funny for days to come, before her companions reverted back to their mortal forms... to which they made their way back towards the building that the Council had been standing in, though they were near the original opening and not in the Purple Parlor.

"Trixie, Lyra, Azuregos, thank you for coming back so quickly." Khadgar said, though at the same time the trio discovered that the other Council members weren't present at the moment, meaning that they were still discussing what they had found in the journal that Maiev had brought to them, "I have a matter of some urgency that requires all of your unique talents... those of a demon hunter, a mage that possess Aluneth, and a Blue Dragon."

"Is that so?" Azuregos inquired, because this sounded promising, especially since they had dealt with the naga forces, a large amount of demons, the Wrath of Queen Azshara, and a fair number of Xavius' forces, "What have you discovered?"

"The Order of the Silver Hand has reported that an extraordinarily luminescent object has emerged from the Felstorm and is currently falling towards the coast of Suramar." Khadgar replied, though that was followed by the trio raising their eyebrows, because if something was emerging from the Felstorm they expected it to be covered in fel energy, "What I find most curious about this occurrence is that the object was reported as having 'cut a swath' through the Felstorm itself. Since the Council is busy investigating what's in the journal that Maiev brought us, meaning that we'll be busy for some time, we need someone to check out what this strange object is... so will you investigate the object for us?"

"Of course we will," Trixie answered, to which Lyra and Azuregos simply nodded their heads, though Lyra had the feeling that the object had something to do with defeating the Legion.

"Good, then I shall have a gryphon rider take you to the area that the object was last seen in," Khadgar said, to which he pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something on it with a nearby quill, before he held it out for Trixie to take, "That will tell Aludane Whitecloud what one of his riders needs to do, but you can take a few minutes to relax before you follow after the mysterious object.. or you can go now, if you would like to get underway immediately. I will also inform the other leaders of the other Orders that you three are checking out this disturbance, along with your followers as well."

The trio shared a glance with each other before they nodded, because something that could cut through the Felstorm was something that they needed to check out, to which Lyra was actually happy to have her sparring match interrupted in such a manner. Trixie took the sheet that her mentor was holding out for her and beckoned for the others to follow her, to which they left Khadgar in the chamber and began the walk over to where Aludane was waiting, no doubt sending the other heroes to Highmountain and Stormheim. They all knew that the remaining two Pillars of Creation, the Hammer and the Aegis, would be discovered in no time, so them focusing on this mysterious object was just fine... especially since the Legion would be interested in it once they discovered its existence.

They found Aludane sending another shaman to Highmountain, who was apparently following a trio of hunters, before he turned towards the trio... though he sighed when he read the letter and had one of his riders saddle up.

"Be on your guard, heroes." Aludane stated, though at the same time his rider came out with his gryphon, to which the rider mounted his steed and nodded his head, "Suramar is a dangerous place. My rider will escort you to the exact location of this mysterious object and ensure that you start the search for it, but then he'll return once the area is clear."

As the rider took off Trixie and Azuregos shifted back into their dragons forms almost immediately, though once Lyra was on Trixie's back they took off, following after the gryphon rider as they flew towards Suramar, where Lyra could see Felsoul Hold in the distance. As the group flew over the land they all had to admit that, despite the presence of the Legion and the corruption that followed the demons, the land of Suramar looked beautiful in some places, mysterious in other areas, and downright deadly everywhere.

"Keep your wits about you, heroes." the rider shouted to the trio, who turned their attention away from the land below them and turned it back towards him for a moment, "If you and the Archmage noticed this object shooting out from the Felstorm, then I'm willing to bet that the Legion did as well."

"Look there, to the north!" Trixie called out, to which she and the others gazed upon a magnificent structure that contained the same aspects as the rest of the city they were flying over, "Gaze upon the Nighthold of Suramar! I wonder what sort of secrets the Highborne are keeping inside the Nighthold..."

Lyra was amazed that Trixie recognized the structure, but she figured that it made sense considering that to the right of them rested a nearly identical structure, though the second one was covered in fel green energy. She realized that she was staring at the Tomb of Sargeras, where the massive portal that Gul'dan had opened was located, and it was only when she realized what the building was that she felt the immense fel energy in the air.

