• Published 7th Oct 2016
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World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Order Hall: Niskara

It took Lyndraxa and the rest of Lyra's champions an hour and a half to complete their various tasks and give Jace everything that they needed to empower the Fel Hammer, though while they were setting everything up Lyra told Lyndraxa what happened while she and the others were gone. Her fellow demon hunters were surprised to hear that Kil'jaeden had made an appearance on Mardum, even if it was in a projection and not his physical form, though they were all pleased to hear that Lyra had rejected the 'offer' that had been made, as they existed to defeat the Legion and not risk everything by joining their demonic horde. Lyra, on the other hand, was also pleased to find that her forces had gathered all of the required souls necessary to power the Fel Hammer, harvested from the demons that they fought against, and dismantled parts of several Legion buildings to get the other parts they needed.

Once all of the preparations had been made, and all of her champions and forces were ready for what was going to be happening next, Lyra returned to the level of the Fel Hammer where the forge was located and approached Jace, knowing that he had something to tell her.

"Everything is in place." Jace commented, turning to look at Lyra with a smile on his face, indicating that he was eager to begin the assault they had been planning, "All systems are operational and we have plenty of fuel. The Fel Hammer's jump engines are ready. Caria and Varedis know that you are coming for them. Belath's intelligence indicates that they have retreated to the demon prison world of Niskara. It's time to begin the invasion and finish this once and for all."

"Finally." Lyra replied, to which she walked back up to where the main level was located and approached the command console, the device she had used the Twinblades on in order to empower the entire ship after she had first fought Varedis, though this time around Lyndraxa stood beside her.

Lyra pulled the Twinblades out, noticing that all of her forces were staring at her, before she connected herself to the console and willed the ship to jump towards Niskara, while at the same time wondering just how many prison worlds the Legion had and how many they were going to take out. A few seconds passed before the energies of the Fel Hammer activated, to which a beam of fel energy shot through the star map, passed through the Sargerite Keystone, and surged into the top of the ship. Moments later she felt the energy in the air shift as Mardum seemed to shimmer for a few seconds, before Mardum disappeared entirely as the Fel Hammer jumped from one location and headed towards the destination she had specified... though at the same time she could see her forces smiling as they imagined the battle that was coming their way.

A minute passed before a new world appeared some distance in front of the Fel Hammer, though Kayn held up a hand as their ship started moving towards their destination.

"Moving into position above Niskara!" Kayn shouted, his voice contained inside the ship, meaning that none of their enemies would be able to hear what they were saying, though when the ship came to a stop he turned towards their forces, "Everyone up top. Commence bombardment!"

Lyra, Lyndraxa, and the champions moved towards a special teleport pad that took them to the side of the ship, as the Fel Hammer now rested on its side as it moved through space, before they stood near the edge and looked down at the planet below them.

"Lyra," Kayn said, causing his commander to turn towards him for a moment, while at the same time glancing down at the planet they were flying above, "if you bombard the demons below with the Fel Hammer's artillery, I will get the rest of our forces ready."

Lyra smiled as she took control of the artillery controls and started raining death and destruction on the demons that were waiting on Niskara, either launching a single fel shot that smashed the groups apart or a volley of fel shots that really decimated whatever area she was targeting. As she wrecked havoc on her enemies, which was funny because she was a Havoc demon hunter, she heard the sound of Caria screaming for her forces to start moving and fire back at the Fel Hammer, instead of standing still and being killed so easily. Thanks to the controls she also had the ability to look down at the field and noticed that several devastators moved out with the express purpose of taking the Fel Hammer out, to which she took great pleasure in blowing all of them up before they could actually damage the ship.

When she had taken out enough of the demonic forces that were below them, which she knew was when Kayn tapped her on the shoulder, Lyra pulled herself from the controls and rejoined the others, noticing that all of them were eager to get this invasion started.

"Kayn, sound the horns of war!" Lyra said, though at the same time she grinned as she pulled the Twinblades out, while Lyndraxa pulled her blades out as well, "Let's get down there and take out Varedis and Caria!"

"Illidari, hear me!" Kayn shouted, to which the assembled soldiers, both where Lyra was standing and on the lower levels of the ship, raised their warglaives and prepared themselves, "The time has come! All of our struggles, all of our sacrifices, have lead us to this moment. Akama, you and some of our forces will stay behind to guard the Fel Hammer, while the rest of us will take the fight to Varedis and Caria."

Together Lyra, Lyndraxa, and the rest of the chosen demon hunters jumped off the edge of the Fel Hammer and extended their wings, to which they glided down to a predetermined area that Kayn had picked out, where they followed him down towards the location he had picked out. When they landed, however, Lyra found that most of the demons that had been guarding the area had been killed by her bombardment, though the lieutenants were still running around and needed to be taken down next. Those lieutenants were called Carnivore, the Overseer, and Soulchaser, though Kayn also said that they should take out all of the portals the demons were opening so they would be deprived of reinforcements.

Once they had their task Lyra and the others mounted up and headed into the area on their left, where it turned into a battlefield as the Illidari waged all out war with the demons that called this area home, though Lyra had to smile as she noticed Kayn and Altruis tag-teaming one of the three lieutenants. As they advanced into the area Lyra heard the voice of Kil'jaeden declare that if they went any further, and killed the three lieutenants, he would allow Varedis and Caria to take care of them, before he personally twisted Lyra's soul once she was killed. Lyra decided to take all of her anger out on cutting down any demons that dared to come near her, while at the same time noticing that Lyndraxa stood beside her so they could take out their targets together.

