• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 3,068 Views, 272 Comments

World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Temple: Conversation

When the trio returned to the Black Temple they discovered that the rest of the trainees had been released for the day, giving them time to relax and cool off after a hard day of training. Lyra would have loved to join them and talk with them, maybe make some friends while she was here, but shook her head as she followed her companions to the summit. They had news to bring to Lord Illidan, though from what little Kayn and Kor'vas had said on the way back Lyra was under the impression that having a Pit Lord demon near the Temple was a bad thing. She was frightened by the one they had seen already, as with every other demon she had seen in her time in the Outlands, but she decided not to be afraid and followed her companions as best she could.

She hated this world and the demons that she had discovered, to which she wished that she could head back home and forget that this entire world even existed.

It didn't take them very long to reach the summit, where they found Lord Illidan standing in the same spot they had seen him in when they had been given their orders. He seemed to be concentrating on something, so the three of them stood side by side as they waited for him to finish whatever he was doing at the moment. Lyra silently wondered if he had found some way to send her home, thanks to the efforts of his allies, but she didn't want to get her hopes up and remained silent as she waited. Eventually he seemed to relax before turning his attention to them, though there was a slight smirk on his face, as if he was expecting some good news.

"Good, you have returned." Lord Illidan said, turning his gaze upon all three of them before settling on Kayn, "Tell me, what did you find near the entrance of Shadowmoon Valley?"

"We found a demon camp that was begin made into a forge area," Kayn replied, informing Lyra that what they had seen was normal for demons, save the large creature they had seen, "but before we could get a better look at what they were doing a Pit Lord arrived in the area and took command over the demons that were stationed there. We didn't have time to see if there were any plans out in the open or any keys that would unlock something of use to us, so we came back to deliver our report."

"Interesting... so the Burning Legion sends a Pit Lord to oversee the construction of a new forge," Lord Illidan commented, though it almost sounded like he was a little surprised, but Lyra knew that such a powerful person was not easily surprised, "We will have to venture there at a later date and see if this newcomer is worth anything... besides training for the rest of our forces. Kayn, Kor'vas, you are both dismissed for the moment... I would like some time alone with Lyra."

Lyra noticed that both Kayn and Kor'vas were looking at each other, as if they were curious was to what their master wanted to say to her, but then they silently bowed their heads and walked out of the area they were in. Lyra was also wondering what the Lord of the Outlands wanted to tell her, though she knew what she was hoping for the moment she approached him.

"I have had words with Prince Kael'thas, but I have some unfortunate news for you." Lord Illidan said, turning to face the mountain again as Lyra stood beside him, "The method that brought you to the Outlands is, in the words of one of the greatest mages I know, impossible to replicate without creating a gateway on both this world and the one you came from. Unfortunately the Outlands will not be able to survive the connection to a second world, as it has already been tapped to the point of exhaustion by its connection to Azeroth. Secondly, we do not have the ability to contact a powerful mage on your home world, so building a gateway there would also be impossible, thus bringing me to the conclusion..."

"...that I'm stranded here." Lyra finished, not even bothering to consider the fact that she was being rude for interrupting Lord Illidan, but at the moment she didn't care, "Great. I get to live in a completely different world and, at some point in the future, die to the vile demons that are appearing on your doorstep... and no one back home will ever notice that I'm gone."

"I never said that you would be stranded here." Lord Illidan replied, not feeling offended that she had interrupted him, he was actually quite impressed that she had the nerve to do so after everything that she's been through, "While Kael'thas and I were speaking he mentioned that the Dark Portal, the link between this world and Azeroth, flared for a moment before dying down. What was odd about the Dark Portal being used again was that it had the same magical energy that brought you to the Outlands, but some discussion we both came to the same conclusion; there's another one of your kind roaming Azeroth."

That got Lyra's attention almost immediately, because there was only one pony, in all of Equus, that could have locked on to where she had been sent and figured out a way to briefly connect the two worlds together. She had to admit it, but Twilight Sparkle was a genius that was essentially unrivaled at the moment... not when her student, Starlight Glimmer, had disappeared a few days ago. While she thought about it Lyra also found it odd that Sunset Shimmer, the latest alicorn, had disappeared as well, though only made her wonder who Twilight was searching for. Was she searching for a lone unicorn who had no skill in magic, or was she searching for her friends?

"Do you have any idea who came through the portal?" Lyra asked, hoping that the Lord of the Outlands could give her something, anything really, to work with.

"Nothing besides the fact that she's wandering Azeroth at this very moment," Lord Illidan replied, shaking his head for a moment, "but, in time, she's bound to come here looking for you. She will not be prepared for the dangers that this land will throw at her... so will you take up your training and become the person that will save your friend from danger?"

Lyra hadn't even considered the fact that the Dark Portal, which she knew next to nothing about, was basically a gateway between worlds and that whoever had come looking for her could use it to get to the land she was currently in. Whoever had come would be ill prepared for the demons that infested this world, but not if someone took care of those creatures before the pony's arrival. Unfortunately Lyra was also ill prepared, both mentally and physically, but she was in the company of people that would be able to make her prepared for battle with the demons.

It was then that she realized that she had the opportunity to become some sort of protector for those that were defenseless against demons... and all she had to do was complete the training that Lord Illidan was offering her.

"Where do I begin?" Lyra asked, not knowing just how much her future was going to change, but she would deal with whatever the future held when the time came.

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