"Amazing! Ancient Highborne ruins litter the landscape." Trixie continued, spying even more structures beneath them, while at the same time displaying the vast amount of knowledge she had learned over the years, "And there along the coast, it looks to be a Vrykul settlement! Fascinating."

Lyra chuckled for a moment, because she had known that, given enough time, Trixie would have turned into Twilight Sparkle, as the lavender alicorn had her nose in a book almost all the time, though that was how she managed to become an alicorn in the first place. She reflected on what Twilight did, completing an incomplete spell developed by Starswirl the Bearded, and had to wonder if the fact that she and Trixie had wings made them alicorns as well. That thought would have made her laugh, because she could imagine the look on Twilight's face when they returned to Equus with their new forms and their new abilities... but before she could follow that train of though she noticed something flash through the sky, something that looked like a magical afterimage of the mysterious artifact.

"There it is!" the rider called out, to which Trixie and Azuregos nodded as they began their descent towards the beach in front of them, "While you search for the artifact I'll head back to Dalaran and inform the Archmage that you have picked up the trail."

As the trio landed, and Trixie and Azuregos reverted back to their mortal forms, the rider took off and left them to their own devices, to which they faced the area in front of them and focused on what they were going to do next.

"Somewhere in those murky waters is our mysterious object." Lyra commented, though at the same time she smiled for a moment, because she had learned to overcome certain matters while she was training with the other demon hunters, "Time to get our feet wet."

Trixie seemed surprised by the fact that Lyra was so willing to get in the water and search for the mysterious object, especially since she hadn't done any of the strange and unusual quests that she had gone through over the years, but she was glad to find that her friend was willing to do so. Azuregos also nodded his head, confirming that getting in the water and getting wet was worth it considering that they had no idea what this object was, save for the fact that it cut a path through the Felstorm earlier. The moment they agreed on what they were doing the trio walked into the water and eventually submerged themselves, to which they swam over to where the image of the object had landed.

As they neared the site, however, Lyra discovered that the object was nowhere to be seen and that there were some aquatic goblins, who attacked them on sight, guarding the area where the mysterious object had been... though at the same time they defended themselves as they looked for any signs of where the object could have been taken.

It’s not here. Lyra thought to herself, though while she cut one of the aquatic goblins down she spotted a cave nearby, which had one of their enemies swimming out of the entrance, Those beasts must have dragged the object into that cave!

Lyra beckoned to the cave and both of her companions nodded their heads, indicating that they were thinking the same thing, before they started swimming towards the entrance while the aquatic goblins left them alone for some reason. When they entered the cave, and were able to breath again, Lyra quickly found out why the aquatic goblins had left them alone, because there was a sea giant sleeping in the middle of the cave... and he was holding the object they had been searching for.

"There it is... though the sea giant is holding it." Trixie whispered, keeping her voice low so that the sea giant didn't hear them at the moment, while at the same time they pulled themselves out of the water, "There’s only one way to separate a giant, be it a sea giant or one of the other types of giants, from its treasure..."

"Yeah... death." Lyra replied, to which she pulled the Twinblades out as she silently approached the slumbering sea giant, while at the same time Trixie and Azuregos stood back and prepared their magic for when the fight had started.

Lyra, deciding that time was of the essence, transformed into her Havoc form and slammed down on the sea giant's stomach, causing it to roar in pain as it woke up from its slumber, while at the same time Lyra jumped off of it and cut into its arm. As she dodged the punches at the sea giant sent at her, and delivered her own cuts to her opponent, Trixie and Azuregos launched their spells, which struck their target in his chest and head. Fortunately this particular sea giant wasn't as powerful as the ones that they had fought in Azsuna, as it didn't have any of the powers that the others had, which meant that the trio were able to defeat the sea giant in a minute or two.

When the sea giant collapsed on the ground, and Lyra finally returned to normal as well, the hand that had been holding the mysterious object opened, allowing the trio to gather around the object and study it for a moment. The object radiated a light of some kind, one that was faint from having to use its powers to cut through the Felstorm, though Lyra looked at the jagged edges and the overall shape of the object. She had heard a tale or two about the Naaru, from Lord Illidan when she was taking a break from her training, and recalled that the strange creatures had strange chest like areas that seemed identical to what they were seeing... only this one seemed even more important than anything she had ever seen before.