Carnivore happened to be a large felhound, making her wonder how Varedis or Caria could label it as a lieutenant, but that didn't stop her and her forces from charging at their opponent and cut into his side, though since their opponent was a simple felhound it didn't have any interesting abilities that made it stand out from the rest of its kind. It only took them a half a minute to cut down Carnivore, to which their forces separated and started tearing down the demons that were around them and tore apart the gateways they had opened, robbing Varedis and Caria of some reinforcements. The Overseer was just a run of the mill Inquisitor demon, as in there were no distinguishing characteristics attached to it and it had the same skills Lyra had seen multiple times in the past.

Lyra had to admit that the first two lieutenants were actually boring and she wanted to get to Varedis and Caria, as she knew that they would definitely prove to be the most challenging foes she could fight on Niskara.

The third and final lieutenant, Soulchaser, was a jailer demon that was larger than the others Lyra had fought before, but it had no special abilities and constantly proclaimed that it would put them in its cage, though that proved to be the distraction they needed to end the demon's life. Once Soulchaser was dead Lyra turned her attention to making sure that all of the portals that the demons had summoned had been taken out, cutting off the reinforcements entirely and opening the way for her forces to get at their true targets. Unfortunately there was a fel barrier preventing her and her forces from getting into the building that they needed to get into, and it appeared that Caria wanted to brag about that fact.

"You really think we're just going to let you in?" Caria asked, though at the same time she chuckled, as if she believed that she and Varedis were completely safe from Lyra and her forces, "You came all this way for nothing, demon hunters!"

"Lyra, might I make a suggestion?" Kayn inquired, turning towards Lyra for a moment, who was focused on the barrier that was preventing them from entering the command center.

"Go ahead, I'm all ears," Lyra said, though at the same time she actually flapped her pony ears for a moment, causing some of the other demon hunters to chuckle, but they all knew that she was being serious when she replied.

"We should have Akama move the Fel hammer into position and fire upon the barrier," Kayn stated, deciding to get to the point, even though he found it funny to have her do something like that, "we should be able to breach the barrier with the artillery you used earlier."

"Give the order," Lyra said, as there was one thing she didn't want to happen, and that was something that Kayn was likely thinking about at that very moment, "the sooner we get inside the command center the sooner we stop our foes from escaping to another Legion world."

Kayn smiled and pulled out a small communicator of some sort, to which a fel rune glowed for a moment before he smiled, to which they heard Akama's voice say that it would be his pleasure to fire the cannons, which was followed by Akama loosing a beam of fel energy into the barrier... which eventually caused the barrier to fall apart.

"Varedis! Caria!" Lyra shouted, though as she charged into the command center, along with the rest of her forces, she found the two corrupted demon hunters standing in the middle of the building, "We've come for you!

"You are all going to die painfully," Varedis exclaimed, though at the same time Lyra noticed that he had a new pair of warglaives in his hands, which he raised as the group charged into the area he and Caria were standing in, "especially you, Lyra Heartstrings."

Both Lyra and Lyndraxa transformed into their demonic forms as they leapt off the platform in front of them, though as they landed on the ground Lyra charged at Varedis while Lyndraxa focused on Caria, forcing the two corrupted demon hunters to separate themselves from each other. Lyra raised the Twinblades and blocked the attacks that were coming her way, though at the same time she hacked and slashed into Varedis, while half of her forces aided her and the other half went after Caria. Lyra also utilized every skill she had learned since she started training with the rest of the Illidari, as while Varedis knew of some of her skills he couldn't know about all of them, which seemed to be to her advantage when she dipped into the Dark Magic once more and further empowered her strikes... where she put several cracks in his warglaives the moment they came into contact with hers.

Varedis' eyes widened as the Dark Magic surrounded Lyra's eyes, to which she started rapidly swinging her weapons at her target, cutting through his defenses and his weapons... though the moment that he was holding the handles of his ruined warglaives, however, she drove her weapons into Varedis' chest and pierced his heart, before she pulled them out and pushed her opponent's body to the ground.

"Kil'jaeden," Varedis coughed out, though Lyra knew that this time around the hand of Sargeras wouldn't bother to waste his energy bringing back such a failure, "bring me back to life again..."

As the life drained from Varedis' body, and Lyra transformed back into her normal form, she noticed that Kil'jaeden was actually watching them fight, though she smirked when she noticed that the Deceiver was annoyed with how pitiful his corrupted demon hunters were acting... more so when Lyndraxa cut off Caria's head and finished the Felsouls off.

"Very well, Illidari, your fate has been sealed." Kil'jaeden said, though this time Lyra noticed that the upper part of his body was here in this plane, instead of him using his projection to speak to them, to which she noticed that he started disappearing before their eyes, "You shall perish with your world!"

"Let's get back to Mardum," Lyra commented, though at the same time she sheathed her warglaives as they finished drinking in the rest of Varedis' soul, while Lyndraxa did the same thing with Caria, "Just because the Felsouls are dead doesn't mean that we've seen the last of Kil'jaeden, which means that we should continue to do what we've been doing until we can undermine Kil'jaeden and kill him."

As they returned to the Fel Hammer, and started the process of traveling to Mardum, Lyra knew that it was only a matter of time until she and the Illidari, or she and the other heroes, found Kil'jaeden and destroyed the Deceiver... and then she and her friends would turn their attention to bringing an end to Sargeras' foul crusade.

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