Trixie, after studying the object for a few more moments, directed her power to the area on her left, to which she opened a portal to Dalaran, allowing them to travel back to the city with the object, which required both Lyra and Azuregos to carry before they entered the portal. Once they were back in the city, however, Trixie felt the magic in the air and directed them to where they had stored the Pillars of Creation, where they eventually found Khadgar standing in one of the side rooms, studying some of the books that were located in this particular area. He turned his attention away from all of the books when he heard the trio approach him, though that didn't stop him from looking at the object with a mix of curiosity and interest on his face.

"Most curious indeed!" Khadgar commented, looking over the mysterious object as the group placed it on the ground in front of him, while at the same time they continued to look at it as well, "This is no object of the Legion's making. Let me have a closer look."

The moment Khadgar reached for the object, however, the light the trio had seen returned for a moment, to which the object lifted itself into the air until it was floating... though that was followed by the image of a man, one that was sort of obscured from their sight, appeared in front of the mysterious object.

"Azeroth..." the man said, though his tone indicated that he was someone of important status, which told Lyra that this might very well be what they were looking for, "I pray that this, the final plea of the Army of the Light, has reached you intact. The thousand years' war has reached its peak, but the nightmare is far from over. This vessel represents our ultimate sacrifice. It must reach the Prophet. He... is the key."

Trixie's eyes widened for a moment, because there was only one person, in all of Azeroth, that bore the title of 'Prophet', and that was Velen, the leader of the Draenei that had crashed on this planet so many years ago.

"None of us asked for this burden," the man continued, indicating that this was definitely a recording and that he only paused to catch his own breath while he was making this message, "but it is what fate has deemed. Succeed, and the Light may yet endure. Fail, and all worlds... will burn!"

With that last bit of the message said the image of the man disappeared and the object floated back to the ground until its lowest peak touched the floor... though at the same time the group was a little shocked by what the man had said, save for Khadgar at the moment.

"We will not fail," Khadgar said, his voice filled with determination, which Trixie had heard multiple times since she had first become his apprentice, while at the same time he continued to stare at the object, "Turalyon."

Trixie's eyes widened yet again, because Turalyon was one of the legendary heroes of the Alliance, as his likeness had been turned into one of the statues that stood on the bridge that people used to enter Stormwind. There were five total statues on the bridge, two of the left, two of the right, and one standing beside the split in the path, allowing people to enter the city from whichever side they wanted. When approaching the city the statues on the left were those of Kurdran Wildhammer, the Thane of Aerie Peak, and Khadgar himself, while on the right were the statues of Force Commander Danath Trollbane and Ranger-Captain Alleria Windrunner. At the end of the main road, just before it split, stood the statue of General Turalyon, military leader of the expedition that traveled to the other side of the Dark Portal in an attempt to seal off the dimensional gateway.

Popular belief had been that all five of those heroes had died on the other side of the Dark Portal, but Trixie knew that, after meeting him, that Khadgar had survived, especially since she was his apprentice now, and that Kurdran and Danath had survived as well. Since Turalyon and Alleria had remained missing everyone assumed that they had actually died, but now, with another of the original five appearing before them, she had to wonder if all five of them had survived and were waiting to show themselves.

"Turalyon lives!" Khadgar commented, to which he turned to the group for a moment, where they could see that he was happy to hear the news, "For ages I had thought that my old friend had perished on some desolate Legion world. But to know that he yet lives and is in danger is too much to bear. We must hurry. We must uncover the object’s sacred purpose. The prophet of whom Turalyon spoke of is undoubtedly the leader of the draenei, Velen. Take the object and journey to the Exodar. It is there that you will find Prophet Velen. I will open a portal for you now. Take my beacon and use it when you are ready to return."

Lyra grinned as she shoved the object into her bag, while at the same time ignoring how a large object could be shrunken and stored in her bag, because now it appeared that they might actually have a chance at beating the Legion... and all they had to do was figure out what the object had to tell them.

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